The sponsors of I-912, the “Pricks for Potholes” initiative, turned in 232,000 signatures today; 224,880 are needed to qualify. Over on (un)Sound Politics, our friend Stefan celebrated the event with the headline “No New Gas Tax to make the ballot.” Um… yeah, maybe… but considering this is the same guy who predicted Dino Rossi would win his election contest lawsuit just days before the case was “dismissed with prejudice,” I’d take his prognostication with a grain of salt.
Large numbers of signatures are routinely disqualified, so the Secretary of State generally recommends a cushion of about 20% over the number of signatures required. I-912 sponsors would have to bring in around 40,000 additional signatures by Friday to meet that target.
Considering the fact that there is an organized opposition that will be monitoring the signature verification process, you can be sure that every signature that can be challenged, will be… so at this point I’d say that I-912 is still too close to call. If enough signatures are disqualified to keep I-912 off the ballot, some supporters might be tempted to cry foul, but I’m confident Stefan would never want to dilute the process with double signers, people not registered to vote, and signature mismatches.
We’ll have a better idea of the initiative’s status on Friday, but we likely won’t know if it qualifies for the ballot until mid-August.
Once again, your weird and jealous obsession with Stefan. You should be congratulating him for encouraging the legal Initiative process….not condemning. What’s wrong with the voters having the last word on this gas-tax Goldy?? I think we understand perfectly that Seattle is trying to beautify their waterfront via the Alaskan Way Viaduct boondoggle AT OUR EXPENSE! And to that, I say FUCK NO!
Did you write this thread after chugging a couple of stiff cordials Goldy?
I understand you are quite the conneisuer of “near-beer”???
I dont understand why the subversion of the refferendum process by the use of a false emergency is such a good thing?
And even if that is justified, why not let the matter come before the people?
Since when is any excercise of the initiative process a bad thing?
If the people want a say, let them speak.
I simply cannot understand why anyone opposes it, except for the companies that plan to make millions on bonds and contracts.
The state has done a crappy job of managing money till now, and their planning (Sound Transit and the Monorail for example) have given me absolutely no confidence in writing them a blank check with no actual plans.
Make a real tangible proposal (as opposed to pointing a finger and telling us its broken), show a need and then show some fiscal responsibility, and then I will be the first in line to pay the higher gas prices.
And the anti-smoking initiative will make the ballot. Yessss! Let’s pass it by a mile in November and breathe freely in our favorite restaurants!
I’m kinda hoping that the anti-smoking inititive passes so I’ll be less tempted to have the occasional “casual” smoke….
Right now I (usually) only smoke when I’m at a bar – if this thing passes, I’m guessing that my smoking will disappear also.
Oh, and (on an unrelated note) Stefan’s a douchebag.
hey, goldy blogged on this too! good to see stefan getting flamed.
X & Willis,
You bring up a great point regarding the Anti-Smoking initiative and it really is right on topic with the issue of I-912.
The gas tax was about increasing revenue stream for the state. Unfortunately, the gas tax was also a clear message to the voters in this state saying that regardless of what we have voted for in the past, the State legislature will do what they damn well want to (would we please stop being such a pian!). If I-912 makes the ballott, I will defintely support it.
At any rate, my point on the Smoking ban, the sin taxes were also another revenue stream for the state. Unfortunately, the biggest cause for people to quit smoking is not for health reasons. Rather, the cost associated with smoking has a much more significant impact on people either stopping or even better, not starting to smokine.
I am not a smoker and don’t want it around me. For a public health issue, the sin taxes were a great idea. For a revenue stream they were idiotic.
We’ll be in an interesting situation if I-912 passes and the increased price for smiokes has it impact as well.
Maybe there should be a tax. $5000 per year and it becomes a paysite. All the revenues could go towards projects that the state “plans” on addressing, but we would not have to see an actual accountabilityy for these monies. Of course we’ll first need to fund a focus group to see how voters feel about this, then we’ll need consultants to come up with a plan, next we’ll need to create a new state agency, where managers outnumber staff 5 to 1.
God, Washington State Politics just make good common sense.
The state has done a crappy job of managing money till now, and their planning (Sound Transit and the Monorail for example) have given me absolutely no confidence in writing them a blank check with no actual plans.
