Um, Dino… shouldn’t you be setting a better example for Washington’s youth, by actually wearing a seat belt? (You know, as required by law?)
And couldn’t you find something better to reward that poor woman than that crappy book? It’s printed in 18-point type for chissakes, like a children’s book. (And at about the same vocabulary level.)
And Dino… that pathetic, poor-loser whining about winning “again,” this time with a “recount-proof majority of votes”…? It just comes off as bitter, bitter, bitter… despite that shit-eating grin of yours.
I’m just sayin’.
A true conservative knows that election fraud and seatbelt safety are DimLib myths and that the real problems facing this state are jack-booted storm water commie-fascists and dead people voting for Democrats.
that crappy book of your’s? It’s printed in 18-point type for chissakes, like a children’s book.
And displayed prominently at “the other blog” for the whiny kids over there to drool over.
Dino was on the BJ Shea Morning Experience this morning (the most listened to morning show in the nation). The shows hosts have had an open invitation to all politicians, so far the only ones to take then up was Obama with radio ads and now Dino with a live interview.
The audacity of Goldy is entertaining to say the least. Yesterday, you admit that you get a flat as a result of you not replacing your tires when they needed to be, which is a huge saftey issue; and today you prove your hypocrisy over whining about Dino and seatbelts. How pathetic and typical of a liberal.
Hmmm….does this mean Dino is seeking “testicular reclamation”?
What a scofflaw!!! Didn’t want to wrinkle that nice suit on camera?
What is that? A 60, 70 dollar ticket?
Hey! I believe a citizen can actually write him a ticket.
I wear my seat belt no matter what, I lost my fiance’ in a rollover where he wasn’t wearing a seat belt BUT I also feel it’s a big brother watching over me. I agree with requiring 18 and younger to have big bro watching over them (parents) but as adults, we need to be responsible for our own choices. Is big bro going to force me to eat my veggies next?
A true conservative eats their veggies.
“62% of the people are new to the campaign.” Proving that most people are smart enough not to fall for the same swindle twice.
A vote for Dino will be a vote to end the rule of jack-booted commie-fascist stormwater-hating eco-terrorists.
Nutroots, no effect. Good luck with Darcy.
Republicans are for the rule of law except when they’re not.
Go Dino!
He’s lookin better all the time. Maybe this time we can really get change we can believe in! The Dems have been in charge way too long in this state.
I didn’t want to ruin my appetite by clicking on the video, so I’m not sure which 18-point font book Mr. Rossi is holding. I’m guessing that its title is:
Goldy, how do you expect Dino to write in small type when he can’t even think in small type?
@1 I agree that conservatives shouldn’t wear seatbelts. =:-D But they should leave their kids out of this … taking their kids with them is going too far.
@3 Wingnut Hannah sounds more like a wingnut every day.
A vote for Dino will be a vote to end the rule of voters.
@4 Why should you Repubs have a monopoly on hypocrisy? Goldy’s hypocrisy is puny compared to the hypocrisy we get from the GOP.
I think it’s funny that Dino and his whiny supporters go on and on about winning “again” and “recount-proof” majorities. Dino is never gonna be as close to a majority again as he was in 2004.
They don’t seem to realize that there’s a big difference between running for an open governorship when you’ve had some recent state gub’mint experience and running against an accomplished incumbent when you’ve spent four years chewing rubber chicken on wingnut welfare.
What’s Goldy’s so-called “hypocrisy?” He didn’t criticize Dino for the state of his tires. As I heard it, Dino wanted new tires but couldn’t raise enough in a fundraiser to buy them, so he had to do without. If only he had a J-O-B he could buy his own.
Shouldn’t also declare Dino Rossi a horse’s ass?
A neighbor of Dino’s once told me that the only books in his house are the school books of his kids. Just Like W Dino don’t like to read much. Shallow is as shallow does Dino.
The fawning reception on BJ Shea this morning was stomach turning (and completely to be expected). BJ’s usual meme is that he’ll never vote for an incumbant to send a message to the system (apparently that message is: experience counts for nothing).
