When the Republican nominee can’t even draw the endorsement of Eastern Washington’s largest daily, that says something about the candidates.
… the Senate is composed of individual senators, who represent their separate states and the voters who live there. And even a leaner, more efficiently focused federal government will have work to do, and Congress must decide where and how that work gets done.
With her 18 years of seniority, Sen. Patty Murray would be better positioned than Rossi to make sure her constituents are treated fairly in that process.
Shorter Spokesman-Review endorsement: “We like Dino Rossi’s talking points, but we trust Patty Murray to serve the needs of our region.”
So far, Rossi has been endorsed by the Columbian and the Yakima Herald-Republic, while Murray has garnered the endorsement of everybody else. Again, I think that says something.
Come on Goldy,
We all know Pork works, unless you hate it to get elected – DelBene, then’s she’ll be at the trough soon enough!
Yeah, right. The Columbian and Yakima Herald- Republic had to endorse Rossi as they didn’t want to loose their last combined twenty three paying subscribers.
So far as I can tell (firewalled), the state’s most conservative paper, the Centralia Chronicle, hasn’t even endorsed Rossi. Of course, they haven’t endorsed Murray either, but in this case, I think the silence speaks volumes.
Some of the most beautiful words in the English language- Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
@4: So, English is not your native tongue, I see.
re 5
Non. Je parle francais. Et anche io parlar Italiano, per no molto bene. Scusata, per favore.
@4: Not even close. Try “unindicted co-conspirator” an appellation applicable to nearly every member of the GOP.
I think that the House should play that song from the Wizard Of Oz when Ms Pelosi hands over the gavel. Ding dong, the witch is dead.
“I am not a crook”. Priceless.
Poor Proud of being an Ass. Must be hard to watch America reject your political beliefs so clearly.
Re 9
Oh, I don’t know. How about ‘I did not have sex with that woman.”
Ha, ha. This country has been rejecting my political beliefs since 1968. What’s new?
Re 12
Well, at least you live in a state where you aren’t lostinaseaofred.
“lostinhisownasshole” is lost in his own asshole in ANY language.
I recall the day when communists were called “reds”. Funny how the cons adopted that color. You, on the other hand, could always move to Boise, but as you say, you are “lost”.
Boise would be too far from blue water sailing. Though better skiing. Hmmm.
Nah. Couldn’t live that far from deep water.
The story about Murray and Democrats using Illegal Aliens to canvass & get out the vote will have a negative impact on Murray..more so than any positive from a newspaper endorsement.
You see, there are still 10% or so Undecided or very soft votes. Illegal Immigration is a negative issue with the Independent/Undecided/Soft votes.
I’m not sure it will be enough, but I’m pretty sure this won’t happen..
It’s nice to see ImamObaMao still rallying the troops with his high Strong Favorable Rating of -15 (when it was +32 post-inauguration).
Really makes sense to see his sorry ass out there 24/7.
People are suffering from ImamObaMao Fatigue.
They just want him to be off the air and out of the newspaper so they can stop puking because of his deceitful and mean-spirited nature unbecoming of a true leader.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
With blind hate such as this, Lost is an asshole in any language.
Thanks for saving me all typing and re-printing that for me. Liberals often forget just how terrible a president that man was.
As I’ve said, other than wishing him consigned to perdition, I stand by the rest.
As for blind hate, I have to stand back in awe at that which you practice. I’m a rookie next to you, old pal.
So if you lose, KLOWN, are you going to start talking revolution again like you did after Obama won? I see some other asswipe Republican is already talking trash. heh- I wouldn’t count on Lost showing up. He says he’s going to run away to Italy. I thought he’d go to the Randian paradise of Somalia, but he’s chosen good food and architecture over Libertarian utopia.
Vaffanculo! heh-
Steve, I almost forgot-
Don’t bother keeping any matches handy for bridge burning. You won’t ever have occasion to use them on account of any I’ll try to build towards you, old pal. Strange insane hate filled folks like you are deserving of pity, no more.
Re 19
Geez, cribbing from Rujax? That is scraping bottom. You have my symphathies if you’ve sunk to that, old pal.
“As I’ve said, other than wishing him consigned to perdition, I stand by the rest.”
Yeah, you just wish that he’d been hung. Um, just how many times did you state that you wished FDR to rest in flames? Just a few momentary lapses, I’m sure. You never did answer – do you believe that President Obama is a traitor too?
“Strange insane hate filled folks like you”
In Lost’s mind, wishing that FDR had been hung dead isn’t “strange insane hate”. That’s reserved for the person who calls him on it.
