Mark Griswold may not have much talent as a writer, journalist or rhetorician; in fact, he may not have much talent at all. But in his new role as (un)Sound Politics’ most prolific contributor, Griswold has certainly been an upgrade in the crazy department… and that’s saying something considering the proud legacy of Stefan’s tin foil hat, and the ongoing competition from Pudge.
Take, for example, Griswold’s personal reaction to the tragic shooting of four Lakewood police officers:
Today was not a particularly stellar day for me.
But then, when you’re Mark Griswold, what day is?
While listening to Laura Ingraham this morning (sorry Kirby, Glenn Beck went to commercial) I became infuriated at the story of Michigan abortionist Abraham Hodari, who continues to practice despite countless instances of forced abortions and even, what one might generously label, the negligent homicides of four young girls.
Well, there’s your first mistake, Mark. In your quixotic quest for a stellar day, perhaps you shouldn’t start it off by getting your morning news from Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, and Operation Rescue.
And then there’s Maurice Clemmons and his cold-blooded murder of four Lakewood Police Officers, among them a distant cousin but a relative nonetheless, Tina Griswold.
Which of course, ruined Mark’s day. Damn you, Maurice Clemmons!
What do these two tragic cases have in common?
They somehow remind Griswold of himself?
They represent a failure of the system.
Like I said.
I don’t have some grand illusion that life is suppose to be fair.
No, they’re more like grand delusions.
There are some sick folks out there and sometimes really bad things happen to really good people. It may be tragic but it’s life.
And that pretty much sums up the Republican approach to health care reform.
The grand illusion that I do carry around is that, while life may not be fair, government should be.
Because in Grisworld, reality and government have nothing to do with each other.
And by that I mean government needs to uphold and enforce laws that help to prevent tragedies like those I just mentioned.
Just like in the movie Minority Report. All of Griswold’s most deeply cherished beliefs are derived from cheesy action movies.
The crimes committed by Hodari and Clemmons should never have happened.
Tom Cruise should have stopped them.
Hodari should have, at the very least, been stripped of his medical credentials long ago for forcibly aborting pregnancies. In my opinion he should be rotting in a Michigan prison.
And “my opinion” is entirely based on something I read on the Operation Rescue website.
Clemmons should never have been pardoned by Gov. Huckabee and certainly should not have been released on a scant $150,000 bail after being charged with child rape. He, too, should be rotting in prison.
But neither of them are and what are we left with?
Um… a less than stellar day for Mark Griswold?
Who knows how many more young girls may be forced to go through forced abortions? In the case of Clemmons I suspect justice will eventually be served and he’ll be placed behind bars without the possibility of parole but I doubt this will be the last time that innocent people must die at the hands of a felon walking free. So I ask you, what are we suppose to do?
Obviously, we need to establish an elite “Precrime” unit, in which three genetically altered “Pre-Cogs” are used to predict crimes before they happen. Sure, occasionally the Pre-Cogs get their prediction wrong, putting Tom Cruise in peril, but that’s a small price to pay when we’re fighting a war on terror.
Some may say, “Well, we still need to rely on the system. Sure it may have some kinks but it’s still the best on Earth.” Others may advocate reform at the ballot box. I’d certainly hope that whatever idiot judge that granted Clemmons bail be retired as soon as possible, but is any of this really enough?
Well, it depends on how much faith you place in hippie-dippy liberal values like the rule of law.
I’ll add one more name to the list: Khalid Sheik Muhammad.
So just to be clear, Griswold’s list now includes the self-professed 9/11 mastermind, a convicted felon who brutally gunned down four police officers… and a gynecologist. It’s good to see he hasn’t lost any perspective.
What is this guy doing receiving a criminal trial? He’s already admitted to planning 9/11. Why is he not already six feet under?
Apart from that rule of law bullshit, I don’t know. Perhaps there’s a movie from which we can draw an important lesson? Maybe… Death Wish?
All the criminal trial is going to do is serve as an opportunity to plead not guilty on the grounds that either a) only 2800 people died on 9/11, not the 3000 that the government is charging him with or more likely b) everyone that died on 9/11 deserved it because they were infidels. Either way he’ll use the time to rail against the evils of the very country that is allowing him the opportunity to do so.
