I’m on a little vacation (of sorts) so I thought I’d take the lazy blogger’s approach this morning and just throw stones at my good friend Stefan over at (un)Sound Politics.
Stefan, who fancies himself as a bit of a mathematician, has a post up from yesterday curiously titled “Darcy Burner’s Claim of ‘Raising More Money Than Reichert’ Is Bogus.” I say the title is curious, because it doesn’t change the fact that the official FEC filings from the two campaigns report that Burner, um… raised more money than Reichert in the second quarter.
That Stefan is up to his usual accounting tricks is no surprise — you know, tricks like arbitrarily deciding that Reichert’s $240,000 of “transfers from other authorized committees” actually should be counted as “individual contributions,” while not allowing Burner similar consideration. But even more unsurprising is the fact that Stefan seems to intentionally not get it.
It doesn’t matter if Burner raised $20,000 more or less than Reichert, and it doesn’t really matter where any of the money came from. What made the 2Q filing newsworthy is the fact that Burner was even close.
Reichert is an incumbent for chrisakes, in one of the most hotly contested races in the nation. So hot that the President of the United States of America flew cross-country to headline a fundraiser.
Local R’s led us to believe that Reichert might raise over a half million dollars on that day alone… instead he barely raises that much money for the entire quarter. It begs the question: what the hell was Reichert doing the other 90 days?
As Stefan and his friends are constantly trying to reassure themselves, Burner is a political novice, a first time candidate who really shouldn’t pose a threat to a (gag) “popular” incumbent. And yet she’s managed to outraise Reichert two quarters in row. Other than abusing one’s congressional franking privileges, campaign money is a candidate’s primary means of getting the message out, and as long as Burner can stay financially competitive she can make this a race.
Oh… and to make Stefan’s new math even sillier, take a look at Daniel’s post over at On the Road to 2008. It turns out that if you really want to figure out who Reichert’s contributors are, his FEC reports aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. While Burner has a 100 percent disclosure rate, Reichert is only fully disclosing contributors 82 percent of the time.
But then, that’s kind of competency we’ve come to expect from the Sheriff.
From The News Tribune:
“Those are very good numbers,” said David Wasserman, the House editor for the Crystal Ball Report, a national election analysis Web site. “If the numbers hold up … she’ll be among the top challengers the Democrats have fielded in the country.”
Since I’m not in the congressional district involved in this campaign, I don’t know much about either candidiate. Does Burner have a chance at defeating Reichert?
Where I live, Norm Dicks probably has a solid lock on getting re-elected.
Thanks for reading Steffy’s blog full of lies so we don’t have to Goldy. Personally, I see no reason to read his shit since I know it’s all lies. But it’s food for the inbred trolls that drink his kool aid. Now watch and see how many of the HA righties start taking up the chant…
Up is down – down is up
Night is day – day is night
Black is white – white is black
God I hate these fuckers!
Libertarian – As someone who lives in the district let me answer your question with an emphatic “YES!”
“Local R’s led us to believe that Reichert might raise over a half million dollars on that day alone… instead he barely raises that much money for the entire quarter. It begs the question: what the hell was Reichert doing the other 90 days?”
Reichert has served the people of the 8th district full-time since being sworn in back in January 2005. Before his election to Congress in November 2004, Reichert was able to honestly work full-time as King County Sheriff — putting in consistent eight-plus hour days in the office — after filing for Congress in February 2004. Reichert continued to work full-time as Sheriff while being a candidate for Congress, resigning only when necessary to take the congressional seat to which he had been elected.
Darcy Burner, on the other hand, has been campaigning full-time for Congress since June 2005, with no other work or professional responsibilities for these last 13 months.
If we elect Burner, she will most likely spend most of her elected term campaigning for re-election, instead of working for the people of the 8th district.
Of course, since most of the people working for Burner and giving her money don’t even live in the 8th district, this problem obviously would not concern them.
And if Dave Reichert was such an incompetent Sheriff, then why are crime rates in liberal Democrat Seattle so much higher than in the King County suburbs?
To constantly assert that your candidate has no competition, in an attempt to belie the fact that he does it is a novel idea for a campaign, don’t you think?
It seems as though denial is the overall Republican/Fundamentalist strategy. Evolution is only a theory, global climate change is a myth (and if it turns out that it isn’t, humankind has nothing to do with it), abortions cause breast cancer, Dave Reichert has no competition from Darcy Burner.
This tactic isn’t limited to the Minnow. In the KONG feature on the 8th District race, the Republican spinner welcomed the DCCC to spend a lot of money there, so they could gain advantage elsewhere (he must have been thinking in some other state).
But, in the case of the 8th, I’m willing to play along.
No doubt about it, Dave has nothing to worry about. Take a vacation. I hear that the Marianas has beautiful beaches, and lots of willing girls. You know, maid made in Saipan.
Hooray for vacations! We’re going to need you and the rest of the bloggers come September so rest up and be ready.
7 – he should also take along some viagra in his doctor’s name as well.
Call it “The Sour Grapes” campaign of Dave Reichert.
He better watch out, peeing in a cup could be next.
Harry – can you point out just what darcy has done in her life? She put herself through Harvard. I’ll give you that. Since then she has bounced from one job to another, and finally washed out at msft after only three years. She dumped law school after one year.
She claims community service, but can only point to a msft women’s group and her local home owners association. That isn’t legitimate community service, it is window dressing for a bored housewife. Did she leave a mark on her community? Did she pass a levy for the local school district? Did she raise funds to construct a new whatever? No.
She also claims state political experience. So far that has come up a big blank. No idea what she has done to claim that, except have dinner with state politicians. If you sincerely believe that she has done something in these areas, please inform the 8th district. We want to know.
Hmm. What has Darcy done? Well she’s running for Congress. What have you done?
Janet S @ 12
Darcy Burner did put herself through Harvard all right. It only took her seven years. She was born on November 12, 1970, and finished high school in June 1989. She left Harvard after only a year or two, then went to California to play around for a couple of years. She came back to Harvard and finally finished in the spring of 1996.
Hi David, why just the other day you wrote “I don’t even bother to read our friend Stefan much anymore” and today you’re spending your vacation responding to me! I’m flattered that you care so much. I’m also pleased to see that your only response to my objective analysis is with false statements:
Not true, David. I used the exact same standards for both candidates. I included all of Burner’s “transfers from other authorized committees” (FEC Form 3 line 12) in her individual contributions, just as with Reichert. (That number just happened to be $0 in Burner’s case for this quarter)
Dick and Jane(t),
You two keep that up, it’s gonna be a great campaign.
Oh the shame, she took a few years off in the middle of college, unheard of!
She has a toddler and she’ll put him in daycare while she works, not so unheard of, actually.
She doesn’t comport with SEC filing definitions in her campaign literature, does the FEC publish a dictionary?
The problem for you is, she can talk. And, clearly, when she talks to people, they respond. With money.
I think she has a good chance of using that money to put some pretty good ads on TV that will convince others to respond with votes for her.
Stay tuned, I expect a full report from you two.
Janet S still hasn’t ever been able to articulate a single reason why we should vote for Rubber Stamp Reichert.
As for Pope-A-Dope. Dickey, you couldn’t make it INTO let alone out of Harvard. I read your listing in Martindale.
Richard Lamar Pope, Jr.
1839 151st Ave. S.E.
Bellevue, Washington
(King Co.)
Born 1962; Admitted 1991; State University of New York at Albany, B.A.; University of Washington, J.D.
ISLN: 915713507
So don’t attack Darcy for getting into and through an Ivy League school when the best you could muster was a state college in New York and another in Washington. No wonder you sound so stupid. You ARE stupid!
By the way, your parents must have really hated you to name you LAMAR! HE HE HE!
LeftTurn @ 18
I bet you thought you were making a racist insult, assuming that a name like “Lamar” was associated with African-American folks.
Actually, the middle name “Lamar” was what my father had and what my grandfather had. Doesn’t come from any of my ancestors back further than that, from what I can tell.
Considering that my grandfather John Lamar Pope was born on November 21, 1888, his parents probably picked the name from Democrat politician and jurist L.Q.C. Lamar, who served as U.S. Senator, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, and Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court:
This race is a no-brainer for voters.
This, http://www.merchantsbay.com/eI.....t_Full.jpg or this,http://images.imagesource.com/.....79-057.jpg
Just remember, being conservative is never having to admit you are wrong. Otherwise there would be no room at all on Mr. Sharansky’s blog for his lunatic rants.
Janet S . . .
More selective “truths” from the typical republican spin machine which continues to lie, skew, and/or omit . . .
“bouncing” – interesting word but not hers. Succeeded at Harvard; succeeded at Microsoft; succeeded a year in law school. Her choice to go to law school to learn about the law, not to become a lawyer. Her words.
Community Service? Again, you answered that question yourself. Why do you keep asking questions you’ve already answered?
Never have responded although I’ve asked three times now what George Bush’s quallifications were for gov of texas? Did he leave a mark on his community? Did he pass a levy for the local school district? Did he raise funds to construct a new whatever?
I definitely think you should stick with Reichert. Your ethics and your “truthiness” match his very well.
“Steffy’s blog full of lies”
Even his carrots are crooked. http://www.virgin.net/foodandd.....8_main.jpg
This should be the “Grapes of Wrath” campaign all across America, with aroused citizens rising up in righteous indignation to cast out Republican warmongering, corruption, and incompetence from the body politic.
“can you point out just what darcy has done in her life”
Among other things, she ran a project for Microsoft with a budget of $15 million and dozens of employees. In addition to her college degree, she gained admission to law school and made top grades there. She’s a wife and mother.
Now Janet — what have YOU done with your miserable life, besides collect welfare and sulk in your trailer?
Stefan, got a couple questions for ya, good buddy!
First of all, where the hell did you plant the carrots? I’m having trouble finding them. Are they growing slow this year?
Second, why aren’t you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit? Because there’s no proceeds to share? Did you lose the lawsuit? Did the judge laugh at you after the county pointed out that KCRE made over 600,000 documents available to you, and gave you free use of a room and staff member (at taxpayer expense) for several weeks?
Just wondering. If question #2 is too hard for you, I’ll be happy if you just answer question #1. YUMMY!!! I LOVE CARROTS!!! :D :D :D
16 (continued)
“I used the exact same standards for both candidates. I included all of Burner’s “transfers from other authorized committees” (FEC Form 3 line 12) in her individual contributions, just as with Reichert. (That number just happened to be $0 in Burner’s case for this quarter)”
So Reichert gets his money from special interest PACs, while Burner gets hers from individual citizens. That’s bad? I wish more candidates would do the same.
