First the backers of the Chihuly “museum” tried sneaking their proposal under the radar. Then they instinctively tried throwing money at the problem via an expensive, ham-fisted PR campaign. But now that it’s starting to look like their for-profit land-grab may face some serious political opposition, well, it was only a matter of time before the knives started coming out.
For example, over at Slog, commenter justdandy takes issue with Stranger writer Cienna Madrid daring to speak at Thursday’s hearing without mentioning it in her own post covering the event, calling her actions “entirely inappropriate and unethical.” But he doesn’t stop there:
You are a liability to the Stranger. Keep up this kind of reporting and someone is going to take a financial swipe at your paper. It would be well deserved IMHO.
Forget for a moment the sheer absurdity of an anonymous troll pronouncing ethical judgment on anybody else’s lack of transparency, or the fact that, like me, The Stranger routinely practices a brand of advocacy journalism that only an idiot would fail to read in the appropriate context. For whether justdandy’s comment was meant as a veiled threat or mere wishful thinking, it’s still the kinda I-don’t-like-what-you’re-saying-so-I’m-gonna-threaten-your-livelihood bullying that, I warn you, almost always achieves the opposite of its intended effect.
Especially when coming from a well-known baby-killer like justdandy.
There. I said it. Somebody had to. Justdandy is a baby-killer. He kills and mutilates babies.
He’s also, likely, despite his denials, if not a paid shill for the project, then somebody who hopes to profit in some way from it. And if, justdandy, you are offended by my unsupported allegations — if you find my reporting “inappropriate and unethical,” if not downright reckless — if you feel that I have unfairly and maliciously defamed the good reputation of your fake screen name… then I urge you to make yourself a martyr to fake screen names everywhere, and boldly attempt to set the legal standard for fake screen name libel.
I await the process server. Either that, or shut the fuck up. Or, maybe — and here’s a novel suggestion — maybe you could use your real name in a public forum when challenging the transparency of others.
But whatever you do, stop killing babies.
“He kills and mutilates babies.”
And eats them — you forgot to mention he eats them after he kills and mutilates them. Sloppy reporting, Goldy! tsk tsk!
Goldy, you should’ve been a lawyer. Really. You missed your calling. You know the law better than a lot of lawyers.
Libel? Forget it! If you’re anonymous, you can’t be defamed, period! If no one knows who Mr. Cynical is, then holding him up to the contempt and ridicule of his peers by exposing his weird goatfucking fetish has no legal consequence, because he hasn’t suffered any actual harm, and without a loss there’s no damages!
If you post anonymously on a blog, anyone can call you anything and get away with it. Hell, they could even call a rabbit a “human” and it wouldn’t be defamatory, unless they identify him to his fellow rabbits, in which case he’s got a viable lawsuit.
I heard he eats them with brown sugar BBQ sauce.
You know, I hear stir-fried baby is actually quite the delicacy.
I wonder where PuddybudIsJustDandy stands on this burning issue? Or lostinaseaofdandy? or Dandytroll? Is curried baby any better than lamb?
Nothing better than babies cooked over American flag embers.
“For whether justdandy’s comment was meant as a veiled threat or mere wishful thinking, it’s still the kinda I-don’t-like-what-you’re-saying-so-I’m-gonna-threaten-you’re-livelihood bullying that, I warn you, almost always achieves the opposite of its intended effect.”
Seems like more tea bagger mentality. They don’t like anyone talking the truth, or just an opinion they don’t agree with so they are going to threaten that person. Seems to have a lot in common with the mob or a fascist regime.
In tribute to Easter, our trolls–like Cynny, Puddy, lost, Troll, and Maxie–give their goats a break. Not that they take a break themselves, however, nosiree. They chase rabbits to indulge their sick sexual proclivities and eat live newly-hatched chicks for their Easter meal. Our trolls are truly depraved.
Why Doesn’t Dale Chihuly Make Himself a Fucking Glass Eye Already?
…one of my favorite facebook groups.
@4: It tastes like Geoduck.
Chris @4,
Anything slow cooked with onions is delicious. Anything.
What a moron MarkHasNoCentzAndThatsJustDandy is.
Not answering my question by calling me names, Puddybud[PlaceSloganHere]. And “Moron”? How disapointingly generic! I wonder if Goldy has set you up as a Turing test. Using a WindowsMe server. Could be, could be.
Love it!
It’s always a nice tactic to threaten the employment of someone with whom you disagree.
Touring test or Tourettes Syndrome?
Puddy suggests the latter for Mark NoCentz. Mark stop killing little babies.