There’s a fascinating Senate primary going on down in Oregon between two Democrats who are barely distinguishable on substance, but entirely different species when it comes to style. I’ve already mentioned how much I love Steve Novick’s ads, which seem to embrace my “politics as unusual” motto. But it’s also great to see Jeff Merkley getting into a pissing match with incumbent Gordon Smith, if in a more traditional advertising style.
so that was you tying us up n I-90 this am? damn, dood, i had you pegged as a bus passenger.
So over at SLOG, the home of Iraq war monger Dan Savage, and close friend of Goldy, I posted the following.
“Dorothy Screws “witnessed her only son, U.S. Army Pvt. Tommie Edward Jones, commit suicide right before her eyes six weeks ago in Colorado.
One thing Screws and her family did not know until after her son’s death — which occurred March 25 at Fort Carson, Colo. — was that Jones, 27, had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from when he fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007”
But war is good for children. Dan Savage told us that in his pro-war October 2002 article which I can’t name here because the SLOG spam filter will block this post. Funny huh? SLOG uses a spam filter to block references to a pro-war article by Dan Savage.
Try it. Go over to SLOG and type in a comment of “Say yes to War on Iraq.” And it will be blocked by a spam filter. Dan Savage (Goldy’s pal) is afraid that his many admirers might see that he once wrote the following in Oct 2002
“War may be bad for children and other living things, but there are times when peace is worse for children and other living things, and this is one of those times.”
“In the meantime, invading and rebuilding Iraq will not only free the Iraqi people, it will also make the Saudis aware of the consequences they face if they continue to oppress their own people while exporting terrorism and terrorists. The War on Iraq will make it clear to our friends and enemies in the Middle East (and elsewhere) that we mean business: Free your people, reform your societies, liberalize, and democratize… or we’re going to come over there, remove you from power, free your people, and reform your societies for ourselves.”
Fair number of people were wrong about Iraq. Those 935 lies might have influenced folks. Some changed their minds. Dan could be in that population. The ones who didn’t, have in some instances left the halls of power. rarely under their own power. The distilation left wants Iran so bad. They, not Savage are desireous of war today, and take more of my attention than that Dan may have been fooled. The narrow quotes don’t disguise other context or conclusions perhaps?
I haven’t heard much about Bush’s vacation schedule for this summer. This brings about two questions:
1. What is the running count of Bush’s vacation days while in office, and at what point has he passed the record?
2. Is Bush already on vacation, and how can you tell the difference?
Hmmmmm. I watched the add. No mention of Dan Savage in it.
@2 & 3, Do you have some mutant form of Turret’s Syndrome which causes Savage outbursts?
@6 – yes, Gordon Smith must go, and I was actually interested in this post because I want to know about the two democratic challengers. Hopefully the horses ass brain trust will kick in. The Oregon primary is May 20, right around the corner.