So Pope got his undergrad “degree” from a STATE COLLEGE? Not even a state university?
Hey, don’t feel bad Dick, it could be worse — Redneck got his degrees from a mail-order correspondence school.
Wow! You should are sensitive, Dickie! Hey, don’t feel bad, I hate my middle name too! (blush) Roger Floppyears Rabbit … I’ve always felt my parents hated me.
“sure” not “should”
damn it’s hard to type with furry paws
Minnow @ 16
Why don’t you post more pictures of yourself on (un)SP like we’ve known you to do from time to time.
Caption reads: ….(far right) sanctimonious, self-promoting blowhard.
And don’t stop. The more the WSRP takes it’s cues from your posts and (un)SP’s comment threads, the more they will lose.
Thank you for that invaluable public service.
They need to make keyboards with bigger keys for those of us who don’t have dainty little fingers
“lunatic rants”
What do you expect from a guy who can’t even spell his own fucking name?
RE: #5…Richard, the whole question as regards Reichert is what, if any, work he’s been doing SINCE he’s been in Congress. For that matter, none of ’em gets to do much, since the House now keeps essentially a Tuesday-through-Thursday schedule. He certainly doesn’t seem to have any trouble coming back here to flex his biceps, kiss babies and accept the endorsements of Dubya and Mr. Newt.
I dunno about anyone else, but I’m not in any way trying to call into question the job did as Sherriff. On the other hand, the lower crime rate in the unincorporated county versus inside Seattle it pretty easy to attribute to population density. If you were Johnny Castaway, all by yourself on an island a thousand miles from anyone else, the chances of anyone bothering to come rip you off would be pretty slim.
An endorsement from Newt “World War III” Gingrich is hardly a recommendation. In fact, it’s a disqualification.
Why would 8th C.D. voters want to be represented in Congress by a guy who’s in favor of everything that doesn’t work?
So Pope-A-Dope, is it your contention that it’s the Democrats fault that you couldn’t get into a good school? Heck I bet it took a 1.0 GPA to get into the state school in New York. HE HE HE!
Don’t be insulting UW Law!
Hey Richard, how’s that Costco case coming? I see a bumpy road ahead, better put on your hardhat!
Did you notice how Reichert got $1,000 from Nethercutt for Senate? There was a fine GOP campaign for you. I wonder who Mike! will be giving away unused campaign funds to in two years.
Why would 8th C.D. voters want to be represented in Congress by a rubberstamp for CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES?!
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy … cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. … The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work …. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool forced to work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘safety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing … they want you ‘over a barrel’ and in a position to ‘work cheap or starve’.
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions. (They) like ‘free trade’ … (b)ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world who are ‘over a barrel’ and will work cheap. (They) don’t like unions … (they) like unemployment, poverty … (they) have howled with outrage and indignation against New Deal liberalism from its inception in the 1930’s all the way to the present … (and) opposed … every improvement in wages and working conditions … (they) have a long and sorry history of opposing virtually every advancement in this country’s development going right back to the American revolution.
“Cheap-labor conservatives have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception.
“Many cheap-labor conservatives are hostile to public education. They think it should be privatized. But why are we surprised. Cheap-labor conservatives opposed universal public education in its early days. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives hate the progressive income tax … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ‘social spending’ ….
“The ugly truth is that cheap-labor conservatives just don’t like working people. They don’t like ‘bottom up’ prosperity … (they) believe in social hierarchy and privilege, so the only prosperity they want is limited to them. They want to see absolutely nothing that benefits the guy – or more often the woman – who works for an hourly wage. …
“See how easy it is to understand these cheap-labor conservatives. The more ignorant and destitute people there are – desperate for any job they can get – the cheaper the cheap-labor conservatives can get them to work. …
“Every time you respond to a cheap-labor conservative in letters to the editor, or an online discussion forum … make that moniker – cheap-labor conservatives – your ‘standard reference” to the other side. … If enough people will ‘get with the program’, it won’t be long before you can’t look at an editorial page, listen to the radio, turn on the TV, or log onto your favorite message board without seeing the phrase ‘cheap labor conservatives’ – and have plenty of examples to reinforce the message. By election day … every politically sentient American should understand exactly what a ‘cheap labor conservative’ is, and what he stands for.
#35 ArtFart: ” If you were Johnny Castaway, all by yourself on an island a thousand miles from anyone else, the chances of anyone bothering to come rip you off would be pretty slim.”
A-Fart, you respond as if these guys are looking for reasonable discussion. Don’t be ridiculous! They’re just shooting bullets that rarely hit the mark . . . cause that’s what they do best. Leave the thinking to the liberals.
41 (continued)
“(I)f you really want to rip the heart out of cheap-labor conservative ideology, you may want to invest just a little bit more effort. It still isn’t all that complicated, though it is a bit more detailed than what we have covered so far.
“Less Government and Cheap Labor.
“’Less Government’ is the central defining right-wing slogan. And yes, it’s all about ‘cheap labor’.
“Included within the slogan ‘less government’ is the whole conservative set of assumptions about the nature of the ‘free market’ and government’s role in that market. In fact, the whole ‘public sector/private sector’ distinction is an invention of the cheap-labor conservatives. They say that the ‘private sector’” exists outside and independently of the ‘public sector’. The public sector, according to cheap-labor ideology, can only ‘interfere’ with the ‘private sector’, and that such ‘interference’ is ‘inefficient’ and ‘unprincipled’. Using this ideology, the cheap-labor ideologue paints himself as a defender of ‘freedom’ against ‘big government tyranny’.
“In fact, the whole idea that the ‘private sector’ is independent of the public sector is totally bogus. In fact, ‘the market’ is created by public laws, public institutions and public infrastructure.
“(T)he cheap-labor conservative isn’t really interested in ‘freedom’. What the he wants is the ‘privatized tyranny’ of industrial serfdom, the main characteristic of which is – you guessed it – ‘cheap labor’. For proof, you need only look at exactly what constitutes ‘big government tyranny’ … cheap-labor conservatives are BIG supporters of the most oppressive and heavy handed actions the government takes. (They) are consistent supporters of the generous use of capital punishment. … (They) support the … ‘lock ‘em up’ approach to virtually every social problem … (they) want all the military force we can stand to pay for … (they) support every right-wing authoritarian hoodlum in the third world (and) foreign assassinations, covert intervention in foreign countries, and every other ‘black bag’ operation the CIA can dream up … (they) support ‘domestic surveillance’ … (and) think it’s the government’s business if you smoke a joint or sleep with somebody of your own gender. (They) support our … concentration camp … at Guantanamo Bay … (and) ‘secret tribunals’ with ‘secret evidence’ and … no judicial review of the trials and sentences.
“Then they say that liberals are ‘Stalinists’.
“And let’s not forget this perennial item on the agenda. Cheap-labor conservatives want to ‘protect our national symbol’ from ‘desecration’. … Of course, it is they who desecrate the flag every time they wave it to support their cheap-labor agenda … cheap-labor conservatives have a peculiar definition of ‘freedom’. I mean, just what do these guys consider to be ‘tyranny’ … (t)ake a look.
‘Social spending’ otherwise known as ‘redistribution’. While they don’t mind tax dollars being used for killing people, using their taxes to feed people is ‘stealing’. Minimum wage laws. Every piece of legislation ever proposed to improve working conditions, including the eight hour day, OSHA regulations, and even Child Labor laws. Labor unions, who ‘extort’ employers by collectively bargaining. Environmental regulations and the EPA.
Federal support and federal standards for public education. Civil rights legislation. … See the pattern? Cheap-labor conservatives support every coercive and oppressive function of government, but call it ‘tyranny’ if government does something for you ….
“Even here, cheap-labor conservatives are complete hypocrites. Consider the following expenditures:
“150 billion dollars a year for corporate subsidies.
“300 billion dollars a year for interest payments on the national debt – payments that are a direct transfer to wealthy bond holders, and buy us absolutely nothing.
“(B)illions … paid to American companies to rebuild Iraq …
“(T)he Defense budget – large chunks of which go to corporate defense contractors.
“Is the pattern becoming clearer? These cheap-labor Republicans have no problem at all opening the public purse for corporate interests. It’s ‘social spending’ on people who actually need assistance that they just ‘can’t tolerate’. And now you know why. Destitute people work cheaper, while a harsh police state keeps them terrorized.”
So WHY would 8th CD voters want a rubberstamp for CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES representing them?
“So WHY would 8th CD voters want a rubberstamp for CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES representing them?”
Because we know what’s good for you better than you do — that’s the only answer shills for cheap labor conservatives like Pope, Janet, and Stefan can come up with.
That barking you hear isn’t a dog chasing the garbage trucks. It’s the trollfucks howling at the moon.
Man it’s gonna be fun watching all these rightwing rats drown in the tsunami that’s gonna them hit in November!
Apparently the Seattle Storm (women’s basketball team) is included in the sale.
“Sonics sold to Oklahoma City group
“By Seattle Times staff
“The Sonics have been sold to a group from Oklahoma City led by businessman Clay Bennett, according to multiple sources. …
“Bennett owns an investment firm and rallied the city’s business leaders to attract the (New Orleans) Hornets to Oklahoma City. Bennett was previously on the board of directors for San Antonio Spurs.
“It was not immediately known if the Sonics would move to Oklahoma.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine. For complete story and/or copyright info, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....old18.html
“team” not “taem”
damn its hard to type with furry paws
So Roger, what do you think Howard Schultz got for the Sonics?
I guess the Sonics will be packing up for Oklahoma City in the fall of 2007, since the New Orleans Hornets are going to be playing their 2006-07 season in Oklahoma before finally returning to New Orleans.
Maybe some folks from Seattle could buy the Hornets if New Orleans hasn’t re-emerged as a viable professional sports venue in the next year or so.
I’d try to change the subject too if I were you Lamar.
Actually, I thought that was a typo. . .for LAMER.
“They’re just shooting bullets that rarely hit the mark . . . ”
Commentby Skagit— 7/18/06@ 11:49 am
Skagit — you got that right! Like North Korean ICBMs, the trollfucks have an accuracy of plus or minus a thousand miles, and usually blow up immediately after launch.
