I’m voting yes because I care about education for kids and healthcare for desperately needy and I-1098 is a positive step towards a more progressive, more fair taxation system in this State.
try getting a job first ylbleeder…
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
If Gates cared he’d take his own money and use it to start a college as many others have done some of which are tuition free.
Freaking awesome ad.
Bill Gates Sr. 2012! I don’t care what he runs for, he’s got my vote.
The Labor Department said the number of people seeking unemployment benefits for the first time rose 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 465,000 for for the week ended Sept. 18. Economists had expected initial jobless claims to remain unchanged from a week earlier
5 – Yawwwn… Freepers are still carrying water for greedy right wingers.
7 – Yeah! Cut taxes on the rich, lay off teachers, increase class sizes. That’s the right wing plan for the country.
I’m all for soaking the rich.
Your side is doing such a great job running this countries businesses into the ground with your crushing taxes that they are afraid to hire. Who is going to pay your wages when no one is hiring?
I understand Forbes magazine has published its annual report on the 400 richest Americans.
The Koch brothers became 5 billion dollars richer in 2009.
Bush laid the table just fine – for rich people. For everyone else? They’re just not “working hard” enough.
# 11: laughable.
Talked to a guy who was closing down his shop, I asked him what were the biggest reasons he was going out of business.
His reasons: (1) too many customers still are laid off from work and unable to buy, (2) the bank pulled his short-term line of credit in the fall of 2008, (3) his health insurance premiums have gone through the roof, and (4) he hasn’t made a net profit in almost three years.
He WISHES income taxes were the worst of his problems. At least in order to pay taxes, he would be making a profit.
Taxes on cigarettes? Easy to avoid – quit smoking genius. Other than those kind of taxes, there have been no increases.
On December 31 the BUSH TAX CUTS will expire. If Republicans and their Dem collaborators in the Congress have their way, taxes on the middle class will rise.
As I’ve pointed out above with the Koch brothers, the rich can easily afford 3 or 4 more points of marginal tax increase – the same rate they paid under Clinton. They did just fine in those days.
And the economy was way better.
Ben Stein (former Nixon flunky and actor, now claims to be an economist) was on the CBS Sunday Morning show this past week. He complained about the Democrat “Tax Hike”, claiming that after taxes and his “agent’s fees”, he brings home only 30% of his earnings. He whined that he didn’t do anything wrong to be singled out for punishment.
A couple of suggestions for Ben Stein.
(1) Agent’s fees are deductable before-tax income. If your accountant doesn’t know that, then get a new accountant. And ask your alma mater to refund your tuition money, clearly they didn’t teach you economics or business.
(2) If your agent’s fees plus taxes are 70% of your income, you clearly are paying way to much for your agent. Agent’s fees are typically between 5% and 15%, not 40%. If he won’t re-negotiate your contract, then fire him and get a new one.
(3) The principle purpose of taxes is to raise revenue, not to punish. The most economical way to raise money is to collect it from those that already have it, in larger quantities, than it is to try to collect money from people who don’t have it, or have very little. Morals in tax policies only apply to “sin taxes”.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
I keep asking conservatives why it’s fair for poor people to pay higher interest rates on loans than rich people, but it’s unfair to charge rich people higher taxes than their less prosperous brethren.
Stein is being ‘punished’ not for working hard, but because he is being disproportionately rewarded for the actual work that he does.
As proof, try going two weeks without watching a Ben Stein commercial or two weeks without watching a Ben Stein commercial.
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
re 16: .. meant to say ‘or garbage collection.
@11 Id (iot) says:
Your side is doing such a great job running this countries businesses into the ground with your crushing taxes that they are afraid to hire. Who is going to pay your wages when no one is hiring?
First, let’s actually dissect what this lying idiot is trying to say. The BUSH recession (2007-2009) was the longest since the great depression and would have been much worse (according to economists) if the stimulus and banking reforms were not passed.
