Darcy Burner issued the following statement on the fire that destroyed her Ames Lake home:
“As many of you may be aware, early this morning my home was destroyed by a fire. It appears to have been caused by a faulty lamp in my son’s room. Unfortunately, our home and all of the possessions in it are a total loss, but I am so grateful that my family and I escaped safely. We may have lost our home and our possessions, but for the most part they can be replaced, and I feel like a true tragedy was narrowly avoided today. Please rest assured that while we have been a bit shaken by what happened, Mike, Henry and I are all okay.
“Particularly, I am grateful to the wonderful men and women of the Redmond and Kirkland Fire Departments, and the investigators from the King County Fire Investigation Unit. Their rapid response and incredible professionalism brought the fire under control and kept it from spreading to our neighbors’ homes. And these brave first responders even miraculously rescued my son’s puppy, who we initially thought had perished in the flames. Sadly, our cat, Charlotte, did not survive the fire.
“I am also deeply grateful for the expressions of support from friends, supporters and others who have called to express their condolences and offer their generous and heartfelt assistance. I am so moved by all of the offers of a place to stay, or clothes to wear, or all of the other offers of help that have poured in throughout the day. While we are fine for now, your kind expressions of support and concern have helped to sustain me through what has been a long and difficult day.
“For those who would like to do something to express their support, let me suggest making a contribution to your local humane society or animal shelter in memory of Charlotte, or to the Washington State Council of Firefighters Benevolent Fund.
“Thank you all for being there for us in my family’s time of need. It means so much to us.”
I’ve added in the links, but feel free to choose your own charities that fit the spirit of the request.
It must have been a NeoCon built lamp.
Bush-Cheney-Rove-Reichert are the WingNuts behind that lamp.
We need a Congressional Investigation on where that lamp came from, who had access to the lamp etc.
It was the same Wingnuts that shot the missle thru the Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11.
I’m worried what those evil conivers will come up with next.
I hate WingNuts!
Largely as a result of “dissatisfaction with the course of the war under President Bush and with the treatment of veterans returning home,” Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is collecting more in military contributions than is Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). The AP reports, “Among people who have donated at least $200 to a presidential campaign this election cycle, Obama has collected more than $327,000 from those identifying themselves as military personnel, while McCain has collected $224,000.”
More of McCain is more of the same. As Hillary said, “George Bush and John McCain are two sides of the same coin, and that doesn’t amount to a whole lot of change.”
We can’t afford that. Vote for change. Obama-Burner ’08
I’m going to “fit the spirit of the request” with a big donation to darcyburner.com.
Maybe she will find the time now to serve me my cup of coffee.
Goldy – How much did you spend on the flowers for The Darcy?
Dave Reichert issued the following statement. He’s a classy guy, through and through:
“After learning of the fire at the Burner’s home this morning, I was relieved to hear that Darcy, Mike and Henry were safe. While the loss of a home is tragic, family and loved ones are irreplaceable. My thoughts and prayers are with them as they work through their loss. At times like these we are reminded that nothing is more important than family and loved ones.”
@ 5
Hm… Reichert’s a “classy guy,” because he issues a boilerplate statement loaded with nothing but pablum?
No. The truly classy move would have been to accede to Burner’s request and donate funds to one of the three charities she mentioned.
Deeds, not words, determine true class.
Fucking Big Hair was secretly jacking off hoping Darcy wouldn’t survive. The punk can’t win any other way.
I predict good colonic health for Darcy.
After all — with friends like “ByeByeGOP”, who needs enemas?
Don @ 6
Right….Dave R issuing a nice statement is not nice enough.
Typical. The guy could buy you a new car and you would bitch because it was the wrong color…
A reality check here. She is lucky in more than one way. She can afford to start over.
Many people who get burned out of their homes end up in shelters and at food banks. The offers of clothes and places to stay are effectively meaningless when she already has the resources to do whatever it takes to survive.
Many are not so lucky.
I would have more respect for her if she asked for donations to the Red Cross, local food banks and other local charities that actually help displaced people whose options are homelessness and hunger, not the humane society and animal shelters.
Pets first apparently.