Of course, Sound Transit and the Monorail are not state agencies, but I wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of a good rant.
goldy, maybe you can get Dean Logan to count the ballots (in your favor)
The voters also approved the monorail four times, but every time Sharansky refers to it he prefaces his comments with, “Die, monorail, die.” So , I think we can reasonably dispense with Sharansky’s respect for the will of the people and the process of law. Sharansky has also bragged on his blog about instituting frivolous lawsuits against the monorail and thereby forcing the interest rates on the bonds to a higher level. So, one of the things Sharansky hates most about the monorail(the cost of interest)is a problem he helped cause.
How much more devious and underhanded crap do you have to see from a person to realize that they are using our fair state as a career springboard. He,s not interested in the wellbeibng of this state. He’s an opportunistic Californian whose name is really spelled, “Sharansky”, not SHARKansky!
Where are all the conservatives who thinks Bush is waging an effective War on Terror?
Has anyone seen the news from London?
Al Qaida is strongly suspected because of the sophistication of the timing. Porter Goss knows where Osama is, but he’s safe inside another country who is harborng him. Terrorism has grown in the number of attacks every year since 9/11 worldwide not decreasing. It was 8 years between attacks on the Twin Towers. America’s enemies are still on the loose.
This is central issue of Bush’s FAILED presidency. If anyone “believes” they’re safer now because of Bush you’re only fooling yourselves anymore. Wake up you stupid sheep. It’s time for new leadership in this country because the Republicans have failed.
Concerning the London Bombings, at the G-8 Bush said “we will not yield to these people.”
Oh, really? How about Bush sending a memo over to Porter Goss’ office and have him let Rummy in on the secret of Bin Laden’s hiding place, then Bush can just say, “go get him, Rummy.”
Face it you sheeple, Bush already has yielded. Impeach Impeach Bush for failing in his primary duty as President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief; protecting America.
If 912 ever qualifies for the ballot, the Keep Washington Rolling campaign will have only itself to blame for its ham-handed waste of time and money this past month. Its lame tactics played right into the hands of of the 912 crowd and helped generate 912 supportive news coverage beyond KVI – which did not exist prior to the anti-campaign. Dumb, really dumb.
Dr. Quest; Monorail won 4 votes for a different project and different cost. I think they lost their mandate about 9 billion ago…
I certainly hope that when the Brits get the terrorist that they give them ethnically sensitive meals and korans or else a human rights violation would have occurred. ANd the Democrats don’t want their terrorist allies being mistreated now do they?
I read a news story yesterday about how Bush is fighting terrorism right here at home by defunding the Coast Guard, whose aging vessels spring hull leaks, can’t communicate with each other by radio, and use radar sets purchased from recreational boating stores. A CG cutter in Florida couldn’t even spot boats 2 miles away. Al Qaeda could sneak a nuclear bomb into Miami harbor and we’d never know it until too late. Bush’s response? Stretch out the CG fleet replacement from 20 years to 25 years to save money. So much for protecting the homeland. All hat, no cattle.
Reply to 1
I think Seattle should replace the AWV and 520 bridge with existing gas tax revenues. All we have to do is stop exporting $125 million a year of gas taxes from King County to the rest of the state. The rest of you can drive on dirt roads for all I care.
GBS – Well, calling me a stupid sheep is not going to win you any awards. But as to our safety…. the attack occurred in Britain, not here. Why is it some people complain when our government gets it wrong (which is plenty of the time) but also gripe when they get it right. I am sorry Britain was attacked, but it was THEIR govt that failed. Not ours. And the bottom line is that al quaida needs to pay for this.
When is Bush going to start making Al Qaeda pay, instead of diddling around with optional wars?
Afghanistan is more area and more population than Iraq, and was Al Qaeda’s home base and Osama’s hideout. Yet Bush sent 140,000 troops to Iraq and 11,000 to Afghanistan. Go figure. Today, U.S. forces control only 1 city in Afghanistan (Kabul) while the rest of the country is either under Taliban control or up for grabs. In Iraq, U.S. forces apparently control about 10 square miles.
Face it, this president is doing a stinking lousy job, and so is his secretary of defense. If you want to get serious about Al Qaeda, then fire these amateurs and get somebody who knows what the hell they’re doing.
Who are we fighting in Iraq?
Who is responsible for 9/11?
Who is taking initial resposnsibility for London?
It appears we are on the right track and well, it appears you are a traitor to your nation.
Prr @ 19 – This complete crap and if you can’t live with dissenting vocies I suggest you move to a country that will tolerate a dictatorship. By calling those who oppose the president a traitor, you are showing yourself to be an enemy of democracy.
