I can’t speak for Goldy, Darryl or anyone else here, but I’ve been running kind of slow since the election. This post is just a quick note that probably until January, I’m going to just do Monday-Wednesday-Friday open threads, but not much else. If there’s something major I want to talk about, I’ll probably have a longer bullet in an open thread.
Come January, I’ll probably be back. But for now, in case you’re wondering why there have been fewer Carl Ballard posts on HA, there’s why.
The St. Louis County prosecutor is giving his press conference now. Very long-winded speech. I suspect that means no charges.
It’s official: No charges.
Raise your hand(s) if you thought there was ANY CHANCE IN HELL that an indictment on any charges…at all.
Fucking racists.
@4 The problem is the law. Cops are given too much authority to use deadly force.
“Just another dead n****r. Nothing to see here, move along now. I SAID NOW!!!
@4 Roger, that’s the condition. The action is police officers using that broad authority to shoot citizens, especially if the citizen is not rich or white.
An unanswered question is whether a white suspect would have been shot in the same circumstances. In other words, do cops show more deference to whites than minorities in deciding whether to use deadly force?
“This is not the comic books or the kids shows, justice does not prevail or good win in the end, not if you are dark. only fools think it is.”
Blacks don’t get the privileges and deference given to whites.
CNN’s live feed from Ferguson shows cops firing teargas, so it appears the rioting has started. The question is, who’s rioting, the protesters or the cops?
On a positive note the Seattle mayor’s office and Seattle Chief of Police are hosting a briefing of community leaders right now
This attorney argues the fix was in from the beginning.
Of course not.
No duh. (as the kids used to say)
I’m sorry that it’s a long quote but this kind of sums up my thinking on this.
“I had hoped officers would be found guilty when they were found beating Rodney King senseless. It was on video. We all saw it. They were acquitted.
I had hoped officers would be found guilty when they fired 41 shots at an unarmed Amadou Diallo standing in his doorstep. They were acquitted.
I had hoped the officers who fired 50 shots into Sean Bell’s car as he left his bachelor party would be found guilty. They were acquitted.
I had hoped the officers who shot and killed football star Kendrec McDade—after they lied about him shooting at them first—would at least go to court, but the grand jury said they were justified.
I had hoped the officers who chased Ramarley Graham into his home and killed him would at least be tried, but they weren’t
I had hoped the officers who shot and killed John Crawford in Wal-Mart would be cited somehow, but the grand jury found they were justified.
Now, here we are, with a young man who ran over half a football field away, after a confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson, only to be shot over and over again.
I had hoped Wilson would at least face these charges in an open court of law, but it will not happen.”
Ah, thought of a shorter way to say it.
“The policeman shooting an unarmed black teen is apparently within the letter of the law, but it is not justice.”
I’m pretty sure the same thing was said about Trayvon.
And we wonder why the criminals carry guns.
Why gang bangers call cops just another gang.
Maybe we should insist most officers should not be carrying a firearm when doing routine duty. A properly used night stick can be amazingly effective, and the person it’s used on is likely to survive. Of course there are other non lethal means of doing the job. And there is always maybe waiting for back up, or being a bit patient.
Of course there is duty where officers should be armed, and certainly there is nothing wrong with weapons being locked in he trunk and available for use. Still our police are overly reliant on firearms, and have also become overly militarized.
@15…Congats! You win the award for the lamest post of the day!