When did I miss the danger of human-animal hybrids? Why do I get the feeling that this is something the speechwriters composed at 4 in the morning, stoned off their asses and swore to themselves they would take out in the morning?
BOB from BOEINGspews:
Remember, that nobody in America saw more benefit from 9-11 than Monkey Face – nobody. And instead of spending time addressing the concerns of our union today, Baby Bush took us back in time to 9-11 hoping to again, cash in on the fear people have about terrorism. Never mind the fact that Osama’s dad and Papa Bush were at a meeting during the attacks, that Bush had Osama in his sights and could have killed him with a Predator missle but didn’t, that Bush let all the bin Ladens go free while the rest of America was grounded.
Bush and the GOP WANT more terror attacks. It’s the only way they think that they can hold on to power. It’s a disgrace and if America doesn’t see through it, then America doesn’t deserve the freedom and success it enjoyed before handing itself over to this evil regime of liars, crooks, warmongers and thieves.
For the Cluelessspews:
Fool me once.. Shame.. on.. me..
Fool.. ..You wingnut are fooled again!
For the Cluelessspews:
Sorry, it’s much too late…
Weapons of mass murder? Hopeful? No t-shirts allowed?
What we have here is clear evidence that it’s not really the Cheney administration. It’s the Barbara Bush administration. Otherwise Cindy would have been left alone or the Secret Service would have thrown a blouse over her. But to be arrested? For a shirt?
There’s no other reason for this murderous laughing stock to remain standing, is there? And what are the kids in China and Iran saying behind our backs? Mommy?
No matter. I’m sure Barbara was proud of what her years of golf and flash cards have produced for us. And after watching Tim Kaine’s right brow do the St. Vitus Dance, I can only shudder to think how eight years of Jebbie will shake out.
What’s the difference between a Bush SOTU Speech and Groundhog Day?
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, and the other involves a groundhog.
Ken In Seattlespews:
New Years Eve 1938? or January 31st 2006…
This ability to believe is rather weak in some circles, above all in those with money and education. They may trust more in pure cold reason than a glowing idealistic heart. Our so-called intellectuals do not like to hear this, but it is true anyway. They know so much that in the end they do not know what to do with their wisdom. They can see the past, but not much of the present, and nothing at all of the future. Their imagination is insufficient to deal with a distant goal in a way such that one already thinks it achieved.
They were also unable to believe in the victory of The GOP while the The GOP movement was still fighting for power. They are as little able today to believe in the greatness of our national American future. They perceive only what they can see, but not what is happening, and what will happen.
That is why their carping criticisms generally focus on laughable trivialities. Whenever some unavoidable difficulty pops up, the kind of thing that always happens, they are immediately inclined to doubt everything and to throw the baby out with the bath water. To them difficulties are not there to be mastered, but rather to be surrendered to.
One cannot make history with such quivering people. They are only chaff in God’s breath
— 1938 Speech by Goebbels about the intellectuals, with three words changed.
Sounds like the SOTU to me…
“We’ve been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture.”
—- Ray Mummert, creationist from Dover, Pennsylvania, 2005
Roger and Gang off topic comments please!
Dear David,
We all have to be responsible for our actions. Shouldn’t our government?
Not if SB 6215 passes. SB 6215 lets the state of Washington and any local government or public entity off the hook if they cause harm. And you lose your right to do anything about it.
Tell your elected officials in the Washington State Legislature that you oppose SB 6215 and its attempt to take away the rights of the citizens of Washington state.
SB 6215 gives blanket immunity to virtually any act by any public entity. That means anyone affiliated with the state would not be responsible if they cause harm, no matter how outrageous the act or injury caused.
Every public entity would escape accountability, such as:
Department of Corrections
Department of Social and Health Services
Counties and cities
Local transit
School districts
Public hospitals
Public utilities
We stood up in defense of citizens’ rights by defeating I-330. Don’t let SB 6215 set us back.
Please tell your legislators to protect citizens’ rights and not let the state government off the hook.
If state and local governments aren’t accountable for the negligence that harms a citizen’s person, property or business, what incentive is there to correct a problem or have safety measures in place to begin with?
Please tell our elected officials in the Washington State Legislature that we demand accountability.
Barbara Flye
Washington Network for Civil Justice and Accountability
Why do people watch the State of the Union? If they have to be told by the President (Republican or Democrat) what the state of the union is, they need to pay closer attention the other 364 days (365 in leap years) of the year. With the daily media barrage available this is one tradition we can do away with.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
GREEN must have tested well in the focus groups…
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
Well, I’m banned from uSP again. The most aggravating part about being banned is that some Springerian “thought for the day” type comment always appears after your final comment. You ,of course, cannot reply to it because you are banned. Well, Mike H., even though there is not a soldier with a sub-machine gun on every corner does not mean that the elements of a dictatorship are not in place( or, “marshall law” as you described it: watch out for James Arness, good buddy! ).
The president has declared that he is above the law and continues to abuse your constitutional rights to privacy EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY. Yes, Bush declares he is above the law , acts on that assumtion in secret and a s SCJ has just been sworn in who agrees with that.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
Debate me here , Mike H., where my replies will not be censored — you pussy two-bit whore dictator loving twat!
Voter Advocatespews:
Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them …
I know the GOP has pretty well done away with the Constitution, but some of the little amentities have to be kept up, for show.
I’ve been reading SB 6215, and based on that reading thus far I disagree that SB 6215 gives blanket immunity to virtually any act by any public entity. For example, speaking loosely, state employees are exempted from liability caused by releasing a prisoner or mental patient BUT are still liable if they had some knowledge that an injury to a citizen was likely OR if they gave specific advice to a citizen assuring their sfety and that adviced was “relied on to his or her detriment.” Clearly not a blanket protection, and applying ONLY to such releases. Similarly would be enacted limitations on liability for the police ONLY in such narrow circumstances as investigsations and punishment of police misconduct, or when they are enforcing civil custody judgments.
