I finally finished my ballot, and dropped it off. While I was filling it out, I was struck by the fact that the only Green Party person asking for my vote was for President (2 if you count VP). Now, I didn’t vote for her, and frankly anyone not running as a Democrat is one strike against them.
But there are some positions where if the Greens are serious about running, I’d give them a look. I live in the 36th District and none of my legislators had someone running against them. Now I think I’d have voted for either of the House members over some long-shot from a different party. I could see the Greens doing some good trying to push Gael Tarleton to the left with a campaign, but I wouldn’t be on board.
But Reuven Carlyle? I mean he’s been pushing charters for years. He’s now on team I-hate-the-homeless, and opposed to rail to Ballard. I’d rather see a challenge from a Democrat, but it seems like if the Greens insist on running candidates, those sorts of offices will do a lot more good than running for President.
I’m reading, this morning, that there are five FBI offices currently investigating The Clinton Foundation.
I’m sure this is distressing to those who ignored similar news reported in August.
OK, not five offices reported back then.
But “multiple FBI investigations” into the Foundation were known then:
Comey wouldn’t comment when questioned in July, and hasn’t specifically mentioned it now.
He probably won’t before the election, either.
Five FBI offices investigating The Clinton Foundation.
Nah, nothing at all to see here. First! woman! president!
In just eight days we’ll find out if America has enough mentally ill voters to choose a sociopath to lead our nation.
CNN, this morning:
Prior to obtaining the warrant, investigators saw enough of the emails to determine that they appeared pertinent to the previously completed investigation and that they may be emails not previously reviewed.
Agents saw enough of the emails that they believed there could be classified information and that it warranted further inquiry, law enforcement sources told CNN.
Investigators believe it’s likely the newly recovered trove will include emails that were deleted from the Clinton server before the FBI took possession of it as part of that earlier investigation.
FBI officials expect they have to interview Abedin again after they have gone through the emails.
I wonder if they’ve asked her, yet, if the Weiner/Abedin apartment web access had a fixed IP address and, if so, why that was necessary.
If Abedin truly doesn’t know why the #CrookedHillary emails made it to her laptop, maybe Brian Pagliano could answer the question. Offsite storage?
@ 2
That question has already been answered. The question remaining is:
Which one?
@4 That one’s been used before, doc. Many times. No, the candidates are NOT equally bad. One is MUCH worse than the other. If you can’t figure out which one, click on the link @2.
Remember Kenny Starr, the self-righteous moralizing holier-than-thou Republican witch hunter who tried to prosecute Bill Clinton for a consensual blowjob? Well, take a look at the cesspool he presided over as a university president.
“Hi there, Robby Mook here. Interested in a US Attorney’s office or other DOJ appointment next year? Sign here.”
Clinton Campaign Asks Ex-Prosecutors to Criticize FBI Director James Comey
@ 6
You really think topics about illicit sex are where you want to go this week and next? You truly think that’s to your advantage right now?
I don’t think that’s where you want to be, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
But go for it. Be my guest.
I really am as terrible, mean and nasty as is being reported by the non-captured media. If I get elected, I intend to repeal the Bill of Rights and institute military control over anyone who challenges me.
I’m going to make Cersie Lannister look like a six-year-old Brownie crybaby.
I’m as mean as a snake.
You got to live Boob fantasy dreams. If the wind blows there’s got to be a storm coming.
Think how Bernie must feel.
CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile
CNN says it is “completely uncomfortable” with hacked emails showing former contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile sharing questions with the Clinton campaign before a debate and a town hall during the Democratic primary, and has accepted her resignation.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....z4OgMlf3Wr
And lest you BernieBros think Brazile didn’t have help, look no further than the HA Twitter sidebar:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
Yes, really. By now there should be no lingering credibility questions. After all, we’re within 60 days of the election.
Who brought Bernie down? (link @ 11)
As for the town hall event, a follow up email from Brazile posted by WikiLeaks on Monday and other emails obtained by POLITICO seem to point to Roland Martin, a TV One host who was co-moderating the Town Hall, as the source of the questions.
With their favored candidate receiving help like that, no wonder Bernie didn’t measure up to #CrookedHillary in the eyes of certain Democrat primary voters:
Why Black Voters Don’t Feel the Bern
People like the Fucking Moron should think twice about how their party rigged the primary process to bring down an honest man in favor of a corrupt woman.
