Over on Slog, Eli Sanders has been holding Rep. Dave Reichert’s feet to the fire (here and here) over the congressman’s flexuous ramblings on the subject of global warming. First “Doubting Dave” told the Seattle Times that he questions the existence of global warming:
“The problem is, you have some scientists who say it’s happening, and some who say it’s not happening. The problem is the Sierra Club says that every scientist says it is,” said Reichert, a member of the House Science Committee.
“I’m going to wait until all the facts are in. There were many scientists who used to say the world was flat.”
Um, actually, scientists never said the world was flat. Only anti-scientific, religious nutcases did. But I digress.
Reichert said global warming is a “possibility” but views the science with the same sense of skepticism he held as a homicide detective for the King County Sheriff’s Office.
“I will be convinced when I’m convinced,” he said. “As an investigator, I’ve not been conclusively convinced.”
Uh-huh. Just like the skepticism Reichert showed when he had the Green River Killer in custody, but let him go, only to nab him again a decade or so later when the Sheriff was “conclusively convinced” by the DNA evidence.
But wait… I’m not being fair to Reichert, because according to his folks, the papers got it all wrong! In fact, the papers got it so wrong that “Reichert campaign spokeswoman” Kimberly Cadena actually called up Sanders to ask for an interview, so she could set the record straight, informing Sanders that he read something into the Times piece that simply wasn’t there:
Reichert has never questioned the existence of global warming. […] He continues to investigate the cause of global warming. Global warming exists. That’s the reality.
That’s right, and I’m sure Reichert will eventually finger the perpetrator, oh, saaaaay, sometime around the year 2024… or maybe not until the Cascade snowpack runs dry and the Southcenter Mall lies under six feet of water?
Look, we all know that Reichert’s not the brightest bulb in the GOP caucus (and from recent events, that’s saying something) so we expect him to say stupid things he doesn’t really mean… to say in public. But if I was Sanders I’d be little insulted by Cadena, who clearly doesn’t respect him as a reporter. What… did she think? Sanders would just accept that explanation and print a retraction? No, he did exactly what you’d expect a self-respecting journalist to do… he asked Times reporter Jonathan Martin to clarify exactly what he asked the congressman, and exactly what the congressman answered. Martin said he asked a two-part question: does Reichert believe global warming exists, and if so, what does he believe is causing it?
I tried to be as clear as possible in asking the question in a two-part way. It’s possible he may have misunderstood the essence of my questions, but I went back on the issue with him at least twice during our interview. His position on global warming was crystal clear to me. He just hadn’t been convinced of its existence. I think that’s what the article says. […] He said the existence of global warming, and human’s role in it, was a possibility, but that he hadn’t seen conclusive evidence to satisfy him on either of the questions.
Hmm. Not really a position you want to take in such an environmentally conscious district like the 8th. Which I suppose is why Reichert staffers stopped letting him speak on the issue, instead sending in Cadena to do damage control. What this tells me is that Reichert’s folks don’t have much faith in their candidate’s ability to accurately explicate his own stance on the issue. (Or perhaps, maybe they’re afraid he will.) You know… they think he’s stupid. Or wrong. Or both.
But the Times’ David Postman is more charitable. He gives the campaign brownie points for aggressively pursuing this:
Good on Cadena, too, for making the effort with Sanders. The Stranger isn’t necessarily a friendly place for Reichert, and others might not have bothered.
Hmm. Only thing is, there’s something that both Postman and Sanders have missed. Cadena isn’t Reichert’s campaign spokesperson. She’s his Congressional office press secretary. (At least she was a couple of days ago.) And to have an office staffer doing campaign work like this is a real ethical and legal no-no.
And while I suppose it’s possible that by the time Cadena contacted Sanders she had taken a leave from the office and officially joined the campaign, that doesn’t excuse the press release she posted to Reichert’s congressional website “in response to media reports.”
To me, that’s a pretty damn clear use of a government website for campaign purposes. Though if I’ve got it wrong, I invite Cadena to give me a call and clear things up.
