Everyone stay safe. Check your bus to make sure that it isn’t a snow route now. Give yourself extra time to get places. And give a thought for the people who have to work in this mess.
All I gotta say, Steve, is that it’s a good thing the FBI came in with overwhelming firepower. Otherwise you’d be stroking to the anticipation of the publication of Bezos dick pics instead of to this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Kinda fits that David Pecker is accused of stealing dick pics. You could say he was born to it.
@ 3
As you were born to Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Fits like a urethral catheter.
You don’t need a wall, Doctor Dumbfuck, you just need to tell your illegal immigrant-hating orange moron to quit hiring illegal immigrants.
“‘My whole town practically lived there’: From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a pipeline of illegal worker”
Dozens of Judicial Nominees Advance to Full Senate
WASHINGTON (CN) – The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday advanced the nominations of 44 of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, resuming the efforts of the Republican-controlled Senate to stock the federal judiciary with Trump selections.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@ 5
Steve, if illegal immigrants weren’t hired, how would they achieve a home of their own in their own country?
…he stayed seven years on the grounds crew, saving enough for a small piece of land and some cattle back home.
Now the 34-year-old lives with his wife and daughters in a sturdy house built by “Trump money,” as he put it, with a porch to watch the sun go down.
Built by Trump money.
Probably not the message you intended to send, Steve.
But thanks, ever so much, for playing.
I think what has Steve’s panties twisted are the cattle @ 7 that illegal immigrant has back home.
After all, cattle produce methane gas and that’s bad for the environment. AOC wants to do away with cattle and Trump money is interfering with her efforts.
Clearly Trump had it in for AOC when he paid those illegal immigrants and they used the money to thwart her socialist agenda.
Here’s some advice to Bezos & Amazon:
Fuck ’em.
Change your mind and build your new HQ someplace you’re wanted. Let Cuomo and de Blasio eat shit and die.
The GOP will
control the judiciary for a generation.
See “So much…”
“The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
So fucking what? Seeing as how incels will still be incels and dumbfucks will still be dumbfucks, what could possibly be in it for you?
Hey, let’s play Jeopardy!
“a generation”
“How long will the Trump family be in prison?”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I just realized I own sweaters older than her.
And they still fit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “Democrats will control the House for two years.”
You’re very (I’d say unrealistically) optimistic about how long the anti-Trump, anti-GOP backlash will last.
@13 Because premature ball-spiking in his own endzone worked out so well for Doctor Dumbfuck in 2018, he’s starting even earlier for 2020.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’d say he’s optimistic about the prospect that Democrats will do something to turn the public broadly against them within that time frame.
There are two problems with that thinking.
First is The Overton Window. In an era where one of the two major political parties openly cavorts with wife beaters, white supremacists, and ruthlessly pursues a policy of beating up toddlers, many if not most of the “outrages” that might be exploited have become normalized.
The other problem enjoys long daytime naps at 1600 Pennsylvania. A thick fog of stupidity spews forth from the Republican White House unabated. It appears that the current Cheif of Staff is unable to equal his predecessors performance in securing the operation against embarrasing leaks at a time when more staff will be hitting the silk. And of course no “pivot”. President Sundowner is nothing if not reliable.
There must be some word or name we can use to aptly describe such people and capture the true essence of their political ideology. What could it be…
This storm is all a fake news. IT”S A GIANT AND FABRICATED HOAX OF A MESS!
Bob being awfully homoerotic this morning. Suggesting a man having sex with his own penis? I bet Mike Pence wouldn’t approve – Pence doesn’t waste sperm….on the other hand he is a waste of his father’s waste of sperm.
“Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
Says the one trick pony.
And a Dumbfuck has to keep repeating it otherwise he’s liable to take a knife to his wrist.
“Built by Trump money”
You mean built off of the taxpayers money….you really don’t think that The Hump’s money is his own money? Do you?
Hey, maybe he even paid some of those illegals (those would be the good illegals now in Bob’s eyes) with Bob’s campaign contributions. Ha! Bob – supporting illegals for precious homes in their home country.
Bezos & Amazon need NYC – NYC (emphasis on City) doesn’t need him.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“That said, if your client agrees to cease and desist such defamatory behavior, we are willing to engage in constructive conversations regarding the texts and photos which we have in our possession. Dylan Howard stands ready to discuss the matter at your convenience.”