Make a case if you want, but make it an honest one. Sweeping and demonstrably false generalizations, even if someone elses’s words, make no case at all.
The President is much of a factor anymore. He pretty much said last night that the next President will need to clean up his overseas wars. Lets just hope Bush doesn’t start another war before his term ends. His saber rattling last night left cause to be concerned about that.
The Presidnet isn’t much of a factor anymore.
Green Thumbspews:
Bush may be a declining factor, but not the neo-con machine that made him. Where, for example, will Rove go? What will happen to the K Street Project even after some of its architects go to jail? How does nascent techno-fascism play out in a post-Bush world?
This isn’t a purely partisan question. Clinton was the one who approved the repeal of an entitlement-based welfare program — not Bush I or Reagan. If a Democrat becomes our next president, how will he or she “institutionalize” Bush II policies in order to appear moderate?
WenG @ 6 –
“…No t-shirts allowed?”
When they had the impeachment trial for Bill Clinton back in ’98, a guy was thrown out of the peanut gallery because he had a tee-shirt on with a nasty comment about Clinton.
So I guess it’s even-steven for the Dems and Reps on the tee-shirt issue.
I think the SOTU has become a stupid charade, and I make a point of avoiding it completely. There’s a really good article in Slate on the abuses of the SOTU; check it out: http://www.slate.com/id/2135101
Did you know that when George Washington gave his, it was only 833 words long? I could almost (but not quite) stand GWB for that long.
Janet Sspews:
What’s funny is that if Bush is as bad as you all say, why aren’t the dems able to capitalize on it? The MSM is pretty much a wing of the dem party, confirmed by their commentary last night. I watched CBS have Thomas Friedman and John McCain on afterwards. McCain is the best they could get for the repub view on things? Get serious. I like McCain, but he certainly isn’t the go-to guy for repub opinion.
And yet.
I liked seeing the dems cheer wildly for doing nothing to fix the social security problem. Who thought up that strategy?
I just want to know about the human/animal hybrids!!! Was he talking about our resident trolls? Are they the new ‘cyborgs’ of the RepubliCONS. GWB, a disgrace to the human race.
I agree…used to be the prez just submitted a written SOU…too much pep talk ..too little substance
and another question, If GWB does not know who Abramoff is how did this happen?
“On May 9, 2001, five of lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s clients met with the President at the White House. Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, had invited them to a White House reception on behalf his organization.
Telling his clients they had to be event “sponsors” to attend, Mr. Abramoff convinced at least two clients to write $25,000 checks to Americans For Tax Reform (ATR). Four other of Abramoff’s tribal clients also attended.”
The Dems have capitalized on it: The Republicans have horrible approval ratings. But seeing how the Democrats are not in control, there is little they can do until November.
Oh, and there is no SS problem. Do some research on the stats Bush and the SSA is using. They predict 1.4 GDP per year in the next 75 years. That’s even worse than the great depression. The average over the LAST 75 years is 3.7. If you even use 2.2 GDP growth we will have a surplus. If you use our average, it will be unbelievable amounts of surplus.
http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/TR/TR04/tr04.pdf: I think page 15 of the 2004 report shows the graph. The top of 84 explains the 3 estimates. (Note that that they cite historical data from the Bureau of Economic Development on the bottom of 83, but that it contradicts all other historical data found anywhere else – including every single history book). =).
Don’t believe everything you hear,
Gerald, LiberalWashington.com
I appreciate the Goldy-esque snark of the headline that the Seattle Times gave to its borrowed Chicago Tribune story about this pathetic loser’s pathetic SOTU.
Keep on mumbling that, George. Say it often enough and you might convince a few people that it’s true.
Janet S, what? no illiterate comments about Dean and the DNC?
OH, maybe you have learned to read and investigate (very doubtfull)
Janet S. “The MSM is pretty much a wing of the dem party”
You know, that is such an asinine comment (and as such, keeping up a long standing Janet S. tradition) that it deserves no reply.
But it does deserve a prescription. Lithium maybe?
Donna, you deny reality.
Please tell me who on nbc/cbs/abc is right wing? Many are known dems, clearly beleiving Dem nonsense. And PBS, please, that’s the propaganda arm of the Dem party
Janet Sspews:
Cougar, why are you in such denial about the criticisms that Dean is getting from the party? Yes, he has raised money. But he is spending it faster. The coffers are a little barren for the races coming up in the next election.
And all of you who think ss is just fine, how many of you are relying on it to support you in retirement? I thought not, at least none of you under the age of 50.
9/11 fear and loathing
Commander Oggspews:
Janet S,
The Republican Party, or at least the Zombies that have taken it over (click here for the last authentic Republican) want to destroy Social Security, not save it. The thought that the government is initiating a retirement program that ensures millions of elderly Americans will not die poor drives them (movement conservatives) up a wall. They hate social security with a fire and passion that borders on a religious conviction. Irrational but true.
When King George attempted to sell his SSN proposal to Middle America by doing a multi-state junket last year, he had the crown knocked off his head real fast. Take away gay rights, fine and dandy. Take away my retirement, frack you.
Remember that last real Republican I mentioned. Bush should have listened to the General.
Altered State of the Union address.
Given: The free and independent press, seen as essential for a functioning democracy, does not exist in the United States circa 2006.
Given: The State of the Union address is delivered to us by this beholden press. Beholden to profit, ratings and corporate influence, both Liberal and Conservative.