Anyone who claims that businesses are “scared” to hire is full of it too. Uncertain times are when business opportunites are BEST. Any first year business student can tell you that. Also, we pay lower taxes NOW per person then at almost any point in our history. REpublicans opposed Sen. Murrays bill to fund more education by eliminating tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.
The bottom line is the republican policies (less regulation of the banks, the mining companies and the oil industry) have led to disasters of an unprecedented scale.
Taxing the rich is going to pass because people will not be hoodwinked by the republican blame machine. They have no new ideas, they are opposed to people getting health care with pre-existing conditions, trhey are opposed to kids being covered by health care and they are opposed tobanking and wall street reform.
What are they in favor of – some theoretical never-nver kland of no regualtion and unlimited jobs and no taxes but budget surpluses. They lie and they are stoopid and ID is a prime example of that stupidity.
Oh and crushing taxes:
When you look at the overall tax burden, the U.S. is quite low,” said Eric Toder, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., and former director of the office of research for the Internal Revenue Service.
For a family with one wage-earner and two children, only Iceland and Ireland have a lower income tax burden than the U.S., according to the most recent data for 2005.
From Money magazine – not exactly a “liberal” source. But hey, facts are not the strong point of an Id(iot).
Of course, this legislation also helps out by lowering the B and O threshold for small businesses.
Oops again, conservative fools.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You are a fool.
This tax doesn’t soak the rich…it soaks those who want to be rich. Big difference.
Bill Gates, Jr. only makes $660,000/yr. and is married with 2 kids.
He owns $200 MILLION or so of Real Estate.
The richest man in the world likely pays LESS under this Initiative.
You’ve been duped Goldy…again.
Doing it only on Earned Income helps the rich avoid the tax dumbass.
Are you a fucking idiot, or just playing one on my blog? Gates Jr. lives an extravagant lifestyle which must cost tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of expenditures a year to support. Hell, his $660,000 salary doesn’t even cover his property taxes.
So how does he pay for this? By realizing capital gains. And that is income that will be taxed at 9 percent.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gates Jr. has already pulled out an incredible amount of LT Capital Gains over the years.
Why not ask if he will make his tax returns public??
Gates Jr. and Gates Sr. are very shrewd.
Gates Sr. made a living helping rich folks avoid paying taxes dumbass.
He’s still doing it…with your help.
You are very gullible.
This is NOT abouut taxing the Rich. It’s about taxing folks who WANT to be rich.
Big difference.
Funny, I just realized something….
The wingnuts complain (rather frequently, if not constantly) that the working class is overpaid. It usually is combined with “lazy”, as in “..lazy, overpaid (union/government/other) workers…” They seem to think that the appropriate level of pay for anyone other then themselves should pretty much be at the poverty level.
In other words, they need to have the ever-present threat of homelessness and hungar before they can be motivated to work hard for pittance wages. To them, even the minimum wage is too much for the likes of them.
But for the priviledged class, they also need additional “incentives” before they can be induced to work or invest. But their incentives are different from what they want from the rest of us. In addition to their rather extravagant salaries, they need to be “incentivised” (I hate that word) by very large bonuses which are not based on performance, and stock options which are pegged to an initial base price so low that they can’t help but generate large rewards. If they are simply investors, they have to be “incentivised” by tax credits, deductions, and reduced rates to the point where they pay less in taxes than their secretaries (as Warren Buffet recounted).
So what the Republican policies have been to apply one rule for the financial elites, and other rules for the rest of us. And the Republicans have tried to convince us that if we don’t go along, then we will loose our jobs paying pittance wages, as well.
I believe Tom Morello’s guitar says it perfectly: Arm The Homeless!
Soak the Rich, Feed the Poor!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This does not “Soak the Rich” spyder.
You are a fool to think that someday soon it won’t hit you…bigtime.
Those RICH FOLKS you want to soak ain’t stupid as evidenced by Gates proposal saving his son, the world’s richest man, money.
He is rich.
