The Cannabis Defense Coalition just received the second document dump from the State Department of Corrections. The documents are now posted at their website. I’m looking through them now and hope to provide an update on my previous post on their (and the AG’s) attempts to undermine the medical marijuana law here in Washington.
When the going gets tuff, the tuff smoke Paca Lo Lo.
Cool kid!
I’ve worked with autistic adults for the last 15-16 years. The behaviors Sam’s parents described are straight up classic Autism. The level of Sam’s outbursts would put him um… -outside of the middle of the bell curve- but, the behaviors themselves sounded common to me.
I’ve worked with adult versions the “pre-pot” Sam. You wouldn’t want to be around them when they had a go off. We don’t have adequate systems (or even fair or humane ones) for dealing with autistic adults with those kinds and levels of behaviors.
Drugs like Risperidone can have serious side effects, not much known about their long term use in children or, for that matter, how they work in the first place.
There might be other “normal” pharmaceuticals out there that would work for Sam but, the marijuana is being delivered in small controlled doses, he’s not smoking it, and it is working for him. Why not just stick with the pot? Anything else they might put him on is going to have about the same amount of mystery surrounding it as the pot.
I mean, check out the list of possible side effects of mirtazapine a “safe” (and very effective, I’m not dissing on it) drug for use with autism.
I’m really, really, not dissing on mirtazapine. I was one of the worlds worst insomniacs but, 3 days after starting on mirtazipine my insomnia went away. The stuff saved my life. I’ve been using it for a year and a half now and so far so good.
The moral of the story is that we don’t/can’t/wont know everything about the world around us and that we can’t eliminate eliminate all risk. What we can do is make informed decisions about the choices in are lives. So, Sam and his family decided worked well for them pot and I, despite the unknowns and possible problems, decided to stick with mertazapine.
Oops, bad copy and paste job and it’s not letting me edit.
So, Sam and his family decided po tworked well for them and I, despite the unknowns and possible problems, decided to stick with mertazapine.
Smoking good pot after a long period of not using it only makes you realize that if you want to play guitar like Neil Young, the prescription is 1 beer per half hour and half a joint. A small Red Bull should be imbibed before participating in any strenuous activity.
I found that prescription on and old Willie Nelson album cover.
I was just yesterday talking with a co-worker who has an autistic sibling, and as someone who doesn’t have any first-hand experience with the disorder, I really get the sense that it’s hard to understand how difficult it is to have to take care of someone who suffers from it.
Thanks for the comment.
this is why you people are so stupid. if there is a chemical in marajuana that helps medically, they should just extract it, standardize it, and distribute it as a prescription drug. now, the real joke is, there a things like garlic that work as blood thinners, and the reason that the medical community gives for not using it in place of the much more dangerous coumadin, is because they say just taking garlic doesnt allow for measuring an exact does. wow, but smoking pot does? there’s your fucking lie about medical marajuana.
An ocassional anecdotal example may bring tears to the eyes of some. Sniff-sniff!
I’m a soft-hearted, compassionate Conservative/Libertarian.
I also have a niece who has worked with autistic kids for 15 years. 4 years ago, she had an autistic child. He has speech therapy, physical therapy and devouted family….no pot.
He is doing wonderfully…pot-free.
Lee, does your pot-craziness know no bounds in trying to justify gettin’ high??
I also have a niece who has worked with autistic kids for 15 years. 4 years ago, she had an autistic child. He has speech therapy, physical therapy and devouted family….no pot.
He is doing wonderfully…pot-free.
That’s great. I never said that all people with autistic kids need to do this – or that it would even work for all kids, I’m just posting an example of one family for which it worked.
We still have a whole lot to learn about the cannabis plant, but there’s simply no question any more that it has medical benefits to a number of people.
As time goes on, we’ll likely be able to develop more – and better – synthetic medications from it, but for now, the fact that something that works for people and grows in the ground is still illegal in most of the U.S. is just absurd.
If you were really a libertarian, you’d understand that. But you’re not a libertarian, you’re a moron.
Actually I believe your body is a temple and you must be extremely careful about what you put in it.
To have a bunch of near braindead potsmokers pushing pot as medicine has a ring of danger to it.
Actually I believe your body is a temple and you must be extremely careful about what you put in it.
To have a bunch of near braindead potsmokers pushing pot as medicine has a ring of danger to it.
Pot is actually far safer than most other medications that people use. You can’t overdose from it. And if you don’t smoke it, there are no known negative long-term effects. It doesn’t impair cognitive ability long term either.