Given: Politicians are aware of the previous givens, and alter their usage of the fettered press accordingly.
Therefore: No accurate discussion of the proported SOTU can take place, because there really is no such thing as a real SOTU address.
Conclusion: A highly problematic quandry perhaps only broken by the blogosphere?
You know it was a bad speech overall for several reasons. One, the obvious laugh line on human/animal hybrid. Apparently this government’s policy is being set by bad Rob Schneider movies. I would guess we will have a policy against manwhores next.
Two: Switchgrass? Can the presidents policy be summed up as “Gas, Ass or Grass, no one rides for free”?
Third, the morning after. You know the GOP thinks they did poorly if they have to send Cheney out to Rush’s show to hold the base. Not a good sign.
The Dems did good for aplauding on Social Security and throwing Bush off stride. For the rest of the night he glowered at the Dem side of the chamber. Someone was thinking for once on the Dems’s side, which is kind of scary.
Heck, even FOX had to keep coming back to the point of how do we pay for tax cuts for the rich, a war, and more social programs while fighting the deficit. Boy oh boy I would love to know what drugs they give Bush so he can say that and not break up laughing.
And where was the line in the sand for Iran?
But you do have to appreciate Bush’s balls for coming out and saying that he is willing to listen to criticism, however, anyone that disagrees with him is a protectionist or isolationist or a defeatist. Yep, that’s an open mind for you.
The good news for the GOP, Bush didn’t make any major gaffs, and almost everything he said they can simply disregard as of today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“When did I miss the danger of human-animal hybrids?”
Ohmygod! We’ve gotta pass Patriot 3 before these clones take over!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Flaky Klake @9
Hey Kevin, please post the spam from your e-mail in-box somewhere else! If we wanted to read that stuff, we would subscribe to it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 12
“marshall law”
Hmmm, the wingnut on Sucky Politics had 2 chances of spelling it right — “marshal” or “martial” — but couldn’t! Tell him “Marshall” is a department store.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why are wingnuts illiterate?
[ ] 1. They were home schooled
[ ] 2. They attended a charter school
[ ] 3. They dropped out of school
[ ] 4. They’re a school of fish
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin — the Dems were cheering because Bush didn’t get away with his scheme to loot Social Security.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 27
Well, what could we expect Seattle Times headline writers to say?
Bush: Iraq Going Well
Bush: Deficits Will Decline
Bush: Gas Prices Falling
Bush: Katrina Recovery Advances
Bush: Real Wages Rising
The world’s largest helium producer used to be Kansas, but now it’s Washington D.C.
leftie loooooooooooooooooosers all kerry could get were 25 losers and if you want to know why you cant win take a look at your poster boy fat ted kennedy what a looooooooooooooooosers wonder if he is still a member of thr owl club what a two faced bigot
YO, The more Fat “Oldsmobile” Ted is on TV, the better for Repubicans in 06 and 08. It’s important for Senator Kennedy to be the face of Democrats!! [Mary Jo was unavailable for comment on this post.]
Dr. Espews:
“Please tell me who on nbc/cbs/abc is right wing?”
The ownership.
Commander Oggspews:
What the flight-Suit-in-Chief said last night in the SOTU speech doesn’t much affect your old Sarge.
I am not female, minority, or poor, so whenJudge Sammy and the rest of the Scalia clones turn back the clock to the 1950’s (the states determine your rights), it does not affect me.
We live in a State with stronger personal protections then the US Constitution (check out SECTION 24, my righty friends). President’s call for all people who disagree with him to shut up and let him ignore the 4th Amendment does not affect me.
And last of all, I have no children, so 50 to 60 years from now when the Planet starts to melt down, I’ll be history, and it will affect me.
Now, back to insulting Ted Kennedy.
Commander Oggspews:
Sorry about that last. Planet melting down will NOT affect me.
American Osamaspews:
I want to thank you for all of your support.
Keep up the good work
Amazing, the President’s speech was so bad the wingnuts are not even trying to defend it. And apparently it has driven them to drink heavily. So much for the Bush presidency.
Some guy who wrote this blog entryspews:
Actually, from the sound of it (in teh PI) te only people who thought it was a bad speech were the 20 freaks at Drinking liberally last night.
I’m just curious who jeff and ellen are….
Janet Sspews:
Ogg – just as I figured. You don’t care about social security because you don’t rely on it. What difference does it make if it isn’t there to pay out? The dems got their little hissy fit by applauding obstructionism, and that’s all that counts.
I’m betting that those in their 20’s and 30’s will enjoy hearing that the dems are laughing at them, and their concern that they are flushing their money down a rat hole. Seen the polls? They have no confidence that it will be there when they retire.
But who cares? It is politics that matters, not fiscal responsibility. If privatizing it is such an awful idea, what are your suggestions?
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
GWB is like a 6 inch centipede. You can keep smashing it and smashing it and just when you think it’s too damaged to move it springs to life and starts running around again! Don’t count this centipede out until he’s in the display jar floating in formaldehyde.
Clueless – just as I thought, you have no plan. Just let social security go as it is, and in about 15 years, benefits will be cut back. I’m sure you can find a study that says differently – every view out there has studies supporting them. But the concensus is that the program needs revising. Is your plan to raise taxes?
For the Cluelessspews:
56 – Earth to Janet? (What planet?) My link was about the Dem’s financial state after your whining about Dean and the DNC.
As evidenced by Bush’s utter failure to sell his ‘plan’, the Dem’s plan is simple – take back Congress and the White House and fund Social Security accordingly. A rise in the earnings cap would be a good start.
