The US Senate has confirmed Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
Now I don’t know if Justice Alito actually likes creme brulee, but if he does, we need somebody to put rat poisoning in it.
Of course… I’m only joking.
by Goldy — ,
The US Senate has confirmed Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.
Now I don’t know if Justice Alito actually likes creme brulee, but if he does, we need somebody to put rat poisoning in it.
Of course… I’m only joking.
Here’s the way to watch the State of the Union tonight:
So which is more insignifacnt?
Liberals vote in America?
Goldy calling in and trying to argue with Tim Eyman?
I am happy to see that bot of those opinions are being recognized as a giant waste of time these days.
momus: Too transparent. You were doin’ better yesterday.
You have to sell it!
Do you think there is any connection between the “poison him” line and the fact that Alito is now a on the supreme court?
Maybe if dems came up with better arguments, they might win a few arguments. First it was the CAP affiliation, made by a dues-paying member of male-only organization. Then it became the unitary presidency, which no one had heard of before, and is a little to obscure to make sense to the majority of Americans (or the majority of senators).
If this is the best you have, the next couple of years will be fun.
I like the fact that Teddy Boy and John Kerry did not even have enough pull in their own party to sell the filibuster.
Donks, you need to recognize that Seattle is your little area of heaven. The rest of the Country thinks you are just a diisorganized, well intentioned (yet in the way) bunch of fools.
On a seperate note, Coretta Scott King passed away last night. Even the most hardened donk should say a prayer for her.
I have another question.
As tonight is your drinking liberally night, do you donks have to hire a republican to go to the bar in order to be served?
After all, if your voice is ignored in this country, even the bartender is not going to listen to your whining ass.
janet: Don’t fool yourself (well you will anyways, but one can dream…) Alito went through because the republicans have a simple majority, and the dems aren’t willing to risk hosing our system to challenge it.
It had nothing to do with his skills (good they may be), and everything to do with his politics.
Windie – this is meant in the nicest way – so what?
I don’t recall anyone griping about how Ginsberg was going to shift the court to the left. Everyone knew well what her politics were, and yet we were spared this drama.
Govt is politics. Just like you can’t get money out of the process, you can’t get politics out of it either.
Keep telling yourself that Windie….
It had to plenty to do with the fact that that bloated has-been Kennedy was blathering away and shouting and drooling, and well, conducting himself as the shameless pig that he is.
As well as that his Robin (to Kennedy’s Batman), was Johnny Boy Kerry, another feminized Punk that married a man ina dress.
janet: I know such things don’t matter to you at all, but its wrong.
Believe it or not, people are capable of acknowledging how messed up our government is, but still wish it could be what its supposed to be.
Your (and Bush’s) “Well we’re in charge now, so to hell with you and to fuck the good of the country” attitude is gonna do the US serious harm in the future… And you’d better hope you get the 1-party rule you’re aiming for with all your might, or it’ll come back and bite you in the ass.
ahh momus, always on target… never straying.
You can’t fool anyone tho’, its pretty clear why you’re here and what you’re trying to do, so your credibility is shot. Show some willingness to debate in good faith, and maybe your posts will have some actual impact.
Oh no, you are absolutely right.
Debating would mean that I would value any input you insignificant donks would have to offer.
The real question at hand is, know that the Republicans have taken control of the, legislative, Execuitve AND Judicial Branches of the Governmnet, what is next on the chopping block?
Hmmm…. Queen Christine was only able to steal this past election by something like 100 votes. If we can take Seattle (Beirut) you may loose the entire country.
Windie- everything has bias. I don’t want a supreme court justice who has is exempt from this. This is the same argument about money in politics. It just feels wrong, so it must be wrong. Sorry, but it is how the world works.
I know you will think this sounds naive, and it is contrary to the bush-derangement-syndrome, but the right actually has valid arguments other than meglomania. I can defend bush’s ideas without being a fascist, and I can think that bush is a reasonable human being who actually has as his greatest desire the best for the country.
That’s why arguments are so fruitless with those on the left. You view yourselves as correct, and everyone else as fanatic. Your beliefs are mainstream, regardless of whether anyone else in the country agrees with you. Hard to argue with heartfelt emotion.
on a more positive note, I’ve been reading all over about the alito vote… and its actually pretty cool. Yeah its sad that the scumbag/crony crowd got another one in, but the people had a voice. We, the grassroots, got our legislators to respond to do us and go against a certain amount of tradition… To take a risk to do what was right. Thats a good feeling.
Of course, that brings us around to the basic flaw of the confirmation process. Even with someone like Scalia, there was an assumption of good faith from the congress to the President. A dem. majority overwhelmingly voted for Scalia because even tho’ they thought he was a partian a-hole, they believed that he’d been submitted as a good Judge. Bush has shown that that doesn’t matter the least to him (just look at the previous attempt)… So those senators with balls were good to stand up to him.
Oh Bullshit Windie.
There was a rallying cry because the liberal faction was screaming their heads off and it’s an election year.
Donk candidates did not want to cross the party line and say, “Fat bloated teddy (Fredo Corleone?), sit down and shut up.”
Ultimately, the special interest groups would not have paid money for re-election on Donks who did not go along like sheep.
