Speaking of political campaigns making effective use of the Internet, the WA State Dems have put up a new web site of their own, The Real Rossi. I especially like this audio clip of Rossi, which I think pretty much sums up his entire campaign:
I wuz robbed! Vote for me! (smile)
While you’re voting for me take a listen to my idea man, Lou Guzzo… (smile again)
..Great website by the way. However a lot of people still don’t use the web or don’t know how to use it effectively.
The Dems still have to make sure they define Rossi the good old fashioned way – TV, radio spots, direct mail, etc. The right wing uses a lot of those e-mail chain letters to spread their falsehoods. We should send out some e-mail of our own with the truth about the whining real estate man.
Thanks, Goldy. I am going to need significant therapy, or alcohol, to rid my mind of the picture that morphs back and forth between the Commander in Chimp and Rossi. To quote my mother:
Gregoire really needs to jump start her public campaign, I seem to be hearing only negatives about her from long voting democrats…some say they will vote for Rossi, just for change, most say they just won’t vote.
She needs to step up her public campaign showing her accomplishments, right there in front of everyone.
@3: “some say”
Do tell? That crutch is so intellectually dishonest, Hannah. Katie Couric was rightly pilloried for using that same cheap dishonest bullshit tactic on the air.
If you have factual basis for your assertion, try using them. Or name names. Otherwise, you’re just engaging in fact-free bloviation.
@3, “Hannah”, ummm– take a trip over to reality and check out the polling and fund raising numbers for Rossi vs Gregoire. Your musings really are, too often, sadly see-through.
David, the Penguins were sure smiling on Sunday, defeating the Flyers 6-0 (Ouch!), winning the Eastern Conference playoff series 4-1 (Ouch!), and earning a spot in the Stanley Cup Final playoff series.
Most everyone I know things Rossi is a pathetic loser and whiner and that Gregoire has been an effective governor who has kept this state from crashing as badly as the rest of the country. Look around, Washington is better run (ranked #2 in the country) and our economy is in better shape than most anywhere else – even California (Caaleefoorniia according to Ahhhnald) is in big trouble with massive job losses and huge budget deficits.
Rossi is a small minded loser who has terrible ideas (like the imaginary spending on transportation, coming from unknown sources). Really – he is not a serious person who actually can run the state, he is a pandering politician indebted to the BIAW – he would be a true disaster.
He and his pathetic right wing advisors (Please!Lou Guzzo thinks he knows about science from being with Governor Dixi moonbeam 30 years ago – according to Lou DDT is great stuff and global cooling is happening because he once talked to a scientist who told him that!) dream up stuff and try to call it policy. We don’t need more pathetic republican right wingers running our state and screwing things up like Bush has.
Maybe Rossi can persuade Cheney to come out west to campaign for him.
Slingshot @ 5
I wouldn’t suggest that killing the messenger is a good tactic here. Hannah has some good points here. Gregoire is still pretty weak in the public relations campaign, and needs a lot of improvement in that area.
Rossi’s greatest strength is his slick well-funded PR campaign. He really doesn’t have that much in the way of personal accomplishments or platform to offer this state. Nor does his party have an appealing substantive message either. There are a lot of things that state government could do better, but most of the Republicans ideas would make things even worse.
I see the Governor’s race as being very competitive this year. I would say Gregoire will win by about 5 points if the election were held today. In November, it could move either way. We need to get Obama in the state for a few 30,000+ rallies between now and then.
You are either exagerating, lying, or hanging out with the wrong people. I do not know a single Democrat who thinks Gregoire has done a poor job as governor. I don’t know a single Democrat who would consider voting for that Manchurian candidate, Rossi. Educated and informed voters should easily recognize the competence and vision that Gregoire represents versus the pandering and and plundering that Rossi represents.
Hannah is one of those GOP trolls, sent on a mission to sew disinformation on progressive sites. Ignore “her.”
To hell with Gregoire, Chopp and the rest.
Save our Sonics!
Remember in November!
re 12: You need to learn to prioritize a little better.
Let’s give Hannah a little benefit of the doubt. Maybe she lives in Woodinville.