Dr. Espews:
In other SOTU-related news today, the wife of a Republican congressman was ejected from the president’s address last night, again for wearing a T-shirt:
“Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida chairman of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee was removed from the gallery because she was wearing a T-shirt that read, ‘Support the Troops Defending Our Freedom.’
“She was sitting about six rows from first lady Laura Bush and asked to leave. She argued with police in the hallway outside the House chamber.
“‘They said I was protesting,’ she told the St. Petersburg Times. ‘I said, “Read my shirt, it is not a protest.” They said, “We consider that a protest.” I said, “Then you are an idiot.”‘”
Dr E. – At least they were even handed. A righty congressman’s wife and Cindy Sheehan.
Janet Sspews:
Clueless – Bloomberg is reporting bank balances, Rollcall is reporting what the leadership is saying. Why are you defending Dean when the dems in power won’t?
Do you all understand that there is no demonstration allowed in the congressional chambers? The woman wore it to express a point of view, which the rules do not allow. Is she too stupid to know that it was prohibited? At least Sheehan can be excused for being a publicity whore. The rep’s wife is just hopeless.
For the Cluelessspews:
Earth to Janet’s Planet –
The Democratic Party is a diverse place unlike the Republicans who march in lockstep with the mantras emanating from the RNC. The is proved by the high approval ratings for Bush among people identifying as Republican. This tells me that most moderate Republicans like a Jim Jeffords now identify as Independent. Their party has left them.
Dean is shaking things up. He’s probably stepping on a few toes in the process. I’m all for it.
“If there are people inside our country who are talking with Al Qaida, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again.”
I just love this kind of Rovian rhetoric. As if there is somebody else in the country who wants to “sit back” the way Bush did before 9-11.
OWWW…this is funny…voter advocate at 63..
Chris Matthews is a GOP guy…???? Man you are nuts…
I love matthews, but only cuz he’s the only liberal who skewers anybody…but gee, cheif of staff or press guy to Tip O’Neill, old line Mass Dem….no way…
you blew that one
Dr. Espews:
Matthews is hardly a “liberal”. Just look at some of the things he’s said recently.
I agree with your, righton. I loved it when Matthews made Michelle “I hate my race” Malkin cry, and made that crackpot red-faced Republican nut (gotta love Will Forte) freak out.
Looks like the Talibangelist Right need to reign this guy in, a couple hours into his tenure. Judge Alito just isn’t activist enough for their tastes:
Alito Splits Conservatives on Inmate Vote
New Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito split with the court’s conservatives Wednesday night, refusing to let Missouri execute a death-row inmate contesting lethal injection.
Alito, handling his first case, sided with inmate Michael Taylor, who had won a stay from an appeals court earlier in the evening. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas supported lifting the stay, but Alito joined the remaining five members in turning down Missouri’s last-minute request to allow a midnight execution.
Earlier in the day, Alito was sworn in for a second time in a White House ceremony, where he was lauded by President Bush as a man of “steady demeanor, careful judgment and complete integrity.”
For The Clueless @ 54
I especially liked this part:
“The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, under Senator Charles Schumer of New York, outraised the Republicans, collecting an all-time high of $44 million, with $25 million in the bank, according to figures released by the committee. The National Republican Senatorial Committee said it took in $36 million and had a balance of $11 million. ”
Liddy Dole is a total bust as head of the RSCC, and it couldn’t happpen to more deserving lady.
Daddy Lovespews:
Janet @ 56
“ just as I thought, you have no plan.”
We do have a plan. It’s called “Social Security.”
“Just let social security go as it is, and in about 15 years, benefits will be cut back.”
You didn’t even read the trustees’ report, did you? Admit it.
As was ststed earlier, in the SS trustees’ report are THREE estimates. Because they’d be accused (by someone) of being irresponsible if they didn’t, politicians who discuss SS use the most pessimistic estimates. But the pessimistic estimates hve NEVER been right, and our economy and the flow of funds into the program has ALWAYS been well over that estimate. Get it yet? Really,you should reasd the trustees’ report instead of just parading your ignorance.
“I’m sure you can find a study that says differently – every view out there has studies supporting them.”
No, Janet, it’s the SOCIAL SECURITY TRUSTEES’ report. There is no more authoritative source.
“But the consensus is that the program needs revising.”
“Revising” is not a concrete concept. The president’s plan would have gutted guaranteed benefits (which is why it went nowhere). Republicans deceitfully lump Medicare and Medicaid shortfalls in with SS estimates to “prove” that we have to cut benefits. Democrats would like a real prescription drug plan paid for by SS instead of requirin private insurers. Yes, everyone has ideas, but only the Republicans want to gut the social safety net.
“Is your plan to raise taxes?”
Admit that you never did read the trustees’ report, and then go read it. It is likely that no one will have to raise taxes to “save” SS. BUT, if something does need doing, raising the payroll tax cap would do everything we need.
Now, that’s not to say we don’t have a looming crisis in medicare and medicaid. But that’s not a SS problem, and does not require changes to SS.
Daddy Lovespews:
I did learn somehitng from the SOTU. The President is realy getting good with the teleprompter. Kudos to you, Chimpie.
Daddy Love:
He has always been adequate when he is giving a big set speach. However he can’t think on his feet (“My Pet Goat” anyone?). A Ronald Reagan or a Bill Clinton would have been able to come up with a zinger if the other side of the aisle had applauded like the Dems when Bush said that his Social Security Plan had been defeated. Bush just glowered and returned to the prompter.
Very telling that. Without the pre-written text, he is nothing.
Human-animal hybrids, huh? Maybe he and Karl had a good old time watching “The Island of Dr. Moreau”.
When did I miss the danger of human-animal hybrids? Why do I get the feeling that this is something the speechwriters composed at 4 in the morning, stoned off their asses and swore to themselves they would take out in the morning?
