“Stefan has an accuracy rate that Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf would envy…”
That’s what Ron Sims spokesman Sandeep Kaushik told me when I asked about Stefan’s suggestion on (un)Sound Politics that the King County Executive was “actively seeking” the Port of Seattle director’s job.
Sims’s candidacy for Port director sounded fanciful. But I’m told Sims was actively lobbying for the job (The annual compensation is over $350,000, more than twice that of County Executive). Sources familiar with County Council backroom dealings report that several Councilmembers were already jockeying for the appointment to succeed Sims.
“Sources”…? Uh-huh. Stefan should stop listening to those voices in his head.
Besides, councilmembers are always jockeying to succeed Sims. (Sources tell me that Larry Phillips and Bob Ferguson actually carry carpet swatches with them whenever they visit the Executive’s office.)
Kaushik described Sims as a little annoyed that this rumor persists despite his blunt denials to several members of the press. According to Kaushik, Sims said that he never sought the position, never put his name in for consideration and never asked anybody to recommend him on his behalf. “I’d swear on a library full of bibles,” Sims told Kaushik.
From what I hear, Sims not only fully intends to fill out his term, he has not yet completely ruled out running for reelection in 2009. Of course… a cabinet secretary appointment from a Democratic president could cut Sims’ tenure short. So Bob… Larry… keep those carpet swatches handy.
Allah Akbar… watch it and celebrate what liberals have wrought.
Allah Akbar
ps, pay close attention to the talk about young girls… are YOUR 9yr olds fighting the hibab? HIT her… till she’s 10… then feel free to marry her off.
Allah Akbar
What fucking cabinet position could sims fill?
Hasn’t Steve Sharansky compared Sims to Robert Mugabe on several occasions? That is racism.
He could as easily compared him to Augusto Pinochet.
… or Richard Nixon
He’d be great at either Health and Human Services or Transportation. Roll the thought of Ron Sims as a cabinet secretary through your twisted little brain, Redneck. It’s a lovely thought, wouldn’t you agree?
Oh auntie, have you forgotten your meds again? Using the same old wingnut rhetoric that equates anyone whose opinion differs from your own narrow worldview with the enemy who would be just as happy to kill you as he would me is just so passe.
I think you need some new material, auntie. You couldn’t even win ‘Last Comic Standing’ let alone a reasonable argument with that tripe.
“(Sources tell me that Larry Phillips and Bob Ferguson actually carry carpet swatches with them whenever they visit the Executive’s office.)”
Dunno about Phillips, but I’m pretty sure Bob would find this pretty funny.
The evidence it clear: auntieliberal is JCH’s newest incarnation.
What a dipswitch.
Good ol’ Baghdad Bob! Bush should fire Tony Snow and hire Bob, so we could at least get a laugh out of White House press conferences! For example:
Reporter: Mr. al-Sahaf, what is the president’s assessment of yesterday’s violence in Baghdad?
Baghdad Bob: There are no insurgents in Baghdad. Never!
Reporter: Well, um, there seems to be a lot of daily violence in Baghdad …
Baghdad Bob: My feelings – as usual – we will slaughter them all! Our initial assessment is that they will all die!
Reporter: Can you tell us why America still has troops in Iraq, when it’s obvious most Iraqis don’t want us there?
Baghdad Bob: I blame Al-Jazeera – they are marketing for the terrorists!
Reporter: Can you comment on the White House complaints about alleged negative media reports?
Baghdad Bob: God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of our patriots!
Reporter: Do you have any comments on yesterday’s fighting?
Baghdad Bob: We destroyed 32 missiles, 14 fighter planes, and 2 aircraft carriers! We have driven them back!
Reporter: What are the administration’s military objectives in this new deployment of troops?
Baghdad Bob: Surrender or be burned in their tanks.
Reporter: The insurgents have tanks?
Baghdad Bob: We have them surrounded in their tanks.
Reporter: What is the president’s current assessment of the insurgency?