As for who we are fighting in Iraq… well, Iraqis for the most part. And they had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. I realize that Bush and Fox News have put endless amounts of energy into confusing the two, but really by now you should get your facts straight.
you may want to take a look at the Al qaeda network in Iraq and now what appears to be teh Al qaeda network in Europe.
Making excuses does not make your traitorous behavior excusable.
BTW, wanna bet that Bushs Approval rating will be at a high level by dinner time?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of double signatures, improper signatures, and otherwise illegal signatures is fairly high, the people pushing this had no reason to make sure the signatures are valid (and, in fact, are probably looking forward to having it thrown out for bad signatures so they can rail against Sam Reed and “the establishment”).
I figure Blair must be asking Bush for advice on how to deal with terrorism. This should mean that in the next few months, they will defund their coast guard and invade India to get back at Al Quaeda.
Cynical @1,
Obsession with Stefan? So it’s okay for bloggers to criticize the MSM but not each other? Tell that to Stefan.
And for all you “will of the people” folk… the people overwhelming passed an income tax by initiative back in 1933, only to see it thrown out by the courts on grounds that would never hold today. So I say the Legislature should honor the will of the people by enacting an income tax.
AND… I’ve opened a London terrorist attack thread, so let’s move that discussion over there.
PRR @ 21
I’ll take that bet. After all, if Bush had gone after OBL and the terrorist, instead of wasting time and money on Iraq and fueling terroism, today’s bombings would not have occured.
I’m with you GBS, I actually don’t think our right wing trolls know how to read! IF THEY DID…they would learn how this corrupt bunch of thugs are shortchanging the American people and the security of OUR homeland in their immoral quest for war profits in Iraq.
Oh…and did any of you brain surgeons notice that Iraq just inked a military partnership with Iran? What page was THAT on in the PNAC. Nice work, got ’em right where you want ’em huh, morons.
(From Yahoo News)
Responding to the suggestion that the thaw in ties with Iran would anger Washington, Dulaimi said: “Nobody can dictate to Iraq its relations with other countries.”
BTW; PackMan-I don’t need a pat on the head from you…I’m still angry because these so called “leaders” are incompetent, amoral jerks. Like the fabulous Randy “Duke” Cunningham (real estate speculator and yachtsman extrordinaire) from your Great State of Cahleeeforrrnia; the reek of the corruption conservatives creeps out from Texas and infests the rest of this Nation. You know, folks, I’ve got to hand it to the ReThugs in one respect…the Dems under Clinton were accused of lots of things, but it took the REAL PLAYA’s to pull it off in such a big way. Kudos to you Dick Cheney…you run the MOST. CORRUPT. ADMINISTRATION. EVER. (chosen by an unscientific poll of a single, well informed, Democratic voter)
Roger Rabbit@16
No problem, the road to my house is already a dirt road, as a matter of fact many of os drive a dirt road to get home.
Roger Rabbit@16
But you see it is a trade off like everything else, the country folks will get along but when your tomatoes are $15.00 per pound to pay the wear and tear on the semi as well as the slower speeds im sure you wont mind, ditto for beef and so on. You see that is why you king county/Seattle people need to vote yourselves your very own 51st utopian state. You could have all the monorails, sounders, and busses you want. You could show the rest of the world how people should live! Dont worry about us we will be fine! You can even have the governor, we will get one that speaks for us.
I am so tired of hearing rants from party hack Democrats whining about Republicans. When they have Chad Staton in Ohio collecting bogus registrations for them in exchange for crack cocaine:
Or the conviction of the Democt party in St Louis for vote fraud:
“All five defendants in the vote fraud trial in East St. Louis were convicted by a jury today after five and a half hours of deliberations.
The defendants showed little response when the verdicts were displayed on an overhead projector in federal court. Defendant Sheila Thomas dabbed her eyes, but the other four stared straight ahead.
Charles Powell Jr., the head of the city’s Democratic Party, three precinct committeemen and an election worker had been accused of buying votes to get prominent Democrats elected in the Nov. 2 election.
Also convicted were Democratic precinct committee members Thomas, 31, and Jesse Lewis, 56, and City Hall worker Yvette Johnson, 46. Kelvin Ellis, the city’s former director of regulatory affairs, along with Thomas, Lewis and Johnson also were convicted of one count apiece of election fraud for allegedly paying at least one person to vote — or offering to do so.”
