A little more of that iceberg is beginning to bob above the surface: “Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report.”
The National Security Agency has traced and analyzed large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and out of the United States as part of the eavesdropping program that President Bush approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to hunt for evidence of terrorist activity, according to current and former government officials.
The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said. It was collected by tapping directly into some of the American telecommunication system’s main arteries, they said.
Distracted by the bogus Iraq front in the so-called “War on Terror”, Americans are only beginning to notice how much of this war is being fought on our home soil, against our own citizens. Should our nation eventually ease itself into dictatorship (no doubt a uniquely American form of dictatorship), it may be impossible to look back and determine the exact turning point; like Nazi Germany before us, these things can happen gradually — even innocently — with good, well meaning citizens blindly handing over their freedom to a corrupt autocracy, out of a mix of fear and patriotism.
I know, I know… some of you will malign me as paranoid and hyperbolic for even imagining a United States sliding towards totalitarianism. Yet those who would put a tin-foil-hat on my head are the very same folk who choose to believe that the greatest economic, political, and military power in the history of the world, is so threatened by a bearded, turbaned, dialysis patient, that we should willingly surrender the fundamental liberties set forth in the Bill of Rights… the most sacred document a secular nation has ever produced.
Do not kid yourself that Americans are somehow special or that our system of government is somehow immune to the excesses of executive power, for our nation’s history is filled with examples of presidents unconstitutionally crushing our civil liberties, particularly in time of war: Adam’s Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus, Wilson’s notorious Espionage and Sedition Acts, and of course, Roosevelt’s shameful internment of Japanese-Americans. Those absolute defenders of Bush — those defenders of unbridled American empire — should study their history: Rome did not fall to barbarian invaders… it collapsed from within.
But enough of my pontificating. Instead, I’ll leave you with the pontificating of the New York Times editorial board, who warns today about Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, and recently released memos on illegal wiretaps and overriding legislative intent.
With the Bush administration claiming sweeping and often legally baseless authority to detain and spy on people, judges play a crucial role in underscoring the limits of presidential power. When the Senate begins hearings next month on Judge Samuel Alito, President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, it should explore whether he understands where the Constitution sets those limits. New documents released yesterday provide more evidence that Judge Alito has a skewed view of the allocation of power among the three branches – skewed in favor of presidential power.
These memos are part of a broader pattern of elevating the presidency above the other branches of government. In his judicial opinions, Judge Alito has shown a lack of respect for Congressional power – notably when he voted to strike down Congress’s ban on machine guns as exceeding its constitutional authority. He has taken a cramped view of the Fourth Amendment and other constitutional provisions that limit executive power.The Supreme Court and the lower federal courts have had to repeatedly pull the Bush administration back when it exceeded its constitutional powers. They have made clear that Americans cannot be held indefinitely without trial just because they are labeled “enemy combatants.” They have vindicated the right of Guantanamo Bay detainees to challenge their confinement. And they will no doubt have to correct the Bush administration’s latest assertions of power to spy domestically. The Senate should determine that Judge Alito is on the side of the Constitution in these battles, not on the side of the presidency – which the latest documents strongly question – before voting to confirm him.
Read the whole thing. And worry.
In a powerful editorial that describes President Bush’s actions as “an invitation to tyranny,” conservative business weekly Barron’s (published by Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones), has printed an editorial calling for Congress to investigate impeachment:
Willful disregard of a law is potentially an impeachable offense. It is at least as impeachable as having a sexual escapade under the Oval Office desk and lying about it later. The members of the House Judiciary Committee who staged the impeachment of President Clinton ought to be as outraged at this situation. They ought to investigate it, consider it carefully and report either a bill that would change the wiretap laws to suit the president or a bill of impeachment.
I’d say when the folks at Dow Jones are talking impeachment, the shit has finally hit the fan.
I have to concur about the portent that this Total Information Awareness plan represents the largest concentration of authoritarian power ever held by a government over its citizens. Who is to say whether some of the information garnered did or did not influence stock markets, commodities trading, industrial espionage and so forth? The assumption that “our” government would never use this illegally collected information for inappropriate purposes, must necessarily assume that there have been no lies told and no misdeed done by the same administration. We know this is not true; the lies and deceptions continue to this day and represent a completely out of control rogue government.
If we don’t stop it, we will deserve the legacy of “little eichmann’s” when historians of other nations look back on US history at the beginning of the 21st century.
Nazi’s in 2 paragraphs
Goldy, you are a bombthrower, no
, make that a suicide bomber..
Boing-boing has this:
Experiment to see if your mail is being tapped by the gov’t.