In the comment thread, Cadena clarifies:
I’m pleased to clarify, David. I took a leave of absence from Congressman Reichert’s congressional office beginning on Saturday, September 30th. As of Tuesday, October 3rd, I officially assumed the role of campaign spokesperson on Congressman Reichert’s reelection campaign. The press was notified of the change. I hope that clarifies any question you had, David.
Kimberly Cadena
Spokesperson for the Reelect Dave Reichert Campaign
Thanks for being such an avid reader, Cadena. I suppose I should have asked her directly, but the campaign has been so unresponsive to my queries in the past that thought didn’t even occur to me. And like I said, it still doesn’t explain the press release.
And by the way, when campaigns shake up their staff just five weeks before an election, it’s usually an indicator that they’re a little nervous. I’m just saying.
Stupid. AND Wrong. Republicans in 2006.
Let’s have a contest – who is the dimmest bulb in Congress? Is it Reichart? Or is it Patty Murray? They both have IQs about three below a house plant, and Patty is widely touted as “the dimmest bulb in the Senate”. But, many of my Republican friends here in the 8th tell me privately that Reichart can’t speak a complete sentence without prompting and that his ability to think on his feet rivals that of W.
What is with us WA voters? Do we just admire stupidity???
If he hasn’t already posted it while I’m typing this, then there’s a high proability that MTR will, in the near future, once again trot out his table of hurricanes that have struck the United States/North America as some kind of proof that global warming has not resulted in increased hurricane intensities. I guess we’re just supposed to ignore things like the fact that only 11% of all hurricanes occur in the Atlantic.
For people who understand the problems with MTR sampling methodology, here’s a link that discusses hurricane intensities world-wide.
And I’m looking forward to him calling me stupid again. Yeah, I’ll say it, I miss that old gang of mine.
BTW, if y’all want a free CD of the most recent IPCC conclusions on global climate change, it’s available here.
Climate Change 2001. IPCC Third Assessment Report (CD) [2001]. This CD contains all four volumes of the IPCC Third Assessment in both HTML and PDF formats:
1. Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability. (in English). The Summary for Policymakers and the Technical Summary also are provided in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
2. Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. (in English). The Summary for Policymakers and the Technical Summary also are provided in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
3. Climate Change 2001. The Scientific Basis. (in English) . The Summary for Policymakers and the Technical Summary also are provided in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
4. Climate Change 2001. Synthesis Report. (in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish)
In addition, the CD includes Presentations and Graphics – Selection of figures from various IPCC Reports.
This product (like all other products in this catalog) is free of charge.
I told MTR about this already. I’m sure he’s performing his chi-squared analysis as I speak.
Daddy Loves Moonfuckingbat Science.
The world is still flat according to MTR & Reichert.
6 Observer
Perhaps you should point us to the non-“moonbat” science you prefer, if the largest intergovernmental global science collaboration in history isn’t good enough for you?
but, but, but…..MTR (vagina lips) will just trot out the chi-square toy again. Oh, the agony.
The Ron and Don Show on KIRO is “holding Reichert’s feet to the fire” on the issue of his signature campaign preomise: that he would make sure come hell or high water that our first responders had capable communication equipment and common frequencies designated to police, fire, Coast Guard, and other responders could effectively communicate. Only problem is, the bill he got it attached to had it stripped our before passage, and Gay Pride Dave appears to have rolled over for the House leadership.
They asked him on their show to talk about it and his office accepted, then backed out. Ron and Don called Darcy Burner and within 6 minutes had her on the air. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear that part of the show. But clearly Dave won’t asnwer questions from constituents.
Observer, you are so weak. Snipe and run.
….and the loon will call those who disagree with him “moonbats”. Has he no decency?
Great Post David. Seems that it definitely would be a violation of campaign law to have Reichert’s Congressional staffer responding to campaign questions. If she has been contacted by the media that’s one thing but if she is the originator of the contact as you say in issuing a press release , she is violating campaign law.
Same here in Washington State. A state Legislator can not use legislative staff time or state resources to compain and express campaign positions or issues.