For me the recount obsession was ironic considering I first started listening to BJ when the ceaseless navel-gazing Florida recount obsession got to be too much on Talk of the Nation (BJ used to have a diff time slot on a diff station).
Here’s my question: Does KISW now owe Gregoire equal time? She’d kill at the Rock Girl Gala!
@24 – As far as BJ Shea and crew, they put out an open invitation to ALL candidates, local and nationwide. Gregoire’s office has declined and so did McCain’s and Hilary’s. Obama declined an open interview but did take them up on on-the air ads.
Commies and fascists are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, you can be one or the other but you can’t be both.
For a good example of modern fascism just look todays Republican party.
7 I and all of us in our family use seat belts religiously. I’ll put mine on just to back the car out of the driveway and park it on the street to get something big out of the garage.
We were in one accident (hit from behind by a car going 75MPH) where we might not have survived without them.
On the other hand, in spite of all the careful engineering involved, considering the dicey quality control in the auto industry and the less than perfect maintenance cars receive over their service life, I can’t help but feel a certain amount of heartburn about the quarter stick of dynamite that Uncle Sam ordered installed in the middle of the steering wheel.
Different ends of the spectrum? That’s so yesterday! You’ve gotta keep up with historical revisionism, my friend. It’s now common knowledge that Washington State is infested with treasonous, anti-American, jack-booted, commie-fascist, stormwater-hating eco-terrorists. Hmm, particularly in Seattle and Olympia – not so much in Toppenish. I read this in a BIAW newsletter so I know damned well that it’s true.
Breaking News from Indiana:
The Republican-sponsored Voter ID law in Indiana was proven successful today to preventing fraudulent voters!
“About 12 Indiana nuns were turned away Tuesday from a polling place by a fellow bride of Christ because they didn’t have state or federal identification bearing a photograph.
Sister Julie McGuire said she was forced to turn away her fellow sisters at Saint Mary’s Convent in South Bend, across the street from the University of Notre Dame, because they had been told earlier that they would need such an ID to vote.
The nuns, all in their 80s or 90s, didn’t get one but came to the precinct anyway….”
Because, you know, elderly nuns are known to be crooks and election thiefs! Besides, it’s not really an inconvenience to have somebody who has taken a vow of poverty, cannot drive, doesn’t own a car, and is confined to a wheelchair, to go to the DMV and wait in line and to pay a fee to get an ID card issued….
Of course, the state GOP immediately added their numbers to the press release they plan to issue shortly after the election trumpeting the “fraudulent voters” which were turned away from the polls by the new law.
@ 7:
Wearing your seatbelt is not about Big Brother forcing you to do something for the sake of making you do it.
Besides the survivability rates in auto accidents going way UP, there’s also the FACT that during an “event” such as losing control and spinning out you are far and away more likely to recover and regain control of your vehicle by being strapped in the driver’s seat and remaining at the controls than trying to pick yourself up of the passenger floorboard and getting in control.
You don’t have a right to drive, it’s a privilege. The government isn’t compelling any one to drive. But, if you’re going to exercise your privilege to drive then you should be thoughtful of your fellow citizens on the road with you.
Republicans believe that the greatest threats facing this nation are dead Dems and 90 year-old nuns.
Democrats KNOW that voter ID will drastically cut down on the number of democrat voters. Except in the movies, dead people don’t walk into voting booths.
Why else would democrats be against showing ID to vote.
If the republicans were the party of dead people voting the democrats would be crying like little girls about it.
How many of you over 45?
How many of you rode around in cars with metal dashboards without seatbelts? How many rode in the back of dads truck?
How many of you died in an accident? Okay, trick question.
How many people do you know personally that died in car accidents as kids? Or blew their fingers off from firecrackers? Of put their eye out running with scissors?
Good thing the nanny state is here to protect us.
@33 – I like the trick question. I am only 36, but did all of the above, except blowing my fingers off and scissors in the eye. I had lead painted cribs and high chairs, was the typical teething baby who chewed on the lead painted window sills. Never owned a bicycle OR motorcycle helmet, I even remember my grand parents used to drink beer and drive way back when, granted they weren’t on their 3rd or 4th beer. I remember riding in the back of the pickup on sunny summer afternoons….man I miss those days sometimes!