“So Roger, what do you think Howard Schultz got for the Sonics?” Commentby Richard Pope— 7/18/06@ 12:16 pm
50 (continued)
How the hell do I know how much he got? I’m not his lawyer. I’m not his business partner, either. Hell, I’m not even Howard’s confidante. I’m just a fucking rabbit living in a hole in the ground at a public park.
50 (continued)
I’ll tell you what, though. I think this offer has been in Howie’s pocket for quite a while. I think he got this offer first, then went fishing for a better deal from the city.
I’ll bet Howie never believed the taxpayers would give him a $200 million gift, but figured it would cost him nothing to try, and having Bennett’s offer in hand gave him both leverage and a face-saving exit if the city told him to stick it.
50 (continued)
So, I’m guessing there’s less than $200 million in it for Schulz. If Seattle gave him a $200M arena, it would be a better deal. So I think the team probably went for $160 to $180M.
“Maybe some folks from Seattle could buy the Hornets if New Orleans hasn’t re-emerged as a viable professional sports venue in the next year or so.” Commentby Richard Pope— 7/18/06@ 12:21 pm
Actually, what King 5’s sports pundits are speculating about is whether Paul Allen will move the Trailblazers to Seattle.
He has a better middle name then I do! “Lamar” has a certain ring of distinction to it (completely wasted on Richard, of course). If I were him, I’d rather be “Richard Lamar Pope” than “Richard Floppyears Pope.” You can’t imagine the teasing I took as a bunny.
Roger’s middle name is simply “Floppy”. He changed it to “Floppyears” so that the teasing would be less degrading.
We should pull out of South Korea and leave the North Korean problem to the Russians, Japanese, Chinese, and South Koreans. We’ve been “helping out” long enough in Korea.
LeftTurn, SUNYA is a pretty good school (and the “U” in it means University).
There’s plenty to disparage the Popester about without dissing his choice of undergraduate schools.
P.S. to Richard — how on earth does anyone at SUNYA keep track of the locations of their classes and even their dorm rooms? I mean, how sterile can a “campus” be?
The right is forced to do here what they are always forced to do. The story isn’t favorable so they start parsing and picking at minutia. This word or that is wrong, if you were to calculate it this way or that the result would be different. Well fuck that. I am so fucking tired of these lying sacks of shit that I am going to take the next few months off and work to defeat as many of them as I can. Americans – real Americans, need to stand up to liars like Lamar and Steffy. Let’s take the debate to them. Let’s see how much shit they talk with us on their doorsteps and their not hiding behind computer keyboards. My guess is they’ll act like whipped little pups, cowards, chickenhawks and punks that they are.
RR at 58:
I’ll bet Howie never believed the taxpayers would give him a $200 million gift, but figured it would cost him nothing to try, and having Bennett’s offer in hand gave him both leverage and a face-saving exit if the city told him to stick it.
I agree that Howard probably already had this offer in his pocket. But I think he intentionally made an offer the city couldn’t accept, politically or financially. He would have been very dissapointed, in addition to being surprised, if the city had accepted his offer.
The lack of any real effort in lobbying the city in advance is a bit of a tipoff – he just issued the demand, and imposed a short deadline, then threatened to move. He laid none of the groundwork required for a successful lease negotiation effort, either in terms of a public relations campaign or getting on the good side of the politicians.
For one reason or another, Howard wanted out. It might be for any number of reasons, including money or simply becoming bored/tired of the headaches that come with being in charge of a sports team, and having tens of thousands of fans and sports critics telling you what you are doing wrong this week. Why he didn’t just say so, I don’t know. Perhaps he didn’t want additional public pressure to consider local buyers first, even if they weren’t offering the most money?
BAGHDAD, July 17 – Masked attackers with heavy machine guns mounted on pickup trucks slaughtered at least 40 people in a crowded market area south of Baghdad on Monday, hurling grenades to blow up merchants at their counters and shooting down mothers as they fled with their children, witnesses and authorities said.
Gee, it’s a good thing that Republicans can be “trusted with security issues.”
Oh, and I gave Darcy some more money yesterday.
Gee, it’s a good thing that Republicans can be “trusted with security issues.”
Oh, and I gave Darcy some more money yesterday.
Commentby Daddy Love— 7/18/06@ 3:14 pm
Well Daddy Love the chaps with heavy machine guns mounted on pickup trucks must be working for your friends who drop the towers in New York. How much money did you give them to support their cause? We all know that you don’t support this country or its troops in this conflict. LOL Daddy
Speaking of bogus, let’s talk about Big Brother in Chief:
WASHINGTON — President Bush personally blocked a Justice Department investigation of the anti-terror eavesdropping program that intercepts Americans’ international calls and e-mails, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday.
Bush refused to grant security clearances for department investigators who were looking into the role Justice lawyers played in crafting the program, under which the National Security Agency listens in on telephone calls and reads e-mail without court approval, Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Without access to the sensitive program, the department’s Office of Professional Responsibility closed its investigation in April.
“It was highly classified, very important and many other lawyers had access. Why not OPR?” Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., the committee chairman, asked Gonzales.
“The president of the United States makes the decision,” Gonzales replied.
Daddy Love is this what you support with your money and do you really love the Hezbollah? You chaps really trying to white wash what your real intention are just because you hate Israel and President Bush. Since you like watching Rush pee in a cup maybe you could read some of his options.
“There’s also an effort underway to humanize Hezbollah, which is not surprising. (Laughing) Bush is the real enemy. You know, if it weren’t so serious, it would be comical. The Drive-By Media, let’s go to audio sound bite number one, the Drive-By Media doing everything to humanize Hezbollah. They run social welfare programs in Lebanon, midnight basketball plans for the poor, and they’re socially active. It sort of reminds me of when Senator Patty Murray from Washington, after 9/11, talked about Osama bin Laden and about the reason he had so much support from people was he built them roads and he built them schools and stuff. People were pulling their hair out. We have a little montage from John King at CNN, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, and Miles O’Brien from CNN, and Yaroslav Trofimov, wherever he’s from, or her, describing the greatness and the kindnesses engaged in by Hezbollah” http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/ho.....guest.html
Cast your vote for the person who you think has done (or will do) the most damage to American culture and politics.
125 rockets fired on northern Israel on Tuesday and Daddy Love supports the complete destruction of Israel and the route of US troops from Iraq.
Mrs. Roger Rabbit suffers:
“A 46-year-old man is accused of assaulting his wife with a carrot, causing her to lose sight in one eye,” reports the Associated Press from Monroe, Conn.:
Pamela Vecsey, 46, underwent six outs [sic] of surgery after being hit in the left eye with the vegetable Saturday night, but doctors were not able to restore her vision, prosecutor Stephanie Damiani said.
The couple was arguing when Roderick Vecsey tossed the carrot, Damiani said.
It is a scandal that thanks to the carrot lobby, Americans–even the mentally ill, convicted criminals and stalkers–are able to buy these dangerous weapons without so much as a license or background check. We need carrot control! It’s the only way to deal with crime at its roots.
Attribution for the anal.
It’s time to get serious about starting the political process that removes this fucking crook from office…
Roger Chipmunk – Cheap labor conservatives could achieve nothing without cheap labor corporate Dems helping them. Cantwell(D-Mexico) voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, that worked out well for working people, didn’t it.
Of course the great proletarian Cantwell didn’t stoop to take a large bonus for managing to turn around a major corporation and likely save it from bankruptcy; she just rode the dotcom wave up then made her millions by selling her bonus dotcom stock to suckers just before the stock tanked, that’s the cheap labor corporate Dem way to make money.
And worker Cantwell is an effective advocate for a living wage; she advocates a minimum wage of LESS THAN $8/HR, now that’s a living wage to be proud of, if you’ve got a few million in the bank like log cabin Cantwell.
Cheap labor corporate Dem Cantwell thinks that cheap labor is great for America, so great that she voted against building a fence along the Mexican border; we don’t want to make it too dificult for illegal aliens to get here and take jobs from Americans, because some jobs are difficult to outsource to the Third World even with NAFTA and CAFTA.
Now it’s not all bad, at least Cantwell believes in Social Security and wants to preserve it for the working class. She likes Social Security so much that she voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who use stolen Social Security numbers. Social Security has plenty of money, so why shouldn’t illegal aliens get theirs? A little thing like entering the country illegally, working illegally, and using a stolen Social Security number isn’t really important compared to the need for cheap illegal labor.
By the way, I heard you call the Goldstein show and you’re definitely no rabbit; I distinctly heard a chipmunk screeching.
Left Turn – You would be more believable if you did your own indenpendent reseach. To parrot others verbatim means you are no better that than the Hitler followers before WWII. (That is not an insult but just another example of those people that do not do their own research.)
“how sterile can a ‘campus’ be?” Commentby N in Seattle— 7/18/06@ 2:45 pm
Amazing resemblance to North Seattle Community College.
Left Turn – You again attack the person who has offered reasonable discussion points rather than doing your own research. Your political left-wing bias is more than apparent and that coupled with the hatred of women that disagree with your extremist simplistic point of views only show that you are in a serious need of counseling.
“Perhaps he didn’t want additional public pressure to consider local buyers first, even if they weren’t offering the most money?” Commentby rhp6033— 7/18/06@ 2:50 pm
Howie said in his press conference that he would have taken less money from a local buyer but couldn’t find one. But I think you may be right — the tone of his remarks suggested he’s tired of being a team owner.
JDB – Your absurd label that all Republicans can never admit they are wrong only shows the shallowness and lack of depth in your education and understanding of real people. (I admit that my opinions are wrong everyday…but that is based upon the acquisition if new knowledge…you should try to do the the same.)
Speaking of wrong and Republicans,
How about that evacuation from Lebanon to Cyprus? (Italicized below are from the AP story.)
European countries began moving hundreds of their citizens to Cyprus on Monday. Nearly 1,000 were on a Swedish-chartered ship that left Beirut on Tuesday, and a British warship and Greek frigate transported nearly 600 of those countries’ nationals away from Lebanon.
Don’t worry though, we’re getting a trickle started in the 8,000 to 25,000 Americans who need to leave Lebanon.
Outside the gates of the U.S. Embassy, Californian Elie Kawkabani, who lives in Beirut, was angry about the delay.
“The embassy is providing us with sketchy information and they are being rude to us here at the gate,” he said. “We have other options, like leaving through Syria, but they keep stringing us along day after day.”
To get on board, Americans must sign a note pledging to reimburse the U.S. government. They will be charged the price of a single commercial flight from Beirut to Cyprus _ usually $150-$200, although officials refused to specify.
