Of course… I’m only joking. From the AP, via Fox News (via Orbusmax) for chrisakes:
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, speaking at a traditionally black college, joked that Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned. […] “We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee,” Coulter said.
Coulter then added, “That’s just a joke, for you in the media.”
I imagine if I were to post a similar joke about, say… President Bush, I’d have the Secret Service kicking down my door. But whenever Coulter quips about killing liberals, we’re supposed to think she’s just being cute.
Does she ever say anything of substance?…She always just seems to be selling herself…I put her in the same boat as Moore…Who would pay to have either speak?
Like yourself Goldy, Coulter caters to an outer fringe.
Lighten up you friggin panty waist
Coulter is the outer fringe. Anyone she caters to should see a shrink.
Hey is “momus” “smegma” spelled sideways?
Goldystein, Do you think Ann would ever date a wimp like you?
LiberalDave, Ann Coulter: UM Law School, self made millionaire. Weekly column read by millions. And you?? [hehe]
I think a lot of men like women who talk dirty, hence Coulter’s popularity.
I have to agree with you on this one Goldy, joking about killing someone is out of line, regardles off political stripe. I hope you will be this irate next time a liberal says something similar about Clarence Thomas, or any other conservative Justice.
#6. Hey Juicy Chancre Head, is the only measure you find of quality in a person Money? That is pretty venal.
Oh, wait! What am I saying! What else would you expect from a syphillitic lesion.
Hey Wingnuts,
Here’s Dear Leader with a little SOTU preview. Check out Cheney and Hastert!
“Hey is “momus” “smegma” spelled sideways?”
Guess you are too ignorant to know greek mytholgy….
And you??
Bodywork specialist, artist, musician, engineer, author, videogame designer and yes – self-made millionaire.
And you, JCH? Well… we all know what your problem is.
COnfirst @7: U so funny. When was the last time a serious progressive speaker/writer openly advocated killing a major conservative political figure? Hmmm? Even in jest? Al Franken, Mike Moore and other entertainers are excluded from the list, as people will pay good money to hear someone talk about killing Bush.
@10 perhaps you would like to elucidate on the the lyrics of your ‘hit’ “Lusts of a Moron”?
The only mockery I see here are some of the opinions and claims you have smeared across this blog.
Perhaps momus would care to join Ann Coulter and Kevin Carns in giving us the lowdown on their own special Skoptic Syndrome. . . . .
#10 Could’t be the god Momus. He was witty, you are not. You must be ignorant of biology because sir, as is plain, you are smegma.
#6. Hey Juicy Chancre Head, is the only measure you find of quality in a person Money? That is pretty venal.
Oh, wait! What am I saying! What else would you expect from a syphillitic lesion.
Comment by Vancouver Sucks — 1/27/06 @ 1:20 pm [Dear Vancouver Sucks, The answer to your question is “Yes”!! I must be “vanal”!! [hehe]
Liberal Dave….I’m retired at 50 years old and living in Hawaii. Aloha, piss ant!!!!
Many people will cut their nose off to spite their own face, but it takes a special kind of Neoconvict RepubliCON to cut off their own. . . .
Intersting. Definition of Momus: “Momus is the Greek deity of mockery, faultfinding, scoff and (un)fair criticism” Weird to name urself after the god of unfair criticism. Oh, wait, u r a conservative.
Ah… Tree frog farmer.
The poor liberal liviing deep in the Asian Gang Territory of MLK, let me guess. It’s that real fiesty section by Madison Valley.
Do you wear kevlar to an from the Volvo wagon with the Free Tibet Sticker on it?
Today, New Orleans Democrat pols demanded that blacks return to the New Orleans “plantation”. Lots of “guvment†checks, cable TV, and cold King Cobra for those blacks that return and REGISTER to vote, stated Mayor Ray!
JCH @6: I believe Liberala Dave’s the cricism is that you are a philistine for including monetary matters when describing a potential dating situation. Just like a Republican: money, money, money.
HOUSTON – Eight New Orleans gang members who came to Houston after Hurricane Katrina were arrested in connection with 11 recent killings and other violent crimes, police said Friday. Crime in the Houston area spiked in the last few months of 2005, and police have attributed some of that to Katrina refugees. [Welcome Democrat criminals!! Texas opened the door, and young Democrats walked through to make Texas a more “diverse” community!!!!!!]
yes, but what is a Cricism?
Mispelling that does take away at your feeble attempt of using the word philistine (What a commonly used word that is…)
JCH @ 17
You may reside in Hawaii, bucko –
But you most certainly are NOT living Aloha.
OOOOOH, JCH is a racist conservitive at that. Must be first generation money. U know, the kind that buys big fountains for the front yard, has 6 cars, and thinks Glen Livet is good scotch.
JCH @6: I believe Liberala Dave’s the cricism is that you are a philistine for including monetary matters when describing a potential dating situation. Just like a Republican: money, money, money.
Comment by Larry the Urbanite — 1/27/06 @ 1:38 pm [Er, Larry, I’m done paying big 1040’s and Kalifornia’s 540’s. I’m retired!!! Atlas has Shrugged. I am John Galt!! Liberal Dave will have to “redistribute” someone else’s wealth!!]
momus @ 24: Short on substance there momus. Just like a conservative. (And, maybe u are hearing “philistine” too often? Directed at you? I love the word.)
JCH @ 27: Again short on substance and nonresponsive. Care to actually retort, rather than just respond?
25……Aloha to you! I am John Galt! Atlas has Shrugged.
But I am not a conservative.
Just like a liberal, to want to categorize everyone, so they can then feel guilty about themselves.
29, No, I owe no response. Again, you libs hate it when Republicans just walk away. [How can you tax someone would just quits?] Aloha, JCH
Larry @ 22,
JCH thought he could turn the tables on me by bringing up Coulter’s income. Of course, this does nothing to justify her outrageous comments. All it does is prove there are a lot of really stupid people out who are willing to pay to hear them.
Downtown Dogs, “Bucko”?? Classically funny!!! BTW, the rain has stopped. Time to surf Kapoho [Shack’s]. Not a great beach, but easy access from the boat ramp. Now, “Downtown Dogs”, go back to your “guvment” job!
momus @ 31: Oh, so u r a libertarian? Or independent? PFFT! I’ve exposed Sven(gali) on this site for claiming impartiality, when spewing hateful rethuglican rhetoric.