Baghdad Bob: They’re not even within 100 miles of Baghdad. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion … they are trying to sell to the others an illusion. They do not even have control over themselves! Do not believe them!
Reporter: Can we go back to your statements about the insurgents possessing tanks …
Baghdad Bob: They tried to bring a small number of tanks and personnel carriers in through al-Durah but they were surrounded and most of them had their throats cut. We have given the insurgents a lesson which will not be forgotten by history. Truly.
Reporters: Um, yeah … uh, getting back to yesterday’s fighting …
Baghdad Bob: On this occasion, I am not going to mention the number of the insurgents who were killed. It is very great. The operation continues. We’re giving them a real lesson today. Heavy doesn’t accurately describe the level of casualties we have inflicted. I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of Baghdad. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly. They are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad. Be assured, Baghdad is safe, protected. We defeated them yesterday. God willing, I will provide you with more information. I swear by God, I swear by God, those who are fighting the occupation forces have thrown their mercenaries in a crematorium. They will be burnt. We are going to tackle them.
Reporter: Can you comment on the suicide bombing that killed 76 people?
Baghdad Bob: We blocked them inside the city. Their rear is blocked. They are desperate. Today we slaughtered them. They are out of the city. Entirely! The insurgent force that was in the city, this force was destroyed. Their casualties and bodies are many.
Reporter: Aren’t you exaggerating?
Baghdad Bob: Just look carefully, I only want you to look carefully. Do not repeat the lies of liars. Do not become like them. Once again, I blame Al-Jazeera before it ascertains what takes place. Please, make sure of what you say and do not play such a role. Search for the truth. I tell you things and I always ask you to verify what I say. Go see for yourself! Everything is okay.
Reporter: But … but … there is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. occupation forces are not in control of the city, that things are out of control in Baghdad …
Baghdad Bob: By God, I think this is rather very unlikely. This is merely a prattle. The fact is that as soon as the insurgents reach the Baghdad gates, we will besiege them and slaughter them. Wherever they go they will find themselves encircled.
Reporter: What does the president think of the idea of replacing U.S. troops with U.N. peacekeeping forces:
Baghdad Bob: The United Nations is a place for prostitution under the feet of our enemies. They are for surrender. We will not surrender! We are winning.
Reporter: Many Americans feel Iraq is a quagmire …
Baghdad Bob: Our fighters in Umm Qasr are giving the hordes of insurgents the taste of definite death. We have drawn them into a quagmire and they will never get out of it.
Reporter: The insurgency never seems to end …
Baghdad Bob: Their forces committed suicide by the hundreds. The battle is very fierce and God made us victorious. The fighting continues. Yesterday, we slaughtered them and we will continue to slaughter them. We will push those crooks, those mercenaries back into the swamp.
Reporter: I don’t have any more questions.
Baghdad Bob: Thank you very much! As you can see, things are going very well! Thank you very much.
In a desperate attempt to catch up to Goldy in readership, stature and radio talk show hosting, Stefan will try to “BREAK” any story he can even he has to make it up.
Poor Stefan, he has bloggers envy.
Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog! How’s your lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCRE going? Did the judge award you damages because the county, after giving you access to 600,000 documents, use of a county room for 6 weeks, and the full time services of a county employee, overlooked a couple pages? Why won’t you share the proceeds of this lawsuit with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
Stefan has been awfully quiet about his lawsuit the last few months.
In typical knee-JERK reaction, you didn’t bother to actually watch the three videos that outlined their hatred for YOU… and yet you say the same things they say, you defend them and you continue celebrate the fact that you will keep on dancing down the cultural road that makes them hate you.
WTG assholes!
Allah Akbar
ps, leftjew… since you didn’t watch the videos you missed all they happened to say about their ‘respect’ for you and Judaism.
Allah Akbar… and mazel tov (you’ll need it)
leftist – I’m not too worried about it. TSWITW will easily win the primary and get her big fat ass kicked in a general. She’s the most divisive figure in the history of Murkan politics. She is 100% unelectable.