News item tidbit du jour:
A total of 4% of Indiana voters say this news caused them to change their mind about which candidate they would support.
For now, I propose we refer to it as “The Comey Effect”.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Charles GHOULba 👻 @charles_gaba
#ACASignups States which embrace #ACA see rate hikes 12 points lower than states which fight like hell against it: http://ow.ly/FBZp305H5hy
So, if your state fully embraced #ACA, rate hikes averaged “only” 18.2%.
Rather telling that this is what passes for good news when Dems desperately need to distract from a really awful weekend.
I guess that must mean it’s working.
Does anybody else remember a candidate for president about to be tried on child rape charges? I can’t recall any but the way the media is ignoring it, it must happen all the time.
Who would guess Trump would leave unpaid campaign bills in his wake? Do business with this guy at your own risk. Same with voting for him.
@14 How does that differ from what was happening before ACA?
@13 Yep, sure looks like Clinton’s gonna lose Indiana. Which erases how many of her Electoral Votes? Hmmm.
@8 “You really think topics about illicit sex are where you want to go this week and next?”
Sure. We need to talk about university administrators who protect football players who commit rape. And about the stunning hypocrisy of GOP witch hunters.
“You truly think that’s to your advantage right now?”
What’s that got to do with it? This is about right and wrong. But if you want to make it a political issue, which presidential candidate do you think is more likely to grope White House interns?
@ 17
@14 How does that differ from what was happening before ACA?
In which year prior to implementation of ACA, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, did premiums jump, on average, 25% over those the previous year?
If you are unable to come up with an answer to my question, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you will have answered yours.
There you go spouting off on something that you don’t know the details of again. Do you rely on the mainstream media for everything?
BILL CLINTON you stupid dip shit.
@11 and if you think for one minute that that is the only autrocity to ever happen in a political race then you are fucking more stupid than anyone could ever think or inagine. Let’s see all the emails, even from the past, like McCain’s, Romney’s, GWB’s, Rubio’s, and even Drumpf’s.
I’m sure there is good shit in all of them.
One can only hope that when Drumpf becomes President that the economy collapse or we get nuked befor that happens!
@15 everyone is too busy grabbing some pussy themselves.
We Investigated, Donald Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal Lawsuits
They read like a history of Trump’s business failures, successes, and bombastic personality. With Trump threatening a lawsuit against Ted Cruz, his surge in the polls, and his big win in New Hampshire, we thought now was as good a time as any to review of some of the Donald’s legal skirmishes. The federal lawsuits that we reviewed date back to 1983 and involve everything from business disputes, antitrust claims and, more recently, accusations that Trump’s campaign statements are discriminatory against minorities. Some of the cases have been resolved, some were dismissed as frivolous, and others were privately settled. He’s been sued by celebrities, personal assistants, prisoners, people in mental hospitals, unions, and wealthy businessmen.
Donald Trump: Three decades
4,095 lawsuits
An exclusive and ongoing USA TODAY analysis of legal filings across the United States finds that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and his businesses have been involved in thousands of legal actions in federal and state courts over the past three decades. They range from skirmishes with casino patrons to million-dollar real estate suits to personal defamation lawsuits.
DRUMPH University Racketeering Trial — November 28, 2016
Low v. Trump University LLC, 10-cv-00940, U.S. District Court, Southern District of California (San Diego)
The Trump University case scheduled for trial is one of two class actions by the former students who claim they were cheated into paying as much as $35,000 for real-estate investment seminars. The students allege they were lured by false promises that the seminars would be taught by instructors who were hand-picked by Trump and that they would learn the billionaire’s investment secrets.
Note: If DRUMPH looses the Racketeering Trial his victims get treble damages and can go after him personally for the money.
@25 The crook clogs up the courts with his shady business dealings but pays no taxes. Then he complains the system is rigged.
What you leave out is that Jill Stein is a former Democrat who has rebelled against the Massachusetts Democratic party when the Massachusetts Democratic legislature overturned campaign reform. She is clearly a liberal and a progressive like many in the Green party are.
Of course Donald Trump was a registered Democrat, and so was Ronald Reagan at one time. So if a Green Party or a Republican becomes a Democratic candidate then they are golden in your book?
As far as any Green Party being on any down ballot race in Washington state they have to get there during the Primaries. If they don’t have your vote and others votes then your most likely going to have a Republican or Democrat or two of each. It’s the down side of the process we have here in Washington, that your choices have been downsized and that Primaries are no longer about the major parties deciding their candidates but which two candidates are going to run, making the Primaries the make or break point for most candidates long before the majority of the electorate or even the candidates are in the game. Talk about rigging the election, this is some damn fine rigging.
