According to a high ranking GOP insider, the Irons campaign and the KCGOP phone banks were burning up the lines this week, asking Republican voters to take the Democratic ballot and vote against Ron Sims. This has apparently pissed off a couple Republican candidates, who are seeing their numbers deflated in today’s primary.
Hmm. I suppose the strategy is to try to build up the false impression that Sims is in trouble. If you ask me, it’s Irons who is in trouble if he’s stooping to petty, pointless tricks like this.
You just make this shit up….CUZ!
So who is your source?
Did you confirm that source?
Of course not!
Cuz you just make this shit up so you can explain away Sims huge drop in popularity.
Bad Try==NO SALE
Did I tell you that you just make this shit up???
Bigger issue to what Goldy is saying; Let pretend for a minute it is true.
Is this an inherent whole in our primary system? If so, how do we save the integrity of the system? or do we go back to the drawing board? Is it time we talk about registering by party? or do we need a caucus nomination process?
Lets try to take a post and avoid calling eachother the f-word, spewing talking points, “my dad can beat up your dad”, “you suck”, “no you suck more”.
Lets hear some really ideas here.
What do you all think this means for our election system in the grand scheme of things?
retraction by me @ 2: I should not have started with the word pretend. I am not calling Goldy a liar. I can not confirm or deny what he is saying. For the sake of argument(that is better than pretend)lets assume Goldy is correct on this, or lets take Dave Irons out of it and say campaign X from party Y did this.
I’ll play Goldy’s little game—
Let’s assume it is true.
Take a look at these KingCo #’s
Democratic ballots returned 63.71% of total vs. Republican 36.29%
Seems like a higher Dem turnout but lets assume there are crossovers that voted for Rispoli and Nelson….just to humor Goldy.
Don Ron Sims King=====46,392
Rispoli 14,223
Nelson 6,693
I just got these off the KingCo website.
And I know it was a very low turnout.
HOWEVER…how many of Rispoli and Nelson’s votes were crossovers Goldy???? You are the expert.
And of the remainder, what % will vote for Sims in the November??
It is an interesting exercise in number-spinning.
It appears to me it would be hard to make a case that Sims is a cinch to win in November.
OOOPPS…I forgot the Logan factor.
Never mind…Sims will win.
He has his boy Logan in there to GUARANDAMNTEE IT!!
These election numbers are being updated—
Only about 3/4 of precindts counted so far.
This is one of the reasons I’m for IRV. It seems to make the incentive for this sort of thing go down.
A lot of the Nelson votes look like crossovers to me. Nelson is a nut case. He isn’t even a Democrat. He ran for governor as a Libertarian.
Garrett F. @ 6: hear, hear! IRV is the ideal solution to eliminate this chicanery. Short of that, I had high hopes for the top 2 primary . . . oh, well.
Goldy, I doubt this was any organized effort. It simply reflects a strategic decision by a lot of voters to make their votes count for something. In seven out of nine council districts, there were no contested party primaries on either side. (Four out of the nine districts only had one candidate — just a Dem and no GOP, or vice versa!) So the only contested party race for most people was the Dem county executive race. Can you blame tens of thousands of people for wanting to make their primary election votes actually mean something?
It doesn’t look that good for Ron Sims: 10:47 p.m. update:
Ron Sims — 53,915 (45.53%)
Karen Rispoli — 15,528 (13.11%)
Michael Nelson — 7,459 (6.30%)
David Irons — 41,504 (35.05%)
Total Votes — 118,406
In 2001, Ron Sims got 59.32% of the vote in the primary. In 1997, Ron Sims had a little over 60% of the primary vote (with about 5% going to another Democrat).
I would expect Ron Sims’ percentage will be a bit less than 45.53% when all the ballots are counted. Probably less than half of the absentee ballots have been counted. Almost all of the Seattle poll precincts have been counted (only 15 left), while 757 poll precincts outside of Seattle are left to be counted. I think Sims will end up at a bit less than 44% of the overall primary vote.