Rossi’s biggest problem is that he doesn’t have a story to tell about himself, so he and his handlers can’t do anything but throw turds at Gregoire and hope something sticks.
Gregoire’s vulnerable in a couple of areas, one of which is the morass of problems with the state ferry system–she’s not likely to get a whole lot of votes in Jefferson County. On the other hand, all Rossi’s proposed is to privatize the operation, which must give a pretty good case of hives to those in Kitsap, Island and Skagit counties who might otherwise constitute the closest approximation to a “base” he could claim west of the Cascades.
@14: Democrats in woodinville dislike rossi as much as those in Seattle.
Rossi does have a story – he cut education and is suported by the BIAWW and has an anti-environmental agenda in Washington state. He is also a sore loser and big whiner (not winner – he confuses the two).
Yes, Hannah notwithstanding, we talk to one another in our comfort zone, though. There were a lot of Democrats who voted for Rossi last time, and bet your ass that we don’t see them every day or talk to them often. I think CG has to do a better job in public relations as well, not great, just better, and not just aim at the people aligned with the thought on this blog.
Barack could make turnout in this state 90% plus, and that will help Darcy and CG.
Great job with the new site, Goldy. Better and better in form and function.
A grateful nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
@13 And what should my priority be? The Democrats in this state have utterly and completely failed me on every other issue. The only thing left for them to score a point was with the Sonics and Key Arena. What should I pat them on the back for? The two-hour commute from Federal Way to Seattle? The one-hour drive it takes to get from Fifth and Olive Way to the Freeway? Light Transit to Nowhere? State Ferries? Call it the last straw. I may never vote for Rossi or any other Republican but why on earth should I ever cast a vote again for a Washington State Democrat?
Remember in November was no joke. I don’t take kindly to state pols letting swift boaters from OKC kick our butts.
14,000 fans chanting “Save our Sonics” and nobody listened. What’d Gregoire win by last time, 136 votes or something? To hell with Stern, Bennett, the NBA and the state Dems.
Remember in November.
Steve, the Sonics were leaving, one way or another, regardless of anything the Governor did about it. The lease is up in 2010 anyway, the only thing which gives Seattle any leverage in court is that Bennett wants to move the Sonics earlier than that date.
The only buyout which the State, City, & County could give Bennett which would induce him to keep the Sonics in Seattle would have been so overwhelming one-sided in his favour that he would have then sold the team for a huge profit with which he would buy another team (as e-mails evidenced). Then, of course, we would have been subjected to the same blackmail by the new owner. Either way, the amount paid to keep the team would be so huge that it would result in a considerable backlash against all the politicians involved. Those 14,000 Sonics fans might also have been Gregoire’s vote totals. And outside of King, Pierce, & Snohomish Counties, I’m not sure how many Sonics fans attend often enough to pay higher taxes to keep them in Seattle.
It’s hard enough to deal with the professional teams when they are neutral about whether they stay or go. In this case, there was no way to bargain with someone who really doesn’t want to make the deal.
Uhhhh…Steve? The Sonics are going. Deal with it.
Even if Olympia coughed up the whole half billion dollars for a new arena, or Ballmer and Senegal paid it all out of their own pockets, I’ll bet you dollars to donuts the league wouldn’t let them buy the team. Whatever gives…whether there’s been a lot of cash passed under the table, or Bennett and Stern are closet rump rangers, or the whole thing is a really expensive plot to make the Dems look bad, who the hell knows? Who the hell cares? It’s a done deal. Get your season tickets for the Storm or the Trailblazers and shaddup.
With regard to Rossi, I can’t believe someone would buy a used car from that man. I wouldn’t take a handout from him, figuring that there’ be an undisclosed cost. Can someone explain the GOP’s attraction to the charlatan, something other than “he got robbed in 2004”? Nice teeth, is that the extent of his positive attributes?
Maybe at least Slade Gorton will squeeze enough cash out of the whole motley crew to pay for something nice here, like going ahead and sprucing up Key Arena and the rest of the Seattle Center as well.
So the state “failed” the Sonics fans? Fuck that! It’s long since high time big-league sports hauled their own Goddamned freight.
