Sources have confirmed to HA that Safeco Insurance is indeed the unnamed “Firm 1” in a Washington Insurance Commissioner’s Office study of the abusive use of credit scoring to cancel auto-insurance policies. As first reported in the Seattle Times, Safeco has asked the Thurston County Superior Court to block release of the information.
According to sources familiar with the investigation, the controversial practice was initially pioneered in WA state by Progressive Insurance. Sources say that Safeco was actually late to embrace the practice, but did so aggressively under former CEO Mike!™ McGavick’s leadership, far and quickly exceeding the scope and impact of its competition. As the Times initially reported:
The study cited “Firm 1” for relying on credit scoring to cancel auto policies, as opposed to simply raising rates, which the other companies did. It said Firm 1’s decisions disproportionately impacted minorities, divorced women and low-income residents.
Many of those terminated by Firm 1 had clean driving records.
“Over one-quarter of those cancelled for low credit scores” by Firm 1 “had no ‘incidents’ in the insurer’s records, though some had been with the insurer for more than 10 years,” the 2003 study said.
“Seventeen percent of apparently accident-free cancelled policyholders were minorities.”
When the story first broke Monday I thought it would be easy to find a cooperative source inside an office Democrats have held for years, but extracting relevant information turned out to be harder than squeezing blood from a stone. Commissioner Mike Kreidler has called credit scoring “a form of redlining” and thinks it “should have been banned,” yet he has adamantly refused to disclose the identity of the firms in question until the legal issues are resolved.
This has apparently led to much consternation in and outside his office by those who complain that Kreidler is not doing enough to help fellow Democrats. But while I personally wouldn’t mind if Kreidler were a bit more partisan, I fully admire the respect he has shown for his office, and am somewhat reminded of similar complaints from GOP stalwarts who attacked Secretary of State Sam Reed for not doing more to help fellow Republican Dino Rossi come out on top of our excruciatingly close 2004 gubernatorial election.
Still, this was a study conducted by a public agency, paid for with taxpayer dollars, and so the public has a right to know its details. Thus if you are one of those Insurance Office insiders who think Kreidler should be more partisan, I urge you to act on your convictions and please leak me any relevant documents. I promise to maintain your anonymity, and once again affirm my pledge to go to jail before ever revealing a source.
“Sources”… that must be like la goldies “Lawyer X”.
la goldie, you do the National Inquirer proud with you innuendo, smears and outright lies.
I urge you to act on your convictions and please leak me any relevant documents.
You’re a pig.
You guys take the meaning of “source” to a whole new level … hahaha
Click here for photo of GOP “source”:
Some of the credit scoring does seem illogical. For example, PEMCO will give insurance rates 53% lower for people with the best credit scores than for people with the worst credit scores — basically a multiple of 2.128 for having a bad credit score. Probably SAFECO has a similar differential.
However, if you have one accident in the last three years, you get 40% higher rates — multiple of 1.40. And two accidents in the last three years gives you a multiple of 1.80.
Is an accident free driver with lousy credit — let’s say a lawyer who recently lost his house in foreclosure — a worse risk than someone with excellent credit that has had one or two accidents in the last three years?
Oh look, liberal show their patriotism:
National Guardsman Brutally Attacked In Pierce County
POSTED: 4:33 pm PDT August 30, 2006
UPDATED: 6:15 pm PDT August 30, 2006
POSTED: 4:33 pm PDT August 30, 2006
UPDATED: 6:15 pm PDT August 30, 2006
PARKLAND, Wash. — The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department is searching for five people who allegedly attacked a uniformed National Guardsmen walking along 138th Street in Parkland Tuesday afternoon.
The soldier was walking to a convenience store when a sport utility vehicle pulled up alongside him and the driver asked if he was in the military and if he had been in any action.
The driver then got out of the vehicle, displayed a gun and shouted insults at the victim. Four other suspects exited the vehicle and knocked the soldier down, punching and kicking him.
“And during the assault the suspects called him a baby killer. At that point they got into the car and drove off and left him on the side of the road,” Detective Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News.
The suspects were driving a black Chevy Suburban-type SUV.
“This is something new for us, we have not had military people assaulted because they were in the military or somebody’s opposition to a war or whatever,” Troyer said.
The driver is described as a white male, 25-30 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, heavy build, short blond hair, wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, and armed with a handgun.
The vehicle’s passengers are described as white males, 20-25 years old. Some of the suspects wore red baseball hats and red sweatshirts during the attack.
The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and charging of the individuals involved. Informants can call 253-591-5959, and callers will remain anonymous.
First liberal block the protective equipment they needs then it takes 5 of them with a gun to beat up one soldier. You crazies are getting more blatant in your treason, I’ll give you that.
I find it amusing that our resident trollfucks criticize Reed for not being more partisan, and in the same breath criticize KCRE for being too partisan. Can you say HYPOCRITES.
I hope Goldy never bans or censors the trollfucks. They amuse me.
A home invasion early Wednesday morning ended with two of the intruders dead and a third in custody after one of the residents opened fire with a shotgun. Travis [MoFo] Earle Anderson, 22, and his brother, Marshall “Lashaun” [MoFo] Anderson, 28, both of Spartanburg, died after William Rodney Thomas shot them after they broke into the house at 76 Lawrence St. and attacked his roommate, Lee Timothy Freeman.
Just a couple of misunderstood Democrat victims.
Two shots, two Democrat felon perps in the bag. I admire that kind of gun control.
Oh how tragic! Why didn’t they just call the police and then try to reason with and understand these poor underprivilaged Democrat urban youths who were no doubt victims of poverty, evil Republicans and society?
Number 6, pbj, Was Carl Grossman, Roger Rabbit, and GBS involved?
August 31, 2006
Safeco Corporation
Safeco Plaza
4333 Brooklyn Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98185
Paula Rosput Reynolds
Arthur Chong
Mike Hughes
William Jenks
Ross Kari
Allie Mysliwy
John Ammendola
Terri Dalenta
Kim Garland
Charles Horne
Richard Kelly
Gregory Tacchetti
As a civic-minded and community supportive corporation, I assume that Safeco is invested in our local Seattle teams with sponsorships, season tickets and corporate boxes.
In light of that support, I would like to bring to your attention that a host at KIRO radio, David Goldstein, who has a blog called, is actively recruiting and working hard to bring down Safeco Corporation in his single minded effort to defeat Mike McGavick. I would advise that you sever your relationship with the Seahawks until such time as they sever their ties with KIRO or that KIRO takes appropriate action against Mr Goldstein.
While I sincerely support any citizens right to champion their favorite candidate or party, I find it offensive that anyone would actively seek to destroy the opposition or their affiliates with blatent ‘politics of personal destruction’. Frankly, this type of seek and destroy campaigning should alarm us all.
Jody Patton, Seattle Seahawks
Tod Leiweke, Seattle Seahawks
John Rizzardini, Seattle Seahawks, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Beth Wojick, Seattle Seahawks, Vice President/Corporate Partnerships
Mike Flood, Seattle Seahawks, Vice President/Community Relations
Ryan Barefoot, Seattle Seahawks, Premium Seating & Service Specialist
Jerry McKenna, Entercom Seattle, LLC
Maria Cantwell
Yeah, that’s right ProudAss, silence the opposition by whatever means. I guess that’s your idea of what it means to be an American, huh?
It’s not about silencing anyone la goldie… it’s about ethics and it’s about actions/consequences.
You have every right to be as unethical as you are but with that right comes the burden to bear the consequences.
If I were an executive at Safeco and got a letter from some crank telling me that there was someone actively trying to “bring down” my company and providing no evidence or argument whatsoever to back up that claim, I’d laugh and wonder how someone like that can even tie his or her shoes, let alone afix a stamp to an envelop.
Some white supremacists attacked that black guardsman. Their baby-killer rhetoric was deliberate to throw the police off the scent.
13 – ethics? ASS? What a laugh! I guess all those folks know your real name ASS. If I was in their shoes and you sent that note anonymously then I’d toss it in the circular file. Nice try.
Hmmm. Maybe I should send a counter letter with some of your looney tune comments. With actions come consequences.
Thank you again for your egoistic bloviating.
Safeco’s unethical and contemptuous actions merit criticism entirely apart from McGavick’s relationship with Safeco. You would be incapable of understanding that, however. The insurance industry is out of control, and deserves far more criticism than it receives. You lead a very meaningless and bitter life. Get an enema, and maybe your head would clear.
Proud bitch,
Sign your fucking name you skank ass bitch. You are soooooooo brave hiding. What are you afraid of? You would silence anyone who does not agree with your side.
Here is the basic difference between you and I.
You would destroy anyone who believes other than the prescribed way of your leaders.
