A “distracted” John Edwards could still deal with the complex issues a president faces with far more deftness and ability than can GWB at his best. Katie should put her family first and retire from the “news” business. After all, she must never be home.
Keith Olbermannspews:
Fox News gives me a stiffy!
Keith @ 4,
Yeah, and I bet at your age you can’t afford to waste ’em!
"Don’t talk black history to me Lily White Boy!" Puddybud's racial slur 3/26/07 @ 7:09 am 3/24 Open thread/GBSspews:
Yossarian @ 5:
You seem to forget Keith is a Liberal which means he doesn’t need viagra, like the sexually repressed Lush Limpdick who takes viagra on a “fishing” trip to the Dominican Republica where child prostution runs rampant.
Yeah, what do you think Rush uses for bait? A Milky Way bar or 3 Musketeer’s?
It was a terrible interview. The interviewer did all the talking and Sen. and Mrs. Edwards hardly got to say anything.
Puella Agricolaespews:
You seem to forget Keith is a Liberal which means he doesn’t need viagra,
Thank you for finally admitting the liberal bias in the tradtional media.
proud leftistspews:
The conclusions you draw from the slimmest of evidence mark you as ridiculous. Keith Olbermann is but one journalist, and he makes no effort to hide his bias. He is also one of the most insightful commentators on television. You would do well to listen to him sometime. You might learn something.
"Don’t talk black history to me Lily White Boy!" Puddybud's racial slur 3/26/07 @ 7:09 am 3/24 Open thread/GBSspews:
@ 8:
You obviously have a problem comprehending English.
What I said was Keith was a Liberal. But, if by Liberal bias you mean telling the truth, well then, he’s guilty as charged.
Mr. Olbermann is a commentator. He’s expected to have an opinion. As long as he keeps it on the opinion pages and in the commentary portion of the news broadcast, he’s fine.
By the same reasoning you used, we could say that the media is conservative, because George Will is conservative. Are you saying that the Washington Post is right wing?
If Faux News would make an honest attempt to keep its opinions and commentaries limited to the opinion and commentary sections of its programming, most liberals (yours truly included) wouldn’t have a problem with them.
But they don’t. Their bias is pervasive throughout their broadcasts, and they make no apparent effort to differentiate between news segments and commentary segments.
Mainstream media isn’t perfect about this either, but they make the attempt.
harry tuttlespews:
Couric spent far too much time poking at what “some would say” about Edwards keeping his campaign active.
Liberal Dragonspews:
Katie Couric should go process her own bullshit on her own time.
proud leftistspews:
I have trouble segregating my life into separate spheres such as family life v. career, and I suspect John Edwards does too. The dichotomy Katie–and all those who would criticize John and Elizabeth Edwards–creates is false. A career, for those of us who are lucky, is fundamentally part of who we are, a means of advancing our principles and ideals. What message does it send to one’s children to abandon pursuit of such principles and ideals because of illness? When Katie’s husband died and her children were quite young, I’m sure that there were “some” who said she should have abandoned her career. I, for one, do not believe she put her own interests ahead of her children’s in staying on the job.
Some would say this is the definitive indictment of shitty interviewing technique by what passes for a “journalist” these days.
Katie Couric should blow me
Jesus, what a nice couple. Class and radiant smiles.
Katie needs to get off the news hour. Back to skating in the park and short music acts and cake making.
Matt Lauer can blow me, Katie is very missionary I suspect.
Ah, you got a laugh when you hear liberals complain about media bias. The MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and covers 90% of all news programs on TV yet they get twisted in knots over Fox in conservative talk radio. What a bunch of pussies. heheheehheee
Liberals can dish it out but cant take it.
Dan Ratherspews:
There is more truth in 1 hour of Fox News then what comes out of the MSM combined over a time span of a month.
Liberal Dragonspews:
Faux News and truth? Um… Dan I’d have to disagree with you there.. There is no a bigger propoganda machine than Faux News.
Dan Ratherspews:
You want a bet. See BS has been a propaganda arm for the democrats for years. You can’t get any worse than deliberately forging documents. I should know, I worked for them.