@33 Yes, I knew several kids that died in car accidents and a couple of kids that lost fingers to fireworks. Are you trying to make a point?
@34 You died as a kid in a car wreck?? Damn. Were you in the back of an open pickup truck?At least you avoided scissors in the eye.
Pathetic. You’re going to need a lot more on the ball than suppressing the votes of 90 year-old nuns in order for Rossi to have a snowball’s chance in hell.
The “nanny state” notion is really about We the People regulating retards like conservatives from injuring or killing us while they are being stupid and disregarding the safety of everyone else around them.
The main reason we have “nanny state” laws and regulations on businesses is that Republicans have a proven track record of doing the wrong thing because “there’s no law against it.”
Nanny state laws like the no smoking laws down here in la la land. Let them pass laws to ban smoking in government buildings, that’s good. Non-smokers are sometimes forced to go into government buildings for jury duty, building permits, etc.
But what is the reason to ban smoking in bars. Let the bar owners decide. If the employees or customers don’t like smoke, then they get to be pro-choice and choose a bar that is non-smoking. If smoking is so bad, make it illegal. Oops, waaaay too many tax dollars in tobacco to make it illegal. The la city council is now debating banning any new fast food restaurants in south central. Innocent kids being killed in the streets but they’re going after fast food
I would mention how the cities with gun bans suffer more violence than those without except that’s not a nanny state issue, that’s democrats taking away constitutional rights of its citizens.
@ 29, Alias
Thanx for a GREAT article about the nuns. What I find deliciously ironic is that the Supreme Court decision was predominantly reached by the Catholics on the crew:
“Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joined the Stevens opinion.
Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. said they would have gone further and ruled that voter ID laws were “eminently reasonable,” regardless of whether they had an effect on many voters.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer joined Souter in dissent.”
@ 30. GBS “…you are far and away more likely to recover and regain control of your vehicle by being strapped in the driver’s seat and remaining at the controls than trying to pick yourself up of the passenger floorboard and getting in control.”
Believe it or not, I had NEVER even considered that point. TOTALLY makes sense!! Thx
My first car, a 1974 Toyota Corolla, wouldn’t even START without the seatbelts clicked on. I even had to strap in the bags of groceries placed on the front seat, not joking. So I always felt nekkid w/o being belted.
Personally (& selfishly), though, I was GRATEFUL when they passed that law. I was caring for a coworker doing AIDS related dementia. Macho man, he was NOT going to put on that belt. Trips to doctors appts, not just luxury trips. In case of an accident – would glass and BLOOD go flying???
Once they passed the law, I put my foot down. Told him I wasn’t paying for a ticket, that the engine wasn’t even starting until I had him plugged into his seatbelt. He raised a fuss the first couple of times and we just sat there for a while. After that, no longer an issue, but it sure saved me plenty of gray hairs.
@ 38. Marvin Stamn regarding the Nanny State stuff.
Can NOT believe I actually find myself agreeing with Marvin. If the Republicans had pulled up a halfway decent candidate – other than the weaselly whiner Rossi – I would most likely step across that line to vote Rep. Pinched my nose to vote for CG and will have to pinch it again in Nov.
Has anyone forwarded the video to the WSP to see how serious they are about enforcing their “Click It or Ticket” campaign?
I mean, they’re running all of these enhanced-enforcement ’emphasis patrols’ and nighttime patrols, and here this guy provides video evidence that he isn’t properly belted in. It’s like handing it to them on a silver platter.
Hey, Dino!! Click it or ticket, sucker!
I work for an insurance company and did a little study of my own comparing precincts’
voting records and overlaid them with addresses
of insured drivers who caused accidents just for kicks and came out with an astonishing 77% favored Democrat. I am expecting a big raise for my research, and you folks can expect
a spike in your rates. Their are other factors
that play but where you live is a big one.
Being a democrat correlates with being a bad
driver, so no wonder they passed a law for
no cellphone usage while driving. They are
already over their heads just driving.
Im rich, biyatch!