22 Anybody else see a pattern here? The Republican leadership seems to think their best strategy in practically any race is to run the creepiest character they can scrape up.
Your Gregoirian Chants are so tired, so trite. Any normal state in any normal year would send her back to pouring tea for her segregated sorority sistas.
Indeed, “reptilian” is the adjective that comes to mind when I think of most GOP candidates. Rob McKenna, Dino Rossi, John McCain–something ain’t right with these guys.
For some reason, listening to the audio clip conjured up images of that scene in All That Jazz where Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider) keeps asking the porter to sing “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile.”
14,000 fans chanting “Save our Sonics” and nobody listened. What’d Gregoire win by last time, 136 votes or something? To hell with Stern, Bennett, the NBA and the state Dems
Gregoire didn’t win, she stole the election. Re Elect Dino for Governor.
– Eldridge Cleaver
That’s from The Atlantic’s review of Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland. Heard Perlstein, who sounds like a screechy infantilized version of Goldstein, who, compared to Perlstein, sounds like Dave Ross, a graduate of Ted Baxter’s Famous Broadcasters School.
YLB gave his barking seal of approval to Perlstein’s earlier book about Goldwater, which is on the short list of best political books ever, and which is infinitely more rewarding than HA.
(And that Cleaver quote? About Nixon? It’s actually about Bobby Kennedy.)
@21, 23 and 24
Don’t you think it’s past time poor people hauled their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think it’s time that libraries hauled their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think it’s time that ferry riders hauled their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think that museum goers hauled their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think that junior soccer and little league ball players should haul their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think it’s past time for school kids and teachers to haul their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think that boaters ought to haul their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think it’s time for those who use the airport to haul their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think that people who use the city and state parks should haul their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think the mentally ill should haul their own goddamned freight?
Or do you think that only Sonic fans should carry their own goddamned freight?
@28 Fuck that goddamned Dino and the brokeback horse he rode in on.
(Not) The Law And Order Party
From today’s P-I:
“Despite a powerful surge in bank robbery, mortgage fraud and white-collar crimes, the Bush administration’s 2009 budget leaves an already handicapped FBI criminal program without the agents it needs to respond ….
“It’s the latest chapter in … a continuing trend of cannibalizing agents and resources from traditional crime squads to fight terrorism instead of spending enough money to do both.
“President Bush’s proposed budget doesn’t add a dime to reinforce agents in the FBI’s crime-fighting squads, which remain at least 1,700 agents below pre-9/11 levels ….
“But even partially restoring the FBI’s crime-fighting capabilities isn’t a priority, White House Deputy Budget Director Steve McMillin said Friday.”
(Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info, buy the newspaper, cheapskates! or go to the P-I’s web site and read it free.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If your car or identity is stolen, thank Bush! He thinks tax cuts for billionaires are a higher priority than whether you get robbed, raped, or kidnapped. The GOP is a criminal’s best friend! Why anyone else would vote for them is a mystery.
And Joel Connelly’s column in the P-I today (good ol’ Joel) describes the Bushies’ war against wildlife. (I can understand why they might dislike feral rabbits; but polar bears?!) I swear, I think they do it just to piss off liberals, because they hate liberals and enjoy pissing us off! They’re the kind of people who would set fire to a grand old theater building just because someone wants to preserve it. And stand there screaming, “Burn baby, burn!” Fucking nazis, all of ’em, they’re all fucking nazis.
Republicans = vandals
Or do you think that only Sonic fans should carry their own goddamned freight?
Actually, I think the owners of the Sonics should carry their own goddamned freight, ’cause they’re already making money hand over fist without the rest of us having to finance their investments.
Don’t you think it’s past time poor people hauled their own goddamned freight?
Yes, food stamps and a place to stay for a little while.
Don’t you think it’s time that libraries hauled their own goddamned freight?
Don’t you think it’s time that ferry riders hauled their own goddamned freight?
Definitely yes. The state extorts too much money and never repairs them anyways so scrap it.
Don’t you think that museum goers hauled their own goddamned freight?