@2 Yes we do. After all America made Ronald Reagan president!
President Trump! It will be a fun four years. You Dems should be happy you will get back the House and Senate. Just pray the business man doesn’t know how to use a Republican majority the first two years.
President Trump. President Trump. President Trump.
(PS please do not burn the rum.)
@5 Yet only one of the two candidates has taken an oath of office at least three times.
This is another reason I hate celebrities. They “think” stupid is cute:
@6 Only Bill lied about the blow job giving said investigator cause to do the investigation. If Bill had just been a cad and said I got a blow job and she was damn good now get the fuck out of my office Kenneth would have had nothing, and you know that as an attorney.
@6 Ken is hardly mentioned in the story. The story is essentially about football and rape culture at Baylor University, but it’s an issue just about anywhere in America including right here in Washington state. From the middles school on up we have instances of teenaged male athletes who take advantage of their athletic abilities to have sexual conquests and or just sex. Some are definitely raping women and girls. Some are clearly misusing their position and putting themselves in questionable circumstances.
Because it’s a bout sex that may or may not be consensual between teens or young adults it’s an uncomfortable subject for many people to talk about. Still a lot of football players are not putting up with the practices, injuries ect. just because they might get a scholarship. They are there because they like to hit people and they want to laid. The guys who get laid in school the most are the jocks. So some girls are saying yes and some do so often.
Because football is so important to communities that football players get special privileges, and are allowed and even encouraged to engage in certain behaviors, and many communities look the other way, or the girl gets branded a slut.
It happens right here in Washington state and probably happened this weekend at multiple football games or at post game events public and private. Tears are being shed or proud boosts of male and female students and townspeople but that is football in America.
@24 @25 @26 This is just preaching to the choir. The folks on here are for the most part partisan. The few who would vote for Trump on here will do so unless the man dropped dead. The same is true for the Clinton supporters. There are a few independents.
Still since the thing is supposed to be about Washington state and local politics just how many of those cases are here in Washington State?
For comparison how many lawsuits has say Ford been in during the past three decades?
If you want to be fair how many have the Clintons been involved in.
@ 34
Well, for starters there was that one that ended up costing Bill 850 large.
Trailer something, I think her name was.
That’s it. Trailer Park.
It occurs to me that Comey knows he’s toast when Clinton is elected so he’s angling for a job on “Turd T.V.”
@36 Before or after he gets out of jail?
@34 –
24 – 26 were to help educate the idiot at 21.
Most likely a lost cause I admit.
People like the Fucking Moron should think twice about how their party rigged the primary process to bring down an honest man in favor of a corrupt woman.
Well said Travis Bickle!
Careless Crooked Hilary… A grave mistake!
@34 “The folks on here are for the most part partisan.”
If you want to find someone who is nonpartisan, go to a cemetery.
@32 If you want to jail people for lying about who they’re having sex with, you’d better build a damn big jail.
@30 Which makes the one who hasn’t completely unqualified, because the White House is not an entry-level job.
@39 If our process was rigged, then we have an excuse. What’s yours?
@29 Read it and weep: “Hillary Clinton’s 6-point national lead over Donald Trump remains virtually unchanged since last week, even after FBI Director James Comey announced the discovery of emails that could be ‘pertinent’ to the investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email serve.”
Also, don’t forget that 24 million people have already voted.
@ 44
Only 11% of the respondents saw the FBI question. And it was an online poll with self-selected respondents, which makes me think mostly nerds, but it was weighted for education.
That having been said, 21% of the respondents said they already voted, which lines up reasonably well with your 24M number.
“In just eight days we’ll find out if America has enough mentally ill voters to choose a sociopath to lead our nation.”
which sociopath are you referring to? Trump or Hillary?
No word yet on whether people around here still think he committed treason.
Sources told Reuters how James Comey, the FBI boss, challenged Loretta Lynch, the nation’s most senior prosecutor, over whether she was directing him to keep the bombshell discovery of new, ‘relevant’ emails secret from Congress.
The development was revealed by the news agency hours after the White House went out of its way to back Comey as a man of ‘integrity’ and rubbish Hillary Clinton’s attack on him.