Richard @9,
It was an organized effort; Republicans were phone banking. I have it from a very reliable source. (You know, Cynical can accuse me of making stuff up if he wants, but I think I have an established track record of getting this kind of stuff right.)
And by the way… you didn’t thank me for all the votes my endorsement drove towards you.
Goldy you are wet behind the ears. I voted for anyone but Ron Sims, snake in the grass, who can’t fire the right person who can’t count ballots. We need a real Demo to run for this office not and Idiot who cares about anyone but himself. Sorry! Someone with class. Not the town Idiot spending the tax payer money like a drunken Indian.
My numbers, of course, are more than a little disappointing for Port of Seattle, Position 4. But not surprising considering the lack of effort and money on my part (less than $2,000), the tremendous efforts and resources that Jack Jolley put into the race (over $165,000 and many months of hard work and full-time campaigning), and all of the political IOU’s and arm-twisting that Pat Davis (over $120,000 plus lots of big name endorsements) threw into in order to keep her position.
Fortunately, Pat Davis was kept to under a majority in the primary — probably she will end up with about 44% or so when all the votes are counted. If Jack Jolley can pull most of the GOP and Libertarian support that Robert Walker and I received, and keep his same campaigning pace for the general election, he stands a decent chance at unseating Pat Davis in November.
Probably Jack Jolley is the only of the the three port commission candidates that Ron Sims endorsed who has any chance of winning in November.
Incumbent Lawrence Molloy (endorsed by Ron Sims) is only pulling 33.56% for Position 1, compared with 50.28% for challenger John Creighton. Another 16.05% is going to challenger Wen Wu Lee. I don’t see Molloy pulling off a victory in November.
For Position 3 (the open seat), Peter Coates (endorsed by Ron Sims) is a dismal fourth place out of five candidates with only 17.75% of the vote. Looks like Lloyd Hara and Rich Berkowitz will face off against each other in November.
Jack Jolley was also the most politically astute of the three Ron Sims-endorsed candidates for the port commission. Lawrence Molloy and Peter Coates both stated in the voter’s pamphlet that they were endorsed by Ron Sims :( Jack Jolley was a lot smarter, and didn’t say anything about Ron Sims’ endorsement in his voter’s pamphlet statement :)
Whew! I thought the GOP phone lines were blowing up with voter irregularities. I guess not.
I don’t hold it against the GOoPs. Election douchebaggery is a time hallowed tradition. I know a great many dems who voted to saddle the GOoPs with one Ellen Craswell. Craswell makes Adolf Eichmann look like Benjamin Franklin! Yoink
Your endorsement of Richard was of course THE KISS OF DEATH!
You bastard Goldy!!!!!!!!
A few phone calls is not phone banking.
Either way, as Richard points out, Sims has seriously slipped compared to other primaries.
November is going to be very, very interesting.
I forgot, Sims little BUTTBOY Logan is still in charge of counting the ballots. Sims can’t lose with BUTTBOY there for him!
Goldy @ 10
They probably told the GOP folks to vote for Creighton, Berkowitz and Davis in the port commission races as well :(
And thanks very much for your endorsement :) It is always nice to stand on principle — which is the only thing I could stand on, without having lots of money or political connections.
All said, under the circumstances of this election, 15% or so wasn’t all that bad. Even though it is one of the lowest percentages I have ever gotten running for office.
Congrats on the screaming success of your endorsements….
hey Assclown
Pelz is 2nd place thus far
It’s tighting than your boyfriend’s asshole, but he’s 2nd
and 2nd is good enough to get to November
tighter that is
I didn’t think 2nd was 1st shithead.
The problem with you LEFTIST PINHEADS is that you can’t figure that one out.
Don Ron Sims King is now at 44.4% of the total votes that were cast for Sims + Nelson + Rispoli + Irons.
It appears Don Ron Sims King is in for a real battle in November.
OOOPPS!! I keep forgetting, Don Ron Sims King still has his BUTTBOY Logan in place to ensure victory. BUTTBOY is a SuperHero, dontcha know!