Dan Ratherspews:
I don’t blame you liberals for being dishonest about bias. Liberals have a contorted view of the world thus they can not discern truth let alone bias.
some say katie should have talked about her own experience with life-threatening illness instead of rambling on and on and suggesting that evil motivations may lurk behind the edwards’ decisions.
Katie Couric was near tears on air when Florida was called for Bush in 2000. (No bias there eh idiot John Barelli?)
Now you nutroots are angry when Couric, a flaming liberal, has the nerve to suggest one of Americas most smarmy trial lawyers might use anothers illness for his own gain?
Here’s some free common sense for you wackos.
Couric; what a douche, ever since she slammed Babs Bush during the convention.
Gotta love libs seeing her for what she is; self promoter within a year or 2 of no longer being “cute”
(you guys should rail about the absurdity of paying a newsreader person 10’s of millions vs some bricklayer or maid getting peanuts.
FricknFrack, Seattlespews:
Holy FrapnKrap! This it IT?
Thanks Goldy! I kept trying to find the entire clip before over at YouTube, watched one that looked like this. But I thought that one I saw was a some sort of montage, where they were clipping in a bunch of her “some says” just to make a joke. Even though I had read the so-called “interview” was clumsily edited, I am now beyond STUNNED! No wonder the outrage from so many people. Couric needs to get off the network, stay home to bake fat free cookies for her kids and go back to watching soap operas!!! She is hardly one to be sitting there lecturing these two adults on how to handle their personal struggles. Loved Mr. Edwards snarky (while polite) response at the end, I always thought he had a sense of humor!
I absolutely agree with what one poster wrote which bears repeating:
“Increase Mather says: Katie should go back to interviewing her colon.”
I used to LOVE Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation & watched it every day. Now I have to stay up til the middle of the night to see him. Put a cork in her and send Katie packing! We want Schieffer back, intelligent and empathetic reporting!!!! What the heck, send Katie to Faux “News” where she can do the gooey, fakey routine for the unintelligent lemmings. They would eat it up!
I just checked Fox news dot com.
They have an article about global warming.
You’re right, they are liars.
Faux News Channel is to news what pro wrestling is to sports. And by the way, the IQ of both audiences is about the same 66.
Donkey O.T.spews:
Some People = Rove, Chaney, Drudge, Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Hanity, Monson and the R.N.C. NUFSAID
“Katie Couric was near tears on air when Florida was called for Bush in 2000. “
Hmmm. Don’t recall that. Can’t find any reliable reference to it. “Near tears” sounds like a personal opinion. Do you have any reliable references to the incident? (NewsMax does not count, nor do posts on blogs.)
As to his cases:
Edwards’ first important case was a 1984 medical malpractice lawsuit. In that case, Edwards won a $3.7 million verdict on behalf of his client who suffered permanent brain and nerve damage after a doctor prescribed a drug overdose of anti-alcoholism drug Antabuse.
In 1985, Edwards obtained a $5.75 million settlement in a cerebral palsy case for medical malpractice during childbirth, representing Jennifer Campbell, a five-year-old cerebral palsy patient.
The biggest case of his legal career was a 1997 product liability lawsuit against Sta-Rite, the manufacturer of a defective pool drain cover. The case involved a Raleigh, North Carolina girl, Valerie Lakey, who was disemboweled by the suction power of the pool drain pump when she sat on an open pool drain whose protective cover other children at the pool had removed, after the swim club had failed to install the cover properly. Despite 12 prior suits with similar claims, Sta-Rite continued to make and sell drain covers lacking warnings.
From Wikipedia
So, he got rich by exploiting those poor, defenseless corporations that were just disemboweling a few children, and attacking those those dedicated doctors that just made a few teeny-weeny mistakes. Hey, those guys were busy. They can’t be expected to actually read the warnings and recommended dosage on every drug they prescribe, can they?
I was rather lukewarm about Edwards, but I’m getting to like him more and more. Thanks, Mr. Lefty.
Couric is tragic. While her CV does contain some journalism credentials, she is as lacking in the presence needed for an anchor as Sean Hannity would be.