Judgement at Nuremberg?
This can’t continue indefinitely, folks. We can’t keep relying on “the system”.
Dirty Harry?
I’m not advocating blind vigilantism.
Hmm… no blind vigilantism. So I guess the movie Blind Justice doesn’t help us out much.
As much as I can empathize with someone who takes the law into his own hands and blows away the guy that raped his daughter, it’s not right. I don’t agree with the guy that murdered abortion doctor George Tiller either. Abortion is still, unfortunately, legal and, to the best of my knowledge Dr. Tiller, while a despicable human being, wasn’t so despicable as to forcibly abort any of his patients’ pregnancies.
Or at least, he hasn’t been accused of such by Operation Rescue. Still, I’m sure there must be some Hollywood blockbuster out there that we can all look to for guidance.
But when “justice has been served” and the verdict is not guilty on account of the guy didn’t get read his Miranda Rights or, as in the case of Dr. Hodari, he laughs at his accusers because he believes he’s above the law (and apparently rightfully so if you go by the State of Michigan’s actions) what must be done?
Wait for it… wait for it…
In the hugely underrated film National Treasure, Nicholas Cage’s character Benjamin Franklin Gates sums up the actions of the founding fathers by saying
If there’s something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.
No truer words have ever been said and what that means to me is that if I have the ability to take action on Clemmons, Muhammad or Hodari, if I am put in a position to take any of these guys out, you’re damn right I will and I won’t regret it for an instant either.
Oh. My. God.
Forget for a moment that Griswold equates an abortion provider with a mass-murdering terrorist and a serial cop-killer, or that he not only advocates for sighted vigilantism, but narcissistically imagines himself in that role. This is a guy who looks to a cheesy action flick like National Treasure for guiding moral principles? What a fucking nutcase.
Good thing for Griswold we don’t have a Precrime unit, or Tom Cruise likely would’ve taken him into custody years ago.
If you disagree then I welcome a better suggestion. I’d encourage you though, before you post, to ask yourself, “if it had been my daughter who’d died at the hands of Dr. Hodari, or my brother who’d been in Forza Coffee Sunday morning about to start his shift, and I came across their killers, what would I really do?”
What would I do? Well, if I had come across Clemmons, I probably would’ve trembled with fear as I frantically dialed 9-1-1… which I’m guessing is exactly what the police would’ve preferred me to do. (The 9-1-1 part. I don’t think they’d care much about the trembling, one way or another.) But I certainly wouldn’t have been stupid enough to imagine that I could single-handedly take on a guy who had just gunned down four police officers. That’s just crazy.
As is, by the way, Griswold’s admission that “if I am put in a position to take [Dr. Hodari] out,” he’d kill him without regret.
Somehow, I doubt that attitude accurately represents the moral philosophy of National Treasure’s screenwriter, let alone our founding fathers. And it’s not exactly a recipe for a prosperous, peaceful and civil society.
Mark “Babbitt” Griswold and “Pious” Pudge at are the equivalent of Will Kelley-Kamp.
It always becomes a problem when people insist on the law only when it benefits them, yet when the law doesn’t work in their favor they argue that justifies them to ignore the law.
Using the same analysis as Griswold, I could argue that since Griswold had indicated an intention to commit murder, I would have the right to prevent that result by shooting him on sight.
Of course, I’m not going to do that. Because I believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. But can you imagine the howls of outrage from the right if someone did just that, even though they were just following Griswold’s own line of reasoning?
But let’s bring it back to earth. There is a lot of hand-wringing about whether the police and prosecutors should have taken more action prior to the killings in the Clemons case, especially in light of his statements about wanting to kill cops in the days before the shootings.
What about Griswold? He’s already stated – in wrting – that he would kill the Minnesota doctor if he had a chance to do so. So we have motive and intent, and if he owns or has access to a gun he has the means. All that is lacking is opportunity, which could presumably be solved by simply buying a plane or train ticket, or just getting in his car and driving for a couple of days.
