I was pleased by the speech. I think he did what he needed to do for now. I feel much better than before the speech.
That isn’t going to stop the craziness, of course. I loved the way he called out the Rs on their BS — and their behavior during the speech was a perfect backdrop. It remains to be seen how well O et al will actually beat back the lies.
I was also touched by how he shared Ted’s letter to him and his riff on how Ted always focused on others. His mention of Ted’s health care successes with Hatch, Grassley, McCain was masterful.
Joe Wilson of South Laughing Stock Carolina, will he apologize? Does he think he embodies a long tradition of heckling presidents? Does he realize his outburst and the resulting coverage will totally overshadow coverage of the GOP response?
Bet his son, running for SC AG, now loses as well.
Be serious. He is a hero to the wingers. Watch and see. I would imagine it was calculated.
He proved Obama’s point about the nuts on the other side. Joe Wilson may be a “hero” to the nuts, but the Republicans that have some strange desire to govern as a majority have been backing away from their Frankenstein’s Monster for the past few days.
The crowd shots of the Republicans sitting on their hands while getting chastised for acting like jackasses was pretty sweet.
Act like an ass, spread some lies, and he is going to call them out.
As it turns out the answer to the first question is yes. The question as to if his apology will save his kid’s election bid in South Laughing Stock Carolina remains to be seen.
Make no mistake about it, one way or another, illegals will be covered.
From the jesters link:
THE FACTS: The facts back up Obama. The House version of the health care bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy private health insurance, as many do now, but wouldn’t get tax subsidies to help them. Still, Republicans say there are not sufficient citizenship verification requirements to ensure illegal immigrants are excluded from benefits they are not due.
Side bar issue. GOP loses again. Next I suppose they are going to complain that emergency rooms are failing to turn away undocumented brown people.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
“In the past Obama repeatedly said, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.” Now he’s stopping short of that unconditional guarantee by saying nothing in the plan “requires” any change.“
It’s death panels! It’s death panels!! An’ you socialists are gonna give ’em away to illegals!!!
There will be no meaningful reform. The republicans are employing the same strategy they did in the clinton years: do any/everything necessary to bring him down:
Fuck the country, get back in power.
The DINOs are afraid of angering the shriekers in their districts,or like Baucus, they are bought and paid for by the industry.
The wingers will shout that the dems are the majority and they can pass what they want so it’s all their fault whatever happens knowing and chuckling about the fact that there are nearly a dozen DINOs that are no more democrat than I am republican.
I am waiting for Klynical to come in here calling Baucus a democrat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 I wonder how much he paid Wilson to shout “liar!” because that dummy played right into his hands.
@3 Of course it was. None of these guys are capable of thinking for themselves, and none of them ever had an original idea.
Blue Johnspews:
Wilson is being lauded as a hero over at hannity and lambasted for apologizing.
The conservatives live in Oppositeland.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@3 Of course it was. None of these guys are capable of thinking for themselves, and none of them ever had an original idea.
Is that why the presidenr is teleprompter dependent?
I thought Piglosi was going to go over the railing when Wilson shouted what was obviously true. Obama was lying his ass off through that part of the speech…well, on second thought, he lied through about 45 minutes of a 45 minute speech, but who’s counting? Certainly not the main stream media.
Another snooze fest other than that highlight with Pelosi going ape shit and having Slow Joe Biden having to give her a reader board saying “shut the fuck up and get yourself under control”…instantly, she started smiling that phony ass smile she usually wears…….Classic liberal lunacy
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 It’s pretty damn stupid not to provide basic health care to illegals, so they don’t go around with untreated contagious diseases and infect the rest of us, dumbshit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Republicans wouldn’t be satisfied to let anyone vote, get health care, or be president unless they had a certificate signed by God.
@18 – Way to bring it! Whoo! You told us!
Darned fine speech. Wasn’t socialist enough for me. Illegals will continue to get “treatment” (pay cash, go to emergency rooms).
Blah, blah, blah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Is that why the presidenr is teleprompter dependent?”
You should talk. Bush couldn’t even smirk without a wire.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Um, Roger. You’ve been here how long contaminating this blog? You do realize you can address more than one poster in just one of your own posts? For example:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@ 9 Roger Rabbit babbles on….
@ 10- Roger Rabbit babbles on…
@ 18- Roger rabbit babbles on…
See how easy that is, Rog? Hell, even a hare-brained fuck like you should be able to figure that out.
@18: “classic liberal lunacy”
Ha Ha Ha. I give you Terri Schiavo. The Dems will never be able to top that one. Never.
National Health Care now!!!
The republicans couldn’t win an honest election last fall so now it’s spite.
“Fuck up whatever the democrats want, they’re dirty bastards that fooled the gullible public, get even at any cost with any means”
They will probably succeed. The assholes of the world usually get their way. And we’ll have people like EOS and Marvypoo and Cynical running the country again.
Good luck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Being a simple rabbit, I find it easier to deal with idiots and fools one at a time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Well, it’ll be easy to get even with them. Just find an illegal with ebola and send him their way.
Being a simple rabbit, I find it easier to deal with idiots and fools one at a time.
I can relate to that…that is why I can never attend a DNC convention.
Taking Mass. failed healthcare system (costliest in the nation) nationwide is a fools endeavor. Unfortunately for the average American citizen that cherishes quality healthcare (and 80% are happy with theirs in its current form), a fool is wanting to implement that very thing.
Extra simplification…
Nah, just keeping it pithy.
Pretty funny to read this description from AP via the PI
Right away, Wilson seemed to sense that he had fouled up. Wilson appeared to consult his Blackberry for much of the rest of Obama’s speech. He shook his head defiantly after several of the president’s statements. When Obama finished, Wilson bolted from the chamber.
Now what was the GOP response about? Oh yeah, who gives a shit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Is that why the presidenr is teleprompter dependent?
Speaking of the teleprompter president, I wonder if the children watching obama on teev give his school speech thought obama was watching a tennis match they way he looked to the left teleprompter and then to the right teleprompter. Repeat ad nauseam.
I’m surprised his handlers didn’t consider that and put the teleprompter next to the camera so obama could actually look towards the kids.
So, there was a town hall on healthcare, somebody shouted and then felt embarrassed by the way they acted, was critisized by his own side because of how he acted.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Speaking of the teleprompter president, I wonder if the children watching obama on teev give his school speech thought obama was watching a tennis match they way he looked to the left teleprompter and then to the right teleprompter. ~ Marvin
Funny you should mention that, Marvin. I understand the Tennis U.S. Open has been going on this week somewhere in U.S., but not sure if it was going on in the school auditorium where he was speaking to indoctrinating the students (according to the Democrat party back in 1991 that is when GHW Bush did it).
Will there be an investigation into this travesty like back then…?
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. X’ad spews:
And we’ll have people like EOS and Marvypoo and Cynical running the country again.
Can’t get me off your mind can you sweetie.
You give your self way too much importance fuckhead. There were three people mentioned but YOU had to assume it was about YOU.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. X’ad spews:
You give your self way too much importance fuckhead. There were three people mentioned but YOU had to assume it was about YOU.
Is there another “marvypoo” you obsess about on this blog honey.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Well X’ad, you have been very silly with your continual attack of Marvin today.
“Marvypoo” thinks you are female. Looks like an infatuation with “Marvypoo”! And that sexual innuendo “fuckhead”. Wow “It must be love”.
Good speech, but where’s the beef? It’s the Congressional Democratic consensus, repackaged. Pretty good for people who already have group insurance, probably OK for the truly poor. But for the not-so-well off who are going to be required to purchase insurance at, probably, poorly-regulated rates? Pain. & that’s most of my friends, except for the people with good academic and computing jobs.
Oh, you Republicans and Democrats! Your world is full of destruction, not construction.
NEW YORK (Reuters) – How do you keep a leader as verbally gaffe-prone as U.S. President George W. Bush from making even more slips of the tongue?
When Bush addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, the White House inadvertently showed exactly how — with a phonetic pronunciation guide on the teleprompter to get him past troublesome names of countries and world leaders.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy thinks the funniest moment was when he wanted to talk directly to the seniors and he looked into the frontal camera for two seconds. Then returned to the tennis match on the teleprompters.
“In fact, I want to speak directly to America’s seniors for a moment, because Medicare is another issue that’s been subjected to demagoguery and distortion during the course of this debate.”
Puddy really thought he was gonna look into the camera. Butt… … … it didn’t happen!
Ping —————————— Pong
Pong —————————— Ping
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Bush left office January 20, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Keep da faith fool! Steve has your goat all warmed up and ready to go!
Re 42
And there’s another part of the population, like me. I make okay money and take care of my responsibilities. The day that health insurance is mandated by law I’ll drop mine. The government wants to fine me for a PERSONAL choice? They can put me in jail first, but will get not one cent from this American. I’m sick of paying for welfare rats who won’t work. I’m sick of paying for mortgage holders or underwriters who made poor choices. I’m sick of paying to bail out Wall Street. I simply won’t pay for every schmuck smoker or pre-existing cancer patient. You liberals want to pay for it, go ahead. My money stays in my pocket where it belongs.
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Wow “It must be love”.
Not love… I think it’s more like one of those clinton/monica and john edwards/rielle things.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
“In fact, I want to speak directly to America’s seniors for a moment, because Medicare is another issue that’s been subjected to demagoguery and distortion during the course of this debate.”
Telling the students to work hard, stay in school is all good.
Talking about his one-sided debate sounds political.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 45 Puddybud. I have to disagree. The funniest part for me was when Nutty nancy reacted to Joe Wilson shouting “you lie” when Obama was fibbing endlessly in his usual manner re: No Abortion in bill (there will be), No death panels (there will be), No illegal aliens covered (they will be).
… She had this phony mock outrage scowl to her leathered and weathered face for a few moments…then, “slow” Joe Biden hands her a placard and in a few seconds, she flashes a phony smile as if reacting to what was written on it.
My guess is it said something like: “Calm your ass down and look composed”.
Was even funnier on replay…
@47 – You are already paying for all of that through premiums and taxes and you’re not getting dick-dock-doodley-doo for it. Happy?
24. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Um, Roger. You’ve been here how long contaminating this blog? You do realize you can address more than one poster in just one of your own posts? For example:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@ 9 Roger Rabbit babbles on….
@ 10- Roger Rabbit babbles on…
@ 18- Roger rabbit babbles on…
See how easy that is, Rog? Hell, even a hare-brained fuck like you should be able to figure that out.
#47: the odd thing is that, minus the class bigotry, I don’t feel that different. Oh, I’ll accept this heel of a loaf, if that’s what’s offered. Beats no health care, for sure. I bet if it comes down to it, you will, too–it’s easier to croak than it is to fly. But unless Congress manages some decent insurance regulation, the big winners in this plan are the insurance companies and the big corporations, and that’s disgusting.
Roger – You need to send $12,000 to the nearest hospital to pay your fair share of the unrecovered expenses for illegals.
Try going to Mexico and demanding the services the US provides to illegals in this country. They would beat your ass all the way back to the border. Just like they do to Salvadorans and Hondurans and all the other Central Americans passing through to the US.
Try going to Mexico and demanding the services the US provides to illegals in this country.
Some American retirees who are younger than 65 are living in Mexico because they can get health insurance there for $250 a YEAR.
Pre-existing conditions aren’t covered for two years but the fact that people are actually motivated to move there for health insurance should tell you something.
As long as cheap labor right wingers hire undocumented workers to line their pockets you shouldn’t be surprised when they try to get some health care when they need it.
Obama's Teleprompterspews:
A 38 seat majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate. So what are you HA’ers bitching about?? Just pass your garbage health care legislation and TOTUS will sign it into law.
Oh wait…….what do you mean you DON’T HAVE THE VOTES?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
But unless Congress manages some decent insurance regulation, the big winners in this plan are the insurance companies and the big corporations, and that’s disgusting.
You forgot the other winner in this boondoggle-Congress- Who have no “skin in the game” as Obama likes to say. They have a superior plan while Hundreds of millions of Americans will be dumped into an inferior public “option” because it makes good business sense to do so for private companies. Unless this cowardly president and the cowards in congress advocating this “public option” have some skin in the game, they can all Fuck off.
Also, as their employer, can’t we decide it makes good business sense to not have 2 unequal “public” plans and bring them into the inferior pool they’ve thrown us into?? Obama talks of health care cost rising for the American tax payer while their health plan is helping increase that burden- Put some skin in the game Mr. President… rather than just covering your ass like you’re doing now.
No tort reform from Obamacrats, No interstate shopping for your health insurance from the Obamacrats to increase the “competition” the president lied about last night saying he wants. He doesn’t want competition, he wants universal health care, he’s just too much of a coward to admit it.
Obama is a liar. What’s wrong with calling him one? I thought protest was patriotic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Iraqi journalist who pitched his shoes at the Texas Warmonger gets out of jail today, and he’s being showered with millions of dollars in gifts and even women.