Aaaand… Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Not slam dunk by any stretch. And it’s conduct that AMI has probably done plenty of for many years so it’s perhaps no surprise that their lawyer feels comfortable putting it so bluntly.
But it isn’t safe. Not safe at all. Not under present circumstances. Because it provides ample probable cause to open AMI up to a virtually unlimited probe of its past and present conduct owing to the agreement they signed with SDNY. A better lawyer would have been more careful. He has a duty to vigorously defend his client’s interests. He may be authorized to propose terms of negotiation with counter parties in order to protect or promote those interests. Those terms can be aggressive and even threatening at times. But the terms themselves must entail legal activity. This is borderline at best. And it puts his client’s greater interests in considerable peril.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “I’d say he’s optimistic about the prospect that Democrats will do something to turn the public broadly against them within that time frame.”
Steak Sauce is trying, by scraping up every crime committed by an illegal against a citizen he can find, while ignoring the vastly greater number of crimes committed by citizens (like Trump does when demagoging this issue).
I can’t find data on this, and it may not exist, but it wouldn’t surprise me if citizens commit more crimes against illegals than vice-versa.
@ 17
There must be some word or name we can use to aptly describe such people and capture the true essence of their political ideology. What could it be…
I’m gonna go with employed.
Fuck that bitch, too.
Ben Jacobs
Verified account
31m31 minutes ago
Another accuser has just come forward to accuse Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of raping her in college
Annnnnnd, Fairfax provides cover for Northam.
Bloomberg Politics
Verified account
39m39 minutes ago
BREAKING: Virginia official: Governor tells top staff he will not resign over racist photo, despite pressure to step down – @AP https://bloom.bg/2Dmv0nH
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “A better lawyer would have been more careful.”
Might have remained a lawyer, too.
Steve, if you are looking for premature ball-spiking, check out all of HA, January 1 – November 8 at about 6 pm PST, 2016.
And, dude:
It’s been awhile, but you’ve provided me the opening to say
Think on your sins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Judges and disciplinary committees certainly tend to be impressed by lawyers who offer to trade surreptiously obtained sexual images of an embarrassing nature of opposing parties for something of value (e.g., a higher property settlement or more favorable custody arrangements for their clients), but not in a positive way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Yeah, you won big on Nov. 8, sure you did. Hope you enjoy the investigations. There’ll be lots of them now.
“Fuck that bitch, too.”
Spoken like a true incel. Little wonder you fucks can’t layed.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m gonna go with employed.
Are you sure?
BTW, thanks again for that free Senate seat in Alabama.
Absolutely could not have done it without you guys.
Really appreciate it.
“Think on your sins.”
I’m thinking you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 33
Right back atcha. We so much appreciate your 2016 assistance in the success of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Absolutely could not have done it without the blatant unfairness demonstrated by the DNC during the primary campaign.
Thinking that horrid human being could ignore Wisconsin and skate to the presidency was quite possibly the greatest political error in decades.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Think on your sins.
That’s right, Steve.
Never, ever forget how deeply, fundamentally, and even morally wrong you were, all of us were, to credit 63 million beer-drunk, racist, liver-spotted Shit Lords with putting their country’s best interests ahead of their yearning for permission to tell “Rastus” jokes around the company water cooler.
Never do that again. It was a bad thing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…success of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
I gotta admit, they’re getting pretty good at authoring dissents. Although nothing so far that compares to “jiggery-pokery” or “pure applesauce”. That was classic stuff.
Oh, look! Libbies reduced to giving thanks for Chief Justice Roberts.
We’ll see what happens when a business decision comes before the High Court.
How Democrats go to rehab these days.
Katherine Miller
Verified account
“[Northam’s] advisers have assigned the governor homework: He’s begun to read Alex Haley’s Roots, and The Case for Reparations, the seminal essay in The Atlantic by Ta-Nehisi Coates.”
1:18 PM – 8 Feb 2019
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts News – Updated rape charge count against Lt. Governor Justin “The Bitch Wanted It” Fairfax, second rape victim waits forlornly for silent Pelosi, Schumer et al. to believe her.