Obama? Slimy snake oil salesman, yes. Cheap opportunist in a good suit, sure. But you have to be true to convictions for a few minutes consecutively to be a traitor. Obama missed there. He’s true to Obama and nothing else.
Keep trying Stevie. Maybe you’ll hit a fact someday.
Honestly, man, I have never hated anyone, let alone someone who is dead, as you have do FDR. Not even toward ex-lovers. Your posts here about him offer a primer in hate. GWB was quite possibly the worst president in American history. He brought this nation to the precipice of chaos, and may have caused us a permanent loss of status, opportunity, and possibility. Yet, I don’t hate him. I wish him no ill will at all. Your thing about FDR, who was actually one of the best presidents in our history, is kind of telling about you.
“Maybe you’ll hit a fact someday.”
Fact? As if you’ll ever get around to posting one.
lost @ 26
You are truly a fucking asshole. If you believe that Obama cares only about himself, ye of the Ayn Rand erection, then you are as nuts as Cynical. Steve is right on to be focusing on you as one person with whom bridges can’t be built.
Re 27
And yet you never call Rujax or Worf or Steve on their vitriol. I think that’s kind of telling about you.
Other than manofshit and a couple of rare posters here, nobody comes close to expressing the hate and damnation speech that you do. Worf, Rujax, and Steve may express their dislike of you, but you actually engage in hate speech. There’s a difference between what you do and others do. Besides, those of us on the left are all lovers, not haters.
Re 29
You’re right. Obama did show devotion to his duty as an Illinois congressman. Sure, he did it by being absent most of the time in his Senatorial election campaign. Not actually doing his job was just his special way of doing it though.
And Obama showed real concern for his constituents while in the Senate. Sure he did this by taking the salary while spending all his time running for president, but that’s still his interpretation of doing his job, right?
Call me an asshole all you like. It doesn’t hurt my feelings if that’s what you’re after. It just shows that you, like Steve and the rest, can’t engage in political discourse without recourse to personal attack. Parenthetically, this is the sure sign of one who knows they’ve lost.
And I’ve written repeatedly that I dislike the writings of Ayn Rand. But then, you and truth are distantly related, if related at all.
“Yet, I don’t hate him.”
I just thought he was a horrible president. Any emotions associated with that are a long ways away from the ones that Lost must experience to express his thoughts of death and hell. But he says he’s normal and that we’re the haters.
This guy’s beyond Psych 101. He’s packing a full load of ‘teh krazy’.
Re 31
I’ve spoken of one person with hatred, FDR. And that emotion is informed by his attempt to destroy my country. It is because I love this country so much that I despise him for trying to ruin it.
Otherwise I’ve been consistently polite and gracious in the face of obscenity and rudeness. But again, you and reality parted company long ago. Why let facts get in the way of the BS partisan talking points which replaced thinking for you?
“It just shows that you, like Steve and the rest, can’t engage in political discourse without recourse to personal attack.”
You consider this to be engaging in “political discourse”?
“FDR was scum. In a civilized nation respecting property and laws he would have been hanged.”
“He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.”
You spew insane hatred. You’re getting the response you deserve.
Re 33
Do you ever actually say anything original? At all? Ever?
I almost wonder if you’re not a satirical joke about the legendary rudeness of liberals called on the silliness that is their political philosophy. Well, you’re a joke of some kind, anyway. Steve the angry clown.
Well, better things to do than encourage Steve the angry clown. Go growl at someone else angry clown, or are you too obsessed to do that, moron?
Before I go do something worthwhile I want to leave Inexplicably Proud Leftist and the angry clown with these wonderful words.
Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
“Otherwise I’ve been consistently polite and gracious”
Putting a smiling face on your hate makes no difference. You brought death with hell’s damnation to this forum. If anybody’s being graciously polite right now, it’s us. Even now we don’t wish you dead. I just wish you’d go away. There’s sites that would welcome haters like you. What I’d hate is for this site to become one of them.
Not even in the same realm as “Ex-President George W. Bush.”
Probably closer to reality; minority ‘leader’ John Boner. Although when they fail at taking the House they’ll probably kick his orange ass to the curb.
@36, 37, 38
heh- Lost and more of his gracious and polite “political discourse”.
Yeah, thanks for sharing your nightmarish vision of an America where women’s bodies are controlled, where the poor are trodden underfoot, where the ill slink off to die out of your sight, and where what passes for polite political discourse is you wishing that an American president had been hung and was burning in hell.
Our house has done its civic duty.
Two votes for Patty Murray went out the day after we received our ballots!
Do yours. Fill out your ballot and drop it the mail before election day!
@41 These guys are going to absolutely lose it if they don’t win. Heads will be exploding everywhere.