Lying liberals can only make false allegations and not back them with any proof. They can only make unsubstantiated allegations.
pbj @ 28:
Wow, sounds like almost any thread over at the ss minow’s blog. Perhaps making false allegations without any proof crosses party lines?
“In 1932, the Washington State Grange, an organization of rural residents, formed a coalition with urban labor organizations, school teachers, and unhappy urban property owners to pass an income tax initiative with more than 70% voter support. A 40 mill property tax limit was also passed. Although the new income tax plan was signed into law in December of 1932, it was soon challenged in the courts by several Seattle businessmen. The income tax was struck down in September 1933 because it violated the Fourteenth Amendment, which required all direct taxes to be uniform on all categories of property. “Property” was defined to include net income and therefore a graduated income tax schedule was deemed unconstitutional.”
Makes sence to me Goldy…once again a “graduated” tax, wrong thinking, a proper income tax should be flat across the board.
JDB – Yes that is probably true. I try to stick to providing the proof when I make a charge.
Roger Rabbit@16
Hell you guys could even mark all your roads HOV lanes then…imagine the beauty of it! Almost like a John Lennon song! Outlaw all guns and sit around smoking dope and enjoying your peace!
Good point. Since they do however use state funding they should have some reasonable oversight. If the state wont at least do that, I still have no reason to trust them at a state level.
Goldie @ 10
I also agree that the bombings in london are horrorific, but this thread did actually have a topic, one written by *you*.
We should discuss the *local* impact of government run amuck as much if not more then at a federal level shouldnt we? Which has more impact on our day to day life?
You are disgusted with Bush, how say you for Gregoire and the Washington Legislature who care nothing for the will of the people? Are they your model of effective leadership?
As for the london bombings, are you sugesting we wage a war in London too?
There were world wide terror attacks before Bush, dating back at least to 1992 and they will likely continue after. Did you blame Clinton for the attacks in 90’s?
Blaming Bush is a comforting way to sleep at night but it ignores certain aspects of reality.
I have no reason to believe that President Gore or Kerry would have been much more effective.
Good point. Since they do however use state funding they should have some reasonable oversight. If the state wont at least do that, I still have no reason to trust them at a state level.
The mass transit portions of ST and the monorail don’t get any state money. So I take it since you’ve been wrong with both your posts you’ll now oppose 912?
If you’re going to make an argument, at least get your facts straight.
What is your obsession with taxing everyone for a project that is undefined? Aren’t you of the political persuasion that likes to sport bumper stickers that read, “QUESTION AUTHORITY”?
It is surprising that you support the legislature dodging it’s job of balancing a budget by making it a little bit harder on every citizen in the state to do so.
You should be helping us to:
1. Demand some accounting as to where the money collected since the last gas tax increase has gone. (.28 a gallon is a lot of bucks over three years)
2. Demand that we have a say in what our government is imposing on us under the guise of an ’emergency’.
1. Demand some accounting as to where the money collected since the last gas tax increase has gone. (.28 a gallon is a lot of bucks over three years)
Have you read the WSDOT website? Go here:
See all those projects with the blue “N” on them? They’re being paid for by the 5 cent increase from ’03. Then go here:
Look at page 5. So far WSDOT has completed 12 nickel projects. 8 were early, 1 late, 3 on time. 6 were under budget, 1 over, and 5 on budget.
Looks to me like we’re getting a pretty good deal for the money we spend. Now that you can see that DOT is doing a pretty good job with $, seeing how their projects are largely on time and under budget, will you now oppose I-912?
Baynative @ 35
”What is your obsession with taxing everyone for a project that is undefined?”
Sorry, Baynative, if you are going to post here, you need to keep up with the facts. Most of the tax revenue is earmarked for specific projects or purposes (ferries, maintenance, etc.). This “undefined project” is utter bullshit. Two ideas for you: (1) read the fucking legislation. It clearly specifies were each little chunk of the tax goes to. (2) visit and read about the projects.
’Aren’t you of the political persuasion that likes to sport bumper stickers that read, “QUESTION AUTHORITY”?’
Yeah, so? There is nothing anti-liberal about raising revenue to properly maintain an investment in transportation infrastructure, improve safety of existing infrastructure, or adding to infrastructure where needed.
”It is surprising that you support the legislature dodging it’s job of balancing a budget by making it a little bit harder on every citizen in the state to do so.”
What the fuck? We live in a state ranked 24 out of 50 for total state tax burden. This means Washingtonians are doing pretty well. Did you know that Washington was ranked the 4th best managed state recently? Or, is your vision for Washington to have the infrastructure of Bangladesh?