12:12 a.m. update (2563/2573 poll precincts, lots and lots of absentees still outstanding):
Ron Sims – 58,157 (44.39%)
Karen Rispoli – 16,870 (12.88%)
Michael Nelson – 8,204 (6.26%)
David Irons – 47,796 (36.48%)
Total Votes – 131,027
There are at least 87,000 more absentee ballots to be counted — just based on what was received in the mail by election day 09/20/2005 — 177,578 absentee ballots received by mail, with only 90,709 absentee ballots counted in the early returns. There will probably be at least another 70,000 absentee ballots either turned in at the polling place on election day (i.e. in their sealed envelopes) or received in the mail after election day (with postmark on or before electiond day).
I will predict that Ron Sims will end up with a lot closer to 43% of the total primary vote, as opposed to 44%. Possibly even less than 43%.
In democracy it’s the vote that counts; in Seattle, it’s the count that votes.
I sure hope Roger Rabbit (Dean Logan) comes thru for us again! And if the stalwart Reps bring a lawsuit, we can handpick our own judge again. Ha! Ha! Cynical, there’s no way you can win!
A republican party said they used this trick to give Senn extra votes against Sidran.
This is politics as usual on the R side.
All: before you wail on me for saying “republican party” remember that party can mean a person!
Do Democrats bus in blacks from the projects for primaries, or only general elections?
Now why in the world would a High ranking GOP person ever, ever, ever wanna call Goldy and rat on his party?
Unless ….was it Sam Reed?
Goldy, Don’t you like to call yourself a “progressive”??? In my home town of Philadelphia in July of 1948 a new political party was formed. It was the Progressive Party. Their candidate for president that year was Henry A. Wallace who had served as FDR’s vice-president. In that election Henry Wallace and the Progressive Party were endorsed by the Communist Party of the United States. Just remember the next time you hear some leftist or leftist organization bragging about its “progressive” views — the Communist Party seemed to be quite fond of those views also.
I apologize up front for doing this. It looks like the other threads are stale so I am posting this here for everyone to read. This information needs to get to these leftist animal hind parts. It looks like something else happened to the levees and it’s not due to lack of finances. Hmmm… Why is this under Goldy’s radar?
“But with the help of complex computer models and stark visual evidence, scientists and engineers at Louisiana State University’s Hurricane Center have concluded that Katrina’s surges did not come close to overtopping those barriers. That would make faulty design, inadequate construction or some combination of the two the likely cause of the breaching of the floodwalls along the 17th Street and London Avenue canals — and the flooding of most of New Orleans.” – But the lack of funds in 2001-2005 caused this – HA leftist animal hind parts.
“In the weeks since Katrina drowned this low-lying city, there has been an intense focus on the chaotic government response to the flood. But Ivor van Heerden, the Hurricane Center’s deputy director, said the real scandal of Katrina is the “catastrophic structural failure” of barriers that should have handled the hurricane with relative ease.
“We are absolutely convinced that those floodwalls were never overtopped,” said van Heerden, who also runs LSU’s Center for the Study of Public Health Impacts of Hurricanes.” – But GWB & FEMA caused this.
“The center’s researchers said it is too early to say whether the breaches were caused by poor design, faulty construction or some combination. But van Heerden said the floodwalls at issue — massive concrete slabs mounted on steel sheet pilings — looked more like the sound barriers found on major highways. He also suggested that the slabs should have been interlocked, and that the canals they were supposed to protect should have had floodgates to keep out water from the lake.” – Did you say faulty design? – Yes it’s FEMA and GWB’s fault.
So righties will we see an apology to us righties for the financial accusations? I doubt it.
Goldy, Why not bus in a few thousand New Oleans blacks to help your “progressive” candidates? Dems ALWAYS can find buses on election day. Then, tomorrow, you can bus them back!!
