When Paul was talking about Steve Ballmer never speaking in code, I thought it might be worth asking how much of the time he’s even making human sounds:
If we had been smart enough to buy MSFT stock when he was doing this commercial, we’d all be rich!
stop the fuckan warspews:
Yes Thomas, and if you had been smart enough not to vote for Bush, a lot of dead people would be alive today. And we would still have habeus corpus and torture wouldn’t be legal.
According to http://www.politicalbase.com (see the “rich and famous” list at the bottom of the page), I noticed this morning that Ballmer’s given a shitload of money to Dave Reichert. I guess he’d better get that out of his system, since this cycle will be his last chance to do that.
Last night activists in Olympia called a rally for today, Monday Nov. 12 at 4:30pm at Percival Landing in Olympia to show support for the ongoing blockades to stop military shipments through the Port of Olympia. This is last minute notice, but many people have Veteran’s Day off, so if you can make it, please go and show your support. The organizers down there are doing a great job in delaying the military shipments, raising awareness, and showing that people in this country are serious about stopping the war!
The rally is just North of the intersection of State Ave. NW and Water St. SW. Take the 105B Exit from I-5. Go north on Plum St. SE to State Ave. NW. Turn left on State and go west approximately 9 blocks. After you cross Columbia St. SW, the street curves left onto Water St. The rally site is on the right near a large statue of two people kissing.
Carpool from Seattle leaves at 3:00pm sharp from New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S. (cross street is Hudson), arriving back in Seattle about 8:00pm. For more info call 206-722-2453.
stop the fuckan warspews:
Photos of President Bush hamming it up with soldiers who have had their faces burned off in his fuckan war. Replacements are needed. If you support the war now is the time to join and serve your country.
Because they’re useless. C’mon, Marvin, shouldn’t you have at least tried to get smarter before coming back here to embarrass yourself again?
stop the fuckan warspews:
#14 Since you asked me the question–the answer is because the democrats are fuckan spineless and to quote lee “useless.” They argue that they need a filibuster proof 60 vote majority in the Senate to pass anything and then confirm Mukasey as attorney gemneral with 53 votes. The democrats are contemptible. The only people involved in politics who I admire these days are these kids taking a beating from the fuckan cops to stand up against the fuckan war.
Here is Glenn Greenwald’s take on the confirmation of a man who will not disavow torture as the nation’s top law enforcement officer:
Friday November 9, 2007 05:16 EST
What happened to the Senate’s “60-vote requirement”?
Every time Congressional Democrats failed this year to stop the Bush administration (i.e., every time they “tried”), the excuse they gave was that they “need 60 votes in the Senate” in order to get anything done. Each time Senate Republicans blocked Democratic legislation, the media helpfully explained not that Republicans were obstructing via filibuster, but rather that, in the Senate, there is a general “60-vote requirement” for everything.
How, then, can this be explained?
The Senate confirmed Michael B. Mukasey as attorney general Thursday night, approving him despite Democratic criticism that he had failed to take an unequivocal stance against the torture of terrorism detainees.
The 53-to-40 vote made Mr. Mukasey, a former federal judge, the third person to head the Justice Department during the tenure of President Bush . . . Thirty-nine Democrats and one independent [Bernie Sanders] opposed him.
Beyond that, four Senate Democrats running for President missed the vote, and all four had announced they oppose Mukasey’s confirmation. Thus, at least 44 Senators claimed to oppose Mukasey’s confirmation — more than enough to prevent it via filibuster. So why didn’t they filibuster, the way Senate Republicans have on virtually every measure this year which they wanted to defeat?
Numerous Senate Democrats delivered dramatic speeches from the floor as to why Mukasey’s confirmation would be so devastating to the country. The Washington Post said the “vote came after more than four hours of impassioned floor debate.”
My Goldy Itchesspews:
12 – You mean those pathetic whiney spoiled children crying on the news last night because they wouldn’t obey police orders to comply with their directions? Boo fucking hoo!!! Don’t the fucking idiots from that Marxist university in Olympia have better things to do?
stop the fuckan warspews:
Join the Army Goldy itches. America needs you in it’s war on terror. Otherwise shut the fuck up! There is nothing more contemptible than a war supporter who is unwilling to fight in that war.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
14, 16 – they haven’t made it illegal because waterboarding is mild compared to other methods that are available. You know, like gouging out eyeballs, throwing them naked into 60 below freezers while watching them shiver, taking pliers and blow torches to certain sensitive body parts.
stop the fuckan warspews:
Join the Army Goldy Itches-you fuckan coward.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Marxist cock sucking loser @ 18 – been there done that. My enlistment ended in 1992. When were YOU in the service you faggot loving asshole? Or are you a hypie lowlife pacifist?