It also slapped down claims by Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate leader, that Comey may have been breaking the Hatch act and influencing the election, saying the President did not believe he was doing such a thing.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z4OiKE8VL9
I would guess the source on this is Comey himself. I assume Lynch wouldn’t want anyone else listening in on this conversation – harder to write a book about it that way.
BS, I am nonpartisan, and always have been. If it were up to me, the formation political parties would be against the law.
I am thinking that people like Goldy and the rest of you rubes would be completely lost if you actually had think for yourself and vote without the D or R behind the candidates name.
Since everyone had their panties in a twist over Comey and the Weiner, we really didn’t talk about Chicago this past weekend.
4158 shootings. 17 killed.Four of them were teenagers. That’s Michael Brown X 4 and y’all didn’t say boo, ’cause you can’t spin it.
Oh, and get this: Two of the dead teenagers were twins:
About 3:15 a.m. Sunday, twin 17-year-old brothers were killed in a drive-by shooting in the Old Town neighborhood on the Near North Side. Edwin and Edward Bryant were standing outside in the 1300 block of North Hudson when a dark-colored vehicle drove by and someone inside opened fire, authorities said. Edwin was shot in the chest and back, while Edward suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and head. They were both taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where Edwin was pronounced dead at 3:45 a.m., and Edward died about an hour later.
James Ragin Cagin Carville head explodes!
More proof DUMMOCRETINS are scum and HA DUMMOCRETINS just don’t care… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....ip-creamer
Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to Robby Mook. Wanted to pass it along to you as well, hoping you won’t take offense because I feel some urgency about this.
Eric Holder signs Careless Crooked Heilary’s DUMMOCRETIN created letter! http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....y-n2238945
Meanwhile Huma was triple dipping. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/m.....m-n2238864
Huma Abedin may be in the legal crosshairs for possible perjury after new emails relating to the FBI’s probe into Clinton server were found on her estranged husband’s laptop. Anthony Weiner, who is under investigation for illicit online interactions with an underage girl, shared this device with Abedin. Abedin swore under penalty of perjury at a June deposition for a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch that she had turned over all devices to her lawyers that contained State Department materials. In February of 2013, she signed a routine form saying that all State Department-related documents had been turned over. That’s obviously not the case. Another headache on the horizon for her is her role in the vast Clinton network that saw her collecting three paychecks from the State Department, The Clinton Foundation, and the Bill Clinton-affiliated consulting firm, Teneo.
Guess Carlos Danger was no longer bringing in the bread!
What ekim the goat lover seems to forget is Trump was a DUMMOCRETIN back then when all those lawsuits were created!
FACTS sux!
Robby Mook goes onto the TV shows and lied about his relationship to Creamer!
@54 He wasn’t a DUMMOCRETIN when he stiffed those little girls who sang for him at his rally.
“4158 shootings. 17 killed.”
Sorry, but that’s the loon’s schtick. Yours is hashtags served with a side of snide.
“That’s Michael Brown X 4”
Black kids dying in the ghetto. For one guy we know, that’s 4 X the glee. Just an idea, but you might want to stick with hashtags, Doctor, as someone like you presenting the deaths of black males as a tragedy is just too fucking funny.
@48 In other words, you’re an anarchist.
“He wasn’t a DUMMOCRETIN when he stiffed those little girls who sang for him at his rally.”
Trump has a hearing coming up in December in regards to the accusations against him of raping a 13 year-old girl in 1994.
“Lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of raping 13-year-old girl gets December hearing”
In 1994, Ivanka Trump was 13 years old. Just sayin’. It’s not like I’m suggesting that Trump was acting out his depraved incestual lust for Ivanka on that innocent little girl he raped.
Yet another analysis of the economic basket case that is KansASS.
Love them feckless klownservatic policies!
The Abedin emails.. Podesta’s BFF Peter Kadzik? Rigged System anyone?
The FIX is in!
In all fairness to the GOP candidate, there’s absolutely no evidence that I’ve ever seen that irrefutably proves to me that Trump fucks goats. So the rumor I started about that is probably false. Grrrr! But Trump sucking Putin’s dick? Sorry, wingnuts, it’s looking like that one’s probably true.
“A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump”
Trolls spiking the ball in their own end zone, again.
@61 Fix is right. Puddy is mainlining stupid again.
@62 I’ve yet to see irrefutable evidence he doesn’t.
take your old ass to the library and look up the definition of anarchist.
Christ, no wonder you were a traffic court judge.