Janet@13: We’re actually having a discussion, and I thank you for that.
That being said, I think you’re deeply mistaken. The post I was writing as you finished yours comes to this point to some degree, but I think its worth going over again.
The harriet Meyers (sp? too lazy to look it up) nomination is the key example here. By almost universal accord, she wasnt’ qualified. Bush nominated her anyways because she was a loyal crony who would support what he wanted. Thats where he went wrong, and where we had to seriously start questioning the traditional way to do it…
The right does have valid arguments… or it can. The problem is that their arguments have been hijacked (imnsho) and are being used to promote unconservative policy. Its sad, alot of people who should hate whats going on go along with it because they’re already committed… and we’re at war… and they’re scared… or whatever. People, naturally, don’t like to change their loyalties. And the people behind Bush are smart enough to exploit the hell out of it.
I have nothing against true conservatives beyond their loyalty to people who will gladly use them as tools and dupes.
Well, don’t say people didn’t say it wouldn’t happen. It has. The Supreme Court is shifting further right just like Bush promised. Why should anyone be surprised. Democrats and Independents be warned. This might not be the last Supreme Court Justice Bush will appoint. Time to get out and change the composition of the Senate. And time to put a check on the House by getting rid of some Republicans.
“All it takes for the forces of evil to win is for enough good people to do nothing.” Thomas Burke
Uh oh, now momus is mad that Politicians are actually responsive to the people!
I know its not the Republican way Momus, but last I checked it was the American Way.
No, I think your just incredibly naive for think the politicians give a shit to public opinion.
If you are a lobbyist cutting a fat check, yes. An ordinary citizen? Give me a break……
Put down the bong sweetheart
In Momus’ world, the Party leadership should decide everything, and everyone else should just shut up and know their role.
poor momus. Just because you’re corrupt, you think everyone else has to be.
anyways, like I said… Not all politicians are like the Republican party, nor is it required.
momus @ 2
“So which is more insignifacnt?”
None of the above. The correct answer is “Momus’ opinion.”
By the way, Momus, do they pay you by the post? Or is it by the word? I mean, if it is by the post, that would sure help explain the low content value….
dj: I think its by the post, otherwise we’d see more cut’n’paste crap. Momus is more into the spam.
Your voice in this country is getting weaker and weaker.
Why? Because people are sick and tired of left wing bullshit and want changes.
“”Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.”
– H. G. Wells
Momus @ 24
“Steve, Your voice in this country is getting weaker and weaker.”
Yeah…right. See post 22 regarding “Momus’ opinion.”
Ironic statement of the day
You were so close to the truth Janet. You just got one word wrong.
Scratch “left” and substitute “right” and you have a true statement.
DJ @ 25….
See who controls this country.
“Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.”
– Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower
another classic momus line: Basicly @27 he’s saying, ‘well we’re in power, so to hell with you, and to hell with whats right’.
Yup, Republican moral values in action.
ps: I’m not sure even cheating can save you guys anyways. You couldn’t keep all the screwups under wraps ’till after the election (not for lack of trying), and now… Well we’ll see in November I guess. I’m still lookin’ for a march 2007 impeachment
Basically, I am saying, that dons have complained so much, people have stopped listening.
Kind of like the freakshow protestors you see down at westlake ceneter.
“The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don’t have it.”
– George Bernard Shaw
BTW, dons = Donks in #30
At least Bush will be able to claim victory for something in the State of The Union speech tonight.
Let’s look back at past speeches:
2001 – thank you for installing me, I have no idea what I am doing
2002 – 9/11
2003 – WMD in Iraq, Hydrogen Cars
2004 – Man on Mars, computerizing health records, prescription drug giveaway to big pharma
2005 – Mandate, Privatize Social Security
2006 – Alito, rising health care costs (14 years too late, and several large automobile companies on the brink)
-Kind of like the freakshow protestors you see down at westlake ceneter.-
momus: watch that “freak show” spell the end of the McGavick campaign six months from now.
nono, its just the Republican leadership and their paid cronies that aren’t listening. The alito vote is proof that our representatives are listening to us… Well some of them anyways.
I know the way they do it on the right is the only thing you know, but maybe you should expand your horizons some… it doesn’t have to be that way!
We all know momus is a paid troll….
I think his actual and specific job is to try to discourage lefties from taking part in the political process. His masters know that the one thing they can’t afford is an active, informed electorate.
Until we recreate the ENTIRE government, that’s the way it is.
Try calling patty Murray for soemthing and see how quickly you get blown off.
Even better, call your city council member and try and talk to them, you’ll be ignored.
Liberal redneck… you pathetic fool
Try and keep up, you’ve lost the entire country and your talk about Maria Cantwell.
“Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn.”
– Arnold Schwarzenegger
notice momus’ skill at what he does: He manages to get digs in on both Murray and Cantwell in 2 consecutive posts. This kind of demagoguery can’t come cheap.
I have noticed that the vocal donks are not here today, Where is the Bunny Fucker, GBS, belletowner, etc…
i guess it’s tough to type while you are licking your wounds.
FYI, On Cantwell…. her not supporting the filibuster has to be killing you fringe freaks.
I mean come on, your party is like a bunch of hippies, on LSD, trying to organize who needs to pick up a ringing phone.