If they have no money to fly onward, they also will be asked to guarantee reimbursement of the price of an airline ticket from Cyprus to the United States.
Snow said the government has to charge evacuees because of a 2003 law. “I dare say that it’s something that is causing heartburn for a number of people, but it’s the law,” he said.
Sounds like another let’s screw them people and pamper the corporations Republican strategy. They were running things in 2003, right? As well as they ever do, that is.
To be fair Secretary of State Rice has waived the requirement for evacuees to sign the promissory notes and advised transportation companies that the US will guarantee payment.
She probably got some phone calls first, though
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi objected, saying it was not Congress’ intent to prevent evacuations by making people sign a commitment to pay.
“A nation that can provide more than $300 billion for a war in Iraq can provide the money to get its people out of Lebanon,” Pelosi told CNN.
What is about America under Bush? Why can’t we do things like evacuations as well as the Italians?
Looks like the local politicians got the cover they need to day to get the Sonics the fuck out of town. Everybody will be able to say they tried and the other side is to blame. Good fucking riddance.
FU-Seattle and FUWA have a great opportunity here to send a message to the pro sports parasites that the taxpayers are SAFT of subsidizing entertainment for the losers of society so they can watch millionaires play kids’ games.
The only question is… what happens to WNBA Storm. Their market value is zero (at most), and they certainly don’t want that shit down in OKC. So maybe they’ll stay here, and all you feminists, sons of single mothers, and dykes will have somebody to “cheer”.
I say good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Does ANYBODY HERE think the sonics should get taxpayer money?
Hey, RedfucK: lynched anybody today? gays? Blacks? Jews? Who have you lynched today? Must of been somebody . . . oh, I know. Now you’re lynching female athletes. Man, you’re an equal opportunity lyncher, aren’t ya? Guess the only safe people on your okay list are rich white males. How many female athletes you lynched this week?
Harry: Harry at 81: “Snow said the government has to charge evacuees because of a 2003 law. “I dare say that it’s something that is causing heartburn for a number of people, but it’s the law,” he said.”
Gee, I thought Bush was the “Decider” who had absolute power? Now we’re talking following the law?
Nice that Pelosi put some common sense on the ground. Thank gawd for the dems!
No, by all means NOLEFTTURN, don’t read any conflicting opinions, just keep drinking that MOONBAT koolaid. What a dumbshit, can you not think for yourself?
Sllygy: “You would be more believable if you did your own indenpendent reseach. To parrot others verbatim means you are no better that than the Hitler followers before WWII. ”
You sure do paint pretty pictures with those broad brush strokes that say nothing. You might try a little cut and paste if it will improved the quality of your posts.
Gee, Observer, I didn’t know “say nothing relevant” Slygy had a sibling. Too bad.
Dumbshit clearly applies to you as well.
Ooh, that’s a telling and clever response! (LOL)
republicans seem to be un able to tell the truth about anything . Hmmm the term pathological liars come to mind of Social path . Well if the if the philological disorder fits :-)
In the DUH column: “Stefan’s post is bogus”
Just about all of his posts are bogus. Misusing facts and data are his specialty. The real sad thing is so many people get suckered in by this (not by Stefan’s bogus posting, but by the same tactic used by Limbaugh, etc.)
It has begun. Bitch slapped, abused and sent home like a left-handed, red-headed step child, right wing asswipe Ralph Reed is stomped hard in Georgia. The first of the culture of corruption defeats has been recorded. In a Bible-thumpin, republican-controlled state, for Reed to looooooose is huge. Suck on it all you right wing traitors. Your days are numbered!
The first Americans to be evacuated from Lebanon hitched a ride with the FRENCH.
Hope that sticks in the righties’ craw! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
I sure am glad I’m not stuck in Beirut waiting to be evacuated by the inept Bush administration.
That sulfur odor you smell is the incense of God’s just retribution!
Looks like S.S. is a cogenital lair.
…but what is new?
The new owners of the Sonics want the city to pony up $200 million for a new arena. If the taxpayers don’t cough up, they’ll pack up their team and leave for greener pastures. Man I can hardly wait! Good riddance to all of these sports bloodsuckers.
….”You would be more believable if you did your own indenpendent reseach.”
Hey, sillyguy. Show us some of your “original” research. Can’t? Didn’t think so.
Better trolls, please.
Wow there a real statement from LeftTurdy while he’s fantisizing over a woman being in bed with him: “Well fuck that. I am so fucking tired of these lying sacks of shit that I am going to take the next few months off and work to defeat as many of them as I can.”
Someone has employed leftturdy? Sanitation engineer perhaps with that mouth (fingers)? To steal another line I thought in the interview process they “lefttheirturdbehind”!
93 – Fantastic news! Just a taste wingnuts, just a taste of what’s coming.
LeftTurn at 93:
An upbeat Reed told a crowd of a few dozen cheering supporters that, although his candidacy had ended, his conservative message will live on.
“Stay in the fight. Don’t retreat. And our values will win in November,” he said.
Yeah, let’s keep to those high-minded conservative values he’s so proud of:
money laundering, prostitution in the Marianas, selling out the Indian Tribes . . .
so much for “the poster boy for Christian-right corruption.”
Pudd’nHead: Someone has employed leftturdy? Sanitation engineer perhaps with that mouth (fingers)? To steal another line I thought in the interview process they “lefttheirturdbehind”!
Commentby Pudd’nHEAD Michael Kennedy
Yeah, poor LeftTurn is out their cleanin’ up your messes. You lynch everybody who’s not you and your white boy buddies; you lies; and your cowardice; you’re simply a mess and we have to clean you up. You boys who hide behind the bushes and later claim your medals; you boys who lynch gays, women, Blacks; you lyin’ bastards who wouldn’t know the truth if you stepped in it.
With all the violence in the Middle East I would think the Christian Church will be focusing on the book of revelation in the comimng months and how it relates to the present time. Nothing motivates a Christian more than the book of revelation when it comes to politics. I wonder how many Christians will be coming out to vote this November? It will be interesting
I did not make the comments Left Turn did so I don’t need to the research that Lefty needs to.
I guess state or local government will offer the Sonics a $200 million free arena in exchange for keeping the Sonics here, instead of moving them to Oklahoma.
This will result in the Oklahoma City businessmen being able to re-sell the Sonics for about $500 million or so, which will be a hefty profit on their $350 million investment.
At least this extra profit will be earned by Republicans from Oklahoma, and not by Democrats from Seattle.
Haven’t you heard? It’s WW3 and all the Armaggedon addicts will be sending their children to bring THE END to us in living color . . .
I didn’t believe people would actually fall for this WW3 label but a lot of ’em are. I’m hoping they send their own kids because I don’t wanna send mine.
Slygy at 107:
Your comments never require research. They say nothing.
Commentby Skagit— 7/18/06@ 8:47 pm
Skagit: Sorry bud, I don’t lynch my own peeps. I’m black you jackASS! You apparently don’t read too well either. I guess that independent edumication worked well for you.
I didn’t believe people would actually fall for this WW3 label but a lot of ‘em are. I’m hoping they send their own kids because I don’t wanna send mine.
Commentby Skagit— 7/18/06@ 9:16 pm
Let’s take the debate to them. Let’s see how much shit they talk with us on their doorsteps and their not hiding behind computer keyboards. My guess is they’ll act like whipped little pups, cowards, chickenhawks and punks that they are.
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/18/06@ 2:47 pm
LeftTurn where did you get those drugs that you are on today. you have out done Howard Dean.
I sure am glad I’m not stuck in Beirut waiting to be evacuated by the inept Bush administration.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/18/06@ 8:10 pm
Roger they don’t allow cowards into Beirut let alone a funny bunnie.
Nope. Only suckers and victims.
Per “RUFUS”: “Nothing motivates a Christian more than the book of revelation…”
I won’t argue with you there. I’ve been known to read it on the throne when I’m constipated. Works like a charm.
Pudd’nHEAD: I’m black you jackASS!
You are about as black as snow! I guess you don’t know your colors yet! We can arrange for you to repeat first grade if you’re willin’?
Oh Klanky, PUSSY
How much you willin’ to pay?
Yep, your not black unless you are on the democratic plantation. Of course Puddy is a freed black.
Klanky: LeftTurn where did you get those drugs that you are on today. you have out done Howard Dean.
HOWARD DEAN? Is that the best you can do?
Klanky: Roger they don’t allow cowards into Beirut let alone a funny bunnie.
Another zinger by the queen of haha. How’d you find out they don’t let cowards into Beirut? You try?
Yeah most of the Americans in Beriut are probably sissy liberals. Shit what a bunch of helpless pussies. I say keep them there.
C’mon RufuK, we all know Pudd’nHEAD comes from the loins of plantation owners . . . look at his politics FCS!
The first Americans to be evacuated from Lebanon hitched a ride with the FRENCH.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/18/06@ 8:09 pm
The French fleeing a terrorist hell hole to go back to Paris, which is another terrorist hell hole. Just surrender already. Hehe
C’mon RufuK, we all know Pudd’nHEAD comes from the loins of plantation owners . . . look at his politics FCS!
Commentby Skagit— 7/18/06@ 10:27 pm
You tell em Skagit. Hey do you want to come to my next political rally. If so make sure you wear a clean sheet.
122 RuFuK: Yeah most of the Americans in Beriut are probably sissy liberals. Shit what a bunch of helpless pussies. I say keep them there . . .
Conservatives don’t travel ? Conservatives aren’t worldly? Conservatives can’t get passports? Conservatives are mostly felons? Conservatives are all on probation? Conservatives are afraid to fly . . . afraid to sail . . . just afraid to leave the country?
What in the fuck does your post even mean?
125 You tell em Skagit. Hey do you want to come to my next political rally. If so make sure you wear a clean sheet.
Aw, Bobby, take off that sheet . . . you know you stopped that stuff . . . . What the fuck! It’s Pudd’nHEAD! I knew Bobby growed outa that stuff years ago.
What you doin’ in sheets, HEAD?
Conservative travel to places like Isreal. Liberals (especially mind numb dumbass liberal students form Evergreen) travel to places like Beriut or Gaza to become human shields. Of course being the chicken shits that they all want out once the missile start flying.
HEY RuFuK . . . .you know you lyin” . . . Israel don’t let Jew haters in . . . so you know you lyin’ . . . Tryin’ to be the big guy again, aren’t ya? Just another coward talkin’ big talk!