A second woman on Friday accused embattled Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault.
A woman named Meredith Watson said through a statement from her attorneys that Fairfax assaulted her in 2000 while they were students at Duke University. The statement describes the alleged incident as “premeditated and aggressive.”
Earlier this week, Vanessa Tyson, a politics professor at Scripps College, released a detailed statement alleging that Fairfax, a Democrat, forced her to perform oral sex on him at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2019-02-08/second-woman-accuses-virginia-lt-gov-justin-fairfax-of-assault
White man shivs black man.
Terry McAuliffe
Verified account
29m29 minutes ago
The allegations against Justin Fairfax are serious and credible. It is clear to me that he can no longer effectively serve the people of Virginia as Lieutenant Governor. I call for his immediate resignation.
@ 32
I gotta admit, I would have been laid more often as a younger adult had I forced myself on women the way Democrats like Bill Clinton and this Fairfax dude have done.
Instead of a condom, Democrat men carry an instant cold compress package.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Wow. What was that?
Did the Republican WALL!!/SHITDOWN!!/FREEDUMB Bus just run over a great big pile of “pre-born Muricans”?
How’d they get there?
Just think: once upon a time Teh Dumbfucks bombed healthcare clinics in defense of cherished principles.
Now they settle for Tweet-meming hippie tears.
@40 Know what the difference between Democrats and Republicans is? When a Democrat assaults a woman, his party tosses him out on his ass. When a Republican does it, his party closes ranks behind him, calls the woman a liar, and puts him on the Supreme Court. Defend that if you can. Btw, how is your party doing with women voters these days?
Of course, your solution for that was to vote for a much worse one. Because, it goes without saying, you’re a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “Oh, look! Libbies reduced to giving thanks for Chief Justice Roberts.”
I see you’re not. Which suggests it’s better to be us than you.
“We’ll see what happens when a business decision comes before the High Court.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck, after repeatedly and loudly bragging the conservatives’ takeover of the Supreme Court, is reduced to taking whatever he can get from said court, now that the big stuff still seems to be out of reach.
Who knows? Maybe Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will go Kennedy on him, too. Stranger things have happened to presidents and parties who thought they had a lock on SCOTUS.
Get out, motherfucker.
Ben Tribbett
Replying to @notlarrysabato
And reporters are now telling me they have heard about women #3, #4 and #5. Victims should never be outed before they are ready to come forward- but we are way overdue for a resignation.
2:10 PM – Feb 8, 2019
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 See #45. Of course, being a dumbfuck, you see nothing beyond party loyalty, your childlike thinking uncomplicated by morality or principles or character or anything like that.
Unserious twit.
Meg Kinnard✔
JUST IN: Literally 27 minutes before it was set to begin, @SenGillibrand’s campaign sends out notice her event here at @SCSTATE1896 has been canceled.
12:09 PM – Feb 8, 2019
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Couldn’t agree more. Kavanaugh, too.
@ 45
Know what the difference between Democrats and Republicans is? When a Democrat assaults a woman, his party tosses him out on his ass.
See Clinton, William Jefferson.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, what about when a Democrat kills a woman?
See, Kennedy, Edward.
Roger rabbitspews:
@50 She’s a U.S. Senator. What are you? If she’s a twit, what describes you? You’re only an old guy who rants about catheters on HA because you’d get tossed out of Starbucks if you did it there. Under these circumstances, your credentials to call other people “twits” are dubious at best.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 See sex, consensual. But for the record, I didn’t vote for Clinton because of his bad character. For the record, you support someone with far worse character.
As for Kennedy, his weaknesses likely cost him the presidency. As the restroom ditty goes,
“There was a young senator from Mass.,
Who found a nice piece of ass.
But after he found it,
He fucked up and drowned it,
And now his bright future is past.”
I know you think he should have gone to jail, and so do many other people of your partisan persuasion, but the fact none of you have never heard of any Republican who deserves to wear a prison jumpsuit somewhat diminishes the persuasiveness of your argument.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results-
Runners-up, undocumented pediatricians caught performing undocumented examinations on children.