“It was an organized effort; Republicans were phone banking.” Goldy. Now, Democrat union hacks NEVER hit the phones during an election, do they? [hehe]
This is how Maryland donks treat minorities in the Republican Party. At least when we complain about Ron Tax to the Max Sims, we complain about his failed leadership, failed policies, failed computer systems, failed CAO, failed etc.!!!
“Audra Miller, spokeswoman for the Maryland Republican Party, said she had not heard of the credit report incident until contacted by The Associated Press.
“I will say I am shocked at how low the Democratic Party will go in their politics to ensure a win. I think it is deplorable those kinds of dirty tricks,” she said.” – Audra, don’t be shocked. It’s donk SOP!!! Yes, you donks are so clean as the driven snow!!!! Face it, the lefties can’t stand having a black man in a high political position not having donk credentials. So much for loving the minorities, eh Lucite? These actions are an anethema to everything you donks have been puking in the MSM and on TV for the past 45 years.
Sure is amazing that this doesn’t display on the web site? Yet, wasn’t it animal hind parts lefty who ran with the David Safavian link right from the donk pie hole? Typical donk style!!!
Hey righties go to the Open Thread and see how donks treat a black man in Maryland!!! Oh yes, lefties you are invited to, to view Maryland donk policies!
The money that was cut was for the construction of better levees. Now we see why N.O. needed them.
Carolyn Edmonds, 6169
So it sits until the last of the mail votes are tallied. 308 votes may not seem like much of a lead, but it beats the heck out a 308 vote deficit.
If the vote totals seem low, it reflects the dismal turnout for the primary…
Upper left; finding 309 votes is a no brainer for Dean Logan.
I for one refused to take part in the partisan portion of the primary.
Until we either get a real primary again, or the parties quit pretending (and wasting everyones time) by just running conventions, I’m not gonna support a system specifically designed to keep nominations out of the hands of the voters.
ATJ: That may be true, but where did you get that argument from? Provide a link please. I didn’t read that. I did read that $60MM was sent by FEMA over the last few years for levee support and $30MM is missing by LA DONK commissioners. Now they are under indictment. I provided that link earlier. Can you say “Mardi Gras Monument”?
My argument which most leftist animal hind parts members forget or decide to skip is just like the cities in Ohio, your side controls everything from dog catcher to mayor and councilpeople or parish presidents. Since your kind ran NO and LA, where did de money go?
ok that second para. is messed up~
I don’t mean I ever *would* support a system meant to disenfranchise, and it could be read this way.
(preemptive protection from rightie jabs :p)
I know allegations of the Republican party encouraging people to do something that they sued the state to stop are scary, but seriously…
If you want your own topics, start your own blog.
Upper Left @ 32
Bob Ferguson was behind by 500 or so votes in the early absentees. He made up 800 votes with the poll votes and got 309 votes ahead. Hopefully, he will do better with the late absentees than he did with the early absentees — especially since there are considerably more absentees remaining to be counted than have already been counted.
Some time ago, Stefan Sharansky of the Sucky Politics blog “outed” Roger Rabbit as Dean Logan blogging on a King County computer. As Stefan is impervious to all known facts, I go along with the gag, because it’s a waste of time to try convincing him that Roger Rabbit is NOT Dean Logan!
Since I’m Dean Logan and Stefan is a poll judge,* it’s my job to supervise Stefan, and believe me that lazy shit needs a LOT of supervising!
(* – I used to call Stefan a “poll worker” but that’s a misnomer as he admits on his web site that he didn’t do any work yesterday, in fact, he couldn’t even stay awake! I’m working on having his paycheck revoked. Talk about waste, fraud, and abuse! He’s an example of a lazy government worker sleeping on the job and doing nothing.)
Stefan says, “True to the Sims/Logan unwritten policy of encouraging illegal votes, the inspector insisted that we allow a self-acknowledged unregistered voter to cast a provisional ballot.”
Now ain’t that just like a Republican! Trying to keep people from voting! Follow the instructions, idiot!!! Did you sleep through your training, too? Didn’t you read the goddam manual?! What’s your problem, dude, are you incapable of following a simple one-step instruction?? Hey, if you knew the guy wasn’t registered, why didn’t you challenge him? Do your fucking job! Why the hell do you the county is paying you to be there?