Greg says:
According to http://www.politicalbase.com (see the “rich and famous” list at the bottom of the page), I noticed this morning that Ballmer’s given a shitload of money to Dave Reichert. I guess he’d better get that out of his system, since this cycle will be his last chance to do that.
HAHAHAHAHA!! You mean Darcy is going to actually get elected to something?? She’s the BEST you can come up with??
That seat is safely GOP for as long as Dave wants it. And GOOOOO Steve! Sink that money into something worthwhile … DDDDDDarcy is clueless – and she comes across that way to EVERYone… HAHAHA .. thanks for the giggle fit this morning :-)
Lee says:
“Because they’re useless. C’mon, Marvin, shouldn’t you have at least tried to get smarter before coming back here to embarrass yourself again?”
Hey, I have an idea! Why doesnt Fat Teddy Kennedy get out there and spew more about how drowing is ‘torture’ some more? He’s SO convincing to the US public when HE speaks on any subject – more so when discussing water torture, as he knows something personally about that, eh? HAHAHA … good grief. That’s YOUR leader, not ours!
stop the fuckan war says:
“Last night activists in Olympia called a rally for today, Monday Nov. 12”
we care about this … why? oh yeah, cause all 12 of you are really, really pissed off now cause nobody cares about ya?
stop the fuckan warspews:
Gee Ann, no family in the military, eh? Don’t care that your tax dollars are being used to kill Iraqi civilians-you know human beings just like you? Well sorta like you. Support the war Ann? Join the military. They’ll give you a gun and show you how to use it and then you can kill some people. and get paid for it. Or are you too busy shopping?
Marvin I am a member of Veterans for Peace. I hope you are a Christian so you get to explain your support of torture and killing to your God when you go to meet him.
stop the fuckan warspews:
Oh and Ann those twelve kids are worth more to this country than all the brave sons of the Republican Politicians who support the war , virtually none of whom are serving in the war.
stop the fuckan warspews:
Go shopping Ann. Buy yourself something nice. A nice big flag pin should fit your style of hypocrisy. Happy Veterans Day!!
I in fact, do and have had loved ones in the military. And I’m even a widow of one..
Great image … we should start an HA museum .. an online collection of classics.
stop the fuckan warspews:
I don’t think that stopping an illegal war for oil and the torture and killing and moral decline of the this country is an idiot thing to discuss. If this war is as important to the freedom of this country as you Republicans claim it to be, why aren’t there block long lines of Republicans everyday at the recruiting stations? I think that demanding the troops be brought home now is supporting the troops so they don’t end up like this:
Really curious that so many HA Happy Hooligans are declaring the Democratcly controlled Congress to be “useless” and worse.
Hmmm…makes you wonder whether the HA POV isn’t so far out in left field – well beyond the foul pole – that it’s consigned to the nether reaches of the parking lot.
Unkowtowed to in Congress, unacknowledged by Democrats, unlistened to by any save themselves…just one beg UN!
And those Oly protesters? Classes aren’t in session at Evergreen State on the weekends. Did you see the one girl on KING5 crying up a river?
Like, honey, if you want to play rough by lying in front of large trucks, don’t be surprised when rough comes back at you! Your self-indulgance isn’t a reason to do anything other than send you to bed without supper, something your mother should have done years ago!
The Piper
@30 … we have an all volunteer military, are you suggesting we dont use the military as its designed?
would using the military to stop WTO rioters be better?
or how about using them to help the homeless run from a hurricane? or.. how about squiring around politicians as they fetch a few grand from their freezer during the storm?
i was under the impression that our military was soley here to defend our country.
@31 Really curious that so many HA Happy Hooligans are declaring the Democratcly controlled Congress to be “useless” and worse.
Maybe if you weren’t retarded, you’d understand why.
Hmmm…makes you wonder whether the HA POV isn’t so far out in left field – well beyond the foul pole – that it’s consigned to the nether reaches of the parking lot.
Congress’s approval rating is hovering around 20-25%. So you’re saying that the 75-80% of the American public who are angry with Congress are “out in left field”? Huh?
Unkowtowed to in Congress, unacknowledged by Democrats, unlistened to by any save themselves…just one beg UN!
And mostly right about what’s going on the country. Oh wait, that doesn’t mean anything to you.
And those Oly protesters? Classes aren’t in session at Evergreen State on the weekends. Did you see the one girl on KING5 crying up a river?
You mean that didn’t happen in Myanmar?
Like, honey, if you want to play rough by lying in front of large trucks, don’t be surprised when rough comes back at you! Your self-indulgance isn’t a reason to do anything other than send you to bed without supper, something your mother should have done years ago!