Monday, McAllen agents working near Hidalgo, Texas, arrested eight illegal aliens shortly after they entered the United States. While being processed, a Mexican man’s record checks revealed an arrest by the Cobb County, Georgia, Sheriff’s Office for Child Molestation. The man received four years confinement and 16 years’ probation.
Later that night, agents from Rio Grande City working near Roma, Texas, arrested a Honduran male. Record checks indicated an arrest and conviction in North Carolina for Indecent Liberties with Child. The presiding judge sentenced him to 16-20 months along with 6 months’ probation. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/three-criminal-illegal-aliens-arrested-rio-grande-valley
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
See Bush, Laura…
…who also dealt weed.
Which is nice.
Wow! From this modern era Roypublican Overton Window we can see all the way back to a pile of dead Catholic nuns in the jungle, too!
Heh. “Some of them.. are good people.” You voted for it, pork sauce. I didn’t. I doubt a fucking “see-through” wall is going to keep them out. Shit, they probably all came in on boats and planes.
Heterosexuals are so disgusting! Everything is always about sex! Bunch of sexual freakazoids. Nude selfies, raping, and sex with horses!!!
Jeff Bezos’ photos show that no one’s intimate selfies are safe
I would have been laid more often as a younger adult had I forced myself on women “the way”
Boob’s frat and other associations doubtless had their own “way” (like pulling a train) but poor boob was doubtless too drunk or otherwise unable to perform..
Sure sux to be that freak.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 I wonder if we should go easier on him? He’s probably led a very lonely life. Just thinking out loud, that’s all; nothing actionable.
“Roger Stone handcuffed and perp-walked after FBI raid in newly revealed footage”
Get used to it, Doctor Dumbfuck.
All I gotta say, Steve, is that it’s a good thing the FBI came in with overwhelming firepower. Otherwise you’d be stroking to the anticipation of the publication of Bezos dick pics instead of to this.
@3 Kinda fits that David Pecker is accused of stealing dick pics. You could say he was born to it.
@ 3
As you were born to Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Fits like a urethral catheter.
You don’t need a wall, Doctor Dumbfuck, you just need to tell your illegal immigrant-hating orange moron to quit hiring illegal immigrants.
“‘My whole town practically lived there’: From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a pipeline of illegal worker”
Get used to it @ 1, Steve.
Dozens of Judicial Nominees Advance to Full Senate
WASHINGTON (CN) – The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday advanced the nominations of 44 of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, resuming the efforts of the Republican-controlled Senate to stock the federal judiciary with Trump selections.
Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@ 5
Steve, if illegal immigrants weren’t hired, how would they achieve a home of their own in their own country?
…he stayed seven years on the grounds crew, saving enough for a small piece of land and some cattle back home.
Now the 34-year-old lives with his wife and daughters in a sturdy house built by “Trump money,” as he put it, with a porch to watch the sun go down.
Built by Trump money.
Probably not the message you intended to send, Steve.
But thanks, ever so much, for playing.
I think what has Steve’s panties twisted are the cattle @ 7 that illegal immigrant has back home.
After all, cattle produce methane gas and that’s bad for the environment. AOC wants to do away with cattle and Trump money is interfering with her efforts.
Clearly Trump had it in for AOC when he paid those illegal immigrants and they used the money to thwart her socialist agenda.
Here’s some advice to Bezos & Amazon:
Fuck ’em.
Change your mind and build your new HQ someplace you’re wanted. Let Cuomo and de Blasio eat shit and die.
Goldy Retweeted
Richard Florida✔
Here’s some advice to @Amazon @jeffbezos Give the incentive money back – you don’t need it and the potential brand damage is too great. Pledge to be a good corporate citizen & contribute to affordable housing, workforce development & transit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/facing-opposition-amazon-reconsiders-ny-headquarters-site-two-officials-say/2019/02/08/451ffc52-2a19-11e9-b011-d8500644dc98_story.html …
See “So much…”
“The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
So fucking what? Seeing as how incels will still be incels and dumbfucks will still be dumbfucks, what could possibly be in it for you?
Hey, let’s play Jeopardy!
“a generation”
“How long will the Trump family be in prison?”
I just realized I own sweaters older than her.
And they still fit!
@6 “Democrats will control the House for two years.”