”1. Demand some accounting as to where the money collected since the last gas tax increase has gone. (.28 a gallon is a lot of bucks over three years)”
Yep. . . that was done. (See Bax @ 36).
2. Demand that we have a say in what our government is imposing on us under the guise of an ‘emergency’.
We do. It is called an “election”. It is called, writing your political representatives. Unfortunately for you, it is most effective when you actually have specific and accurate knowledge about the issues. . . .
WHO ranked Washington the 4th best managed state recently? Source please.
Also dj—where do you think Washington ranks in terms of cost of living AND cost of living vs. median family income???
Also Also dj–You accept WSDOT accountability of itself as accountability??
DJ–Your losing your edge!
Hopefully not losing your usually sharp mind too!
This Gas Tax is:
a) Going Down
b) Will show Washington government at its worst.
Great editorial in Friday’s Seattle Times, which is strongly opposed to last week’s decision in Thurston County that KVI commentary had to be counted as a donation to NoNewGasTax.Com
Mr. Cynical @ 38
Actually, DJ is wrong. Washington was ranked as the third best state government, right behind Republican-dominated Utah and Virginia, who tied for first place.
Mr. Cynical @ 39
If that is true, Jim West should really love the gas tax! Hopefully, Keep Rolling Washington will add West to their list of supporters.
Bax @ 34.
Sophistry. ST and the monorail are tax based projects. Its our money going into them, and they are pouring down the toliet. If you want to not consider that *state* money, fine. Its still taxes paid by the taxpayers of Washington.
Sound Transit was over budget by Millions before a single spade of dirt was turned, its rail line is shorter then initial proposal, it does nothing to eliminate road congestion and it doesn’t service the areas needing it the most.
Yep. Sounds like a good plan.
I supported the monorail, but it seems to be going down the same toliet.
I want, no i demand financial accountability. When i see it, then they can have more of my taxes.
Richard @ 40
They woke up and realized that they would be next, for all their editorials and support endorsements.
And Blogs have to be in site too.
We should worry about a lot of things here at home.
Richard @ 41
I totally forgot about the scientifically proven rating system of the masters of management, the PEW Charitable Trust!
And your other comment…stinks too!!!
dj must have done a Google-search using “Washington” “third-best managed” and unbelievable came up with a hit!!! ONE!
Does that chart on page 5 exhibit $40.078 Million or $400 Million?
Does that chart on page 5 exhibit $40.078 Million or $400 Million?
I’m sure it should be thousands, so the total is $40 million — somehow I doubt a message board should be $332 million. Unless of course we’re advertising traffic conditions in Kennewick to outer space or something.
Sophistry. ST and the monorail are tax based projects. Its our money going into them, and they are pouring down the toliet. If you want to not consider that *state* money, fine. Its still taxes paid by the taxpayers of Washington.
I see. So basically, when you’re shown to be wrong, you just shift the goalposts and demand something else.
My Rep., Lynn Kessler tells me there about 8,000,000 cars and trucks on the road in WA every day. Figuring an average of 5 gallons per vehicle (way low considering cop, UPS, busses, etc.) and .05 in tax on each gallon that’s around two million a day (not counting fuel docks). Seems to me they are taking in over $7 BILLION a year on just the nickle. Where is the rest of the .28 cents going????
dj –
Using your references, there is something very wrong with the government’s accounting for what they do with the money.
They claim that they are doing all the projects on time and under budget …and that’s only with “the Nickle”. They show either $40 Million or $400 million budget depending on what you read, but their actual confiscations would total close to $30Billion of you include the entire .28 cents they are taking in. And that doesn’t even consider the fuel docks. What does it take to fill a tanker heading for the far East?
Get over it. Nothing I said was wrong. You want to split hairs and charge me with a technicality.
My point is still valid, the state has no controls and accountability on spending and use of our tax dollars, and before i provide more taxes, I want to see some.
Nothing hard to understand there.
I am also pissed about the bogus Emergency clause that made this into an intiative, not a refforendum. the state legislature needs a kick in their butts by their employers….US.
And since the pro tax crowd have taken this mess into much more dangerous ground, such that even the Seattle Times is siding with talk radio over something, the whole issue is getting bigger daily.
I’ve learned there is no tax on marine fuels. Also, there is no tax on off road commercial paving and raod construction equipment.