Besides, u come to a liberal bloggers site and acuse him of being a fringer, I think it’s safe to assume u r right leaning, eh? Anyone else want to chime in on whether my assumption was reasonable?
Momus, your ignorance of my neighborhod betrays you. Is thatvitiligo I see? Or just “albinism”. Perhaps its just Kevin Carns behind that mask. . . . .
Liberal Dave, Like Goldystein, do you think Ann would ever date a wimp named “Liberal Dave”?
JCH @ 27,
I could really care less about your money. If ever I’m interested in redistributing wealth it will be my own, thank you.
Larry @ 26
Crackin’ me up, bro!
How about a Laphraoig – neat?
But in any case, a severe Skoptic.
Anyone that would fuck that skank would no doubt get dry rot on their dick. She’s a waste of air and anyone who sides with her is too.
JCH @ 32: Conservative tactic #3245, If you don’t have anything to say, or a decent rebuttal to a presented argument, try to redirect the subject, and throw and insult in.
Care to stay on topic JCH? And don’t go away, I’m just warming up.
do you think Ann would ever date a wimp named “Liberal Dave”?
No, I’d expect her to date someone more like this: http://www.sherrydavey.com/ima.....15;263.jpg
JCH @ 34
“Guvment?” I don’t think so…
I work for the episcopal church
“Anyone else want to chime in on whether my assumption was reasonable?”
yes, you are unreasonable.
“Anyone that would fuck that skank would no doubt get dry rot on their dick”
They may kick you out of the feminized liberal club for tha comment…..
the self appointed spokespeople for the right (Coulter, Robertson, etc.) sure do like the death-threat inuendo, don’t they? So much for the culture of life.
And while we’re on the topic of self (and I’m not referring to my apparent Port of Tacoma is Meaningless assertion on the other thread…)
…There are no Self-Made Millionaires. Zero. Anyone who is a millionaire got there with the support of society and the institutions of government. The myth of the rugged individual making it by the sole means of his (or her) own sheer virtue feeds the Ayn Rand Objectivists’ bull shit, and there’re a lot of software engineers of that mindset, but don’t forget the junior high school teacher who helped you through Algebra I. No SEC? No stock options. The list goes on and on.
Ever notice how AnnCoulter looks like Janice from the Muppets
Ann Coulter really does want to kill Justice Stevens, and the rest of us liberals. She says it’s a “joke” to avoid prosecution, but the only thing she’s joking about is that she’s joking. I’m not joking when I say it would be in society’s best interests if she had a jaywalking accident. I don’t really wish that on her or anyone else, but I’ll leave it to you to figure out whether I’m joking when I say that.
Kevin Carns @2
We’ll lighten up when she lightens up. Sound fair to you?
Kevin Carns @5
“Goldystein, Do you think Ann would ever date a wimp like you?”
Only if “she” is gay.
Kevin Carns @6
“LiberalDave, Ann Coulter: UM Law School, self made millionaire. Weekly column read by millions. And you??”
Saddam Hussein was also a self made millionaire, and millions of people paid intense attention to every word he wrote or spoke.
Kevin Carns @17
“Liberal Dave….I’m retired at 50 years old and living in Hawaii.”
How do you like being useless and irrelevant? Having fun?
Comment on 22
“JCH @6: I believe Liberala Dave’s the cricism is that you are a philistine for including monetary matters when describing a potential dating situation. Just like a Republican: money, money, money.”
I think Republicans SHOULD date people who are obsessed with money. They deserve each other.
Comment on 26
By 2 pm, they don’t know what brand of scotch they drinking.
Kevin Carns @27
No 1040? You’re living in your car? You’re a beach bum? I’m paying taxes for your food stamps?
RR @ 51: U know, I always wondered if she was pre- or post- op. Whaddaya think? Still have his/her teeny weeny peeny?
Seriously, conservative or liberal, who would sleep with her? Not her looks (which are bad enough, but plenty of ugly guys out there too), but the whole wonky, aggressive, in your face 24/7, scoffing cough, hateful persona is not only not feminine, but, I assert, not attractive to anyone at all.
Well, I guess since she’s a millionaire, she can pay for it. lol.
How the hell can anyone have enough money to live in a house in Hawaii, yet not have enough money to file a 1040? Here are the possibilities:
1. Tax evasion
2. Somebody else owns the house and he’s a hired poodle
3. He’s lying about not filing a 1040
4. He’s not a retired 50yo in Hawaii, he’s Kevin Carns making up bullshit in BIAW’s basement
“I always wondered if she was pre- or post- op. Whaddaya think?”
I think he’s mid-op — they cut something off but didn’t sew anything else on.
Oh, come on. Even Coulter can get laid. All she has to do is act like a real slut. For her, that should be easy, as it would come very naturally.
Kevin Carns @31
“But I am not a conservative.”
Then what are you? Let’s play a little guessing game. CON1st is a …
a. Trotskyite
b. Fascist
c. Serial killer
d. Sex predator
e. Armadillo
f. Confused
g. Mental defective
I’ll vote for # 4,RR. Give us a weather report JCH, without google now, and while you’re at it give us the lowdown on Case/Akawa, or just exactly how much ‘splainin’ Hanneman’s gonna have to do?
Kevin Carns @32
“Again, you libs hate it when Republicans just walk away.”
Kevin, when did you ever walk away? If you walked away, why are you still here? Are you planning to leave? Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
“No, I’d expect her to date someone more like this: http://www.sherrydavey.com/ima.....15;263.jpg”
I guess Ann never really lost her taste for women, even after she had her balls cut off, huh?
Kevin Carns @46
“They may kick you out of the feminized liberal club for tha comment…..”
I doubt it, Kevin. They don’t consider Ann a woman, if you know what I mean.
Nice to see that JCH is still an unreconstructed racist.
Go fuck yourself, asshole – God knows no one else would have you.
And Ann Coulter is an evil mean ugly person. I wouldn’t fuck her with Cheney’s Dick.