I would kill (literally) to defend my right and your right (no matter how wrong you are, and honey, you are so wrong here) to speak out.
You are afraid of opposition talk. I welcome it. It exposes your lies fraud to the light of day.
Carl H. Grossman
Liberal, Democrat defender of the constitution that the WingNuts are trying to trash.
I worked for an insurance company for a time, and credit history is very important when evaluating a customer. If a person is late on payments for cars, medical bill, etc., he or she is proably not a very good risk. Statistically, insurers have a pretty good idea of who is going to be a good customer and who isn’t when they view credit history.
Tied in with this credit evaluation are other things like occupation, education, driving record, claims history, etc. Oddly enough, one of the most important things an insurer looks at is whether or not a customer has had his or her electrical power or water cut off. The theory is that, if a person is so irresponsible as to have his or her utilities shut-off, then he or she is probably not going to be paying premiums for insurance promptly either.
Whether you hate insurance companies or not is meaningless to my comments. I’m stating this information here to possibly give warning to others to consider his or her choices in the future and how these choices will affect things like insurance. It’s about personal responsibility, not about defending insurance companies or attacking them.
One more point, Safeco is much more involved with the Mariners. You might want to check the name on the stadium.
I called the Seahawks and urged them remain non-political. That way I can go to the game to escape word whores like you for a couple of hours.
And another thing proudbitch,
Pot, Kettle, Black. Stones, Casting, Glass House
While I sincerely support any citizens right to champion their favorite [wingnut] candidate or [hard right] party, I find it offensive that anyone would actively seek to destroy [expose] the [Bush-worshipping] opposition [bushbots in power] or their affiliates [lackeys] with blatent ‘politics of personal destruction’ [the truth]. Frankly, this type of seek and destroy campaigning [democracy] should alarm us all [heh indeed].
Proud bitch,
Sign your fucking name you skank ass bitch.
Carl H. Grossman
[………………………………………………………………………………Mrs. Grossman, Does Carl talk to you like this? Any if he does, do you like it? Does he spank you? Do you spank him?]
blatent? Oops more “private school product” spelling.
Democrats: The Party Of Neville Chamberlain? Too bad the muuuuuuuuslim terrorists didn’t fly the planes into the Kennedy Compund, the DNC Building, Carl Grossman’s trailer park, and the East Hamptons.
Well-stated. Rightwingers are afraid of anything and everything. They wake up scared, get more terrified as the day goes on, and are fucking shaking by the time they go to bed. Differences among people are what scares them the most. Their worldview is so narrow that they are incapable of understanding how anyone else could see the world differently than they do. This inability to understand causes them to lash out in a manner that appears quite irrational to those of us who think differently. Can you imagine a world full of people like PROUDASS and JCH? Now, that would be frightening. Of course, they would all end up killing each other because, after all, there would still be differences amongst them, so they would continue to fear each other. These people can never be free of their fears, so they will always hate those who are free.
“First liberal block the protective equipment they needs then it takes 5 of them with a gun to beat up one soldier.”
PBJ, sorry if the rest of us have trouble comprehending the gibberish that comes from your strangely-wired brain, but are you claiming that soldiers in uniform should have to wear body armor walking the streets here at home? Or are you making some claim that the left is somehow responsible for Rummy’s defense department ‘s failure to provide “the army they have” with adequate equipment when they’re actually fighting a war?
The description of the assailants sounds like a bunch of Bellevue frat boys.
24 James, you sound like even more of a dumbfuck saying that than Rummy did.
PBJ at 6 is being the obedient tool, continuing to push a story which is wildly improbable (i.e., false) on its face.
As RR pointed out previously in another posting, it is highly unlikely that a gang of white “liberals” in their low to mid twenties, sporting short hair and baseball caps and sweatshrits, tried to assault a soldier because he was in the military. The more likely explanations are either (a) this was a hate crime directed at a black soldier and the comments were made to cover up their real motive (and impugn the anti-war folks in the process), or (b) this was a planned attack by Republican strategists in an attempt to create an incident to “demonize” the opposition, or (c) this is an attempt by independent right-wing nuts to accomplish the same purpose, or (d) the soldier got into a fight under circumstances he didn’t want to admint, and made up this story to explain his injuries.
Somehow, this reminds me of an important anniversary coming up. What was that? Oh, yes. Sept. 1, 1939. The day Germany invaded Poland, starting WWII (at least, the portion of WWII in Europe).
But shortly before the invasion, Germans dressed prisoner’s in Polish uniforms and then killed them, photographing them as evidence of a Polish attack on a German radio station on the border. Using this trumped-up “justification” for the massive invasion shortly thereafter, Hitler’s tactic silenced any potential critics at home, created a wave of patriotism and support for his aggression, and also added a day or so of confusion (internationally) which Hitler needed while his forces breached the initial Polish defenses.
I couldn’t immediatly find the date for the “false attack” Hitler staged, but I think it was the day before the actual attack. So that would make TODAY the 65th anniversary of that rather infamous attempt at public deception.
Coincidence? Probably. Ironic? Probably.
The right-wing has tried for the past three years to portray the left as hating American troops, in order to demonize them. Instead, the left has thanked them for serving their country and carefully seperated their respect for their service from the political mistakes of our civilian leadership. This must be very frustrating to the rightists, who can’t win an election unless they demonize the opposition.
It may or may not have any national coordination, or it might just be some local wingnuts, or maybe the guardsman needed a sympathetic story to explain how he got beat in a fight for completely unrelated reasons. but I seriously doubt any armed “peacenicks” bailed out of a suburban to surround and beat a national guardsman.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers”
pbj wrote:
“The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department is searching for five people who allegedly attacked a uniformed National Guardsmen walking along 138th Street in Parkland Tuesday afternoon.”
“First liberal block the protective equipment they needs then it takes 5 of them with a gun to beat up one soldier. You crazies are getting more blatant in your treason, I’ll give you that.”
(This is why it takes guts to write here using my real name. Still, as a member of the military, albeit in the Fleet Reserve (retired Navy, for you Army and Air Force types) I refuse to be cowed by whackos and cowards calling me a traitor, just because they disagree with me politically.)
First, were the attackers wearing something that identified them as “liberal” or “Democrat”? Gee, nobody has gotten around to issuing my uniform. Maybe it’s just that I should be wearing a yellow, six-pointed star. (I’m a Methodist, but I’d wear it proudly anyway.)
Next, wasn’t it the Bush administration that sent our Soldiers and Marines into battle with insufficient manpower and equipment, while giving the bid-free contract to Halliburton to supply water (Halliburton thought 1 liter per man, per day should be enough. After all, Soldiers tend to be recruited from poor and minority neighborhoods, and those folks don’t need as much water as real people.)
People that would use this kind of incident for political points are the most low, worthless, miserable excuses for human beings that the world contains.
pbj I’ve tried to avoid calling names, although I admit that I’ve slipped occasionally. You however are a worthless coward. You have called me and others on this board treasonous when, as far as I know, you have never served a day in your life and you hide behind anonymous initials.
I call you coward.
Not your party. I have issues with their positions on many topics, but I also know intelligent, well-meaning Republicans. I’ve served with many, although there are also a lot of Democrats in uniform. While some here will disagree, most Republicans are people of good will that truly desire what they see as best for the country. While I disagree with their priorities and methods, I think most of them are trying to do what they see as right.
You would be a disgrace to your party, were you old enough to vote. When you reach 18, do something most Republican youth refuse to do. Join the military. Serve your country. Put your own life on the line to defend it. Until then, coward, go back to the kiddie boards and leave political discussion to the grown-ups.
If he was engaged in “clandestine” activities in Europe as a Marine, my guess was that he was seconded to the OSS, as you mentioned. But it seems a strange assignement for a movie actor. Even though he mostly found his fame after the war, wouldn’t you think he might be a bit too recongizable to have a clandestine role?
It might also explain his rather criptic comment about clandestine assignments in Vietnam. While I’m sure they didn’t have him jumping out of airplanes or helicopters into enemy territory in Vietnam, but he could have held some sort of desk intelligence function which he wasn’t supposed to talk about.
Anyway, it might explain why there isn’t more information available about his service during the war. Usually publicity agents post-war were eager to emphasize (and sometimes exagerate) an actor’s military service.
Oops – # 30 was a posted in error in the wrong location. I was involved in a discussion with another person about Glen Ford’s military career. Mr. Ford (sadly) died overnight. He was a Marine during WWII, but I couldn’t find any information on where he served, and another poster said he found a reference to Mr. Ford serving as a Marine in Europe, in some clandestine function. That was the basis for my reply.
August 31, 1939 (65 Years Ago Today) – Operation Himmler:
“So that Germany did not officially seem the aggressor (which it was), Hitler needed an excuse for entering/attacking Poland. It was Heinrich Himmler who came up with the idea; thus the plan was code named Operation Himmler.