No doubt if Rep. Joe Wilson (R-Idiot) had heaved his hush puppies at President Obama last night he, too, would have garnered fame and fortune from America’s Ignorati. And Republican lawgivers always have an appetite for women.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “No tort reform from Obamacrats”
No, of course not, because malpractice lawsuits aren’t a significant factor in health care costs; and besides, why should patients bear the financial consequences of hospitals’ and doctors’ screwups? Only Republican morons are in favor of encouraging sloppy medical practice by insulating the health industry from liability for their negligence.
Lawsuits actually protect incompetent doctors. If patients or their survivors couldn’t sue them, some people might be tempted to reinstate the ancient tradition of revenge killing.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
The good thing about what Wilson did last night is call attention to the section of the speech where the lies that Obama were spewing were especially egregious. We’ll be able to go back and cue up that video in the unlikely event a “public option” bill passes.
History will show who the liar was last night, and I can assure you, it will not be Rep. Wilson.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 It’s not surprising that with Republican employers paying Mexican wages to American workers, more American illegals are flocking to Mexico for cheap medical care. After all, they can’t afford Republican medical care in the United States, so why wouldn’t they? I heard the Mexican government is planning to build a fence along the border to keep the Americans out.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Lawsuits actually protect incompetent doctors.
So if my incompetent doctor is provided through the U.S. Governments public option, that means I can sue the taxpayers of the U.S. in court for providing me an inferior doctor who committed malpractice (see naming hospitals in malpractice suits).
See how that works dumbass?
@ 64 below- So you have a hardon for the Iraqi sack of shit that assaulted former president Bush, but condemn a patriot that expressed his free speech guaranteed by the consititution. You truly are an unAmerican POS, Rog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 There’s nothing good about what Wilson did last night, but that won’t stop you from sucking his cock anyway, will it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Let me ask you a legal question. Of course, I don’t expect you to come up with the right answer. This is just for fun. Are you ready? Here goes:
If a for-profit doctor working in a for-profit hospital screws up and injures or kills you, is your insurance company legally liable?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, I think that one should be a Roger Rabbit Quiz.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey ylb StrangeEye, you complain about Dr Boustany. He’s acting different than Senator Jon Corzine. Yet you turn a blind eye to Corzine. He basically bought his NJ senate seat $60 million and spent another whopping sum to keep it.
You also forget who his girlfriend was at the time of the 2004 NJ senate erection race. Carla Katz is president of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) union in New Jersey.
Carla Katz, “received” $470,000 from Corzine to purchase buy a New Jersey historic house. He also paid the ‘gift tax’ of $145,000. Coincidentally ylb StrangeEye, Carla’s union decided to vote the Corzine union label.
“Eventually, according to investigators, he forgave the loan giving the impression this was a payoff to gain union support for his election campaign and, if elected, garner her future support in the dealings between state workers and the Governor’s office.”
“Besides the half-million smackers he gave Carla Katz, according to investigators, then-Senator Corzine voted in favor of a “treaty between the United States and Japan that contained a provision exempting certain investors from paying capital gains taxes on their shares in a Japanese bank. The [public interest] lawyers say Corzine was among about 100 investors who benefited.””
Yep you’ll never change ylb StrangeEye!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, wingnuts, this is gonna be a tough one so put on your thinking caps! Ready? Set! Go!
When a doctor is negligent who is liable for the patient’s injury or death?
[ ] 1. The doctor
[ ] 2. The patient
[ ] 3. The insurance company
[ ] 4. The government of Mexico
[ ] 5. Little green men from Venus
[ ] 6. The deli around the corner
[ ] 7. No one
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, it’s so pathetically easy to make fun of these retards …
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 65. No, I assume it would be a personal injury lawsuit against the doctor and/or the hospital- whichever has the deeper pockets most likley.
The American taxpayer will be held liable for paying out any malpractice lawsuits committed by doctors under a “public option”- The US Government takes the place of the hospital in these lawsuits. Not sure how that scenario will be saving money when inferior doctors are treating an increased number of patients and thus lowering quality of health care you receive.
Puddy at 73 will come up with the right answer to Rogers multiple choice question my crystal ball tells me.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yesterday, the preznit said in his speech
And I will continue to seek common ground in the weeks ahead. If you come to me with a serious set of proposals, I will be there to listen. My door is always open.
@67 So if a Democratic politician gives a house to his union leader girlfriend that means everyone in the union will vote for Democrats?
It probably does work that way with the troll calling himself “Union Firefighter” — he seems idiotic enough — but all the union members I’ve ever known don’t know and don’t care who the union leader is banging.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
8. [x] Roger Rabbit
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 Sure puddy, blame me. That’s consistent with your mentality and intellectual skills.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@72, in NJ one of the “blue” states, probably did!
“In New Jersey, 90 percent of CWA-endorsed candidates for the State Senate and Assembly were elected or returned to office. The Democratic majority in the senate grew by one to 23-17. Democrats lost two seats in the assembly but still control the body with a 48-32 margin.
Don Rice, CWA’s legislative-political director for New Jersey, said CWA built a long term campaign, starting with an initial voter registration drive months ago, to mailings and worksite leaflets, to phone banks and labor walks and ending with a major get-out-the-vote push on Election Day.
“Locals did their own phone banks and also participated in AFL-CIO phone banking. On Election Day, there were 700 CWAers going door-to-door and working phone banks one last time to get people to the polls,” he said. “
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Roger, your diarrhea is profligate here with ylb StrangeEye a close second. Every one needs to blame you!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 65
I’ll assume my answer @ 70 was correct which is why you haven’t replied.
I’ll also assume I’m correct that the U.S. Taxpayer would be held liable financially for any malpractice lawsuits which emerge listing the doctor and his employer in a personal injury lawsuit for those covered under the “public plan”.
Just one more reason not to let the “public option” see the light of day, which really is no option at all.
The only winners in such a boondoggle would be the ambulance chasing asshole lawyers who’ll go after the deepest pockets around- the US govt is a cash cow ,folks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the Democrats in Olympia had any imagination they would pass a law making all county offices nonpartisan. There’s no reason for King and Chelan counties to have different rules. This is an area where the Legislature should establish statewide uniformity.
you complain about Dr Boustany.
Lord Boustany you mean.. Another right wing joke.
I understand that Christie guy is yet another Rovian piece of work.
Taking Mass. failed healthcare system (costliest in the nation)
Puddy discussing Jon Corzine and his “senate” ways, not Christie. Oh so he’s a Karl Rove work eh? You are a loon a day fool!
Stay on topic. Hmmm… Wait… sorry… you are intellectually incapable of doing that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Don@80, that’s becuz you have the “beautiful people” who live there.
You know snow birds from NY, NJ, VT, PA, CN, RI, ME, and MA all big time blue states!
Fuck politics, it’s cyclocross season!
09.07.09 ASC Labor Day Cross North Sea Tac Park
09.12.09 Cross 542 Maple Falls, WA
09.13.09 MFG Kick-Off Cross TBA
09.19.09 FSA Starcrossed Redmond, WA
09.20.09 MFG Rad Racing GP Steilacoom, WA
09.27.09 SCX Evergreen High School Seattle, WA
10.03.09 Crosstoberfest TBA
10.04.09 Starbucks GP TBA
10.10.09 MFG Cross Clash Tumwater, WA
10.11.09 SCX T.B.D. TBA
10.17.09 Cyclocrazed TBA
10.18.09 SCX Silver Lake Everett, WA
10.25.09 SCX Fort Steilacoom Lakewood, WA
10.25.09 MFG ? Pending
10.25.09 Inland NW Cyclocross Spokane, WA
10.31.09 Cyclocroazed Bellingham, WA
10.31.09 Inland NW Cyclocross Spokane, WA
10.31.09 MFG Lincoln Park Seattle, WA
Btw, I wouldn’t enter a race if you don’t have health insurance!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
80. Don spews:
Nope, According to Forbes, its Miami.
Nope. Miami isn’t a state. Massachussetts is.
…and since when did liberals trust forbes?
On another note, where did the rodent scurry off to? He never did refute the lawsuits brought about under the public option and who’ll be held liable for payment for malpractice suits under it.
No wonder he bolted to the safety of his hole…
Most of those snow birds are on medicare.
OMG!!! Score one for ESO! How the fuck did that happen?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Not too long ago obama said it was nearly 46 million people without insurance.
Without the taxpayers spending money the number of uninsured is already dropping.
If we wait a few more months the problem should solve its self.
The President stated that competition will help lower insurance costs, and I think most people agree. He mentioned the situation in Misssissippi specifically, where 1 insurance company insures 90% of the residents.
What will increase competition in Mississippi more?:
a) Offer a government administered plan in Missisippi. (increasing competition by 1)
b) Let insurance companies sell insurance across state lines. (increasing competition by 100+. i’ admit that I’m guessing here)
IMO, option B would have a much bigger impact at a lower cost to tax payers. I have not heard much debate on this and wonder why this is not being discussed more.
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. Empty Suit Obama spews:
when Obama was fibbing endlessly in his usual manner re: No Abortion in bill (there will be)
Taxpayers are already funding abortions. Would the abortion president end that? How stupid does he think americans are.
I love this ESO/PBJ/Little Ricky Dumbass troll.
Right wing lies flying out his ass
Stay on topic.
Heh. I thought the topic was health care. Well in your case you started ok with Lord Boustany and then switched to the New Jersey horse race.
Lol! On topic my ass!
I think the plan is to do both A & B.
Marvin Stamnspews:
84. Empty Suit Obama spews: 80. Don spews:
Nope, According to Forbes, its Miami.
Nope. Miami isn’t a state. Massachussetts is.
I’m guessing don went to public school.
What other perfectly legal medical procedures would you like to restrict?
Would the abortion president end that?
Gee I thought all these Republicans promised the religious right they’d end abortion. Float a constitutional amendment or something like that.
I guess the religious right got screwed by the Republicans like that Duvall guy was screwing female lobbyists. The religious right gave the Republicans their vote, the Republicans cut taxes and regulations with it, a few money bags got even more filthy rich and stuck the suckers with the bill.
Nice gang, the Republicans.
They couldn’t even ban abortion in South Dakota.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO, some people think Miami, SF, LA, Houston, NO (well that’s a banana republic) are “states”. Their mayors run them like states. Think Houston and SF with their sanctuary laws. Think of the lady who lost her husband and two sons because of an illegal alien killing them in cold blood because Gavin Any Twosome Newsom wouldn’t turn him over to ICE? Look it up!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Michael@85, so they get the best Medicare can offer!
I’m guessing don went to public school.
And I’m guessing you went to private school? LOL! Fantastic poster boy for private school you are..
Hey I went to private school too. Catholic school through 7th grade.
I was freaking CONFIRMED in the Catholic Church.
Look how I turned out.
And I believe it’s a FACT that most Republicans send their kids to public school and went to public school themselves. (See Puddybud). So I don’t see where right wingers get off dissing public school.
Glad you brought that up. Puddy has been discussing the barriers to medical insurance competition for a long time here on HA. Butt the liberals here turn a deaf ear. Why? There’s no discussion of the public option.
“She wants health care insurance competition. There are 1300 insurance companies in the United States. This small business owner has access to six in the state of California. Puddy brought this up before and the HA Liberals didn’t want to discuss it. She questions why there are only six insurance carriers for approximately 37 million people in CA.”
Notice the health care morons such as daddy love and cnr have been very silent. Why? There’s no discussion of the public option.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@90, Puddy isn’t ESO moron.
Still stupid. Last year last month last fornight last week yesterday today tomorrow and the future!
Last night he said 30 million.
Without the taxpayers spending money the number of uninsured is already dropping.
It’s bad enough that people go without insurance or fall through the cracks between jobs.
It’s even worse when the insurance they have runs out and they needlessly die because they can’t afford the treatments their insurance won’t pay for.
What is it? 18,000 DIE because of lack of insurance or under-insurance.
Terrific status quo you’re shilling for Stamn.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey I went to private school too. Catholic school through 7th grade.
I was freaking CONFIRMED in the Catholic Church.
Look how I turned out.
We see how you turned out ylb StrangeEye. A certified loon who is monomaniacal and chronologically challenged last year last month last fornight last week yesterday today tomorrow and the future!
99 – Where do you see the word “Puddybud” in comment 90.
I mean really! Where do you see that?
C’mon you’re going to let me have some fun at your expense with this right?
You know you deserve it.. Just like that “ustogether” bullshit you refuse to back up.
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m expecting Republicans to remind us (a) of the many, many times that Democratic Congresspeople heckled president Bush during his addresses to joint sessions of Congress. Or maybe they’ll just point to (b) irrelevant comparisons instead. Smart money’s on (b).
101 – zzzzzzZZZZZzzz.. Lame.
You go to private school as a kid Stupes?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 90
We’ve already established your limited mental acumen precludes you from commenting on the topics discussed on this forum little boy. Which is why you just whine about “trolling” when facts are put out that counter your inbred liberal fascistic thinking.
Now, little boy, your tasked with getting Roger’s furry carcass out of the hole he’s hiding in to answer the question put forth as to who is on the line for malpractice suit payouts with the government option?