66, Mr. X, I can’t feel your love!!
Who would want to have sex with that bag of bones other than some fool with a domantrix/shemale complex like Sean Hannity or Matt Drudge? She’s been plucked more times than the Rose of Tralee, I’m told. Go see “Homecoming.”
But I do hope the Secret Service looks into this. And it will be interesting to see if this leads Hannity and Colmes, since Hillary quoting Gingrich got their panties in a twist.
And I’ll gladly stand up for Glenlivet. Laphroig is one of my favorites, but Gelnlivet 12 year is quite a good drinking Scotch. Good enough for Kipling, good enough for me.
How do you like being useless and irrelevant? Having fun?
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/27/06 @ 2:15 pm [Yep…..Lots of fun! Aloha, JCH]
Anyone who is a millionaire got there with the support of society and the institutions of government.
Well, having skills that warrant a hefty compensation is also important. But in Ann Coulter’s case, she chose to be a professional political shill and liar.
70..and a best selling author [3 NY Time best sellers] Regardless, I’m sure she would never date a wimp who calls himself “Liberal Dave”.]
And Ann Coulter is an evil mean ugly person. I wouldn’t fuck her with Cheney’s Dick.
Comment by Mr. X — 1/27/06 @ 2:36 pm [But would you fuck you wife with Al Sharpton’s dick? If not, you must be a racist!!!] hehe………..
JCH, refer back to post 43.
62,.Tree Frog Farmer, Your weather report: [Hilo side, Big Island] rainy, mid 70’s. And you misspelled Senator “Akaka”. Spelling counts now that you are out of second grade!!!
Um, no it doesn’t, actually.
One more time – with feeling – go fuck yourself.
69, RR, How do you like being useless and irrelevant? Having fun? [Lots of fun!! More than you will ever know! Real estate doubled in the last 3 years produced LOTS of equity! LOTS! And the S and P is moving closer to 1300!! This beats working!!]
Yes, Mr. X, You must be able to spell. Sorry, but people judge you or your ability to communicate!! Public school is over now. Welcome to the real world!
“… but people judge you or your ability to communicate!!” Pot, meet kettle.
Ok, Liberal Dave and Mr. X, Helen Thomas [Democrat], or Ann Coulter [Republican]? And with your OWN cocks!! Support you answer with clear, concise sentences!
I was referring to your insipid attempt at an accusation of reverse racism, actually. And, given your lousy punctuation (and frequent misspellings and typos), you’re not exactly one to point fingers at people about their spelling.
You’re so dumb you make Cynical look positively erudite.
Bill, You can play, too! Helen, or Ann? Support your choice with details!
Maybe Bill would rather “enjoy” Liberal Dave than Helen or Ann. That’s OK, as “all cultures are equal” in HorsesAss.Org!!
Mr. X, Do you represent the “gay” culture as well?
Again, Mr. X, there is nothing wrong with Democrats being “gay”. Many posters on “Horsesass.org” enjoy sodomy. That is why this is a liberal blog!
And you really think anyone is going to respond to one of your questions when your normal MO is to post nonsense and run? Of course anyone who disagrees with you or is a criminal must be a democrat, huh? You are an idiot.
Play with yourself, ok? Thats what you are normally doing here anyway. Bottom line, since you refuse any discussion you can sit and post all day, all you are ever going to get is made fun of.
For your edification, I am not a democrat or a republican, I am the one who thinks the parties should get disbanded and the leaders of them arrested.
However, your near constant idiocy is annoying.
Support you answer with clear, concise sentences!
Like the above example, right? Methinks that JCH has been hitting the Maui Wowie with regular consistency.
Try saying something logical and you might get a response other than ‘go to hell’
Gay culture is cutting edge and witty, whereas you are a stupid reactionary fuckhead. I’d say gay culture gets the nod.
Best shirt I saw last year at Pride – a background of rainbows and smiley faces with the logo “Because Sodomy is FUN”
85….Bill writes, “Play with yourself, ok? Thats what you are normally doing here anyway. Bottom line, since you refuse any discussion you can sit and post all day, all you are ever going to get is made fun of.” [Let’s try NOT to end our sentences with prepositions. This is NOT public school! Bill, concentrate on your communication skills, and not on Mr. X!]
I knew it!! Mr. X: “Queen for A Day”!! [BTW, Bill likes you!]
Ohh good answer, I guess you showed me. Yeah, that totally answered what I said. Idiot.
Too skinny and dry pussy to boot, Anee Coulter that is.
W A I T a god damn minute.
Sodomy is oral sex between heteros as well — by definition. You mean all the manly neocon specimens posting here are not competent in all sectors in the bed? Jeeze, it is 2006, Or did we all end up in Puritan Colony? Oh, poor ladies they love.
90..Mr X writes:”Gay culture is cutting edge and witty, whereas you are a stupid reactionary fuckhead. I’d say gay culture gets the nod.” [Careful with the “nodding”, Mr. X!!]
So, what time does that short bus come to pick you up, anyway?
Gay culture is cutting edge and witty, whereas you are a stupid reactionary fuckhead. I’d say gay culture gets the nod.
Best shirt I saw last year at Pride – a background of rainbows and smiley faces with the logo “Because Sodomy is FUNâ€
Comment by Mr. X — 1/27/06 @ 3:22 pm [Classic! Democrats at play!! And I thought AIDs was Bush’s fault!!]
More irrelevent nonsense from JCH? What a shock!! Hey, is your helmet on (you know, just in case you fall over)?
Mr. X: Queen For A Day!! [Bill, Your pants are growing!! Bill, Does Mr. X taste a little salty to you?]
Best shirt I saw last year at Pride – a background of rainbows and smiley faces with the logo “Because Sodomy is FUN†[comment from Mr. X]……I’m still laughing!!!!!! God, this is funny!!
Are you trying to actually say something or did your keepers accidently leave the computer on?
Comment by Larry the Urbanite— 1/27/06 @ 1:26 pm
“U so funny. When was the last time a serious progressive speaker/writer openly advocated killing a major conservative political figure? Hmmm? Even in jest?”
Randi Rhodes on Air America (twice):
“Like Fredo, somebody ought to take him out fishing and phuw.”