Shouldn’t the police be entitled to confiscate his guns? Shouldn’t the prosecutors at the very least take out a restraining order, prohibiting him from travel out of the county, being anywhere near a firearm, and other restrictions which might provide at least a minimal protection against him going forward with the crime?
Can anyone verify if the now deleted (un)SP threads regarding Griswold and Hutcherson sneaking off at the anti-R-71 festival had any merit to them?
Wow. Guy must be off his meds. Getting “news” from Fox, Beck, Laura is like getting “science” from Stan Lee and the incredible Hulk. Sure Fox, Beck and the crazy crowd are FUNNY and cute to listen to, but you don’t take them serious for a second, they’re just crazy and make up things. Listen to Beck (if you can for 30 seconds), it’s just paranoid rantings of a tin foil hat lunatic. FUN, but dude, don’t take that as “news”.
Pudge and Griswold don’t have a clear hold on reality. Will is just a crappy writer and you don’t see him around much anymore…
Speaking of vigilante justice….
No charges, even though it was an attempted lethal shot — of an unarmed man, for cussing and spitting.
@4 – Beck is indeed off in some other universe. I can listen to both left and right wing talk show hosts (although I much prefer local talk radio of any type to national shows), but I can’t listen to Beck. If he would only just go all the way to the weird side and start doing an Art Bell type, non-political show, then I could tune him in. But the combination of right wing politics with “Conspiracy Theory” rantings hurts my brain.
# 6: Gee, if someone faced charges in Utah for “brandishing a firearm”, that must have been some pretty extreme conduct. I thought that brandishing a firearm in Utah would have been considered normal behavior, just as it would have been in Texas.
I hate it when I click on a link and end up at Soundpolitics. heh- Just kidding. The comments there are always a hoot. This guy Griswold, he who would gladly pull the trigger, is going all tough guy in the SP comments, pulling out this old movie line on the Demo Kid, “Deep down, in places you don’t like to talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.” He pictures himself as being “on that wall” with his delusions of killing those who he perceives, or those who the radio host tells him to perceive, to be the bad guys. Rather a remarkable self image for such a dumbfuck wingnut dweeb, huh? The Kid takes him apart, of course. A fun read.
@4 Naaaah….I’d me much more inclined to trust Stan.
So Goldy–please explain your propensity to end threads with “I’M JUST SAYIN'”
Could it be a redundant statement to remind us this is YOUR OPINION?!!
Sheesh, how petty Goldy.
Let’s talk about Afghanistan, Health Care, or how about Gregoire/Democrat $2.6 BILLION Shortfall???
Naaaaaaaaah, that would highlight the end of Atheist Progressivism.
I’ll side with PZ Meyers:
@11 OK…how about we make mantion that that it took this long, but finally one Democrat in Congress managed to summon the cojones to state what we all really know: that the Bush administration let bin Laden get away so they’d have an excuse to invade Iraq.
“Mark Griswold may not have much talent as a writer, journalist or rhetorician; in fact, he may not have much talent at all.”
Oh, I don’t know, this was quite creative:
Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM
@14 (continued — edit function didn’t give me enough time to add this)
(Note: Peripatetic HA sleuth Richard Pope identified “FullContactPolitics” as Griswold from a Sucky Politics post in which Griswold used both his screen and real names.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The above comment, posted a couple days after the 2006 election, was posted in the context that Griswold ran for the legislature against Frank Chopp and got crushed 85% – 15%. Although Griswold’s disappointment in losing is somewhat understandable, what kind of sick bastard hopes terrorists kill innocent Americans in order to give his party an electoral advantage?
If Clemmons had been busted for growing pot then he’d likely still be rotting in an Arkansas prison.
@15 “what kind of sick bastard hopes terrorists kill innocent Americans in order to give his party an electoral advantage?”
Lemme guess – a Republican?
FUCK YEAH it’s his OPINION!!!!!
Dude…this is GOLDY’S blog! He can fucking write about anything he wants and doesn’t have to answer to me or to a brainwashed superstitious crapro-religionist right-wing wacko like you.
Start your own fucking blog, asshole.
What sort of sick bastard panders to terrorists who want to kill innocent Americans in order to give their party an electoral advantage?
Lemme guess – a Democrat?