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) — Former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed, unable to overcome his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, conceded defeat Tuesday in Georgia’s Republican race for lieutenant governor.
ha HA!
HEY RuFuK . . . .you know you lyin” . . . Israel don’t let Jew haters in . . . so you know you lyin’ . . . Tryin’ to be the big guy again, aren’t ya? Just another coward talkin’ big talk!
Commentby Skagit— 7/18/06@ 10:52 pm
They let democrats in… Geeeeesh. They would even let my great uncle Joe Kennedy in if he were alive. A great democrat and friend of Hitler.
Of course if your a dem in Isreal dont be suprised if you are being watched. You probably would want to stay away from Pizzarias full of Jewish children. They might shoot you before you walk in. Hehe
RuFuK: They let democrats in… Geeeeesh. They would even let my great uncle Joe Kennedy in if he were alive. A great democrat and friend of Hitler.
Being the Jew-hater you are, of course you know your Nazi history. Old uncle joe lived to see his grandchildren turn on your guys . . . yo’ just an ol’ sorry ass Jew-hater now. ! Jew-haters are dyin’ off . . . you’re becoming a rare breed. But, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it while it lasts . . .
132 – another post that doesn’t make sense. Jew-hater, did you ever grad-u-ate el-e-men-tary school?
BTW, RuFuK, did you ever turn in those medals? You know that cowards who hid behind bushes and ran away from skirmishes don’t deserve those medals . . . you turn ’em in yet? You sorry ass coward? You turn those medals in . . . hear me?
The sooner the Rapture gets here and takes all you fuckers away, the better! Whoooooshhhh!!!!! 144,000 Republicans gone in a flash and bang and cloud of smoke!! I can’t wait.
“I’m black you jackASS!” Commentby Puddybud Michael Kennedy— 7/18/06@ 9:28 pm
No, you have a black heart. The rest of you is confused.
“they don’t allow cowards into Beirut” Commentby klake— 7/18/06@ 9:42 pm
In that case, you’d better stay here.
You wanna see Beirut? Go to South Los Angeles. You can see a damn good imitation of Beirut in L.A. every day.
“I say keep them there.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 7/18/06@ 10:26 pm
Don’t worry, you can count on Bush and the neo-inCONpetent fucks in D.C. to do just that.
Maybe we should start a betting pool here on how many days it takes the boobs running our government to get our citizens out of Beirut. I say 45 days before the last American who wants to leave is out of there.
“The French fleeing a terrorist hell hole to go back to Paris, which is another terrorist hell hole. Just surrender already. Hehe” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 7/18/06@ 10:33 pm
Ya know, Rufus, making fun of the French comes easy for an ignorant, uneducated fuck like you who knows nothing of history. You should read up on Verdun, sometime. What the French Army did at Verdun set a standard for all armies to come. In all history, only the Russian defense of Stalingrad compares. The French were magnificent and tragically glorious at Verdun; the rest of us can only admire from afar their incomparable bravery and tenacity. Their victory in those shell-churned fields saved their nation and paved the way for the allied victory in the Great War.
124 (continued)
And, of course, an ignorant fuck like you also knows nothing of the French Resistance. Viva la France!
Viva le Resistance! We are the resistance!
I asked a friend what is the management progression of someone at Microsoft since all this speculation didn’t have much facts behind it.
Program Manager
Sr Program Manager
Lead Program Manager
Group Program Manager – Darcy Burner (in her words several levels up)
Sr Director
Product Unit Manager
General Manager “Executive Level”
Corporate VP
Sr VP, etc.
I hope that clears it up forever now what she was or wasn’t at Microsoft.
I expect LeftTurdy or Cluesless to ridicule the progression scale in post#145. Moonbats, always wanting someone else to perform their due diligence and never, never question the facts of a fellow moonbat!!!!!
Baby Bush isn’t batshit crazy enough for some of the batshit crazy morons on the right. This is good news. The Taliban wing of the GOP will fight for control during the elections revealing its true nature and identity and America will recoil from that and vote Dem!
Hey moonbats: If Stefan used the same vaulation method and come to a different conclusion, shouldn’t one of you Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats try and see if you come up with Goldy’s number or Stefan’s number and prove one right or wrong? Since Darcy is NOT my candidate, why do moonbats like to spew vitriolic ridicule without facts? Stefan uses the same values.
Why doesn’t the great perfesser dj implement his applied statistical expertise or perfesser Dr. E. use implement his historical review method and display their “cogent” arguments for whomever and “tell” us who is right? Maybe Stefan is closer to the truth and Goldy had to reinforce his position (scream louder) by ridiculing Stefan?
Prove Stefan wrong Rabbit Pellet instead of slinging your Pellets of lies?
Prove Stefan wrong Cluesless or revert back to your Karma?
Prove Stefan wrong Green Thumb or is the thumb crap covered?
Prove Stefan wrong Skagit or are you really a donk in independent clothing?
Prove Stefan wrong killedbyatroll or put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger
Prove Stefan wrong JDB or are you still a justdumbbozo?
Prove Stefan wrong Mummified Tuttle? Did you find a brain yet?
I love how the left doesn’t use facts when confronted with facts. Name calling is all you have left. Merry Fitzmas moonbats!
Leftturdy: How will they vote donk when you are on the wrong side of the Israeli – Hezbollah conflict?
Puddy, at 148 you say: “I love how the left doesn’t use facts when confronted with facts. Name calling is all you have left.” and you taunt me to “prove Stefan wrong.”
Excuse me? Where are your facts, sir? I’ve taken no stance on this debate. I have no interest in taking a stance on this debate.
As a cheap propagandist I guess you find it okay to double-speak: To charge others with exactly the same thing that you do with great regularity. And, of course, you’ll never admit it. That’s why you have so much credibility around here.
Republicans are scum sucking boger eating boobs with bad breath!!
Republicans are scum sucking boger eating boobs with bad breath!!
Commentby The Socialist— 7/19/06@ 7:30 am
Socialsit, I don’t think you’re really a socialist or even a liberal. I think you’re having fun trying to con everyone here into believeing you’re “one of the pack.” Go ahead – enjoy the game, but I think most us are on to your act.
“We all know that you don’t support this country or its troops in this conflict. ”
Why don’t you try proving that?
HAHAHAA You’re on to me there Sherlock Holmes rofl you just think what ever makes your little hart happy neo boob lol
“Well Daddy Love the chaps with heavy machine guns mounted on pickup trucks must be working for your friends who drop the towers in New York. ”
Weird. You mean you really don’t know that the mostly Saudi al- Qaeda members who attacked NYC in 2001 are and always have been a whole different bunch of guys from either the anti-oocupation insurgents or the sectarian civil warriors in Iraq (who incidentally are also often different groups entrely)?
The ignorance and accidentally or purposeful conflation of any armed conflict worldwide into the scary “enemy” from whom we must fear our complete destruction would be humorous if it were not affecting our domestic political discourse. IOW, crack a fucking book sometime and you won’t sound so stupid.
Time for a new comment thread. This one has played out.
“Daddy Love supports the complete destruction of Israel”
No, but I do support the complete destruction of the Rrepublican party.
“…and the route of US troops from Iraq.”
That would be “rout” and I support saving precious young American lives from being thrown away by withdrawing at least 100,000 troops from our president’s MISERABLE FAILURE in Iraq.
silly guy to LeftTurn
“You again attack the person who has offered reasonable discussion points rather than doing your own research. ”
Funny you don’t see fit to say this to klake, JCK, et. al.
Ooh, boy, that would be “JCH” in my previous post.
Most of the Americans known to be in Lebanon are there on business or vacation. Since sunning by the Mediterranean, and wheelin’& dealin’ are, pretty much, ruined by bombing attacks, why wouldn’t they want to leave?
It wouldn’t be courage keeping them there. It takes the stupidity, like that expressed by klakker and RUFART, nothin’ brave about that.
This whole Middle Eastern mess is a fight between two religions that don’t eat pork and like to cut the ends off of pee-pees. What the hell has all that religious nonsense got to do with us?
All that oil.
we don’t need it as badly as we purport, but we don’t want India, China and Russia to get it, either.
Juat a reminder that today, like everyday, the hero of the right, LimpDickLimbaugh is peeing into a cup in front of his probation officer. What a great example for republican youth!
HT at 165: “Most of the Americans known to be in Lebanon are there on business or vacation.”
Actually, I think most of the Americans in Lebanon are Americans of Lebanese descent. They are U.S. citizens visiting relatives, or checking on family businesses, or green-card holders who intended to go back to the U.S. after a short visit but were prevented from doing so by the closing of the airport. As with most Lebanese, they are probably either Christian or Muslim.
166 “This whole Middle Eastern mess is a fight between two religions that don’t eat pork and like to cut the ends off of pee-pees. What the hell has all that religious nonsense got to do with us?”
And meanwhile the great world leaders at the G* summit were feasting on roast pig.
Yossarian @ 166,
Yes it is stupid. It is also reality. How real. Real enough to murder a teenage girl for the crime of watching a soccer game: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/200....._world_cup
What the hell has all that religious nonsense got to do with us?
Well plenty, if the Dominionist/Christian Reconstructionist who have infiltrated the Republican Party Have their way:
Theocracy and Neofascism
However, some critics categorize the Christian Reconstructionist movement as a form of totalitarianism or theocratic neofascism…the system of dominion envisaged by Christian Reconstructionist theologians R. J. Rushdoony and Gary North “is totalitarian. There is no room for any other view or policy, no democratic tolerance for rival parties, no individual freedom…Many critics view that a Christian Reconstructionist state in the U.S. would much resemble the Taliban in Afghanistan …
But Commander, they are just a bunch of lunatic fringers. They have no real power.
They have power enough to introduce legislation like the The Constitution Restoration Act of 2004/2005:
Although the claim by its sponsors appears to be that the intention is to prevent the courts from hearing cases involving the Ten Commandments or a Nativity Scene in a public setting from being reviewed, the law is drawn broadly and expressly includes the acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law by an official in his capacity of executing his office.
The following proposed law will be added to Sec. 1260 of Title 28, Chapter 81 of the U.S. Code:
“Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review, by appeal, writ of certiorari, or otherwise, any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an element of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official personal capacity), by reason of that element’s or officer’s acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.”
Because the judiciary is “an element” of the federal, state and local governments, this wording, if it becomes law, may allow any judge to institute biblical punishments without being subject to review by the Supreme Court or the federal court system.