“A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here’s your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked].”
“Al Franken, Mike Moore and other entertainers are excluded from the list, as people will pay good money to hear someone talk about killing Bush.”
What list are Franken and Moore excluded from? I’m not sure what point you are making here. Why is it a good thing to earn money to advocate killing the President, no matter which party
Support you answer with clear, concise sentences!
Like the above example, right? Methinks that JCH has been hitting the Maui Wowie with regular consistency.
Comment by LiberalDave [Er, Dave, Wrong island. I live on the Big Island. It’s called “Kona Gold” here. Educate yourself!]
I like Al Franken [Democrat] because he steals from poor NYC black kids and because he is a Jewish Democrat it’s OK!!
Funny how Goldy never has a thread about Jewish Democrats [Franken] stealing funds from poor NYC black kids. Gee, I wonder why?
Mr. X, Bill’s zipper is down!!
JCH, you sure like to quote the Ayn Rand junk, don’t you?
Perhaps you can indulge us with your vast knowledge and explain the difference between laizes-fair capitalism and regulated capitalism.
Good luck.
You are an idiot. And thats my last response to you, because you really are not worth talking to.
You know, JCH, while I’m not gay, I think your infantile homophobia tells a lot more about you than you probably realize.
Being gay is cool, being a homophobic racist piece of shit most definitely isn’t.
107….Nope. Read the book.
109, Mr. X, Having a couple guys sodomize you while you blow another guy and then you all get AIDs is “cool”? OK, Please explain! [hehe]
That’s typical the non-answer response a conservative gives when backed into a corner and called out on the mat. You are the artful dodger.
Not only do you not know the difference between the two forms of capitalism, you don’t know the who, what, when, or why of their significance.
I also doubt your military service claims, too. IF you actually wore the uniform you were probably a reservist on the USS Never Sail.
You are pathetic.
Anne Coulter is a typical conservative welfare queen of the neo-con right.
She as lived �on the dole�, as it were, sucking in the enormous amount of money available thru the movement think tanks (Heritage, AEI, Federalist Society). She writes her columns at TownHall.com, a Heritage funded Website and is a columnist for Human Events Magazine, another extremist conservative publication.
Fired from MSNBC in 1997, National Review online in 2001 and USA Today in 2004, Ms. Coulter would not be able to peddle the garbage she puts out but for the generosity of the Right Wing Noise Machine that continues to fund her bullshit.
It’s only a joke if you’re willing to say that you don’t really think that. Annie will never do that. It’s how we know she’s full of shit when she says they’re “jokes.”
JCH @ 107:
It’s also apparent you haven’t read Atlas Shrugged, or if you did, you didn’t understand it. This topic of these two forms of capitalism were not covered in her book.
JCH @ 6
George Soros: Self-made billionaire. He was 13 and living in Budapest when the Nazis took over Hungary and began exterminating 500,000 Hungarian Jews. Graduated from the London School of Economics seven years after WWII ended. In 1970 he co-founded the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers. It returned more than 4000% during the next ten years.
And you?
I live on the Big Island. It’s called “Kona Gold” here. Educate yourself!
Oh, no worries. In the future I will refrain from mentioning your competitors’ product.
off topic Humor:
Some of the artists of the ’60s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers.
1. Herman’s Hermits — Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Walker
2. The Bee Gees– How Can You Mend a Broken Hip
3 Bobby Darin — Splish, Splash, I Was Havin’ a Flash
4. Ringo Starr — I Get By With a Little Help From Depends
5. Roberta Flack — The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face
6. Johnny Nash — I Can’t See Clearly Now
7. Paul Simon — Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver
8. Commodores — Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom
9. Marvin Gaye — Heard it Through the Grape Nuts
10. Procol Harem — A Whiter Shade of Hair
11. Leo Sayer — You Make Me Feel Like Napping
12. The Temptations– Papa’s Got a Kidney Stone
13. Abba — Denture Queen
14. Tony Orlando– Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall
15. Helen Reddy — I am Woman, Hear Me Snore
Kevin Carns @76
Hmmm, your real estate doubled and your stocks went up with NO EFFORT on your part! In fact, it would have done so even if you were brain dead. Now why am I saying “even if”?? Ain’t capitalism great? Real estate and the stock market sure do a job on the work ethic and incentives to be productive, don’t they.
76 (continued)
Isn’t it great to live under a system in which a completely useless troll can make more money in 3 years without lifting his finger than an honest person can with a lifetime of hard work?
re 17: Yeah, JCH. Sure you are. Was that you I saw in Fall of ’04 riding around in your 80’s K-car with all the looney right wing stickers sneaking around pulling out Patty Murray signs?
I do believe it was you with your great big round beet red anger head!
There is a school of thought out there that believes Geroge Soros is pissed at Bush because Bush prevented Soros from manipulating US currency exchange for profit. In other words, GWB kept Georgie-Porgie Soros from making big bucks by speculating in US currency. No wonder he initially bank-rolled Air America!
As for Jim Rogers – well, he’s a nice Mormon who’d definitely take advantage of you if he stood to profit!
Kevin Carns @102
Why should only wingers threaten to kill people? How come you want a monopoly on threatening? Wingers want a monopoly on every fucking thing! If you guys can threaten to kill people, then we should be allowed to threaten to kill people, too!
Atlas Shrugged = tedious, boring, third-rate dime novel by minor author
So Kevin Carns in Hawaii lives on coconuts? I thought so. oookle oookle
33 comments by JCH the troll… or is it Kevin?
I just want to know the IP address.
re 124: You are right on the money there , Roger! She’s even worse than Taylor Caldwell…
JCH must be off googleing Atlas Shrugged cliff notes right about now trying to cover his sorry ass. He probably heard Rush talk about it once and he parroted the talking points like a Good little German.
What a loser. I don’t believe one word he’s saying about living in Hawaii and being retired. He’s a conservative, how can you honestly believe anything JCH says.
What a loser.
Atlas Shrugged = tedious, boring, third-rate dime novel by minor author
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/27/06 @ 4:38 pm [Couldn’t get through 1100 pages, could you?]