Hahahahaha!!!! Crackpiper lecturing others about personal responsibility!! Hahahahaha!! I have now officially heard everything…
He’s still ten times the patriot you are, crackpiper. When you’re able to shed your blindness over the reality of Iraq, and get to the point where you recognize the damage being done to America by the Bush Administration, your words will mean something. Until then, your only use here is for our amusement. In that vein, thank you for the comment at #31. I haven’t laughed so hard in days. I had to close my office door.
Ann, there’s a tremendous disconnect between what our military should be doing and what it’s actually doing. Our military should not be a tool for occupying another nation in order to boost the bottom lines of certain private entities. George Bush actually campaigned against this kind of behavior in 2000, and now uses 9/11 as an excuse to do exactly what he said he wouldn’t do. 9/11 was not a valid reason to invade Iraq and our current occupation of Iraq is not a wise use of our military. It’s actually making this nation less safe, while making certain people within this country more wealthy and powerful.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#15 Lee says:
@14 Because they’re useless.
Maybe they are a little better informed on the issues than you. Maybe they know something you don’t. Did that ever occur to you? Obviously not.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#30 stop the fuckan war says:
I don’t think that stopping an illegal war for oil
I think you mentioned you were a veteran, if so you know how stupid this is. War for oil?
What would a real “war for oil” look like? Well, US troops would have sped to the oilfields with everything we had. Everything we had. Then, secure convoy routes would have been established to the nearest port – probably Basra – and the US Navy would essentially line the entire gulf with wall-to-wall warships in order to ensure the safe passage of US-flagged tankers into and out of the region.
There would have been no overland campaign – what for? – and no fight for Baghdad. Fallujah and Mosul and all those other trouble spots would never even see an American boot. Why? No oil there. The US Military would do what it is extraordinarily well-trained to do: take and hold a very limited area, and supply secure convoys to and from this limited area on an ongoing basis. Saddam could have stayed if he wanted: probably would have saved us a lot of trouble, and the whole thing would have become a sort of super no-fly zone over the oil fields, ports and convoy routes, and the devil take the rest of it. Sadr City IED deaths? Please. What the f**k does Sadr City have that we need?
Care to reconsider your stupidity or is it too ingrained.
@37 Maybe they are a little better informed on the issues than you. Maybe they know something you don’t. Did that ever occur to you? Obviously not.
Of course it occurred to me. I’ve looked at the evidence, and I’ve concluded that they’re buckling to Bush on issues like torture and the Iraq War because they still fear that the Republicans can paint them as being “soft” on terror. It has nothing to do with any “greater knowledge” that somehow escapes us. It’s absurd to believe that we’re somehow naive to think that allowing torture is a mistake or that revoking habeus corpus rights doesn’t completely undermine what we’re trying to do in the Middle East.
I think you mentioned you were a veteran, if so you know how stupid this is. War for oil? What would a real “war for oil” look like?
Look at Iraq. It’s not like Alan Greenspan hasn’t already come out and admitted that oil was the primary reason for the launch of the Iraq War. Of course it was. People who control resources can control the levers of power. The people in the White House know that. Putin knows it. And everyone in the Middle East knows it. How come Marvin Stamn can’t figure it out?
Well, US troops would have sped to the oilfields with everything we had. Everything we had. Then, secure convoy routes would have been established to the nearest port – probably Basra – and the US Navy would essentially line the entire gulf with wall-to-wall warships in order to ensure the safe passage of US-flagged tankers into and out of the region.
Um, that all happened Marvin. In fact, as soon as our troops got to Baghdad, they guarded the oil ministry while neglecting much of everything else.
There would have been no overland campaign – what for? – and no fight for Baghdad. Fallujah and Mosul and all those other trouble spots would never even see an American boot. Why? No oil there. The US Military would do what it is extraordinarily well-trained to do: take and hold a very limited area, and supply secure convoys to and from this limited area on an ongoing basis.
How obvious should they have been? Even the idiots in the White House knew that they couldn’t walk into Iraq saying, “We’re taking the oil!” They had to make it look like a legit occupation. But they revealed how little they really cared about legitimacy by how pathetic the handling of the occupation was.
Care to reconsider your stupidity or is it too ingrained.
Between you and Crackpiper, I might hurt myself laughing before the night is through…
What’s his face with the filthy name? He’s no patriot, he’s a panderer and a piss-poor, puss filled postule on the posterier of the body politic. Guys like him are walking advertisements for a draft…with him first.
If he had any real guts, he’d go down – and you with him – to the front gate at Fort Lewis and try that stuff. Better yet, air-drop the both of you into some forward firebase in Afghanistan and try that crap on the Taliban…
Frankly, I regard him with as much contempt as I do the alleged Rev. Fred Phelps, and I lump them together, regarding both to be haters of those who serve and, tragically, often die.