Goldy, I think using office staff to communicate Reichert’s position on global warming during a campaign season is a de minimis violation, if a violation at all. I won’t make an issue of it. But I do see a problem in Reichert … flip-flopping, obfuscating, waffling, and above all, deceiving the reporters, public, and voters about what his position on global warming is, when in fact his position is to rubberstamp the GOP party line, which of course is, to bury their heads in the sand and pretend the problem doesn’t exist because dealing with it might be inconvenient and/or expensive. Bottom line, RubberStampReichert has proved once again that he can’t think for himself, and depends on GOP party spinmeisters to tell him what to think and what to say — and whose dick to suck.
Similar in many respects to the willfully blind rightwingloons of today, we had our own pet theories in my time. Trofim Lysenko conducted science the way it should be done–by dispatching his political enemies.
Science is not value free. It is a matter of political will. Nobody can say I was deficient in that respect!
So tell me. How does one use these internet tubes to obtain low cost viagra?
Would you rather be represented in Congress by this http://tinyurl.com/opkdy, or by someone who sucks dick when party staffers tell him to suck dick?
You don’t need Viagra. You need more embalming fluid. You’re starting to stink.
Nothing is good enough for wingnuts unless it conforms to what they want to believe; and science, gravity, and spheres be damned!!! If they say the world is flat, then it’s flat, by God!!!
@18: Precisely my point.
PS: The stinking only started when they removed me from my rightful place of honor next to Vladimir and ignominously stuck me in the wall of the Kremlin. Ingrates!
I’m pleased to clarify, David. I took a leave of absence from Congressman Reichert’s congressional office beginning on Saturday, September 30th. As of Tuesday, October 3rd, I officially assumed the role of campaign spokesperson on Congressman Reichert’s reelection campaign. The press was notified of the change. I hope that clarifies any question you had, David.
Kimberly Cadena
Spokesperson for the Reelect Dave Reichert Campaign
Cadena @ 20
And the press release on your boss’s Congressional web site?
Goldy –
I really liked you clarification to Reicher’s comment, its to the point and a good one.-
“Um, actually, scientists never said the world was flat. Only anti-scientific, religious nutcases did.”
Anonymous poster claiming to be Kimberly Cadena explains.
What more could we need?
Next you’ll be disrepecting the Ptolemaic system…
Global warming: Democrats’s attack on capitalism.
And let me also add that Congressman Reichart never sucked any pages’ dicks. At least to the best of my knowledge.
NOT Kimberly Cadena
Spokesperson for the Reelect Dave Reichert Campaign
[MODERATOR’S NOTE: While I have to admit I smiled at this one, I’ve edited the post and name to make it clear that this was not posted by Kimberly Cadena. Even as an obvious joke, I request that you all refrain from ID spoofing. –Goldy]
I call bull SHIT Cadena @ 20:
A) She’s a Republican which automatically call into question her honesty based on the lying and corruption that is rampant in today’s Republican party.
B) Who in the HELL takes a “leave of absence” for a 3-day weekend?!?!?
I bet there’s a cover-up in the works right now in the former Sheriff’s office!! Backdating fraudulent “leave of absence” paperwork!
Just a Civilian Hack:
You fucking puddle pirate. Shut the fuck up!
Rep 2 does what on all US Navy ships?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
27 – And I call BULLSHIT on 26… My dick has been deep in Dave’s throat many a time. He may be dumb, but he has wonderful lip action.
– Page Boi
JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate, JCH = Puddle Pirate,
Reichert has to say such things, not because he necessarily believes them, but because he has to reassure his campaign contributors (present and future) and lobbying firms (future) that he’s on-message and knows the score. So they can lend him a hand if they could, please.
It’s the GOP machine equivalent of hazing.
One just wishes it was an issue that didn’t, like, DESTROY LIFE ON EARTH. Ya know?
No MoonDaddy-
I sniped and got some work done. You seem to have plenty of time on your hands to spread your swamp gas as truth.
Sure the Earth appears to be warming, but I do not subscribe to moonbat theories that it is the fault of my SUV. I do not believe there is an immediate planet emergency. AlGore is a fuming lunatic. Maybe he should go back to creating the internet.
