Holy Quran, Verse (2:62)
Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Drumpf has Blood on his hands.
Benghazi Benghazi benghazi!!!
@1 Drumpf has Blood on his tiny little hands.
Do you realize, Goldy, this not only could get you deported, but also Israel might not take you?
Trump has given Breitbart a seat on the National Security Council and kicked out the military and intelligence communities.
@1 At least people are still protesting against this shmuck. Whatever we do, we must not be quiet while he marches Muslims into gas chambers.
If you think it’s bad now …
“Trump administration officials are discussing … asking foreign visitors to disclose all websites and social media sites they visit, and to share the contacts in their cell phones. If the foreign visitor declines to share such information, he or she could be denied entry.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m curious to see how this will go over with Xi Jinping on his next visit to the States.
Baghdad Barbie interview. Funnier than Saturday Night Live.
Btw, it appears Barbie flatass lied when she denied that Tiffany Trump is registered to vote in two states.
Btw, it appears Barbie flatass lied when she denied that Tiffany Trump is registered to vote in two states.
So what?
Silly Rabbit, privileged white people make the rules; poor and brown people must obey.
Welcome to Chumped America.
@8 Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Any of you out there remember your regional history? Recall what happened to the town of Antelope, Oregon. Trump and his knee-jerk actions to promote his “America First” xenophobia is only going to start people he is targeting to form communities where they can legally protect themselves using the “safety in numbers” approach.
@6 Xi Jinping is down with this policy. The Communist government of China employs these tools, and having a substantial Moslem population in the eastern provinces China has to keep that population pacified. Probably thinks America has seen the light. Except for that whole one China policy, as his panties are definitely ruffled there. That darned renegade province, how dare they claim all of China!
@5 Gas chambers? You are stretching things a bit there. Perhaps concentration camps. We did it to the Japanese and it was wildly popular with the folks right here in Washington. The Supreme Court determined that the actions were not in violation with the constitution.
So will the courts punt here, and state the issue is one the executive and legislative branches will have to work out. Have a lot of Republicans come down in support of these kind of policies. Why yes they have. And more than a few Democrats including our last President who adopted this very same policy from the Bush White house. Where have you people been for the last eight years?
Also if these people are burning to protest why aren’t they flying to the countries in question and trying to get back into the country? Of course they may find it incredible difficult to get into these countries. And of curse Saudi Arabia as the worlds number 1 tourist destination cannot come under the ban. As Mohammed is telling the Jews of Medina join Islam and you too can have a fun time during the Haj!!! Look we have these hats with mouse ears!
Someone should tell Michelle Bachman that the real people are speaking,
@10 Yep a case where ICE saved the day by making the big bad Bhagwan go back home. Did you know the Big Waddy Ranch is now owned by Young Life, wow Christians won that one!
The Antelop realtors would love to hear from you folks. Start your own homestead there this summer! Enjoy the plaque in front of the post office. Well at least it was mildly entertaining, though Bill the Cat never fully recovered even after his reconversion, and there was not much to work with to begin with.
@12 Let Michele speak. She has first amendment rights and frankly you don’t have to listen. Though you probably can’t help yourself from listening.
You are engaging in censorship. Something you support! I do not. Here are a couple of clips on censorship.
And just for your enjoyment Piss Can:
Yes my glass is half full of piss. So far you are much like Billy Beer. I’d prefer a good dark Ale from the Boundary Bay Brewery.
@7 Hey a lot of people in your Capitalist class are registered to vote in more than one state. Often it’s just a case of oops I didn’t tell New York I’ve moved to Washington state (no income tax and you know I remembered to tell the tax people). Of course no member of your class would then ooppsie and vote in two states. (Frankly it’s not too hard to be registered in two states even poor people can be registered in two places, and no problem as long as they only vote where they say home is.)
@6 The border is a special place where the Government’s power is very broad. I’m not sure if the courts would go along with the Government asking these kind of questions unless they have a phone or lap top giving them probably cause to ask those type of questions. Journalists coming across the border if they are smart already take precautions as their lap top, camera, phone can simple be seized. Best if that item is clean except for the operating system and a fuck you memo to customs. Glen Greenwald takes extensive precautions when he crosses borders, and material he’s working on is passed bia mail or by telecommunications to where he will be working.
Of course you can just like lie to the person asking the questions. No one would ever lie to a US government official considering all the possible ramifications. Well a terrorist might as they do in any Tom Clancy thriller.