…See if you can’t do at least something in your pathetic life correctly, runt.
Daddy Lovespews:
70 ESO
The American taxpayer will be held liable for paying out any malpractice lawsuits committed by doctors under a “public option”- The US Government takes the place of the hospital in these lawsuits.
A recurrence of the famous “stupid or lying” dilemma. Hospitals employ doctors. Insurance companies pay for care. The so-called “public option” does not employ doctors, it pays for care. So, are you stupid or are you lying?
105 – You ordering me around right winger?
I don’t take orders from right wing nutjobs who are legends in their own “minds”.
I believe that the reason that Miami has higher medical costs and no better outcomes is that they have many more elderly patients, who require more care but tend to die anyway due to the inevitable slow breakdown that we all experience as the end of life.
Here’s the rebuttal to the “insurance across state lines” talking point:
Going to have to post it about 100 times before the trolls sputter and flame out over it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@104 ylb StrangeEye, you went there again. “Stupes”. Old habits die hard eh fool? You see rujax, there is no hope for this idiot. None whatsoever!
Now back the the idiot@104. We were poor in Philly ya moron. Very poor. So poor Puddy wore the same cheap jeans to skuul everyday for the week. Levis? HA! Converse sneakers? HA!Puddy gave his growing up locations for all to see in Google Maps. You have the PuddyMissive. Look it up moron!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Only a nut job leftist could think “Miami” is a state of the union….But hey, what can you expect from the average liberal today? Not much, right?
Since this is an “open thread” (non-topic) related to the speech. Let me comment on “birther” Joe Wilson by showing in how crazy nutty tin foil hat the birther movement is…worse than creationism…almost…
Where do you see any mention of “stay on topic” in 102? Do you do this deliberately? If so it’s a pretty lame deflection tactic – deflection from your own idiocy.
Or are you just a dumbass?
It was refuting your claim that I said you were ESO.
I never said that. Ooops. Brain fart…
Chronic condition with you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow, ylb StrangeEye@110 throws up a single source for his putrid point on insurance.
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@110. You have the PuddyPost on this group. Go back and review it with tctmgr.
Just by you using it to “make a point” proves to Puddy who they are. Just like kooks-tv!
Oh yeah. Puddy don’t trust them. AT ALL!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Fool@114 It’s your comment #90 that Puddy is referring to ylb StrangeEye! Man you are really a moron today.
Keep trying to twist the facts fool!
From the report you’ve linked to
(1) Medicaid patients sue physicians less frequently than would be expected by their
relative proportion of the population.
(2) Information on financial settlements in malpractice cases is insufficient to reach conclusions about Medicaid versus non-Medicaid awards. A national study of
1984 claims found Medicaid patients received lower average malpractice awards than non-Medicaid patients.
(3) Medicaid obstetric patients probably sue physicians about as often as other patients, but the evidence is not conclusive.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO @112
Stop using facts. Liberals can’t deal with facts
112 – LMAO!!! An OTA assessment from 1992. World hasn’t changed a whit since then has it?
What sweet irony – a right wing idiot using a report from a defunct agency that was shutdown by the Gringrichites.
I wonder if this knee jerk right wing robot ever read Fat City.
115 – What about the argument in the link do you disagree with?
I don’t particularly like this about selling across state lines:
Insurers could sell their products to Americans in any state. The insurer would have to follow the rules and regulations in the state where it is based or “domiciled” – not the rules of the state where the consumer or policyholder lives. Allowing the state laws chosen by the insurer rather than the laws of the state where the consumer lives to govern health insurance regulation is what makes this policy so controversial.
So any dumbass Republican state that’s bought and sold by the insurance industry gets to call the shots. Pretty shitty policy.
Pretty Republican.
Alki Postingsspews:
Just an odd thing to notice!
The Republicans had the White House for the last 8 years straight. They controlled Congress for 6 of those 8 years. But 6 months out of power, and NOW they’re screaming that THEY really have a plan to fix health care, if ONLY (sniffle) the evil Democrats would LISTEN to them!
Er…hey, question! Why didn’t you implement YOUR health care fix sometime in the last 8 YEARS you ran the country? Just curious.
In my 40 years of life, there have only been 12 years of Democratic Presidents. Did the Republicans just not have enough time to get around to implementing the fixes they have for health care? Why can they ONLY produce a plan when there’s a Democratic President. Would have been nice if they introduced their plan while Bush was President and had the entirely submissive Congress (where he didn’t have to veto anything for 6 years).
111 – You didn’t answer my question:
Did you or did you not go to private school as a kid?
And not only was it just a private school – it was a parochial, religious school. First hour of every day was devoted to the Catechism.
According Marvin, Pudge, ProudAss, DOOFUS and dozens of other right wing dumbasses that have paraded through here that MAKES ME SMARTER THAN YOU.
Deal with the bullshit of your tribe fool.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
118. Puddybud:
ESO @112
Stop using facts. Liberals can’t deal with facts
Puddy, I’m hoping today is the day they learn to think on their own and not just gobble up White house propaganda, but alas, it’s a fleeting hope at best…
@ 122- You brag about going to private school, but you can’t find gainful employment. You’re even a sadder sack than the mutt that runs this waste treatment facility, Goldstein.
Poor work ethic + poor education = Average Horses Ass liberal commenter/contributor.
Alki Postingsspews:
The anti-education, anti-science, anti-evolution creationist party is going to lecture about facts? SWEET! OH DO explain how the universe works! I’d love to know! Did Jebus carve the earth out of a wheel of cheese? LOL
Look at an electoral map. The conservatives are strongest in the least educated areas. Granted they counter this by claiming these are the “real Americans”, the salt-of-the-earth types, not the fancy liberal elite educated types. Fair point. But claiming the Republicans party represents the smart intellectual position is laughable! The last Republican intellectual was William F. Buckley. Now you have Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Ann Coulter.
81% of scientists identify as Democrat or ‘independent’ liberal. Just 6% say they are Republicans.(1)
123 – I don’t brag about it. It wasn’t that special having education kind of force fed to you every day.
It’s you right wing doofuses that think you just have to slap the word “private” and it automatically makes the person who endures it better.
My kids in the Seattle Public Schools have had a way more positive and enriching experience than I had. But I’ve been lucky to be able to get them into the progressive alternative schools. They look forward to school every day. That makes all the difference in learning.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@120 Trying again…with ylb StrangeEye
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@120.
Oh so California where the legislature is Republican? Or WA State where the legislature is Republican?
What a loon. New America Foundation. Liberal. Puddy don’t trust them.
I know that Miami is not a state. Could not find info about state costs. But if Mass HC costs were the costliest in the nation, Boston would rank among the costliest cities. They don’t, not even in the top twenty.
As for trusting Forbes, having been taught at a Catholic school, I developed critical thinking skills whereby I read the information presented, determine the source and see if the information has a firm basis in fact. Looking at the Forbes article, I see that the information is based on a study by Dartmouth University and their methodologies appear sound.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow ylb StrangeEye… The Catechism. Yep so Biblical. The Pope thinks he’s more powerful than Jesus. The Pope has a three mitre hat while Jesus is depicted wearing a two mitre hat. Yep, the Creator of the Universe is below the Pope.
That makes sense. No wonder you went atheistic.
Oh and Puddy already told you we were poor. Why do you think Puddy is so gun ho on the WA DC school vouucher program which whitey Democratic Senators killed? Hmmmm…….? Moron!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Don@127, then you better persuade ylb StrangeEye and rujax about Forbes. They don’t like Forbes because it slants right!
126 – Don’t see any refutation of the points the link makes.
You lose.
You don’t see anything wrong with insurers re-incorporating in say Alabama so they can avoid stricter consumer protections elsewhere?
Of course you don’t. You’re a right wing tool.
@115 – It seems that the issue you brought up is the main premise in the report of why insterstate health insurance would not work.
But, if insurance companies were forced to meet the health mandates of the state where they were selling the policy (which we could require them to do in this health bill) then that would be a non-issue and true competition would be introduced in every state.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
My kids in the Seattle Public Schools have had a way more positive and enriching experience than I had.
The fact that you’re breeding is disconcerting to most. Worse yet, you’re chronically unemployed which means my tax dollars are probably raising them. No wonder you’re a liberal, you’re on the gravy train YLB. I do all the work and your stupid carcass collects checks to feed your “kids”.
@ 127
The fact remains, Mass. is the costliest state in the union for healthcare. It is the closest to Universal healtchare we currently have in this nation and should be looked to as a model of what to expect if we were to take this model nationwide. It has been a failure, which Mr. Obama can relate to because so too has been his entire short tenure as POTUS.
You used the “miami” argument to make a point that didn’t do so. You can at least admit to that right?
128 – Once again you didn’t answer my question.
I remember very clearly the nun who taught me in first grade. First hour of every day she told stories from the Old Testament. Like any good story teller she held the class in rapt silent attention.
That was pretty much as good as it got.
As a kid I had no choice in the matter. Have only walked into a Catholic church a handful of times since I was confirmed.
131 – Well then you’re advocating federal regulation of health insurance which is the Swiss model.
They don’t have a public option in Switzerland but they do have heavily regulated private insurance.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Last time ylb StrangeEye
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@120.
Don’t see any refutation of the points the link makes.
You scream and shout all the time when Puddy uses WA Times or NewsMax or CMSNews to make a valid point. Now you try to pull this crap.
You are truly moronic. Puddy don’t lose for pointing out your continual hypocrisy on this blog. You are plain stupid to think Puddy gonna drink more left-wing Kook-aid with your monomaniacal chronologically challenged reputation.
See ya.
The Prosecution rests.
I’m not sure it technically be would be “federal regulation”. But I don’t think a label matters.
Regardless, states still get control of their mandates and it could increase competition significantly – which is President Obama said was a key part of his plan.
Which brings up a question: Does the government option being proposed in this bill have to meet state health mandates?
Community Organizer in Chiefspews:
HOT L BALTIMORE edition: Yesterday Drudge had a sucker headline about ACORN voter fraud in Florida. HNMT salivated at the gift of scandal, then read the story. It seemed to exonerate ACORN, which exposed the internal vote-fraud of exploited indentured “independent” ACORN contractors who are overworked, underpaid (that’s why they had to invent voters), and are probably uninsured by ACORN. So HNMT let the dog sleep. Mr. C posted it, and got smacked.
Today’s ACORN story, courtesy of YLB’s Breitbart and the most dangerous man in America, Glenn Beck, is worth your time. It shows your tax dollars at work for you.
Obama’s ACORN is like Planned Parenthood: it gets millions and billions of your government dollars for institutionalizing pedo perversion. That’s inconvenient for Steve, because this institutionalized perversion and fraud is totally on the progressive left.
(Two years ago Caitlin Flanagan at The Atlantic showed that Planned Parenthood invariably or almost invariably hides (or tries to abort) evidence of statutory rape. Today’s Beck-Breitbart story about Baltimore ACORN shows whole new realms of pervert fraud. All caught with what Stephanie Miller calls those dratted recording devices.)
So watch Beck tonight for the XXX video. And suppress your, um, urge to start shouting racism! at a crowded theatre. Beck makes it plain that the helpful black accountant in Baltimore is, like ACORN’s registrars in Florida, a mere exploited factor input on the community organizer plantation.
ACORN, at the top, is old white boys gouging Obama for billions of dollars in federal stimulus. And it rakes in dollars on almost every post-sub-prime mortgage in America. And it shows underage whores how to twist the tax code to their advantage, something it probably learned from Daschle, Rangel, and Geithner.
pbj @ 132
I thought you were a big Anne Coulter fan.
She thought Romney was the tops.
Romneycare! I love it.
headless lucyspews:
re 132: Maybe Obama needs to start a phony war — like Bush did.
If you got sick and your insurance carrier would not cover it (on some bogus pretext), you’d be the first one cryin’ about it — hypocrite.
Community Organizer in Chiefspews:
Hope Darryl, the smartest geek in America, tunes in tonight and turns on his awesome powers of deconstruction. Would love to watch him try to explain away Beck’s expose’.
to make a valid point
Haven’t seen much in the way of valid points from those publications.
I’ve seen a lot of right wing bullshit though.
So I suppose you’re all for the fly by night insurance industry domiciling in a Republican state so they can screw consumers looking for the best deal?
for institutionalizing pedo perversion.
Right wingers, resist your urge to look here for role models:
One thing about a liar, which our current president proved he is last night is…eventually, people stop believing you because you’ve lost all personal integrity and credibility – i.e. you can’t be trusted to be honest to the American people.
Obama is a lame duck president only 8 months into office, which should serve as a reminder to never put an unqualified candidate into the white house CEO position. 3+ year more of bungling incompetence from the Democrat party.
Some advice to the empty suit at 1600 Pennsylvania: Put some skin in the game…or STFU!! I report, you decide:
it gets millions and billions of your government dollars
yeah! I heard from Michelle Bachmann that ACORN got 4 billion from the stimulus.
Any truth to that? lol!