Who exactly are the “braindead potsmokers” pushing it anyway? Do you think I’m a “braindead potsmoker”, even though I have a high-paying software development job working on analytics software? Do you think a “braindead potsmoker” can do that?
Do you think this kid’s parents are “braindead potsmokers”? His doctor? His pediatrician? The news reporter?
What the hell are you talking about?
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith went in to rehab today. He started out as a Pot Smoker.
And yeah, I’m talking about you Lee. Your obsession with legalizing pot is lunacy.
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith went in to rehab today. He started out as a Pot Smoker.
Um, he went in to rehab because he was addicted to prescription painkillers. That proves my point about the fact that pot is safer than most other medications, dumbass. He didn’t “start out as a pot smoker”, he was treating orthopedic injuries with prescription medications and became addicted.
And yeah, I’m talking about you Lee. Your obsession with legalizing pot is lunacy.
My “obsession with legalizing pot” is based upon a very sober understanding of the damage that marijuana prohibition is doing in our society. Do you want to be taken seriously around here? Do you want to be more than just the monkey-boy who we all laugh at? Then make some good faith attempts to wrap your brain around that very simple fact.
even though I have a high-paying software development job working on analytics software
so lee, you wrote this at 9:29 today. so i guess you dont do a lot of work at your high payng job
Pot should be legal because it’s safe. End of story. OR you MUST MUST MUST make alcohol and tobacco illegal. I’d bet all of the hypocritical idiots on here who think pot is dangerous or should stay illegal would NOT support making alcohol or tobacco illegal.
Of course you can smoke TOO much pot and just be stoned and useless (braindead) all day. Same with alcohol. Stop with your crazy magical anti-reality made up bullshit. You can overuse pot, alcohol or prescription legal drugs (re: Rush Limbaugh). ANYTHING, even salt, can be used to excess and cause damaging effects. Buy a LEGAL bottle of Tylenol, down the whole bottle, you’ll likely die (or your liver will be destroyed). And that’s LEGAL and sold over the counter.
But MOST people DON’T overuse Tylenol, or alcohol. MOST adults can have “a beer” at a baseball game, or a glass of wine with dinner without destroying their lives. This is the SAME argument used by the previous idiots during prohibition. If we make alcohol legal EVERYONE will be drunk all the time, no one will go to work or raise their children. Turns out the vast majority of adults have no problems using alcohol rationally, and the same would be true of pot (and is, trust me, MOST people have smoked it).
Plus legalizing it would cripple the criminal drug cartels. That’s a good enough reason on it’s own. Prohibition just enriched the mafia, and the current drug prohibition is just enriching the drug cartels.
There is just not rational scientific non-crazy non-magical reason that I can buy a crate of wine a CostCo, 6 bottle of Vodka at the STATE RUN liquor store, 4 cartons of Camel cigs at the 7-11 but POT is TOO dangerous to have? IDIOTS.
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith went in to rehab today. He started out as a Pot Smoker.
Mr. Cynical, how many alcoholics started out as milk-drinkers? You’ve made a non sequitur, here. I could just as easily claim that sucking lollipops leads to tobacco smoking…and I’d be just as wrong.
#15 True
Did you know that 100% of all people who died yesterday breathed oxygen! HELP ME START THE WAR ON OXYGEN! We must stop oxygen before it kills again! Lets get a big DARE like federal funded program together to fight the scourge of oxygen! Who’s with me! (probably just the children on here who don’t understand the difference between correlation and causation)
I guarantee Steven Tyler was also a drinker, is the childish and uneducated “Mr. Cynical” advocating for making alcohol and tobacco illegal? No. Of course not. Pot is just “magically” different somehow.
There’s hardly anyone in the office today and I’m running some long tests on today’s build of our software. Being able to get on to HA and make fun of you idiots at this time is a rare occurrence for me – but I’m enjoying it.
re 6: Ever heard of THC? It’s not a fried chicken franchise.
Many heroin addicts like to eat mashed potatos. It’s a gateway tuber.
Oh shit, I love taters. I’m heading down a long dark path…
Cough! Hack! Dude! Whoa!
Let’s play a game!
Can you spot the contradiction in terms?
If you guessed “I’m a . . . Libertarian.” AND “Lee, does your pot-craziness know no bounds in trying to justify gettin’ high??”
Then you win!!
Round two of “Can you spot the contradiction in terms?
Let’s break down Mr. C’s failed attempt at justification: “I believe your body is a temple”
First, WHO gives a rat’s ass about what you believe when it comes to my body??