@14 “Big Waddy Ranch is now owned by Young Life, wow Christians won that one!” Yep, one religious cult swapped out for another one. At least the Rajneeshees has some style, they liked Rolls Royce! I remember seeing the bumper sticker, “Jesus Saves. Moses Invests. Bhagwan Spends.”
You missed the entire point, as most do. The conservative right wingers that lived in that area were fucking helpless when the Rajneeshee people moved in and outnumbered the the local old angry white men/women of the area. Soon the local elected positions were filled by the Rajneesh followers and pushed out the established white/conservative/Christian people. How do you think they passed the name change from Antelope to Rajneesh?
Never mind how the First Nations/Native people really were overrun and dismissed by the invading white man who took their cultural and historical lands in the first place.
Granted, Bhagwan violated his immigration and was justly deported and Ma Anand Sheela was as batshit crazy as people like Puddy, as she was filled with as much venom and hate as he is.
The point being is if Muslims really want a foothold, all they have to do is go to some backwater place in the Midwest or South (you know the Trump loving areas of the country), buy a ranch, and move their population to that ranch and then just simply use the democratic process of voting and gain control of the local government. If the people are here legally, can register to vote, how hard would it be to legitimately and legally create a Muslim (or any other non-Christian based religion) majority ruled government? What the heck would Trump and his follows do? They can’t stop it unless they gerrymander, suppress voting, or just all-out go Red Dawn on them.
In the mid 1980’s there was a real fear that their movement would expand and take over more of the area.
Fast forward 30+ years and another religious zealot tried to make a move on that area. Who would have thought 1) Eastern Oregon was so appealing to religious fanaticism and 2) Cliven Bundy and his clan and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh would not be all that different.
Quite frankly I’m surprised that someone from that large Arab community in Dearborn, MI, has not tried to do this given that Dearborn has one of the largest Arab populations in the US.
The real threat is not from outside, the real threat is from within and The Donald has not only provided the fuel, he has ignited the match.
@8 He a rich silly rabbit enjoying rabbit privileges. Stop provoking your betters. Let the Aussies do it. They have a special place for rabbits. Something to do with ecological disaster that RR states rabbits would never do as only humans do that shit.
Ouch! WWIII. This guy is good – it’s all psychological warfare with Drumpf – repukes have met their challenge.
I like how double-registration is FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD always & forever when poor people, liberals, and Democrats are wrongly accused of it by Republicans — until rich white Republicans do it, at which point it magically becomes, “hey, well, everybody does it, no big deal, nothing to see here, move along.”
You’re not fooling anyone, you know.
Sad. Pence must be feeling like chop liver right now….or is Pence just there for the Social shit?
Of course – this immigration shit isn’t going to well….need to take peoples minds off of it.
Here is the best one of all. KABOOMY!
Leviticus. The parts about the icky gays? All for it.
The part about foreigners living among you? Jesus supercedes the Old Testament.
It’s like a buffet. I can eat the ham and the crab but I can pass on the leavened bread if I choose.
Sabians? Yeah, they’re all right but nothing beats the sound of old Zildjians.
There was an emotional scene at Dulles Airport tonight as a 5-year-old boy arrested by Donald Trump on his birthday and detained for several hours was reunited with his mother. Watch the video here:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, he was arrested by Donald Trump. Don’t try to blame this on the airport police or border patrol, trolls. They’re just following orders. Only one person is responsible for what happened to this kid and our nation should stand up and make him take responsibility for it. And if you voted for Trump, you helped build this.
@7 what was wrong with her eyes? Was she up late at a KKK Meeting?
@5 My Personal Trainer is Muslim – I don’t plan to let it happen.
@15 I am engaging in censorship? How so, I am just exercising my free speech and the dumbfuck hypocrite Bachman is too, like you Abby….looks like Michelle can speak but I can’t speak….you are the Nazi censor….ohhh, I know, I’m not suppose to call you a Nazi, its not nice or politically correct.
@25 it is really the cock and balls that they want to eat.
@12 “Gas chambers? You are stretching things a bit there.”
That’s what people thought in 1933, too. The Holocaust started small. Not much different from this. The question is, where does this stop? Will it stop or just keep going? Think genocide can’t or won’t happen here? I’m not willing to assume that, because human nature is the same everywhere. We know what the racist demagoguery now unfolding before our eyes in our own country can lead to, because we’ve seen it happen before. The time to stop it is now, before it grows like a weed.
@15 Censorship? Really? When has anyone ever shut Michele up? Any suggestion of censoring Michele no doubt would have her husband rolling his eyes.