I hate agree with yo but liberals who thenk Bush fought this war for ANY cogent reason are as out of their mnids as the few folks left who defend this sad man.
Whatever else we have learned, BWB is not capable of the kind of subtle thought that would have gone into organizing anything other than a reglious revival. I believe he and his inner would have done as you said .. IF they had any idea what they were doing.
Instead, GWB mistook his office for an old RR movie set and figured the Manselles would come out from behind their harem doors to cheer the lieratinf Christian troops.
@40 What’s his face with the filthy name? He’s no patriot, he’s a panderer and a piss-poor, puss filled postule on the posterier of the body politic. Guys like him are walking advertisements for a draft…with him first.
I said it earlier and I will say it again. He’s ten times the patriot you are. He understands why America is great much better than you do. When I look at someone like you and then look at someone like him, I know full-well which of you two would be more likely to threaten my own liberty.
If he had any real guts, he’d go down – and you with him – to the front gate at Fort Lewis and try that stuff. Better yet, air-drop the both of you into some forward firebase in Afghanistan and try that crap on the Taliban…
I’d rather fight the Taliban here in America. They’re much more of a direct threat to me that their relatives in Afghanistan. And if fact, that’s what I’ve mainly been doing my entire adult life.
Frankly, I regard him with as much contempt as I do the alleged Rev. Fred Phelps, and I lump them together, regarding both to be haters of those who serve and, tragically, often die.
And this is why you’re a joke. The people who are using civil disobedience as a tactic to end this war are not anti-troops, they’re anti-imperialism. There’s a MASSIVE difference. As long as you keep confusing the two, I have no problems continuing to hammer on you.
Do your part to keep this country free rather than making lame excuses for the people who want to turn this country into an outpost of the Middle East.
GWB made the decision to invade Iraq, but he would not have been capable of actually doing it if he didn’t have a certain coterie of support whose motivations lay in controlling oil resources. You’re exactly right that GWB’s main motivation was not oil, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t integral to why the invasion actually happened.
And Greenspan’s comments? He went out of his way to put them into perspective with days after the release of his book…But truth isn’t something you’re particularly interested in…might puncture your little self-deluded balloon.
Really…where do you get this stuff? Make it up as you go along?
Tell me…is there a duplicate key to your wardroom as well?
The Piper
stop the fuckan warspews:
Everyone should check out this Salon article arguing that incivility is killing the internet. I think the problem is more than simple incivility-it’s the willingness of commenters to stake out hard positions on subjects they obviously know nothing about and then defend them with their life. I mean how difficult is it to understand that an argument to remove troops from harms way is supporting the troops? You must either be as stupid as Piper or as silly as Marvin. I couldn’t help myself.
An excerpt:
“The result of people not regarding their postings as two-way communications is a trail of rhetorical wreckage that litters the Web like burned-out vehicles after a strafing raid. Grunts, shouts and gestures replace arguments. Online conversations bog down or trail off down inconsequential byways. The chess game is no longer played at a high level. Worse, the coarser rhetorical and emotional tone that is set becomes self-perpetuating. The salon slowly turns into a gladiatorial arena. It isn’t a Darwinian processs, either, because in this arena, the strongest and smartest aren’t the ones who usually survive. The loudest, rudest and most obnoxious are the winners. The quiet, the shy, the reflective are driven away. Even those who have thick skins, and are not themselves involved in a discussion, will often simply give up trying to mine a thread for interesting ideas. It isn’t worth the psychological agita.”
The bigger question is how much is flowing to others. Controlling oil resources is a competition. In other words, keeping them inactive is still better than letting your adversaries have it. That’s essentially why we’re still there, so that the Iranians (who are backed by Russia and China) don’t get control of the oil reserves.
And Greenspan’s comments? He went out of his way to put them into perspective with days after the release of his book…But truth isn’t something you’re particularly interested in…might puncture your little self-deluded balloon.
Why don’t you explain that perspective? I haven’t heard anything from Greenspan that changes the basic realities that I’m talking about here.
Really…where do you get this stuff? Make it up as you go along?
Strap on some balls and argue it then. As I’ve said numerous times before, if what I’m saying is untrue, debunk it. Provide the alternative narrative. And I will tear it to pieces. And you know this.
Ginsu knives come with that?
The Piper
When Paul was talking about Steve Ballmer never speaking in code, I thought it might be worth asking how much of the time he’s even making human sounds:
Photos and video from the past weekend’s anti-war protests at the Port of Seattle. Covered a tiny bit by the PI and even less by the Seattle Times.