On the night of August 31, 1939, Nazis took an unknown prisoner from one of their concentration camps, dressed him in a Polish uniform, took him to the town of Gleiwitz (on the border of Poland and Germany), and then shot him. The staged scene with the dead prisoner dressed in a Polish uniform was supposed to appear as a Polish attack against a German radio station.
Hitler used the staged attack as the excuse to invade Poland.”
“When you reach 18, do something most Republican youth refuse to do. Join the military. Serve your country.”
Commentby John Barelli [……..Er, John, You mean like Goldystein and President Bill Clinton?? hehe, JCH [LT, USN, 1110, 77-84]
Anti-war protesters go around in black SUVs, pack handguns, wear baseball caps, and beat up blacks. Yeah right. Looks like GOP dirty tricks operation to me.
A custodian at Saguaro High School accused of raping a 14-year-old girl on the Scottsdale campus is an illegal immigrant from Mexico and shouldn’t have been eligible to work in the United States, an immigration official said Wednesday. Russell Ahr, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said the paperwork that Roberto Lemus-Retana provided to ABM Janitorial Services, the company that contracts with the Scottsdale Unified School District, is counterfeit. [………………………Just another illegal alien “Democrat-to-be” doing the crimes that welfare hack Democrats are to lazy to do!!!]
Troll @ 6,9 & 35:
What’s with the politicizing of hate crimes? It’s especially ironic that many (most?) hate crimes are committed by folks the GOP considers part of it’s base.
JCH, I haven’t believed your claim to service, as Navy Lieutenants are generally polite, well-spoken individuals.
Additionally, didn’t you claim to be a pilot? That is not 1110, and in any case (as any Naval Officer would know) Officer Designator Codes (ODCs) are not normally used when signing correspondence.
Essentially, if you’re going to claim to be a Naval Officer, “sir”, please do not continue to disgrace that title with your rude and vulgar posts. Points can be expressed openly, even forcefully, without resorting to the rude, crude and obviously immature posts that you have become famous for.
If, as I suspect, you are simply a fifteen year old using his dad’s computer, please go back to watching Beavis and Butthead. This is grown-up talk.
PatheticBlogJockey is a speck of dirt in the eye of the statue of Lady Liberty.
@11 “As a civic-minded and community supportive corporation, I assume that Safeco is invested in our local Seattle teams with sponsorships, season tickets and corporate boxes.”
“ASSUME”? Ever hear of Safeco Field? Dumbass!!!
Now, Goldie- asking public servants to use their offices to assist a particular political party is a bit beyond the pale. Aside from the legal prohibition on using state assetts in a campaign, there are so many ethical violations that you are advocating that one can hardly begin to list them.
But just like the illegal leaking earlier this year of information compiled by Employment Security, the leaking of corporate information by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner would have repercussions that you are not considering. Many state agencies are entrusted with the handling of confidential and proprietary information and until recently there has never been concern about leaks. But if no one can trust these many state agencies to not selectively leak information, many wheels of state government will come grinding to a halt.
That earlier leak had much to do with the death of the journalist’s shield law this session. Just add some more fuel to the fire, and set up a few partisans for firing…
And you ought to believe that Mike Kreidler values his credibility and abhores illegal activity enough to fire anyone who complied with your plea.
This just in- Sen Robert Byrd has admitted he had joined Sen Ted Stevens in putting a hold on the peephole into the pork barrell. So, Maria’s friend is also one of the guilty ones.
John Barelli,
“Halliburton thought 1 liter per man, per day should be enough.”
I don’t know where that comes from and you don’t say, but anyone in the Logistics field knows that’s an insane figure. I don’t know what the Navy uses but the Army uses 7 gallons a soldier per day as a planning factor. It would probably be higher in Iraq, because of the high temperature.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers”
Jim King wrote:
“the leaking of corporate information by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner would have repercussions that you are not considering.
Unless there is evidence of illegal activity, I’ve got to go with Jim here.
Selective leaking is one of the things that the Republicans have done, but that doesn’t make it right for us to do the same thing. Partisanship should stop at the office door.
It’s really tempting to play the same kind of dirty tricks that the other side does, but if we do, what makes us better than them?
It’s also tempting to “do what needs to be done to win” and believe that we will clean up after we’re in office. I think that most Republicans started out as honorable people that truly believed in the ideals that the Republican party has voiced for many years.
But, in “doing what needed to be done to win”, they became what they are today. Honest and honorable people either left the party or became marginalized, while people that had no qualms about cheating in order to win also turned out to have no qualms about cheating in order to personally gain from their elected or appointed positions.
We need to be better than that, and we need to hold ourselves to the very highest standards, or we risk becoming what the Republican party has become.
Byrd loves pork and he has been feeding at the trough for generations!
CORVALLIS, Ore. — Carl Grossman, Jr., a 32-year-old Tigard man who stole college women’s underwear, has been sentenced one more time for the thefts. … Carl targeted the OSU women’s swim team and labeled underwear and personal hygiene items with the names of the women from whom they were stolen. He also photographed himself wearing some of the underwear. “I like the tight feel”, said Grossman. “My dad does, too.”
37, 1110, Surfare Warfare Qual [“water wings”], and No, I never claimed to be a Naval avaitor or “NFO”. HA.ORG: “Grown Up Talk”???? Hardly…………….Oh…… sorry you are offended. hehe, JCH
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers”
Commentby sgmmac— 8/31/06@ 2:58 pm
“I don’t know where that comes from and you don’t say, but anyone in the Logistics field knows that’s an insane figure.”
While I do know that many Soldiers in the field were complaining bitterly about a lack of potable drinking water, I shouldn’t have used the 1 liter per day figure without checking it.
That’s what I get for using hearsay information. The premise of the post I was responding to had me so angry I skipped my normal fact checking.
I have since gone back to check my information, and while
I was able to find considerable information about Halliburton’s failure to provide adequate potable water, and additional information about contaminated water being used as drinking water for our troops, I have been unable to confirm what I agree is an outrageously low number.
Good to think that even they aren’t quite that bad.
This just in- Sen Robert Byrd has admitted he had joined Sen Ted Stevens in putting a hold on the peephole into the pork barrell.
Correct. He claims to have released the hold.
He claims to have released the hold.
Byrd’s pork is NOTHING compared to the $1 trillion that Bush wants to steal from the Social Security Trust Fund.
They’ve ALL been stealing from the SS trust fund for years. I remember seeing a political cartoon with a showing Bill CLinton trying to get this hand into the “Social Security Cookie Jar.” There was also a little old lady in the cartoon, smacking Bill’s hands with her cane to keep him out of the cookie jar. The Dems want that SS money just like the Reps.
Now if we had private ownership of our contributions to SS, things might be different.
If it can be shown that there is a statistically significant correlation between poor credit scores and high driving risk, shouldn’t SAFECO have the right to make business decisions based on that?
Who’s fucking business is it who they choose to do business with? Or is insurance an “entitlement?
Back to the Insurance question”
The whole idea of insurance, from the policyholder’s perspective, is to take advantage of the largest group possible to spread the risk. This means that instead of each person having to save tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars against a realtively low probability of a ruinous loss, then instead each policy holder can pay only an amount which is actually proportionate to the risk of loss.
But from the insurer’s perspective, there is a motivation to continually define their risk and reduce it by excluding from the group those which are more likely to file claims. Thus insurance companies sponsor many thousands of studies which will evaluate different factors which, they hope, will predict future claims behavior among their customers.
There is a continual tug-of-war among these competing goals. Customers want a large group from which to spread their risk, but they don’t want higher-risk individuals in their own group, either. Insurance companies want more customers (and thereby more premiums), but to the extent they can predict claim-filing behavior accurately and exclude certian potential customers, they can pocket more profits.
So we have tens of thousands of studies which, for example, predict driving behavior based upon race, sex, age, geographic location, occupation, # miles traveled, music preferences, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Some of these distinctions we have prohibited as a matter of public policy. Insurance companies cannot, for example, discriminate on the basis or race, regardless of how many studies they produce which allege to justify it. They also cannot discriminate based upon sex, but are specifically allowed (in Washington) to apply different rate structures based upon sex, provided they have studies to support it.
But the problem with using credit history as a predictor of risk is threefold.
First, it tends to impact minorities more than whites, in the same proportion as the statistical impact upon claims. In other words, are the isurance companies just trying to find another way to discriminate on the basis of race? What if we prohibit discrimination based on race, but allow it for anyone having hair of a specific texture?
Second, it presumes that people having trouble paying other bills might have trouble paying for insurance bills. But couldn’t that be handled merely by requiring insurance to be paid in advance (as every insurance company I know does?)
