Every child deserves a puppy, and my daughter is every child. So I’m headed out to pick up a crate, some puppy food, a few chew toys, and oh yeah… a puppy. I’ll post a picture of “Feisty” later today.
In the meanwhile, I’m bound to be distracted, so expect some light posting. I’m working on a historical analysis of gasoline prices and the WA state motor fuels tax, adjusted for inflation, so that we can all have a fair, balanced and totally unprejudiced discussion of the incredibly stupid and misleading gas-tax-repeal initiative that was filed last week. I’ve also got some interesting observations in the works about last November’s poorly written “Top-Two Primary” initiative.
In the meanwhile, I think I’ll just take the easy way out and point you towards The General’s advanced preview of the coming line-up for Republicanized public broadcast: “Tonight on GOPBS.”
Congratulations on the puppy – that’s very sweet and will make many wonderful memories for your daughter.
I’ll take issue with ‘Slow posting day’though in as much as the major story out there today is the Newsweek story, the rioting it caused, the deaths it caused, the retraction, the Pakistani refusal to accept the retraction.
Nothin better than new Puppy. I have two pups under two yrs old and they are a pile of joy! Have patience with them they will learn fast if loved! Same with the kid! Walk with them both often!
Just one word of advice: If someone looking like a U.S. Senator appears on your doorstep claiming he would like to adopt your puppy, DON’T LET HIM.
Puppy: what’s a good liberal dog? I mean pitbulls are repub. dogs right? In my minds eye you all favor little yipper dogs…barking all the time…
Reply to #1:
Newsweek retracted the story because they came under pressure from the Bush administration to do so.
Gee, its not as if we didn’t create a great deal of upset and rioting in these countries when we invaded Iraq? Newsweek wasn’t responsible for the death of over 1000 american soldiers. But the Bush administration is so good at blaming others for their own
errors in judgement.
I like the image of pitbulls tho, jowley, go for the jugular and NEVER LET GO!
Newsweek retracted the story because they came under pressure from the Bush administration to do so. -Comment by cfang— 5/17/05 @ 12:41 pm
Oh, really?
The no gas tax sentiment is backlash against the results of the last session, targeted at the most visible result of that session. If the Democrats could have exercized a little self control and not piled so much on this session, maybe there wouldn’t even be an initiative.
Dammit! Buy two puppies so they’ll have company when your daughter tires of playing. I hate it when people have ONE dog. it’s really no more bother.
Don’t forget to pay all your dog fees, shots, all the taxes. Add those into your analysis. (can’t wait to see that one…you going to compare it to total spend…to see how that stuff is spent?)
And as I ponder the type of dogs you all buy, I keep thinking, “aren’t dems cat people”. Repubs go hunting, dogs, suvs, dems stay home and read, type letters to the editor, listen to npr..
New Liberal: You are a complete idiot! Anyone with half a brain can see that is a fake picture in your reference’s post.These reports of the Koran (Quran, Q’uran, Qu’ran???)being thrown in the toilet have been circulating for years.The story has been confirmed at various times by un-anonymous as well as anonymous sources. There’s more proof for its veracity than there is for creationism.
But why let facts get in the way of squelching a free press. Even the joint chiefs of staff have released a statement that the riots are about our policies not the koran burning incident.
Newsweek retracted the story because they came under pressure from the Bush administration to do so.
-Comment by cfang— 5/17/05 @ 12:41 pm
Interesting that you would think they would only retract under White House pressure rather than the appalling fact of the riots and deaths.
Even I gave them the presumption of some kind of conscience.
righton @4&10: this Dem family likes Malamutes, Huskies, Labs Goldens, and Heinz 57. However, some of our other favorite friends have included French Poodles, Newfs, and Boxers. We’ve lived many happy years with a Malamute (died at l7 years) and a Husky (died at 12,) and now we have a lab. We have cats too. Marilyn
All good dogs, but the fun in this is broadbrushing you all as Poodle or cat lovers.
Yeah, LBJ had beagles, Bobbie K a newf. Bush’s dog seems wrong for him. Buddy seemed to fit Clinton perfectly.
ya boy, that Newsweek story really got our allies in Uzbekistan to nurture their citizens. Oh wait, those riots weren’t connected with GITMO. Well it is a good thing we gave $21 million to the Uzbek dictator so we could keep troops, planes, and get oil resources from them, while shipping our extraordinary rendition candidates to such a masterful environment for extracting information. What is a few hundred people slaughtered by machine guns in the name of supporting the Bush administration, anyway??
And geez, whatever we do, we better not mention the Rycroft memo, you know the one that McClellan says he never read.
This also takes attention away from the fact that Dubya is considered so useless that no one even bothers to inform him when the capitol is being evacuated. After all, What could that nit-wit president do to help the situation anyway? Better to keep him out of the way and let him enjoy his special little bike riding outing!
lucy @ 16
that’s exactly what hellary said about bill, “keep him in the oral office and let me run things.” Hellary chappaquiddick
Your site has definately gone to the dogs…
Just pointing out the obvious.