Compare with the police attacks on demonstrators in Malaysia on the same day.
If we had been smart enough to buy MSFT stock when he was doing this commercial, we’d all be rich!
Yes Thomas, and if you had been smart enough not to vote for Bush, a lot of dead people would be alive today. And we would still have habeus corpus and torture wouldn’t be legal.
According to http://www.politicalbase.com (see the “rich and famous” list at the bottom of the page), I noticed this morning that Ballmer’s given a shitload of money to Dave Reichert. I guess he’d better get that out of his system, since this cycle will be his last chance to do that.
Last night activists in Olympia called a rally for today, Monday Nov. 12 at 4:30pm at Percival Landing in Olympia to show support for the ongoing blockades to stop military shipments through the Port of Olympia. This is last minute notice, but many people have Veteran’s Day off, so if you can make it, please go and show your support. The organizers down there are doing a great job in delaying the military shipments, raising awareness, and showing that people in this country are serious about stopping the war!
The rally is just North of the intersection of State Ave. NW and Water St. SW. Take the 105B Exit from I-5. Go north on Plum St. SE to State Ave. NW. Turn left on State and go west approximately 9 blocks. After you cross Columbia St. SW, the street curves left onto Water St. The rally site is on the right near a large statue of two people kissing.
Carpool from Seattle leaves at 3:00pm sharp from New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S. (cross street is Hudson), arriving back in Seattle about 8:00pm. For more info call 206-722-2453.
Photos of President Bush hamming it up with soldiers who have had their faces burned off in his fuckan war. Replacements are needed. If you support the war now is the time to join and serve your country.
#5 stop the fuckan war says:
Interesting point. Do you have any explanation why the democrat controlled congress hasn’t made waterboarding illegal?
Because they’re useless. C’mon, Marvin, shouldn’t you have at least tried to get smarter before coming back here to embarrass yourself again?
#14 Since you asked me the question–the answer is because the democrats are fuckan spineless and to quote lee “useless.” They argue that they need a filibuster proof 60 vote majority in the Senate to pass anything and then confirm Mukasey as attorney gemneral with 53 votes. The democrats are contemptible. The only people involved in politics who I admire these days are these kids taking a beating from the fuckan cops to stand up against the fuckan war.
Here is Glenn Greenwald’s take on the confirmation of a man who will not disavow torture as the nation’s top law enforcement officer:
Friday November 9, 2007 05:16 EST
What happened to the Senate’s “60-vote requirement”?
Every time Congressional Democrats failed this year to stop the Bush administration (i.e., every time they “tried”), the excuse they gave was that they “need 60 votes in the Senate” in order to get anything done. Each time Senate Republicans blocked Democratic legislation, the media helpfully explained not that Republicans were obstructing via filibuster, but rather that, in the Senate, there is a general “60-vote requirement” for everything.
How, then, can this be explained?
The Senate confirmed Michael B. Mukasey as attorney general Thursday night, approving him despite Democratic criticism that he had failed to take an unequivocal stance against the torture of terrorism detainees.
The 53-to-40 vote made Mr. Mukasey, a former federal judge, the third person to head the Justice Department during the tenure of President Bush . . . Thirty-nine Democrats and one independent [Bernie Sanders] opposed him.
Beyond that, four Senate Democrats running for President missed the vote, and all four had announced they oppose Mukasey’s confirmation. Thus, at least 44 Senators claimed to oppose Mukasey’s confirmation — more than enough to prevent it via filibuster. So why didn’t they filibuster, the way Senate Republicans have on virtually every measure this year which they wanted to defeat?
Numerous Senate Democrats delivered dramatic speeches from the floor as to why Mukasey’s confirmation would be so devastating to the country. The Washington Post said the “vote came after more than four hours of impassioned floor debate.”
12 – You mean those pathetic whiney spoiled children crying on the news last night because they wouldn’t obey police orders to comply with their directions? Boo fucking hoo!!! Don’t the fucking idiots from that Marxist university in Olympia have better things to do?
Join the Army Goldy itches. America needs you in it’s war on terror. Otherwise shut the fuck up! There is nothing more contemptible than a war supporter who is unwilling to fight in that war.
14, 16 – they haven’t made it illegal because waterboarding is mild compared to other methods that are available. You know, like gouging out eyeballs, throwing them naked into 60 below freezers while watching them shiver, taking pliers and blow torches to certain sensitive body parts.
Join the Army Goldy Itches-you fuckan coward.
Marxist cock sucking loser @ 18 – been there done that. My enlistment ended in 1992. When were YOU in the service you faggot loving asshole? Or are you a hypie lowlife pacifist?