Second, IF you believed your body is a “temple” and you are “EXTREMELY CAREFUL” that means you’ve never had a fast food cheese burger, a medium rare steak, soda, a Twinkie or any kind of “junk food”, no processed foods, no frozen dinners and no alcohol. Just a strict, wholesome organic foods only diet. Right??
Bull shit.
Lee took Mr. C to the woodshed quite nicely regarding Steven Tyler so I’ll leave that to well enough.
Lunacy, is pursuing the same failed drug policies with billions and billions and billions of tax dollars and expecting new results.
The prohibition of MJ has failed. Obviously, OBVIOUSLY conservatives haven’t learned any applicable lessons from history on this topic.
Which is why to continue to do the same dumb things over and over.
With Health Care reform, we should care about our neighbors…SINCE WE WILL ULTIMATELY PAY FOR THEIR BAD HABITS!
Hey GBS–
I thought you were a believer in COLLECTIVISM??
The Greater Good??
Yet you promote pot-smoking increases and ignoring bad habits??
Seems like the worse things get for Obam-Mao, the sillier your “arguments” get.
Au contraire Alki Postings, Mr. C IS advocating a ban on all things unhealthy for your body because Holy than thou Him believes “your body is a temple” and you should be “extremely careful” of what you put in it.
You know, because Mr. C would be the first one to tell you he’s a principled thinking conservative and he’d never be a hypocrite.
Hey, Mr. C — as a Liberal I believe that who determines what is a bad habit and who can participate in them is not up to you or the GOVERNMENT to decide.
There you go again, wanting BIG brother’s nose in everybody else’s business but your own.
President Obama is a LEADERS leader. He’s getting things done that actually are or will be doing good for the country.
Cannot say the same thing about Republicans. At least, that’s what the voters said loud and clear last November — loooooooooooser.
Well then, KNUCKLEHEAD, you ought to be on the FAT ASS conservatives who are morbidly obese in the Deep South RED states which have the highest obesity rates in the nation.
Pot smoking vs morbid obesity. Hands down the number of medical related expenses overburdening the healthcare system come from FAT ASS conservatives than pot smoking Liberals.
Oh, that same geographic region is also the largest consumer of pornography — speaking of bad habits I’m surprised you idiots aren’t all blind by now.
Hey Mr Knucklehead
I’m doing great on Ford: closed over $10 today. +12% in 6 weeks.
Did you get in on RMBS like I told you? Closed at $23.35 today. You could’ve made a fortune: +25% in 4 weeks.
How about DDS? EZ money. Remember? In at $16.55 closed at $19.74 today. Nearly 20% in less than 4 weeks.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. You wouldn’t want to make those kind of outsized returns because you have to pay a higher tax.
boy goldstien, you created a blog that promotes a lot of love here.
Lee and mr C
The new amos and andy?
Lee is right that oart is harmless.
Mr C is right that we have ni evidence that pot contains anything more useful than THC and THC IS avail by scrip NOW!
As for the story of autism, how would Lee respond if Pfizer used a claim like this to seel its new anti-autism drug or get folks to take Lipitor cause an autistic kid showed improvement.
Lee would have to smoke a couple bowlsful and try to remember that his name is Lee before he could comment.
I don’t know about Lee, but I’d be all for it!
The people in this story are using medical pot in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Parents that feed their kids fast food three times a week (obesity and diabetes at epidemic levels) or speed or tailgate while driving (40K traffic deaths a year) are probably exposing their kids to more risk than Sam’s parents are exposing him to.
Hell, I’m exposing myself to more risk by taking mirtazapine (also approved for autism) then Sam is being exposed too. I know the risks and problems that come from being awake for 72 hours straight on a regular basis. The risks posed by mirtazapine pale in comparison.
Sam’s parents knew how his life was going to turnout if they couldn’t find something to help their kid and they, like me, decided that the risks and consequences of using a drug were far smaller than the risks and consequences of not using it. And it worked. A little kid gets to have a life instead of living in hell. Cool.
Maybe, in the future, cases like Sam’s will lead to THC pills being approved for treating Autism in kids, but it’s my understanding that as of right now it isn’t.
@34 anecdotes
I have no objection to their trying marijuana .. though tHC would make more sense.
My objections is to bad science, using anecdotes to push mj is no better than any other form of magic.
This is a wonderful story. I think it is a crime in itself that marijuana is still illigal. I live in one of the worse states, Idaho. They really should criminalize alcohol and tobacco, the 2 biggest killers of all drugs.