The US Department of State disagrees with you “New LIBERAL”. I’d be more inclined to believe them that the Newsweek story was not responsible for the riots.
And, as has been pointed out by other posters, Bush’s lies about WMD have caused far more deaths than these riots. Why isn’t that big news for you?
“And, as has been pointed out by other posters, Bush’s lies about WMD have caused far more deaths than these riots. Why isn’t that big news for you?”
Golly gee we forgot about that one!
Dog gone it!
You liberals keep dogging me.
I think you should name the new dog…
Barney (frank)
Harry S.
Eddie (edmund or edward/ted)
Terry (mcauliffe)
Richie (for the pardoned financier)
Name the damn dawg PINHEAD…after all your LEFTIST ilk.
pbj and deservedly so. maybe we can find a nice cute Great Dane to keep you company……. or maybe a rabid St. Bernard as in Cujo
Maybe a good name would be Bush…..then when it does its duty outside, all the wingnuts can say with pride…..Go Bush GO, shit on the environment again!!!!
Name the dog ,Stay. It’s an old Steven Wright joke. “Come, Stay! Come Stay!”
Mr. Cynical seems to inflamed with ideological zeal to have the world weary cynical moniker.
Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff said, “The Pentagon saw the item before it ran, and then they didn’t move us off it for 11 days afterward.” How much more confirmation of the story does anyone need?
I believe the Newsweek story got it right. Yes, I do think the magazine has a conscience, and retracted the story because of the rioting and deaths — not because it isn’t true. There is corroboration from other sources of American interrogators desecrating the Q’uran in Iraq and Afghanistanm, too. Everything about the Newsweek story rings true.
On the other hand, the Far Right has proven they have no conscience. When the torture story broke, they called for the heads of those who revealed it — not those who committed the atrocities — even though the vast majority of the torture victims were innocent civilians.
They also denied it happened, and questioned the patriotism of anyone who questioned the denials. Well, they can’t deny it anymore, now that soldiers have been charged, convicted, and sent to prison for it. As for the patriotism end of things, it is the right wingers who are unpatriotic. This is not the America I grew up in, respected, loved, and served with pride. I never thought I would live to see American soldiers behaving like the Germans and Japanese of World War 2, but here it is. And I didn’t dream it was possible that any real American would ever defend such behavior, but here we are.
Did these scumbag-excuses-for-human-beings masquerading as American soldiers and pretending to be fighting for what America stands for throw pages from a holy book into the toilet to bully detainees? Everything we know about the dishonor into which the American military has fallen under the Bush administration says “yes,” they did. Yes, I do believe that Newsweek got it right the first time, and the retraction is a lie.
Reply to 19:
Because “NEW LIBERAL” trolling neocon is a sheep who reads from the script he gets in email every morning. Interesting how his words are exactly the same as those I’ve seen from his ilk today.
You may want to go back and retract your post 29. Or take a lude. Did you really mean to call American soldiers scumbag-excuses-for-human-beings?
Headless Lucy–
At least tonight it appears you are not posting on your government computer using a government internet connection on government time in your government office in a government building! LEFTIST government employees like you are exactly why all tax and spending increases will be rejected…even in Washington State. People have had it with LEFTIST PINHEADS like you.
Oh…have a nice evening! Make sure those Kiddies urinals are clean!
Interesting project, and good luck with the puppy. Keep NWK9.com in mind for the future. Some great raining resources, and a really good trainer. Find the recipe for Moc’s Liver treats. Your puppy will willingly do most anything for this reward.
Remember the 6-mile-a-gallon auto? And $0.25 gas? And the $1.25 minimum wage? and the $2,000 car? And the $20,000 house?
Mileage is up 3 to 6 times. Minimum wage is up under 6 times. Gas is up about 9 times today. The car is up about 10 to 15 times, and so is the house.
You may conclude that attacking the house seller is more appropriate than attacking the gas tax. Just don’t try to get an initiative going to limit house prices.
You may also conclude that the old folks paid a lot more toward highway construction and maintenance than the we do today. Depends on your choice, total miles and revenue, or relative cost to the old folks.
One burden you will need to undertake is to explain the guarantees that the money will be used as advertised. One of the compelling reasons people voted for I-695 were the interminable stories about the devastating effects it would have on meat inspection. Wasn’t the MVET supposed to support highways, not meat inspectors? And how many more of these deals were there? My faulty recollection says it was about 30% of the revenue. Raising the gas tax is one issue, but spending it is another.
See also the effort in Oregon to track every vehicle and tax them on miles driven, on the theory that hybrids are not paying their fair share.
Good luck on your ambitious project, but be prepared for some fair but withering criticism, and also a lot of unfair. There are a quite large number of factors in play here.
Yes, it would be counterproductive hyperbole to call you a traitor for your remarks about our military and your solidarity with leftist “journalists” who seek to undermine our countries position at every turn and see it defeated merely because their party is not in power.
zip @ 31 and pbj @ 34,
Calm down, you fucking jackasses. Go back and read the comments by Patrick @ 29 very slowly and very carefully. You will find that he did not make a blanket statement that American soldiers scumbag-excuses-for-human-beings. What idiots!