Pandering to terrorists? Why, that’d be Republicans, of course.
The same bunch of sick bastards that let Bin Laden escape and FAILED to heeed the wrning signs about 9/11…gee, now who WAS that anyway?????
Deep Thoughts, by Mark Griswold.
This guy is such an amazing airhead – I’m surprised some of the sharper pencils in GOP land let him be their spokesmodel.
Mark Griswold is the GOP’s version of Will in Seattle – another prolific space cadet & trust funder who likes to spew dumb stuff on many boards.
Hey Exlax, when you gonna go out and break more church windows?
I love the fact Mark “Log Cabin” Griswold finds “words to live by” in one of the worst, cheesiest movies ever made: National Treasure.
It’s as if you have to be kitsch to be a Republican – something that hasn’t changed since the ’50s.
This dissection explains why I READ this blog and do not read that other blog. :-)
The pre-cogs are already identifying me for arrest for a pre-assault for in the future when I kick Griswold in that flap of skin where his nuts used to be.
Bin Laden, you mean the guy Clinton and Gore could have taken into custody three or four times but didn’t! That guy? Fucktards are sure misinformed.
Wow, I don’t go to Sound Politics, but I clicked on the link. This Mark Griswold fellow is certifiably crazy. I have a few friends who I consider rightwing, but, holy shit, this dude should be analyzed. Puddy, do you think Mark Griswold has something to say? I’m just asking. Cynical, do you think he makes a point?
From the SP piece:
From fucktard Goldy at his waste treatment plant:
I’m sure you’d have the same reaction if it was a relative of yours that died this past sunday, right Goldstain? Maybe your precious daughter that happened to be a barista at the Forza that day and ended up as “in the wrong place at the wrong time” when some sick fuck targeted police officers.
You’re a sick and depraved fuck, Goldy, but you already know that. You run a liberal hate site that thrives on misery and self loathing, much like KOS and HuffPo that make light of tragedies like what happened in Parkland. You sit comfortably at home in your bubble of ignorance completely unaffected as, afterall, you always have your own personal little backwater blog on the net on which to vent your spleen on the days events. It’s no wonder you failed in radio just as you’ve failed in life and love. Maybe a personal inventory of your life is in order. Otherwise, continue meandering down the lonely path of hate that you’re currently on with fellow travelers here at HA. You’re pathetic, really.
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 29,
Ah, yes, so good to feel your love. Thank you, LRD, for sharing your values with those of us who really care about the future of the human race.
Little Ricky, a word of advice–you really shouldn’t caution anyone else about hatred. Hey, Bro’, just got your backside.
I posted a comment on Sucky Politics tonight offering Mr. Griswold — gratis — sound practical and legal advice regarding his professed vigilante tendences. So what does the twit do? He responds that he doesn’t take advice from “animal cartoon characters.” That’s gratitude for ya!
Griswold is wrong about many things — everything, really — and specifically he’s wrong about the etymology of my screen name, which has nothing to do with any cartoon character.
No, Idiot Mark, my screen name doesn’t derive from a cartoon character, animal or otherwise. In fact, your allegation to this effect arguably constitutes an actionable libel, because you’re accusing me of misappropriating someone else’s copyrighted intellectual property.
My screen name originally was plain vanilla “Roger.” I added “Rabbit” simply because it’s alliterative — two R’s that kind of roll off your tongue, and two syllables in each word. It has a nice cadence. After I’d been using the new screen name for a while, I gradually began to develop a screen personality for it — but not one resembling any “animal cartoon cartoon.” The Roger Rabbit you know and love on was never intended to resemble, and never has resembled, any “animal cartoon character” in the entertainment industry or anywhere else. It’s a wholly independent production.
So, you see Mark, you’re full of shit — as usual.
RE #29…
That means we won’t have the asshole ESO to kick around any more.
What a twenty-four carat shithead.
proud leftovers~ Sorry son, don’t have time for Goldy’s dingleberries to chime in. I’m only interested in if little davey goldstain would respond with:
the if his little ginger at home was the ‘collateral damage’ at Forza’s coffee shop on Sunday when the police were targeted.
Somehow, I doubt it.