Of course there are some differences too. Couric is a lot brighter than Hannity and not a right or left wing propagandist. But, like Hannity she is a role player and her role is the almost pretty, giggly girl who shares a cuo of coffee with you in the AM.
Her questioning of the Edwards was … inane. It was all that the couple could do not to ro;; their eyes … her interview skills are worthy of Chris Wallace or The faux spinfreemaster himself.
She may be bright and able, but if so she needs to hire a spokesperson. so mayhap, they could hire Yom Cruise next?
compared to any republican, edwards is it
Roger Rabbitspews:
5 Don’t worry, your turn will come, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Geez, I never thought I’d agree with Stefan on anything — but there it is! Hey Stefan, your dog says hi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why didn’t Couric ask the Edwardses if Kathy McMorris intends to resign from Congress and stay home to raise her child?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Better yet, someone check if the poster @7 is an imposter, because that doesn’t sound like the real Stefan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 – 21, 22, 23, and 24 aren’t worth replying to; they’re a troll.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Smarmy? Edwards is smarmy for suing a swimming pool drain manufacturer whose drain sucked a kid under? We all know whose side you’re on — you think any business should be able to do anything to anyone and not pay a cent for it. Now that’s smarmy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I just checked Fox dot.com and DON’T see any mention of global warming. But let’s pretend … let’s just pretend … that Fox did report global warming: Being the last passenger to get on the train doesn’t make you the conductor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It was a really, really crappy interview; and Couric has lost whatever journalistic credibility she ever had.
It was too painful to watch Ms. Couric slurring every sentence. Someone needs to spend a little time explaining tempo to her.
Mr Stupid: Speaking of intelligence quotients, what do you do for a living to disparage others? The IQ of your posts barely reaches idiot savant.
John Barelli: While Keith is a commentator; Mr Stupid, Clueless, and Factless love to post his empty words here on ASSWipes. I realize Mr Stupid possesses a low IQ where Clueless and Factless will post anyone’s commentary from the libtard side to be seen in pixels.
So, in that vein, I’ll continue to post commentary from my side of the aisle.
John Barelli says: Hmmm. Don’t recall that. Can’t find any reliable reference to it. “Near tears” sounds like a personal opinion. Do you have any reliable references to the incident? (NewsMax does not count, nor do posts on blogs.)
John: Why not hold Mr Stupid, Clueless, and Factless to that same lofty ideal you hold us to? If you did Clueless would be down to three repetitive arguments, Mr Stupid couldn’t use Keith Olbermann and others of MSNBC and Factless would be sucking his thumb!
Speaking of Katie Couric: Here she is verbally loving Al Gore:
Andy Rooney had it right on Don Imus’ show 4/5/2006:
Don Imus: “So what do you think of these changes at CBS News?”
Andy Rooney: “I’m not enthusiastic about it. I think everybody likes Katie Couric, I mean how can you not like Katie Couric. But, I don’t know anybody at CBS News who is pleased that she’s coming here.”
Even though I’m no fan of Edwards’ politics and he’ll never get my vote, I have to say that Elizabeth looks terrific in spite of having such health challenges!
Daddy Lovespews:
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?” If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” But if by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.”
42 Roger, Faux News will start talkng about global warming when the major energy companies figure out how to make lots and lots of money from it.
“John: Why not hold Mr Stupid, Clueless, and Factless to that same lofty ideal you hold us to? If you did Clueless would be down to three repetitive arguments, Mr Stupid couldn’t use Keith Olbermann and others of MSNBC and Factless would be sucking his thumb!”
Well, Puddybud, part of the reason would be that if I don’t take exception to what a post says, I’m far less likely to go looking for either verification of rebuttal information. Sorry, but I actually have one or two other things to do, and in addition, I’m still human.
So, anti-Bush posts around here will get somewhat more of a pass than anti-Gore posts. It’s a left wing blog. Over at (un)SP, the anti-Gore posts get a pass, but if you say something unpleasant about the current administration, Mr. Sharkansky is likely to pull your post and ban you, and if he doesn’t the rest of the posters will attempt to burn you in effigy, which I’m told is a National Park in Iowa.