Enjoy, I have to get back to real work.
The Republians are the same ‘asshole jerk-offs’ who wanted America to “error on the side life” when it came to flimsy evidence in the Terri Schiavo matter, but have complete disregard for the overwhelming scientific evidence when it comes to the entire human race!
The go along like a sheep mentality is specifically why Reichert shouldn’t be re-elected, it leads to Republican leadership that protects pedophiles in their midst.
Reichert is a hack from the Republican bench. The Repugnantkins put forth a bill to make the Sherrif an elected position so they could groom him to be either governor or congressman. Some deal was struck to where Ron appointed him to the Sherrif’s position.
As I thought. Snipe and run again.
“moonbat theories?” Come on. You don’t know shit about global climate change. SCared to read about it? Get the CD. It’s free.
Murray isn’t stupid, but you are.
Isn’t it strange how Republicans demand absolute, irrefutable, certainty of proof before they’ll accept human-caused global warming as a fact yet they arrest, imprison, torture, and kill terror “suspects” (the vast majority of whom are innocent) with no evidence or proof at all. These people are fucked up in the head.
” What is with us WA voters? Do we just admire stupidity???
Commentby Wondering What It is— 10/5/06@ 10:14 am ”
C’mon. Just look around. There is no current going to any bulb in the head of someone sleazy enough to call themselves a Republican these days.
If you think the government should be run by liars, and crooks like Bush, and DeLay (and now Hastert) You obviously are a moron.
Just don’t call yourself an American, because Tom DeLay is the opposite of everything our founding fathers envisioned in a leader.
George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson would gladly pull the lever on this animal’s gallows. After a fair trial of course.
Hey Dave. Just listen to the 99% of the scientists that say global warming is real (AND A HUGE PROBLEM), and not the 1% that are grabbing their ankles in front of Bush’s buddies for a few extra crumbs.
Republicans make real Americans want to puke. And hell, I used top be one….
I know, I know. I used to be stupid….
No, you’re still stupid.
Joe — no, the stinking started back in 1917 and you were pretty damned smelly even before you died in 1953.
P.S. — if you think Patty Murray is stupid, see post #25, to wit:
“Global warming: Democrats’s attack on capitalism.” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 10/5/06@ 12:07 pm
Now THAT is stupid — that is the kind of stupidity that is hard to top!
32 Observer
“You seem to have plenty of time on your hands to spread your swamp gas as truth.”
I work on a computer all day. And you know, there’s more there on your computer than just what you can see on the screen. The windows actally overlap so you can do something on one window while something else is going on in another. And you can use more than one monitor to look at (wait for it) two things going on at once. Ta-da!
It doesn’t take time, it takes brains. You should have the courage to run two programs at the same time one day. It is mind-expanding.
But really. If you’re going to diss the IPCC, you could at least (a la MTR) attack their work on “scientific” grounds. I asked you to present your preferred brand of science. You sniped again and ran. But to call it “my” swamp gas….
I should probably tell you that I am not a member of the IPCC. It’s not my investigaton, they aren’t my conclusions. But it is state-of-the-art science, and it is the nearly unanimous consensus.
And you can keep trying to say it’s not so, but you’re wasting your time and ours.
2 Patty Murray is smart enough to know the Republicans are screwing our vets, and gutting the VA when Bush is filling more, and more beds.
How many VA’s were going to close if it wasn’t for Patty Murray? Was the number 6? Something like 200 doctors were to be laid off immediately?
I just remember watching her at her press conference, steaming mad when they stripped the emergency funding from the appropriations bill. I will never forget how she guilted the Republicans Sleaze Machine into an emergency 1 BILLION DOLLAR FUNDING BILL FOR THE VA. If it wasn’t for her……
Way to go Patty. I will thenk you in person the next time I see you.
Hey Reichert, and staff. You should have switched parties when you had a chance….. You and your GOP pedophile protecting friends are going DOWN!!!!! Couldn’t happen to a sleazier bunch of guys…
Hey Kimberly Cadena, I have a question for you. How does it make Dave, a former law enforcement officer feel to watch all the graft, corruption, lying, and crimes being committed by all his friends? Not to mention letting a pedophile go free to hit on dozens more kids to hold on to power for a little longer….
