Some other things Rob McKenna could use a special session to pass:
- The budget
- Transportation projects
- A repeal of the cost overrun provision
- A repeal of drug war legislation
- Marriage equality
- Universal healthcare
- K-12 funding
- Higher Ed Funding
- A progressive income tax
Now you may say, “Carl, isn’t that just stuff you’d like to see in the regular session?” Yes, yes it is.
A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows most Americans think the country is on the wrong track, more blame Republicans than Democrats, and an anti-incumbent wave is building against Congress.
As Attorney General McKenna can submit requests to the legislature to enact or repeal laws. Why hasn’t he done so? This looks suspiciously like grandstanding by a candidate desperate for media attention.
I think voters should convene in regular session on Nov. 6, 2012 to repeal Rob McKenna from public office.
When hasn’t there been an anti-incumbent wave in America? When asked, we always say vote the fucker out! And then turn around and vote the fuckers in for another 4 years.
Hey righties, this one’s for you!
@4 Actually, the GOP leadership might be OK with an anti-incumbent movement if it’s sufficiently passionate about getting any and all dark-complexioned individuals out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue unless they’re….um, “domestic help”. The heck with controlling the House, if one of their stooges could sit in the Big Chair for four years, appoint Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s replacement and plant more covert stormtroopers in positions throughout the executive branch in defiance of the Civil Service laws. Who knows, if they got Bachmann in there, she might have a really bad migraine and start a really big war somewhere.
You know Republicans are full of good ideas, and maybe they are just slower than others and need special resources to do what normal folk do in a normal day.
For example, a Republican idea Rickrolling Rob McKenna could call a Special Session to work on is provide Washingtonians the right to take or possess fur-bearing mammals found dead or unintentionally killed by a vehicle along a roadway.
Yes, harvesting roadkill is a Republican idea!
Whether it is preventing socialism in space or harvesting roadkill for fun and profit, there are lots of similar Republican ideas like these for a special session and we only await Rickrolling Rob McKenna to make it happen.
In the words of that most awesome Republican evah “Bring it on!”
@6 “Who knows, if they got Bachmann in there, she might have a really bad migraine and start a really big war somewhere.”
I bought my war profiteering — er, I mean, defense — stocks in the first place because I thought this country just might be crazy enough to elect her. But, more to the point, I have fairly high confidence that Republicans are crooked enough (if not clever enough) to steal the election for her like they did for Chimpface in ’00 and ’04.
@7 That one goes hand-in-hand with Wisconsin Republicans’ idea of letting anyone buy and carry a handgun anywhere (including preschools and daycares) without a background check or permit of any kind.
@9 Who could have foreseen that Reagan’s closing of mental hospitals in the eighties was a devious plot to seed his party with a plethora of idiotic legislative ideas?
@10 I knew that all along.
Most people probably have forgotten this now, but mental hospitals acquired a bad reputation in the ’60s because too many people used them to put their relatives away so they could get their relatives’ money. Some people even did that to their own parents.
But then again, maybe some of those parents had it coming — after all, considering how their kids turned out, at the very least they were lousy parents.
I just learned that Mitt Romney’s brother-in-law’s sister was killed by an illegal abortion.
Romney used to be in favor of legal abortions, and was a halfway decent and sensible guy in so many other ways too (see, e.g., Massachusetts health care reform), but has flip-flopped on practically everything he’s ever stood for to appease the teabaggers.
Romney’s big mistake was thinking he could be reasonable and be a Republican at the same time. He’d be in better shape if he had opted to be a Democrat.
I wonder how Romney’s prospects for the presidency, and McKenna’s for the governorship, will do when the media finally reports that they are both cross-dressers who share fashion tips, if not undergarments. How will that play with Teabaggers? You’d think that with the media’s alleged leftwing bias this story would already be out there.
Mittens is done.
Why do so many baby boomers think they need to be all things to everyone?