So, to be fair, I’ll cut down my other estimates too. Let’s say there are 8,000,000 vehicles on the road and thay only average ONE Gallon a day. With .28 cents a galloon in tax, I think that comes to $2,240,000 per day and $8.176 BILLION a year.
The numbers published by KeepWashingtonRolling and WDOT are nowhere near that.
I’ll admit confusion. But, that’s why I feel we need an explaination!
Leraning, a little:
. There are certainly lots of exemptions
I think this is what the politicians rely on. They know that regardless of the issue or how ridiculous their angle is, the left will turn it into a partisan battle for them and further confuse the facts.
I think you are right to a degree.
Sometimes being against someone is more important the actually dealing with issues, and thats on both sides. I know as many anti-democract republicans as I do anti-republican democrats.
Thats why I have tried to distance myself from any partisan alignment, and try to maintain a moderate independent stance.
I dont always succeed, but I do try.
420,518 — probably not enough signatures, right Goldy?
420,518 – King County could even screw up validating 225,000 out of that pile. Luckily enough they won’t be the ones responsible for actually doing that work though.
My point is still valid, the state has no controls and accountability on spending and use of our tax dollars, and before i provide more taxes, I want to see some.
Really? No controls and accountability? Care to provide some evidence to back up that assertion? Why don’t you tell us exactly how DOT spends its money, since you seem to know, and tell us how they spend the money with “no controls and accountability.”
Really? No controls and accountability? Care to provide some evidence to back up that assertion? Why don’t you tell us exactly how DOT spends its money, since you seem to know, and tell us how they spend the money with “no controls and accountability.”
Bax by definition in the corporate world there is no accountablity without independant audits being performed. You just dont get it do you. People not only have the right but the duty to hold the government to a high standard of accountability. The only way you can do this is through true independant audits. Until you can prove that your info was independantly verified it should regarded as a bunch of shit. Plain and simple.
It should be mandatory that in highschool everyone should be taught the basics of accounting and auditing. Everyone would know what the true meaning of accountability really is. I would greatly reduce the amount of propaganda that we have now coming from government.
Bax by definition in the corporate world there is no accountablity without independant audits being performed.
Bullshit. There is accountability by hiring the right people to do the job. You think that most people who work in private business are held accountable in their day to day work environment by private auditing firms? Absolutely not. They’re held accountable by their bosses and co-workers, who see them doing (or not doing) their job every day. And more importantly, they’re held accountable by the leadership of their company, who sets the standard for what is acceptable and what isn’t. That’s what holds people accountable. Not some hack auditor from Arthur Anderson who comes in and signs off on a bunch of out of whack financial numbers and then goes on their merry way.
I hope to God you’re not in a leadership position in a major company.
You just dont get it do you. People not only have the right but the duty to hold the government to a high standard of accountability. The only way you can do this is through true independant audits. Until you can prove that your info was independantly verified it should regarded as a bunch of shit. Plain and simple.
Look, I have absolutely no problem with doing independant audits of DOT. Neither do they. They welcome it. DOT is already more audited than just about any other agency of state government. And I do demand a high standard of accountability from my government.
The problem I have is I know what the outcome is going to be. They may find some minor kinks in the system, but by and large, they’ll likely find that DOT spends tax money properly. Look at their track record. They just tore up downtown Bellevue on 405 and rebuilt three overpasses and interchanges to make room for an eventually widened freeway. They finished the project ONE YEAR early and $25 million under budget. The majority of the nickel projects are being completed ahead of schedule and under budget. They just repaved I-5 in downtown Seattle in two weekends.
Let’s say you do these private audits. How long will it take? A year? Two? In that time land costs will have gone up. Project costs will have gone up. And I guarantee you that any money you may have saved with these audits will be more than eaten up with project cost increases.
That’s why I think we need to start the job now. Because it’ll SAVE MONEY in the long run, and what I want my government to do is spend the least amount of money possible to do the job.
So when the auditor finds out what we already know, I’ll be happy. But I know you won’t be. Because I know you’ll demand something else. Because people like you always do. Because it’s very simple: you will never be in favor of a gas tax increase. And that’s fine. I just wish you would be honest about it, because then we can have an honest debate, instead of what we’re having.
I hope to God you’re not in a leadership position in a major company.
Bax– I hope you dont work for the SEC.. I sure wouldnt buy any stock if you were.
I take it then that you agree with my statements that DOT is by and large doing a good job? Okay then. Will you now oppose 912?