Public funds shouldn’t go to museums period.
Don’t you think that junior soccer and little league ball players should haul their own goddamned freight?
Yes. That is what parents are for. Get rid of the school lunches while your at it. If a parent can’t feed their kids they should be taken away.
Don’t you think it’s past time for school kids and teachers to haul their own goddamned freight?
Yes yes yes. Either that or no funding for public education. The kids would be better off.
Don’t you think that boaters ought to haul their own goddamned freight?
Nope. Public safety should always be priority number one for guvmint.
Dont you think the mentally ill should pay their own freight?
Nope. Public safety should always be priority number one for guvmint. They should also be locked up. Imagine no democrats hehehe
Don’t you think that people who use the city and state parks should haul their own goddamned freight?
Yes. But I am for parks.
@3 I recently received an e-mail from Governor Gregoire thanking me for my support. Rather than tell you what she has accomplished, I’ll let her tell you in her own words:
“Since 2005 … we’ve created nearly 220,000 new jobs. Forbes and Fortune … say our state is one of the best in the nation to do business. We turned a $2.2 billion deficit into a budget surplus and set aside millions in the first ever Rainy Day fund. And our state has been ranked as one of the best managed states in the country.
“We have made historic investments in education. We restored funding to give our hard working teachers a raise and to decrease class sizes …. We are leading the nation by investing in early childhood education …. And we have opened the doors to higher education and doubled the number of apprenticeships. …
“When you cast your vote in November, you must answer one basic question: Who do you trust with your future?
“When President Bush tried to cut millions of poor children off of health care, I … sued his administration …. My Republican opponent has gone on record supporting the President’s cuts. When he was state budget chair, [he] … slashed health care coverage for 40,000 of our children.
” … [S]ince I took office, 84,000 additional low-income children have health insurance in Washington state, and we are meeting our goal to cover all children by 2010.
“I am leading the nation’s fight against global climate change. We are creating a green economy with a goal of 25,000 new green jobs. …
“Chris Gregoire”
Okay, Wingnut Hannah, there it is — now go ahead and make your case for Dino Rossi, who says “yes” to the developer lobby and “no” to ordinary citizen.
Another brilliant rebuttal of someone’s arguments: they guy’s voice is too scratchy.
So don’t buy the audio book. In the mean time, try coming up with an argument that has at least some chance at being compelling.
@10 Hannah is a stealth troll. She pretends to be a Democrat but was outed (and caught lying) her very first week on HA. Hannah is wingnut through-and-through.
@12 You save them. I have other priorities.
@14 I don’t see how the ferry system’s problems are Gregoire’s fault. She inherited an underfunded ferry system. No one wants to pay for ferries, least of all the people who depend on them. The ferries are in their present sorry shape because of 10 years of Republican control of the state senate from 1994 to 2004, during which time no transportation funding could be squeezed out of the legislature. Republicans were more interested in cutting property taxes by $10 a year than building roads, bridges, and ferries so people could get to their homes.
@18 What, exactly, do you think we Democrats should do about the Sonics? Spend $500,000,000 of public money on extortion payments to an Oklahoma billionaire? Fuck you.
There’s a difference between argument and observation. I observe that Perlstein’s voice is screechy and prepubescent. I assert that his book about Goldwater is on the primo short list of the short list of political books I’ve read.
Made no argument, but will make a plea that you give Rick’s books a chance.
the Bush administration’s 2009 budget leaves an already handicapped FBI criminal program without the agents it needs to respond ….
That sucks. We all know we can’t rely on liberal run guvmints to protect us from crime (ie Detroit,LA, Philly ect)because they don’t take crime seriously. We need all the protection we can get from the feds.
@20 If we had spent the $500,000,000 Bennett would have invented some other excuse to move his team to OKC. The e-mails make that pretty damned clear.
@14 I don’t see how the ferry system’s problems are Gregoire’s fault. She inherited an underfunded ferry system.
No all dems can take pride for that. That is why Rossi is the only real choice in 08.
“She needs to step up her public campaign showing her accomplishments, right there in front of everyone.”
Her accomplishments, yes?