Stefan also complains, “One of the other poll judges discovered that her late husband was still registered to vote in our precinct — even though he passed away 11 years ago. She then filled out a form asking the county to cancel his registration.”
How the fuck is this the county’s fault? How the fuck is the county supposed to know the guy died when she didn’t report it? Why the fuck did it take a poll judge 11 fucking years to fill out the form to cancel his registration? She must be a Republican poll judge.
Stefan also bellyaches about AccuVote machine jams. So fucking what? Whose job is it to clear machine jams? Huh? Is your lawnmower perfect? Does your car run all the time? My precinct’s AccuVote machine didn’t work at all because the precinct got an Accuvote machine with no key, so the Inspector couldn’t unlock it. Shit happens, Stefan! When it does, you go to Plan B. What’s so fucking hard about Plan B? Did you sleep through that part of your training, too?
Sure is hard to get good help these days.
Looks like all the Republican trolls on this board are salivating this morning about passing off a stealth Republican candidate as a Democrat, i.e. Bob Ferguson. That — and the GOP’s sneaky phone bank bullshit — explains why there were no Republican votes in my precinct. Most of my neighbors are sensible people, but I know damn well there are at least a few misfits who vote Republican. I figured some kind of horseshit was going on. Looks like Goldy fingered it.
Oh — and Stefan, wipe that silly smirk off your face!
(This post is an addendum to one that’s currently stuck in Goldy’s spam filter.)
“nd the GOP’s sneaky phone bank bullshit ”
bit, Dem dirty “tricks” ar ok.
Liars, you dems. What phone bank? You mean cuz Goldy invents a story, its now a fact? At least be honest..
Crying Kathleen and things aren’t going to well for Whining Nagin, either…
46; wow, that site you reference is amazing…
I don’t know if Goldy invented that story or not, but if he did — so what? Republicans make up shit all the time, so why can’t we? For example, Bush made up that Iraq had WMDs, and Rossi made up that he won the 2004 election. You Republican fuckers want a monopoly on everything — even lying! Why should you have a monopoly on making shit up? Huh? Answer me!
Roger; you might be half right, but you are also half dead wrong
a) bush may have made up the WMD stuff; i’m no fan so won’t defend
b) Rossi never made up that he won. He challenged per the law, same as Chrissie.
c) We can offer tons of lies. Just follow Ted Kennedy around, or playback the October surprise stuff, or Dan Rather stuff, etc, etc.
Don’t the guards give you a time limit on using the PC?
righton @ 45
“Liars, you dems. What phone bank? You mean cuz Goldy invents a story, its now a fact? At least be honest.. “
Right. Goldy has written over 1000 articles here and has a perfect track record of being truthful. You may disagree with his analysis, or disagree with what he chooses to write about, but you will not find lies.
Goldy reported what a Republican politician reported to him. So, if there is any lying going on, it is obviously the politician (as if there is any doubt about that!).
But, chances are, the politician was not lying (even if he/she is a Republican) and that the allegations are true (or, the politician believes they are true).
Hey, righton, try to muster up a little intellectual honesty yourself.
1000 articles? 100% honesty? Wow. Must be on some other blog or parallel universe.
If he wrote 1000 article, why doesn’t he link to them in his articles section? I’m stupid and can’t count that high, but i’ll bet he’s posted well shy of 1000…
righton @ 51
“If he wrote 1000 article, why doesn’t he link to them in his articles section?”
Ummm … he does, you asshole. Did you notice that section called “blog archive?”
“I’m stupid and can’t count that high, but i’ll bet he’s posted well shy of 1000… “
You are right, you are pretty fucking stoopid, righton. Look at the top of the comment thread window. If you hunt around a little, you will see that this is article number 1024.