Richard Pope @ 5
You ignorant slut. The crime rate in the city is higher because more people live in the city. The suburbs always have less crime. Fewer people, fewer crimes. Dumbass!
167 – Russia? They got all the oil and gas they need I think. I don’t think they have much of a yearning to control it or provide military escort service. That expensive stuff is better left to suckers like our government. Could be wrong though.
I could be wrong, too. They don’t make much difference in relationship to the other two. China and India want that oil.
Whoever else wants it, there would be only tangential interest about the Middle East if it lacked oil.
What Darcy is REALLY doing is making Rubberstamp Reichert look like a loser who can’t get people excited about his campaign. Like the 36% approval president who couldn’t even raise anough money to keep up with a girl.
Commander Ogg,
Sounds like we’re on the same side in this issue, just approaching it from different perspectives. I say neutrality is the order of the day when it comes to religious conflicts over dirt in the Middle East. These Christian ya-hoos yelping about “biblical prophecy” and Israel make me want to ralph!
Let’s get out of this Arab-Israeli (Islam-Judeo) mess and stay out!!
No one will want to “sun” in Lebanon if the Israelis keep hitting civilian targets. They hit the Saint Therese Hospital in Hadath today. Gee, I thought they were using precisely targeted smart weapons, because they care so much about civilian casualties.
You’d think the US would take more interest in what they’re doing with our $3 billion annually. The U.S. Arms Export Control Act restricts the use of U.S. weapons to legitimate self-defense and internal policing; U.S. weapons cannot be used to attack civilians in offensive operations. The U.S. Foreign Assistance Act prohibits U.S. aid of any kind to a country with a pattern of gross human rights violations. Besides, Israel’s attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza (their only power station) and in Lebanon (hospitals, the Beirut airport, and other civilian facilities) are examples of collective punishment, which are prohibited under the Geneva Conventions.
From Juancole.com:
“The death toll late Tuesday stood at 235 people killed in Lebanon and 25 in Israeli. About half of the Israeli deaths were military personnel. Only a handful of the Lebanese deaths have been military, and only a fraction of those have been Hizbullah fighters. In fact, have even ten Hizbullah guerrillas been killed by the Israelis since this fight began? They say it is a fight with Hizbullah. But then they bomb Greek Orthodox churches and milk factories far from Shiite areas. Hmmmm.“
I take my retreat back, certainly Russia. The whole Suez War of 1956 was about who was going to control the Suez Canal, and afterward the US and USSR became the key players in the balance of power, replacing the tradional European nations.
Consumption isn’t the only dimension that makes oil a critical commodity. Strategic power and economic stability get mixed in, too.
You’d think the US would take more interest in what they’re doing with our $3 billion annually.
We probably would, the the “great” strategic thinkers thought they were doing something contrary to our interest.
Another Bush lackey gets pushed around. What a bunch of traitors, cowards and crooks. Go get em Diane!
The New York Times reports:
“WASHINGTON, July 18 — With Education Secretary Margaret Spellings joining them in a show of support, Congressional Republicans proposed Tuesday to spend $100 million on vouchers for … private and religious schools. …
“The proposal comes as Republicans are showcasing issues intended to energize their party’s conservative base before the midterm elections. …”
For complete story and/or copyright info, see http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07.....artner=AOL
So what’s the catch? Simply this: Vouchers are an integral part of the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’ racist agenda:
“Cheap-labor conservatives encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. Why? Bigotry among wage earners distracts them, and keeps them from recognizing their common interests as wage earners. …
“Many cheap-labor conservatives are hostile to public education. They think it should be privatized. But why are we surprised. Cheap-labor conservatives opposed universal public education in its early days. School vouchers are just a backdoor method to ‘resegregate’ the public schools.”
Isn’t it ironic that Republicans want to “save” kids from “failing” public schools by spending gobs of taxpayer money to send them to private religious schools, but they won’t spend one dime to buy textbooks for public schools to keep them from failing in the first place!
Daddy Love, being Jewish I admit I have a amjor conflict of interest in this game. However, it should be noted that Hezbollah is not known to play by the rules:
…I was astonished, not so much that they were willing to ignore that the airport, electricity, and other infrastructure belonged to all of Lebanon, and that even before the Israeli air force reduces Hezbollah strongholds to dust, Hezbollah fighters will move to non-Shiite neighborhoods in search of human shields. What I can’t understand is that anyone not actively seeking “martyrdom” would think that this was, for anyone, a fight worth waging. It is good that Hezbollah should be put down, but it is sickening to consider that the other Lebanese communities might regard the lives of ordinary Shiites as being of little worth, and consider that the wretched of the Earth are getting what they deserve.
The threat force is willing to break international law by delibertly parking themseves and their missile launchers near civilian targets. Israel is faced with Hobsons Choice when dealing with this Sh-t.
The New York Times reports FDA safety-review doctors who urged taking a “toxic” new antibiotic that kills people off the market were overruled and critized by their superiors.
“Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa and chairman of the Finance Committee, who has been investigating the circumstances surrounding Ketek’s approval, called the assertions about Ketek ‘very serious.’
“’It’s no surprise to learn that the F.D.A. didn’t listen to Dr. Graham on the dangers of Ketek,’ Mr. Grassley said. ‘The F.D.A. has made it their business to discredit Dr. Graham and others who aren’t willing to cater to the drug companies.’”
As I’ve posted before on HA, I will NOT allow my veterinarian to prescribe any drug for me that was approved by the Bush administration. Republicans have politicized the FDA, which no longer can be trusted, because the political appointees running the FDA put drug company profits ahead of patient safety — as has been demonstrated time and again. No drug approved since 2001 should be considered safe or even efficacious.
Must be tough for Commander Ogg to be a Jewish Democrat. Most of the vile anti-Semites and “wipe Israel off the map” types tend to prefer the Democrats. Ironically, most of the Jews in America also prefer the Democrats.
So you have Jewish Democrats such as Joe Lieberman, and Democrats representing significant Jewish constituencies such as Hillary Clinton, supporting Israel. At the same time, liberal Democrats such as Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney are vilely opposed to Israel.
Here’s the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07.....artner=AOL
180 – Yeah, I’m thinking that natural resources and extractive wealth are the catnip for kleptocrats like the Bush neocon cabal and the Russian oligarchy. China and India have restive populations to keep busy. Effective influence over oil reserves keeps the whole ugly machine chugging. If the U.S. isn’t up to the task, someone else will have to step up to the plate.
One of my Republican friends who recently was “performance managed” out of his job sent my his legal paperwork to review. He worked for this company for 30 years, and always had glowing reviews, but then made the mistake of turning 60. Suddenly his workload doubled, a new (and much younger) supervisor micromanaged him and found fault with everything he did, and then he was abruptly terminated. You know — escorted out of the building by security guards without even being allowed to say goodbye to the co-workers he spent a lifetime with. They ESPECIALLY did not want him talking to co-workers (in case he might get written witness statements). Unfortunately for the company, he’s a smart guy and saw it coming, and his lawyers are going to get those bastards good!
THIS is why we need laws making age discrimination illegal.
THIS is why we need to elect Democrats to pass such laws and keep them on the books.
THIS is why we need a Democratic president appointing federal judges.
THIS is why people who claim the “market” rewards “producers” and punishes people who don’t “produce” are full of shit. “Producing” has nothing to do with whether you stay employed; it’s office politics, pure and simple, and in this case a good employee was fired and had his professional reputation savaged by aggressive young managers didn’t want an older worker around who knew more than they did. It happens over and over and over in corporate America — and it’s AGAINST THE LAW.
This is called “market failure.” Market failure occurs when the normal incentive systems don’t work, when decision-makers are irrational or perverse, when laws and government regulation are necessary to protect innocent people from predatory behavior of those who hold power in society. Market failure is the norm, not something that only happens in TV soap operas. Free marketers can rant all they want about textbook economic theories, but the truth is, irrational and emotional human nature — not calculations of productivity or profit margin, etc. — govern the world.
Government exists in part to create and enforce rules for how people treat each other, because without government, people behave like jungle animals. In a word, they treat each other like shit. Who wants to live in that kind of world?
You can bet CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES wouldn’t want to live in such a world if they were on the getting end. That’s the world they want, but they only want it for us, with them running it. Never forget: CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES are the enemy. The bad guys. The asshole bosses who do things like I described above. The defendants in discrimination and slander trials. Every workplace has ’em. They’re all bastards.
Never forget this, either: The real “producers” are those who do the work, not the loudmouths who pay lip service to “hard work” while skimming the cream off the top and doing no actual work to earn it.
“The threat force is willing to break international law by delibertly parking themseves and their missile launchers near civilian targets. Israel is faced with Hobsons Choice when dealing with this Sh-t.”
Toally irrelevant. It’s not at ALL about what their attackers do. So do you think somehow that international agreements regarding just, legal, and humane treatment of noncombatant civilians in wartime are just for when it’s really, really convenient to follow them? Umm, WRONG.
If Israel had a problem with the Geneva Accords, they should have thought of it before they signed. Also, regardless of what ISRAEL thinks, WE are signatories to the Geneva Conventions (if you read the Constitution, you’ll read that treaties are part of the “supreme Law of the Land,” Article VI, clause 2), and thus WE cannot back a state who violates them.
Richard Pope @ 186
First off I am a progressive independent who usually sides with the Democrats 99% of the time. I use to be a moderate Republican before the Party was assimilated by the American Taliban (see post 171 this thread)
Second off, my Democratic brothers and sisters do not worry me, because they have never threatened my Family or try to run me out of town like the Republican Taliban:
Jewish Family “Forced to Move” Over School Lawsuit
A large Delaware school district promoted Christianity so aggressively that a Jewish family felt it necessary to move to Wilmington, two hours away, because they feared retaliation for filing a lawsuit. The religion (if any) of a second family in the lawsuit is not known, because they’re suing as Jane and John Doe; they also fear retaliation. Both families are asking relief from “state-sponsored religion.”
Yes, some of my leftist brothers and sisters have a problem with Israel in general and Jews in particular. But if push comes to shove, I prefer open hatred then the false friendship of the Christian Conservatives and their administration lackeys. They have made their position perfectly clear:
Republicanizing the Race Card.”
The inability (and possible unwillingness) of leading American white nationalists to purge anti-Semites from their ranks is not the only reason they seem permanently shunted to the margins. They must also contend with well-financed, incendiary conservative elements that make Europe’s far-right look like a tailgate party at the Lilith Fair.