Doesn’t he just want to go start arresting them?????
He should!
Try to imagine a world 5 degrees warmer 100 years from now. It means total disruption of the earth’s geography. Instead of growing corn, Iowa may be a desert, and the U.S. may be importing its food supplies from northern Canada. Regions now receiving rainfall will become arid, and London could become a tropical city, while Mexico City may be uninhabitable. What a fucking mess!
Hey, Roger Rabbit:
Oh, man was I in good form while you were on vacation. You know how JCH “cliamed” to be an officer in the navy? A “Surface Warfare Officer” and a qualifed Officer Of the Deck capable of standing watch on the bridge directing all the ships activities?
Yeah, I set a simple secanario for him and asked him 4 basic question of which even the newest bootcamp nub would’ve known and they surely were questions that any qualifed OOD must have known to be QUALIFIED!! You know what????
Yeah, JCH didn’t know ONE fucking answer!!!
Truth trap set, truth trap sprung and I caught JCH in it!!
Not only have I caught him lying about washing out of flight school, I’ve totally caught him in such a lie that it’s apparent JCH never even served in the Navy. Well, at least the UNTIED STATE’S NAVY!!
You can read it in the 10/3/06 OPEN THREAD starting with my question at post 4:
JCH tries to respond with some lame ass excuse laden answer at post 17.
I kick his ass at post 121.
You can read the following post. Even his mommy got involved.
JCH = Just a Civilian Hack and a Puddle Pirate.
Warning–this is too long to post here. I am positn anyway. Here’s teh list of scientific contributors to one chapter of one volume of the IPCC Third Assessment doc:
Chapter 2. Observed Climate Variability and Change
Co-ordinating Lead Authors
C.K. Folland Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
T.R. Karl NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
Lead Authors
J.R. Christy University of Alabama, USA
R.A. Clarke Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
G.V. Gruza Institute for Global Climate and Ecology, Russia
J. Jouzel Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment, France
M.E. Mann University of Virginia, USA
J. Oerlemans University of Utrecht, Netherlands
M.J. Salinger National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
S.-W. Wang Peking University, China
Contributing Authors
J. Bates NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories, USA
M. Crowe NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
P. Frich Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
P. Groissman NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
J. Hurrell National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
P. Jones University of East Anglia, UK
D. Parker Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
T. Peterson NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
D. Robinson Rutgers University, USA
J. Walsh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
M. Abbott Oregon State University, USA
L. Alexander Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
H. Alexanderson Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden
R. Allan CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Australia
R. Alley Pennsylvania State University, USA
P. Ambenjie Department of Meteorology, Kenya
P. Arkin Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA
L. Bajuk Mathsoft Data Analysis Products Division, USA
R. Balling Arizona State University, USA
M.Y. Bardin Institute for Global Climate and Ecology, Russia
R. Bradley University of Massachusetts, USA
R. Brázdil Masaryk University, Czech Republic
K.R. Briffa University of East Anglia, UK
H. Brooks NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory, USA
R.D. Brown Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada
S. Brown Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
M. Brunet-India University Rovira I Virgili, Spain
M. Cane Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA
D. Changnon Northern Illinois University, USA
S. Changnon University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
J. Cole University of Colorado, USA
D. Collins Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
E. Cook Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA
A. Dai National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
A. Douglas Creighton University, USA
B. Douglas University of Maryland, USA
J.C. Duplessy Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, France
D. Easterling NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
P. Englehart USA
R.E. Eskridge NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
D. Etheridge CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Australia
D. Fisher Geological Survey of Canada, Canada
D. Gaffen NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, USA
K. Gallo National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, USA
E. Genikhovich Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia
D. Gong Peking University, China
G. Gutman National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, USA
W. Haeberli University of Zurich, Switzerland
J. Haigh Imperial College, UK
J. Hansen Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA
D. Hardy University of Massachusetts, USA
S. Harrison Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany
R. Heino Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
K. Hennessy CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Australia