Hillary is more divisive than GW? C’mon, son, GW has set the standard for divisiveness.
GWB’s biggest mistake, and GOP in general has been not being “divisive” enough. They try to hard to get along with you assholes. That’s why we lost last election.
I agree with you. The GOP needs to get more divisive. I would suggest you folks nominate Karl Rove for your candidate in ’08. Dispense with the middleman nonsense. Karl will brook no bipartisanship talk. Alternatively, maybe Tom Delay would be a good candidate for you. He has shown an admirable ability to totally disregard Democrats.
16/17 Better yet, hire Anti-Lib as a speechwriter.
Nope, neither one. Newt would win every state. Just like Reagan.
Once again, I agree with you. Newt poses the most formidable candidate the Republicans could offer. I think you should send him a note of encouragement and a generous check. Get in on the ground floor.
Steffy doesn’t need sources. As a republican, lying is something that he does without assistance.
@13 Why should we worry about Al Qaeda? They can’t possibly hate us more than you wingnuts do … and you’re a lot nearer to our homes anddloved ones.
@14 Hunh … and Bush is the “great uniter?” (snicker) You’re always good for a laugh, welsher. Pay your fucking debt before Goldy kicks YOUR ass! (Or subcontracts it to some Cleveland “businessmen.”)
@16 Any time, motherfucker.
@19 “Newt would win every state.”
WHOOOP HAW HEEEE HAR HOO HO HA HA — Newt can’t even stay married!!
Geez, Reddick, you tryin’ to make me tear my peritoneum?
@21 That’s right, Stef doesn’t waste time or money on sources; “journalism” is so much easier when you make stuff up as you go along …
I thought the “GW was the International Standard for divisiveness. . . .badah-bing!
Nope, neither one. Newt would win every state. Just like Reagan.
I don’t think Reagan divorced a wife while she had cancer, or got blowjobs from his staffers.
Newt’s smoked too much dope while watching the Jetsons, too. Basically, he has many of Bill Clinton’s downsides, without many of his upsides, since his resume is as a partisan hatchet man in Congress instead of a successful and smart Southern governor with some political skills. That’s just not the resume that wins you elections. Hell, Robert Dole had a war record AND didn’t diddle the help while he was married to Liddy Dole… and it didn’t win HIM 50 states, did it?
The guy who has the most realistic shot on the R side is Saint McCain, since the press has completely bought into the “Straight Talk Express” (and ignores McCain’s very real weaseling). That being said, if Iraq is still a clusterfuck in fall ’08 , unless whoever the R nominee is has basically said “we’re coming home once I get in”, the Democratic nominee is going to win, regardless of who the Republican is. You can’t say “fuck you, I don’t care what you think, but vote for me anyway” to the 60-70% of the electorate in America that wants the troops home and expect to win.
I think it will be a LONG time before the Republicans nominate anyone with the last name of Bush- since the last two have managed to screw things up quite nicely for the Republicans, when they were in enviable position when they showed up.
Broadway Joe says: Oh auntie, have you forgotten your meds again? Using the same old wingnut rhetoric that equates anyone whose opinion differs from your own narrow worldview with the enemy who would be just as happy to kill you as he would me is just so passe.
I posted this link last year Broadway Joe. Direct from the islamofascist mouth. Alas, Goldie is afraid to post these links.
“They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the US that a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is destroyed.”
“Abu Abdullah, a leader of Hamas’ military wing in the Gaza Strip, said the policy of withdrawal “proves the strategy of the resistance is the right strategy against the occupation.”
Hmmm…? They said it Broadway Joe! Goodday
Are you aware of the entertainment value you provide thinking people? Hell, I almost feel guilty about not sending you a monthly fee for the laughs you give me. Cable tv can’t match the laugh-a-minute you can do. You are a parody of someone who wants to think he (or she) might have some intellectual substance. You say what you think someone accustomed to hearing others of substance might expect to hear. Keep it up, m’lad (or m’lass). Who says nothin’ good is free anymore?
