I was reading through the felony complaint filed against Sen. Patty Murray’s would-be assassin, reading the transcript of his threatening phone calls, and the hateful, violent, offensive prose just sounds so familiar… well… I was wondering if anybody here had heard from HA troll “manoftruth” since Charles Alan Wilson’s arrest?
Just curious.
As funny as that would be (!), MoT seems to have been gone longer than that.
Goldy, maybe you should turn over your archives to the FBI. They might be evidentiary. And now that Bush is out of office, I don’t think any of us will get arrested for sedition.
Or at least cross-reference his post IP addresses with a provider to see if location is similar. Although it can be spoofed….most people don’t know how to do it.
@1 Actually, that’s not very funny at all.
It couldn’t be MOT, there was nothing about “The Jews” in it.
Seems like you KLOWNS are now so deeply imbedded in your denial of the Fall of the Oba-Mao Regime, that you are forced to muck around in sheer nonsense.
Here is another dose of reality–
By Dana Blanton
– FOXNews.com
Uglier & uglier it gets.
Oba-Mao now has to try & shut down “dissenters”
Oba-Mao never made the transition to “Leader”
His biggest mistake was mocking & ridiculing the Tea Partiers.
His Henchmen like David “The Devil” Axelrod told Oba-Mao and other Dummocrat misleaders to attack the Tea Party…truly believing it was a Republican Organization.
Bad read!
Now, you have unnecessarily created enemies that are mobilizing and angry.
Now all you can do is continue down that path and continue the name-calling.
It won’t work.
Everyday, more folks are getting involved in the Tea Party Movement.
Smooth move dumba$$es!!
You are handed a gold bar…and in less than a year, you KLOWNS turn it into a hot, smelly, steaming pile of sh*t with your mean-spirited attacks.
Now you have to try & ram thru everything else you can in before year-end. Good luck with that!
You don’t actually read polls do you. Just headlines eh?
A few other nuggets (note that Obama isn’t up for re-election until 2012.)
Do you have a favorable impression of ?
The Democratic Party 42%
The Republic Party 40%
The Tea Party 36%
Nancy Pelosi 29%
Harry Reid 16%
John Boener 12%
Which party shares your values:
Dems 40%
Reps 25%
Tea 19%
As for midas touch, are you more or less likely to vote for a candidate if campaigns for them?
Obama, 29% more, 45% less
Palin, 25% more, 51% less
Bodes well for 2010 for your side, eh, Clynically Delusional?
Nice one, Goldy!
But even better, we now have hard data! From UW no less:
Racist fucktards! Tea Klux Klan!
Nice catch, Zotz.
“Of those, only 35% believe blacks to be hardworking”
Hmm, this reminds me of a joke the KLOWN once shared with us.
I wonder where Fox News gets these stories. From what I read Obama’s polls are the lowest ever, but still over 50%, and the HCR Bill is polling similarly, and will get more popular as people realize what it really does. NOT what Fox says it does.
Cynny: “Oba-Mao never made the transition to ‘Leader’
His biggest mistake was mocking & ridiculing the Tea Partiers.”
Scarcely more than a year into his presidency, Cynny declares Obama’s presidency a failure. Can Cynny really be that stupid?
Cynny, one thing that Obama has plainly proven is that he is a leader. He got the healthcare legislation passed, and that required supreme leadership skills. With regard to the Teabaggers, they have not been mocked near enough. They, including you, are a group of brutish, squealing racists. Their day in the lights will not last long.
Well for one thing, they’re polling registered voters not likely voters.
Then there’s the respondents. 36.2% were republicans even thought Clynical’s favorite Rasmussen put out a poll on April 1, 2010 that indicates only 32.9% of registered voters identify as Republicans.
Pollsters continue to poll only those with home phone lines, they are prohibited from calling cell phones (it waste’s the user’s minutes). Yet every person I know who is 30 years old or younger doesn’t have a land line, they just have a cell phone. So polls are suffering from an age-specific bias which only increases with time.
All the Tea-Bag events I’ve seen seem to be decidedly older than the general population. Heck, I was even invited to one in Edmonds and went out of curiosity, and it seemed to me the youngest person there (other than myself) was in their late 50’s, and the average age was probably 72.
If the Democrats can bring out the younger people to vote in the same manner they were mobilized in 2008, the Republicans/Tea Baggers haven’t got a chance in 2010 or 2012. Of course, off-Presidential year elections DO tend to have considerably lower turnout, which favors the extremists like the tea-baggers.
Fox “News”, haha. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That’s a knee slapper.
Manoftruth’s last comment was on 4/3. Although I’d imagine that if it were him, there would be stuff about Jews in the crazy voice mail messages.
I always wonder if some of these teabagger clowns we hear about are just the old usenet political trolls finding their celebrity.
were the original “tea-baggers” the PLA and the Weathermen and ultra left groups similar to their bent?
hmmmm………perhaps the far left and the far right really do meet at the same place..
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@7: This morning, Fox’s Juan Williams was on C-SPAN citing polls like this as evidence that the teabaggers somehow represent the mainstream:
What he said amounted to “people are angry” without getting into the extreme/intolerant positions that teabaggers represent. He suggests that everyone dissatisfied with government agrees with the teabaggers, and gives the violence and intolerance the “isolated crazies” treatment. He also rationalizes/apologizes for white men because unemployment has hit them particularly hard.
Chris Hedges interprets the same information in a different way:
@18: Flags, crosses and fascism…
…oh sure Shitheel, I’m just quaking in my boots…cowering. Yeah, that’s it…cowering.
The Teabagger nut cases have somehow failed to consider that very many of us on the left are armed and dangerous. And, at whom do they think those guns will be aimed? We don’t make a big deal about it and strut into Starbucks with them on our hip…like that somehow enhanced the size of our dick!
Can I get a Patty Hearst for $500, Alex?
Yellow Pup @ 18, referencing Fox’s Juan William’s claims:
“He also rationalizes/apologizes for white men because unemployment has hit them particularly hard.”
Gee, the guys at Fox can’t seem to utter a sentence without throwing in two or three utter falsehoods a minute. Unemployment nationally among all groups is between 9% and 10%, with a few regional variations. But unemployment among blacks (as of a couple of months ago) is about 24%.
What a bunch of idiots.
I thought MOT was from outside Boston area. It’s kind of implied if not stated outright here:
Juan Williams’ full time job is the leftist National Public Radio AKA NPR. Juan WIlliams’ jock straps Odumba in public forums all the time. Puddy always glad to provide the facts.
Then you refer to another blogger who talks to Cynthia McKinney?
Cynthia McKinney? Cynthia McKinney?
Explosion heard in the distance!
Puddy is shocked rhp6033 drank your kook-aid!
Maybe MOT is in PBC visiting gated communities to see which one he’ll retire in. Puddy saw a couple Puddy may retire in.