How is this “soaking” Gates Jr. when he pays less??
“How is this “soaking” Gates Jr. when he pays less??”
Right now he isn’t paying any state income tax, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
21. YLB sez Puddybud must grow up and defend his own blather spews:
it soaks those who want to be rich.
Well poor babies. I’ll guess they’ll have to “work harder” like they want the hoi polloi to do in order overcome this rather modest tax.
Spoken by a “man” who sends his wife out to work every day so he can remain unemployed and post on HA.
YLB–you are a loser who watches life pass you by. You are a jealous, envious prick.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
29. Steve spews:
“How is this “soaking” Gates Jr. when he pays less??”
Right now he isn’t paying any state income tax, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
The Property Tax credit will exceed his Income Tax bill dumbass. Read the law.
30 – rhp said the same thing I did. More eloquently of course. Not indulging in ad hominem against him are you?
Greedy SOB Republicans – the rules they want for everyone else never applies to them.
31 – Assuming that he owns all that property in WA State. Maybe.
The anti-1098 forces says the property tax reductions are meaningless anyway. They’re saying the legislature will take it away!
Read the fear-mongering by your side idiot klown!
Did the dumbfuck KLOWN say something?
Remember when the dumbfuck KLOWN said he owned half dozen rental properties? Oh, wait, he later said that he sold them. Hmm, then he said he still owned them. First it was one number, then another, and then yet another. The dumbfuck KLOWN can’t keep his fucking stories straight. Maybe YLB’s very useful database can help sort it all out for for the dumbfuck KLOWN.
doug framespews:
Ya give the state more money! They don’t waste hundreds of millions right now do they. One example: Sound transit is over $3,000,000,000 in the hole. How many hundres of example do you all need to see the light of reality.
Yeah, baby!
Great ad!
I’m voting yes because I care about education for kids and healthcare for desperately needy and I-1098 is a positive step towards a more progressive, more fair taxation system in this State.
try getting a job first ylbleeder…
If Gates cared he’d take his own money and use it to start a college as many others have done some of which are tuition free.
Freaking awesome ad.
Bill Gates Sr. 2012! I don’t care what he runs for, he’s got my vote.
Total Votes: 849
I’ll vote for it; I don’t believe it will be expanded to lower incomes
10% 82
I’ll vote for it; I think it will eventually be expanded to lower incomes
7% 56
I won’t vote for it; I think it will eventually be expanded to lower incomes
45% 381
I won’t vote for it; I don’t believe anyone should pay state income tax
35% 295
Not sure yet how I will vote
4% 35
We need Chris Christie in this state as governor!
We would actually have a leader!
Welcome to recovery Summer
The Labor Department said the number of people seeking unemployment benefits for the first time rose 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 465,000 for for the week ended Sept. 18. Economists had expected initial jobless claims to remain unchanged from a week earlier
5 – Yawwwn… Freepers are still carrying water for greedy right wingers.
7 – Yeah! Cut taxes on the rich, lay off teachers, increase class sizes. That’s the right wing plan for the country.
I’m all for soaking the rich.
Your side is doing such a great job running this countries businesses into the ground with your crushing taxes that they are afraid to hire. Who is going to pay your wages when no one is hiring?
I understand Forbes magazine has published its annual report on the 400 richest Americans.
The Koch brothers became 5 billion dollars richer in 2009.
Bush laid the table just fine – for rich people. For everyone else? They’re just not “working hard” enough.
# 11: laughable.
Talked to a guy who was closing down his shop, I asked him what were the biggest reasons he was going out of business.
His reasons: (1) too many customers still are laid off from work and unable to buy, (2) the bank pulled his short-term line of credit in the fall of 2008, (3) his health insurance premiums have gone through the roof, and (4) he hasn’t made a net profit in almost three years.
He WISHES income taxes were the worst of his problems. At least in order to pay taxes, he would be making a profit.
Taxes on cigarettes? Easy to avoid – quit smoking genius. Other than those kind of taxes, there have been no increases.