You’re very (I’d say unrealistically) optimistic about how long the anti-Trump, anti-GOP backlash will last.
@13 Because premature ball-spiking in his own endzone worked out so well for Doctor Dumbfuck in 2018, he’s starting even earlier for 2020.
I’d say he’s optimistic about the prospect that Democrats will do something to turn the public broadly against them within that time frame.
There are two problems with that thinking.
First is The Overton Window. In an era where one of the two major political parties openly cavorts with wife beaters, white supremacists, and ruthlessly pursues a policy of beating up toddlers, many if not most of the “outrages” that might be exploited have become normalized.
The other problem enjoys long daytime naps at 1600 Pennsylvania. A thick fog of stupidity spews forth from the Republican White House unabated. It appears that the current Cheif of Staff is unable to equal his predecessors performance in securing the operation against embarrasing leaks at a time when more staff will be hitting the silk. And of course no “pivot”. President Sundowner is nothing if not reliable.
“…any document, record, or any other tangible evidence relating to matters about which this Office or any designated law enforcement agency inquires of it.”
Fish on!
“Men, white Americans, and those who approve of the job Trump is doing as president are the most likely to say they’ll support Schultz if he runs in 2020.“
There must be some word or name we can use to aptly describe such people and capture the true essence of their political ideology. What could it be…
This storm is all a fake news. IT”S A GIANT AND FABRICATED HOAX OF A MESS!
Bob being awfully homoerotic this morning. Suggesting a man having sex with his own penis? I bet Mike Pence wouldn’t approve – Pence doesn’t waste sperm….on the other hand he is a waste of his father’s waste of sperm.
“Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
Says the one trick pony.
And a Dumbfuck has to keep repeating it otherwise he’s liable to take a knife to his wrist.
“Built by Trump money”
You mean built off of the taxpayers money….you really don’t think that The Hump’s money is his own money? Do you?
Hey, maybe he even paid some of those illegals (those would be the good illegals now in Bob’s eyes) with Bob’s campaign contributions. Ha! Bob – supporting illegals for precious homes in their home country.
Bezos & Amazon need NYC – NYC (emphasis on City) doesn’t need him.
Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Not slam dunk by any stretch. And it’s conduct that AMI has probably done plenty of for many years so it’s perhaps no surprise that their lawyer feels comfortable putting it so bluntly.
But it isn’t safe. Not safe at all. Not under present circumstances. Because it provides ample probable cause to open AMI up to a virtually unlimited probe of its past and present conduct owing to the agreement they signed with SDNY. A better lawyer would have been more careful. He has a duty to vigorously defend his client’s interests. He may be authorized to propose terms of negotiation with counter parties in order to protect or promote those interests. Those terms can be aggressive and even threatening at times. But the terms themselves must entail legal activity. This is borderline at best. And it puts his client’s greater interests in considerable peril.
@15 “I’d say he’s optimistic about the prospect that Democrats will do something to turn the public broadly against them within that time frame.”
Steak Sauce is trying, by scraping up every crime committed by an illegal against a citizen he can find, while ignoring the vastly greater number of crimes committed by citizens (like Trump does when demagoging this issue).
I can’t find data on this, and it may not exist, but it wouldn’t surprise me if citizens commit more crimes against illegals than vice-versa.
@ 17
There must be some word or name we can use to aptly describe such people and capture the true essence of their political ideology. What could it be…
I’m gonna go with employed.
Fuck that bitch, too.
Ben Jacobs
Verified account
31m31 minutes ago
Another accuser has just come forward to accuse Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of raping her in college
Annnnnnd, Fairfax provides cover for Northam.
Bloomberg Politics
Verified account
39m39 minutes ago
BREAKING: Virginia official: Governor tells top staff he will not resign over racist photo, despite pressure to step down – @AP https://bloom.bg/2Dmv0nH
@3 “A better lawyer would have been more careful.”
Might have remained a lawyer, too.
Steve, if you are looking for premature ball-spiking, check out all of HA, January 1 – November 8 at about 6 pm PST, 2016.
And, dude:
It’s been awhile, but you’ve provided me the opening to say
Think on your sins.
Judges and disciplinary committees certainly tend to be impressed by lawyers who offer to trade surreptiously obtained sexual images of an embarrassing nature of opposing parties for something of value (e.g., a higher property settlement or more favorable custody arrangements for their clients), but not in a positive way.