Third, as a matter of public policy, it increases the problems of the customer, rather than helping to solve them, and thereby magnifies social costs born by society. A working person who needs his car to commute to work, but is having trouble paying his bills, is going to find himself having to go to a high-risk insurer, and pay much more for insurance, is going to help the situation – how???? If he cannot afford high-risk insurance, but drives anyway because he has to work and pay the bills, then any accident he has will not be paid by him (he is already judgement-proof), but instead will be paid by either (a) the other driver’s insurance, under collission, PPI, or underinsured moterist cover, or (b) by the state, in hospital care for the indigent.
There are a lot better ways to accomplish any of the goals which insurance companies are attempting to accomplish with credit checks. Among them: (a) using actual driving records, and (b) using actual history of paying for car insurance premiums.
If you’re going to claim the title of Naval Officer, at least make some effort to live up to the standards of a Naval Officer.
Some of the folks on the liberal side here are probably fifteen year olds sitting at dad’s computer. If they can’t act like adults, then they should also go back to watching MTV.
But you have claimed to be an officer of the United States Navy, an organization that I have been part of for most of my life. Do not disgrace it.
While I hope that civilians behave with respect to others, I do not hold them to the same standards as a Naval Officer. If your claim is true, then act like an officer. Commissioned rank carries special priviledges, but far more importantly, it carries the obligation to act honorably and to treat others with respect, even if you do not personally believe they rate it.
If my belief is true, and you aren’t actually an officer, then I would hope that it is something you could aspire to.
But remember, being an officer in the United States Navy is considerably different than the image you may have gotten watching “Top Gun” or “McHale’s Navy”.
(Seems like the job of training JO’s never ends.)
John Barelli, NCC(AW), USN-FR
I remember being told Lady Bird Johnson arranged to have millions from social security excess funds spent on her “Trees Across America” project.
50 “Now if we had private ownership of our contributions to SS, things might be different.”
Yeah, then our money would be in the hands of the crooks on Wall Street instead of the crooks in Washington.
Notice how the “ethical” and “moral” republican shit head like Jimmy The Cocksucker want to protect that lying piece of shit Mikey? Shows you that the moral majority is neither.
It’s all soup under the bridge. Cowards like Jimmy and his butt boy McGavick are both looooosers and the only question left to be settled is exactly how many points Mikey will loooooose by and how long it will be before Jimmy bails out once he’s had it rubbed in his chest too often here!
Bush doesn’t need 1 trillion dollars out of the social security funds…….. but your daughter and my daughter might well need ownership of 4% of their social security taxes.
Just imagine if you owned the money you have put into the social security system your whole working life…….
Left Turn:
From the tone of your posts, I’m beginning to believe that you and JCH are actually the same person, just trying to annoy each side of the discussion equally.
Either that, or you’ve both got a stuck “o” key on your keyboard.
@29 “People that would use this kind of incident for political points are the most low, worthless, miserable excuses for human beings that the world contains.”
Sort of like Left Turd and airplane accidents…
I haven’t heard of soldiers not having drinking water in Iraq. The Army dictates to KBR/Halliburton what they need and it’s KBR’s job to deliver. Soldiers should be drinking bottled water.
I did find a document on a hearing about unsafe water in Iraq by KBR/Halliburton. Basically the article says that they were using waste water for showers, teeth brushing, and other miscellaneous water needs. The Army uses ROWPU’s to provide clean safe water. The system is Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU). Halliburton has them, mostly from military units that have left an area, and then KBR takes over the equipment.
I will say that if soldiers with that job skill had been operating the equipment, it never would have happened. It looks like untrained contractors are operating them and their supervisors in KBR are too hard headed to listen.
I have a friend over in Iraq now who works for KBR and you should hear him tell stories about some of their employees….. Unfortunately you will always have some people who don’t do the job they are paid to do.
I got an ear infection from taking a shower in a alleged 4-star hotel in Thailand, we were there for an exercise and the Army Doc who saw me said they found e coli in the water at the hotel.
MTR at 51: Our state insists that drivers carry insurance. This creates a guaranteed customer pool for insurance companies. Since we are not free to “go bare” (i.e., not carry insurance and drive), then auto insurance companies have an unequal bargaining position with their customers.
That is why most states which have mandatory insurance laws require insurance companies to to have their rates approved by the insurance commissioner. Washington does not require such rate approval, but it does have some restrictions upon how insurance companies can select their customers, or discriminate against them in setting rates.
50 “Now if we had private ownership of our contributions to SS, things might be different.”
Yeah, then our money would be in the hands of the crooks on Wall Street instead of the crooks in Washington.
Commentby ArtFart— 8/31/06@ 3:54 pm
Workers could put your money into certificates of deposit, federally insured money, if they’re worried about “crooks on Wall Street.” There’s nothing wrong with investing in CDs. Heck, it works well for some folks.
Oops! I meant workers could put THEIR money inot CD, not Art’s money! Sorry!
@56 Actually, POS Left Turd, I wasn’t defending Safeco or McGavick- I was urging Goldie to rethink his request that employees of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner break the law. Not that YOU would care, but where would we be if any state employee thought that the sensitive, private, proprietary, and confidential information entrusted to their care was their’s to do with as they pleased? That includes all kind of worker’s medical information at L&I as well as information at Revenue, Employment Security, Financial Institutions, Social and Herlth Services, Retirement Systems, Personnel…
Not to mention that you’d be screeaming your looney left head off if the GOP was accessing IRS, FBI, etc., info for partisan purposes. Is that the game you want to be playing, Left Turd?
Why don’t you wander back over to Postman’s where you don’t have to worry about being slapped around.
rhp6033 @ 62:
When I was working for an auto insurer several years ago, the industry estimate was that about 40% of the drivers in Washington were driving around without insurance. These people tend to be younger folks with few resources. They also have a tendency to have at-fault accidents where there is damage to property and injury to others.
If you don’t have uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage or uninsured motorist property damage coverage on your current policy, I strongly urge you to call your insurance agent and add those two coverages. You need them a lot more than you might think.
@52 Another reason offered for credit scoring is that those in financial difficulties are more likely to engage in insurance fraud- however I would think the answer to that is to use credit scores to flag the policy for more intense claim scrutiny, when and if a claim is filed.
@62 Actually, you are NOT required to have insurance, if you are one of those` wealthy enough to cover your own financial responsibility… As for rates, increases do not have to be pre-approved, but they are subject to review and companies can be forced to roll rates back. Periodic review of insurance rates have shown that our process is as effective as pre-approval in holding down rates, without as much administrative cost.
Goldy: Thanks again for the happy reminder in the text of your message that Christine Gregoire did, in fact, BEAT Republican real estate salesman, Dino Rossi — even though Republicans have “superior election ‘TECHNOLOGY'”!!!– according to disgraced Political Conservative Christianist, Tom DeLay.
… ‘n how ’bout that quack, Bill Frist and his fake medical credentials!!!!!!!!!
Let’s hammer a little more on David Irons, the mother beater and father stabber. Father Stabber!!!!! Heck! Father Raper! David Irons, the biggest Republican father raper of them all!!! Headin’ right towards the Group W bench!!
Gee, the week is almost over.
1) JCH publishes the story about a guardsmen getting beaten up, and blames the “lefties” (as usual). Roger Rabbit and I point out it is much more likely that these assailants, if they exist at all, are right-wingers. I point out that this is the 65th anniversary of “Operation Himmler”, where the Nazis staged an attack on one of their own radio stations to justify the invasion of Poland. No response from the wingnuts yet.
2) Since early this week, I have been challenging Mike McGavick to call on the Republican leadership to in the House and Senate to pass the state sales tax deduction bill, co-authored by Sen. Maria Cantwell. He still takes no action, except to continue to run very misleading ads claiming that Cantwell voted against the sales tax deduction. Mike, this is a simple test. Do you really care about the Washington taxpayer, or is this just a campaign issue?
I think I’ll go home and listen to Alice’s Restaurant. Somehow, flipping off the authorities seems timely . . .
We need to be better than that, and we need to hold ourselves to the very highest standards, or we risk becoming what the Republican party has become. Commentby John Barelli— 8/31/06@ 3:00 pm
Too bad Goldie doesn’t listen to you. It’s not the first time he’s asked people to do unethical things.
I recall librul New Orleans news reports of
1.) moonbats resorting to cannibalism
2.) hundreds of killings
3.) black and latino rapists roving in bands
4.) toxic flood waters that would kill on contact.
5.) Looting all over the city
6.) People dying the dozens in the Superdome
All this bulshitto was not true. Now we know the real reason for the levee failure moonbats. Read below.