Isn’t it great to live under a system in which a completely useless troll can make more money in 3 years without lifting his finger than an honest person can with a lifetime of hard work?
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/27/06 @ 4:31 pm [Risk equals reward. RR. That’s why I am retired in Hawaii and you “gets your guvment check”.]
121.REV, Sorry, all true!! Aloha!!
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/27/06 @ 4:35 pm
“Why should only wingers threaten to kill people? How come you want a monopoly on threatening? Wingers want a monopoly on every f**king thing! If you guys can threaten to kill people, then we should be allowed to threaten to kill people, too!” (expletive deleted)
If you’d bothered to read my comment earlier in the thread I agreed with Goldy on Ann Coulter. As far as I’m concerned Coulter’s out of line, just like Randi Rhodes or others who use “humor” as a cover to advocate violence.
Consfirst: Whacking Bush is a liberal wet dream, doesn’t count. I mentioned that, didn’t I?
Also, Air America was created directly in response to right wing hate radio. So, you are going to condemn them for using the same tactics as Rush, Savage et al? Fine, u want to condemn Rush, Savage, et al that’s your perogotive. Additionally, while I’m probably out of the loop here, I had never heard of Randi Rhodes until just now. Best u could come up with?
Give me a big name, nationally known, makes headline news with his/her pronouncements becuz they are sooooo outrageous, books (plural) in print, funded by major liberal think tanks who has advocated KILLING major conservative leaders.
Kevin Carns @76
Hmmm, your real estate doubled and your stocks went up with NO EFFORT on your part! In fact, it would have done so even if you were brain dead. Now why am I saying “even if”?? Ain’t capitalism great? Real estate and the stock market sure do a job on the work ethic and incentives to be productive, don’t they.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/27/06 @ 4:30 pm [ A little envy on your part, RR? Green does not become you!]
Comment by GBS— 1/27/06 @ 5:01 pm
“He probably heard Rush talk about it once and he parroted the talking points like a Good little German.”
Why do you hate Germans? Or did you mean Nazi?
128.GBS, Sorry, All true. And try Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead”. She nailed Bill Clinton 65 years ago. Aloha!
What’s the matter didn’t they teach history at Annapolis?
I meant Good German, not Nazi. Do you kno why? Or,is this another area of fact that you know nothing about?
It sure appears that way.
“And I’ll gladly stand up for Glenlivet. Laphroig is one of my favorites, but Gelnlivet 12 year is quite a good drinking Scotch. Good enough for Kipling, good enough for me.”
Never been a big fan of Glenlivet. Laphroig is okay, but I’d take Lagavulin as my regular single malt. Of course, that was nowhere near as good as the bottle of 26-year-old Dallas Dhu that I picked up quite a few years ago. (And yes, it was cask strength.)
Oh, and by the way, Ann Coulter possesses that perfect mix of ignorance and arrogance that apparently appeals to wingnuts everywhere. (Remember the “Canada sent troops to Vietnam” comment?)
And while we’re on that topic…
Kind of an old link, but still worth a chuckle, I guess…
Wait a minute!
You CAN’T put a bullet through Ann Coulter’s brain…..
She doesn’t have one.
Please go ahead and fill her empty cavities with something though. Preferably with cement.
JCH @ 136:
No, you’re not capable of being 100% honest, so I seriously doubt your word. Ayn Rand is a crappy writer. I could barely stomach my way through Atlas Shrugged. There’s no way I could get through another so called novel of hers.
Geez, I knew Clinton got around, but I didn’t know tht Ayn Rand nailed Clinton, too. Shit, he must’ve been pretty young at the time. But, sex with minors is a conservatives fantasy.
Bill O’Reilly and Scooter Libby have written extensively on the subject in some of their novels.
Any way, to sum you up in a few words: You’re not retired, you never served in the US Armed Forces, you lie, and your a professional troll for the RNC.
Later, loser.
Did you know that Ann Coulter is a transvestite?
Yeah, she/he was born Andy Coulter. Have you ever seen the Adam’s Apple on her/him? Word has it Ann and JCH both went to Singapore in the 80’s to have their tally-whackers removed.
Touching love story isn’t it?
Talk to you later, loser. You ought to try getting out of your mom’s basement and look for a real job. Maybe you can be a “sparkle-boy” down at the local car dealership. You know, you can wash the car before customers take delivery of their new car.
Maybe some honest, hard work will help liberate your feeble mind.
GBS, At 16 I did wash cars. An honest job. I still wash cars, and mow the lawn. Glad you asked!
By the way, did anyone figure out if YO and Kevin Carns (or whatever the hell his name is) are the same person? Their pattern of illiteracy is remarkably similar.
143, Sorry, GBS, all true. Lt, USN, [76-84], WESTPAC, Surface Warfare, 1110.
137, GBS, not Annapolis. Penn State ROTC [Go Nittany Lions!!!]
Ayn Rand is a Russian communist who adapted Lenin’s writings to the right wing in the form of rancid fiction. And , now that you mention it, who the hell is John Galt?
What’s the matter didn’t they teach history at Annapolis?
I meant Good German, not Nazi. Do you kno why? Or,is this another area of fact that you know nothing about?
It sure appears that way.
Comment by GBS — 1/27/06 @ 5:13 pm [GBS, are you a racist? Do you hate Germans? Do you hate Naval Officers? Why is it I can’t “feel” your love?]
GBS, USS Neversail? Hardly. 3 WESTPACs [two 6 month and one 10 month], Indian Ocean in 79-80 [off Iran]. And you? [hehe]
Ayn Rand is a Russian communist who adapted Lenin’s writings to the right wing in the form of rancid fiction. And , now that you mention it, who the hell is John Galt?
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist — 1/27/06 @ 5:33 pm
[Now HERE is an educated Democrat!!!! hehe]
REV A.A. Tappman, “Who is John Galt”? [Try a little high school reading, dumbass!]
Rev, you couldnt be farther from the truth. Ayn Rand was a rabid anti-communist and minor philosopher. She published as fiction mostly because she couldnt really reply to most objections to Objectivism, however, she has had a huge impact on many right wing people. John Galt is a reference to ‘Atlas Shrugged’. That book is frequently required reading in some philosphy courses, although most people I know who read it did so in during high school trying to prep for college work.