Remember, that nobody in America saw more benefit from 9-11 than Monkey Face – nobody. And instead of spending time addressing the concerns of our union today, Baby Bush took us back in time to 9-11 hoping to again, cash in on the fear people have about terrorism. Never mind the fact that Osama’s dad and Papa Bush were at a meeting during the attacks, that Bush had Osama in his sights and could have killed him with a Predator missle but didn’t, that Bush let all the bin Ladens go free while the rest of America was grounded.
Bush and the GOP WANT more terror attacks. It’s the only way they think that they can hold on to power. It’s a disgrace and if America doesn’t see through it, then America doesn’t deserve the freedom and success it enjoyed before handing itself over to this evil regime of liars, crooks, warmongers and thieves.
Fool me once.. Shame.. on.. me..
Fool.. ..You wingnut are fooled again!
Sorry, it’s much too late…
Weapons of mass murder? Hopeful? No t-shirts allowed?
What we have here is clear evidence that it’s not really the Cheney administration. It’s the Barbara Bush administration. Otherwise Cindy would have been left alone or the Secret Service would have thrown a blouse over her. But to be arrested? For a shirt?
There’s no other reason for this murderous laughing stock to remain standing, is there? And what are the kids in China and Iran saying behind our backs? Mommy?
No matter. I’m sure Barbara was proud of what her years of golf and flash cards have produced for us. And after watching Tim Kaine’s right brow do the St. Vitus Dance, I can only shudder to think how eight years of Jebbie will shake out.
What’s the difference between a Bush SOTU Speech and Groundhog Day?
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, and the other involves a groundhog.
New Years Eve 1938? or January 31st 2006…
This ability to believe is rather weak in some circles, above all in those with money and education. They may trust more in pure cold reason than a glowing idealistic heart. Our so-called intellectuals do not like to hear this, but it is true anyway. They know so much that in the end they do not know what to do with their wisdom. They can see the past, but not much of the present, and nothing at all of the future. Their imagination is insufficient to deal with a distant goal in a way such that one already thinks it achieved.
They were also unable to believe in the victory of The GOP while the The GOP movement was still fighting for power. They are as little able today to believe in the greatness of our national American future. They perceive only what they can see, but not what is happening, and what will happen.
That is why their carping criticisms generally focus on laughable trivialities. Whenever some unavoidable difficulty pops up, the kind of thing that always happens, they are immediately inclined to doubt everything and to throw the baby out with the bath water. To them difficulties are not there to be mastered, but rather to be surrendered to.
One cannot make history with such quivering people. They are only chaff in God’s breath
— 1938 Speech by Goebbels about the intellectuals, with three words changed.
Sounds like the SOTU to me…
“We’ve been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture.”
—- Ray Mummert, creationist from Dover, Pennsylvania, 2005
Roger and Gang off topic comments please!
Dear David,
We all have to be responsible for our actions. Shouldn’t our government?
Not if SB 6215 passes. SB 6215 lets the state of Washington and any local government or public entity off the hook if they cause harm. And you lose your right to do anything about it.
Tell your elected officials in the Washington State Legislature that you oppose SB 6215 and its attempt to take away the rights of the citizens of Washington state.
SB 6215 gives blanket immunity to virtually any act by any public entity. That means anyone affiliated with the state would not be responsible if they cause harm, no matter how outrageous the act or injury caused.
Every public entity would escape accountability, such as:
Department of Corrections
Department of Social and Health Services
Counties and cities
Local transit
School districts
Public hospitals
Public utilities
We stood up in defense of citizens’ rights by defeating I-330. Don’t let SB 6215 set us back.
Please tell your legislators to protect citizens’ rights and not let the state government off the hook.
If state and local governments aren’t accountable for the negligence that harms a citizen’s person, property or business, what incentive is there to correct a problem or have safety measures in place to begin with?
Please tell our elected officials in the Washington State Legislature that we demand accountability.
Barbara Flye
Washington Network for Civil Justice and Accountability
Why do people watch the State of the Union? If they have to be told by the President (Republican or Democrat) what the state of the union is, they need to pay closer attention the other 364 days (365 in leap years) of the year. With the daily media barrage available this is one tradition we can do away with.
GREEN must have tested well in the focus groups…
Well, I’m banned from uSP again. The most aggravating part about being banned is that some Springerian “thought for the day” type comment always appears after your final comment. You ,of course, cannot reply to it because you are banned. Well, Mike H., even though there is not a soldier with a sub-machine gun on every corner does not mean that the elements of a dictatorship are not in place( or, “marshall law” as you described it: watch out for James Arness, good buddy! ).
The president has declared that he is above the law and continues to abuse your constitutional rights to privacy EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY. Yes, Bush declares he is above the law , acts on that assumtion in secret and a s SCJ has just been sworn in who agrees with that.
Debate me here , Mike H., where my replies will not be censored — you pussy two-bit whore dictator loving twat!
Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them …
I know the GOP has pretty well done away with the Constitution, but some of the little amentities have to be kept up, for show.
Hey War-Worshipping Wingnuts,
Need any more proof of the stupidity of wars of choice?
I’ve been reading SB 6215, and based on that reading thus far I disagree that SB 6215 gives blanket immunity to virtually any act by any public entity. For example, speaking loosely, state employees are exempted from liability caused by releasing a prisoner or mental patient BUT are still liable if they had some knowledge that an injury to a citizen was likely OR if they gave specific advice to a citizen assuring their sfety and that adviced was “relied on to his or her detriment.” Clearly not a blanket protection, and applying ONLY to such releases. Similarly would be enacted limitations on liability for the police ONLY in such narrow circumstances as investigsations and punishment of police misconduct, or when they are enforcing civil custody judgments.
