Hoop Dreams
The Seattle Times editorial board, one of our state’s biggest cheerleaders for a cuts-only approach to our $8 billion budget gap—even if it means a 20-percent cut in funding to the UW and the rest of our colleges and universities—devotes scarce op-ed space today to cheering on the Huskies’ men’s basketball team. It’s good to see the Times editors have their priorities straight.
The Oklahoma Mariners?
Oops… I guess it’s time to build a new baseball stadium…
For the first time since moving into Safeco Field in 1999, the Mariners reported a financial loss last season, according to documents filed by the team Monday with the Public Facilities District.
The club reported a $4.5 million deficit, owing in large part to having the highest player payroll in franchise history at the same time that attendance dropped during the 101-loss season.
I mean, after all, how can we really expect the Mariners to make ends meet, playing in an antiquated, 10-year-old facility? If Seattle really wants to be a big league city, it’s time for us taxpayers to play ball.
Feet of Clay: Insert Directly in Mouth
And speaking of teams leaving for Oklahoma City, I don’t really miss the Sonics Thunder, but as a blogger, I surely do miss owner Clay Bennett:
Bend It Like Bennett, one of the most hilarious basketball blogs out there, has a glimpse inside of Un-Sonics/Thunder owner Clay Bennett’s household. Bennett’s 16-year-old son, Graham, has the following listed as one of his favorite “quotations” (with “Dad” assumed to be Clay):
I guess in Bennett’s defense, he didn’t call anybody a nigger.
What IS up with cheerleaders these days? In my day only pretty girls could be cheerleaders. What’s happened??? These days, because of political correctness, I suppose, everyone who wants to be a cheerleader, gets to be a cheerleader. Fat girls, ugly girls, the transgendered …
Liberals have ruined my America.
Troll @ 1: “Liberals have ruined my America.”
Good, then we’re doing our job.
I bet it won’t be two seasons before Clay Bennett starts moaning about how much money he’s losing in Oklahoma, and telling the people there how they’ve got to build him a brand new arena at their expense, while reserving to himself income rights at the arena itself, as well as and development rights to adjoining complexes (purchased through imminent domain).
After all, that’s what they wanted from the City of Renton.
Fat, ugly cheerleaders, brought to you by the same ideology that enabled Garfield High School to have 132 senior class valedictorians last year.
Keep this up, and you’ll be in the thick of this week’s competition for the Golden Goat.
Proud Leftist, I bet you have a comfort monkey, don’t you?
I am sick and tired of liberals, with all their phony, imaginary disabilities, misusing the ADA in order to bring their god-damned comfort monkies and smelly, mangy mutts into my grocery stores, malls, movie theaters, and other public places!
proud leftist–
In most circles, YOU would be a clear winner of the RUSTY PINHEAD award.
However, the competition from the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS that congregate at this cesspool make that unlikely.
Congrats pl…you are a small step better than the LEFTIST SCUMBAGS that spew at HA, the Anal Canal of the Universe!
Tell your friends…I’m sure they will be impressed.
Thank you for your kind words. I’m touched.
Try reading the take on the Ms press release at USS Mariner, or using your ‘finely honed’ reporter instincts to question the PR of the Mariners.
@6: Bigoted moron
sorry Troll – go back to the trailer trash where you are from. An uneducated idiot like you has nothing to contribute.
Oh, and by the way cheerleaders can be any color, they can be “heavier” and still be fit (notice the guy cheerleaders are not “thin”). You are just a real piece of work….a real bigot, sexist, uneducated moron. thanks for proving just how pathetic you really are.
And your ad hominem “liberals….are bad” statements simply show how simple-minded you are and how you lack the ability to say anything significant.
If I started off every statement with “conservatives always….yada yada…”, then I would deserve to be ignored too.
@8: cynical – still up to your same tricks. Explain to us again how a negative, lying SOB like you who spreads untruths and rumors is going to heaven….or are you reforgiven everyday for your petty, vindictive, lying posts?
You claim to be religious but you sure don’t act like it. You are the first person living in the glass house to throw stones. I guess you have no sins so you can point out those of others, huh? I see you are really turning the other cheek. Your religion must be very different then….
@12 God loves liberals but she thinks Cynical is a churlish SOB.
Isaiah 32:5 The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.
But, Cynical said all those nice things about me at 8. Don’t you think that was loving and Christian of him?
@14 “But, Cynical said all those nice things about me at 8. Don’t you think that was loving and Christian of him?”
It was rather churlish of him to spew such things, PL.
Main Entry: churl·ish
Pronunciation: \ˈchər-lish\
Function: adjective
Date: before 12th century
1 : of, resembling, or characteristic of a churl : vulgar
2 : marked by a lack of civility or graciousness : surly
3 : difficult to work with or deal with : intractable
He is a churlish motherfucker, isn’t he?
How much better is the neighborhood around the Seattle Center without the Sonics there?