Well this was true:
1.) New Orleans cops shoplifting at WalMart
2.) New Orleans cops shaking down looters and keeping the loot
3.) New Orleans cops beating up old men
In the year since Katrina, we’ve learned that the storm was a Category 1 by the time she hit New Orleans. We’ve also learned that the primary levee breach — the one that caused 70 percent of the flooding in the city — was not caused by the storm surge but by poor engineering.
After months of dissembling and obfuscation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — the designers of the levee system — the Corps was forced to admit what all the outside experts were saying; critical engineering mistakes caused the walls that were supposed to protect the city to collapse before they were overtopped by the storm surge. And on the east side of the city, the flooding was largely caused by a shipping channel the Corps dug three decades earlier. …
All this leads to the even more shocking conclusion that Hurricane Katrina probably saved 50,000 lives.
That levee was doomed. While Katrina was the last straw, it was destined to fail. Studies done before the storm indicated that if a major hurricane overwhelmed the city’s levees, as many as 100,000 people would die as a result.
If the levee had failed without warning, there would have been no evacuation, no preparation, no state/federal support, no Coast Guardsmen in helicopters etc. If you think Katrina was bad with governmental preparations, consider an event half that size without it.
Looks like the credit score on the ACoE would be 2.128. Who’d a thunk the ACoE breached the levees themselves. Did the moonbat MSM check into it? Hell no. The horse whisperer wanted Mike Brown out of the job. Now that the truth is out will the moonbats change their tune.
Is McGavick still getting his $28MM or more like $6MM. Moonbats can’t change their tune because facts hurt their miniscule brains.
“They’ve ALL been stealing from the SS trust fund for years.”
Wrong. The funds used by the federal government still exist in the SS trust fund in the form of Treasury bods, backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. othing was “stolen.”
RR’s comment, on the other hand, is close in spirit but still not quite on the mark. Bush’s SS privatization plan will cost approximately $1 trillion in transition costs to pay current liabilities while diverting capital inflows into private accoutns. he rarely mentions that. When pressed in 2000 to explain where the $1 trillion was going to come from, he said “From the surplus.” Where’s it going to come from now?
Jimmy just like at Postman’s I’ll be here long after you’re gone bitch. You are so patheic you can’t ignore me. And your attempt at insults are funny. I just wish you’d quit sending me emails begging to suck my dick.
Oh yes and I know the answer – your mom started hooking AFTER you were born! HE HE!
John Barelli, NCC(AW), USN-FR
Commentby John Barelli [An E7!……..Classic! John, Save the chief bull shit for your enlisted coffee drinkers buddies at the E man club!!
By the way Jimmy your new alter ego Moose is pretty lame. Couldn’t you come up with something better than that or did you just pick your sister’s nick name because it was simple to remember?
Here is a funny one. Aren’t Indians on the reservation? Next will be Blacks?
The trend of incumbent Democratic lawmakers facing primary challenges from the left is not sparing black lawmakers, despite their generally being among the party’s more liberal representatives and blacks being the party’s most loyal constituency.
Rep. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, is facing a strong primary challenge from Prince George’s County lawyer Donna Edwards, who says he is too conservative to represent his predominantly black constituency. The most unlikely Congressional Black Caucus member, Rep. Bobby L. Rush, Illinois Democrat, faced similar charges from his opponent Philip Jackson in the primary. “Our opponent in the primary attempted to use that strategy against Mr. Rush in relation to his vote for the energy bill last year,” said a staffer for Mr. Rush.
Mr. Rush is a former Black Panther and recognized as one of the most liberal members of Congress yet he and Mr. Wynn were both attacked by their opponents for supporting the energy bill, a choice both men said they made after they successfully worked out a deal in committee to increase federal low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) by $3 billion.
“My general view is that the Democratic Party used to be the big tent party where everyone is allowed to express their views; now it is being taken over by these bloggers and purists who can only see one way of thinking,” Mr. Wynn said. “We can think for ourselves and not for somebody else’s idea of what a liberal is supposed to be.”
Sorry Albert Wynn, moonbats control your party. Party on dude!
Well Albert Wynn welcome to moonbatville. Just up Goldie’s alley!
I thought libruls liked Black Panthers. I guess not anymore!
Yep, it’s all about whitey keeping him down and supporting a black woman instead.
Wait a minute. What’s that? His opponent is a black woman? You mean race has nothing to do with it? It’s his policy positions that are getting him in trouble? Interesting…
How about if:
a) Safeco doesn’t have to listen to the Washington insurance commissioner about how to run its business; and
b) Washington doesn’t have to let Safeco do business in this state.
That work for ya, Gasbag?
“When pressed in 2000 to explain where the $1 trillion was going to come from, he said “From the surplus.” Where’s it going to come from now?” Commentby Daddy Love— 8/31/06@ 5:34 pm
Somebody should ask Bush this: If there’s a $1 trillion surplus, why does SS need to be fixed?
That’s a great album! I’ve got the CD too!
Roger do not forget your friends in New Orleans who cleaned out the till of a large sum of money to help Mayor Nigel’s black Friends. There isn’t one Socialist Democrat that does not steal from the Tax Payer in Louisiana.
SAN FRANCISCO – The California Assembly on Thursday approved a bill to boost the minimum wage to $8 an hour, the highest level in the nation, and sent it to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk for signing. The bill, which cleared the Senate on Wednesday, would increase California’s minimum wage by $1.25 an hour over the next 16 months to $8 an hour.
”In other news, Democrat Californians, by a wide margin, blame President Bush for the flight of jobs from California.”
67, Actually, you are NOT required to have insurance, if you are one of those` wealthy enough to cover your own financial responsibility… As for rates, increases do not have to be pre-approved, but they are subject to review and companies can be forced to roll rates back. Periodic review of insurance rates have shown that our process is as effective as pre-approval in holding down rates, without as much administrative cost.
Commentby Jim King— 8/31/06@ 4:47 pm
How often have rates actually been rolled back in Washington and how often are these periodic reviews done?
Hey did you hear that. Shhhhhhh…. listen.
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
It’s time again for DOOFUS’ daily medicine. Open wide now:
Were the anti-semites liberal or conservative?
“Let me make it clear. I would shed my last drop of blood to defend their right to hold that biblical worldview. They are absolutely entitled to believe that Anne Frank is burning in hell along with Dr. Seuss, Gandhi and Einstein,” he says. “But I will not accept my government telling me who are the children of the greater God and who are the children of the lesser God. That’s the difference. I will not defend — I will fight them tooth and nail, and lay down a withering field of fire and leave sucking chest wounds — if they engage the machinery of the state, which is what they’re doing.”
For the other side we have the poo DOOFUS has been flinging against the wall for the last month.
Ssssspllluuuurttt!!! Spppplllatttt!
Sorry DOOFUS the poo didn’t stick but it sure did stink! Enjoy all you wingnut liars.
‘’In other news, Democrat Californians, by a wide margin, blame President Bush for the flight of jobs from California.’’
People have been leaving California in droves for YEARS! They are tired of being taxed out of their homes. They are tired of crimes, gangs, and all of the other garbage that comes from living in big cities with small tax bases.
“Yeah, then our money would be in the hands of the crooks on Wall Street instead of the crooks in Washington.”
There really isn’t that many crooks on Wall Street. They do get outed and dealt with quickly. Because you own stocks doesn’t mean that you don’t watch the money carefully.
The AFL-CIO launched a $40 million voter-drive yesterday, targeting 21 states and hoping increased turnout among union members swings competitive races in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The financial commitment amounted to the most expensive by the union for the midterm elections. The focus is 21 governors races, 15 Senate races, and at least 50 House races. [……………………………………………………………………………Taxpayer supported “guvment” union hacks bring out “da vote”!!!!! Gee, what a fucking surprise!! Keep the Democrat union hacks in the public trough!!!!!!]
90, Duh………After 26 years, I left in 2003. Enough! Let Kalifornia turn in a Democrat Hillary Village “Baja Norte” Third World Shit Hole. Statring in 2004, Not one penny of my taxes has gone to Kalifornia. Let the Democrat illegals, the Democrat “guvment” union hacks, the welfare hacks, and the San Francisco libs tax each other! That will be fun to watch!]
’In other news, Democrat Californians, by a wide margin, blame President Bush for the flight of jobs from California.’’
People have been leaving California in droves for YEARS! They are tired of being taxed out of their homes. They are tired of crimes, gangs, and all of the other garbage that comes from living in big cities with small tax bases.
Commentby sgmmac […………………………………………………………………………Wrong, sgmmac…TAXPAYERS have been leaving California for years. TAX RECEIVERS [Democrats] are flooding in
the state by the millions.]