Additionally, I’ve gone so far as to take some pretty serious heat from my fellow liberals around here, standing up for you righties when I think you might have a point. I may not be the person you should be taking issue with on this.
And as for Mr. Stupid, by now you should have noticed that I’ve pretty much given up trying to reason with him. (Hey, I’m the one that gave him the name, after all.) Again, my time is somewhat limited, and I’m simply unwilling to waste my time with someone that answers reasoned argument (from anyone) with repetitive insults against family members (yours, mine or anyone else’s). He’s something of a far left MTR (with less manners), and simply not worthy of much notice.
You should have also noticed that as far as he is concerned, you and I are on the same side, as is anyone else that disagrees with him in the slightest.
Yeah, that was her “best” work. She should apply over at Faux News.
Her and Chris Wallace ought to get along just fine.
Some say they don’t want to watch Katie Couric.
A “distracted” John Edwards could still deal with the complex issues a president faces with far more deftness and ability than can GWB at his best. Katie should put her family first and retire from the “news” business. After all, she must never be home.
Fox News gives me a stiffy!
Keith @ 4,
Yeah, and I bet at your age you can’t afford to waste ’em!
Yossarian @ 5:
You seem to forget Keith is a Liberal which means he doesn’t need viagra, like the sexually repressed Lush Limpdick who takes viagra on a “fishing” trip to the Dominican Republica where child prostution runs rampant.
Yeah, what do you think Rush uses for bait? A Milky Way bar or 3 Musketeer’s?
It was a terrible interview. The interviewer did all the talking and Sen. and Mrs. Edwards hardly got to say anything.
You seem to forget Keith is a Liberal which means he doesn’t need viagra,
Thank you for finally admitting the liberal bias in the tradtional media.
The conclusions you draw from the slimmest of evidence mark you as ridiculous. Keith Olbermann is but one journalist, and he makes no effort to hide his bias. He is also one of the most insightful commentators on television. You would do well to listen to him sometime. You might learn something.
@ 8:
You obviously have a problem comprehending English.
What I said was Keith was a Liberal. But, if by Liberal bias you mean telling the truth, well then, he’s guilty as charged.
Some say Katie was trying to be the news instead of reporting it.
– and –
Some say a follow-up colonoscopy would show that Katies head is firmly lodged up there.
Farmer’s Daughter:
Mr. Olbermann is a commentator. He’s expected to have an opinion. As long as he keeps it on the opinion pages and in the commentary portion of the news broadcast, he’s fine.
By the same reasoning you used, we could say that the media is conservative, because George Will is conservative. Are you saying that the Washington Post is right wing?
If Faux News would make an honest attempt to keep its opinions and commentaries limited to the opinion and commentary sections of its programming, most liberals (yours truly included) wouldn’t have a problem with them.
But they don’t. Their bias is pervasive throughout their broadcasts, and they make no apparent effort to differentiate between news segments and commentary segments.
Mainstream media isn’t perfect about this either, but they make the attempt.
Couric spent far too much time poking at what “some would say” about Edwards keeping his campaign active.
Katie Couric should go process her own bullshit on her own time.
I have trouble segregating my life into separate spheres such as family life v. career, and I suspect John Edwards does too. The dichotomy Katie–and all those who would criticize John and Elizabeth Edwards–creates is false. A career, for those of us who are lucky, is fundamentally part of who we are, a means of advancing our principles and ideals. What message does it send to one’s children to abandon pursuit of such principles and ideals because of illness? When Katie’s husband died and her children were quite young, I’m sure that there were “some” who said she should have abandoned her career. I, for one, do not believe she put her own interests ahead of her children’s in staying on the job.
Some would say this is the definitive indictment of shitty interviewing technique by what passes for a “journalist” these days.
Katie Couric should blow me
Jesus, what a nice couple. Class and radiant smiles.
Katie needs to get off the news hour. Back to skating in the park and short music acts and cake making.
Matt Lauer can blow me, Katie is very missionary I suspect.