On December 31 the BUSH TAX CUTS will expire. If Republicans and their Dem collaborators in the Congress have their way, taxes on the middle class will rise.
As I’ve pointed out above with the Koch brothers, the rich can easily afford 3 or 4 more points of marginal tax increase – the same rate they paid under Clinton. They did just fine in those days.
And the economy was way better.
Ben Stein (former Nixon flunky and actor, now claims to be an economist) was on the CBS Sunday Morning show this past week. He complained about the Democrat “Tax Hike”, claiming that after taxes and his “agent’s fees”, he brings home only 30% of his earnings. He whined that he didn’t do anything wrong to be singled out for punishment.
A couple of suggestions for Ben Stein.
(1) Agent’s fees are deductable before-tax income. If your accountant doesn’t know that, then get a new accountant. And ask your alma mater to refund your tuition money, clearly they didn’t teach you economics or business.
(2) If your agent’s fees plus taxes are 70% of your income, you clearly are paying way to much for your agent. Agent’s fees are typically between 5% and 15%, not 40%. If he won’t re-negotiate your contract, then fire him and get a new one.
(3) The principle purpose of taxes is to raise revenue, not to punish. The most economical way to raise money is to collect it from those that already have it, in larger quantities, than it is to try to collect money from people who don’t have it, or have very little. Morals in tax policies only apply to “sin taxes”.
I keep asking conservatives why it’s fair for poor people to pay higher interest rates on loans than rich people, but it’s unfair to charge rich people higher taxes than their less prosperous brethren.
Stein is being ‘punished’ not for working hard, but because he is being disproportionately rewarded for the actual work that he does.
As proof, try going two weeks without watching a Ben Stein commercial or two weeks without watching a Ben Stein commercial.
re 16: .. meant to say ‘or garbage collection.
@11 Id (iot) says:
First, let’s actually dissect what this lying idiot is trying to say. The BUSH recession (2007-2009) was the longest since the great depression and would have been much worse (according to economists) if the stimulus and banking reforms were not passed.
Anyone who claims that businesses are “scared” to hire is full of it too. Uncertain times are when business opportunites are BEST. Any first year business student can tell you that. Also, we pay lower taxes NOW per person then at almost any point in our history. REpublicans opposed Sen. Murrays bill to fund more education by eliminating tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.
The bottom line is the republican policies (less regulation of the banks, the mining companies and the oil industry) have led to disasters of an unprecedented scale.
Taxing the rich is going to pass because people will not be hoodwinked by the republican blame machine. They have no new ideas, they are opposed to people getting health care with pre-existing conditions, trhey are opposed to kids being covered by health care and they are opposed tobanking and wall street reform.
What are they in favor of – some theoretical never-nver kland of no regualtion and unlimited jobs and no taxes but budget surpluses. They lie and they are stoopid and ID is a prime example of that stupidity.
Oh and crushing taxes:
From Money magazine – not exactly a “liberal” source. But hey, facts are not the strong point of an Id(iot).
Of course, this legislation also helps out by lowering the B and O threshold for small businesses.
Oops again, conservative fools.
You are a fool.
This tax doesn’t soak the rich…it soaks those who want to be rich. Big difference.
Bill Gates, Jr. only makes $660,000/yr. and is married with 2 kids.
He owns $200 MILLION or so of Real Estate.
The richest man in the world likely pays LESS under this Initiative.
You’ve been duped Goldy…again.
Doing it only on Earned Income helps the rich avoid the tax dumbass.
Well poor babies. I’ll guess they’ll have to “work harder” like they want the hoi polloi to do in order overcome this rather modest tax.
Just so classrooms sizes stay small enough for kids to have a chance to learn and poor folks and the elderly don’t form lines at emergency rooms.
Yes on I-1098 – it’s good for Washington.
Yeah! It lowers their federal tax bill.
Perhaps Gates understands that it’s better for the rich that they be “soaked” than have their heads removed.