Make a case if you want, but make it an honest one. Sweeping and demonstrably false generalizations, even if someone elses’s words, make no case at all.
The President is much of a factor anymore. He pretty much said last night that the next President will need to clean up his overseas wars. Lets just hope Bush doesn’t start another war before his term ends. His saber rattling last night left cause to be concerned about that.
The Presidnet isn’t much of a factor anymore.
Bush may be a declining factor, but not the neo-con machine that made him. Where, for example, will Rove go? What will happen to the K Street Project even after some of its architects go to jail? How does nascent techno-fascism play out in a post-Bush world?
This isn’t a purely partisan question. Clinton was the one who approved the repeal of an entitlement-based welfare program — not Bush I or Reagan. If a Democrat becomes our next president, how will he or she “institutionalize” Bush II policies in order to appear moderate?
WenG @ 6 –
“…No t-shirts allowed?”
When they had the impeachment trial for Bill Clinton back in ’98, a guy was thrown out of the peanut gallery because he had a tee-shirt on with a nasty comment about Clinton.
So I guess it’s even-steven for the Dems and Reps on the tee-shirt issue.
I think the SOTU has become a stupid charade, and I make a point of avoiding it completely. There’s a really good article in Slate on the abuses of the SOTU; check it out: http://www.slate.com/id/2135101
Did you know that when George Washington gave his, it was only 833 words long? I could almost (but not quite) stand GWB for that long.
What’s funny is that if Bush is as bad as you all say, why aren’t the dems able to capitalize on it? The MSM is pretty much a wing of the dem party, confirmed by their commentary last night. I watched CBS have Thomas Friedman and John McCain on afterwards. McCain is the best they could get for the repub view on things? Get serious. I like McCain, but he certainly isn’t the go-to guy for repub opinion.
And yet.
I liked seeing the dems cheer wildly for doing nothing to fix the social security problem. Who thought up that strategy?
I just want to know about the human/animal hybrids!!! Was he talking about our resident trolls? Are they the new ‘cyborgs’ of the RepubliCONS. GWB, a disgrace to the human race.
I agree…used to be the prez just submitted a written SOU…too much pep talk ..too little substance
and another question, If GWB does not know who Abramoff is how did this happen?
“On May 9, 2001, five of lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s clients met with the President at the White House. Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, had invited them to a White House reception on behalf his organization.
Telling his clients they had to be event “sponsors” to attend, Mr. Abramoff convinced at least two clients to write $25,000 checks to Americans For Tax Reform (ATR). Four other of Abramoff’s tribal clients also attended.”
The Dems have capitalized on it: The Republicans have horrible approval ratings. But seeing how the Democrats are not in control, there is little they can do until November.
Oh, and there is no SS problem. Do some research on the stats Bush and the SSA is using. They predict 1.4 GDP per year in the next 75 years. That’s even worse than the great depression. The average over the LAST 75 years is 3.7. If you even use 2.2 GDP growth we will have a surplus. If you use our average, it will be unbelievable amounts of surplus.
http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/TR/TR04/tr04.pdf: I think page 15 of the 2004 report shows the graph. The top of 84 explains the 3 estimates. (Note that that they cite historical data from the Bureau of Economic Development on the bottom of 83, but that it contradicts all other historical data found anywhere else – including every single history book). =).
Don’t believe everything you hear,
Gerald, LiberalWashington.com
I appreciate the Goldy-esque snark of the headline that the Seattle Times gave to its borrowed Chicago Tribune story about this pathetic loser’s pathetic SOTU.
Bush: We are not in decline
Keep on mumbling that, George. Say it often enough and you might convince a few people that it’s true.
Janet S, what? no illiterate comments about Dean and the DNC?
OH, maybe you have learned to read and investigate (very doubtfull)
Janet S. “The MSM is pretty much a wing of the dem party”
You know, that is such an asinine comment (and as such, keeping up a long standing Janet S. tradition) that it deserves no reply.
But it does deserve a prescription. Lithium maybe?
Donna, you deny reality.
Please tell me who on nbc/cbs/abc is right wing? Many are known dems, clearly beleiving Dem nonsense. And PBS, please, that’s the propaganda arm of the Dem party
Cougar, why are you in such denial about the criticisms that Dean is getting from the party? Yes, he has raised money. But he is spending it faster. The coffers are a little barren for the races coming up in the next election.
And all of you who think ss is just fine, how many of you are relying on it to support you in retirement? I thought not, at least none of you under the age of 50.
9/11 fear and loathing
Janet S,
The Republican Party, or at least the Zombies that have taken it over (click here for the last authentic Republican) want to destroy Social Security, not save it. The thought that the government is initiating a retirement program that ensures millions of elderly Americans will not die poor drives them (movement conservatives) up a wall. They hate social security with a fire and passion that borders on a religious conviction. Irrational but true.
When King George attempted to sell his SSN proposal to Middle America by doing a multi-state junket last year, he had the crown knocked off his head real fast. Take away gay rights, fine and dandy. Take away my retirement, frack you.
Remember that last real Republican I mentioned. Bush should have listened to the General.
Altered State of the Union address.
Given: The free and independent press, seen as essential for a functioning democracy, does not exist in the United States circa 2006.
Given: The State of the Union address is delivered to us by this beholden press. Beholden to profit, ratings and corporate influence, both Liberal and Conservative.
Given: Politicians are aware of the previous givens, and alter their usage of the fettered press accordingly.
Therefore: No accurate discussion of the proported SOTU can take place, because there really is no such thing as a real SOTU address.
Conclusion: A highly problematic quandry perhaps only broken by the blogosphere?