Ann Coulter’s declaration in January at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington before 2,000 cheering college Republicans that “post-9/11, our philosophy should be, ‘Raghead talks tough? Raghead faces consequences,’ ” was arguably more inflammatory than the comments that landed Griffin in a London courtroom: “Islam is a vicious, wicked faith.”
An accusation a month later by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, Washington’s largest Christian-right interest group, that the failure of US newspapers to reprint the Danish anti-Muslim cartoon was “a form of negotiating with terrorists,” was hardly less provocative than Griffin’s promotion of those cartoons.
…THIS is why we need laws making age discrimination illegal.
THIS is why we need to elect Democrats to pass such laws and keep them on the books.
THIS is why we need a Democratic president appointing federal judges.
THIS is why people who claim the “market” rewards “producers” and punishes people who don’t “produce” are full of shit…
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/19/06@ 12:26 pm
In the above case, I have no problem with your friend arranging to have his younger ex-boss’s brains blown all over the hood of the ex-boss’s yuppy-mobile-BMW early one morning. You make a good point that corporations can be evil, but the government can be bad, also.
Consider the lady in Covington who tried to clean up a stream on her land. A lot of trashy people had dumped old appliances in it, so she tried to clean up the mess, at her own expense. The fish and game people are trying to prosecute her for not abiding by their little bureaucratic-nightmare rules. This isn’t one of the main line stories in the news. A couple of days ago, KIRO-TV gave it about 17 seconds and didn’t even other to identify the lady or tell much else of the story. “Just another nut trying to exercise some personal responsibility and rights to her property. She faces seven years in prison. Ho-hum!” That was the gist of KIRO’s comments.
Roger, don’t be so quick to criticize the private sector when it comes to abuses of power. The government is just as bad.
I salute your bringing this story to our attention, however. I hope the ex-boss and ex-employer are sued down to their crap-stained underwear and lose everything. People are getting tired of being pushed around, be it at the hands of their bosses or by the government.
Amen, Br’er Rabbit.
As I said on Thursday, I had coffee with a friend who is experiencing EXACTLY THE SAME BUMS RUSH as your friend. She hasn’t been booted yet, but the handwriting is on the wall.
She is not a lawyer, however, can’t afford to finance a suit, and has to keep working. The only thing she can see to do is get another job and hope for the best.
Do tell, just what are these “little bureaucratic-nightmare rules”?
Do tell, just what are these “little bureaucratic-nightmare rules”?
Commentby Harry Tuttle— 7/19/06@ 1:31 pm
The fish and game guys was getting on the lady’s case about her cutting bushes to get to the junk clogging the stream. All she wanted to do was cleanup the damn stream to improve her proeperty, beautify it, AND, as a by-product, the fish would have an easier time of navigating the waterway.
Now, who gives a flying fruit WHAT bush or shrub she cuts in order to cleanup the stream? Only a petty bureaucrat would care about something like that. They were also giving her grief about “not conducting the proper study” (at her expense) in order to assess the impact of her actions.
Give me a break, Harry. If you’re on the side of these bozos art fish and game on this issue, then you need some psychological help. At some point we all have to raise the bullshit flag. Sorry, but the government’s wrong in this one.
189: Nicely done, Rabbit. Especially your last comment. “Producers” – the way it is used on this blog – is just another word for “Masters.” Without the “slaves,” those masters would be workin’ their own fields and really producing.
Maybe you should take a pill and take a little nappy. You seem a little stressed.
Then we’ll discuss your mother…
And Sigmund . . . we’ll discuss your need to use so many AKA’s . . . ROFLMAO!
BTW, Siggy, Byrdie, Danny, RuFuK, Pudd’nHEAD,PTB-Stupid and Faux Redneck, who do you think you’re foolin’? If you don’t have the courage to post under one name, then you never earned those medals, you cowards so give ’em back!
Well, I heard her side of it.
You are attacking shadows with your “If you don’t have the courage to post under one name, then you never earned those medals, you cowards so give ‘em back!”.
Try to relax. Have a nice glass of warm milk and lie down. then maybe we’ll have ice cream!
@ 192
Salmon do not need free flowing streams. They need pools and those shrubs along the bank to keep the water cool. Over clearing leads to elevated temperatures which are damaging to fish.
That said, there are clearly over-zealous regulators. But there are also at least as many over-simplifying, sensationalist journalists.
RR 1t 189, HT 1t 193:
Yes, isn’t it funny how ardent Republicans can changed their tune about trial lawyers working on a contingent fee basis when suddenly they find themselves needing one?
A friend of mine, a trial lawyer, lived next door to a doctor, and ardent Republican with a hatred of trial lawyers in general. They got along okay as neighbors, but the doctor never passed up an opportunity to give the lawyer some not-particularly-friendly ribbing about being a parasite on society, etc., etc.,
Then one day the doctor’s wife is in a car accident, and is seriously injured. The other driver was at fault, but wasn’t insured. No problem, right- they go to their underinsured moterist coverage, right? Their own insurance company denied the claim, arguing (a) it was her own fault she was hit by a drunk driver who was driving the wrong way down the road, (b) her two weeks in the hospital and year-and-a-half off work while recovering from the accident were “minor injuries” justifying only a $3,000 nuisance settlement.
On top of that, their own medical insurance company refused to process the claims, saying that the auto insurance was primary, and they would pay only when the auto insurance claim was finally resolved. They could only resolve the claim by settling with the auto company for nuisance value, otherwise the medical insurance was refusing to pay because the auto insurance “might” pay too. (This position is incorrect, but it’s not unusual). I don’t know why PIP coverage didn’t apply – perhaps it wasn’t purchased?
So after spending a month arguing with the insurance companies, the doctor finally talks to his lawyer neighbor. When he has a choice of paying tens of thousands at an hourly rate, or paying a contingent fee, suddenly he feels quite different about the issue.
(The lawyer forced the medical insurer to pay, and then sued the auto insurerer. I don’t know the final details, except that the auto insurer finally paid after an arbitration).
Sock puppetry is almost always a problem particularly when it is abused Ziggy, the bad news for you is: the cigar you are smoking is not really a cigar.
“SEATTLE – Mayor Greg Nickels proposed the biggest electricity rate cut in 35 years Wednesday. In 2007 and 2008 rates would drop between 2.2 percent for Seattle City Light residential customers and 14 percent for medium-sized commercial customers.
“‘This proposal signals the end of the 2001 energy crisis for Seattle’s electricity customers,’ said Nickels in statement.”
Huh?! Residential rates doubled in 2001 … and Nickels thinks a stinkin’ 2.2% rate cut makes us whole? And how come business gets 7 times as large a rate cut as homeowners? Who does Nickels think he’s kidding?
A lot of the age discrimination is an attempt to get out of paying for the health insurance costs for older workers. The insurers are putting pressure on the employers by increasing premiums for older workers.
It’s illegal for the employer to discriminate against a worker older than 55, but lots do anyway, using the tactics Roger listed above. But its also true that in many states, if there is no Union contract, the employer is free to discriminate against you as long as you are under 55. So there are a lot more instances of employees being terminated between the ages of 50 and 55, just because they never want them to reach that “protected” age bracket.
Another tactic I’ve seen recently: a large employer creates new “project teams” over a period of time. The new teams seem to be predominately young people, under age 35. Over the period of a year or two, the new project teams get all the new promissing projects, but the rest of the workers are organized into groups working on dead-end projects. When those dead-end projects end, so does their employment. The employer argues it wasn’t directed at the protected over-55 employees, because everybody in a group was terminated at the same time due to a lack of workload.
My posting may be curtailed for the next week, I’m off on a business trip to Asia. Wish I could time it for a better season…. In the meantime, have fun throwing verbal arrows at each other!
Did I say government bureaucracies are better than corporate bureaucracies? No, I didn’t say that. Human nature is the same everywhere. Our whole society is dysfunctional. I’m glad I only have to deal with rabbits.
Salmon do not need free flowing streams. They need pools and those shrubs along the bank to keep the water cool. Over clearing leads to elevated temperatures which are damaging to fish.
That said, there are clearly over-zealous regulators. But there are also at least as many over-simplifying, sensationalist journalists.
Commentby K— 7/19/06@ 3:25 pm
I’m not sure this one involved salmon, but I think the lady has the right to clean up her property in any fashion she chooses. The fish and game people have no business in this one.
I don’t know anything about the Covington case, but I suspect there may be more to the story than your post indicates. F & W and prosecutors normally don’t go after do-gooders for picking up trash. Bureaucrats make examples of those who hold themselves above the law, in some fashion. Like a freeper running off wildlife officers with a shotgun – that would get him on their bad side. I don’t know what the lady did, but she must’ve done something to piss them off.
Tell her, don’t quit, make them fire her.
Meanwhile, she should document everything — print copies of e-mails, copy internal memos and documents, get signed statements from trusted co-workers and supervisors — and take all that stuff home, don’t leave it in the office desk.
The EEOC is the federal agency with jurisdiction over age discrimination complaints. Of course, I don’t trust the EEOC (or any other federal agency) under Bush. That’s why I recommend people in that situation also line up a good employment lawyer.
Sometimes you can take the ex-employer for six figures. They’ve got it coming.
Commander Ogg @ 191
Jewish Family “Forced to Move” Over School Lawsuit
A large Delaware school district promoted Christianity so aggressively that a Jewish family felt it necessary to move to Wilmington, two hours away, because they feared retaliation for filing a lawsuit. The religion (if any) of a second family in the lawsuit is not known, because they’re suing as Jane and John Doe; they also fear retaliation. Both families are asking relief from “state-sponsored religion.”
Your link to the above article is incorrect. Try this one:
“Now, who gives a flying fruit WHAT bush or shrub she cuts in order to cleanup the stream? Only a petty bureaucrat would care about something like that.” Commentby Libertarian— 7/19/06@ 2:15 pm
You don’t know much about salmon, do you? Preserving streamside vegetation is crucial for habitat protection. The state and federal governments are spending billions on habitat. Those officers are trying to protect that investment. Clearing vegetation away from the stream banks is a great big deal. I understand now why they’re yelling at her.
When you cut the streamside vegetation, you remove shade, which raises the water temperature, which kills the salmon fry.
When you cut the streamside vegetation, the soil erodes into the stream, and the sediment covers the nests, smothering the eggs.