Marvin Stamnspews:
97. YLB spews:
And I believe it’s a FACT that most Republicans send their kids to public school and went to public school themselves. (See Puddybud). So I don’t see where right wingers get off dissing public school.
I don’t know how old Puddy is, maybe he went to public schools back in the old days when american schools led the world in education.
Unlike now when liberal ideologies have corroded public schools into leading the world in drop-outs.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama continues to polarize America…
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 33% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8. Thirty-three percent (33%) say the United States is generally heading in the right direction.
Data for this daily update is collected via nightly telephone surveys and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. As a result, the overwhelmingly majority of interviews for today’s update were completed
before the President delivered his speech to Congress last night.
Polling conducted over the past two nights shows that 44% of voters currently favor the health care reform proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats. Fifty-three percent (53%) are opposed. Rasmussen Reports will be tracking this measure of support daily for the next several days as an additional measure of the speech impact. A Rasmussen video report notes that 74% believe all out-of-pocket medical expenses should be tax deductible. Voters nationwide overwhelmingly believe that every American should be allowed to buy the same insurance coverage provided for Members of Congress.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama, once again, will try to jam thru something likw he did before and he did on the Porkulous Bill, without giving Congress and the Public adequate time to question and vet.
Here is a great quote the summarizes the mentality of the Progressive numbskulls:
An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
~H. L. Mencken
Michelle MaBelle Bachmannspews:
Might have been closer to $8 billion, little brother. Any truth to the rumor that your subsidized reassignment surgery was a clever stunt to make you an Avon lady so you could get close to Michelle’s action?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I see I have finally gotten to Darryl…
He is now holding my posts and “moderating” them.
Hey Darryl, what happened to open-minded, tolerance & diversity???
Instead, Darryl shows the truth..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, Puddy started school in the early 1960s. That’s before political correctness and revisionist history happened. Puddy remembers watching the Cuban missile crisis happening in the school auditorium on a tiny black and white TV. Puddy remembers when JFK was assassinated we watched it at home on the black and white TV by one of ylb StrangeEye’s heros LHO. So forth and so on.
Yep we were 4th in education prowess. Then the NEA and AFT started their political fight and we went from 4th to 12th to 23rd to off the bottom of the charts. So why is ylb StrangeEye so stupid today with his parochial education. Did he go retro and forget that larning he gots back yonder?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@142: There he goes again
Haven’t seen much in the way of valid points from those publications.
Yep he forgets the Democratic Pension Fund Scandal
Or how about Eliot Spritzer. Then Van Jones. First brought to you by non liberal sources. Too bad the kook-aid blind you fool!
I have not seen any evidence that Massachusetts health care is the costliest. Care to share that info? Just because you say so, doesn’t make it so.
If it were the costliest, there would be a greater number of Mass cities than other cities from the study I provided. Boston, in case you didn’t know, is the largest city in Mass and is NOT even on the list of the top 20 costliest cities in the US for healthcare. In the study, New York, Dallas, LA, Detroit and Miami all ranked in the top 20, Boston ranked 37. Houston, Dallas, Corpus Christi and two other cities in Texas are in the top 20, so I would say that healthcare in Texas is costliest. To be accurate, there is one Mass town in the top 20, that is Worcester, at 19th.
147 – Eight billion dollars! For ACORN! Wow!
Paunchy middle aged guys like Duvall can screw a lot of female lobbyists with that kind of change!
Any proof from government documentation or the like for this assertion?
Marvin Stamnspews:
For the record, democrats heckled bush during his state of the union speech.
If democrats didn’t believe in being civil to the president, why are they complaining when the same is done to their president.
Oh yeah, it’s that typical liberal double standard.
Marvin Stamnspews:
151. YLB spews:
Paunchy middle aged guys like Duvall can screw a lot of female lobbyists with that kind of change!
Unlike democrat presidents that have sex with an intern a couple years older than his own daughter.
How partisan are you to think only republicans cheat on their wives.
maybe he went to public schools back in the old days when american schools led the world in education.
Hmmmm.. Seems like a contradiction. Now you’re touting public education.
You’re saying it was good at one time.
Naughty, naughty.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course ylb StrangeEye forgets his original presidential candidate John Deadwards and his out-of wedlock shenanigans.
As Puddy always says, liberals have 24 hour memory disease.
153 – Hey I was talking about ACORN.
You’re the guy with links diarrhea at times. How about a link on eight billion dollars to ACORN as asserted by your right wing friend @ 147?
What does an organization that advocates for the poor do with that kind of money?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, you have to excuse ylb StrangeEye. Even when your words are as plain as day in #146 he will warp them with his femtometer brain and produce crap like #154.
ylb so moronic stupid and insipid. For a biped you sure do drag them knuckles around this blog all the time.
155 – She wasn’t a lobbyist. I haven’t seen Edwards in politics for quite a while.
Duvall was working on his second term before he was uh.. caught on tape just in the last week..
157 – Yaaaaaaaawnnn… boooorinnng. More name-calling…
Still hasn’t refuted any points in the link I provided.
Hasn’t “proved” “ustogether” conspiracy theory promotion by Keith Olbermann.
Just barely admitted he went to public school as a kid which according to right wing bullshit makes me smarter.
Just another sad day for an intellectually bankrupt right wing tool.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@158 There you go again… It was you who delivered your favorite link. Puddy just reminded you of your choice in presidential candidates and what she was doing to your candidate. Here is the general timeline from the PuddyArchives…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Name calling… hmmm… Puddy remembers Stupes above now where was that used? Oh yeah post 104?
Puddy hasn’t used your alter ego name yet. But your are ylb with the StrangeEye, so Puddy condensed to ylb StrangeEye.
So much for name calling since Puddy is using ylb and that picture is your strange left eye.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Now regards to refuting points.
Any time you venture to left-wing whackamole sites, you refute yourself.
Just like you refuted Oh yeah David Patterson NY Govnur and his profligate womanizing and cocaine using self in the WA Times too, along with the Pension Fund and Eliot Spritzer. You called it “right-wing” bullshit.
Pox on your house fool!
bilge this thread. What a waste…
And we wonder why our elected officials act like undignified jackasses. THEY ARE US!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
157. YLB spews:
You’re saying it was good at one time.
Of course it was.
Back when the us population was under 200 million.
Back when parents took personal responsibility for their kids.
Back when government respected citizens and their tax dollars.
Back when the government built and maintained infrastructure instead of now building new buildings and monuments with their name plastered all over it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
161. YLB spews:
155 – She wasn’t a lobbyist. I haven’t seen Edwards in politics for quite a while.
Duvall was working on his second term before he was uh.. caught on tape just in the last week..
Unlike edwards that was running for president while the right-wing media was outing him for cheating on his cancer stricken wife.
How long did it take from the first time right-wingers outed him and the liberal media picked up on the story? Oh yeah, they didn’t report it until AFTER he admitted it on a friday night news show. Why was the liberal media so far behind the right-wing media? Besides for the fact they were covering for him.
And lets not forget that even when he admitted he cheated, he assured us it wasn’t his kid.
Now months later he admits to being the father.
I wonder which one of the 2 americas he kept talking about he lives in? The america where a rich white man can father a child by someone other than his wife, lie about the affair, lie about the kid and then be awol in the kids life. Sure, he’ll send the kid $$, kids need more than $$ from their dad. Too bad for the kids he doesn’t care about them.
Imagine you as his kid… you grow up and see youtube videos of your dad denying he slept with your mother. Videos of him denying he’s your father. Democrat family values.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
166. Nolaguy spews:
bilge this thread. What a waste…
Much like the content of the speech itself. I guess that pretty much makes sense.
And we wonder why our elected officials act like undignified jackasses. THEY ARE US!!!
So, the president can call people liars [palin] to the nation before a national adudience about something that is true [death panels], but someone can’t call him a liar when he’s outright lying about those panels existence, illegals being covered and abortion being covered??
Undignified? Perhaps…but I’m sure you didn’t show this kind of faux indignation when the left did it to Bush…now were you?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, Puddy presents Anthony Van Jones
Why was the liberal media so far behind the right-wing media? Besides for the fact they were covering for him.
Fits for him too. Just look at the scramble last weekend. The Outing started Mid-March 2009. Nary a peep on Jones.
Back when government respected citizens and their tax dollars.
So you’re saying you want to raise the income tax rate back to the good old days? 91% on people who made over $400K all through the 50’s. Even that old commie Raygun was taking half the rich people’s money. As GW would say “bring it on”.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ABC loses it’s only credible journalist…TO FOX!
Award-winning journalist John Stossel is joining FOX News Channel and FOX Business Network.
Stossel, best known for his work as co-anchor of ABC News’ “20/20,” will anchor “Stossel,” a weekly program on FOX Business Network.
Fox will gain more & more viewers…just like Beck has provided.
Big Brotherspews:
So far, little brother-sister, Bachmann’s $4-8 billion ACORN story looks thin. “Might be eligible” is apparently where it’s at for now, aside from the inconveninet truth tht ACORN has taken millions, not billions, in the last decade for organizing the pedo-perv community.
Marvin Stamnspews:
171. don spews: Back when government respected citizens and their tax dollars.
So you’re saying you want to raise the income tax rate back to the good old days?
So the ruling class no longer respects or use our tax dpllars wisely because we are giving them less?
Marvin Stamnspews:
170. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Marvin, Puddy presents Anthony Van Jones
Why was the liberal media so far behind the right-wing media? Besides for the fact they were covering for him.
Lets not forget the liberal media was almost a year behind hannity and the rev wright story.
Do you remember rev wright, he was the guy that obama said about- I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother
6 weeks before he disowned him.
I’m sure hannity was pleased that obama proved him right. Just like how the obama proved beck right about the communist truther.
fox news – 2
obama – 0
Whoa! Mucho stinky after I left this thread.
163 – Pffffft. Neither here nor there gloating. It’s true. I supported Edwards. I appreciated his vigorous progressive rhetoric but in the end he let me down. An acceptable alternative was available. Maybe not quite as progressive but more than acceptable. He became my guy. I canvassed for him. I voted for him. He’s in office. I still have high hopes for him.
Where’s your guy? You never had one. You’re as lost as the rest of your ugly miserable party.
164 – Nothing but a bunch of name-calling coming from you about New America. Have you refuted one point in the link? No. Of course not. You have no rebuttal to it at all.
165 – pffft.. More of the same nonsense.
166 – Indeed we have met the enemy but try telling that to these right wing tools.
167 – Good at one time and still good enough for many if not most Republicans.
168 – Ok, that’s a good time for the media to carry the story, after it comes straight from the horses mouth – not from the likes of the National Enquirer. As I said earlier Edwards let his supporters down. His career in politics is finished.
Indeed it’s a tawdry burden to bear for that child but no more than the burden that kids of these fathers have to bear:
169 – Uhh.. Yeah Duvall’s “values” are a dead ringer for those of ESO/PBJ/whoever. How the lies fly out of his ass.
170 – Van Jones is probably better off out in the community than behind a desk. This’ll be forgotten in a week. Even BillO said the story was small time.
171 – Progressive income taxation – yeah!
172 – Still nothing to back this up.
173 – braindead.
174 – zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz. Sycophantic cheerleading for Fox Noise.
Undignified? Perhaps…but I’m sure you didn’t show this kind of faux indignation when the left did it to Bush…now were you?
FWIW: I’m a conservative. I voted for Bush – twice. I voted for McCain. IMO, true conservatives practice dignified restraint and debate with data. Does no one remember what a gentleman is? And I did think the pot shots at Bush were not useful and took away from debating ideas or policy.
We should all me ashamed at both parties last night. Their actions were childish and not appropriate for their standing and the setting:
The smiling glad-handing before it started, the 15 minute entrance by Obama, the standing ovations, and the lack of respect for the President during his speech. There’s a more dignified way to disagree – and I believe that our elected leaders should act that way, especially in front of constituents.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 “The American taxpayer will be held liable for paying out any malpractice lawsuits committed by doctors under a “public option””
False! The “public option” is merely a health insurance plan. The doctor would still be liable. But if the plan was liable, it would carry malpractice insurance, and the insurer would pay. But even if the plan was liable and didn’t carry insurance, the American taxpayer still wouldn’t pay, because the “public option” will be self-supporting and all its costs will be paid by its policyholders.
Roger Rabbitspews:
#70 is typical of the brainless crap spewed by numbskulls of the same ilk who gave us the flat earth, witch burnings, and UFO abductions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 When you can’t refute the message, bash the messenger! Thanks for proving his point, puddlehead.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You didn’t help Corzine in NJ when you were back East– Thursday, September 10, 2009
Republican challenger Chris Christie continues to lead incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine in the race for New Jersey governor.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey of voters in the Garden State finds Christie, a former federal prosecutor, on top 46% to 38%
178 – The Democratic opposition to Bush was pretty much loyal. The only place where they pushed back hard was on extremist judges – and still the SCOTUS judges sailed through without much trouble.
Maybe the Dems made a bit more noise after Nov 2006 but the Republicans in the Senate just circled the wagons and held firm as a bulwark against the Dems asserting any significant majority power.