Comment by Larry the Urbanite— 1/27/06 @ 5:05 pm
“Whacking Bush is a liberal wet dream, doesn’t count. I mentioned that, didn’t I?”
Just because something is a liberal wetdream doesn’t make it right. If you want to have a double standard, go ahead and be a hypocrite.
“So, you are going to condemn them for using the same tactics as Rush, Savage et al?”
I’m no fan of Limbaugh or Savage, but if you can give me an example where either advocated assassinating President I’d like to see it, and I’d condemn that as well.
“Give me a big name, nationally known, makes headline news with his/her pronouncements becuz they are sooooo outrageous, books (plural) in print, funded by major liberal think tanks who has advocated KILLING major conservative leaders.”
I guess we have people like you on the left for inflating Ann Coulter’s stature as a media pundit. I certainly don’t think of her as much of a “big name”.
Nina Totenberg (talking about Jesse Helms): “If there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.” (Note: I’m not personally a Helms fan, but don’t wish him or his grandchild dead either”)
In case you’ve been living under a rock, here’s some info on Nina Totenberg:
Julianne Malveaux (speaking of Clarence Thomas): “I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.”
Some more info on Julianne Malveaux:
Vancouver Sucks @4
Now I know for certain that you are HL. Stop accusing momus of being smegma. I knew smegma, and momus is no smegma (eww, did I say that?)…
Btw – “Juicy Chancre Head” is priceless, but you still suck. Kind of like your “pustulous boils” that rub against your…whatever…your descriptive from earlier threads was interesting, I suppose…
RR @125
So that’s what your rabbit monkey looks like….
How often do you spank him (or is yours a her)?
GBS @128
No, JCH lives in paradise, and he’s a fuckbag for rubbing it in, and for being obtuse, and for _________(your pet peeve here). I am almost certain he was an officer in the Navy. Remember how you had to convince your Annapolis grad how things were done? He’s the one who never learned…
Marks, NOT an Annapolis grad!!! Penn State!!!
REV A.A. Tappman, “Who is John Galt”? [Try a little high school reading, dumbass!]
This is truly hilarious considering the question “Who is John Galt?” is asked 28 times by various characters in Atlas Shrugged. I think you just fell victim to an ironic joke, JCH.
155.Bill, Why did you tell REV? Make HIM do the reading!! He will be better for it!!
REV Tappman, Do a little homework, then post. You Democrats are dumb shits. JCH
Liberal Dave [homo], I am John Galt!!! [Like REV Tappman, Do your homework!]
Um, actually, I did my homework. That’s why I’m laughing that you of all people didn’t pick up on a direct reference to the book you’ve been plugging all day.
JCH @159
Marks, NOT an Annapolis grad!!! Penn State!!!
Actually, you make the point even sharper…
It would be very difficult to prosecute Coulter even if she wasn’t joking. I’m reminded of a guy who was prosecuted for threats against Gregoire and the jury acquitted him because they decided he was just speaking rhetorically and didn’t intend to carry it out. But I’ll bet if Coulter threatened to kill Cheney’s puppet the Secret Service would be all over her.
“Cheney’s puppet” should read “Cheney’s organ grinder monkey”
I, um, appreciate the idea of equal time. Is JCH your chosen stooge? You coulda done a bit better, but then, considering the state of your party, I suppose you chose accordingly…
Anyway, you know who I mean.
“Couldn’t get through 1100 pages, could you?”
You don’t know much about law school, do you?
Listen, Kevin, I can read 1100 pages anytime I want. Three Zane Grey novels is about 1100 pages. Of course, there’s no comparison between Zane Grey and Ayn Rand. Absolutely none.
Kevin Carns @130
“Risk equals reward. RR. That’s why I am retired in Hawaii and you ‘gets your guvment check’.”
Really? Let’s examine this statement from a scientific point of view.
The science of statistics tells us that if blindfolded monkeys randomly choose answers on a multiple-choice test in which there are four answers provided for each question, over the long run the monkeys will cumulatively score about 25% correct answers, assuming you have enough monkeys and questions to constitute a statistically valid sampling.
Likewise, in any zero-sum gambling game, any random individual’s random luck should even out at break-even over time. (Actually, you will get a bell-shaped curve in which some do better than breakeven, and some worse, but cumulatively they will break even.)
The stock market is not a zero-sum game because publicly held companies are cumulatively making money and increasing the value of their stock, so the market is growing all the time. Of course, this could reverse and go in the opposite direction, for example if the world runs out of oil and the modern economy collapses because short-sighted humanity has failed to develop alternative energy technologies in time.
Now, what is the relationship between risk and reward for individuals? If the market is perfectly efficient, risk and reward should balance, and some of your risk-taking will be rewarded, and some of it will be penalized, and you should break even.
So, then, how does one make a shit-pot of money by investing? Not by taking risks, dummy! The idea is to eliminate risk — to get rewarded without taking risks, or better yet, set up a system under which other people take all the risks and you get all the rewards (this is called “CEO”). For those of us not in a position to rob shareholders or manipulate markets, the best we can hope for is to spot risk-reward imbalances before most other people do, and capitalize on them, but even if you’re good at it, this method does not produce the kind of compounding that allows one to start with nothing and become a billionaire in one human lifetime.
So, what I’m wondering, Kevin, is: How many widows and orphans did you screw out of their life savings during your brief and sordid career as an alleged stockbroker?
Since Goldy hasn’t outed Kevin Carns’ screen names, I don’t know which trolls are Kevin and which aren’t (I can guess at some), but it doesn’t matter because “Kevin” seems like a good generic name for anything troll.
For example, I have some doubts about whether Momus Pompous Assus is Kevin Carns, but I’ll call MPA “Kevin” anyway because it doesn’t really matter, they’re so much alike.
Kevin @149
Yeah, I figured you’d have to be ROTC, or a liar, or both.
I was thrown out of OCS for scratching the training officer. He walked off the jark hill hold his balls in his hands.
The fucker, or should I say the ex-fucker, shouldn’t have picked me up by my ears! Just because I made him and everybody else look silly by hopping circles around them, doesn’t mean my ears are handles or doorknobs. Sheesh.