Oh, I forgot, and Kennedy woud be the Scotch Drunk Uncle yelling at them and calling them idiots, while they try and make a decision.
Meanwhile, Kerry is the sleazy middle aged neighbor trying to nail the High School Cheerleader.
Freedom Day Tuesday January 31, 2006.
Does this mean we get to have Christmas back?
Momus at everywhere
History, of course, evidences an unyielding march to the left. While we experience periodic hiccups in this march, such as the present era when we witness fundamentalist regressive tendencies like the Taliban in Afghanistan and evangelical Republicans in the American red states, hiccups always pass. Once Bush and his pie-eyed punies finish bringing this nation to its knees, we will once again, invariably and indubitably, see an expansion of civil liberties, a cultural flowering, and sustainable economic growth. These periods when pouty children raised on fairy tales govern are necessarily followed by eras in which the adults take over again. I have always found the conservatives’ notion that they are the productive, responsible members of society most amusing, almost charming in its naivete. In fact, if conservative ideology had triumphed throughout the ages, humankind would still be living in caves. Liberalism is the product of the freethinkers, the open-minded, and the initiators; liberalism is the force that pushed nomadic clans of bug-eaters into cohesive communities of people who, working together, are responsible for literature, music, science, ethics, and all of those pursuits which make life worth living. Conservatives are responsible for selfishness, anti-intellectualism, and war. Conservative thinking reflects self-congratulation that is best addressed through prescription pharmaceuticals. Oh, and by the way, liberal girls fuck way better than conservative ones. Keep up your pompous notion that you guys are in charge. History just ain’t likely to prove you right.
Loosley interpreted.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…….
Oh, and BTW, “Oh, and by the way, liberal girls fuck way better than conservative ones. ”
Idiot, your Mom & Sister were not that good. I don’t even think it was worth the $20 and can of soup, I threw them.
momus: Damn he totally trashed you, and with the adhom at the end, you basicly admitted it.
I thought you were GOOD at this internet thing.
another good rightie troll tactic: If someone posts something noble, immediately go to the lowest common denominator. See if you can insult them into joining you.
People like momus fear nobility and truth.
Less Democrats voted for Alito than Clarence Thomas (4 for Alito, 11 for Thomas). Do you guys really think Alito is more of an idealogue than Thomas?
I heard someone on the radio claim that the rumor around SCOTUS was Stevens said that he was appointed by a Republican so he’d want his successor to be appointed by one.
I find this highly unlikely, but if true, that has to give Dems the willies. A Bush appointee replacing Stevens (or Breyer, Ginsburg or Souter) would actually tip the Supreme Court to the conservative side. Unlike this appointment which just leans the Court more to the right.
Somebody oughta poison Alito
by Goldy, 01/31/2006, 9:12 AM
[Somebody oughta kill Mary Jo with an Oldsmobile. Oh, somebody did already? Never mind!]
“Liberalism is the product of the freethinkers, the open-minded” [Proud Leftist]……….ER, PL, Liberalism is Marxism Lite. Your “free thinkers” are all socialists, communisms, and “victims” who all need “guvment” to “redistribute” other’s wealth so they can “gets the check”. Loooooooosers, all!!]
Comment by windie— 1/31/06 @ 11:42 am
“another good rightie troll tactic: If someone posts something noble, immediately go to the lowest common denominator. See if you can insult them into joining you.”
Do you really believe this behavior is monopolized by right wing “trolls”? I see plenty of left wingers here engage in the “attacking the poster and not the post” behavior, as well.
Momus, Thank you and good morning from Hawaii!! Best regards, JCH
thanks for making it clear you support the racist pig momus. Also noted that you think a tragic death is funny.
A tragic death?
Are you kidding me, this sumbag killed that girl, don’t you DARE try and make it sound like this was anything less than another Murder that the Kenneddy clan bought themsleves out of.
“Oh, and by the way, liberal girls fuck way better than conservative ones. †[Liberal girls enjoy the “Tookie anal love” that only AIDS infected Democrats from Detroit and Harare, Zimbabwe can give!!]
c1st: We have a few… but seriously, that one was such a classic example, I couldn’t let it pass.
I’ve gotten along with you well conservativefirst, but you have to understand that with these professional (ala carns) trolls, they WANT TO DESTROY ANY EXCHANGE OF IDEAS. They need to be revealed and expunged.
Momus @ 27
“See who controls this country.”
Ummm…yes, who does run the country? It seems that the Republicans, controlling the legislative and executive branches aren’t really getting much done! (“How ’bout that Social Security reform?”)
In any case, the situation will certainly not last (as the polls point out). We have elections to weed out corruption and incompetence.
“Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.”
– Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower
More idiotic Momus logic. Chess is about a single battle. Politics is about the kingdom.
But, your apparently-Republican philosophy of politics sure explains a lot: Massive growth of national debt (like there is no tomorrow), lack of concern for civil rights, a president who is obsessed with executive power and who lacks interest in the Constitution….
(Not to mention lots of slaughtered pawns for an impreceptable advantage.)
Yep…it’s all about the battle for you morons.
Hey…seriously, Momus, how much do they pay you? Just curious.
Also noted that you think a tragic death is funny.