Just to avoid exaggeration, two or three of the posts came from a guest blogger, so that makes it about 1021 on this blog.
i count 8 columns, unless you mean blogs are the same as articles? Sorry, i’m too precise in my use of language, but heck i didn’t go to seattle public schools..
its not ‘precision’, its ‘purposeful nitpicking’ to avoid looking like a moron.
“Articles here” Is perfectly accurate for entries on this blog. He didn’t say ‘magazine articles’ or ‘newspaper articles’.
Just face up to the fact that you can’t count
Naw; a blog post ain’t an article. If Goldy didn’t also post columns i might have understood his point, but since Goldy does both, its logical to equate “article” to “column”
the original point was stupid anyhow; goldy posts 1000’s and all are perfect. yeah, right.
he’s just another left wing hack, no better or worse than say, Carville, Sidney Blumenthal, joni balter, frank rich, blah, blah..
Reply to 44
Democratic dirty tricks? HAR HAR HAR HAR
“Phil Singer, a spokesman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), said the two staffers told committee officials in July what they had done. He said the committee began an internal investigation and determined it was an isolated incident. ‘The DSCC immediately ensured that Mr. Steele’s credit report was not used or disseminated to anyone,’ Mr. Singer said, ‘It also reported this incident to the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C.'”
You call that “Democrat dirty tricks?” HAR HAR HAR HAR Sounds more like a law-abiding political party reporting 2 employees who acted on their own to the cops! HAR HAR HAR HAR !!!
Hey, if you want to see dirty tricks, try Karl Rove! HAR HAR HAR HAR
Hey Righton, thanks for picking an example of “Democratic dirty tricks” that makes the Democrats look good! HAR HAR HAR HAR
What a short memory you have. Are you saying the Rossi camp didn’t claim they won? Didn’t accuse the Democrats of “fraud?” didn’t call Gregoire “Fraudoire?” You must be suffering from CRS.*
* Can’t remember shit
You confuse statements of fact with spin, politics. Quite ok to say there was fraud, same way Dems claim things like limiting COLA increase is really a cut…its all politicall puffing.
I think lies are like “i did not have sex w/ that woman”
oh, this is fun
You’re kidding right? Claiming fraud is alot more than just spin. He was accusing KC elections and the Democratic party of committing a crime. You think thats even remotely the same?
Semantics won’t save you!
The election was fraudulant. And yeah, a crime was committed. We got stuck w/ an overly narrow interpretation of the law, and/or a pretty imperfect statute.
I assume all Dem claims are at worst just spin, and thus never lapse over into accusations of criminality? Don’t you guys have a fair number who accused Bush of murdering people in Mississippi and New Orleans?
give me a break
PorudAss@44: see my post 31. Also on the Open Thread. Glad you found it too. Now they can’t say I made it up!
changing the subject again.
you said: “You confuse statements of fact with spin, politics. Quite ok to say there was fraud,”
which is quite clearly not okay, because all claims of fraud were tried, found wholly without merit, and dismissed.
The claims of fraud were lies, I’d say intentional lies, and much MUCH more than just ‘spin’.
Wabbit said: “For example, Bush made up that Iraq had WMDs, and Rossi made up that he won the 2004 election.”
So I have to state this again because of your lying inferences. Bush went to the UN and received intelligence on Saddam’s WMDs. He received intelligence that Clinton agreed with and stated so on Larry King on the Clinton News Network Fall 2003. I guess Russia, Chech Republic, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, Germany, and France are all wrong too? Notice that I didn’t include England because they are our only real ally. Keep smoking that wabbit fur Wabbit.
Righton @ 55
“Naw; a blog post ain’t an article.”
Yes, blog post most certainly are commonly referred to as articles; and, also “blog entries” (from the contraction of “web log entries”) and posts. I used “articles” because “posts” is ambiguous—some people refer to comments placed in comment threads as “posts.”
“If Goldy didn’t also post columns i might have understood his point, but since Goldy does both, its logical to equate “article” to “column”
I did not use the word “columns”. In any case, you started out questioning the veracity of the article/post/entry associated with this comment thread, so how could it be ambiguous? Oh, that’s right, because you are a fucking idiot.