Ok, most message boards I visit are moderated and some things just dont get through. Perhaps there is a good reason for that. There is a fine line between free speech and hate speech and something like this goes over the line:
Democrats: The Party Of Neville Chamberlain? Too bad the muuuuuuuuslim terrorists didn’t fly the planes into the Kennedy Compund, the DNC Building, Carl Grossman’s trailer park, and the East Hamptons.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/31/06@ 1:30 pm
A post like this would get that poster booted off, deservedly, most message boards. I think the Doc should thank his lucky, fascista, anti-Semite, racist, soul that he hasn’t been. Doc, you’re a Maroon and a Hoodad. Get a life, pal. As it is, that you spend your days posting here is either sad, or deranged, or both.
Maybe if you don’t pay your bills and you can’t get insurance… maybe you should be allowed to drive. If you’re that much of a fucking loser, I don’t want you on the road with me. You’re taking up fucking space, getting in the way of The Producers, and probably a fucking accident waiting to happen. People like this are why they invented buses. Fucking buses are mostly empty anyway… put these fucking losers on them.
Sgt Mac — Social Security has paid every dollar of promised benefits, on time, since its inception.
And how about private banks and S & Ls? Taxpayers insure them and bail them out.
And how about Wall Street? A new scandal a day, and a never ending stream of ingenious new ways to steal from investors and shareholders.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Social Security ain’t broke.
I never thought I’d live to see the day when anyone would have the brass balls to try to destroy Social Security. I guess nothing is sacred to wingnut assholes.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Social Security ain’t broke.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [……………………………………………Agreed, RR, and because Social Security is such a great deal, all “guvment” employees must be in the program. That would be FEDS, including every politician, state, and local, as well as quasi “guvment” agencies. No more “civil service pensions. Just social security, like those in the private sector!!!] hehe, JCH]
“As it is, that you spend your days posting here”
Commentby SeattleDan [……….And Dan, you read them!!! Every one, Dan!!! hehe, JCH]
SeattleDan, please call me “Doctor”. JCH
Yeah JCH posts often here. Well not as often as Haq complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative, but often enough. Keep up the good work doctor and have some Kennedy fun this weekend.
Roger, We shall see, I hope they continue on being on time with payments. I’m going to want some money in a decade or so……
63 “Workers could put your money into certificates of deposit, federally insured money, if they’re worried about “crooks on Wall Street.” There’s nothing wrong with investing in CDs. Heck, it works well for some folks.”
OK, if that works so well, why can’t the gubmint–or a private employer running a retirement plan–take the money, agree to a guaranteed payout to the employee from when he retires to when he croaks, and pocket the differenc? Should be able to work, assuming the managers are smart enough to mine the statistics and predict how much the average retirement-to-death liability will be, and assuming that Wall Street can do better than that over time. Well, can’t they?
Well, maybe they can’t. Maybe ordinary people are being uncooperative and living too long. Maybe the people running Wall Street actually have the system jigged so the money actually mostly gets sucked into the hands of the “chosen few”.
If that’s so, then the Republicans still have a lot of balls telling Mr. and Mrs. America how much BETTER OFF they’ll be in the “ownership society”, because they won’t. Not any better than they’ve been since Mr. America had his pension screwed with right before he punched out for the last time. At least, if you’re gonna carve our guts out, don’t stand up there grinning and telling us it ain’t gonna hurt a bit.
Speaking of Farts: While in the shower this morning I was thinking about that rare earth element ready found by moonbats but seldom unearth by conservatives. It was defined on the net so here it is:
Bullshittium: an isotope of Unobtanium. Less unbalancing items are made of bullshittium alloy, but the real monsters are made of pure bullshittium.
Queen of Bullshittium – Nancy Pelosi. Republicans will put her front and center after Labor Day.
King of Bullshittium – Harry Reid. After paying his sons with government nepotism GOLD, Jack Abramoff is not found in the MSM.
Prince of Bullshittium – Howard Dean – I’m still looking for the blacks he’s hired. Oh yeah he claimed to find them on the hotel staff.
Count DeBullshittium – David Goldiestein – Why Count? You can’t enumerate the water displacement of all the Bullshittium spewed or regurgitated by him or the Legion of NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Up & Coming Bullshittium – Carl Grossman – Nothing new from this fast learner. Takes what others say eats it and farts out bullshittium. Still looking for his mom among the Ladies of Rainier Valley
Just Full of Bullshittium – Left Turdball – With a name like that what’d you expect.
Clear But Smelly Bullshittium – Clueless – Clear you say? Yes, he’s so tranparent (not my spelling), you can see the truth so clearly because his crap doesn’t hide anything, but his spew stink is oh so high.
Professorial Bullshittium – DJ DR E. Green Thumb – They use their big words to “demonstrate” intellect and come across as pompous ASSes!
Cultivator of Bullshittium – Tree Frog KillaFraud – Cultivates his Tree Frogs to hop over and drop a load or two on Goldie’s blog.
Animal Bullshittium – Now Pelletizer did you think I’d forget a “member” of the animal kingdom
Unobtanium – The Senate 2006.
You dumb ignorant motherfucker. Taxpayer supported union hacks? What do you base this on, you small minded, incoherent fuck? Nothing you say ever has a basis in FACT. Fucking dolt.
I am sure you will have some wife, lampshade, shower, blowjob or train ride comment. If it makes you feel good, go right ahead. If you think they bother me, think again pinhead. It is obvious that it is I who has gotten to you, you address comments to me when I have not posted for hours, or, even on the thread. You are not “rich”, nor are you a “former” Naval officer. If you were, you would mention neither. What you are is a sad waste of air. You are to be pitied.
Cite your proof!
We are all waiting. Well not really, I am trying help you build self-esteem.
Pussypud…… Fuck you! Fuck your mother too. We all understand how you must feel. Your one claim to fame, the one thing in your life that makes you feel like man is slowly dying and you can’t do a fucking thing about it. Your party is losing, losing big and will be the minority come November. Enjoy your impotent president.
Rummy stuck the stick so far up the WingNut asses it is never coming out. Then Bush follows it up with a sledgehammer pounding of the same stick in Don’s ass. This is known the popsicle effect. Now that you have given America the scolding that 60% of the people are wrong, immoral and confused, you WingNuts are about to be given the “foot in the ass” treatment by the 60% who are too stupid to know what is good for them.
Now, to repeat, go fuck yourself, go fuck your mother. When you are done there, I am sure JCH and you can play butt pirates together.
I take what others say. Are you still upset about ’nuff said?
Tough shit!
’nuff said.
Wait, I forgot something…..
’nuff said.
Poor boy has nothing in his quiver. You are the poster boy for what is evil and wrong with your party!
Regarding this 60% of the country, I want to see the poll demographics. Since the King 5 poll was disected with a high moonbat percentage, I bet these national polls are similar in makeup.
Now for the thought question LeftBrainisTurd – What happens if the moonbat party DOES NOT WIN IN NOVEMBER? Since you pin your hopes on this what will be your nom de plume?
OOPS: The above comment was for CarlTwistedLeftFeet! But it works for both LeftBrainisTurd and CarlTwistedLeftFeet too!
You both are poster boys for what is evil and wrong with your party. In fact I can see you wearing those tent signs as punishment from a judge ” I am an example of what is evil and wrong with the moonbattic party”!
Puddy you struck GOLD with that Bullshittium! Carl is all up in arms. He is really going after your dead mother this morning.
I did not lose it. I found it. All the polls, all the commentators (from both sides of the isle) are now saying and writing that the WingNuts are not in trouble, they are in big trouble. Pat Buchanan, the king of conservatives, yesterday said that the talking points of facism and terrorist threat had better work because the NutBag party has nothing else. The gun is empty. His words, not mine.
All this talk is fun for me, nothing more. I am out working to get my candidates elected, to effect change and to take my damn country back from those who would silence me for speaking out.
A man who has no enemies, has never taken a stand. Lets see what the polls say in mid October. The more your dear leaders talk, the deeper the hole they dig.
“” Now for the thought question LeftBrainisTurd – What happens if the moonbat party DOES NOT WIN IN NOVEMBER? Since you pin your hopes on this what will be your nom de plume? “”
For your answer, if the Democrats don’t take back at least one house of congress, we will do all we can to keep the Republicans from destroying our country.
It is amazing how many lies Bush can tell, and how many mistakes Rumsfeld can make, and you still support them.
Have you thought of checking in somewhere…..
One Blatant Bush Lie:
BUSH: Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.
You know, you can cover a Republican with enough evidence to dwarf Mt. Raineer, and they stil refuse to see the light….
What was it the judge ruled a couple weeks ago? I heard the number of felonies Bush committed while authorizing warrantless wiretaps (of political enemies I would guess) numbers in the 30’s.
You how about accountability, and the rule of law, Mr. Republican?
At some point Rovian soundbites don’t hold up to REALITY!!!