Greg says:
According to http://www.politicalbase.com (see the “rich and famous” list at the bottom of the page), I noticed this morning that Ballmer’s given a shitload of money to Dave Reichert. I guess he’d better get that out of his system, since this cycle will be his last chance to do that.
HAHAHAHAHA!! You mean Darcy is going to actually get elected to something?? She’s the BEST you can come up with??
That seat is safely GOP for as long as Dave wants it. And GOOOOO Steve! Sink that money into something worthwhile … DDDDDDarcy is clueless – and she comes across that way to EVERYone… HAHAHA .. thanks for the giggle fit this morning :-)
Lee says:
“Because they’re useless. C’mon, Marvin, shouldn’t you have at least tried to get smarter before coming back here to embarrass yourself again?”
Hey, I have an idea! Why doesnt Fat Teddy Kennedy get out there and spew more about how drowing is ‘torture’ some more? He’s SO convincing to the US public when HE speaks on any subject – more so when discussing water torture, as he knows something personally about that, eh? HAHAHA … good grief. That’s YOUR leader, not ours!
stop the fuckan war says:
“Last night activists in Olympia called a rally for today, Monday Nov. 12”
we care about this … why? oh yeah, cause all 12 of you are really, really pissed off now cause nobody cares about ya?
Gee Ann, no family in the military, eh? Don’t care that your tax dollars are being used to kill Iraqi civilians-you know human beings just like you? Well sorta like you. Support the war Ann? Join the military. They’ll give you a gun and show you how to use it and then you can kill some people. and get paid for it. Or are you too busy shopping?
Marvin I am a member of Veterans for Peace. I hope you are a Christian so you get to explain your support of torture and killing to your God when you go to meet him.
Oh and Ann those twelve kids are worth more to this country than all the brave sons of the Republican Politicians who support the war , virtually none of whom are serving in the war.
Go shopping Ann. Buy yourself something nice. A nice big flag pin should fit your style of hypocrisy. Happy Veterans Day!!
I in fact, do and have had loved ones in the military. And I’m even a widow of one..
Any other idiot things you want to discuss?
Lee ..
Great image … we should start an HA museum .. an online collection of classics.
I don’t think that stopping an illegal war for oil and the torture and killing and moral decline of the this country is an idiot thing to discuss. If this war is as important to the freedom of this country as you Republicans claim it to be, why aren’t there block long lines of Republicans everyday at the recruiting stations? I think that demanding the troops be brought home now is supporting the troops so they don’t end up like this:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2007/11/09/in-pictures-preside nt-bu_n_71991.html
Really curious that so many HA Happy Hooligans are declaring the Democratcly controlled Congress to be “useless” and worse.
Hmmm…makes you wonder whether the HA POV isn’t so far out in left field – well beyond the foul pole – that it’s consigned to the nether reaches of the parking lot.
Unkowtowed to in Congress, unacknowledged by Democrats, unlistened to by any save themselves…just one beg UN!
And those Oly protesters? Classes aren’t in session at Evergreen State on the weekends. Did you see the one girl on KING5 crying up a river?
Like, honey, if you want to play rough by lying in front of large trucks, don’t be surprised when rough comes back at you! Your self-indulgance isn’t a reason to do anything other than send you to bed without supper, something your mother should have done years ago!
The Piper
@30 … we have an all volunteer military, are you suggesting we dont use the military as its designed?
would using the military to stop WTO rioters be better?
or how about using them to help the homeless run from a hurricane? or.. how about squiring around politicians as they fetch a few grand from their freezer during the storm?
i was under the impression that our military was soley here to defend our country.
what exactly do you think the military does?
You, sir, are a vulgar human being…No wonder few outside of HA are willing to listen to your rhetorical diarrhea.
But so you’ll notice…two of my very Republican sons have volunteered…twice over.
The Piper
Really curious that so many HA Happy Hooligans are declaring the Democratcly controlled Congress to be “useless” and worse.
Maybe if you weren’t retarded, you’d understand why.
Hmmm…makes you wonder whether the HA POV isn’t so far out in left field – well beyond the foul pole – that it’s consigned to the nether reaches of the parking lot.
Congress’s approval rating is hovering around 20-25%. So you’re saying that the 75-80% of the American public who are angry with Congress are “out in left field”? Huh?
Unkowtowed to in Congress, unacknowledged by Democrats, unlistened to by any save themselves…just one beg UN!
And mostly right about what’s going on the country. Oh wait, that doesn’t mean anything to you.
And those Oly protesters? Classes aren’t in session at Evergreen State on the weekends. Did you see the one girl on KING5 crying up a river?
You mean that didn’t happen in Myanmar?