Dumbfuck KLOWN sez, “Doing it only on Earned Income helps the rich avoid the tax dumbass.”
Relax, KLOWN. We’ll get our hands on the rest with higher federal capital gains, dividend and estate taxes. heh-
Cynical @20,
Are you a fucking idiot, or just playing one on my blog? Gates Jr. lives an extravagant lifestyle which must cost tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of expenditures a year to support. Hell, his $660,000 salary doesn’t even cover his property taxes.
So how does he pay for this? By realizing capital gains. And that is income that will be taxed at 9 percent.
Gates Jr. has already pulled out an incredible amount of LT Capital Gains over the years.
Why not ask if he will make his tax returns public??
Gates Jr. and Gates Sr. are very shrewd.
Gates Sr. made a living helping rich folks avoid paying taxes dumbass.
He’s still doing it…with your help.
You are very gullible.
This is NOT abouut taxing the Rich. It’s about taxing folks who WANT to be rich.
Big difference.
Funny, I just realized something….
The wingnuts complain (rather frequently, if not constantly) that the working class is overpaid. It usually is combined with “lazy”, as in “..lazy, overpaid (union/government/other) workers…” They seem to think that the appropriate level of pay for anyone other then themselves should pretty much be at the poverty level.
In other words, they need to have the ever-present threat of homelessness and hungar before they can be motivated to work hard for pittance wages. To them, even the minimum wage is too much for the likes of them.
But for the priviledged class, they also need additional “incentives” before they can be induced to work or invest. But their incentives are different from what they want from the rest of us. In addition to their rather extravagant salaries, they need to be “incentivised” (I hate that word) by very large bonuses which are not based on performance, and stock options which are pegged to an initial base price so low that they can’t help but generate large rewards. If they are simply investors, they have to be “incentivised” by tax credits, deductions, and reduced rates to the point where they pay less in taxes than their secretaries (as Warren Buffet recounted).
So what the Republican policies have been to apply one rule for the financial elites, and other rules for the rest of us. And the Republicans have tried to convince us that if we don’t go along, then we will loose our jobs paying pittance wages, as well.
I believe Tom Morello’s guitar says it perfectly: Arm The Homeless!
Soak the Rich, Feed the Poor!
This does not “Soak the Rich” spyder.
You are a fool to think that someday soon it won’t hit you…bigtime.
Those RICH FOLKS you want to soak ain’t stupid as evidenced by Gates proposal saving his son, the world’s richest man, money.
He is rich.
How is this “soaking” Gates Jr. when he pays less??
“How is this “soaking” Gates Jr. when he pays less??”
Right now he isn’t paying any state income tax, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
21. YLB sez Puddybud must grow up and defend his own blather spews:
Spoken by a “man” who sends his wife out to work every day so he can remain unemployed and post on HA.
YLB–you are a loser who watches life pass you by. You are a jealous, envious prick.
29. Steve spews:
The Property Tax credit will exceed his Income Tax bill dumbass. Read the law.
30 – rhp said the same thing I did. More eloquently of course. Not indulging in ad hominem against him are you?
Greedy SOB Republicans – the rules they want for everyone else never applies to them.
31 – Assuming that he owns all that property in WA State. Maybe.
The anti-1098 forces says the property tax reductions are meaningless anyway. They’re saying the legislature will take it away!
Read the fear-mongering by your side idiot klown!
Did the dumbfuck KLOWN say something?
Remember when the dumbfuck KLOWN said he owned half dozen rental properties? Oh, wait, he later said that he sold them. Hmm, then he said he still owned them. First it was one number, then another, and then yet another. The dumbfuck KLOWN can’t keep his fucking stories straight. Maybe YLB’s very useful database can help sort it all out for for the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Ya give the state more money! They don’t waste hundreds of millions right now do they. One example: Sound transit is over $3,000,000,000 in the hole. How many hundres of example do you all need to see the light of reality.