@29 Yeah, you won big on Nov. 8, sure you did. Hope you enjoy the investigations. There’ll be lots of them now.
“Fuck that bitch, too.”
Spoken like a true incel. Little wonder you fucks can’t layed.
Are you sure?
BTW, thanks again for that free Senate seat in Alabama.
Absolutely could not have done it without you guys.
Really appreciate it.
“Think on your sins.”
I’m thinking you’re a dumbfuck.
@ 33
Right back atcha. We so much appreciate your 2016 assistance in the success of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Absolutely could not have done it without the blatant unfairness demonstrated by the DNC during the primary campaign.
Thinking that horrid human being could ignore Wisconsin and skate to the presidency was quite possibly the greatest political error in decades.
That’s right, Steve.
Never, ever forget how deeply, fundamentally, and even morally wrong you were, all of us were, to credit 63 million beer-drunk, racist, liver-spotted Shit Lords with putting their country’s best interests ahead of their yearning for permission to tell “Rastus” jokes around the company water cooler.
Never do that again. It was a bad thing.
I gotta admit, they’re getting pretty good at authoring dissents. Although nothing so far that compares to “jiggery-pokery” or “pure applesauce”. That was classic stuff.
Oh, look! Libbies reduced to giving thanks for Chief Justice Roberts.
We’ll see what happens when a business decision comes before the High Court.
How Democrats go to rehab these days.
Katherine Miller
Verified account
“[Northam’s] advisers have assigned the governor homework: He’s begun to read Alex Haley’s Roots, and The Case for Reparations, the seminal essay in The Atlantic by Ta-Nehisi Coates.”
1:18 PM – 8 Feb 2019
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts News – Updated rape charge count against Lt. Governor Justin “The Bitch Wanted It” Fairfax, second rape victim waits forlornly for silent Pelosi, Schumer et al. to believe her.
A second woman on Friday accused embattled Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault.
A woman named Meredith Watson said through a statement from her attorneys that Fairfax assaulted her in 2000 while they were students at Duke University. The statement describes the alleged incident as “premeditated and aggressive.”
Earlier this week, Vanessa Tyson, a politics professor at Scripps College, released a detailed statement alleging that Fairfax, a Democrat, forced her to perform oral sex on him at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
White man shivs black man.
Terry McAuliffe
Verified account
29m29 minutes ago
The allegations against Justin Fairfax are serious and credible. It is clear to me that he can no longer effectively serve the people of Virginia as Lieutenant Governor. I call for his immediate resignation.
@ 32
I gotta admit, I would have been laid more often as a younger adult had I forced myself on women the way Democrats like Bill Clinton and this Fairfax dude have done.
Instead of a condom, Democrat men carry an instant cold compress package.
Wow. What was that?
Did the Republican WALL!!/SHITDOWN!!/FREEDUMB Bus just run over a great big pile of “pre-born Muricans”?
How’d they get there?
Just think: once upon a time Teh Dumbfucks bombed healthcare clinics in defense of cherished principles.
Now they settle for Tweet-meming hippie tears.
How Republicans go to rehab these days.
Something, something, Overton Window.
@40 Know what the difference between Democrats and Republicans is? When a Democrat assaults a woman, his party tosses him out on his ass. When a Republican does it, his party closes ranks behind him, calls the woman a liar, and puts him on the Supreme Court. Defend that if you can. Btw, how is your party doing with women voters these days?
@35 ” that horrid human being”
Of course, your solution for that was to vote for a much worse one. Because, it goes without saying, you’re a dumbfuck.
@38 “Oh, look! Libbies reduced to giving thanks for Chief Justice Roberts.”
I see you’re not. Which suggests it’s better to be us than you.
“We’ll see what happens when a business decision comes before the High Court.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck, after repeatedly and loudly bragging the conservatives’ takeover of the Supreme Court, is reduced to taking whatever he can get from said court, now that the big stuff still seems to be out of reach.
Who knows? Maybe Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will go Kennedy on him, too. Stranger things have happened to presidents and parties who thought they had a lock on SCOTUS.
Get out, motherfucker.