1. Set up a Hotmail account.
2. Set up a second email account with a non-U.S. provider. (eg. Rediffmail.com)
3. Send messages between the two accounts which might be interesting to the NSA.
4. In each message, include a unique URL to a Web server that you have access to its server logs. This URL should only be known by you and not linked to from any other Web page. The text of the message should encourage an NSA monitor to visit the URL.
5. If the server log file ever shows this URL being accessed, then you know that you are being snooped on. The IP address of the access can also provide clues about who is doing the snooping.
Righton @2
I realize that the whole Nazi thing has become a running joke in the comment threads, but you seem to take it somewhat seriously so let me ask you a serious question.
Do you think that what happened in Germany during the late 1920’s through 1945+ has no historical bearing?
Now I will absolutely agree with the idea that the term Nazi gets thrown around too casually, though it does not entirely come from the left as Santorum has bizarrely used the term to describe the filibuster and the New York Times.
But at some point, doesn’t history have some relevance for us? In the popular mind – and perhaps yours – Nazis have become synonymous with the Holocaust. But the better question might be how did one party come to dominate a formally democratic government that they had the power to imprison, torture and execute vast numbers of their own citizens?
Is it ok for someone to reference the rise of the Nazis – or facism and totalitarianism in general – to make a point?
If someone is undermining the institutions of government and the rule of law for their own ends is it ok by you to reference historical examples where that has lead to not so good outcomes?
Just curious as to where you stand on this….
I mean, it is not as if we have a situation where one party is using public fears about security to coalesce massive amounts of authority within the executive branch and claiming that the rule of law simply does not apply to them like what happened in Germany and Italy in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
The problem is the power without checks and balances and somehow Bush’s comment that his oath of office counts as one does not make me feel better.
No one should have that much power.
Is the average family paying over 40% of their income in direct and indirect taxes [FICA, FED, STATE, Sales, Property, gas, indirect, etc] “Sliding towards totalitarianism”?? When is is worth it NOT to create wealth in the first place? Atlas has Shrugged, socialist Democrats!
Does any Democrat remember any post on here complaining when Hillary had illeagl access to 1000 FBI files of political opponents? You “progressives” are traitors and should be shot!!
Let’s just remember that Clinton’s little ‘mess on the dress’ episode, was between two consenting adults. Outside of the parties involved no one was harmed. Sort of petty compared to unraveling the fabric of our country. No matter what the outcome, Impeachment or not, it will take years to repair our image.
JCH @6
LOL – now that is funny JCH. Horseass.org wasn’t even around in the early 1990’s.
As for hypocrites, let’s look at how the principals responded then.
Bob Dole (honest Republican) “We have learned that the privacy of literally hundreds of Americans was trampled on…. America deserves better.” Republican Weekly Radio Address June 22, 1996
As for Clinton’s part –
‘Clinton has admitted that the White House requested background files on more than 400 former employees of the White House, many of them prominent Republicans. He has apologized and called the incident an innocent mistake.’
400!!!! And he admitted it was a mistake and apologized. Well, heck that makes Bush’s spying program on America citizens that likely catches hundreds of thousand Americans look like child’s play. And Bush then goes on to explain that as a ‘War President’ he is unchecked by the Constitution and the rule of law.
Clearly the Democrats who didn’t complain on Horsesass.org are the hypocrites here…
Ooops – forgot the the quotes above.
Horse – Uh… no. That’s not what happened. WJC was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in an attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case he settled for $800k. Had nothin to do with blue dresses. Had to do with being a predator. So maybe you can get away with that shit somewhere else, but not here.
Link to the rude pundit people:
His essay “Do We Have To Wait Until Bush Purges 20 Million of Us Before We Can Say He’s Like Stalin? dated 16 DEC 2005 hits it on the mark.
Sometimes, man, it’s easy to understand why people just go on with their lives if they’re in countries led by a dictator. ‘Cause, see, ya got different types of dictators: ya got yer blatantly greedy, “fuck everyone’s poverty and hunger as long as my fat belly is full and my big ass is on a gold pillow”-type, like yer House of Saud; ya got yer crazy, seein’ shit, killin’ everyone in sight, paranoid dictators, like yer Stalins, yer Kim Jong-Ils; ya got yer “as long as you don’t fuck with me, we’re cool” dictators, like yer Saddam Husseins; and, the most insidious kind, the dictators who pretend they’re not dictators, that everything they do is good and right for the majority of the people in the nation, and, really, where do ya wanna start? Mao? No category is hard and fast, for qualities of one kind certainly bleed into the others (and, hey, this ain’t a fuckin’ textbook here). Besides, every dictator has his or her brutal fetishes, like rape rooms, testicle torture, or scalp-collectin’, that inflict themselves on the occasional innocent. But, for the majority of a population, in the majority of dictatorships, it’s just easier to live your life and hope that you never run over the dictator’s son’s pet goat or some such shit.