You know it was a bad speech overall for several reasons. One, the obvious laugh line on human/animal hybrid. Apparently this government’s policy is being set by bad Rob Schneider movies. I would guess we will have a policy against manwhores next.
Two: Switchgrass? Can the presidents policy be summed up as “Gas, Ass or Grass, no one rides for free”?
Third, the morning after. You know the GOP thinks they did poorly if they have to send Cheney out to Rush’s show to hold the base. Not a good sign.
The Dems did good for aplauding on Social Security and throwing Bush off stride. For the rest of the night he glowered at the Dem side of the chamber. Someone was thinking for once on the Dems’s side, which is kind of scary.
Heck, even FOX had to keep coming back to the point of how do we pay for tax cuts for the rich, a war, and more social programs while fighting the deficit. Boy oh boy I would love to know what drugs they give Bush so he can say that and not break up laughing.
And where was the line in the sand for Iran?
But you do have to appreciate Bush’s balls for coming out and saying that he is willing to listen to criticism, however, anyone that disagrees with him is a protectionist or isolationist or a defeatist. Yep, that’s an open mind for you.
The good news for the GOP, Bush didn’t make any major gaffs, and almost everything he said they can simply disregard as of today.
“When did I miss the danger of human-animal hybrids?”
Ohmygod! We’ve gotta pass Patriot 3 before these clones take over!!!
Flaky Klake @9
Hey Kevin, please post the spam from your e-mail in-box somewhere else! If we wanted to read that stuff, we would subscribe to it.
Comment on 12
“marshall law”
Hmmm, the wingnut on Sucky Politics had 2 chances of spelling it right — “marshal” or “martial” — but couldn’t! Tell him “Marshall” is a department store.
Why are wingnuts illiterate?
[ ] 1. They were home schooled
[ ] 2. They attended a charter school
[ ] 3. They dropped out of school
[ ] 4. They’re a school of fish
Kevin — the Dems were cheering because Bush didn’t get away with his scheme to loot Social Security.
Comment on 27
Well, what could we expect Seattle Times headline writers to say?
Bush: Iraq Going Well
Bush: Deficits Will Decline
Bush: Gas Prices Falling
Bush: Katrina Recovery Advances
Bush: Real Wages Rising
The world’s largest helium producer used to be Kansas, but now it’s Washington D.C.
leftie loooooooooooooooooosers all kerry could get were 25 losers and if you want to know why you cant win take a look at your poster boy fat ted kennedy what a looooooooooooooooosers wonder if he is still a member of thr owl club what a two faced bigot
YO, The more Fat “Oldsmobile” Ted is on TV, the better for Repubicans in 06 and 08. It’s important for Senator Kennedy to be the face of Democrats!! [Mary Jo was unavailable for comment on this post.]
“Please tell me who on nbc/cbs/abc is right wing?”
The ownership.
What the flight-Suit-in-Chief said last night in the SOTU speech doesn’t much affect your old Sarge.
I am retired Military, so my health care and medicine is only $450 a year (my annual premium for TriCare), so the President screwing up senior drug care does not affect me.
I am not female, minority, or poor, so whenJudge Sammy and the rest of the Scalia clones turn back the clock to the 1950’s (the states determine your rights), it does not affect me.
We live in a State with stronger personal protections then the US Constitution (check out SECTION 24, my righty friends). President’s call for all people who disagree with him to shut up and let him ignore the 4th Amendment does not affect me.
And last of all, I have no children, so 50 to 60 years from now when the Planet starts to melt down, I’ll be history, and it will affect me.
Now, back to insulting Ted Kennedy.
Sorry about that last. Planet melting down will NOT affect me.
I want to thank you for all of your support.
Keep up the good work
Amazing, the President’s speech was so bad the wingnuts are not even trying to defend it. And apparently it has driven them to drink heavily. So much for the Bush presidency.
Actually, from the sound of it (in teh PI) te only people who thought it was a bad speech were the 20 freaks at Drinking liberally last night.
I’m just curious who jeff and ellen are….
Ogg – just as I figured. You don’t care about social security because you don’t rely on it. What difference does it make if it isn’t there to pay out? The dems got their little hissy fit by applauding obstructionism, and that’s all that counts.
I’m betting that those in their 20’s and 30’s will enjoy hearing that the dems are laughing at them, and their concern that they are flushing their money down a rat hole. Seen the polls? They have no confidence that it will be there when they retire.
But who cares? It is politics that matters, not fiscal responsibility. If privatizing it is such an awful idea, what are your suggestions?
GWB is like a 6 inch centipede. You can keep smashing it and smashing it and just when you think it’s too damaged to move it springs to life and starts running around again! Don’t count this centipede out until he’s in the display jar floating in formaldehyde.
48 – Why hasn’t Bush smoked you out of your hole?
Oh Janet! Oh Janet!
48 – How many years has it been?
Clueless – just as I thought, you have no plan. Just let social security go as it is, and in about 15 years, benefits will be cut back. I’m sure you can find a study that says differently – every view out there has studies supporting them. But the concensus is that the program needs revising. Is your plan to raise taxes?
56 – Earth to Janet? (What planet?) My link was about the Dem’s financial state after your whining about Dean and the DNC.
As evidenced by Bush’s utter failure to sell his ‘plan’, the Dem’s plan is simple – take back Congress and the White House and fund Social Security accordingly. A rise in the earnings cap would be a good start.
In other SOTU-related news today, the wife of a Republican congressman was ejected from the president’s address last night, again for wearing a T-shirt:
“Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida chairman of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee was removed from the gallery because she was wearing a T-shirt that read, ‘Support the Troops Defending Our Freedom.’
“She was sitting about six rows from first lady Laura Bush and asked to leave. She argued with police in the hallway outside the House chamber.