Comment by windie — 1/31/06 @ 11:50 am [Windie, Dick Head Democrat, The tragady is that Teddy “Captain Oldsmobile” Kennedy got away with murder, and the dumb ass liberal Marxist MASS voters keep returning this POS to the US Senate. Too bad that wasn’t your wife or daughter in the car with Teddy. Then maybe your stupid brain might cop a clue.]
Yeah… He drunk-drove off a bride in purpose. Smart idea there, Momus. Your manufactured anger doesn’t impress me, and neither does your talking-points kennedy bashing.
Seriously, if he wanted to just kill her, he should have pulled a Laura Bush and just run a stop sign.
you guys are so funny… never off topic, no matter what!
but you’re not fooling anyone anymore.
DJ, You are just a kool aid drinking Democrat idiot. Nothing more or less.
re@59 “Off a bridge” stupid typos
Save the chicken little, sky is falling Bullshit for someone else.
As to the chess match, we have a full board and you are left a pawn and a king.
Check, match in 3….
care to quit now and save you the pain of the loss?
Windie, As far as I know, Laura Bush has never run for public office. Am I wrong?
So you’re saying that makes it okay to Ram someones Car? Just asking.
Windie @ 59,
Don’t try and mak teddy boys miserable life by just teh Chappaquidick debacle.
His entire life, he’s been an embarrassment and yesterday was his finest hour.
He is done, kaput, finished.
Oh and so is kerry, they gambled and lost.
re@59 “Off a bridge†stupid typos
Comment by windie — 1/31/06 @ 11:58 am [No, stupid Windie. BTW, going after Momus could be a “hate crime”. Are you a racist??]
JCH @ 61
“DJ, You are just a kool aid drinking Democrat idiot. Nothing more or less.”
Ummm…no, I am not a Democrat. I’ve made that clear many times in the past.
Are you suffering from Alzheimers, JCH? Or has the syphilis gotten to your brain. [Given your unintelligible rants, seems the latter. He he he].
A tragic death?
Are you kidding me, this sumbag killed that girl, don’t you DARE try and make it sound like this was anything less than another Murder that the Kenneddy clan bought themsleves out of.
Comment by momus — 1/31/06 @ 11:51 am {well said, Momus. Note that all liberal Democrats will try to chance the subject away from Captain “Oldsmobile” Teddy because “All animals are equal, but Democrat Kennedys who kill with Oldsmobiles are just a little more equal than others”.
momus: well, now we know how you ‘feel’ about it. Thanks for ‘Don’t try and mak teddy boys miserable life by just teh Chappaquidick debacle.’ (sic) Its funny ’cause thats just what you were doing above… I guess its not that important then.
Of course, the joy of making you look bad aside, its not really about your obsession with Kennedy. Its about the fact that Alito is a partisan hack who was appointed for purely selfish reasons on Bush’s part… And its also about the fact that as much as you hate it, alot of our representatives listened to us on this issue.
That idea terrifies and disgusts you I know, but maybe you should try it out sometime… Government doesn’t HAVE to be what Bush & Rove have turned it into.
In response to DJ’s post, I have a joke.
“Ummm…no, I am not a Democrat. I’ve made that clear many times in the past.”
What do you call an independant vote?
Ans….. One of the reason why Republicans keep winning elections.
dj; remember that the righties are party-obsessed. If you’re on the right you HAVE to be a Republican, so if you’re on the left you HAVE to be a democrat.
Its actually funny, ’cause I think alot of the lefties on here aren’t democrats. But the trolls will never get it.
Momus @ 63
“Save the chicken little, sky is falling Bullshit for someone
Hmmm…chicken little stuff. You mean like “Al Qaeda is coming, Al Qaeda is coming?” Man…you Wingnuts are the biggest bunch of frightened pussies I’ve ever seen. “Go ahead…take my liberties…just protect me from them scary Arabs!”
“As to the chess match, we have a full board and you are left a pawn and a king.”
Unfortunately, you only have two seconds left on your clock…
“care to quit now and save you the pain of the loss?”
I decline your draw offer….oops, only one second left on your clock.
Bye, bye.
here is my obsession with Alito.
I am sick and tired of America being widdled away by the left.
Ten Commandements, prayer in school, saying Christmas in public, etc……
Alito is one of the people (just wait till Justice Stevens goes away) who is going to sit you liberals on your ass and say, “SHUT UP”
Hmmm…chicken little stuff. You mean like “Al Qaeda is coming, Al Qaeda is coming?†Man…you Wingnuts are the biggest bunch of frightened pussies I’ve ever seen. “Go ahead…take my liberties…just protect me from them scary Arabs!†[DJ]…..[Too bad the towel head terrorists didn’t take out the NY Times Building or the DNC Building. Then you libs would be screaming, bitching, and howling for Bush to do every more!]
@74 (with apologies to roger rabbit for ridin’ his style)
you CAN be funny! Seriously, thanks for the laugh.
whups broke the scrolling :p
DJ at 75…
The clock expired 30 seconds ago and we still hold the majority position in this country.
Maybe you were playing checkers while I played Chess?