If Coulter tries picking me up by my ears, you’ll find out fast what gender s/he/it is.
I hear that Coulter is Carns mother and he’s her bastard son by an Aids-infected child rapist who was a republican senator. Could be true!
From Wikipedia:
“Rand argues that independence and individual achievement drive the world, and should be embraced. Her worldview requires a “rational” moral code. She disputes the notion that self-sacrifice is a virtue, and is similarly dismissive of human faith in a god or higher being. The book positions itself against Christianity specifically, often directly within the characters’ dialogue.”
Hmmm … so, Kevin, you’e an anti-Christian atheist?
Very interesting … all the laissez-faire objectivists who worship Ayn Rand as a philosopher-genius are anti-Christian atheists. I mean, I already knew they weren’t practicing Christians (you know, that mushy “love thy brother stuff” they blow off), but God-haters? I never suspected! Explains a lot.
“I hear that Coulter is Carns mother and he’s her bastard son by an Aids-infected child rapist who was a republican senator. Could be true!”
Reminds me of the story about Gladstone and Disraeli:
William Gladstone, after a particularly acrimonious debate in Parliament, bellowed across the floor at his arch-rival Benjamin Disraeli, “You, sir,” he said, “will one day end your days on the gallows or of venereal disease.” Disraeli raised himself up and replied, “That, sir, would depend on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.”
Gladstone was a Liberal, and Disraeli was a Conservative, and of course, like all conservatives Disraeli was projecting. Nothing has changed in the last 140 years; conservatives are still committing treason and catching herpes from their mistresses, and they’re still blaming it on liberals.
RR @182
And so, you throw off the veil and prove that each party is active sexually. But such proof! Gads! Way to go RR…
And stop the sorry projecting@183, RR. It is clear that Disraeli got the best of it…
Conservative have always been good at propaganda. It’s the only thing they have going for them. They would have disappeared long ago if they had to compete with ideas.
I think you’ve just hit my level of parody that goes too far. Congrats. And that’s from someone who jokingly called someone a convicted murder!
Conservatives’ affection for Ayn Rand’s scribblings shows how far they will go to rationalize selfishness.
JCH: Bush is the head of the pustulous boil of neo-con fascism. Before lancing the boil in ’06, we need to apply hot, steaming towels and let them soften the boil so the puss can rise to the surface, making lancing an easier and more effective treatment for the body politic.
Did you get the Connecticut Yankee Twain reference? I doubt it!
RR why don’t you actually read the book instead of quoting summaries. I love her books, and they do offer good insight.
Gerald, LiberalWashington.com
Why should I give my time to someone who needs 1100 pages to say what someone else can summarize in 4 sentences?
JCH: Bush is the head of the pustulous boil of neo-con fascism. Before lancing the boil in ‘06, we need to apply hot, steaming towels and let them soften the boil so the puss can rise to the surface, making lancing an easier and more effective treatment for the body politic.
Damn you donks are delusional. The pustulous boil was Clinton and the steamy towel was really a blue dress. It went off years ago. Stop with the drugs already.
You’re presuming that Ann Coulter has a brain to put the bullet through…..
Coulter is the outer fringe. Anyone she caters to should see a shrink.
Comment by LiberalDave— 1/27/06 @ 1:06 pm
What?! You got to love these donks. Coming from numb nuts who believe the 04 election was stolen by a bunch of Diebold voting machines. Hahahahahahehehe
Anne Coulter is a babe. The way she talks about the commie liberals makes her more attractive. She is proud when she offends liberals and unapologetic. Damn I love that woman.
re 193: Rufus ( without Chaka Khan ):”Donks”…. You’re such a dildo. Even if you were a guy we still wouldn’t let you on be the team.
All you donks are invited to an American celebration on Tuesday when we vote in Justice Alito. The people voted for this in 04 and it is time to celebrate the will of the people.
We’re too busy celebrating the will of the people who voted in Gregoire.
I want the donks to filibuster. I don’t think they have enough to stop it at 60. We can shut down a filibuster without the nuclear option.
It is good to know that the Supreme Court is now in good hands. Hopefully they will look at campaign finance reform and over turn McCain/Feingold soon.
Then the SCOTUS needs to protect gun manufacturers from product liability suits. No more BS lawsuits from leftist cities.
Then kick Roe vs Wade down to the States where it should have been decided in the first place.
Overturn eminent domain laws recently passed. Not to fast though, we need to seize Souters ranch first. Maybe we can get Ruth’s house too.
Hehehe I feel like a kid in a candy store. This Tuesday will be a great day for America. Let the celebrations begin. Yeeeeeaaaauuurgh.
Well, Rufus, at least you’ve given up any pretense of intelligent commenting
Conservatives’ affection for Ayn Rand’s scribblings shows how far they will go to rationalize selfishness.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/27/06 @ 7:38 pm [Selfishness: Anyone who takes exception to the fact that the average America family pays 40% of their income in diect and indirect taxes. Classic Marxist bullshi!!]
Come on K. We may not agree but isn’t it wonderful that the will of the people is prevailing here. This is what makes democracy great.
Hilo Palm Society Tonight: The wife buys a “gay” Samoan palm at auction. Now why did I think of Mr. X and Bill? Anyway, the gardener will plant it in the BACK YARD this weekend. [Get it, Mr. X? BACK YARD!! hehe. Kind of like how you like it!!]
Rabbit, Three day on bread and water in the brig might have helped your sour attitude toward officers.
194…True. Ann is a babe, but Helen Thomas is Roger Rabbit’s kind of women! Mr. X and Bill have chosen to remain silent on “babes”. They prefer movies about gay cowboys!!
What JCH says @17:
I’m retired at 50 years old and living in Hawaii.
What JCH really means:
He’s “vacationing†at this maximum security “spa”.
Comment by N in Seattle — 1/27/06 @ 5:53 pm [158, Wrong island. Your “spa” [prison] is on Oahu. I live on Hawaii [Big Island]. N, you fucked up!! [hehe]
If Mr. X and Bill have anal intercourse, and both get AIDs, why do the taxpayers have to pay their medical bills?