1. A 2.5 Billion dollar defecit she has no way to balance other than cutting government.
2. Standing behind every single massive tax hike that has been offered in this state.
No wonder she’s not talking!
@24 That sure was the case when they ran Mark Griswold against Frank Chopp:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(“FullContactPolitics” was ID’d as Griswold by HA’s peripatetic investigator, Richard Pope)
Can you believe that? A GOP candidate hopes terrorists will kill innocent Americans so he’ll get more votes. You have to wonder about the 15% who did vote for him. They should all be thrown into a lunatic asylum for the sake of public safety.
She sends you a taxpayer-paid poem to herself, and you fall in love. It’s as if she’s the sailor of your dreams who tapdanced her way into your heart and blinded you to her $2.5 Billion failure.
@30 “Don’t you think it’s past time poor people hauled their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think it’s time that libraries hauled their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think it’s time that ferry riders hauled their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think that museum goers hauled their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think that junior soccer and little league ball players should haul their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think it’s past time for school kids and teachers to haul their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think that boaters ought to haul their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think it’s time for those who use the airport to haul their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think that people who use the city and state parks should haul their own goddamned freight?
“Don’t you think the mentally ill should haul their own goddamned freight?”
“Or do you think that only Sonic fans should carry their own goddamned freight?”
Now go fuck yourself.
“Maybe Rossi can persuade Cheney to come out west to campaign for him.”
Worked like a charm in Ol’ Miss. Will be a slam-dunk slam Donk here.
Ferry riders do carry their own freight, but I won’t bother arguing with the idiot who posted #30. It’s a waste of pixels. You could lay all the facts in front of him and he’d still spew the same nonsense. Fuck him, I don’t have time for this.
Ignore #28, that’s only the whimpering of a stupid dog that got its dick caught in a door.
@44 Quit bitching about what you voted for. What we really need is more dogcatchers. The sooner you’re euthanized, the better off human society will be!
@47 Guess what, thanks to our regressive sales-tax-dependent tax system, state revenues go up and down with the economy. How is Gregoire responsible for the Bush economy? You speak with forked tongue. Out of one corner of your mouth you criticize taxes; out of the other corner, you criticize spending cuts — which is it? You’re a fucking bipolar freak show.
@49 See #55.
@9, Richard, hopefully Goldy will institute a registration one of these days, and allow only one online identity per registrar. You’d see a 75% drop immediately in the number of trolls. I mean, if you don’t have the balls to represent yourself, well, you’re a Republican.
@4 – To Be An Ass – NAMES? You want me to provide you names of democrats in my neighborhood, I have talked to about 9 so far that say they will NOT vote this next election and 4 who say they will vote Rossi, and that is in my small neighborhood of 112 homes. We have community meetings once a month and for their own privacy, I will say their first names are Laura, Casey, Bill, Darren, Jennifer, Carson, Dawn, Rick, Heather, Ben, Bryon, Chris, and Joyce. We live in Issaquah so close to Rossi “territory”
And at Rabbit @37 – did you READ my post? Like I said “She needs to step up her public campaign showing her accomplishments, right there in front of everyone.”
Not just some “auto response” form email…what does that do for the people not emailing her? Is that her idea of PR? As I said, she best really step it up…all I keep hearing from these people is the AWV, 520, ferry system in shambles (the dems have been in control since 2005 so u can’t use the rep control anymore) and the state facing record deficits, higher taxes and the big thing is the fact she ran her last campaign saying she would not raise taxes….what’s one of the first things she did? Gas tax increase approved based on emergency replacement of AWV. How do I defend these negatives when she doesn’t give any PR?
@57 and only one headless lucy AKA renaldo
Yes! Registration! With background checks and mandatory waiting periods!
” … thanks to our regressive sales-tax-dependent tax system …”
Thanks to GWB’s progressive tax cuts, that cut the marginal 15% rate to 10% and that cut millions of taxpayers from the rolls (except for the formality of filing to collect their “earned” income credits), WA spenders at almost every level had & have more to spend for Gregoire’s bloat.
@58 How about if I just pick one statement at random out of your post to show you how idiotic you are.
