“Record for hottest January isn’t broken … it’s smashed“
Huh. Our good friend Stefan takes every report of a snow flurry or a chilly breeze as an opportunity to derisively mock incredibly stupid people like me for believing the overwhelming consensus of the world’s climatologists. So I suppose if he’s intellectually consistent, we should be seeing a post from him today acknowledging that January’s weather proves beyond a shadow of a doubt — and entirely on its on, in isolation of all other evidence — that the earth is warming, and that man-made carbon emissions are a contributing factor.
I look forward to reading that post.
It’s all relative; there’s no global warming. We’re just getting colder.
The world will do what it does. If it’s getting warmer, then it’s getting warmer.
That means I’m looking at some waterfront property at my place, and Washington red wines are comin’ on strong!
derisively means to mock…So why say “derisively mock”
I got some others for you…
Goldy’s posts are monotonously dull
Goldy is incoherently inarticulate
Or, my favorite…
Goldy is a begging hobo!
Key talking point words= Consensus, world climatologists, man made, carbon emmisions.
Gee you only forgot “green house effect”
What you did forget? Scientific Method
this winter and last winter was cold as hell. Cant you people see that?
Too bad so many people confuse weather with climate; likewise fail to read any of the actual analysis of the expected and modelled changes in the weather patterns from global climate change. Oh well, a certain ignorance is necessary to sustain the happiness of idealogues
Jesse @5
Your perception of the temperature is the defining statement, right?
“this winter and last winter was cold as hell”
and you want to talk about climate?
The wingnuts are parading their ignorance of — and contempt for — science again. More stupidity brought to you by the authors of the Katrina and Iraq fiascos.
Wingnut ignoramuses: You should educate yourselves about ocean currents sometime. You know — ocean currents? You know what those are, right?
One of the effects of global warming is a “significant slowing of the ocean circulation that transports warm water to the North Atlantic.” (quote from wikipedia) This can result in colder winters in northern Europe and northeast US. In case you haven’t noticed, these areas also have been experiencing summer heat waves in the last few years.
But the bottom line is Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit whether you know anything about global warming or admit it exists. It’ll happen anyway.
Frankly, I don’t give a shit either! A warmer climate will expand the range of RABBITS. That means, of course, MORE RABBITS!!! You never can have too many rabbits. My buddies have already taken over Australia, and North America is next! When you fools have polluted your species into extinction, rabbits will rule the planet, and I will be their king! So fuck you, and keep right on doing what you’re doing, which suits me just fine.
Naw, what we really need are more coyotes, wolves and wild dogs. That’ll take care of the fucking rabbit problem!
And don’t forget more pumas, wildcats, foxes, and lynx.
Oh what the hell – how about more rabbit hunters with shotguns and beagels!
Antarctic temperatures disagree with climate model predictions
COLUMBUS , Ohio – A new report on climate over the world’s southernmost continent shows that temperatures during the late 20th century did not climb as had been predicted by many global climate models.
ooops that darn scientific method again. “global climate models” now those are scientific…HAR HAR HAR
@9 New Orleans problem is with its \”citizens\”, not a rare perversity of weather.
No matter what name you use you are still a coward.
Sucks to be you, asshole!
WTF is beagels?
Did you mean B E A G L E ?
Fucking wingnuts, can’t think, can’t spell and probably need help wiping their ass.
Jacob @ 3
You are an asshole.
No oxymoron needed.
#18 re #13
I think he meant bagel, cause I know I don’t go rabbit hunting without my shotgun, bagel, and cream cheese ;)
(don’t forget the lox)
re21: And you are saying we’re dumb?
It’s “locks”, not “lox”!!! Sheesh!!! You tryin’ to spell like a homeslice?
If you’re from Ballard. make that gravad lox.
It is the same thing you libtards do. A single day that is hotter somewhere than somewhere else and immediately your libtard controlled MSM squawks it is but more proof of the libertard theory of global warming. You simply don’t like it when your own tactics are used against you.
I still remember the “Population Bomb”. The ice age predictions from the 1970’s and of course the prediciton that libtard thoery of global warming said the 2006 hurricane season was going to be record setting. Guess what libtards? It wasn’t even close!
And before the first libtard robot asks me where I got my PhD in climatology, they can tell me where Al Gore got his. Or where Clownstein got his. Hell Clownstein doesn’t even have a science degree. At least Stefan has that.
Blockheaded moron at 22:
Not sure who you are, but lox is what you eat on bagels. If you eat locks on bagels you are quite the man.
Careful when you go off half cocked, you only shoot yourself.
PBJ @ 24
You are a fucktard… you Republifuckers just go on and on in your pathetic diatribe of denial about global climate change. Furthermore, your pervasive narcissism, arrogance and ignorance is going to do us all in.
As we just continue to pollute and destroy the earth which sustains us – again, WHICH SUSTAINS US (just do your little narcissistic mind can maybe grasp it), we just continue to go down the path of leaving behind a damaged earth for future generations. You Republitard are morally void and it’s just sad.
I’d much rather take a chance on cleaning our earth up, based on the information we have, than continue to rape it for everything we can take from it.
You people make me sick to my stomach.
To all of you right wing assholes:
The earth doesn’t need us, rather it sustains us and mother nature will always win. So you’d better wake up and start paying respect to what keeps us alive as a race.
I am not a treehugger, but I travel a lot and I see the destruction of the environment from a global perspective – not a Washington perspective. It is imperative that we WAKE UP and deal with this problem. The United States can no longer continue, in it’s arrogance, to remain in denial. Our greed is contributes to the destruction and damage to the earth and we need to make signifigant changes. In fact, at some point we are not going to be given the choice, because mother nature will prevail.
like me for believing the overwhelming consensus of the world’s climatologists
Yea and who are these people anyway never heard of any names
Take a look on it!!!
Weather: The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.