@43 Two votes for Murray from my house. heh- One from me and one from my cat.
Not very surprising that the SR went for Murray, she’s done a ton of good work in their neck of the woods and Spokane’s getting bluer and bluer all the time.
Don’t listen to what Dan Savage says, Spokane’s a nice town.
Dumb and dumber. Oh wait… they vote based on the SEIU principles.
Even the Republican’s on my block are voting for Murray.
You mean we’ll have a real Progressive leading the house? Cool!
Why would anyone vote for Rossi? The guy doesn’t have a degree in economics from Harvard, his management experience is limited to supervising one part-time janitor while in college, and he doesn’t know anything. He has no resume and no accomplishments. The barista at my local Starbucks is as qualified for the U.S. Senate as he is.
50; you are describing patty 18 years agon (no expereience, no clue). only sad thing is 18 yrs later she still has no clue
@45 – your cat voted only one time? I made my cat fill out each one of the 3,500 specious ballots mailed to my house by the ACORN/Soros cabal. Mr.Soros sent me a personal thank you card and a $500.00 gift certificate for Palace Kitchen.
Shorter Goldy:
newspapers who agree with me and the democrats are legitimate sources of news and media. Newspapers who dont agree with me are old fashioned, run by nuts, and about to swallowed up by TEH INTERNETZ
Dutchess @ 53,
No. Goldy’s post bears no resemblance to your interpretation. I mean, seriously.
you smell of bullshit…but then again what else to expect from you….
Man, you could have done better than that. Soros sent me gold bullion and a thank-you note because I got all my dead ancestors, my aged dog, and dying fish to vote.
“extra” or “misplaced” ballots will always be found in king county….count on it, the democrats do.
@57 – damn. MOT warned me I couldn’t trust the International Jewish Banking Conspiracy.
I actually did fill out my ballot today. The voters pamphlet for the 26th District had some old woman–she calls herself “grandma,” not even capitalizing the G–saying “I am a Tea Party Conservatives.” In the voters pamphlet, no less.
I feel like I had the most cleansing shower imaginable after checking off every D on the ballot and then voting against all the corporate-sponsored ballot issues–1053, 1082, 1100, 1105, 1107. I can’t tell you how good it feels to vote for Ds and against the disaster of the GOP.
Um… Goldy just listed who endorsed Patty and who didn’t. Not sure what you’re carrying on about.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune has endorsed Terryl Clark over Michelle Bachman with this and more:
“Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has appeared at least eight times since January on Fox News’ Sean Hannity Show. How many mayors or county commissioners in Bachmann’s Sixth District swath of central Minnesota have had an equal number of conversations with her this year?
The Editorial Board didn’t get a chance to ask Bachmann, who declined repeated requests for a meeting. But voters deciding whether to send her back for a third term deserve an answer. While Bachmann primps for the cameras, her district struggles with unemployment, clogged roads and foreclosure-pocked neighborhoods. Four years of media razzle-dazzle have made Bachmann a political headliner, but it’s done little for her beleaguered constituents back home….”
And Brown has doubled his lead over Whitman in California after her “illegal” meltdown.
Maybe Karl Rove’s money isn’t so magical afterall.
It’s not just the folks in Spokane that endorsed Patty.
Here’s what the Walla Walla Union Bulletin had to say
And the Tri-City Herald:
Dutchess @58
‘“extra” or “misplaced” ballots will always be found in king county….count on it, the democrats do.’
Awwwww…that’s simply adorable. A sore loser left over from 2004!
I just love this one:
..Obama likely to focus on deficit in next 2 years
While he:
,,,Presidential entourage books all 570 room at a 5 star Taj Mahal Hotel.
Ever hear of a video conference, and may I see a cost for this hotel, both restaurants, its staff, the security, the navy, etc etc…
I do mean really, if you want to start cutting government, this is hardly the way to begin..
Throw the bums out, all of them.
Still nursing a disproved grudge from ’04. You can’t make this shit up.
17% Real unemployment rate
I cant get my sons ballot sent even after requesting a resend. He’s 20 yrs old been at this address all his frickin life, a registered voter who votes every year. Where’s his damn Ballot KC
Ahh proud leftist admits he’s a lock step progressive automaton. The leftist is a progressive ditto head!
Thanks for playing!
Pork is only good if it comes from a DUMBOCRAT like Patty. If the pork comes from a conservative… bad, really bad.
Such hypocrites.
Hey lost,
Is President Truman a traitor? Should he have been hung? After all he did serve as FDR’s VP and tried to nationalize both health care and the steel industry.
id……”intellegent design”.