Here’s another post about the vote to restrict abortion. Now I’m thinking of the GOP cries of state’s rights and the will of the voters. Usually, when there’s a discussion of Roe, some conservative will inevitably say that if Roe is overturned it will go back to the states. That it’s just a state’s rights issue. But I think Washington State is a good example of why they don’t mean it.
Specifically, I’m thinking of Initiative 694 that would have banned third trimester abortions. I happen to remember making calls for NARAL, and can remember when it lost. So it seems to me that to the extent that you can tell the will of the people from one vote over a decade ago, the state’s rights Republicans should be saying that Washington doesn’t want restrictions on abortion.
But of course the vote by Washington State Republicans in Congress to restrict abortion rights beyond what Washington State voters rejected puts the lie to the state’s rights claim. They don’t care about Washington’s rights to write our own abortion laws, they want the big mean Federal government to override it.
– Kenny Marchant (R-Texas)
Uh huh. Straight from the elephants ass. The real reason why States rights are so overwhelmingly promoted in conservative circles is the fact that they don’t want people to be allowed to vote at all if those folks aren’t going to vote for them, and they perceive the States as having primacy when it comes to allowing people to vote. The Civil Rights act and the Voting Rights act have no bearing on their demands to control who gets to vote. They know damn well that if everyone who is legally eligible to vote did so, they’d never win an election except in a few isolated districts where the family trees don’t have very many branches.
It must be so rough to be a bigoted asshole in these modern times.
“bigoted asshole”
They’re that, all right, but the phrase “elitist autocrats” also fits to a “t”.