“the original point was stupid anyhow”
You are right, claiming that Goldy is lying in the current article is stupid … especially when (1) you have no evidence to suggest Goldy has ever lied on this blog, and (2) you are a guest on his blog. What an asshole!
“goldy posts 1000’s and all are perfect. yeah, right.”
Now you are being a disingenuous dipshit. The topic was not about whether Goldy achieved perfection in 1022 posts, was it. I am sure there are typos, misunderstandings, etc. and Goldy may sometimes be provocative, crude, sarcastic, mean, etc., but he ain’t a liar.
However, the fact that you would flippantly suggest he is lying without evidence, or even doing your homework, is very telling about your own poor moral character.
dj; are you ron sims? accusing me of poor moral character.
Ouch, this stuff is better than talk radio…
righton @ 66
“dj; are you ron sims?”
Uhhhh. No.
“accusing me of poor moral character.”
No, I didn’t accuse you of poor moral character, I simply pointed out how your words and actions betrays you.
dj; am i unable to read English?
However, the fact that you would flippantly suggest he is lying without evidence, or even doing your homework, is very telling about your own poor moral character.
I am glad to see my post @2 was followed. Glad this post did not degenerate into the third grade.
Hey Putty fer Brains — where are the WMDs?
righton @ 68
Was there a point to your question?
dj, i requoted you; where you dissed my moral character.
you guys are a hoot…
righton @ 72
Yes, I noticed that. I still don’t understand your point. Perhaps you don’t understand the difference between “accusing” someone of moral bankrupcy and demonstrating it by their own words and actions.
Yes, now I realize the point may be too subtle for your side…. Sorry about “misunderestimating” you.
dj; get back to the bong, grading papers. How hard can it be to grade at Evergreen? If punctuated, an A?
Back to your doofus point; I don’t think Goldy posted 1000 whatevers and is 100% accurate…that’s what i basically said. I never said he’s a congenital and total liar, which is what you are trying to foist off.
You know, KLM flies to Amsterdam, and the pot is legal there… might mellow you out to smoke without fear of getting busted.
Righton @ 74,
“I don’t think Goldy posted 1000 whatevers and is 100% accurate…that’s what i basically said. “
Say what?
“I never said he’s a congenital and total liar, which is what you are trying to foist off.
Oh, come on. You sure seem to have reading comprehension problems. Let’s reacap:
You said, “Liars, you dems. What phone bank? You mean cuz Goldy invents a story, its now a fact? At least be honest.. ”
I eventually point out (@ 65) that you “flippantly suggest he [Goldy] is lying” (Isn’t that a reasonable interpertation of your statement above?)
Saying that you “suggest he is lying” isn’t really the same thing as claiming that you accuse Goldy of being “a congenital and total liar,” is it?
Come on, Righton, think before you post!
Yawn; I don’t believe his story. Not logical for a GOP guy to call his polar opposite w/ this story. That said, I would believe Sam Reed calling, cuz he’s not really GOP.
Do you believe Clinton smuggled cocaine out of Mena, raped a woman, etc? Those had more “sources” and i know of course, you don’t believe those are true.
righton @ 76
“Yawn; I don’t believe his story. Not logical for a GOP guy to call his polar opposite w/ this story. That said, I would believe Sam Reed calling, cuz he’s not really GOP.”
Right, we wouldn’t expect a REAL Republican to have the moral fortitude to be outraged by GOP dirty tricks, would we?
“Do you believe Clinton smuggled cocaine out of Mena, raped a woman, etc? Those had more “sources” and i know of course, you don’t believe those are true. “
But, you miss the point. If Goldy said that some high-ranking Democrat told him these things about Clinton, I would definitely believe Goldy is telling the truth about receiving the information. I might well question the veracity of Goldy’s source. You, on the other hand, said that “Goldy invented the story.”
Here you are, a guest, getting your entertainment by regularly taking a dump in Goldy’s comment threads, and then you accuse Goldy of making up shit? What an asshole.