Like, honey, if you want to play rough by lying in front of large trucks, don’t be surprised when rough comes back at you! Your self-indulgance isn’t a reason to do anything other than send you to bed without supper, something your mother should have done years ago!
Hahahahaha!!!! Crackpiper lecturing others about personal responsibility!! Hahahahaha!! I have now officially heard everything…
He’s still ten times the patriot you are, crackpiper. When you’re able to shed your blindness over the reality of Iraq, and get to the point where you recognize the damage being done to America by the Bush Administration, your words will mean something. Until then, your only use here is for our amusement. In that vein, thank you for the comment at #31. I haven’t laughed so hard in days. I had to close my office door.
Ann, there’s a tremendous disconnect between what our military should be doing and what it’s actually doing. Our military should not be a tool for occupying another nation in order to boost the bottom lines of certain private entities. George Bush actually campaigned against this kind of behavior in 2000, and now uses 9/11 as an excuse to do exactly what he said he wouldn’t do. 9/11 was not a valid reason to invade Iraq and our current occupation of Iraq is not a wise use of our military. It’s actually making this nation less safe, while making certain people within this country more wealthy and powerful.
#15 Lee says:
Maybe they are a little better informed on the issues than you. Maybe they know something you don’t. Did that ever occur to you? Obviously not.
#30 stop the fuckan war says:
I think you mentioned you were a veteran, if so you know how stupid this is. War for oil?
What would a real “war for oil” look like? Well, US troops would have sped to the oilfields with everything we had. Everything we had. Then, secure convoy routes would have been established to the nearest port – probably Basra – and the US Navy would essentially line the entire gulf with wall-to-wall warships in order to ensure the safe passage of US-flagged tankers into and out of the region.
There would have been no overland campaign – what for? – and no fight for Baghdad. Fallujah and Mosul and all those other trouble spots would never even see an American boot. Why? No oil there. The US Military would do what it is extraordinarily well-trained to do: take and hold a very limited area, and supply secure convoys to and from this limited area on an ongoing basis. Saddam could have stayed if he wanted: probably would have saved us a lot of trouble, and the whole thing would have become a sort of super no-fly zone over the oil fields, ports and convoy routes, and the devil take the rest of it. Sadr City IED deaths? Please. What the f**k does Sadr City have that we need?
Care to reconsider your stupidity or is it too ingrained.
Maybe they are a little better informed on the issues than you. Maybe they know something you don’t. Did that ever occur to you? Obviously not.
Of course it occurred to me. I’ve looked at the evidence, and I’ve concluded that they’re buckling to Bush on issues like torture and the Iraq War because they still fear that the Republicans can paint them as being “soft” on terror. It has nothing to do with any “greater knowledge” that somehow escapes us. It’s absurd to believe that we’re somehow naive to think that allowing torture is a mistake or that revoking habeus corpus rights doesn’t completely undermine what we’re trying to do in the Middle East.
I think you mentioned you were a veteran, if so you know how stupid this is. War for oil? What would a real “war for oil” look like?
Look at Iraq. It’s not like Alan Greenspan hasn’t already come out and admitted that oil was the primary reason for the launch of the Iraq War. Of course it was. People who control resources can control the levers of power. The people in the White House know that. Putin knows it. And everyone in the Middle East knows it. How come Marvin Stamn can’t figure it out?
Well, US troops would have sped to the oilfields with everything we had. Everything we had. Then, secure convoy routes would have been established to the nearest port – probably Basra – and the US Navy would essentially line the entire gulf with wall-to-wall warships in order to ensure the safe passage of US-flagged tankers into and out of the region.
Um, that all happened Marvin. In fact, as soon as our troops got to Baghdad, they guarded the oil ministry while neglecting much of everything else.
There would have been no overland campaign – what for? – and no fight for Baghdad. Fallujah and Mosul and all those other trouble spots would never even see an American boot. Why? No oil there. The US Military would do what it is extraordinarily well-trained to do: take and hold a very limited area, and supply secure convoys to and from this limited area on an ongoing basis.
How obvious should they have been? Even the idiots in the White House knew that they couldn’t walk into Iraq saying, “We’re taking the oil!” They had to make it look like a legit occupation. But they revealed how little they really cared about legitimacy by how pathetic the handling of the occupation was.
Care to reconsider your stupidity or is it too ingrained.
Between you and Crackpiper, I might hurt myself laughing before the night is through…
As an insult artist, you are a pipsqueak…
What’s his face with the filthy name? He’s no patriot, he’s a panderer and a piss-poor, puss filled postule on the posterier of the body politic. Guys like him are walking advertisements for a draft…with him first.
