If we’re going to be stimulatin’ and subsidizin’ the construction industry, an admittedly wise step considering the scope of the financial scandal and related crash, could we pretty please with sugar on top have basic consumer protections in return?
Is there something I don’t understand here? You buy a new car, you get a warranty and you’re covered by the lemon law. If the wheels fall off you have options.
You buy a new house and the plumbing fails, well, sorry pal. Caveat emptor.
It doesn’t make any sense, and it really won’t make any sense if we inject hundreds of millions of dollars into a sector without providing basic consumer safeguards. This socialism stuff has to be about all the people, not just the bidness guy socialists. Otherwise it’s Chi-Com Socialism!
Absolutely. The price of government offering business ANY bailout must ALWAYS be that of accepting regulation protecting consumers (that is, the public).
Off topic, but I’ve been wondering…are we absolutely sure Goldmark is going to win? His lead has dwindled to less that 16,000 votes.
Gregoire is starting to sound more & more like me…government needs to get back to the basics.
She has done everything she can to kill the Construction Industry.
BTW–Gregoire loves Government Public Works jobs BECAUSE they create General Fund Sales Tax Revenue. If the purpose is to stimulate the economy, new Public Works jobs should be EXEMPT from sales tax.
“She has done everything she can to kill the Construction Industry.”
Utter bullshit. Over-supply and the deflation of the housing bubble has done it in. Your assertion is utterly without evidence or merit.
Apparently you have NO idea of the regulations you have to deal with when building a house, whether you are a contractor or just some guy trying to save money and build it yourself. The cost of regulation in construction is staggering! This is one of the reasons most of you will never see the deed to your house without the banks name on it. Think about it, your kids will probably have to rent all their lives. Wake up, regulation is killing our country. Now I will say that something needs done in the bank industry, but if you think about it Fanny Mae and Freddy mac were essentially government ran banks. Remember, we are from the government, we are here to help!
5 C
No, “if you think about it,” Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac were not run by the government at all.
But it was private sector loans, and not FM and FM, who sunk the economy anyway.
Chuck sounds like the operator of a whore house, who is upset when the customers complain that girls are dirty.
@2 That’s more than enough.
@3 “She has done everything she can to kill the Construction Industry.”
Is that so? How, exactly? By insisting that builders pay their illegal-immigrant laborers the legal minimum wage? No $1-a-day workers kills the construction industry?
Yeah, Cynical, the construction industry looked real “killed” to me when all the builders in my neighborhood were driving Hummers and F350 crew cabs last year.
Geez, Cyn, you’re so full of shit it must be 20 years since you’ve taken a dump. Are you holding it back because you ran out of TP? Say the word and your HA friends will take up a collection to buy you a roll of TP.
There’s a difference, Jon, between the construction industry that would build a community college campus expansion and the residential homebuilders belonging to the BIAW. Money that goes towards community college expansion isn’t going to go to any residential homebuilder. I don’t see where a single dime goes to residential builders under what Gregoire proposes. There’s something to be said about providing home buyer protections, but this emergency measure isn’t the time or place.
@5 Yep, we have regulations, and houses that don’t collapse like they do in Turkey or China.
@7 It’s more accurate to say Chuck sounds like the idiot he is.
@10 The time/place for homebuyer protections was 20 years ago. Better late than never. I’m for late; are you for never?
BTW, I wouldn’t buy a new home under existing laws. If there’s even a remote chance of a business screwing me out of 100s of thousands of $$, I won’t run the risk of doing business with them. How’s that for helping the homebuilding industry? If you want people to buy new homes, then make it possible for them to trust the product and the industry.
@3 “She has done everything she can to kill the Construction Industry.”
You are an idiot.
@5 “Wake up, regulation is killing our country.”
You are an even bigger idiot than Cynical.
@13 “I’m for late; are you for never?”
Not at all. I’m all for it. And better late than never. I’m just saying that Jon would have made a better point with his post if this emergency measure of Gregoire’s had anything whatsoever to do with residential homebuilders. It doesn’t. He, as well as Goldy, continue to confuse the commercial construction industry with the residential homebuilders industry. They are horses of a different color.
Conservatives are not just idiots; they are idiots who believe a whole raft of things that just are not factually true. Consider, that if you are to be a conseervative and not get voted off the island, you must believe that:
1. Anthropogenic climate change is a Lie.
2. The “Main Stream Media” has a partisan bias in favor of Democrats.
3. The invasion of Iraq was based on an honest appraisal of the evidence.
4. Torture is acceptable, and also, we do not torture.
That’s not even comprehensive; it is, rather, but a tiny sample of the vast univerrse of imaginary beliefs that are held not just by a few weirdos but are the sum core of conservative orthodoxy. To be a conservative in the 21st century American sense, you need to believe things that are not true AND you need to tie yourself into knots to pretend otherwise.
This post is really spurred by Representative Paul Broun, a member of Congress speaking on the record to a national news outlet.
@5: Every industry has “burdensome regulations”. Just ask anybody in ANY industry (except black market andor criminal ones). Bunch of whiners if you ask me.
Deal with it.
Does no one here know that the Homeowner’s Bill of Rights has not made it to a floor vote in the House during the past two legislative sessions because none other than Speaker Frank Chopp opposes it?
“…stimulatin’ and subsidizin’ the construction industry, an admittedly wise step considering the scope of the financial scandal and related crash…”
WOW! Horsesass writers defend financial contributions to the BIAW? Who’da thunk?
Oh? you didn’t know that the BIAW represents hundreds of thosands of construction jobs in WA state?