W. Hogg Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada
S. Huang University of Michigan, USA
K. Hughen Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, USA
M.K. Hughes University of Arizona, USA
M. Hulme University of East Angelia, UK
H. Iskenderian Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., USA
O.M. Johannessen Nasen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway
D. Kaiser Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
D. Karoly Monash University, Australia
D. Kley Institut fuer Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphaere, Germany
R. Knight NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
K.R. Kumar Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India
K. Kunkel Illinois State Water Survey, USA
M. Lal Indian Institute of Technology, India
C. Landsea NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory, USA
J. Lawrimore NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
J. Lean Naval Research Laboratory, USA
C. Leovy University of Washington, USA
H. Lins US Geological Survey, USA
R. Livezey NOAA National Weather Service, USA
K.M. Lugina St Petersburg University, Russia
I. Macadam Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
J.A. Majorowicz Northern Geothermal, Canada
B. Manighetti National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
J. Marengo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil
E. Mekis Environment Canada, Canada
M.W. Miles Nasen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway
A. Moberg Stockholm University, Sweden
I. Mokhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia
V. Morgan University of Tasmania, Australia
L. Mysak McGill University, Canada
M. New Oxford University, UK
J. Norris NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USA
L. Ogallo University of Nairobi, Kenya
J. Overpeck NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, USA
T. Owen NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
D. Paillard Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, France
T. Palmer European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting, UK
C. Parkinson NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
C.R. Pfister Unitobler, Switzerland
N. Plummer Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
H. Pollack University of Michigan, USA
C. Prentice Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany
R. Quayle NOAA National Climatic Data Center, USA
E.Ya. Rankova Institute for Global Climate and Ecology, Russia
N. Rayner Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
V.N. Razuvaev Chief Climatology Department, Russia
G. Ren National Climate Center, China
J. Renwick National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
R. Reynolds NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA
D. Rind Goddard Institute of Space Studies, USA
A. Robock Rutgers University, USA
R. Rosen Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., USA
S. Rösner Department Climate and Environment, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany
R. Ross NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, USA
D. Rothrock Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
J.M. Russell Hampton University, USA
M. Serreze University of Colorado, USA
W.R. Skinner Environment Canada, Canada
J. Slack US Geological Survey, USA
D.M. Smith Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, Met Office, UK
D. Stahle University of Arkansas, USA
M. Stendel Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark
A. Sterin RIHMI-WDCB, Russia
T. Stocker University of Bern, Switzerland
B. Sun University of Massachusetts, USA
V. Swail Environment Canada, Canada
V. Thapliyal India Meteorological Department, India
L. Thompson Ohio State University, USA
W.J. Thompson University of Washington, USA
A. Timmermann Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, Netherlands
R. Toumi Imperial College, UK
K. Trenberth National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
H. Tuomenvirta Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
T. van Ommen University of Tasmania, Australia
D. Vaughan British Antarctic Survey, UK
K.Y. Vinnikov University of Maryland, USA
U. von Grafenstein Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, France
H. von Storch GKSS Research Center, Germany
M. Vuille University of Massachusetts, USA
P. Wadhams Scott Polar Research Institute, UK
J.M. Wallace University of Washington, USA
S. Warren University of Washington, USA
W. White Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA
P. Xie NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA
P. Zhai National Climate Center, China
Review Editors
R. Hallgren American Meteorological Society, USA
B. Nyenzi Zimbabwe Drought Monitoring Centre, Tanzania
But what do they know?
Maybe he served in the Chinese Navy. I mean, maybe JCH stands for Just CHinese.
Daddy Love @ 47
You’re not seriously positing that the institutions and organizations you’ve identified understand global warming as well as MTR and Observer, are you? And, you’re forgetting about the ideological agenda of these groups, aren’t you? I know that MTR and Observer are experts on global warming–in fact, they’re pretty much experts on everything–because they’ve said so right here on this blog. So, I guess I have to go with them.
Sean Hannity opened his lying mouth yesterday stating that Lewinsky was an “intern” and “19” when she threw herself at the feet of the Big Dog.