“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”
– Will Durant
momus @ 74
“Alito is one of the people (just wait till Justice Stevens goes away) who is going to sit you liberals on your ass and say, “SHUT UP””
Naaa…the next president, using her “unlimited executive power during times of war” (a.k.a. The Bush Doctrine), will simply disolve the Supreme Court, and then make her friends and family the next Justices.
I mean…she can do that, right?
@ 79
And, cars will be free, mimumum wage will be a 6 figure income and you’ll go back and time and WIN that fight with the neighborhhod Bully.
Good luck with those fantasies.
not gonna explain it, but you totally missed the chess clock metaphor momus… I guess it shouldn’t surprise me.
Look it up :p
Momus @ 78
“The clock expired 30 seconds ago and we still hold the majority position in this country.”
What the fuck???
“Maybe you were playing checkers while I played Chess?”
Ummmm…my original point is that using chess as an analogy for politics is deeply flawed–politics ain’t a single battle to defeat your opponent at all costs.
But it is a complete disaster when you are a weak chess player to begin with.
So, how ’bout it, Momus, how much do you get paid? And is it by the hour, by the post, or what?
@ 82
It’s actually for sexual favors.
as to the chess clock metaphor, yes, I got it, my point is that the clock expired and you lost
Momus @ 83
“It’s actually for sexual favors.”
Ahhh…as I thought.
Jim West is behind this (ahem…so to speak).
liar. Your post makes it clear that you had no idea what the Hell dj was talking about. In terms of the metaphor, it was gibberish.
Altho, I’m curious too, is this lucrative momus? Enquiring minds want to know!
@85 which explains why he was so obsessed with sodomy in that other thread… he was anticipating his ‘paycheck’
As you are the contractor……
Windie @ 87
“which explains why he was so obsessed with sodomy in that other thread…”
Yep…I’m sure Momus doing his part and contributing to the Santorum fund….
And speaking of getting bent over and sosomized, let’s get back to that Alito subject, Donks.
Momus @ 90
“And speaking of getting bent over and sosomized, let’s get back to that Alito subject….”
What. Are you saying that Alito makes regular deposits into the Santorum fund, too? Or, are you claiming to be one of Alito’s “subjects?” Shit…you sure get around!
I’m thinking a better example would be Alito tagging Teddy Boy, while John kerry tosses a salad
Re-janet @ 4
Maybe if you had a dick you’d be a man.
Hey Janet,
Now that Alito is in, have you signed your uterus over to any particular male citizen? If not, do so quickly.
Don’t be like Maria Cantwell, whose Uterus was claimed by that ultra-manly heterosexual patroit, J.C. Christian.
If this is the game, I would like Goldy’s uterus,
Re: “CheckMate”
-Bush Approval down to 39%
-Tom DeLay out of as Majority Leader position and under indictment.
-Abramoff Scandal
-Libby out of WH, under indictment.
-Social Security “reform” dead on arrival.
-Senate Majority Leader Frist under investigation
-Several GOP Congressman under invesigation
-Bush forced to use a recess appointments several times
-Bush can’t do any public speeches unless the crowded is carefully screened.
-Public turning against Iraq Occupation
-Public against warrantless Domestic Spying
We’ll check the “board” again on 11/8/2006
“If this is the game, I would like Goldy’s uterus,”
oh boy…Momus, you are one confused motherfucker.
Skip ninth grade biology, did you?
Tomorrow we attack……
Janet S @ 8
For some reason no one here posts the really significant difference between Justice Alito and Justice Ginsberg:
Bill Clinton met with Republican Senators and worked out a candidate with them that everyone could support.
Bush spit at the Senate and dared the Democrats to try to derail it.
Kind of a different approach, wouldn’t you say?
@ 97
As I am convinced Goldy is a woman……
Rujax – Why are you picking on me? I left for a couple of hours and the thread dissolved into nonsense. If you have a cogent argument, make it. Otherwise, the anatomical lesson is really off topic.
The chess board?
Looks good…after all that ultra-liberal rag the Wall Street Journal (PDF) tells us the following:
when you actually DESCRIBE what the Bush administration is doing, the American public roundly opposes it (it takes a blogger to find out what NBC and Hardball can’t):
Do you think that the Bush administration should conduct wiretaps of American citizens who are suspected of having ties to terrorists without a court order, or do you think that the Bush administration should be required to get a court order before conducting these wiretaps?
Should be able to wiretap without court order ……………………. 41
Should be required to get a court order before wiretapping …. 53
Depends (VOL)…………………………………………………. 4
Not sure……………………………………………………… 2
Let’s just clarify this point. Only 41% of the American people think it’s okay for Bush to spy without a search warrant on American citizens who are SUSPECTED OF HAVING TIES TO AL QAEDA. That’s an unbelievable low figure considering how the question is framed. Too bad Russert and Chris Matthews missed the most obvious question in the entire poll.
How concerned are you that the Bush administration’s use of these kinds of wiretaps could be misused to violate people’s privacy–extremely concerned, quite concerned, not really concerned, or not concerned at all?