Bu$h xliii is the great uniter!
In 5.5 years he pushed all the Democrats back together in a united front to trash the GOoPerz, obliterate the rethuglicans, drive stakes through the black hearts of the wingnutz & ex-communicate the Konservative Kristian Koalition.
The Democratic Party is not good at being successful. After 8 years of Clinton, most of the sub-groups of the progressive & liberal & moderate & socialist left decided to fight each other instead of the GOoPerz.
Well, now maybe we can see another 40 years of solidarity on the left side of the fence——of course it’ll take that long, or longer, to undo Bu$hInc’s fuck ups.
Leftist: Again, I post links proving your libtard words are empty. I’m glad you think islamofascism is funny. Keep up the good face!
Or better yet Read Jimmy Cahhhhhrter’s book! See why 14 people resigned!
DarrellSucksButtPutty@33 Hows that moonlight job as a legal analyst comin’ along, Darrell? Gee, maybe the next time the WashGop’ers want to poor a million and a half bucks down a legal rathole you can step up and provide them with your looneytunes take on their legal case. . . .
Be careful, Darrell, you’ll be competing with the Minnow as the ‘Baghdad Bob’ of WashGop’ers soon.
Froggy: Thanks for the compliment! I sit on your every word, especially from the kiddy table.
Moonbat!s answer post #30? You can’t because it refutes your miserable position. They only understand their destruction.
Proud Leftist: I’ll gladly take your money. Send it to Children’s Make-A-Wish Foundation! I know you’ll never do it. You are a cheap Moonbat!, just like ABC News found out in 24 Moonbat! libtard controlled cities to their amazement.
Did you miss that post last week Lefty?
mark at 3 why the booze cabinet
Oh Puttybutt, you poor defenseless moron. You’re almost as much fun to annoy as Dear Old Auntie. You can post any video you want. But you miss the point. As usual. Osama, Nasrallah, Ahmadinejad and the rest of the thugs-for-Allah couldn’t give a flying fuck about your personal politics, or mine for that matter. They want one thing.
They want you dead. Ka-put, tits-up, dis-ass-sembled, ex-ter-mi-nated (okay, everyone do your Dalek impersonation now). Along with about 300 million others. That’s the rest of us, puttybutt.
Dead. Run that through your microscopic little brain for a minute. Dead. Your first response is, “Why?” Why, indeed. I’ll tell you why.
It’s because we (we being Americans) are not them. It’s because we are not bowing to them. It’s because we are not cowering before their perversion of an otherwise noble faith. The thugs-for-Allah want one of two things from the entire world, converts or corpses.
I choose to be none of the above, puttybutt. I am a proud American citizen. I have two sons in the Middle East as we speak. Your retarded insinuation that those who oppose the neoconservative….uh, neofascist agenda that is destroying America faster than the thugs-for-Allah could’ve possibly dreamed are themselves terrorists is insulting and offensive to all Americans.
Broadway Joe: I make no insinuation dipstick. Your side ignores the threat. Your side invokes Rodney King’s words: “Why can’t we get along” Do you remember the Time article and front page of 2005? Everytime I explain the threat, using islamofascists words, the usual Moonbat!s arrive starting with Furball the Pelletizer and Loony Loocy, dismiss this as wrong and delustional.
You are the first to acknowledge these islamofascists antics. You need to talk to your ASSheadite friends and convince them. I’m sure your written eloquence will do wonders. Why not start today?
You have me mixed up with your Libtard Moonbat! friends. If you navigate back to November 2006 and look up the two dates I posted this link, you’d view the Moonbat!tic commentary of the ASSHeads libtards here. They don’t believe these people are like this.
While you are at it you better work on the Moonbat! led Congress, starting with Nancy Pelosi. I have some wonderful words from her too on this subject!
I honor the work of your sons. I’ll pray for their safety, something your rabid ASSHead Moonbat! friends would never put in print. I had two nephews there two years ago.
Good day!
delustional – delusional