Ah, you got a laugh when you hear liberals complain about media bias. The MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and covers 90% of all news programs on TV yet they get twisted in knots over Fox in conservative talk radio. What a bunch of pussies. heheheehheee
Liberals can dish it out but cant take it.
There is more truth in 1 hour of Fox News then what comes out of the MSM combined over a time span of a month.
Faux News and truth? Um… Dan I’d have to disagree with you there.. There is no a bigger propoganda machine than Faux News.
You want a bet. See BS has been a propaganda arm for the democrats for years. You can’t get any worse than deliberately forging documents. I should know, I worked for them.
I don’t blame you liberals for being dishonest about bias. Liberals have a contorted view of the world thus they can not discern truth let alone bias.
some say katie should have talked about her own experience with life-threatening illness instead of rambling on and on and suggesting that evil motivations may lurk behind the edwards’ decisions.
Katie Couric was near tears on air when Florida was called for Bush in 2000. (No bias there eh idiot John Barelli?)
Now you nutroots are angry when Couric, a flaming liberal, has the nerve to suggest one of Americas most smarmy trial lawyers might use anothers illness for his own gain?
Here’s some free common sense for you wackos.
Couric; what a douche, ever since she slammed Babs Bush during the convention.
Gotta love libs seeing her for what she is; self promoter within a year or 2 of no longer being “cute”
(you guys should rail about the absurdity of paying a newsreader person 10’s of millions vs some bricklayer or maid getting peanuts.
Holy FrapnKrap! This it IT?
Thanks Goldy! I kept trying to find the entire clip before over at YouTube, watched one that looked like this. But I thought that one I saw was a some sort of montage, where they were clipping in a bunch of her “some says” just to make a joke. Even though I had read the so-called “interview” was clumsily edited, I am now beyond STUNNED! No wonder the outrage from so many people. Couric needs to get off the network, stay home to bake fat free cookies for her kids and go back to watching soap operas!!! She is hardly one to be sitting there lecturing these two adults on how to handle their personal struggles. Loved Mr. Edwards snarky (while polite) response at the end, I always thought he had a sense of humor!
I absolutely agree with what one poster wrote which bears repeating:
“Increase Mather says: Katie should go back to interviewing her colon.”
I used to LOVE Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation & watched it every day. Now I have to stay up til the middle of the night to see him. Put a cork in her and send Katie packing! We want Schieffer back, intelligent and empathetic reporting!!!! What the heck, send Katie to Faux “News” where she can do the gooey, fakey routine for the unintelligent lemmings. They would eat it up!
I just checked Fox news dot com.
They have an article about global warming.
You’re right, they are liars.
Faux News Channel is to news what pro wrestling is to sports. And by the way, the IQ of both audiences is about the same 66.
Some People = Rove, Chaney, Drudge, Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Hanity, Monson and the R.N.C. NUFSAID
Mr. Lefty said:
Hmmm. Don’t recall that. Can’t find any reliable reference to it. “Near tears” sounds like a personal opinion. Do you have any reliable references to the incident? (NewsMax does not count, nor do posts on blogs.)
As to his cases:
So, he got rich by exploiting those poor, defenseless corporations that were just disemboweling a few children, and attacking those those dedicated doctors that just made a few teeny-weeny mistakes. Hey, those guys were busy. They can’t be expected to actually read the warnings and recommended dosage on every drug they prescribe, can they?
I was rather lukewarm about Edwards, but I’m getting to like him more and more. Thanks, Mr. Lefty.
Couric is tragic. While her CV does contain some journalism credentials, she is as lacking in the presence needed for an anchor as Sean Hannity would be.
Of course there are some differences too. Couric is a lot brighter than Hannity and not a right or left wing propagandist. But, like Hannity she is a role player and her role is the almost pretty, giggly girl who shares a cuo of coffee with you in the AM.
Her questioning of the Edwards was … inane. It was all that the couple could do not to ro;; their eyes … her interview skills are worthy of Chris Wallace or The faux spinfreemaster himself.
She may be bright and able, but if so she needs to hire a spokesperson. so mayhap, they could hire Yom Cruise next?
compared to any republican, edwards is it
5 Don’t worry, your turn will come, too.
@7 Geez, I never thought I’d agree with Stefan on anything — but there it is! Hey Stefan, your dog says hi.