So Bush pretty much got what he wanted – a missile defense system in Alaska, 2 hot wars, a new global cold war of sorts on organized non-state islamist extremism, significant tax cuts, steel tariffs that helped in 2002, an odious farm bill which again helped politically, a new medicare benefit that may have helped him some in 2004 but by 2006 may have been hurting him, immunity for the telecom companies that helped him spy domestically, a military commissions law that helped him skirt around pushback from the SCOTUS.
Other than failing to install some extremist judges, flaming out on social security “reform” and failing to push through an unpopular immigration plan Bush had a fairly successful run. He succeeded in making his rich patrons even richer.
The Dems couldn’t make too much of a dent in his momentum even after corruption scandals in his party and the disastrous 60 day 60 city tour to “reform” Social Security.
Of course by the time his term ended he had all but destroyed the future viability of his party. The popularity of Obama and the Dems may be dropping lately but the approval rating of the Republicans has hardly budged at all.
When Obama and his family and all congress and senators join this as their own personal plan, I will be on board, but when they sneak in a clause that they are not covered by this plan, to hell with it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When they called you monomaniacal, you proved it once again by posting your favorite web site. You are so Pavlov’s Doggie you don’t even recognize when you do it. You are sooooo stooooopid, even your side sees it. Maybe the SEIU can chqange your meds? Doubt it!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb StrangeEye farts
The only place where they pushed back hard was on extremist judges
Yeah right. Robert and Alito were not extremist even though Chucky Schumer tried his nasty tactics like always. He’s so scummy just like you ylb StrangeEye. He was attacked attacked attacked by the liberals. His final vote was 58-42. There was no deep commentary trail on Alito. His wife left the hearings in tears from your lunatic senator wing. Wait a minute you are a monomaniacal lunatic too. No wonder you said what Puddy copied above.
Then you and your ilk had the temerity to attack our side when Sotomayor’s own words and written documents were found and repeated? What a tool you are fool!
Yeah right on that comment above!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Regarding the rest of your rant@183, seems “the messiah” hasn’t dropped much of your “concerns” you voiced above. Even closing GITMO seems off the radar right now. What happened to the telephone companies now?
Maybe after becoming preznit, “the messiah” recognized he can’t be the ACLU standard barrier but he has to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and not his Chitown thugs, eh?
BTW Fool, where is Merry Fitzmas?
Marvin Stamnspews:
180. Roger Rabbit spews:
#70 is typical of the brainless crap spewed by numbskulls of the same ilk who gave us … UFO abductions.
I know that answer.
That would be democrat candidate for president, dennis kucinich.
I wonder why a numbskull that spews that brainless crap would be running for president on the democrat ticket.
186 – Scalito – a right wing ideologue. Clever nickname – so clever, some Republican on the judiciary committee called him that in the confirmation hearing.
The right wing called Sotomayor a racist even though Scalito had also touted his ethnic heritage as a strength.
That was low..
187 – Fitz nailed Scooter Libby. At the end, the Chimp was so alienated from Darth Cheney over what Duck! had done to his Presidency Chimpie didn’t have the heart to fully pardon Libby. Chimpster had commuted the sentence before Scooter could do a day of time – that was enough to secure omerta.
I was pleased by the speech. I think he did what he needed to do for now. I feel much better than before the speech.
That isn’t going to stop the craziness, of course. I loved the way he called out the Rs on their BS — and their behavior during the speech was a perfect backdrop. It remains to be seen how well O et al will actually beat back the lies.
I was also touched by how he shared Ted’s letter to him and his riff on how Ted always focused on others. His mention of Ted’s health care successes with Hatch, Grassley, McCain was masterful.
Joe Wilson of South Laughing Stock Carolina, will he apologize? Does he think he embodies a long tradition of heckling presidents? Does he realize his outburst and the resulting coverage will totally overshadow coverage of the GOP response?
Bet his son, running for SC AG, now loses as well.
Be serious. He is a hero to the wingers. Watch and see. I would imagine it was calculated.
He proved Obama’s point about the nuts on the other side. Joe Wilson may be a “hero” to the nuts, but the Republicans that have some strange desire to govern as a majority have been backing away from their Frankenstein’s Monster for the past few days.
The crowd shots of the Republicans sitting on their hands while getting chastised for acting like jackasses was pretty sweet.
Act like an ass, spread some lies, and he is going to call them out.
As it turns out the answer to the first question is yes. The question as to if his apology will save his kid’s election bid in South Laughing Stock Carolina remains to be seen.
Wilson already wimped out and disappointed all the gooofballs who reflexively lionized him. Now they will all have to backtrack, too. Fun! http://www.thestate.com/local/story/935620.html
…or declare him the newest RINO.
Fact Check on Obama’s statements:
Make no mistake about it, one way or another, illegals will be covered.
From the jesters link:
Side bar issue. GOP loses again. Next I suppose they are going to complain that emergency rooms are failing to turn away undocumented brown people.
“In the past Obama repeatedly said, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period.” Now he’s stopping short of that unconditional guarantee by saying nothing in the plan “requires” any change.“
It’s death panels! It’s death panels!! An’ you socialists are gonna give ’em away to illegals!!!
There will be no meaningful reform. The republicans are employing the same strategy they did in the clinton years: do any/everything necessary to bring him down:
Fuck the country, get back in power.
The DINOs are afraid of angering the shriekers in their districts,or like Baucus, they are bought and paid for by the industry.
The wingers will shout that the dems are the majority and they can pass what they want so it’s all their fault whatever happens knowing and chuckling about the fact that there are nearly a dozen DINOs that are no more democrat than I am republican.
I am waiting for Klynical to come in here calling Baucus a democrat.
@1 I wonder how much he paid Wilson to shout “liar!” because that dummy played right into his hands.
Free death panels for illegals now!
Hannity’s head would explode.
@3 Of course it was. None of these guys are capable of thinking for themselves, and none of them ever had an original idea.
Wilson is being lauded as a hero over at hannity and lambasted for apologizing.
The conservatives live in Oppositeland.
Is that why the presidenr is teleprompter dependent?
I thought Piglosi was going to go over the railing when Wilson shouted what was obviously true. Obama was lying his ass off through that part of the speech…well, on second thought, he lied through about 45 minutes of a 45 minute speech, but who’s counting? Certainly not the main stream media.
Another snooze fest other than that highlight with Pelosi going ape shit and having Slow Joe Biden having to give her a reader board saying “shut the fuck up and get yourself under control”…instantly, she started smiling that phony ass smile she usually wears…….Classic liberal lunacy
@9 It’s pretty damn stupid not to provide basic health care to illegals, so they don’t go around with untreated contagious diseases and infect the rest of us, dumbshit!
@10 Republicans wouldn’t be satisfied to let anyone vote, get health care, or be president unless they had a certificate signed by God.
@18 – Way to bring it! Whoo! You told us!
Darned fine speech. Wasn’t socialist enough for me. Illegals will continue to get “treatment” (pay cash, go to emergency rooms).
Blah, blah, blah.
@18 “Is that why the presidenr is teleprompter dependent?”
You should talk. Bush couldn’t even smirk without a wire.
Um, Roger. You’ve been here how long contaminating this blog? You do realize you can address more than one poster in just one of your own posts? For example:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@ 9 Roger Rabbit babbles on….
@ 10- Roger Rabbit babbles on…
@ 18- Roger rabbit babbles on…
See how easy that is, Rog? Hell, even a hare-brained fuck like you should be able to figure that out.
@18: “classic liberal lunacy”
Ha Ha Ha. I give you Terri Schiavo. The Dems will never be able to top that one. Never.
National Health Care now!!!
The republicans couldn’t win an honest election last fall so now it’s spite.
“Fuck up whatever the democrats want, they’re dirty bastards that fooled the gullible public, get even at any cost with any means”
They will probably succeed. The assholes of the world usually get their way. And we’ll have people like EOS and Marvypoo and Cynical running the country again.
Good luck.
@24 Being a simple rabbit, I find it easier to deal with idiots and fools one at a time.
@27 Well, it’ll be easy to get even with them. Just find an illegal with ebola and send him their way.
Damn funny. Extra simplification…
@9, 10 & 18 Roger Rabbit babbles on….
Puddy thought feral was equivalent to ebola.
I can relate to that…that is why I can never attend a DNC convention.
Taking Mass. failed healthcare system (costliest in the nation) nationwide is a fools endeavor. Unfortunately for the average American citizen that cherishes quality healthcare (and 80% are happy with theirs in its current form), a fool is wanting to implement that very thing.
Nah, just keeping it pithy.
Pretty funny to read this description from AP via the PI
Now what was the GOP response about? Oh yeah, who gives a shit.
Speaking of the teleprompter president, I wonder if the children watching obama on teev give his school speech thought obama was watching a tennis match they way he looked to the left teleprompter and then to the right teleprompter. Repeat ad nauseam.
I’m surprised his handlers didn’t consider that and put the teleprompter next to the camera so obama could actually look towards the kids.
Even simpler…
Roger Rabbit babbles on…
So, there was a town hall on healthcare, somebody shouted and then felt embarrassed by the way they acted, was critisized by his own side because of how he acted.
Funny you should mention that, Marvin. I understand the Tennis U.S. Open has been going on this week somewhere in U.S., but not sure if it was going on in the school auditorium where he was
speaking toindoctrinating the students (according to the Democrat party back in 1991 that is when GHW Bush did it).Will there be an investigation into this travesty like back then…?
Can’t get me off your mind can you sweetie.
You give your self way too much importance fuckhead. There were three people mentioned but YOU had to assume it was about YOU.
Is there another “marvypoo” you obsess about on this blog honey.
Well X’ad, you have been very silly with your continual attack of Marvin today.
“Marvypoo” thinks you are female. Looks like an infatuation with “Marvypoo”! And that sexual innuendo “fuckhead”. Wow “It must be love”.
Good speech, but where’s the beef? It’s the Congressional Democratic consensus, repackaged. Pretty good for people who already have group insurance, probably OK for the truly poor. But for the not-so-well off who are going to be required to purchase insurance at, probably, poorly-regulated rates? Pain. & that’s most of my friends, except for the people with good academic and computing jobs.
Oh, you Republicans and Democrats! Your world is full of destruction, not construction.
The teleprompter president
NEW YORK (Reuters) – How do you keep a leader as verbally gaffe-prone as U.S. President George W. Bush from making even more slips of the tongue?
When Bush addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, the White House inadvertently showed exactly how — with a phonetic pronunciation guide on the teleprompter to get him past troublesome names of countries and world leaders.
Puddy thinks the funniest moment was when he wanted to talk directly to the seniors and he looked into the frontal camera for two seconds. Then returned to the tennis match on the teleprompters.
“In fact, I want to speak directly to America’s seniors for a moment, because Medicare is another issue that’s been subjected to demagoguery and distortion during the course of this debate.”
Puddy really thought he was gonna look into the camera. Butt… … … it didn’t happen!
Ping —————————— Pong
Pong —————————— Ping
Bush left office January 20, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Keep da faith fool! Steve has your goat all warmed up and ready to go!
Re 42
And there’s another part of the population, like me. I make okay money and take care of my responsibilities. The day that health insurance is mandated by law I’ll drop mine. The government wants to fine me for a PERSONAL choice? They can put me in jail first, but will get not one cent from this American. I’m sick of paying for welfare rats who won’t work. I’m sick of paying for mortgage holders or underwriters who made poor choices. I’m sick of paying to bail out Wall Street. I simply won’t pay for every schmuck smoker or pre-existing cancer patient. You liberals want to pay for it, go ahead. My money stays in my pocket where it belongs.
Not love… I think it’s more like one of those clinton/monica and john edwards/rielle things.
Telling the students to work hard, stay in school is all good.
Talking about his one-sided debate sounds political.
@ 45 Puddybud. I have to disagree. The funniest part for me was when Nutty nancy reacted to Joe Wilson shouting “you lie” when Obama was fibbing endlessly in his usual manner re: No Abortion in bill (there will be), No death panels (there will be), No illegal aliens covered (they will be).
… She had this phony mock outrage scowl to her leathered and weathered face for a few moments…then, “slow” Joe Biden hands her a placard and in a few seconds, she flashes a phony smile as if reacting to what was written on it.
My guess is it said something like: “Calm your ass down and look composed”.
Was even funnier on replay…
@47 – You are already paying for all of that through premiums and taxes and you’re not getting dick-dock-doodley-doo for it. Happy?
Is there a “Golden Goat” Hall of Shame?
We need to start one.
#47: the odd thing is that, minus the class bigotry, I don’t feel that different. Oh, I’ll accept this heel of a loaf, if that’s what’s offered. Beats no health care, for sure. I bet if it comes down to it, you will, too–it’s easier to croak than it is to fly. But unless Congress manages some decent insurance regulation, the big winners in this plan are the insurance companies and the big corporations, and that’s disgusting.
Roger – You need to send $12,000 to the nearest hospital to pay your fair share of the unrecovered expenses for illegals.