If he had any real guts, he’d go down – and you with him – to the front gate at Fort Lewis and try that stuff. Better yet, air-drop the both of you into some forward firebase in Afghanistan and try that crap on the Taliban…
Frankly, I regard him with as much contempt as I do the alleged Rev. Fred Phelps, and I lump them together, regarding both to be haters of those who serve and, tragically, often die.
Scum of the earth…the both of them.
The Piper
@38 Stmn
I hate agree with yo but liberals who thenk Bush fought this war for ANY cogent reason are as out of their mnids as the few folks left who defend this sad man.
Whatever else we have learned, BWB is not capable of the kind of subtle thought that would have gone into organizing anything other than a reglious revival. I believe he and his inner would have done as you said .. IF they had any idea what they were doing.
Instead, GWB mistook his office for an old RR movie set and figured the Manselles would come out from behind their harem doors to cheer the lieratinf Christian troops.
What’s his face with the filthy name? He’s no patriot, he’s a panderer and a piss-poor, puss filled postule on the posterier of the body politic. Guys like him are walking advertisements for a draft…with him first.
I said it earlier and I will say it again. He’s ten times the patriot you are. He understands why America is great much better than you do. When I look at someone like you and then look at someone like him, I know full-well which of you two would be more likely to threaten my own liberty.
If he had any real guts, he’d go down – and you with him – to the front gate at Fort Lewis and try that stuff. Better yet, air-drop the both of you into some forward firebase in Afghanistan and try that crap on the Taliban…
I’d rather fight the Taliban here in America. They’re much more of a direct threat to me that their relatives in Afghanistan. And if fact, that’s what I’ve mainly been doing my entire adult life.
Frankly, I regard him with as much contempt as I do the alleged Rev. Fred Phelps, and I lump them together, regarding both to be haters of those who serve and, tragically, often die.
And this is why you’re a joke. The people who are using civil disobedience as a tactic to end this war are not anti-troops, they’re anti-imperialism. There’s a MASSIVE difference. As long as you keep confusing the two, I have no problems continuing to hammer on you.
Do your part to keep this country free rather than making lame excuses for the people who want to turn this country into an outpost of the Middle East.
GWB made the decision to invade Iraq, but he would not have been capable of actually doing it if he didn’t have a certain coterie of support whose motivations lay in controlling oil resources. You’re exactly right that GWB’s main motivation was not oil, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t integral to why the invasion actually happened.
Done on a grassy knoll, was it?
How much oil has flowed our way?
And Greenspan’s comments? He went out of his way to put them into perspective with days after the release of his book…But truth isn’t something you’re particularly interested in…might puncture your little self-deluded balloon.
Really…where do you get this stuff? Make it up as you go along?
Tell me…is there a duplicate key to your wardroom as well?
The Piper
Everyone should check out this Salon article arguing that incivility is killing the internet. I think the problem is more than simple incivility-it’s the willingness of commenters to stake out hard positions on subjects they obviously know nothing about and then defend them with their life. I mean how difficult is it to understand that an argument to remove troops from harms way is supporting the troops? You must either be as stupid as Piper or as silly as Marvin. I couldn’t help myself.
An excerpt:
“The result of people not regarding their postings as two-way communications is a trail of rhetorical wreckage that litters the Web like burned-out vehicles after a strafing raid. Grunts, shouts and gestures replace arguments. Online conversations bog down or trail off down inconsequential byways. The chess game is no longer played at a high level. Worse, the coarser rhetorical and emotional tone that is set becomes self-perpetuating. The salon slowly turns into a gladiatorial arena. It isn’t a Darwinian processs, either, because in this arena, the strongest and smartest aren’t the ones who usually survive. The loudest, rudest and most obnoxious are the winners. The quiet, the shy, the reflective are driven away. Even those who have thick skins, and are not themselves involved in a discussion, will often simply give up trying to mine a thread for interesting ideas. It isn’t worth the psychological agita.”
Done on a grassy knoll, was it?
What the hell are you babbling about?
How much oil has flowed our way?
The bigger question is how much is flowing to others. Controlling oil resources is a competition. In other words, keeping them inactive is still better than letting your adversaries have it. That’s essentially why we’re still there, so that the Iranians (who are backed by Russia and China) don’t get control of the oil reserves.
And Greenspan’s comments? He went out of his way to put them into perspective with days after the release of his book…But truth isn’t something you’re particularly interested in…might puncture your little self-deluded balloon.
Why don’t you explain that perspective? I haven’t heard anything from Greenspan that changes the basic realities that I’m talking about here.
Really…where do you get this stuff? Make it up as you go along?
Strap on some balls and argue it then. As I’ve said numerous times before, if what I’m saying is untrue, debunk it. Provide the alternative narrative. And I will tear it to pieces. And you know this.