“Gas tax increase approved based on emergency replacement of AWV.”
The bottom line, dear Wingnut Hannah, is that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! The gas tax increase funded 274 projects all over the state.
The breakdown is $2.98 billion for at-risk structures (30 projects); $2.95 billion for choke points and congestion (69 projects); $542 million for freight mobility (35 projects); $279 million for safety improvements (106 projects); $108 million for environmental work such as replacing fish-blocking culverts and preventing stormwater runoff from highways from polluting streams (21 projects); and $94.8 million for passenber rail (8 projects).
Yes, AWV got $2 billion and 520 got $500 million of that money — the bulk of the at-risk structures budget — but that’s still only 35% of the total gas tax increase and those two structures not only are Washington’s two most urgent infrastructure problems, but also carry an enormous of traffic and without them a big chunk of the state’s economy would shut down.
Take your wingnut spew somewhere else, Hannah. It doesn’t sell here.
@61 Progressive tax cuts? Who the fuck are you kidding? The poorest 25% of taxpayers got no tax cut whatsoever. They’re the 35.6 million households who don’t earn enough to owe income taxes, but pay federal payroll taxes. Most of the actual dollars went to those making over $1 million a year. And because the middle-class tax cuts consisted largely of eliminating the marriage penalty and increasing the deduction for dependent children, 13 million senior citizens got no tax cut whatsoever, either. The popular characterization of Bush’s tax cuts as “tax cuts for the rich” is utterly accurate.
(Sources: FactCheck.org and Tax Policy Institute)
@61 (continued) Moreover, these tax cuts arguably are not tax cuts at all be merely loans that taxpayers will have to repay with interest. That’s because all the money for these putative tax cuts was borrowed from China and other countries. None of Bush’s tax cuts were offset by spending cuts; in fact, he drastically increased spending. The median tax cut — i.e., half of all households received more, and half received less — was $470. That has been more than wiped out by the inflation created by Bush’s borrow-and-spend policies. Consequently, in real economic terms, Bush’s tax cuts for the rich have cost most American families money — even before repaying a cent of the money borrowed to pay for them.
Why would ANYONE vote for these guys?
Well well Roger, so nice of you to explain how the gas tax which was campaigned for the emergency AWV replacement, (not a million other projects) is being collected and yet still not even step closer to a solution (ex[et it will be torn down), well actually we have 10 options now to choose from, but yet still not even closer.
How do I defend that to the ones asking? I hear this argument every single time, when I get into Gregoire vs Rossi discussions, and yes these are all lefties, definately NOT republicans. And personally I hear the same types of arguments from the republicans but even more trash. I guess I agree with some of their questions when it comes to promises made but not kept.
Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008
(WJC) Single making 30K – tax $8,400 (GWB) Single making 30K – tax $4,500
(WJC) Single making 50K – tax $14,000 (GWB) Single making 50K – tax $12,500
(WJC) Single making 75K – tax $23,250 (GWB) Single making 75K – tax $18,750
(WJC) Married making 60K – tax $16,800 (GWB) Married making 60K- tax $9,000
(WJC) Married making 75K – tax $21,000 (GWB) Married making 75K – tax $18,750
(WJC) Married making 125K – tax $38,750 (GWB) Married making 125K – tax $31,250
If you want to know just how effective the mainstream media is, it is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever. If any democrat is elected, ALL of them say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can’t wait for it to happen.
(Thanx to Little Fish)
YLB gave his barking seal of approval to Perlstein’s earlier book about Goldwater… which is infinitely more rewarding than HA.
Barking? As in moonbat? Moi? Why leave out the ultimate millennial right-wing epithet HNMT? What would your friends at LGF think?
For someone who gets such little reward from HA, you sure do spend an awful lot of time here.
I’ll have to bookmark this “rewarding” judgement and come up with some numbers later.
More about the millions of low-income earners who benefit from Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.
And I concur with 64.
Acronym impaired: What’s HNMT? And LGF? And YLB?
Already explained that Stefan’s excellent SoundPolitics won’t let me discuss goatfucking rabbits. That’s why I’m over here on dumb & dumberer HA. It’s my kind of place.