@31 Of course, on the extremely rare occasions when I post over on Sucky Politics from an untraceable computer located in a public library, eastern Washington motel, or foreign consulate, I don’t expect to get any love from the vigilantes, tinfoil hats, misfits, misanthropes, and assorted nuts who hang out there. If I did, I’d worry about it.
Delusions of adequacy are the first steps of a mental disorder. I believe yours is in full swing there, roadkill. Just sayin’
@29 “You run a liberal hate site”
So? You guys have zillions of ’em. Why can’t we have one? Why should you asswipes have all the hate sites? Isn’t that being greedy? I mean, one piddling liberal hate site, for crissakes. Have a little flexibility.
@35 See my reply to Daniel over on Sucky Politics.
I’ll wait on little Davey’s response if he has a set of balls, which is clearly as questionable as his parenting skills. Not interested in the usual HA regurgitated lines by self loathing Goldstain dingleberries like Plowed leftist or Roger Roadkill. What they lack in intelligence is only rivaled by what they lack in original content.
G’Night kiddies, I’ll check in tomorrow if I have time to see if Goldstain has a reply to my question.
@38 is what a wingnut White Flag of Surrender looks like. Don’t let the bedbugs bite, little one.
Why on earth would he think that Goldy would reply to the likes of HIM?
Why even go to sp? They just delete your comments, and ban you for telling the truth….
Stefan is a pussy.
Plain and simple.
If Republicons spent as much time creating jobs as they spend starting wars they might have something to say that doesn’t deserve a tin foil hat.
G.O.P = Create messes
Dem = Clean the messes up
Today, video was unearthed in which Senator John McCain in 2003 says we can just “muddle through in Afghanistan.” Watch it:
@41 They didn’t delete my comments. (At least, not yet.) They only posted the usual brainless, knee-jerk, snarky replies, and let it go at that.
OK, it wasn’t just me that read that blog piece and came away more confused.
Where I furled my brow in utter confusion as if it was penned in a foreign language, Old English, or tongues…I bailed after a few paragraphs. Goldy’s attempted parsing of it helps a little bit of sense.
Where I though SP had just become less relevant….I can see the possibility that it’s just more batshit extremist.
Still not a D folks, but it’s making my R arms grow longer to keep the wingnuts from flapping me in the face.
“You run a liberal hate site”
So? You guys have zillions of ‘em. Why can’t we have one?
Everybody knows the answer to that one, Rabbit: because the more right wing…the thinner the skin.
Every bully is just a wimp disguising his inadequacies, failures and fears. Just look at Limbaugh – their masthead.
Is this our Mark Griswold?
Griswold, Mark W
Respondent King Co Superior Ct 03-3-10212-5 09-17-2003
Griswold, Mark W
Respondent King Co Superior Ct 03-3-06593-9 01-27-2003
Griswold, Mark W.
Plaintiff King County District 85-008434
Griswold, Mark Welles
Defendant Lower Kittitas Dist 5383403
Griswold, Mark Welles
Defendant King County District 9Y6009243
Actually, it’s gutless punks like David Goldstain that are the thin-skinned types. He’s so warped in his hatred that he makes light of the murder of 4 police officer’s just to feed his own weak ego while sitting tucked away nicely behind the safety of his keyboard. I’m sure his little ginger at home is also safe and tucked away from the freaks and psychos walking around amongst us now that Clemmons is dead…Think again, dumbass.
Before running your fucking cum dump and giggling about the loss of someone’s relative, you may want to keep in mind that it could be one of yours that is lost tomorrow…
Just sayin’
Yep, a guy who can’t figure out the difference between a cop killer and a gynecologist is pretty much the definition of insane. Add to that his murderous fantasies (not to mention his apparent lack of a filter to keep him from publicly sharing them), and I’d add: just a little scary, too.
Actually, if you think of it on an intellectual level, both took a life with no apparent reasons other than for selfish gains. One as a result of his thug wannabe life with little intelligence, and the other because he gets paid to perform the act with little or no compassion for life at all.
Both animals are the same really. Their only difference are their motives to kill. Both are subhuman excrement not worthy of recognition, but then, they thrive off of that.