Ben Tribbett
Replying to @notlarrysabato
And reporters are now telling me they have heard about women #3, #4 and #5. Victims should never be outed before they are ready to come forward- but we are way overdue for a resignation.
2:10 PM – Feb 8, 2019
@41 See #45. Of course, being a dumbfuck, you see nothing beyond party loyalty, your childlike thinking uncomplicated by morality or principles or character or anything like that.
Unserious twit.
Meg Kinnard✔
JUST IN: Literally 27 minutes before it was set to begin, @SenGillibrand’s campaign sends out notice her event here at @SCSTATE1896 has been canceled.
12:09 PM – Feb 8, 2019
@48 Couldn’t agree more. Kavanaugh, too.
@ 45
Know what the difference between Democrats and Republicans is? When a Democrat assaults a woman, his party tosses him out on his ass.
See Clinton, William Jefferson.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, what about when a Democrat kills a woman?
See, Kennedy, Edward.
@50 She’s a U.S. Senator. What are you? If she’s a twit, what describes you? You’re only an old guy who rants about catheters on HA because you’d get tossed out of Starbucks if you did it there. Under these circumstances, your credentials to call other people “twits” are dubious at best.
@52 See sex, consensual. But for the record, I didn’t vote for Clinton because of his bad character. For the record, you support someone with far worse character.
As for Kennedy, his weaknesses likely cost him the presidency. As the restroom ditty goes,
“There was a young senator from Mass.,
Who found a nice piece of ass.
But after he found it,
He fucked up and drowned it,
And now his bright future is past.”
I know you think he should have gone to jail, and so do many other people of your partisan persuasion, but the fact none of you have never heard of any Republican who deserves to wear a prison jumpsuit somewhat diminishes the persuasiveness of your argument.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results-
First place, undocumented gynecologist Roli Lopez-Sanchez, as previously reported; https://www.breitbart.com/border/2019/02/03/migrant-sentenced-to-60-years-for-impregnating-11-year-old-girl/
Runners-up, undocumented pediatricians caught performing undocumented examinations on children.
Monday, McAllen agents working near Hidalgo, Texas, arrested eight illegal aliens shortly after they entered the United States. While being processed, a Mexican man’s record checks revealed an arrest by the Cobb County, Georgia, Sheriff’s Office for Child Molestation. The man received four years confinement and 16 years’ probation.
Later that night, agents from Rio Grande City working near Roma, Texas, arrested a Honduran male. Record checks indicated an arrest and conviction in North Carolina for Indecent Liberties with Child. The presiding judge sentenced him to 16-20 months along with 6 months’ probation.
See Bush, Laura…
…who also dealt weed.
Which is nice.
Wow! From this modern era Roypublican Overton Window we can see all the way back to a pile of dead Catholic nuns in the jungle, too!
Undocumented Repuke hypocrite Of The Week Award, Final Results-
The newspaper spoke to 16 men and women from Costa Rica and other Latin American counties, including six from the same town on Costa Rica’s tallest mountain, who said they had worked at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, the report said. Most said they used fake Social Security cards and working papers they purchased in Bound Brook and neighboring towns, but their supervisors were aware of their illegal status.
Heh. “Some of them.. are good people.” You voted for it, pork sauce. I didn’t. I doubt a fucking “see-through” wall is going to keep them out. Shit, they probably all came in on boats and planes.
Heterosexuals are so disgusting! Everything is always about sex! Bunch of sexual freakazoids. Nude selfies, raping, and sex with horses!!!
Jeff Bezos’ photos show that no one’s intimate selfies are safe
Ahhhh Bedminster: such good Lobster there.
That’s a tad categorical.
However, see boob. Yesterday the freak projected a rape fantasy. Joins little maxwipe in the ha misogynist klownservatic rapey boy hall of fame.
Thanks for playing boob. You do your tribe of sick freaks proud.
Boob’s frat and other associations doubtless had their own “way” (like pulling a train) but poor boob was doubtless too drunk or otherwise unable to perform..
Sure sux to be that freak.
@61 I wonder if we should go easier on him? He’s probably led a very lonely life. Just thinking out loud, that’s all; nothing actionable.
@62 Easier on boob? Heh.