Three years?–I’d say they were doing way better than Barack Obama, who took 20 years to figure out that black liberation theology and america-bashing in the pulpit might not be so good for his political career, after all.
Three years?–I’d say they were doing way better than Barack Obama, who took 20 years to figure out that black liberation theology and america-bashing in the pulpit might not be so good for his political career, after all.
Yeah, it really destroyed his career, numnuts. That dude’s going nowhere!
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Amy: please get new talking points somewhere else.
You know, it’s hard to take seriously the comments of somebody who posts under multiple screen names on the same day. Do you get paid to troll, or do you just have nothing better to do with your time?
Maybe they were being trained by the Lynnwood Police Dept.?
Seriously, this is an attempt to put Collacurcio (sp?) behind bars in the final years of his life on racketeering charges, and to seize the assets (effectively putting virtually every club in the area out of business).
Three years? The Colacurcio family is something of a decades-old Seattle institution at this point. How that came to pass might be an interesting story to tell. Perhaps the old man should write a book.
The trolls just can’t help themselves, can they? There’s a mindset there that’s very, very disturbing.
My Left Footspews:
So Amy, suffering from multiple personality syndrome? Maybe your liberal personality will fight your conservative personality to the death?
Well, we can always hope.
@4 Hehehe…
@7 It’d be interesting if Goldie posted the other screen names. I wonder if there’s any difference in style from screen name to screen name. Or is it all just your basic troll uglyness. Certainly, the Amy entity is bare bones troll – on the level of a 12 year old drooler.
My Left Footspews:
Why don’t you tell us the names he is posting under although I would hazard to guess he is also Rick D and Buzz.
Ye gods…what more obvious indication that it’s an election year than to have the gendarmes out in force going after the strip joints?
You got one of them. “Amy” has also posted as Buzz, What’sittoya, strange but true, Michele, Obi-wan, Bwamee, Arjifar, DYI, Spencer, Mickey and probably a few others. I haven’t searched exhaustively.
Why did it take three years?
Probably because two years of hanging around in strip clubs ‘investigating’ wasn’t enough for the law enforcement officers involved.
Anybody want to bet that they get hit the hardest for the evasion of admittance taxes?
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Goldy spews:
You got one of them. “Amy” has also posted…
Any chance you could have the ip addresses listed next to their names or next to the date/time stamp?
Clean out all the sock puppets.
Marvin Stamnspews:
So, then… um… why did it take three years to conduct their “undercover” investigation? Huh.
Government employees.
@15 Got something against government employees? Based on what? I hope you’re not the kind who got a kick out of the OKC bombing.
Uhhhh…yeah. The “government employees” we’re talking about here are cops, G-men and the hand-picked attorneys of the Bush Justice Department. I’d think that the wingers would consider these folks to be candidates for sainthood.
@16. Yeah, I’m getting a little tired of people ragging on civilian gov employees, while incompetent brown-nosing political appointees get a free pass.
Your tax dollars at work! Lets try a war on the oldest profession now that we’ve won the war on drugs. I thought this was a liberal state.
P.S. If you think “government employees” are inept now wait ’till they’re in charge of your health care.
No problem outing anyone who posts from one IP address using multiple monikers.
Now…are you going to out everyone who’s done this? How about doing like Stefan does over at Sound Politics – make the email addresses available.
Better yet, IMHO, require everyone to own up to their real name – the most despicable thing under the sun is anonymous hate mail, which is pretty common from many of the HA Happy Hooligans.
If you’re not willing to attach your name to your opinion, then neither are worth much.
The Piper
“the most despicable thing under the sun” is a fascist, America-hating turd like yourself, Piper. Can’t you get anything right?
Why did it take three years?
Took that long to peel Gypsie Rose Nicastro off the brass pole.
Civilized manner? Coming from you??? Arrogance and hubris personified.
You ought to post your name to show your own courage, which explains why you don’t post it.
The Piper
@25 Tough guy, huh? I take it that you think you display courage by putting a link to your website? Fool, you evidently know nothing of courage. Of course, you’re a Republican, so I’m not surprised.
A Republican troll bringing up hubris and anonymous hate. That’s rich. That just about takes the cake. Is there any depth to which you fascists won’t sink?
Ask again. Nicely, this time.
Oh, shoot, it looks like Piper misplaced his courage. Did you look in the bottle? Is that where you usually find it?
Three years?–I’d say they were doing way better than Barack Obama, who took 20 years to figure out that black liberation theology and america-bashing in the pulpit might not be so good for his political career, after all.