Say “Bush is a Liar” over, and over, and over. In a couple hours it may sink in, and then you may begin the road back into the light…….
Do you have to be a “moonbat” to call a liar a liar? A traitor a traitor? An incompetent President, and Secretary of Defense incompetent?
Am I getting through?
By the way, they are still waiting for them buses in New Orleans Brownie said were on their way…..
They are still waiting for the 2nd air traffic controller to show up…..
Since everyone is presumed to be lying on the internet, I ignore what you say. If you wish to sign your posts with your real name, then you begin to build credibility. Until, it is just words. No different than JCH’s claim to be rich, living in HA, and a former Naval officer. It is all bullshit lies. So if you can’t take the words, if you are so torn about your dead mom you have a choice. Sign your real name or leave the blog.
Now you and MTR can go back to masturbating each other. (you two do realize that is homosexual behavior, right?)
I love it when Republicans show up here to comment with their drivel. The “reality based” people send them crying back to their mommies with their hair on fire….and all they can do is name call.
I am sorry Goldie if I chase the Republican apologists, and name callers away with facts and stuff….
Smashing every single point they try to make into bits is kinda fun….. It is easy when reality is on my side.
What is it that Republicans are so afraid of?
Well, daylight seems to scatter them like cockroaches. Anytime someone shines a light on the lies and deceit, they run for cover, attack the messenger and ignore the facts. Roger, RHP, and Facts Support My Position eloquently present the argument based on facts.
I see my place as the counter balance to Anne Coulter, JCH, MTR and the like. When you yell, I yell. Simple. Direct. Effective. Fighting fire with fire.
Carl and others here is a Fact that CONTINUES to Support Our Position:
End of an Affair
It turns out that the person who exposed CIA agent Valerie Plame was not out to punish her husband.
Friday, September 1, 2006; A20
WE’RE RELUCTANT to return to the subject of former CIA employee Valerie Plame because of our oft-stated belief that far too much attention and debate in Washington has been devoted to her story and that of her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, over the past three years. But all those who have opined on this affair ought to take note of the not-so-surprising disclosure that the primary source of the newspaper column in which Ms. Plame’s cover as an agent was purportedly blown in 2003 was former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage.
Mr. Armitage was one of the Bush administration officials who supported the invasion of Iraq only reluctantly. He was a political rival of the White House and Pentagon officials who championed the war and whom Mr. Wilson accused of twisting intelligence about Iraq and then plotting to destroy him. Unaware that Ms. Plame’s identity was classified information, Mr. Armitage reportedly passed it along to columnist Robert D. Novak “in an offhand manner, virtually as gossip,” according to a story this week by the Post’s R. Jeffrey
Smith, who quoted a former colleague of Mr. Armitage.
It follows that one of the most sensational charges leveled against the Bush White House — that it orchestrated the leak of Ms. Plame’s identity to ruin her career and thus punish Mr. Wilson — is untrue. The partisan clamor that followed the raising of that allegation by Mr. Wilson in the summer of 2003 led to the appointment of a special prosecutor, a costly and prolonged investigation, and the indictment of Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, on charges of perjury. All of that might have been avoided had Mr. Armitage’s identity been known three years ago.
That’s not to say that Mr. Libby and other White House officials are blameless. As prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has reported, when Mr. Wilson charged that intelligence about Iraq had been twisted to make a case for war, Mr. Libby and Mr. Cheney reacted by inquiring about Ms. Plame’s role in recommending Mr. Wilson for a CIA-sponsored trip to Niger, where he investigated reports that Iraq had sought to purchase uranium. Mr. Libby then allegedly disclosed Ms. Plame’s identity to journalists and lied to a grand jury when he said he had learned of her identity from one of those reporters. Mr. Libby and his boss, Mr. Cheney, were trying to discredit Mr. Wilson; if Mr. Fitzgerald’s account is correct, they were careless about handling information that was classified.
Nevertheless, it now appears that the person most responsible for the end of Ms. Plame’s CIA career is Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson chose to go public with an explosive charge, claiming — falsely, as it turned out — that he had debunked reports of Iraqi uranium-shopping in Niger and that his report had circulated to senior administration officials. He ought to have expected that both those officials and journalists such as Mr. Novak would ask why a retired ambassador would have been sent on such a mission and that the answer would point to his wife. He diverted responsibility from himself and his false charges by claiming that President Bush’s closest aides had engaged in an illegal conspiracy. It’s unfortunate that so many people took him seriously.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
Daily open thread
by Goldy, 05/15/2006, 9:34 PM
Our sage friend Stefan lays into The Stranger’s Eli Sanders for repeating a blog report stating that Karl Rove would be indicted.
Speaking of Ms. Coulter:
I think it is time that we begin to selectively reduce our population. One Republican at a time. She seems like good place to begin. (I am speaking with forked tongue of course) Really, I am just kidding. (You didn’t hear that did you?) (sometimes I get a little enthusiastic when I slide the clip into the gun. Shhhhhhhh.)
Yeah, like the moonbats will grow brains!
Hey righties. How is it that Karl Rove’s role in exposing, and confirming Valerie Wilson’s identity to the press, and destroying Brewster Jennings is not TREASON?
(crickets chirping)
where are the WMD? Where is Bin Laden? Where is the end of the hostilities that Bush referred to on the deck of the aircraft carrier several years ago?
Official score: Carl 3 MWS 1
Your serve!
The exposure of her name was no accident. Still illegal. Still treason. Still punishable by death. I am hoping for firing squad. I am normally against the death penalty, but I am willing to make an exception this time.
JCH publishes the story about a guardsmen getting beaten up, and blames the “lefties” (as usual). Roger Rabbit and I point out it is much more likely that these assailants, if they exist at all, are right-wingers. by rhp6033
This guy’s story is unravelling. You and Roger mught have to eat a poo-poo sandwich on this one.
They’ve ALL been stealing from the SS trust fund for years.”
Wrong. The funds used by the federal government still exist in the SS trust fund in the form of Treasury bods, backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government. othing was “stolen.”
by Daddy Love
Hey Daddy Love, how many shares do you own of the government bond fund in your retirement account? How much are you “vested” for?
According to theSCOTUS decision, Nestor v. Fuller in 1960, you (and everybody else) are zero percent vested at all times in social security.
Make sure you’ve got that uninsured motorist coverage on your insurance policy. It’s usually manditory in WA, but folks can reject it with a 999WA Form. It’s probably the single most important coverage on your policy in a lot of ways.
Unobtanium – The Senate 2006.
Ooops. Thanks Puddy for be resigned to the House going to the Dems.
Oh we shall see about the Senate.
The scuttlebutt around the biz when the “credit scoring” shit hit the fan (and the incidences that precipitated the passage of legislation limiting and regulating the use of credit scores in the underwriting of property/casualty insurance risks) was this…Sacfeco (under the leadership of Mike!) was said to have non-renewed the 1% of any and all clients with the lowest credit scores regardless of loss history, insurance payment history, and length of time as policyholders with the company. After the first year purge was complete…Safeco (under the leadership of Mike!) took the same lowest 1% and did it again. As the shitstorm migrated from the University District to the offices of the DOI in Olympia, Safeco (under the leadership of Mike!) was ordered to cease and desist.
It was shortly thereafter that the Insurance Commissioner sposored what remains (I think) the toughest regulation in the US of this odious and irrelevant practice.
Libertarian at 126: Yes, I have UIM coverage. It’s not that expensive, and it can be quite a bit of help.
I know the single-car collision which is Katherin Harris’ campaign is old news. She has turned into a considerable embarrasment for the Republicans, who are hoping that one of her three relatively unknown challengers in the primary can get enough votes to win the nomination. The L.A. Times today had a recap of her mis-steps in the current campaign:
Rep. Harris Goes from GOP Darling to Liability
But one of the quotes in that article nearly shot out of from the page:
“Harris’ current — and fourth — campaign communications director, Jennifer Marks, said … Harris was unruffled by her diminishing poll numbers, because “we’ve said all along that the only poll that matters is the one held on election day.””
Now remember, Katherine Harris was the Florida Secty of State, who, while serving as co-chairman of Bush’s Florida election campaign, certified the election in favor of Bush even while the count was continuing and in the midst of several court challenges, and refused to re-open the count or to allow a re-count until compelled to do so by court order.
Makes you wonder: does she know something about what is going to happen on election day that the rest of us don’t know?
And also, she still seems to get 38% support among likely Republican voters, according to the polls. The only thing which gives her a chance at the nomination is that her three opponants are splitting the anti-Harris vote. But given her recent history (see the article for a re-cap), is there ANTHING she could do which would cause her to lose the vote of over 1/3 of Republican voters? What deal did she make with the devil to get the continued support of 38% of Republican voters?