There’s more, but I have a breaking news item to announce …
At this moment, the Kirkland fire chief is holding a live press conference on TV, in which he just announced the four victims of yesterday’s Kirkland house fire were stabbed to death, and the fire was set to cover up the homicides.
According to KOMO’s web site, a neighbor has been arrested and faces arson and murder charges in the Kirkland case.
OOPs look what the Whitehouse burried in a late Friday release.
Just in case you refuse to read because it is one of those Crazed Commie Newspapers; It’s from the US Education Dept. Especially liked the last part, perhaps those who can’t figure out evolution, are lacking the right part of the brain.
If this already came out, I’m sorry.
Here is just a highlight.
WASHINGTON, July 14 — The Education Department reported on Friday that children in public schools generally performed as well or better in reading and mathematics than comparable children in private schools. The exception was in eighth-grade reading, where the private school counterparts fared better.
The report, which compared fourth- and eighth-grade reading and math scores in 2003 from nearly 7,000 public schools and more than 530 private schools, found that fourth graders attending public school did significantly better in math than comparable fourth graders in private schools. Additionally, it found that students in conservative Christian schools lagged significantly behind their counterparts in public schools on eighth-grade math.
Didn’t hear this on Faux news did you?
How do you know it involved salmon for pete’s sake?
Don’t you guys EVER question government?
Sounds like Louis XIV.
BTW, when are we going to get back to the guy being fired by the whippersnapper?
Commander Ogg @ 212
Anyway, if you got that story about the Delaware school district from “Jews on First”, I seriously question its accuracy. “Jews on First” seems like a bizarre name for this group, given what it really stands for.
For example, I looked at the “Foreign Policy” or “Intervention Abroad” page of “Jews on First”:
“Jews on First” did not have a single word concerning the five or six million Jews who live in Israel — which is almost as many Jews as live in the USA, and the only majority Jewish land anywhere in the world.
Instead, “Jews on First” attacked alleged U.S. efforts to expand freedom of religion in majority Islamic countries. “Jews on First” seemed to opposed freedom of religion in Islamic countries, because it could allow missionary efforts and thereby increase the number of Christians in the world!
With that kind of bias and perspective, it is difficult to believe a single word that “Jews on First” says about the alleged travails of that Jewish family in southeastern Delaware. These folks seem as biased against Christians as the KKK is biased against Jews.
It’s “Fox News,” not “Faux News.”
Well today that piece of shit asswipe AWOL coward vetoed the Stem Cell bill. Since more than 70 percent of Americans support that bill, Baby Bush has just further isolated himself and his cabal and all to hold on to the remaining minority of 30% of the population, you know the batshit crazy righties who have drunk the kool aid.
There is only one outcome that will be fair here. It is my deepest desire that Bush, his children, his grandchildren and those close to him die horrible, painful deaths as a result of disease that could have been cured using this research. I hope that Bush gets to watch his children suffer greatly before his own miserable life comes to an end and that in the end, he ends up like his hero, Ronnie Raygun, who couldn’t even wipe his own ass at the end!
Siggy: Skagit,
You are attacking shadows with your “If you don’t have the courage to post under one name, then you never earned those medals, you cowards so give ‘em back!”.
Try to relax. Have a nice glass of warm milk and lie down. then maybe we’ll have ice cream!
Nice to know I”m gettin’ to you. LIke I said, Give back those medals you lyers, cheaters, lynchers . . . or put your medical records up so we can see ’em.
Libertarian: There are rules for everything . . . from driving on the streets and having a license to etiquette at the dinner table. Rules for voting and rules for burying the dead. Even rules for war and taxes.
So what is it that makes you think there should be no rules for habitat protection which affects animals and people and the health of our planet?
It’s all faux on Fox!
So what is it that makes you think there should be no rules for habitat protection which affects animals and people and the health of our planet?
Commentby Skagit— 7/19/06@ 4:22 pm
A person should be allowed to clean up his or her own property if he or she chooses to do so. It’s none of the government’s business.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this issue.
Anyway, as I predicted, most of the efforts “Jews on First” are actually directed against pro-Israeli Jews:
They seem to have special venom for a Jewish millionaire from California named Irving Moskowitz, who is using his fortune to help Jews find places to live in and around Israel.
This means they are a lot like David Goldstein — attacking real Jews whenever they can, while stirring up false accusations of anti-Semitism against Christian supporters of Israel.
Forget that! You haven’t answered my question given the full context . . . that’s no answer. Do you think all those other rules are unnecessary as well? Answer the question or I will think you are one of the right-wingers rather than a true libertarian.
I’ve got a sister-in-law with bad diabetes. The stem cell stuff might help her out, so I don’t have any problem with research in that area.
Bush is caving-in to the relgious zealots who populate today’s Republican Party. Too bad.
#227 for Libertarian: you must have some rationale for what you believe? Can’t cherry pick when you are libertarian and when you are not. . . so what gives?
#228 Libertarian . . . So, you are “libertarian” (notice the quotes) when it suits you?
Here is the mission statement of Jews on first.
The First Amendment to the Constitution begins: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…
We Jews have relied on those few words as the enduring bulwark of our freedom, security and privacy here in the United States. But in recent years, we’ve witnessed numerous efforts by fundamentalist Christians to erode the First Amendment by imposing their religious values through legislation, executive power, and intimidation.
Jews have a bit of history when it comes to legislation that favor one religion over another. KEEP RELIGION OUT OF LAW!
“How do you know it involved salmon for pete’s sake?”
Well, you said she was on a stream in Covington, and Covington is in the Middle Green River subwatershed of the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed:
“Chinook salmon are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In this watershed, citizens, scientists, businesses, environmentalists, and governments are working together to respond to the decline of salmon. In 2005, they completed a science-based Salmon Habitat Plan.”
So, I’m thinking the F&W guys were out there more than once telling her not to clean-up the brush along the stream, and she told them to… if they didn’t like it.
And they did.
Do …, that is.
Only, to her.
DanW @ 231
“Jews” on First can say whatever they want to say in their mission statement. The Nazi and Soviet Constitutions also had clauses guaranteeing the freedom of religion.
I look at the causes that “Jews” on First actually promotes. What is see in their international program is (a) opposition to Israel and (b) opposition to religious freedom in predominately Muslim countries.
When “Jews” on First says that it is okay for Afghanistan to execute people simply for becoming Christians, it totally destroys the credibility whatever argument they are trying to make about some Christians supposedly being religiously intolerant.
In any event, it doesn’t look like the Dobrich family was really the victim of that much persecution after all. Marco Dobrich, the father of the family, still has his cushy administrative job with the school district.
The threat force is willing to break international law by delibertly parking themseves and their missile launchers near civilian targets. Israel is faced with Hobsons Choice when dealing with this Sh-t.
Commentby Commander Ogg— 7/19/06@ 11:58 am
Cmdr Ogg: Doesn’t the Geneva Convention Article 4 or 6 specifically say if goobers like the friends of Leftturdy, Cluesless etc use civilians as human shields (remember the permanent residents of Gitmo did this too) they can be immediately executed? Yet your good friends the libruls support them getting Geneva conventions protections. Does this make any sense? See the folly of libruls?
No they don’t. What is this, Pudd’nHEAD! You just throw out gibberish to see if anyone’s checking?
I know all about suing your own insurance company because they refuse to pay after you’re hit by an unlicensed, uninsured, and reckless driver — been there, done that.
“I think the lady has the right to clean up her property in any fashion she chooses.”
She wasn’t just cleaning up “her” property; she was messing with public property. In Washington, all lakes, streams, and wild game, fish, and shellfish are state property. The state does — and should — have the power to regulate riparian landowners to keep them from damaging state-owned resources. If the state didn’t have this regulatory authority, private landowners cold — and would — lay waste to publicly owned resources.
If you don’t want F & W on your back, don’t buy land with a publicly owned watercourse running through it.
“It’s “Fox News,” not “Faux News.” Commentby Skylar Vandergrift— 7/19/06@ 4:16 pm
No, it’s “Fox Propaganda” or “Faux News,” your choice.
We use the term “faux” because what Fox does is propaganda, not objective journalism.
Fox is owned by a rightwing billionaire, and is a mouthpiece for the false ideology of the Far Right.
If private activity that harms state-owned fish swimming in a state-owned stream is none of the government’s business, then what IS the government’s business, by your lights?
Does everybody see the flaw in libertarian philosophy this discussion is exposing? Yes, unlimited personal freedom,free markets and unregulated capitalism, and all that, look great on paper. But …
There’s an old saying that “your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose starts.” And, on an increasingly crowded planet, that distance grows shorter every year.
Let’s take another libertarian crusade as an example — motorcycle helmet laws. A couple years ago, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush repealed that state’s helmet laws. Since then, serious head injuries from cycle accidents are up over 200% in that state.
How many of those bikers do you think have insurance or assets to pay their medical bills? Who ends up paying millions of dollars to take care of quadriplegics in nursing home for the next 40 or 50 years? The taxpayers, that’s who. Their exercise of “personal freedom” hits the taxpayers in the pocketbook — hard.
That’s why the law was enacted in the first place. And, of course, another part of the libertarian mantra is “no taxes” and “no welfare.” You can’t have it both ways, dudes. If you carry your philosophy of personal freedom to the point of creating accident victims dependent on public welfare, then you’re gonna pay taxes for the welfare dependents you created, whether you want to or not.
Oh, I see — you’d allow exceptions to rightwing ideological purity when it affects you personally.
Rightwingers make lots of exceptions to ideological purity. For example, I’ve never met one yet that wouldn’t rather live on capital (preferably inherited) than “work hard.” “Hard work” is a virtue they believe in only when applied to someone else.
The whole point of being a Republican is to amass capital so you don’t have to work at all.
237, 238, 239
Hey, you fucking cheapskate, if you want to advertise on this web site buy ad space from the site owner, you fucking FREELOADER!!! You must be a Republican.
Pud @ 240
“getting Geneva conventions protections…”
Civilians “get” Geneva Convention protections, period. The Geneva Conventions are an international treaty in which the signatories agree to follow a prescribed set of behaviors that includes how civilians should be protected during hostilities. So doing things like destroying the only power plant in gaza because they don’t like the bahavior of some residents constitutes collecive punishment which Israel has pledged not to commit. And attacking hospitals and airports in the center of the country (when they are being attacked from Lebanon’s south with short-range rockets) with the “smart” highly targetable weapons that the Israelis claim they are using is again an unconscionable and illegal (under Geneva) attack on civilians.
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