Three years?–I’d say they were doing way better than Barack Obama, who took 20 years to figure out that black liberation theology and america-bashing in the pulpit might not be so good for his political career, after all.
Yeah, it really destroyed his career, numnuts. That dude’s going nowhere!
Amy: please get new talking points somewhere else.
McCain. Hagee. Parsley.
“Amy” @1,
You know, it’s hard to take seriously the comments of somebody who posts under multiple screen names on the same day. Do you get paid to troll, or do you just have nothing better to do with your time?
Maybe they were being trained by the Lynnwood Police Dept.?;gl=us
Seriously, this is an attempt to put Collacurcio (sp?) behind bars in the final years of his life on racketeering charges, and to seize the assets (effectively putting virtually every club in the area out of business).
Three years? The Colacurcio family is something of a decades-old Seattle institution at this point. How that came to pass might be an interesting story to tell. Perhaps the old man should write a book.
The trolls just can’t help themselves, can they? There’s a mindset there that’s very, very disturbing.
So Amy, suffering from multiple personality syndrome? Maybe your liberal personality will fight your conservative personality to the death?
Well, we can always hope.
@4 Hehehe…
@7 It’d be interesting if Goldie posted the other screen names. I wonder if there’s any difference in style from screen name to screen name. Or is it all just your basic troll uglyness. Certainly, the Amy entity is bare bones troll – on the level of a 12 year old drooler.
Why don’t you tell us the names he is posting under although I would hazard to guess he is also Rick D and Buzz.
Ye gods…what more obvious indication that it’s an election year than to have the gendarmes out in force going after the strip joints?
Foot @10,
You got one of them. “Amy” has also posted as Buzz, What’sittoya, strange but true, Michele, Obi-wan, Bwamee, Arjifar, DYI, Spencer, Mickey and probably a few others. I haven’t searched exhaustively.
Why did it take three years?
Probably because two years of hanging around in strip clubs ‘investigating’ wasn’t enough for the law enforcement officers involved.
Anybody want to bet that they get hit the hardest for the evasion of admittance taxes?
Any chance you could have the ip addresses listed next to their names or next to the date/time stamp?
Clean out all the sock puppets.
Government employees.
@15 Got something against government employees? Based on what? I hope you’re not the kind who got a kick out of the OKC bombing.
Uhhhh…yeah. The “government employees” we’re talking about here are cops, G-men and the hand-picked attorneys of the Bush Justice Department. I’d think that the wingers would consider these folks to be candidates for sainthood.
@16. Yeah, I’m getting a little tired of people ragging on civilian gov employees, while incompetent brown-nosing political appointees get a free pass.
Your tax dollars at work! Lets try a war on the oldest profession now that we’ve won the war on drugs. I thought this was a liberal state.
P.S. If you think “government employees” are inept now wait ’till they’re in charge of your health care.
No problem outing anyone who posts from one IP address using multiple monikers.
Now…are you going to out everyone who’s done this? How about doing like Stefan does over at Sound Politics – make the email addresses available.
Better yet, IMHO, require everyone to own up to their real name – the most despicable thing under the sun is anonymous hate mail, which is pretty common from many of the HA Happy Hooligans.
If you’re not willing to attach your name to your opinion, then neither are worth much.
The Piper
“the most despicable thing under the sun” is a fascist, America-hating turd like yourself, Piper. Can’t you get anything right?
Why did it take three years?
Took that long to peel Gypsie Rose Nicastro off the brass pole.
Thank you for validating my point about the despicable nature of anonymous hate mail.
Want to debunk what I said? Use your full name or offer a way to get it. Many do, you know, to their credit.
The Piper
@23 If you want to know my name then simply ask in a civilized manner. Otherwise, STFU.
Civilized manner? Coming from you??? Arrogance and hubris personified.
You ought to post your name to show your own courage, which explains why you don’t post it.
The Piper
@25 Tough guy, huh? I take it that you think you display courage by putting a link to your website? Fool, you evidently know nothing of courage. Of course, you’re a Republican, so I’m not surprised.
A Republican troll bringing up hubris and anonymous hate. That’s rich. That just about takes the cake. Is there any depth to which you fascists won’t sink?
Ask again. Nicely, this time.
Oh, shoot, it looks like Piper misplaced his courage. Did you look in the bottle? Is that where you usually find it?
Oh, shoot, it looks like Piper misplaced his courage. Did you look in the bottle? Is that where you usually find it?
He finds it in the illusion that being a war supporter makes him courageous. Many people with insecurity issues do that.