Libertarian: UIM insurance isn’t “mandatory”, in the sense that the insured has to buy it. It is mandatory for the insurance company offers it to the policyholder, and the policyholder has to specifically reject it in writing. But I think that’s what you meant.
Goldy – Ballots are in the mail! What say you about the judges?
Libertarian at 124: I don’t quite understand your “sandwich” comment, regarding Roger and me. If “this guy” refers to the guardsman, then that’s one of the points Roger and I made – that the attack may not have occured at all, or certainly not in the manner in which it was described. If it did occur as described, it was hardly likely to have been conducted by “peacenicks”. The story just has so many holes, its hard to know where to begin.
The Demo-Nazi party is cracking down on people who dare not tow the party line. Just ask Tim Sheldon.
that the attack may not have occured at all, or certainly not in the manner in which it was described.
Commentby rhp6033— 9/1/06@ 10:14 am
It might be that the guy was attacked, but not by a bunch of white rednecks. I get the impression you and Roger would prefer it to be true that white boys that were really conservative attacked the guardmen and not liberal peace activists. The white boys were just trying to make the cops believe they were liberals.
This whole thing is starting to sound more and more like Tawanna Bradley and Al Sharpton did the correography.
@133 I think it might be best to accept Pierce County’s Democratic administration’s view on this- an unprovoked attack fueled by anti-military sentiment. That doesn’t mean “peace-nik did it”. But there have been too many incidents in recent months of little men who haven’t served trying to show they are “big men” by ganging up on a soldier. Regardless of one’s views on the war, this should be cause for concern, not ammo to be used against the other side. By either side.
In one sense, it is too bad there are not enough of these incidents to provide for a replay of the Battle of East Los Angeles- these losers would have no chance against a group of soldiers, sailors, and marines. In fact, one only needs to go back to the Battle of Hilltop in Tacoma to see what a few Rangers can do to a group of local thugs.
Oh, and Left Turd- when Chocolate Moose bitchslapped you down over on Postman’s, you got whupped by a 110 lb friend of mine who thinks you are about the most pathetic individual she’s ever run across on a blog- except for postman, who she thinks is even more pathetic for running scared of you. Of course, even I don’t like to take her razer sharp tongue on, but you never have shown the sense God gave a worm.
But then, we’ve both noticed nobody but your bitch Particle Man ever takes you seriously. Just a slime-sucking troll…
It definitely isn’t treason and as a matter of fact, it’s not against the law either! If it was against the law, Rove would be in jail, now wouldn’t he? The plain and simple fact is that Valerie Pflame doesn’t meet the legal criteria of a covert CIA agent in the federal laws.
You can scream all you want about how she is covert and she was outed, but your opinion doesn’t matter. The special prosecutor didn’t charge Rove because he knows he won’t get a conviction.
It’s kinda hard to be a covert agent when your idiot husband takes you to the “In” parties and introduces you as his CIA agent wife. It’s also pretty fucking stupid to recommend your idiot husband go on an high-profile investigative mission about yellow-cakes and then the idiot comes back and writes a letter to the editor of the New York Times which is read around the world.
Covert, my ass, her husband outed her before Rove did!
Keep up the good work doctor and have some Kennedy fun this weekend.
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— […..Best regards to you!!!!! JCH]
“You dumb ignorant motherfucker……”
Commentby My Left Foot [………Didn’t get any last night, did you Carl? And now the “JAP” wife is out shopping, right? Not a good way to start your day!]
Carl, could she be meeting “Jerome” at the Embassy Suites for a little “Tookie love”???
Carl, “Cop a clue” when Mrs. Grossman starts dragging you to NAACP meetings!!!!
“I think it is time that we begin to selectively reduce our population. One Republican at a time.”
Commentby My Left Foot— [……….”KKK Carl”?]
The exposure of her name was no accident. Still illegal. Still treason. Still punishable by death. I am hoping for firing squad. I am normally against the death penalty, but I am willing to make an exception this time.
Commentby My Left Foot [……..Feeling a little violent this morning? And Mrs. Grossman hasn’t called from “shopping”, has she? Not a good day for you, Carl!]
It’ll be SOOO MUCH FUUUNNNN to wake up the morning of November 8th with a Democratic majority in BOTH Houses of Congress.
Buch, Cheney, Rove, Rummy, et al will have piss AND shit running down their pantlegs.
Of course Bush will “cut and run” and resign like the coward he is, always has been, and always will be.
My, my, my…another disgraced Republican ex-pResident. That’s a SHOCKER!
Jimmy when you were posing as a woman over at Postman’s was it fun?
And the only bitchslapping that goes on is when I bitch slap you.
By the way, your mom gives GREAT head.
LeftTurn @ 147:
That was not Jimmy. It was JCH, he has a gender identity issue.
Carl, Mrs. Grossman and “Jerome” are over at the Embassy Suites in Room 411. Want a video???
“Doctor”, you flatter yourself if you think I read each and everyone of your posts. Life is way to short to bother myself with your drivel. Go catch a wave, you ol’ Hodad, dude.
150, SeattleDan, EACH AND EVERY ONE!!!! Swallow, and enjoy every drop!!!
MLF @ 117
Think of yourself as a giant can of Raid.
GBS caught JCH lying about his Navy service:
How to catch a Conservative in the act of lying:
Note the date/time stamps.
108, Libertarian, I never attended flight school. Hence, I never “washed out”. All a figment of GBS’s vivid “imagination”. All my training was done in Newport, RI and Coronado, Ca, as well as the old Philadelphia Ship Yard. Then, three WESTPACs of 6 monthe each , one ten month IO cruise, and a tour in Coronado at the NAB. Four years at sea, and two ashore.
Comment by Myron [JCH] Silverstein, ESQ— 2/24/06 @ 3:04 pm
@ 123
JCH: Are you saying GWB served in combat then? Just askin’
Comment by windie — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [No, but, Windie, have YOU ever “buckled up” in a Mach 2 F-106? Not for pussies. I washed out of Naval Air [bad GI] and served Surface Line [1110]. Flying [and training] in military jets are not for the Bill Clintons of the world.]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:37 pm
@ 125
Comment by YO — 1/24/06 @ 3:59 pm [YO, I’m sure you are correct and I was mistaken. Thanks for the help. Anyone who flies has my respect. I was not up to the stress. Not many are. JCH, LT, USN [1110, 76-84]]
Comment by JCH — 1/24/06 @ 4:44 pm
Look familiar to you “YO”? Seem the Comment by in the last bit of lying there where JCH admits he wasn’t up to the “stress” of flying?
Yeah, whose name is that in the comment by line? Who is JCH responding to “YO”??????
OK? Got it? Make sense now? Remember? Need your nosed rubbed in anymore of JCH’s shit?
Now, you too are just one of my many blog bitches. What shall I name you? Blog Bitch II? Submissive Bitch? I dunno, let me think on it for a couple of days. I’ll let you knwo what your new HA blog name will be.
Dick suck. (don’t worry, that’s not your new name, it’s just what you are.)
Commentby GBS— 5/11/06@ 3:57 pm
Shall I presume that YOU’RE not making any claims to be a braniac, Einstein?
Commentby GBS— 5/11/06@ 4:10 pm
I love the ad for Allstate insurance in the middle of the Seattle Times online edition of the article.
romps hustling democracies cities,homer harrier!augmentation:Persephone:pledges
Libetatiran @ 124
“Hey Daddy Love, how many shares do you own of the government bond fund in your retirement account? How much are you “vested” for? According to theSCOTUS decision, Nestor v. Fuller in 1960, you (and everybody else) are zero percent vested at all times in social security.”
Some people are born stupid, some achieve stupidity, some have stupidity thrust upon them, and some just play stupid to score cheap meaningless poitns against straw men. I do not have a “retirement account” in the SS system. Yes, no one is vested as in a savings match. I’ve spoken with you before, and it was never my impression that you are hopelessly dense, so it comes as a surprise to me that the fact that SS is a “pay as you go” plan should be news to you. My benefits, which judging from my periodic statements will be a welcome addition to my retirement income from savings and other investments, will be paid by current workers of the time. I am imagining that you really are aware of this setup and that your questions is intended to elicit a reaction from the ignorant, along the lines of “Whuh? Yew mean we-uns don’t own owuh own SS munny? Drat that damn gubmint for stealin’ from us’ns hahd-wuhkin’ folks!” Shameful, I call it. I would think you to be above such cheap chicanery.
Commentby Libertarian
coinage?Titan inquirers:coliform televise magician spends!attempters
cottages:pocketed retires Howell flashing sites ellipsoid navies!
Does Darryl want to recant his story on Haq in light of this”
From the Seattle Times.
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Oooooh that hurts dont it. hehehhehehehehehe
Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.