Oh! Now I remember! Hateful Name Morphing Troll. That’d be moi.
66 – it is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever.
You’re wrong as usual. They resent Bush for screwing their kids in exchange for being bought off with a relatively paltry tax cut like cheap whores.
The middle class hasn’t had a raise in 30 years. Of course they’ll take the tax cut. It’s better than nothing.
You’re the one who’s full of shit HNMT.
Stefan’s excellent SoundPolitics won’t let me discuss goatfucking rabbits.
No accounting for taste. Yet he still ranks “excellent” in your book.
And no “reward” from your “kind of place”.
Sure sucks to be you pal.
@ 71
YLB, you really ought to start following the links that these twits post. If you’d followed the link provided @ 66, you’d notice, for example, that a single person making $25K per year will pay $3750 this year. In 1999, someone making $25K per year paid $0 in taxes.
You see, Bush’s tax “cut” actually created new tax brackets, with the lowest 10% tax bracket.
You’re wrong as usual. They resent Bush for screwing their kids in exchange for being bought off with a relatively paltry tax cut like cheap whores.
You donks already screwed kids with the “ponzi scheme” SS system. The young should take all the tax cuts they can get now cause they sure won’t get them in the future with a dem in charge.
HNMT: You’re totally full of shit in 66.
And you’re completely debunked right here:
I’m going to remember this one the next time you look down your nose at people here.
Doofus @ 74
Here’s your right wing fantasy:
and here’s the reality:
Scurry away now coprophagous cur.
OMG someone actually uses FactCheck and it’s not being bashed by the likes of most here! Amen!
77 – Yes, you must be a little bit sad that factcheck has been used to debunk the chain e-mail garbage being purveyed of one of your beloved right wing friends.
“…thanks to our regressive sales-tax-dependent tax system, state revenues go up and down with the economy.”
And that’s just the way we want it: give the bastards steady income, and they’ll fucking spend it on cronies and pet projects.
I’ll take the current Washington system any day over a state income tax!
It debunked the numbers but yeah the percentages shown on the income tax websites show the 28% lowered to 15% which is nice for those making under 35K!
@ 80
[T]he income tax websites show the 28% lowered to 15% which is nice for those making under 35K!
What about the folks making between $8K and $25K?
Look, Rossi will lose in November due to the current hatred of all Republicans (courtesy of GWB and the boys). Even if Rossi were to somehow out-do Gregoire, the King County machine woule ensure a win for Chris.
In fact, Rossi would do better to just exit politics forever. The Dems will forever control Washington.
When McCain passes the flat tax to run concurrently with our current system it will totally change how we file tax returns. It will be 2-3 years before the current system is scrapped and we go to mandatory flat tax. It will take getting use to and a lot of tax preparers will be out of work but in the end it will be worth it.
The only losers from a flat tax is Federal bureaucrats. There will be a flood of former IRS agents looking for work. hehehehe Wont that be nice.
84 – If we were all millionaires, I’d be all for a flat tax. I would think every household could then afford to pay the same amount for government services. But we’re not all millionaires and therefore the fairest tax is a progressive tax. Households support the government in proportion to their means.
If rich people think they’re paying too much then they should strive to put some reasonable spending limits on the federal government. A good start would be a requirement for the DOD to pass a GAO audit. They’re the only part of the federal government that can’t do this.
4. Proud To Be An Ass spews:
“@3: “some say”
Do tell? That crutch is so intellectually dishonest, Hannah”
What a chump you are!
Your hero Algore said in his fictional KLOWN book that “some scientists say” we will have a massive increase in powerful hurricanes!
Now, almost all say that is not true.
Algore used similiar “crutches” thru out his fictional book.
Nice of you to acknowledge his dishonesty!
Any flat tax proposal means poor and middle income people pay more and rich people pay less – a lot less.
Once people see the specifics, it will sink like a stone.
re 36: Don’t you think it’s time for billionnaires to build their own roads?
1) 8,000+ new state UNION welfare recipients…errrr, I mean “employees”!
