No, this isn’t the first rant on this subject on HA. Unlike Will, I don’t think this is just a not getting it thing or a lack of basic politeness thing. And it’s not some inherent flaw among the escalator users of Settle. I think its signage.
Namely, most cities have signs on at least their public transit saying to stand on the right. They don’t trust it to chance, or whatever. They don’t think you should just know. Ideally it would go beyond just public transit. It could be for multiple story malls, or for the Convention Center. Basically, anywhere with escalators wide enough that you can pass someone.
Yes, you should know to clear a path for people who want to go. It’s common decency. On a busy time of day, it helps people who need (or want) to rush somewhere. Sometimes it just feels claustrophobic to not be able to get through. But I bet most of the people bunched up just don’t know that there can be a system.
I emailed the King County Metro customer service and asked if there is a rule even if it isn’t posted and if there might be signage at some point in the future since trains will be coming in from East Link and University Link. No response.
I feel like this is the sort of thing that’s about the right size for some HA activism. So I’m going to start bugging public officials. I assume King County is responsible for the Bus Tunnel, and ST for the rest of the off grade escalators along the system? [Late Update, KC responded, and said it was a Sound Transit issue. I’ve emailed them.]
But until then, please stand on the right.
When I was in Tokyo, my colleagues quickly pulled me to the left side of the escalator. They seemed very worried that someone would be offended by one of us being on the wrong side. Of course, in Japan they drive on the left, not the right.
But in Great Britain, where they invented driving on the left, one stands on the right when escalating.
Although when it comes to escalators my stance is always to the right, I still respect those who stand to the left. And while I don’t want no stinkin’ “courtesy” signs, if it comes down to a shootin’ war with those people, I’ll certainly stand with those of you on the right (of escalators).
I used to stand to the right, but now I stand in the center. As for being courteous to those standing on the right, why be courteous to them, when they’re not courteous to those standing in the center or on the left? As far as I’m concerned, they should just get off the escalator and climb the stairs, like everyone did before there were escalators. In those days, nobody worried about whether you stood on the right, in the center, or to the left; they all just climbed the stairs together.
From 4,
So you view yourself as courteous!! Guess again!!
I use Westlake Station pretty regularly, and rarely have trouble getting from the platform to the mezzanine. If some yo-yo blithely stands in the center, either I push past him as I climb the escalator, or I take the stairs.
Slow down and enjoy the ride! Anybody who can’t just stand on an escalator for 20 or 30 seconds and ride with everyone else should examine their life.
Do you also push past others to be first off the elevator?
“they all just climbed the stairs together”
Except for those who went up the down staircase. Poor Carl, he just might birth a goat if he ever saw anything like that happening. We’d no doubt hear a call for more signage. More signage for a better world.
I randomly move from side to side, which I view as being a courteous reminder to those overly anxious people behind me who need to realize that escalator rides are for taking a deep breath and letting go of stress, while remembering there are more important things in life than saving a few seconds at every opportunity.
@5 “So you view yourself as courteous!!”
You made that up. Seriously, you made it up. I posted the HA ad hoc posting rules just a few days ago. Go back and read HA ad hoc posting rule #4 again.
NYC people stand on the right and no signs are posted.
@9: I fully understand that your navel is the most bestest navel in all the history of naveldom, and that your many years spent in deep, careful contemplation of it qualify you to say how badly my slight brush past you just now has disrupted your magnificent view of it, and how profoundly that has disturbed you. I fully understand all of that, yes; but now I’m gone past you, and I don’t care.
@10: Oh no, it looks like the HA Ad Hoc Posting Rules need a bigger sign! Carl?