@16 Yeah, in our highly mobile society, especially among the jet setters, it’s very common to be registered in one more than state, and there’s no harm in it, as long as you don’t do like this yuge fan of Scotty Walker and Mittens Romney.
@18 “Ma Anand Sheela was as batshit crazy”
Not really. She was a cold-blooded terrorist who was convicted of attempted mass murder.
@19 Since when is rabbits taking over a continent an “ecological disaster”? Rabbits don’t deforest continents or lay waste to entire countries with wars. And I stole my stocks fair and square. Didn’t even need a gun, because Wall Street gave them to me of its own free will.
@21 They’re fooling you, unless you see this for what it is: A ploy to extend GOP vote suppression laws to all 50 states. Republicans want to purge voter rolls and tighten registration requirements; do away with early voting, mail voting, and absentee voting; and restrict voting to a work day so workers can vote only if their employers give them permission to leave work, which of course they won’t.
@24 China is full of shit. They’re claiming they own an ocean. It’s like Egypt or Syria claiming to own the Mediterranean and threatening anyone who sails on it or flies over it without their permission. China’s artificial-island military bases are smack in the middle of sea lanes carrying a third of the world’s commerce. There’s no fucking way we can roll over on this. If they shoot at our planes or ships, we have to shoot back. This one isn’t Trump’s fault, it’s China who’s rattling the saber, will start it, and will bear the responsibility for it.
Mass Shooting At Quebec Mosque
Reuters and other news sources report that at least 5 worshippers were killed when 3 gunmen opened fire on a crowd of 40 people attending evening prayers at the mosque. Two suspects have been arrested.
Not somewhere in the US now that Trump is president? DUMMOCRETINS must be upset!
This one isn’t Trump’s fault, it’s China who’s rattling the saber, will start it, and will bear the responsibility for it.
Under what sadministration did those islands appear?
The Philippines brought a lawsuit against China to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. On July 12, 2016, the international tribunal ruled against China. Of course China refused to acknowledge the decision or even the court’s jurisdiction. Soooooooooooooo, why do DUMMOCRETINS tell us that we need to obey international decisions when others don’t?
Ma Anand Sheela was as batshit crazy as people like Puddy
From WikiPedia: In interviews for US television Sheela referred to local government officials as “bigoted pigs” and “fascists”.
Now who calls people “bigoted pigs” and “fascists” on this blog? DUMMOCRETINS! Proves Ma Anand Sheela was as batshit crazy DUMMOCRETIN!
And is so given that the DUMMOCRETIN midget Newt Hoenikker is soooooooo sane!
@35 “She was a cold-blooded terrorist”
True, but she was also a religious zealot. She may have been convicted of attempted mass murder, but how many people have actually died as a result of religious fanaticism and zealotry throughout history? Millions? What is it that makes religious zealots think they can kill people in the name of their god? Batshit craziness.
All organized religions are essentially cults. Get rid of organized religion, maybe the world would be better place.
Wow, Puddy is back and full of shit and spewing forth. Doing his own ad hominem attacks and false equivalency. Nice!
Name-calling people “scum” and “DUMMOCRETINs” reads like an 8-year old is trying to have an argument with adults. Yawn…. Can we get a better set of trolls?
The mother of all terrorist attacks came from Saudi Arabia. Why isn’t that country on the list? Here’s your answer:
“The list does not include Muslim-majority countries where the Trump Organization does business, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.”
@41 Are you serious? You’re arguing the U.S. should pull out of international tribunals because China built some islands?
@44 “Can we get a better set of trolls?”
You’re not fully acclimated to this blog, yet, are you? The rest of us have been asking the same question since 2004. It’s a futile quest.
Once again the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit makes a stooooooooooooooopid inference to something Puddy wrote above. This is why senile lawyers need to be placed in nursing homes and not on blogs! The twisting of words is sooooooooooooo insipid! Where did Puddy mention what the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit wrote?
@48 “Where did Puddy mention what the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit wrote?”
In #41, where you quoted me, Shit For Brains.
Six dead, eight injured at the Quebec mosque. This is what happens when a major political figure conveys that bigotry and violence are okay. Trump built this. If you voted for Trump, you built it, too.
In #41, where you quoted me
It was your BULLSHITTIUM Puddy identified to everyone!
FACTS early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit, FACTS!
Six dead, eight injured at the Quebec mosque.
Not Trump’s rhetoric you dumb early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit! Trudeau claimed all are welcome including terrorists!
Trump wants to keep them out. Too bad the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DUMBFUCK wabbit can’t figger that out!