Extremely concerned ……………………… 31
Quite concerned …………………………….. 25
Not really concerned………………………. 22
Not concerned at all……………………….. 21
Not sure………………………………………… 1
Bush approval: 39%
Country on the wrong track: 57%
Prefer Democrat-controlled Congress: 47%
Prefer Republican-controlled Congress: 38%
Top priority over the next year: Bring most of the troops home from Iraq
Top view of the Bush administration: “misguided and harmful agenda” 39%
What role would you like to see Dems play in Congress:
– work in a bipartisan way to pass Bush’s legislative priorities: 34%
– provide a balance so Bush and Republicans don’t go too far: 58%
As I recall, Bush has made multiple attempts at conciliation with the dems. Every time he has been stabbed in the back. Remember movies with the Kennedy’s? If the dems were sincere about sitting down and talking, then I would support the effort.
As it is, Reid is beholden to moveon and soros, and can’t take a step in that direction. Dean is draining the bank and the party needs the donations that these left wing groups promise, if they are obeyed.
Still haven’t heard comments on the fact that Reid wrote a letter in support of a tribe, on direction of Abramoff, and received a $5,000 donation two weeks later. It will be interesting to see if he survives.
Sorry–the previous was thanks to Americablog (
@ 102.
In other words, Fantasy -vs- Reality
Thanks for sharing Marry Poppins
We gotta start winning elections, folks. That’s what’s gonna count. Alito dosen’t get confirmed with a Democratic majority in the Senate.
Alito dosen’t even get nominated.
We gotta win elections and we gotta start holding the folks with the “D”‘s after their name acccountable. They’ll have to be accountable because WE put them there.
The shitwingers took FORTY YEARS and built them a political empire based on lies, fear and corruption and we’re not gonna rebuild overnight.
We’re not going to have the financial death grip the shitwingers have…I think there are nineteen currently under indictment…but we’ve got to get going.
Nineteen under indictment and COUNTING…my bad.
“”Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.”
– H. G. Wells
For some reason this make me INSTANTLY think of Sean Hannity.
The ball is just getting rolling, you guys are finished.
Momus @ 98
Tomorrow we attack…… “
Yeah…whatever. Take your meds…and let you sister use the computer for awhile.
Momus @ 100
“As I am convinced Goldy is a woman……”
Please…leave us out of your fantisies!
Janet S @ 103
“As I recall, Bush has made multiple attempts at conciliation with the dems. Every time he has been stabbed in the back.”
Ummmm…perhaps he thinks he was stabbed in the back. Compare to Clinton, who engaged in truly bipartisan efforts AND got stabbed in the back.
This highlights two of the differences between Bush and Clinton. Bush is mentally incapable of negociating a bipartisan solution to anything (he has a hard enough time getting all the Republicans on board—hence he has been utterly ineffective unless he acts unilaterally using executive power). And, Bush is petty and seeks petty revenge; Clinton rose above the pettiness.
I am sure Shrub makes his mother proud…everyone else (whether they admit it or not) is at least a little embarassed by Bush.
Momus @ 105
“Thanks for sharing Marry Poppins”
I hope you fucking wingnuts use condoms when you share like that.
“everyone else (whether they admit it or not) is at least a little embarassed by Bush.”
Again, if I may translate.
Once again the person we keep referring to as a thief, idiot, criminal, etc… has beaten us into submission.
Have you ever considered that the democratic philosophy of being a Surrender Monkey, might just be wrong?
momus @ 14
“Once again the person we keep referring to as a thief, idiot, criminal, etc… has beaten us into submission.”
Hardly. I think it is fair to say that Democrats and left-leaning independents have been building momentum in a big way. Have you looked at Shrub’s approval ratings lately?
Here, let me help…
Can you say, “lame duck?”
It looks like Bush’s only solution is to suspend the rest of the Constitution….
hey, any of you think bush will go thru with it? Its the only way to save his ‘legacy’ now…
Whether you like to admit it, the man has an agenda, has goals and is getting what he wants to done.
Talk to me after the State of the Union Address about approval ratings.
Americans love a fight and teh ass kicking you donls just took makes the Republicans look that much stronger
I’m sure we’ll all be glad to talk to youy about approval ratings after the SOTU.
His approval ratings in March, I mean.
Let me just ask you this straight, since your comments suggest this:
Do you favor a one-party system?
momus @ 117
“Whether you like to admit it, the man has an agenda, has goals and is getting what he wants to done.”
Ummmm…yeah…right. Even with a GOP controlled Congress, Bush has gotten very little of his agenda accomplished (except, of course, finding all of those WMD in Iraq). Instead, he has committed one blunder after another, only to overreact the next time around.
“Talk to me after the State of the Union Address about approval ratings.”
His approval ratings will experience a transient rise of fewer than 5 percent and then drop back down again. I showed you his approval rating over all 5 years from numerous major polls. You are an idiot if you think the SOTU address is going to change the trend.
“Americans love a fight and teh ass kicking you donls just took makes the Republicans look that much stronger “
Umm…let’s see you think the Democrats got their asses kicked because a Republican President was able to get a conservative Justice appointed to the SCOTUS after confirmation by a Republican controlled Senate?????
Man, you wingnuts sure have low expectations for yourselves!!!!!
Janet S @ 104
The fact that Reid wrote a letter in support of a tribe, on direction of Abramoff, and received a $5,000 donation two weeks later.
