From TPM:
National House Committees Shell Out Big Money, NRCC Finally In The Game
Both parties’ national House committees shelled out big bucks in the newest federal filings. The DCCC spent nearly $4 million in yesterday’s FEC filings, with the biggest expenditure going for $450,000 against Rep. Robin “Liberals Hate Real Americans” Hayes (R-NC). The NRCC, which has held on to its much smaller war chest until the home stretch of the campaign, spent $4.1 million, with the biggest payment going for over $450,000 to defend Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA).
That’s right, the DCCC is focusing its largest buy against a hate-talking, McCarthyite wing-nut, while the NRCC is focusing its resources in defense of… Dave Reichert.
He says he’s an outsider. He says he’s independent. He says he’s moderate. And yet the party of Michele Bachmann, who says members of Congress should be investigated to find out who is “pro-America” and who is “anti-America,” is focusing its resources reelecting Reichert. Telling.
The republican party knows a compliant vote when they see one. Reichert votes their way and then, after the key votes, votes as a moderate so he seems like one.
this type of deception does not need to be rewarded by the voters in the 8th.
Bachmann’s fat mouth is the best thing that ever happened to her challenger, who spent a whole year raising $1 million but raked in $810,000 in 72 hours after she shot off her mouth — and is now in serious contention to take her seat away from her. Thanks, Michelle!
The answer is….VERY.a
Did you see Darcy’s new ad outing Reichert for taking money from Airbus and partying with them while Boeing got the shaft? Oooh, gutshot! That kind of shit does NOT fly here in King COunty.
The ad’s not yet available on her site, or it might be the DCCC’s. They’re dropping a bundle on her. Those leading poll numbers had to help pry the money loose.
I’ve thought all along that the Republicans considered Reichart a bad investment. A two-term Congressman should have his own financial and voting base nailed down, and be out lending support to new Republican candidates, not taking money away from him to prop him up for one more term. It’s throwing good money after bad.
The fact that the Republican Party is putting money into this race after all shows how desperate they are to retain every seat they can, and Reichart’s seat seems to be one of the few contested seats which the Republicans actually have something of a chance to keep.
Reichert got $10,000 from PETE PAC, Pete Sessions’ PAC (TX-32); that $10,000 came from a fundraiser at a Las Vegas strip club. If Reichert’s running on a “family values” agenda, spread the word to your local paper.
Also, help us close down the right-wing money machine by giving to Pete Sessions opponent, Democrat Eric Roberson
Hayes also got $10,000 in strip club cash–spread the word to the editor of your local paper.