The majority of the population (White, Christian, non-political) will probably be okay, as long as they “never run over the dictator’s son’s pet goat” as it were. But if an illegal or unconstitutional act does not affect you, do you ignore it? Bush broke the law. Is it okay because it only affects “those people”?
This just in:
Democrats condemn North Pole philanthropist for profiling: According to the story, this person makes judgements on people’s behavior and puts them onto either the “nice” list or “naughty” list, and then gives goodies only to those on the nice list.
Nancy Pelosi vowed to ensure that all peoples, regardless of nicecness or naughtiness get at least one lump of coal.
The ACLU of course is threatening to sue this man whom they describe as follows:
His eyes–how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
If Alito is confirmed, no worry, he says we can have machine guns. We made need them! Liberals must arm.
“Goldy, you are a bombthrower, no, make that a suicide bomber..”
No, Bush — and the idiots who support him — are the bombthrowers. One misconduct bombshell after another …
Mark the Liar — what “felony assault” was Bill Clinton charged with or convicted of? Are you referring to the Arkansas trooper fiction concocted by rightwing hitman David Brock? Or the bullshit allegations of Paul Jones worked on by sleaze lawyer Ann Coulter secretly paid with slimy Scaife money? Laughing my horse’s ass off at YOU ….
Clinton wasn’t above the law, and Bush isn’t either. Just remember that, all you Bush apologists.
Hmmm, I would say post #6 pretty much sums up what is happening here as far as the rise of the kind of intolerant thinking that leads to Fascism. I wish so-called conservatives would realize what they are condoning when they throw around death threats like that about anybody who politically disagrees with them. Of course that assumes that they think. http://www.homesteadbook.com
Goldy — speaking of icebergs, the wingnuts can’t even tell the truth about something as innocuous as a picture of an iceberg. http://www.snopes.com/photos/iceberg.asp
This mass-circ e-mail has been sent to me by almost every Republican I know! I think they lie just because they enjoy lying, or maybe they tell lies like this to stay in practice.
JCH, how many times do you come when imagining the slaughtering of your “enemies?” Do you cry out loud enough for your parents to wander down to the basement to see if you’re OK? When you’re serving people at McDonald’s, do you imagine each of them cowering before your five-foot-six, two hundred and eighty pound, two-inch dicked frame as you wield your “mighty” sword of justice?
Just asking.
Speaking of sedition laws, etc., if Hillary is elected President in 2008, I’ll bet these rednecks will run away from the flag they like to wrap themselves in by talking secession.
That’s what they do here in King County if someone tries to tell them their cows can’t piss in the salmon stream running through (or near) their property.
Wabbit – The Smartest Woman In The World WILL NOT be the next president. Remember, we have Howard Dean on our side, and he’ll make sure that a R is elected.
You’re such a fucking “one trick pony”, redneck.
You know what’s funny…
…these moronic dunderheads that the redneck thinks are just the shit, are just the stupidest motherfuckers that have EVER run this country. Redneck MUST be on their payroll…’cause these idiots fuck up EVERYTHING they do and look bad doing it. The
JCH, how many times do you come when imagining the slaughtering of your “enemies?†Do you cry out loud enough for your parents to wander down to the basement to see if you’re OK? When you’re serving people at McDonald’s, do you imagine each of them cowering before your five-foot-six, two hundred and eighty pound, two-inch dicked frame as you wield your “mighty†sword of justice?
Just asking.
Comment by JoCH — 12/24/05 @ 3:02 pm [JoCh, rise up off your knees, wipe the cum off your face, and ask again!! Just asking. JCH]
Rujax – While ANY R is preferrable to ANY D any time, I’m not a huge fan of GWB. He’s an R, but he’s certainly no conservative. While letting me keep more of MY money is great, and confronting evil is good, he’s done some dumb stuff that’s kinda embarassing. He should have pushed much harder on saving Sosh Security. He should do more to tighten borders. The expansion of medicare is a disaster. He’s spending waay too much money. Harriet Myers and Brownie were back to back embarrassments.
TSWITW is the most divisive character on the Murkan political scene. There’s NFW she can build a coalition that will support her in large enough numbers to elect her. Not gonna happen. She’ll do a chameleon thing and pretend she’s something she’s not in order to make a go of it, but it’s not gonna work ’cause she’s got a track record with plenty of sound bites. The kook fringe will go for her of course, but that’s not gonna be enough.