Try going to Mexico and demanding the services the US provides to illegals in this country. They would beat your ass all the way back to the border. Just like they do to Salvadorans and Hondurans and all the other Central Americans passing through to the US.
Some American retirees who are younger than 65 are living in Mexico because they can get health insurance there for $250 a YEAR.
Pre-existing conditions aren’t covered for two years but the fact that people are actually motivated to move there for health insurance should tell you something.
As long as cheap labor right wingers hire undocumented workers to line their pockets you shouldn’t be surprised when they try to get some health care when they need it.
A 38 seat majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate. So what are you HA’ers bitching about?? Just pass your garbage health care legislation and TOTUS will sign it into law.
Oh wait…….what do you mean you DON’T HAVE THE VOTES?
You forgot the other winner in this boondoggle-Congress- Who have no “skin in the game” as Obama likes to say. They have a superior plan while Hundreds of millions of Americans will be dumped into an inferior public “option” because it makes good business sense to do so for private companies. Unless this cowardly president and the cowards in congress advocating this “public option” have some skin in the game, they can all Fuck off.
Also, as their employer, can’t we decide it makes good business sense to not have 2 unequal “public” plans and bring them into the inferior pool they’ve thrown us into?? Obama talks of health care cost rising for the American tax payer while their health plan is helping increase that burden- Put some skin in the game Mr. President… rather than just covering your ass like you’re doing now.
No tort reform from Obamacrats, No interstate shopping for your health insurance from the Obamacrats to increase the “competition” the president lied about last night saying he wants. He doesn’t want competition, he wants universal health care, he’s just too much of a coward to admit it.
Obama is a liar. What’s wrong with calling him one? I thought protest was patriotic.
The Iraqi journalist who pitched his shoes at the Texas Warmonger gets out of jail today, and he’s being showered with millions of dollars in gifts and even women.
No doubt if Rep. Joe Wilson (R-Idiot) had heaved his hush puppies at President Obama last night he, too, would have garnered fame and fortune from America’s Ignorati. And Republican lawgivers always have an appetite for women.
@57 “No tort reform from Obamacrats”
No, of course not, because malpractice lawsuits aren’t a significant factor in health care costs; and besides, why should patients bear the financial consequences of hospitals’ and doctors’ screwups? Only Republican morons are in favor of encouraging sloppy medical practice by insulating the health industry from liability for their negligence.
Lawsuits actually protect incompetent doctors. If patients or their survivors couldn’t sue them, some people might be tempted to reinstate the ancient tradition of revenge killing.
The good thing about what Wilson did last night is call attention to the section of the speech where the lies that Obama were spewing were especially egregious. We’ll be able to go back and cue up that video in the unlikely event a “public option” bill passes.
History will show who the liar was last night, and I can assure you, it will not be Rep. Wilson.
@55 It’s not surprising that with Republican employers paying Mexican wages to American workers, more American illegals are flocking to Mexico for cheap medical care. After all, they can’t afford Republican medical care in the United States, so why wouldn’t they? I heard the Mexican government is planning to build a fence along the border to keep the Americans out.
So if my incompetent doctor is provided through the U.S. Governments public option, that means I can sue the taxpayers of the U.S. in court for providing me an inferior doctor who committed malpractice (see naming hospitals in malpractice suits).
See how that works dumbass?
@ 64 below- So you have a hardon for the Iraqi sack of shit that assaulted former president Bush, but condemn a patriot that expressed his free speech guaranteed by the consititution. You truly are an unAmerican POS, Rog.
@61 There’s nothing good about what Wilson did last night, but that won’t stop you from sucking his cock anyway, will it?
@63 Let me ask you a legal question. Of course, I don’t expect you to come up with the right answer. This is just for fun. Are you ready? Here goes:
If a for-profit doctor working in a for-profit hospital screws up and injures or kills you, is your insurance company legally liable?
Actually, I think that one should be a Roger Rabbit Quiz.
Hey ylb StrangeEye, you complain about Dr Boustany. He’s acting different than Senator Jon Corzine. Yet you turn a blind eye to Corzine. He basically bought his NJ senate seat $60 million and spent another whopping sum to keep it.
You also forget who his girlfriend was at the time of the 2004 NJ senate erection race. Carla Katz is president of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) union in New Jersey.
Carla Katz, “received” $470,000 from Corzine to purchase buy a New Jersey historic house. He also paid the ‘gift tax’ of $145,000. Coincidentally ylb StrangeEye, Carla’s union decided to vote the Corzine union label.
“Eventually, according to investigators, he forgave the loan giving the impression this was a payoff to gain union support for his election campaign and, if elected, garner her future support in the dealings between state workers and the Governor’s office.”
“Besides the half-million smackers he gave Carla Katz, according to investigators, then-Senator Corzine voted in favor of a “treaty between the United States and Japan that contained a provision exempting certain investors from paying capital gains taxes on their shares in a Japanese bank. The [public interest] lawyers say Corzine was among about 100 investors who benefited.””
Yep you’ll never change ylb StrangeEye!
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, wingnuts, this is gonna be a tough one so put on your thinking caps! Ready? Set! Go!
When a doctor is negligent who is liable for the patient’s injury or death?
[ ] 1. The doctor
[ ] 2. The patient
[ ] 3. The insurance company
[ ] 4. The government of Mexico
[ ] 5. Little green men from Venus
[ ] 6. The deli around the corner
[ ] 7. No one
Man, it’s so pathetically easy to make fun of these retards …
@ 65. No, I assume it would be a personal injury lawsuit against the doctor and/or the hospital- whichever has the deeper pockets most likley.
The American taxpayer will be held liable for paying out any malpractice lawsuits committed by doctors under a “public option”- The US Government takes the place of the hospital in these lawsuits. Not sure how that scenario will be saving money when inferior doctors are treating an increased number of patients and thus lowering quality of health care you receive.
Puddy at 73 will come up with the right answer to Rogers multiple choice question my crystal ball tells me.
Yesterday, the preznit said in his speech
Yet we know from here, he ain’t listening…
@67 So if a Democratic politician gives a house to his union leader girlfriend that means everyone in the union will vote for Democrats?
It probably does work that way with the troll calling himself “Union Firefighter” — he seems idiotic enough — but all the union members I’ve ever known don’t know and don’t care who the union leader is banging.
8. [x] Roger Rabbit
@73 Sure puddy, blame me. That’s consistent with your mentality and intellectual skills.
@72, in NJ one of the “blue” states, probably did!
“In New Jersey, 90 percent of CWA-endorsed candidates for the State Senate and Assembly were elected or returned to office. The Democratic majority in the senate grew by one to 23-17. Democrats lost two seats in the assembly but still control the body with a 48-32 margin.
Don Rice, CWA’s legislative-political director for New Jersey, said CWA built a long term campaign, starting with an initial voter registration drive months ago, to mailings and worksite leaflets, to phone banks and labor walks and ending with a major get-out-the-vote push on Election Day.
“Locals did their own phone banks and also participated in AFL-CIO phone banking. On Election Day, there were 700 CWAers going door-to-door and working phone banks one last time to get people to the polls,” he said. “
Hey Roger, your diarrhea is profligate here with ylb StrangeEye a close second. Every one needs to blame you!
@ 65
I’ll assume my answer @ 70 was correct which is why you haven’t replied.
I’ll also assume I’m correct that the U.S. Taxpayer would be held liable financially for any malpractice lawsuits which emerge listing the doctor and his employer in a personal injury lawsuit for those covered under the “public plan”.
Just one more reason not to let the “public option” see the light of day, which really is no option at all.
The only winners in such a boondoggle would be the ambulance chasing asshole lawyers who’ll go after the deepest pockets around- the US govt is a cash cow ,folks.
If the Democrats in Olympia had any imagination they would pass a law making all county offices nonpartisan. There’s no reason for King and Chelan counties to have different rules. This is an area where the Legislature should establish statewide uniformity.
Lord Boustany you mean.. Another right wing joke.
I understand that Christie guy is yet another Rovian piece of work.
Taking Mass. failed healthcare system (costliest in the nation)
Nope, According to Forbes, its Miami.
Puddy discussing Jon Corzine and his “senate” ways, not Christie. Oh so he’s a Karl Rove work eh? You are a loon a day fool!
Stay on topic. Hmmm… Wait… sorry… you are intellectually incapable of doing that.
Don@80, that’s becuz you have the “beautiful people” who live there.
You know snow birds from NY, NJ, VT, PA, CN, RI, ME, and MA all big time blue states!
Fuck politics, it’s cyclocross season!
Btw, I wouldn’t enter a race if you don’t have health insurance!
Nope. Miami isn’t a state. Massachussetts is.
…and since when did liberals trust forbes?
On another note, where did the rodent scurry off to? He never did refute the lawsuits brought about under the public option and who’ll be held liable for payment for malpractice suits under it.
No wonder he bolted to the safety of his hole…
Most of those snow birds are on medicare.
OMG!!! Score one for ESO! How the fuck did that happen?
Not too long ago obama said it was nearly 46 million people without insurance.
THE PRESIDENT: It will probably — I just want to be honest here. There are about 46 million people who are uninsured.
Last night he said 30 million.
Without the taxpayers spending money the number of uninsured is already dropping.
If we wait a few more months the problem should solve its self.
The President stated that competition will help lower insurance costs, and I think most people agree. He mentioned the situation in Misssissippi specifically, where 1 insurance company insures 90% of the residents.
What will increase competition in Mississippi more?:
a) Offer a government administered plan in Missisippi. (increasing competition by 1)
b) Let insurance companies sell insurance across state lines. (increasing competition by 100+. i’ admit that I’m guessing here)
IMO, option B would have a much bigger impact at a lower cost to tax payers. I have not heard much debate on this and wonder why this is not being discussed more.
Taxpayers are already funding abortions. Would the abortion president end that? How stupid does he think americans are.
I love this ESO/PBJ/Little Ricky Dumbass troll.
Right wing lies flying out his ass
Heh. I thought the topic was health care. Well in your case you started ok with Lord Boustany and then switched to the New Jersey horse race.
Lol! On topic my ass!
I think the plan is to do both A & B.
I’m guessing don went to public school.
What other perfectly legal medical procedures would you like to restrict?
Gee I thought all these Republicans promised the religious right they’d end abortion. Float a constitutional amendment or something like that.
I guess the religious right got screwed by the Republicans like that Duvall guy was screwing female lobbyists. The religious right gave the Republicans their vote, the Republicans cut taxes and regulations with it, a few money bags got even more filthy rich and stuck the suckers with the bill.
Nice gang, the Republicans.
They couldn’t even ban abortion in South Dakota.
ESO, some people think Miami, SF, LA, Houston, NO (well that’s a banana republic) are “states”. Their mayors run them like states. Think Houston and SF with their sanctuary laws. Think of the lady who lost her husband and two sons because of an illegal alien killing them in cold blood because Gavin Any Twosome Newsom wouldn’t turn him over to ICE? Look it up!
Michael@85, so they get the best Medicare can offer!
And I’m guessing you went to private school? LOL! Fantastic poster boy for private school you are..
Hey I went to private school too. Catholic school through 7th grade.
I was freaking CONFIRMED in the Catholic Church.
Look how I turned out.
And I believe it’s a FACT that most Republicans send their kids to public school and went to public school themselves. (See Puddybud). So I don’t see where right wingers get off dissing public school.
Glad you brought that up. Puddy has been discussing the barriers to medical insurance competition for a long time here on HA. Butt the liberals here turn a deaf ear. Why? There’s no discussion of the public option.
From Puddy’s fingers yesterday… “Then there is this YouTube missed by the HA Liberals here. BTW here name is Catherine Brag Small.”
“She wants health care insurance competition. There are 1300 insurance companies in the United States. This small business owner has access to six in the state of California. Puddy brought this up before and the HA Liberals didn’t want to discuss it. She questions why there are only six insurance carriers for approximately 37 million people in CA.”
Notice the health care morons such as daddy love and cnr have been very silent. Why? There’s no discussion of the public option.
@90, Puddy isn’t ESO moron.
Still stupid. Last year last month last fornight last week yesterday today tomorrow and the future!
It’s bad enough that people go without insurance or fall through the cracks between jobs.
It’s even worse when the insurance they have runs out and they needlessly die because they can’t afford the treatments their insurance won’t pay for.
What is it? 18,000 DIE because of lack of insurance or under-insurance.
Terrific status quo you’re shilling for Stamn.
We see how you turned out ylb StrangeEye. A certified loon who is monomaniacal and chronologically challenged last year last month last fornight last week yesterday today tomorrow and the future!
99 – Where do you see the word “Puddybud” in comment 90.
I mean really! Where do you see that?
C’mon you’re going to let me have some fun at your expense with this right?
You know you deserve it.. Just like that “ustogether” bullshit you refuse to back up.
I’m expecting Republicans to remind us (a) of the many, many times that Democratic Congresspeople heckled president Bush during his addresses to joint sessions of Congress. Or maybe they’ll just point to (b) irrelevant comparisons instead. Smart money’s on (b).