Why didn’t Couric ask the Edwardses if Kathy McMorris intends to resign from Congress and stay home to raise her child?
@19 Better yet, someone check if the poster @7 is an imposter, because that doesn’t sound like the real Stefan.
@23 – 21, 22, 23, and 24 aren’t worth replying to; they’re a troll.
@27 Smarmy? Edwards is smarmy for suing a swimming pool drain manufacturer whose drain sucked a kid under? We all know whose side you’re on — you think any business should be able to do anything to anyone and not pay a cent for it. Now that’s smarmy.
@30 I just checked Fox dot.com and DON’T see any mention of global warming. But let’s pretend … let’s just pretend … that Fox did report global warming: Being the last passenger to get on the train doesn’t make you the conductor.
It was a really, really crappy interview; and Couric has lost whatever journalistic credibility she ever had.
It was too painful to watch Ms. Couric slurring every sentence. Someone needs to spend a little time explaining tempo to her.
Mr Stupid: Speaking of intelligence quotients, what do you do for a living to disparage others? The IQ of your posts barely reaches idiot savant.
John Barelli: While Keith is a commentator; Mr Stupid, Clueless, and Factless love to post his empty words here on ASSWipes. I realize Mr Stupid possesses a low IQ where Clueless and Factless will post anyone’s commentary from the libtard side to be seen in pixels.
So, in that vein, I’ll continue to post commentary from my side of the aisle.
John Barelli says: Hmmm. Don’t recall that. Can’t find any reliable reference to it. “Near tears” sounds like a personal opinion. Do you have any reliable references to the incident? (NewsMax does not count, nor do posts on blogs.)
John: Why not hold Mr Stupid, Clueless, and Factless to that same lofty ideal you hold us to? If you did Clueless would be down to three repetitive arguments, Mr Stupid couldn’t use Keith Olbermann and others of MSNBC and Factless would be sucking his thumb!
Speaking of Katie Couric: Here she is verbally loving Al Gore:
I realize this Variety article will get lefty panties in a knot about Couric!
Andy Rooney had it right on Don Imus’ show 4/5/2006:
Don Imus: “So what do you think of these changes at CBS News?”
Andy Rooney: “I’m not enthusiastic about it. I think everybody likes Katie Couric, I mean how can you not like Katie Couric. But, I don’t know anybody at CBS News who is pleased that she’s coming here.”
Even though I’m no fan of Edwards’ politics and he’ll never get my vote, I have to say that Elizabeth looks terrific in spite of having such health challenges!
What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?” If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” But if by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.”
42 Roger, Faux News will start talkng about global warming when the major energy companies figure out how to make lots and lots of money from it.
Puddybud asked:
Well, Puddybud, part of the reason would be that if I don’t take exception to what a post says, I’m far less likely to go looking for either verification of rebuttal information. Sorry, but I actually have one or two other things to do, and in addition, I’m still human.
So, anti-Bush posts around here will get somewhat more of a pass than anti-Gore posts. It’s a left wing blog. Over at (un)SP, the anti-Gore posts get a pass, but if you say something unpleasant about the current administration, Mr. Sharkansky is likely to pull your post and ban you, and if he doesn’t the rest of the posters will attempt to burn you in effigy, which I’m told is a National Park in Iowa.
Additionally, I’ve gone so far as to take some pretty serious heat from my fellow liberals around here, standing up for you righties when I think you might have a point. I may not be the person you should be taking issue with on this.
And as for Mr. Stupid, by now you should have noticed that I’ve pretty much given up trying to reason with him. (Hey, I’m the one that gave him the name, after all.) Again, my time is somewhat limited, and I’m simply unwilling to waste my time with someone that answers reasoned argument (from anyone) with repetitive insults against family members (yours, mine or anyone else’s). He’s something of a far left MTR (with less manners), and simply not worthy of much notice.
You should have also noticed that as far as he is concerned, you and I are on the same side, as is anyone else that disagrees with him in the slightest.
down to three repetitive arguments,