@9 “Many are not so lucky.” I somehow suspect that you couldn’t care less about those less fortunate than yourself.
“Pets first apparently.” Let’s see, for example, save a pet or save a treasonous fascist troll? Yup, you called it right, Bud, pets first.
phule @ 9
Right….Dave R issuing a nice statement is not nice enough.
Who said anything about “nice”?
Don @ 11, Semantics. OK, it was not satisfactory to your standards, apparently.
Shrug. Nothing I did not expect.
Steve @ 10
Having been days away from homelessness due layoff, having had to take my family shopping at a clothing and food bank, having our church be the ones who made sure my kids got something for Christmas, I would say I care about it a lot more than you or your elitist idol.
I know what it is like to struggle to make my budget and feed my family. People like her have nothing in common with me.
I contribute what I can to those charities and organizations that actually help people.
I refuse to contribute to bogus charities.
I voted for Cantwell in 2000, somethign I have been regretting since. That’s the last time I vote for an elitist even if she is a geek.
phule @ 12
Let’s see. First, you talk about “nice” without addressing one iota of the substance of what I wrote. Now, you complain that I’m quibbling about semantics.
Look, any idiot, including you if I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, can say something “nice.” Being “classy,” would require going a bit beyond doing what any other idiot can do.
@12 “I contribute what I can to those charities and organizations that actually help people.”
What, the American fascists have a charity?
“I care about it a lot more than you or your elitist idol.”
Bullshit. I grew up in Seattle’s housing projects, and then after my Mom died when I was ten, the Seattle Youth Center, and the Griffin Home in Renton. I damn well know what it’s like to be poor. And I know what it’s like to be a kid and have nothing – no family, no home – nothing. I’ve long known you and your kind. Like I said, bullshit.
Don @ 13:
Not sure what else to call it. His reply was classy, much more so than anything here. Stefan’s post at Soundpolitics was equally classy. I stand by my belief that if the same happened to Rossi and Reichert, nutbags like you would not be nearly as nice.
And how do you know Dave did not make a contribution? Assumptions….
Steve @ 14:
yes, since I won’t tap to your dance and join the Burner love-in, I must be a fascist. Sweet use of reason and logic considering conservatives are traditional and statistically more generous with charities than liberals…which is further ironic as democrats claim to want to help the little guy…until you hit their wallets.
My apologies, and I sincerely retract the “you” from the above. Darcy still doesn’t impress me.
However, I will likewise point out that you know nothing about me, my background and my life. So I find it interesting that you object to my assumptions with a few of your own…
@15 “My apologies”
“However, I will likewise point out that you know nothing about me, my background and my life.”
“So I find it interesting that you object to my assumptions with a few of your own…”
Tit for tat. What’s good for the goose…
hey, at least we aren’t cussing at each other.
@17 It’s not necessary. Heck, my gal friend is a Republican.
Hey, I can only address the topic at hand.
If you want to discuss the merits of the ideologues in the republican party, fine.
But then we also have to dissect the fools at Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Al Franken, Michael Moore…etc ad naseum.
The point is that on either side of the great divide are partisan idiots.
They are not “my people” anyway, by the way since I am an independent, not a republican. I am a neo libertarian more than anything else.
phule @ 15
Not sure what else to call it. His reply was classy, much more so than anything here.
Well, you might try some rhetorical method other than simply asserting the contrapositive. You know, provide a definition of “classy,” (which, as you’ll note, I did), and apply that definition to what’s been done and/or said?
And how do you know Dave did not make a contribution?
I don’t recall saying he didn’t. Someone said that Reichert was “classy,” and offered up as supporting evidence a blanket statement that anyone in Reichert’s position could have, and likely would have, written. I found that evidence lacking, and articulated a reason why.
Wow. You have the cajones to say this about me in the same comment in which you are apologizing for the assumptions you made about Steve.
@19 But, but I hear that a libertarian is a anarchist without balls. No offence, as I reckon that I’m a bit of a libertarian myself – a libertarian that votes Dem, anyway. Neither side seems willing to let me be. The right has been far more threatening to my freedom than the left this past decade. So I’m down on the right. Who knows? In a year or two I might be down on the left.