You should correctly separate what is fact in your assertion from what is not. Harry Reid wrote a letter to Gale Norton: fact. Saids letter was written at Abramoff’s direction: NOT fact. Harry Reid received campaign contribution later from a tribe for whom Jack Abramoff was an agent: fact. Said contribution was made at Abramoff’s direction: NOT fact.
Besides, Janet, you seem to be missing the whole POINT about how the Abramoff bribes worked. For every person who was bribed, it worked the same way: You give your guy some money, and THEN he does your dirty work. Every time. Even the Congressmen stupid anough to let Abramoff bribe them STILL weren’t so stupid that they’d do it on spec.
yes, my party.
I would prefer that your party be bound, gagged, thrown into a sack and then tossed in a river.
Likje Goldy, just kidding
I’m not joking around, just give me a straight answer, yes or no: Do you favor a one-party system?
I don’t give a shit if you are joking around you arrogant, partisan hack.
Nor am I going to play your silly, answer my questiuon, so I can now say my canned response game.
General comment re: the Alito nomination.
Kind of a tough thing to do, to defeat a sitting president’s nominee. The Republicans learned that in the 90s. Why should we get upset that we got “only” 25 Democrats to support a filibuster. That’s a defeat only in teh narrow technical sense.
From So we only got 25 Senators to vote for a filibuster of a Supreme Court nominee who, if defeated, would be replaced by someone just as bad by a president in the pocket of his radical right wing. Well.
Do you know how many votes the Republicans managed to get when uber wingnut Antonin Scalia was confirmed? 98. And Democrats had a majority. We didn’t have to even think about a filibuster. We couldn’t defeat Clarence Thomas and we had a majority, a huge push from women’s groups and a very dramatic set of hearings that went into the wee hours of the morning.
In 2002, Dianne Feinstein, Bayh, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Kerry and Reid all epressed grave doubts about the authorization of the use of force, but they voted for it anyway.
THIS time, they all voted the other way. Left instead of right. tide is shifting. It’s safe to be against Chimpie. We’re winning.
Re: the poll in the WSJ: Yes, those are the facts, Jack. Your boy can’t pass a turd in this town any more.
momus @ 124
“I don’t give a shit if you are joking around you arrogant, partisan hack.”
OOoohhhh…testy, testy! Is mommy telling you to get off the computer?
Don’t diss Dr. E, fuckface…ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!
BushCo wants a fucking dictatorship (JANET!!!).
They lie, cheat, steal, stab THEIR OWN (and EVERYBODY else)in the back after they make a deal (see John McCain, Ted Kennedy).
So where do these pirates support democratic exchange…republican ideals (SMALL d’s and r’s if you asshats even KNOW what that means).
Go ahead.
This oughta be good.
DR. E,
Who cares?
Did you block Alito?
that’s a fact, shitbird
RUJAX @ 128
Umm… Fuck off
@ 130
Umm… Fuck off
momus, momus, momus…we are so disappointed in you. I mean, we though you would actually be able to launch some sort of challenging defense of the wingnuts.
And, now you resort to sitting in the corner and pouting and refusing to answer questions????
(Can you at least tell us whether they pay you minimum wage?)
Why would I need to defend the Majority in America?
the answer is: Momus doesn’t actually care about politics at all. Money for Blog posts from the Seattle Library is the only thing that keeps him off the street.
DJ, here’s a question for you….
Why is the democratic party unraveling?
Windie, do you really want to start up with me again?
Give it up you Jerk…
You’re a fucking fascist.
You and your incompetent “Fearless Leader”.
Ther’s no “democracy” with you…no “republic”.
Bush is just a little “pocket dictator”.
And YOU are a foolish tool.
momus @ 132
“Why would I need to defend the Majority in America?”
And what majority would that be?
Republicans? (sorry, not a majority)
People who voted for Bush? (you can TRY!)
People who say they would vote for Bush today (sorry, not a majority.)
People who think Bush is doing a good job (sorry, not a majority).
People who think Bush is doing a good job on national security (sorry, not a majority)
People who think the economy is in good shape (Sorry, not a majority)
People who think our country is headed in the correct direction (sorry, not a majority).
People who think Republicans are not corrupt (sorry, not a majority).
People who think grass is green? (There you go! Go for it!)
Momus @ 134
“DJ, here’s a question for you….”
Why ask me? I’m not a Democrat.
RUJAX @ 136,
I’ve already said that as well as made reference to what I want done with your party….
@ 139…
oh that’s right, uoi are one of those isiots who voted for Nader in 2000?
Nice job on that one skippy
momus @ 135
“Windie, do you really want to start up with me again?”
Please, momus…this isn’t some kind of internet pick-up chat room…stick with politics, son.
DJ @ 138
Legislative Branch = Republican majority
Execuitve Branch = Republican majority
Judicial Branch = Republican majority
Stoned left wing hacks sitting on a curb saying Bush sucks = Democratic Majority
Momus @ 141,
“oh that’s right, uoi are one of those isiots who voted for Nader in 2000?”
Hmmm…blogging under the influence????
Actually, no, I have never voted for Nader for anything. Your statement betrays an ignorance of politics…. Simply because I refuse to associate with any particular party doesn’t mean I constrain myself to voting for third party candidates, you idiot!
momus @ 143
“Legislative Branch = Republican majority
Execuitve Branch = Republican majority
Judicial Branch = Republican majority”
Sorry, punk, none of these constitute a “majority in America.”