Is the average family paying over 40% of their income in direct and indirect taxes [FICA, FED, STATE, Sales, Property, gas, indirect, etc] “Sliding towards totalitarianism”?? When is is worth it NOT to create wealth in the first place? Atlas has Shrugged, socialist Democrats!
Comment by JCH — 12/24/05 @ 12:38 pm [How much do Democrats want?? They want it all!! Every penny!! Atlas has Shrugged!]
JCH, how many times do you come when imagining the slaughtering of your “enemies?†Do you cry out loud enough for your parents to wander down to the basement to see if you’re OK? When you’re serving people at McDonald’s, do you imagine each of them cowering before your five-foot-six, two hundred and eighty pound, two-inch dicked frame as you wield your “mighty†sword of justice?
Just asking.
Comment by JoCH — 12/24/05 @ 3:02 pm [JoCH, Why do all “guvment” hacks, union thugs, and welfare losers vote Democrat? Oh, and you?]
you started w/ a decent question, is today like Germany in the pre Hitler days, pre kristalknacht, etc.
but truly you lost me when you say today is 1 party rule, just like back then. For the first 30 or more years of my life it was 1 party Dem rule; pres, house, senate, local offices, etc. Occassionally Dixie Lee Ray or Nixon or someone would win, so technically not a majority.
I cannot think of anything today similar to Germany. The people are historically bad dudes, they’d been impoverished, they went through the crash, and a ruthless bad guy killed a lot of his political enemies.
Nothing today resembles that.
re 10.)
If consentual sex between two adults is ‘predatory behavior’ there must be one hell of a lot of preditors running around. Might want to get used to the fact that outside of the imbecile’s on the far right no one really cares what consenting adults do. As far as telling little white tale re Clinton, how about the total bullshit that Bush/Cheney told going into Iraq. What close to 2,200 of our kids killed, over 15,000 badly injured,30,000 Iraq’s killed.
Bush’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Samuel Alito, is a tortfeasor’s dream come true: He thinks people wronged by illegal behavior by government officials shouldn’t be able to sue.
Of course, rightwingers want more than immunity for politicians who abuse their power or office. They also want legal immunity for shoddy operators of nuclear power plants, and for corporations that sell dangerous products or steal from consumers. In short, they want a license to rape, pillage, and steal.
(Note: Under the GOP program, Paula Jones could not have sued Bill Clinton for an alleged sexual assault that didn’t occur. I know it didn’t occur, because anybody who hires Ann Coulter as their lawyer is assuredly a liar.)
From the New York Times:
“Published: December 24, 2005
“The attorney general should be immune from lawsuits for ordering wiretaps of Americans without permission from a court, Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, wrote in a memorandum in 1984 as a government lawyer in the Reagan administration.
“‘I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity,’ Judge Alito wrote in 1984, arguing that top officials should not be subject to liability for damages for decisions relating to national security, including when they knowingly violated the law. But he counseled against appealing the issue to the Supreme Court, for two reasons.
“‘Absolute immunity arguments are difficult to pursue successfully,’ he wrote. ‘Because we now must argue that the official should be immune from violating clearly established legal standards,’ there is a ‘high risk of failure.’
“A second reason for not appealing, he wrote, was a 1978 law, the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act, that ‘clarified the procedure in this area and probably reduced in large measure the potential for future litigation.'”
“That law, which is at the center of the current controversy, created the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court, which considers and issues warrants for gathering intelligence in the United States. The administration did not seek permission from that or any other court for the recently disclosed monitoring.
“In his 1984 memorandum, Judge Alito urged his superiors to await a different legal vehicle, presumably one not tied to the abuses of the Nixon administration, to make the argument that top officials were free to violate the law.
“‘Our chances of persuading the court to accept an absolute immunity argument would probably be improved in a case involving a less controversial official and a less controversial era,’ he wrote.”
“On the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Philadelphia, where he has sat since 1990, Judge Alito has not had occasion to address eavesdropping for national security purposes. Last year, however, he upheld F.B.I. audio and video surveillance in a criminal investigation of a hotel room based on the consent of one of its two occupants, a government informer. There was no warrant.
“A dissenting judge said that consent was not enough to overcome the privacy rights of the second occupant, Robert W. Lee, president of the International Boxing Federation, who was suspected of receiving bribes from boxing promoters and was convicted on conspiracy and tax charges.
“‘Lee clearly did not consent,’ Judge Theodore A. McKee wrote in dissent, ‘to the F.B.I. installing a camera that could potentially broadcast some images of his bedroom and bathroom activities throughout the day and night.'”