Sorry if I was too obscure.
No, you didn’t actually say it, you implied it. How Clintonian…
Sure. Which does not have anything to do with it being classy or not. The term was directed to the content of the message, and that content was gracious and classy on it’s face. And considering your demand for a different definition of classy, I reject it as being impractical in the terms of this debate, because the only way to measure it is if he posted “I just donated $$ to the in response to Darcy” and frankly, such statements are generally considered to be self glorifying and ways to gain attention, making them less than classy. In other words, had Dave done what you consider classy, and said so, you would likely knock him for grandstanding on Darcy’s tragedy. Instead he offers normal human compassion and thanksgiving, and by doing so, he suffers your scorn.
It wasn’t evidence, it was an observation, but never mind.
Sure I do, because I apologized and admitted I was being assumptive, as was he which he also admitted. As you are.
At least he and I admit it. And assumptions are not on their face a bad thing. Sometimes you have to make assumptions. They are only bad when they come to the wrong conclusions.
cute. I know a few anarchists who would be offended.
Personally, for me, I haven’t lost a single liberty yet from either party, but I sure hear it a lot.
@22 I’m not familiar with your posts. However, you seem untroll-like with your thoughtful responses today. Perhaps like myself, you get beat up by both the left and the right here at HA. For example, the other day, just because I wasn’t marching lockstep with the DOT’s social engineering efforts to get me out of my car, Bluejohn was giving me a complete rash of shit. Damned commie!
lol. Yea I tend to actually enjoy thoughtful intelligent debate which seems to irritate more than a few people.
I haven’t popped in here in months, just no time.
That’s not the response that will get you to the secret liberal club where you get praised even if you meet with Quadaffi.
Nicely put, David. I couldn’t have written a better statement myself.
Don’t stop believing….
@26 and 27 Commie-fascists!!
“Don’t stop believing….”
In what?? Republican voter suppression efforts? Election fraud? Hell, even Diebold couldn’t get him elected in this state.
On the other side of the coin, damn you, Gregoire, Chopp and Nichols, damn you. I’ll never forgive you for your role in losing the Sonics to those damned swiftboaters from OKC. To hell with all of you.
That’s ok, I hate Koolaid and tin hats anyway…
phule @ 22
I wonder if you’d regurgitate the word “semantics” if I pointed out that there’s a difference between “obscure” and “obtuse.”
I wrote:
To which you replied:
First the original comment to which I had replied was:
At what point did the discussion turn away from Reichert and toward Reichert’s words?
Second, what, exactly, makes the statement “gracious and classy on it’s face?” You’re chastising me, but it seems as though the sole basis for your chastisement is the fact that you simply disagree with me.
Disagree with me, I don’t care. But don’t give me shit about my sensibilities unless you’re willing to articulate why your sensibilities are better than mine.
Back to you:
I don’t recall demanding anything. I recall suggesting that you follow a rather standard rhetorical method regarding disagreement about the meaning of words, which is to offer an alternative definition. My definition isn’t the only one possible, or even reasonable for that matter.
In the terms of this debate (are we really having one?), you’re now making another assumption that’s not based on anything I’ve actually said. Frankly, if Reichert had merely added that he’d made a donation without stating a specific amount, I’d have probably given him credit for doing so. Something better yet would have been to say that he’d made a donation, and was encouraging all of his supporters to do so as well.
Lastly, regarding this whole bit about assumptions, let’s consider this:
No. I didn’t imply it either. I used the perfect-conditional tense (“would have been”) to refer to a hypothetical. The hypothetical could be either true or false, and it makes no difference in terms of the validity of the assertion that I made.
I didn’t imply, but you inferred. And, now, you’re using your inference to chastise me for having made an assumption that I never made. Throw your shit on me if you will, but, please, don’t blame me for the stink.
Diebold?? You think my Family needs Diebold? We came very close to getting our made man Dino into your governor’s mansion last time, didn’t we?
Damn that Big Pussy for buying the wrong judge. Part of the reason he got whacked. But we’ll pull it off this time. And our friend Mister Reichert too.
You gotta problem wit’ dat?