49 proud leftist
I know what you mean. Yesterday, I clicked though to the professional commodities analyst Jeff Sauts from Raymond James who confirmed the story in The Financial TImes that the re-weighting of gasoline in the Goldman Sachs commodities index could, indeed, cause the price to drop as we have seen (due to our “former Goldman CEO” Treasury Secretary?). But once jaybo and Mike Webb Sucks straightened me out with their views about commodity economics and the global oil markets, well, you can bet I changed my tune pronto!
50 proud to be an Ass
You mean…it’s not Clinton’s fault?
We really should be grateful for the access to a broad range of expertise that our rightwing friends on this blog provide us. Science, the humanities, the arts, economics–man, they know it all.
So there’s a Democratic plot to “get” House leaders by leaking accurate information about them to the press. How insanely devious!
50 proud to be an Ass
You mean…it’s not Clinton’s fault?
Commentby Daddy Love— 10/5/06@ 2:16 pm
Well, you know…..”some say”…..(wingnut standard of veracity).
@ 50:
Sean lies?!?!? Really?!?!
Oh, that’s right, he’s a conservative and he works at Fox.
That means he supports people who protect child molesters, too.
WHEW! If that’s their brand of morality, no thanks!
Rep. Reichert might adopt a strategy of avoiding two-part questions, and opt for simple yes/no ones to answer, like if he’d support Hastert for re-election of the Speaker of the House position.
I remember back at the start of the year, there were sooooo many right wing kooks on this blog. And, when we kept telling them they were gonna lose seats in congress this year they kept telling us we were wrong, wrong, wrong.
Now, that we’re 5 weeks away from a reality check, they’re no where to be found.
Event the dead-enders we have around here now are making fewer and fewer posts.
It’s not that I miss their idiotic an unpatriotic rants, I just really wanted to rub their noses in the proverbial dog shit just one more time.
Hopefully, they’ll come back just one more time after the November elections. . . naaaahhhhhhhh they’ll never do that they’re in process of cutting and they won’t stop running for decades to come!!
On Fox Newsbad news for Reichert?
Four more years for Denny! I mean—weeks.
God dmn, a sex scandal just droppped in our laps.
Freakin’ Democrats better be READY TO TAKE POWER when this is over. I mean they should be ready to strengthen ethics rules, ready to take on the Whote House, ready to drum out their OWN corruption, ready to do the work FOR the American people instea of TO them.
Or else we’ll hold THEM just as accountable.
@ 59:
If we get 20-50 seats in the House, that means only 4 more months to Bush’s impeachment.
Oh, yeahhhhhh, the ultimate Republican nightmare is about to come true: Nancy Pelosi with subpeona powers!!
What could be than to shine the light of truth and justice on the Culture of Corruption and expose them for what they are; Guardians Of Pedophiles.
Another reason I couldn’t serve in Congress: I would never be able to keep it straight which political actions can be done in the government-funded offices and by government-paid staffers, and which cannot. I think it is probably more a question of HOW they say it, rather than what is actually done. For example, the GOP leadership can legally sit in Rheichart’s office all day and try to explain to him how they are going to screw the Democrats with a combined “miniumum wage” and “estate tax repeal” bill, but posting an explanation of his views on global warming on a web site is illegal?
But “Sheriff Dave’s” comments on global warming don’t surprise me at all. The problem is he has been stuck in an insulated environment for years, where the dinner-table conversation among fellow conservatives is how “global warming” is all psudo-science, that it is in dispute among scientists, and nobody should take it seriously until the water starts to get to knee-level. “Sheriff Dave” isn’t enough of an intellectual heavyweight to understand the science, and he doesn’t have enough backbone to take the words of informed scientists over that of party and industry hacks.
Just a reminder.
The polling numbers look good in multiple races around the country. Lots of formerly “safe Republican” seats are in play. And only five weeks prior to the election, the Foley scandal appears to have been a huge setback for the Republicans.