Notice how JCH has become quite the regular with this blog. What do you think: Did the RNC substantially increase his contract for agitprop services? Is he defending Ann Coulter so staunchly (lovingly?) because she was one of his teachers back at “propaganda school”? Do you think he is paid by the word?
I think that Winger Central is so worried about the explosiveness of various Republican scandals that it is trying feverishly to “jam” the lefty blogs that don’t screen out trolls. Alas, Goldy’s little experiment in the First Amendment is a sitting duck.
Rufus ( without Chaka Khan ): How can you celebrate destroying America for yourself and everyone else. What kind of sick, stupid bastard are you? I can’t wait til your type finally realizes: “Hey! I kissed their asses and they still fucked me!”
That’s why your type is the first ones they’ll throw into those FEMA detention camps.
No the destruction of liberal America which is not American at all. We are going to free the slaves to welfare and inept public schools.
Big Island or Big House?
I apologize for the error. Who knew that you were such a model con that the state dumped you in minimum-security Kulani? That’s Hawaiian for target of lava flows, isn’t it?
RUFUS, just like a republiCON to confuse the facts. If the will of the people was all that mattered, Al Gore would have been elected in 2000 by over 540,000 votes. Everyone would have forgotten about GWB year ago and this great country would not be in the shit hole it is in now. Damn, these ‘Kevins’ just can’t get any facts straight.
Actually “Air America” has said thing even more outrageous and (of course) it never seemed to bother Goldy.
“Network yacker Randi Rhodes played the following “humorous” radio drop during her afternoon drive show:
A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here’s your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked].
Rhodes then giggled when the spot finished playing. Upon hearing a transcript, White House spokesman Scott McClellan reportedly called the incident “very inappropriate and over the line.”
RUFUS: ” The people voted for this in 04 …”
They did no such thing. Diebold thwarted the will of the people, and delivered their sordid results to BushCo. The arrogant bastards promised to do this.
C’mon, get it right. It’s “pile it higher and deeper.” (You also need to figger out how to use the end parenthesis. —>)
BTW, I don’t have a Ph. D. I’ve got a different kind of doctorate (i.e. different initials) — betcha didn’t know that was possible, eh?
Stop with the drugs already.
Yes, sure DOOFUS. I hope you never go into treatment or therapy like your hero Limbaugh. You’re a lot funnier this way if a little annoying.
Old news, jaybo. Why don’t you talk about Mike Malloy’s rant against Coulter last night instead?
Kevin Carns @198
“I want the donks to filibuster. I don’t think they have enough to stop it at 60. We can shut down a filibuster without the nuclear option. Comment by RUFUS— 1/27/06 @ 9:38 pm”
You are an idiot! To stop a filibuster, the Republicans need 60 votes, not the Democrats! Since the Republicans don’t have 60 senators, where are you gonna get your 60 votes, Doofus?
Kevin Carns @205
Can you cite the page in Atlas Shrugged where Rand says her philosophy applies only when the tax rate hits 40%?
“Rabbit, Three day on bread and water in the brig might have helped your sour attitude toward officers.”
Have to catch me first! Send me decent officers and I won’t rip their balls out.
Kevin — you’d have a sour attitude too, if someone picked you up by your ears.
All three.
“Rhodes then giggled when the spot finished playing. Upon hearing a transcript, White House spokesman Scott McClellan reportedly called the incident ‘very inappropriate and over the line.'”
No dispute here about Rhodes’ skit, I heard it myself on AM 1090. I agree it was “inappropriate and over the line.” So is Coulter’s comment. But what do you think the chances are McClellan will say Coulter’s comment was “inappropriate and over the line?” Mr. McClellan’s sense of propriety is highly selection and highly partisan — he’s merely another sickening wingnut hypocrite. Fuck him, and fuck you! And before I forget, fuck your armadillo, too!
“The people voted for this.” Right, so now we’ll have another perjurer on the Supreme Court who, along with Clarence Thomas flat lied about their intentions re Roe v. Wade. You know why they both lied? Because the American people don’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned.
If we had really voted for this, RUFUS, they would be willing to say what they so obviously believe. Just like Shrub saying he’d be a uniter not a divider then running an incredibly far-right administration that rejects all sensible compromise and plays to the most extreme elements of its base.
And shame on centrist Dems for not calling these people on their obvious bullshit. Kerry should have called Tipsy McStaggers out as the liar he is.
Oh, and JCH, just so you know, I’ve had more pussy in my life than you have had hot breakfasts (I do have lots of gay and lesbian friends, though – and I’d happily kick your sorry ass on general principles if you ever had the misfortune to say the shit to my face that you spew on this blog).
Do us all a favor, haole, and kill yourself (a joke, Coulter style).
Why talk about it?
Because Goldy is either forgotten or purposely trying to mislead you into thinking that this same type of thing (or worse) comes from the radical left as well.
Goldy said the following.
“I imagine if I were to post a similar joke about, say… President Bush, I’d have the Secret Service kicking down my door. But whenever Coulter quips about killing liberals, we’re supposed to think she’s just being cute.”
“Why talk about it?
Because Goldy is either forgotten or purposely trying to mislead you into thinking that this same type of thing (or worse) comes from the radical left as well.”
First off, “radical” left is a misnomer, since these people aren’t communists, Marxists, etc. (The real “radical” left is comprised, ironically enough, of “realists” like Noam Chomsky.)
Secondly, Coulter has made a career of spewing this type of ill-informed, hate- and violence filled drivel. It’s not much of an argument to compare one piece Randi Rhodes aired — once — with the endless stream of incendiary invective coming out of “Ms.” Coulter.
Most of us are well aware of what the two of them have said, and, if there’s a comparison to be made in egregiousness, Coulter would win, hands down.
Well, folks…I do believe the long-running Ann Coulter joke has finally, conclusively, irrevocably, exhaustively, officially and redundantly run into the ground.
Anything else I could possibly think up to say has already been posted in this thread at least a half dozen times.
Speaking of Scotch, it’s going to take a generous dose tonight before I go to bed to make sure some of the imagery some of you indulged in doesn’t elicit nightmares.
Wow, that Coulter could generate 234 comments (235 counting mine)is absolutely amazing.
What a world… what a world…