2) 33% Spending Increase
3) Ferry debacle
4) Traffic debacle with Gas Tax Increase
5) Gregoire CREATED a pending $2.4 BILLION deficit.
6) Gregoire allowed $5 BILLION Underfunded State Pension Fund to get worse!!
The list goes on & on.
Show me folks who voted for Rossi last time that are now voting for Gregoire (BESIDES THE 8,000 new State Employees & their families)?
I have met plenty who voted for Gregoire & will vote Rossi this time.
Most people are smart enough to look at how 28 years of Democratic Party rule has screwed up this State.
Sound familiar????
re 86: Saturday, May 17, 2008 was the hottest May 17th on record! That proves that global warming is true.
You WingNutz can blather all you want. No one’s listening.
Yer toast…
Show me folks who voted for Rossi last time that are now voting for Gregoire (BESIDES THE 8,000 new State Employees & their families)?
Me, for one.
Any flat tax proposal means poor and middle income people pay more and rich people pay less – a lot less.
Once people see the specifics, it will sink like a stone.
Nope…lie lie lie. The flat tax will run concurrently with our current system and you will have a choice (liberals just think abortion). The amount you pay in tax will not change. Good try though.
re 86: Saturday, May 17, 2008 was the hottest May 17th on record! That proves that global warming is true.
05/19/2008 at 10:09 pm
I know. Who would have thought that a month ago when it was snowing in April (latest snowfall ever recorded). hehheehehehe
Lee @ 92–
Yeah sure, youbetcha…..NOT!
Nice try KLOWN.
@ 94
Interesting you should mention April of 2008, because we did, in fact, not set a daily record low in April despite the snow. We did, however, set a daily record high on April 12, 2008. Check out the temperature graphs here.
In fact, the last time we set a record monthly low was April of 1975. Since then, we’ve set 8 record monthly high temperatures. Details here.
I wonder if your same logic would work with a drought. You know like “despite never having a flood in April we had some of the dryest days on record”. Could happen.
re 95: Every time it is a little colder than usual, you WingNutz are stating that global warming can’t be true, because it’s a little colder than usual.
I knew you idiots would point out the obvious fallacy in that sort of reasoning when applied to an unusually warm day that ‘proves’ global warming is true. You guys are as predictable as a creature with a simple nervous system. Just poke it and it involuntarily contracts.
Now I know for certain that you are all just full of shit.
re 93: Then why bother if the result is the same? Your parents must have each carried the stupid chromosome.
Now, you’re a carrier.
93 – Once day you’re for the “fair tax” and the next day you’re for this “choice” scam.
At the end of the day it all amounts to rich people paying less and either not-so-rich paying more or the bill being passed to another generation.
Poor mutt, once a shit eater always a…
Yet another Gregoire FUBAR!!
The new Ferry reservation system was a total disaster!
The buck stops with Queen Christine–
Read this————
From todays Peninsula Daily News:
New ferry RSVPs Met with Traffic Backup at Toll Booth Instead
By Jeff Chew, Peninsula Daily News
PORT TOWNSEND — There’s a new ferry reservation system in town, but many don’t know about it — resulting in traffic backups on Water Street to the overtaxed toll booth.
Most who showed up at the Port Townsend ferry landing Monday had not made prior phone reservations for the Port Townsend-Keystone ferry route and had to rely on state ferries toll booth sellers, officials said.
“The key will be to make sure people know about the reservation system before they show up at the terminal,” Hadley Greene, Washington State Ferries communications manager, said during launch day of the route’s new summer ferry reservation system.
The situation, which delayed the 12:45 p.m. run by 15 minutes, was complicated by backups on the phone reservation system.
That led ferries officials on Monday to launch the online reservation system two days earlier than planned.
“We’d like to encourage people to make reservations on the Web as much as possible, since some people have been experiencing long wait times for phone reservations,” Greene said.
Actually, what I’d like to see is a total end to income taxes.
@ 97
I wonder if your same logic would work with a drought. You know like “despite never having a flood in April we had some of the dryest days on record”.
I used exactly the same logic you guys use to deny global warming. I don’t know why you’d have a problem with that.