But with Republican campaign coffers still relatively full, expect a full-fledged, nasty, Rove-style attack in every close race. I keep hearing rumors of Rove promising Republican stallwarts an “October Surprise”, which could be just about anything. But if you haven’t talked to ALL of your friends and neighbors yet, be sure to spend next weekend warning them about the probable flurry of negative lies and distortions which will hit the airwaives over the next few weeks. If we all do this right, when they actually appear they will have the OPPOSITE effect, as every negative Rove-style ad becomes yet one more reason to vote Democratic.
Among other things, I would expect another Bin Laden tape to surface in the latter half of October. The tape might have been recorded months (or years) earlier.
It seems like they are trotting out a tape a week right now – this week it was a video of 9/11 attackers made BEFORE the attacks.
Hey thanks, GBS! I kinda suspected all along that JCH was a pretender. After all, Republicans lie about everything else, so why wouldn’t they lie about serving in the military? However, after seeing this mess, I thought it was possible JCH had been a watch officer. http://tinyurl.com/gysnr
I just have to say this has been one of the best weeks of my life!
“Oh, yeahhhhhh, the ultimate Republican nightmare is about to come true: Nancy Pelosi with subpeona powers!!”
Nah, that’s only the interim GOP nightmare. The ultimate Republican nightmare is Speaker Pelosi next in line of succession while presiding over President Cheney’s impeachment after Bush has been removed from office!
Just imagine — we could have a woman president by mid-March!
Hell, once Bush is outta there, all it would take to promote Pelosi to the White House would be for Cheney to walk in front of a microwave oven. Pffftttt!!!! — his pacemaker goes on the fritz!!
Makes ya wonder when the Rethugs will pull Osama’s body out of the frig.
The only thing that can save the GOP now is Diebold.
@ 72
If that happens, Civil War II
Looking at the in-bred frenzy on this thread reminded me of Merry Fitzmas. You all had it so pegged in October and again last May. Such predictors these Furballettes!
Can you imagine if you don’t control what it says for the moonbat party of america?
GBS was busted to E-3 at a Captain’s Mast. His LPO [leading petty officer], Chief, Division officer, Department Head, and XO all turned their backs on GBS. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!! Rarely does this happen in the NAVY unless the shitbird-in-question is a real loser. GBS, I would not be surprised if you also failed in civilian life.
To tell you the truth, if I could care less about JCH, I would!
Commentby GBS— [Right…………..Eight posts by GBS today on JCH. Looks to me like you are one sad mess.]
Oh no: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2533249
Frankly I hope the Dem’s win it ALL in november. Then I can sit back and Nit Pick the shit outta them at every turn about how they are focking up america……How they are gonna SAVE us…… I can’t wait. Really I cant.
Murdered schoolboy Kriss Donald pleaded: ”I’m only 15. What did I do?” as he was beaten up and dragged into the back of a car by his abductors, a court heard yesterday. He was forced face down into the back of a silver Mercedes, threatened with a knife and told there was a gun in the car as he was driven off after being snatched from the street ”because he was white”. /break/ Imran Shahid, Mohammed Faisal Mushtaq, 27, and Zeeshan Shahid, 29, deny racially aggravated murder. [………………Minority Democrats at play. Question: Will Jesse Jacksoooooooooooon and Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton make sure these fine young Democrats vote Democrat in NOV?]
WE CAN SOLVE : GLOBAL WARMING : Politicians are Dumb!
Greenland coring scientists (SciAm mag March 2005) figured out we are 8000 YEARS INTO AN ICE AGE (precession). BUT IT DIDN’T GET COLD . Martians maybe, but not auto or factory fumes or an excess of CO2 we can Legislate away! (THAT is REALLY dumb! ). The geologists say: AGRICULTURE. Warm is good and so is food. THE REAL PROBLEM IS DROUGHT. Without the water melting off Ice Sheets every ll,000 years THE WORLD’S AQUIFIRS HAVEN’T BEEN FILLED AND THE EARTH IS GETTING CRISPY. The earth’s crust filled with water is lush and can evaporate water to cool itself. Best public works since pyramids — PIPE IN DESALINATED SEA WATER (continuously): fill, irrigate, plant forests, save the earth. You should elect me to some Federal job !