101 – zzzzzzZZZZZzzz.. Lame.
You go to private school as a kid Stupes?
@ 90
We’ve already established your limited mental acumen precludes you from commenting on the topics discussed on this forum little boy. Which is why you just whine about “trolling” when facts are put out that counter your inbred liberal fascistic thinking.
Now, little boy, your tasked with getting Roger’s furry carcass out of the hole he’s hiding in to answer the question put forth as to who is on the line for malpractice suit payouts with the government option?
…See if you can’t do at least something in your pathetic life correctly, runt.
70 ESO
A recurrence of the famous “stupid or lying” dilemma. Hospitals employ doctors. Insurance companies pay for care. The so-called “public option” does not employ doctors, it pays for care. So, are you stupid or are you lying?
105 – You ordering me around right winger?
I don’t take orders from right wing nutjobs who are legends in their own “minds”.
fuck you little man…
Moronic twit@102: Only one entry has
You ran them all together dipshit!
What a dumass, just like the commercial!
I believe that the reason that Miami has higher medical costs and no better outcomes is that they have many more elderly patients, who require more care but tend to die anyway due to the inevitable slow breakdown that we all experience as the end of life.
Here’s the rebuttal to the “insurance across state lines” talking point:
Going to have to post it about 100 times before the trolls sputter and flame out over it.
@104 ylb StrangeEye, you went there again. “Stupes”. Old habits die hard eh fool? You see rujax, there is no hope for this idiot. None whatsoever!
Now back the the idiot@104. We were poor in Philly ya moron. Very poor. So poor Puddy wore the same cheap jeans to skuul everyday for the week. Levis? HA! Converse sneakers? HA!Puddy gave his growing up locations for all to see in Google Maps. You have the PuddyMissive. Look it up moron!
Only a nut job leftist could think “Miami” is a state of the union….But hey, what can you expect from the average liberal today? Not much, right?
A report for our wittle wiberals to read.
Since this is an “open thread” (non-topic) related to the speech. Let me comment on “birther” Joe Wilson by showing in how crazy nutty tin foil hat the birther movement is…worse than creationism…almost…
Where do you see any mention of “stay on topic” in 102? Do you do this deliberately? If so it’s a pretty lame deflection tactic – deflection from your own idiocy.
Or are you just a dumbass?
It was refuting your claim that I said you were ESO.
I never said that. Ooops. Brain fart…
Chronic condition with you.
Wow, ylb StrangeEye@110 throws up a single source for his putrid point on insurance.
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@110. You have the PuddyPost on this group. Go back and review it with tctmgr.
Just by you using it to “make a point” proves to Puddy who they are. Just like kooks-tv!
Oh yeah. Puddy don’t trust them. AT ALL!
Fool@114 It’s your comment #90 that Puddy is referring to ylb StrangeEye! Man you are really a moron today.
Keep trying to twist the facts fool!
From the report you’ve linked to
ESO @112
Stop using facts. Liberals can’t deal with facts
112 – LMAO!!! An OTA assessment from 1992. World hasn’t changed a whit since then has it?
What sweet irony – a right wing idiot using a report from a defunct agency that was shutdown by the Gringrichites.
I wonder if this knee jerk right wing robot ever read Fat City.
115 – What about the argument in the link do you disagree with?
I don’t particularly like this about selling across state lines:
So any dumbass Republican state that’s bought and sold by the insurance industry gets to call the shots. Pretty shitty policy.
Pretty Republican.
Just an odd thing to notice!
The Republicans had the White House for the last 8 years straight. They controlled Congress for 6 of those 8 years. But 6 months out of power, and NOW they’re screaming that THEY really have a plan to fix health care, if ONLY (sniffle) the evil Democrats would LISTEN to them!
Er…hey, question! Why didn’t you implement YOUR health care fix sometime in the last 8 YEARS you ran the country? Just curious.
In my 40 years of life, there have only been 12 years of Democratic Presidents. Did the Republicans just not have enough time to get around to implementing the fixes they have for health care? Why can they ONLY produce a plan when there’s a Democratic President. Would have been nice if they introduced their plan while Bush was President and had the entirely submissive Congress (where he didn’t have to veto anything for 6 years).
111 – You didn’t answer my question:
Did you or did you not go to private school as a kid?
And not only was it just a private school – it was a parochial, religious school. First hour of every day was devoted to the Catechism.
According Marvin, Pudge, ProudAss, DOOFUS and dozens of other right wing dumbasses that have paraded through here that MAKES ME SMARTER THAN YOU.
Deal with the bullshit of your tribe fool.
Puddy, I’m hoping today is the day they learn to think on their own and not just gobble up White house propaganda, but alas, it’s a fleeting hope at best…
@ 122- You brag about going to private school, but you can’t find gainful employment. You’re even a sadder sack than the mutt that runs this waste treatment facility, Goldstein.
Poor work ethic + poor education = Average Horses Ass liberal commenter/contributor.
The anti-education, anti-science, anti-evolution creationist party is going to lecture about facts? SWEET! OH DO explain how the universe works! I’d love to know! Did Jebus carve the earth out of a wheel of cheese? LOL
Look at an electoral map. The conservatives are strongest in the least educated areas. Granted they counter this by claiming these are the “real Americans”, the salt-of-the-earth types, not the fancy liberal elite educated types. Fair point. But claiming the Republicans party represents the smart intellectual position is laughable! The last Republican intellectual was William F. Buckley. Now you have Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Ann Coulter.
81% of scientists identify as Democrat or ‘independent’ liberal. Just 6% say they are Republicans.(1)
(1) http://politicalwire.com/archi.....crats.html
123 – I don’t brag about it. It wasn’t that special having education kind of force fed to you every day.
It’s you right wing doofuses that think you just have to slap the word “private” and it automatically makes the person who endures it better.
My kids in the Seattle Public Schools have had a way more positive and enriching experience than I had. But I’ve been lucky to be able to get them into the progressive alternative schools. They look forward to school every day. That makes all the difference in learning.
@120 Trying again…with ylb StrangeEye
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@120.
Oh so California where the legislature is Republican? Or WA State where the legislature is Republican?
What a loon. New America Foundation. Liberal. Puddy don’t trust them.
I know that Miami is not a state. Could not find info about state costs. But if Mass HC costs were the costliest in the nation, Boston would rank among the costliest cities. They don’t, not even in the top twenty.
As for trusting Forbes, having been taught at a Catholic school, I developed critical thinking skills whereby I read the information presented, determine the source and see if the information has a firm basis in fact. Looking at the Forbes article, I see that the information is based on a study by Dartmouth University and their methodologies appear sound.
Wow ylb StrangeEye… The Catechism. Yep so Biblical. The Pope thinks he’s more powerful than Jesus. The Pope has a three mitre hat while Jesus is depicted wearing a two mitre hat. Yep, the Creator of the Universe is below the Pope.
That makes sense. No wonder you went atheistic.
Oh and Puddy already told you we were poor. Why do you think Puddy is so gun ho on the WA DC school vouucher program which whitey Democratic Senators killed? Hmmmm…….? Moron!
Hey Don@127, then you better persuade ylb StrangeEye and rujax about Forbes. They don’t like Forbes because it slants right!
126 – Don’t see any refutation of the points the link makes.
You lose.
You don’t see anything wrong with insurers re-incorporating in say Alabama so they can avoid stricter consumer protections elsewhere?
Of course you don’t. You’re a right wing tool.
@115 – It seems that the issue you brought up is the main premise in the report of why insterstate health insurance would not work.
But, if insurance companies were forced to meet the health mandates of the state where they were selling the policy (which we could require them to do in this health bill) then that would be a non-issue and true competition would be introduced in every state.
The fact that you’re breeding is disconcerting to most. Worse yet, you’re chronically unemployed which means my tax dollars are probably raising them. No wonder you’re a liberal, you’re on the gravy train YLB. I do all the work and your stupid carcass collects checks to feed your “kids”.
@ 127
The fact remains, Mass. is the costliest state in the union for healthcare. It is the closest to Universal healtchare we currently have in this nation and should be looked to as a model of what to expect if we were to take this model nationwide. It has been a failure, which Mr. Obama can relate to because so too has been his entire short tenure as POTUS.
You used the “miami” argument to make a point that didn’t do so. You can at least admit to that right?
128 – Once again you didn’t answer my question.
I remember very clearly the nun who taught me in first grade. First hour of every day she told stories from the Old Testament. Like any good story teller she held the class in rapt silent attention.
That was pretty much as good as it got.
As a kid I had no choice in the matter. Have only walked into a Catholic church a handful of times since I was confirmed.
Above. Sorry, meant for YLB@120
131 – Well then you’re advocating federal regulation of health insurance which is the Swiss model.
They don’t have a public option in Switzerland but they do have heavily regulated private insurance.
Last time ylb StrangeEye
New America Foundation. Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Look up how Puddy showed the liberal money coming to these peeps ylb StrangeEye@120.
You scream and shout all the time when Puddy uses WA Times or NewsMax or CMSNews to make a valid point. Now you try to pull this crap.
You are truly moronic. Puddy don’t lose for pointing out your continual hypocrisy on this blog. You are plain stupid to think Puddy gonna drink more left-wing Kook-aid with your monomaniacal chronologically challenged reputation.
See ya.
The Prosecution rests.
I’m not sure it technically be would be “federal regulation”. But I don’t think a label matters.
Regardless, states still get control of their mandates and it could increase competition significantly – which is President Obama said was a key part of his plan.
Which brings up a question: Does the government option being proposed in this bill have to meet state health mandates?
HOT L BALTIMORE edition: Yesterday Drudge had a sucker headline about ACORN voter fraud in Florida. HNMT salivated at the gift of scandal, then read the story. It seemed to exonerate ACORN, which exposed the internal vote-fraud of exploited indentured “independent” ACORN contractors who are overworked, underpaid (that’s why they had to invent voters), and are probably uninsured by ACORN. So HNMT let the dog sleep. Mr. C posted it, and got smacked.
Today’s ACORN story, courtesy of YLB’s Breitbart and the most dangerous man in America, Glenn Beck, is worth your time. It shows your tax dollars at work for you.
Obama’s ACORN is like Planned Parenthood: it gets millions and billions of your government dollars for institutionalizing pedo perversion. That’s inconvenient for Steve, because this institutionalized perversion and fraud is totally on the progressive left.
(Two years ago Caitlin Flanagan at The Atlantic showed that Planned Parenthood invariably or almost invariably hides (or tries to abort) evidence of statutory rape. Today’s Beck-Breitbart story about Baltimore ACORN shows whole new realms of pervert fraud. All caught with what Stephanie Miller calls those dratted recording devices.)
So watch Beck tonight for the XXX video. And suppress your, um, urge to start shouting racism! at a crowded theatre. Beck makes it plain that the helpful black accountant in Baltimore is, like ACORN’s registrars in Florida, a mere exploited factor input on the community organizer plantation.
ACORN, at the top, is old white boys gouging Obama for billions of dollars in federal stimulus. And it rakes in dollars on almost every post-sub-prime mortgage in America. And it shows underage whores how to twist the tax code to their advantage, something it probably learned from Daschle, Rangel, and Geithner.
pbj @ 132
I thought you were a big Anne Coulter fan.
She thought Romney was the tops.
Romneycare! I love it.
re 132: Maybe Obama needs to start a phony war — like Bush did.
If you got sick and your insurance carrier would not cover it (on some bogus pretext), you’d be the first one cryin’ about it — hypocrite.
Hope Darryl, the smartest geek in America, tunes in tonight and turns on his awesome powers of deconstruction. Would love to watch him try to explain away Beck’s expose’.
Haven’t seen much in the way of valid points from those publications.
I’ve seen a lot of right wing bullshit though.
So I suppose you’re all for the fly by night insurance industry domiciling in a Republican state so they can screw consumers looking for the best deal?
Right wingers, resist your urge to look here for role models:
One thing about a liar, which our current president proved he is last night is…eventually, people stop believing you because you’ve lost all personal integrity and credibility – i.e. you can’t be trusted to be honest to the American people.
Obama is a lame duck president only 8 months into office, which should serve as a reminder to never put an unqualified candidate into the white house CEO position. 3+ year more of bungling incompetence from the Democrat party.
Some advice to the empty suit at 1600 Pennsylvania:
Put some skin in the game…or STFU!! I report, you decide:
yeah! I heard from Michelle Bachmann that ACORN got 4 billion from the stimulus.
Any truth to that? lol!
I don’t know how old Puddy is, maybe he went to public schools back in the old days when american schools led the world in education.
Unlike now when liberal ideologies have corroded public schools into leading the world in drop-outs.
Obama continues to polarize America…
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Obama, once again, will try to jam thru something likw he did before and he did on the Porkulous Bill, without giving Congress and the Public adequate time to question and vet.
Here is a great quote the summarizes the mentality of the Progressive numbskulls:
Might have been closer to $8 billion, little brother. Any truth to the rumor that your subsidized reassignment surgery was a clever stunt to make you an Avon lady so you could get close to Michelle’s action?