“‘They said I was protesting,’ she told the St. Petersburg Times. ‘I said, “Read my shirt, it is not a protest.” They said, “We consider that a protest.” I said, “Then you are an idiot.”‘”
Dr E. – At least they were even handed. A righty congressman’s wife and Cindy Sheehan.
Clueless – Bloomberg is reporting bank balances, Rollcall is reporting what the leadership is saying. Why are you defending Dean when the dems in power won’t?
Do you all understand that there is no demonstration allowed in the congressional chambers? The woman wore it to express a point of view, which the rules do not allow. Is she too stupid to know that it was prohibited? At least Sheehan can be excused for being a publicity whore. The rep’s wife is just hopeless.
Earth to Janet’s Planet –
The Democratic Party is a diverse place unlike the Republicans who march in lockstep with the mantras emanating from the RNC. The is proved by the high approval ratings for Bush among people identifying as Republican. This tells me that most moderate Republicans like a Jim Jeffords now identify as Independent. Their party has left them.
Dean is shaking things up. He’s probably stepping on a few toes in the process. I’m all for it.
Earth to Janet’s Planet again:
Well, at least the capitol police is fair.
Lefties and righties are given the same treatment, i.e. Bill Young’s a Republican!
CBS — Bob Schieffer, Anchor CBS News, Face the Nation – his brother is J. Thomas Schiffer, Ambassador to Japan
Bob plays golf with Shrub, and did you see the love fest inverview he did with GWB on “Face the Nation” Sunday?
NBC – Chris Matthews is completely in the pocket of the Bush administration.
“If there are people inside our country who are talking with Al Qaida, we want to know about it, because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again.”
I just love this kind of Rovian rhetoric. As if there is somebody else in the country who wants to “sit back” the way Bush did before 9-11.
OWWW…this is funny…voter advocate at 63..
Chris Matthews is a GOP guy…???? Man you are nuts…
I love matthews, but only cuz he’s the only liberal who skewers anybody…but gee, cheif of staff or press guy to Tip O’Neill, old line Mass Dem….no way…
you blew that one
Matthews is hardly a “liberal”. Just look at some of the things he’s said recently.
I agree with your, righton. I loved it when Matthews made Michelle “I hate my race” Malkin cry, and made that crackpot red-faced Republican nut (gotta love Will Forte) freak out.
Looks like the Talibangelist Right need to reign this guy in, a couple hours into his tenure. Judge Alito just isn’t activist enough for their tastes:
Alito Splits Conservatives on Inmate Vote
New Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito split with the court’s conservatives Wednesday night, refusing to let Missouri execute a death-row inmate contesting lethal injection.
Alito, handling his first case, sided with inmate Michael Taylor, who had won a stay from an appeals court earlier in the evening. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas supported lifting the stay, but Alito joined the remaining five members in turning down Missouri’s last-minute request to allow a midnight execution.
Earlier in the day, Alito was sworn in for a second time in a White House ceremony, where he was lauded by President Bush as a man of “steady demeanor, careful judgment and complete integrity.”
For The Clueless @ 54
I especially liked this part:
“The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, under Senator Charles Schumer of New York, outraised the Republicans, collecting an all-time high of $44 million, with $25 million in the bank, according to figures released by the committee. The National Republican Senatorial Committee said it took in $36 million and had a balance of $11 million. ”
Liddy Dole is a total bust as head of the RSCC, and it couldn’t happpen to more deserving lady.
Janet @ 56
“ just as I thought, you have no plan.”
We do have a plan. It’s called “Social Security.”
“Just let social security go as it is, and in about 15 years, benefits will be cut back.”
You didn’t even read the trustees’ report, did you? Admit it.
As was ststed earlier, in the SS trustees’ report are THREE estimates. Because they’d be accused (by someone) of being irresponsible if they didn’t, politicians who discuss SS use the most pessimistic estimates. But the pessimistic estimates hve NEVER been right, and our economy and the flow of funds into the program has ALWAYS been well over that estimate. Get it yet? Really,you should reasd the trustees’ report instead of just parading your ignorance.
“I’m sure you can find a study that says differently – every view out there has studies supporting them.”
No, Janet, it’s the SOCIAL SECURITY TRUSTEES’ report. There is no more authoritative source.
“But the consensus is that the program needs revising.”
“Revising” is not a concrete concept. The president’s plan would have gutted guaranteed benefits (which is why it went nowhere). Republicans deceitfully lump Medicare and Medicaid shortfalls in with SS estimates to “prove” that we have to cut benefits. Democrats would like a real prescription drug plan paid for by SS instead of requirin private insurers. Yes, everyone has ideas, but only the Republicans want to gut the social safety net.
“Is your plan to raise taxes?”
Admit that you never did read the trustees’ report, and then go read it. It is likely that no one will have to raise taxes to “save” SS. BUT, if something does need doing, raising the payroll tax cap would do everything we need.
Now, that’s not to say we don’t have a looming crisis in medicare and medicaid. But that’s not a SS problem, and does not require changes to SS.
I did learn somehitng from the SOTU. The President is realy getting good with the teleprompter. Kudos to you, Chimpie.
Daddy Love:
He has always been adequate when he is giving a big set speach. However he can’t think on his feet (“My Pet Goat” anyone?). A Ronald Reagan or a Bill Clinton would have been able to come up with a zinger if the other side of the aisle had applauded like the Dems when Bush said that his Social Security Plan had been defeated. Bush just glowered and returned to the prompter.
Very telling that. Without the pre-written text, he is nothing.
Human-animal hybrids, huh? Maybe he and Karl had a good old time watching “The Island of Dr. Moreau”.