Once again, your comments betray your ignorance of politics. You really are just in it for the case, aren’t you?
man, momus… you’re really unraveling. DJ and rujax have ya on the ropes!
And thanks for the offer, but I’m kinda taken.
Oh I’m sorry another Majority I failed to point out…
Electoral College votes in the 2004 election…..= Republican majority
correction to 145
Once again, your comments betray your ignorance of politics. You really are just in it for the cash, aren’t you?
The only thing that DJ and Rujax have is the taste of my dick in their mouth
momus @ 147
“Electoral College votes in the 2004 election…..= Republican majority”
Yep…you are correct on that one.
Of course, the majority of Americans who created that situation no longer exists. See my previous point: People who say they would vote for Bush today (sorry, not a majority.)
“People who say they would vote for Bush today (sorry, not a majority.)”
And this matter how?
Is the man president? Do you have any say left in this country? Are you scrambling around liek a little bitch today saying, “I can’t believe this is happening”?
Momus @ 149
“The only thing that DJ and Rujax have is the taste of my dick in their mouth”
Ummm…no…actually, I have the taste of coffee in my mouth. Hell, I don’t even have milk or cream in it.
You must have fallen asleep at the keyboard and ummm…dreamt that. (Yuck!)
Without stolen elections momus (the birdwatcher) would be eating a fucking shit sandwich.
Checks the cup, I rimmed it.
Alright, I’m done with you Surrender Monkeys. My shift is over.
Windie you need to pay up
“Without stolen elections”
ha, ya, that’s always it, the stolen elections again…
Just pathetic
talk to jimbo west, not me. I don’t work for the WSGOP.
momus @ 151
“And this matter how?”
It makes Bush a premature lame duck. It also fortells a very bad result for the 2006 elections.
“Is the man president?”
You mean, Bush? Yep…he is President. (I just wish he would act like a president rather than a fucking dictator).
“Do you have any say left in this country?”
Yep…I mean, do you really think Bush is “getting his way?” He is on some things, but given the agenda he laid out in the previous 4 SOTU addresses, he really hasn’t gotten shit done.
“Are you scrambling around liek a little bitch today saying, “I can’t believe this is happening”?”
Me??? I’m not. I’m only lamenting that Harriet Meiers didn’t get the appointment…Harriet would have been the smartest Supreme Court Justice EVER!!!.
I mean, I just wanted an up or down vote for her on the Senate floor!
“I don’t give a shit if you are joking around you arrogant, partisan hack.”
Guess I’m a partisan hack now, and arrogant to boot. Must be what you get for asking a straight question these days. For the record, I get talking points from no person or organization, so if I am a hack, then I’d be an independent one.
Since momus doesn’t want to give a simple, honest question an answer (which raises the question as to why s/he even bothers posting here), I’ll throw the question open to the other right-wingers here: Do you want a single-party system?
And no, I don’t want a canned response, just an honest reply.
By the way, Bush’s 39% approval rating is hardly indicative of majority support. Nor is his 47% approval rating, if you take one of the high-end results of the past couple weeks’ polling on the issue.
I haven’t the patience to read through all the trolls and screeds, so I don’t know if someone else has stated it already in this thread, but it would appear that Maria Cantwell has outlived her usefulness.
She certainly has.
By the way, wasn’t Momus cast down from Mt. Olympus for constantly criticizing the other gods?
“If the fixure of Momus’s glass, in the human breast, according to the proposed
emendation of that arch-critick, had taken place, — first, This foolish conse-
quence would certainly have followed, — That the very wisest and the very gravest
of us all, in one coin or other, must have paid window-money every day of our
lives. ” (Sterne, Tristam Shandy)
Janet @ many. You continually say “DNC fundraising operation that has been setting a record-setting pace of late.”
You should take just a moment and atleast check facts ‘once in a while’. I know it is difficult for you (or at least it seems so judging by your comment history). You are showing yourself to be a RNC Talking Head more and more lately!
“Last year, the DNC set a new off-year record by raising more than $51 million in 2005 – a 20% increase over 2003. The DNC’s online fundraising has also recently exceeded fundraising expectations. Last November, the DNC collected more than $1 million over the Internet – also an off-year record.”
Facts and janet don’t get along real well.
I guess Janet the paid troll (aka Kevin Carns) thinks only Repukes should be allowed to raise campaign funds. Janet is for one-party rule of America — the Fascist Party.
“Last year, the DNC set a new off-year record by raising more than $51 million in 2005 – a 20% increase over 2003. The DNC’s online fundraising has also recently exceeded fundraising expectations. Last November, the DNC collected more than $1 million over the Internet – also an off-year record.”
Comment by Cougar— 1/31/06 @ 5:22 pm
So the unions extorted 20% more dues from their workers. So what is your point.
You are all delusional. I never said anything about how much the dems have raised. I pointed out that Dean is spending it all. Who put him in charge, anyway? One might suspect that Karl Rove is behind it.
Janet S. what the hell is Dean supposed to do with it? Give it to you for cosmetic surgery? Janet S, the queen of neocon double drivel