I see I have finally gotten to Darryl…
He is now holding my posts and “moderating” them.
Hey Darryl, what happened to open-minded, tolerance & diversity???
Instead, Darryl shows the truth..
Marvin, Puddy started school in the early 1960s. That’s before political correctness and revisionist history happened. Puddy remembers watching the Cuban missile crisis happening in the school auditorium on a tiny black and white TV. Puddy remembers when JFK was assassinated we watched it at home on the black and white TV by one of ylb StrangeEye’s heros LHO. So forth and so on.
Yep we were 4th in education prowess. Then the NEA and AFT started their political fight and we went from 4th to 12th to 23rd to off the bottom of the charts. So why is ylb StrangeEye so stupid today with his parochial education. Did he go retro and forget that larning he gots back yonder?
@142: There he goes again
Yep he forgets the Democratic Pension Fund Scandal
I have not seen any evidence that Massachusetts health care is the costliest. Care to share that info? Just because you say so, doesn’t make it so.
If it were the costliest, there would be a greater number of Mass cities than other cities from the study I provided. Boston, in case you didn’t know, is the largest city in Mass and is NOT even on the list of the top 20 costliest cities in the US for healthcare. In the study, New York, Dallas, LA, Detroit and Miami all ranked in the top 20, Boston ranked 37. Houston, Dallas, Corpus Christi and two other cities in Texas are in the top 20, so I would say that healthcare in Texas is costliest. To be accurate, there is one Mass town in the top 20, that is Worcester, at 19th.
147 – Eight billion dollars! For ACORN! Wow!
Paunchy middle aged guys like Duvall can screw a lot of female lobbyists with that kind of change!
Any proof from government documentation or the like for this assertion?
For the record, democrats heckled bush during his state of the union speech.
If democrats didn’t believe in being civil to the president, why are they complaining when the same is done to their president.
Oh yeah, it’s that typical liberal double standard.
Unlike democrat presidents that have sex with an intern a couple years older than his own daughter.
How partisan are you to think only republicans cheat on their wives.
Hmmmm.. Seems like a contradiction. Now you’re touting public education.
You’re saying it was good at one time.
Naughty, naughty.
Of course ylb StrangeEye forgets his original presidential candidate John Deadwards and his out-of wedlock shenanigans.
As Puddy always says, liberals have 24 hour memory disease.
153 – Hey I was talking about ACORN.
You’re the guy with links diarrhea at times. How about a link on eight billion dollars to ACORN as asserted by your right wing friend @ 147?
What does an organization that advocates for the poor do with that kind of money?
Marvin, you have to excuse ylb StrangeEye. Even when your words are as plain as day in #146 he will warp them with his femtometer brain and produce crap like #154.
ylb so moronic stupid and insipid. For a biped you sure do drag them knuckles around this blog all the time.
155 – She wasn’t a lobbyist. I haven’t seen Edwards in politics for quite a while.
Duvall was working on his second term before he was uh.. caught on tape just in the last week..
157 – Yaaaaaaaawnnn… boooorinnng. More name-calling…
Still hasn’t refuted any points in the link I provided.
Hasn’t “proved” “ustogether” conspiracy theory promotion by Keith Olbermann.
Just barely admitted he went to public school as a kid which according to right wing bullshit makes me smarter.
Just another sad day for an intellectually bankrupt right wing tool.
@158 There you go again… It was you who delivered your favorite link. Puddy just reminded you of your choice in presidential candidates and what she was doing to your candidate. Here is the general timeline from the PuddyArchives…
Name calling… hmmm… Puddy remembers Stupes above now where was that used? Oh yeah post 104?
Puddy hasn’t used your alter ego name yet. But your are ylb with the StrangeEye, so Puddy condensed to ylb StrangeEye.
So much for name calling since Puddy is using ylb and that picture is your strange left eye.
Now regards to refuting points.
Any time you venture to left-wing whackamole sites, you refute yourself.
New America Foundation.
bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa heeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeee hooooooooo hooooooo haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa.
Just like you refuted Oh yeah David Patterson NY Govnur and his profligate womanizing and cocaine using self in the WA Times too, along with the Pension Fund and Eliot Spritzer. You called it “right-wing” bullshit.
Pox on your house fool!
bilge this thread. What a waste…
And we wonder why our elected officials act like undignified jackasses. THEY ARE US!!!
Of course it was.
Back when the us population was under 200 million.
Back when parents took personal responsibility for their kids.
Back when government respected citizens and their tax dollars.
Back when the government built and maintained infrastructure instead of now building new buildings and monuments with their name plastered all over it.
Unlike edwards that was running for president while the right-wing media was outing him for cheating on his cancer stricken wife.
How long did it take from the first time right-wingers outed him and the liberal media picked up on the story? Oh yeah, they didn’t report it until AFTER he admitted it on a friday night news show. Why was the liberal media so far behind the right-wing media? Besides for the fact they were covering for him.
And lets not forget that even when he admitted he cheated, he assured us it wasn’t his kid.
Now months later he admits to being the father.
I wonder which one of the 2 americas he kept talking about he lives in? The america where a rich white man can father a child by someone other than his wife, lie about the affair, lie about the kid and then be awol in the kids life. Sure, he’ll send the kid $$, kids need more than $$ from their dad. Too bad for the kids he doesn’t care about them.
Imagine you as his kid… you grow up and see youtube videos of your dad denying he slept with your mother. Videos of him denying he’s your father. Democrat family values.
Much like the content of the speech itself. I guess that pretty much makes sense.
So, the president can call people liars [palin] to the nation before a national adudience about something that is true [death panels], but someone can’t call him a liar when he’s outright lying about those panels existence, illegals being covered and abortion being covered??
Undignified? Perhaps…but I’m sure you didn’t show this kind of faux indignation when the left did it to Bush…now were you?
Marvin, Puddy presents Anthony Van Jones
Fits for him too. Just look at the scramble last weekend. The Outing started Mid-March 2009. Nary a peep on Jones.
Back when government respected citizens and their tax dollars.
So you’re saying you want to raise the income tax rate back to the good old days? 91% on people who made over $400K all through the 50’s. Even that old commie Raygun was taking half the rich people’s money. As GW would say “bring it on”.
ABC loses it’s only credible journalist…TO FOX!
Fox will gain more & more viewers…just like Beck has provided.
So far, little brother-sister, Bachmann’s $4-8 billion ACORN story looks thin. “Might be eligible” is apparently where it’s at for now, aside from the inconveninet truth tht ACORN has taken millions, not billions, in the last decade for organizing the pedo-perv community.
So the ruling class no longer respects or use our tax dpllars wisely because we are giving them less?
Lets not forget the liberal media was almost a year behind hannity and the rev wright story.
Do you remember rev wright, he was the guy that obama said about-
I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother
6 weeks before he disowned him.
I’m sure hannity was pleased that obama proved him right. Just like how the obama proved beck right about the communist truther.
fox news – 2
obama – 0
Whoa! Mucho stinky after I left this thread.
163 – Pffffft. Neither here nor there gloating. It’s true. I supported Edwards. I appreciated his vigorous progressive rhetoric but in the end he let me down. An acceptable alternative was available. Maybe not quite as progressive but more than acceptable. He became my guy. I canvassed for him. I voted for him. He’s in office. I still have high hopes for him.
Where’s your guy? You never had one. You’re as lost as the rest of your ugly miserable party.
164 – Nothing but a bunch of name-calling coming from you about New America. Have you refuted one point in the link? No. Of course not. You have no rebuttal to it at all.
165 – pffft.. More of the same nonsense.
166 – Indeed we have met the enemy but try telling that to these right wing tools.
167 – Good at one time and still good enough for many if not most Republicans.
168 – Ok, that’s a good time for the media to carry the story, after it comes straight from the horses mouth – not from the likes of the National Enquirer. As I said earlier Edwards let his supporters down. His career in politics is finished.
Indeed it’s a tawdry burden to bear for that child but no more than the burden that kids of these fathers have to bear:
Republican family values.
169 – Uhh.. Yeah Duvall’s “values” are a dead ringer for those of ESO/PBJ/whoever. How the lies fly out of his ass.
170 – Van Jones is probably better off out in the community than behind a desk. This’ll be forgotten in a week. Even BillO said the story was small time.
171 – Progressive income taxation – yeah!
172 – Still nothing to back this up.
173 – braindead.
174 – zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz. Sycophantic cheerleading for Fox Noise.
Boeing Workers DECERTIFY Union!!
Is this the start of something big?
FWIW: I’m a conservative. I voted for Bush – twice. I voted for McCain. IMO, true conservatives practice dignified restraint and debate with data. Does no one remember what a gentleman is? And I did think the pot shots at Bush were not useful and took away from debating ideas or policy.
We should all me ashamed at both parties last night. Their actions were childish and not appropriate for their standing and the setting:
The smiling glad-handing before it started, the 15 minute entrance by Obama, the standing ovations, and the lack of respect for the President during his speech. There’s a more dignified way to disagree – and I believe that our elected leaders should act that way, especially in front of constituents.
@70 “The American taxpayer will be held liable for paying out any malpractice lawsuits committed by doctors under a “public option””
False! The “public option” is merely a health insurance plan. The doctor would still be liable. But if the plan was liable, it would carry malpractice insurance, and the insurer would pay. But even if the plan was liable and didn’t carry insurance, the American taxpayer still wouldn’t pay, because the “public option” will be self-supporting and all its costs will be paid by its policyholders.
#70 is typical of the brainless crap spewed by numbskulls of the same ilk who gave us the flat earth, witch burnings, and UFO abductions.
@115 When you can’t refute the message, bash the messenger! Thanks for proving his point, puddlehead.
You didn’t help Corzine in NJ when you were back East–
Thursday, September 10, 2009
178 – The Democratic opposition to Bush was pretty much loyal. The only place where they pushed back hard was on extremist judges – and still the SCOTUS judges sailed through without much trouble.
Maybe the Dems made a bit more noise after Nov 2006 but the Republicans in the Senate just circled the wagons and held firm as a bulwark against the Dems asserting any significant majority power.
So Bush pretty much got what he wanted – a missile defense system in Alaska, 2 hot wars, a new global cold war of sorts on organized non-state islamist extremism, significant tax cuts, steel tariffs that helped in 2002, an odious farm bill which again helped politically, a new medicare benefit that may have helped him some in 2004 but by 2006 may have been hurting him, immunity for the telecom companies that helped him spy domestically, a military commissions law that helped him skirt around pushback from the SCOTUS.
Other than failing to install some extremist judges, flaming out on social security “reform” and failing to push through an unpopular immigration plan Bush had a fairly successful run. He succeeded in making his rich patrons even richer.
The Dems couldn’t make too much of a dent in his momentum even after corruption scandals in his party and the disastrous 60 day 60 city tour to “reform” Social Security.
Of course by the time his term ended he had all but destroyed the future viability of his party. The popularity of Obama and the Dems may be dropping lately but the approval rating of the Republicans has hardly budged at all.
When Obama and his family and all congress and senators join this as their own personal plan, I will be on board, but when they sneak in a clause that they are not covered by this plan, to hell with it.
When they called you monomaniacal, you proved it once again by posting your favorite web site. You are so Pavlov’s Doggie you don’t even recognize when you do it. You are sooooo stooooopid, even your side sees it. Maybe the SEIU can chqange your meds? Doubt it!
ylb StrangeEye farts
Yeah right. Robert and Alito were not extremist even though Chucky Schumer tried his nasty tactics like always. He’s so scummy just like you ylb StrangeEye. He was attacked attacked attacked by the liberals. His final vote was 58-42. There was no deep commentary trail on Alito. His wife left the hearings in tears from your lunatic senator wing. Wait a minute you are a monomaniacal lunatic too. No wonder you said what Puddy copied above.
Then you and your ilk had the temerity to attack our side when Sotomayor’s own words and written documents were found and repeated? What a tool you are fool!
Yeah right on that comment above!
Regarding the rest of your rant@183, seems “the messiah” hasn’t dropped much of your “concerns” you voiced above. Even closing GITMO seems off the radar right now. What happened to the telephone companies now?
Maybe after becoming preznit, “the messiah” recognized he can’t be the ACLU standard barrier but he has to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and not his Chitown thugs, eh?
BTW Fool, where is Merry Fitzmas?
I know that answer.
That would be democrat candidate for president, dennis kucinich.
I wonder why a numbskull that spews that brainless crap would be running for president on the democrat ticket.
186 – Scalito – a right wing ideologue. Clever nickname – so clever, some Republican on the judiciary committee called him that in the confirmation hearing.
The right wing called Sotomayor a racist even though Scalito had also touted his ethnic heritage as a strength.
That was low..
187 – Fitz nailed Scooter Libby. At the end, the Chimp was so alienated from Darth Cheney over what Duck! had done to his Presidency Chimpie didn’t have the heart to fully pardon Libby. Chimpster had commuted the sentence before Scooter could do a day of time – that was enough to secure omerta.