Hey wingnuts — answer this — why should we entrust our 4th Amendment rights to THIS guy???
Hey Mark, why don’t you guys run Low Tax Looper for President?
Don’t respond to him. It only encourages him.
“He should have pushed much harder on saving Sosh Security.”
Bush wants to “save” Social Security in the same way the U.S. Army “saved” villages in South Vietnam.
Anybody got a Zippo lighter?
24 (continued)
Hey Mark, you’re a clever guy with numbers (or claim you are), so how about this.
If Bush diverts $1 trillion of Social Security tax revenue to private accounts, do you make up the $1 trillion by
a) raising taxes, or
b) cutting benefits?
I’m pretty sure the correct answer (according to Bush and his wingnutty supporters) is (b).
“I cannot think of anything today similar to Germany. The people are historically bad dudes, they’d been impoverished, they went through the crash, and a ruthless bad guy killed a lot of his political enemies. Nothing today resembles that.”
Are you finally admitting Clinton didn’t murder all those people after all?
“Claim: Bill Clinton has been quietly doing away with those who oppose him.
“Status: False.”
Just cuz you are a denizen of Area 51, don’t include us in you tin hat spree
You “progressives” are traitors and should be shot!!
Comment by JCH— 12/24/05 @ 12:40 pm
Tsk, tsk, JCH. And on Christmas Eve even.
Righton @25 I look forward to continuing our discussion about historical parallels another day.
As for now, I hope you all have a great Christmas with family and friends!
nindid, thanks. look forward to it, and same christmas or other holiday greetings to you
Happy Kwaanza to all you Democrats. Don’t look for any receipts with your Democrat Kwaanza gifts, as most likely the merchandise was stolen!
re 5: Regarding your comment about it being “worth it” to create wealth because of high taxes, I would also ask you to seriously consider this: Many business’ create more collateral damage than profit, but because of their influence in the poitical sphere they are allowed to pass on the cost of this damage to society. If they were forced to correct the damage they cause with their own money, they could not survive. They would be an unprofitable business.( Corporate hog farms are a good case in point. )
For the public to clean up the damage many of these corporations cause and then have the corporations, in addition to ruining the environment, bitch about paying taxes is adding insult to injury.The Puget Sound area long ago reached the point where having Boeing as a part of the community is not , in the big picture, profitable for the area. Same with Weyerhauser. It may hurt for a while, but it will be an improvement in the long run.
Dear Everyone,
Bottom line. The law has been apparently broken. Bush should be charged and tried.
Either way, this is the final nail in the coffin of the Republican party as we know it. The American public is MAD AS HELL, AND IS NOT GOING TO TAKE UP THE ASS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!11
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah.
Sliding towards totalitarianism?
We are very close if not there….thanks to you libs…
Righton doesn’t know the difference between Green Lake Park and Area 51. What a fucking idiot! Guess I’ll have to help the poor dummy out.
This is Green Lake Park: http://www.cityofseattle.net/p.....eenlak.htm
This is Area 51: http://www.parascope.com/articles/0697/area51.htm
Comment by Winston Smith — 12/24/05 @ 9:10 pm [Winston…The ants are leaving the Democrat controlled areas. The Democrat Grasshoppers [blacks, “guvment” workers, union hacks] will have to eat each other! Atlas has Shrugged]
Happy Kwaanza to all you Democrats!! Loot, drink, smoke dope, kill each other, and blame Bush!!
JCH reminds me of a conservative activist I knew in college. His strategy in the student newspaper column he wrote was to say the most hot-button things he could possibly think of in order to rile up the “lefties.” When I interviewed the guy, he waxed enthusiastic about G. Gordon Liddy’s dirty tricks during the Nixon administration, and and he muttered about rounding lefties up once the right took over. I had it all on tape . . . but my tape recorder was subsequently stolen.
I can imagine this guy getting really jazzed about the Bush/Rove regime, and becoming an enthusiastic leader of its agitprop efforts.
JCH @ 42
And happy Kwanzaa to you too.
I’m sure you didn’t mean to imply by saying “Don’t look for any receipts with your Democrat Kwaanza gifts, as most likely the merchandise was stolen!” that African-Americans are somehow inherently criminal. After all, only a real racist bastard would think that, right?
Chuck @ 45
Don’t leave out the details—like support for your allegations. My opinion is if you try to come up with reasons detailing how “libs” are making the State they do not control somehow more totalitarian, you’d be quickly buried in Rebublican examples.
Here’s my X-mas wish to you – my fist, your face, any day, any time.
You’re gonna find that more of us are armed than you think – you good German piece of shit.
Fuck yourself (and a happy holidays from a secular warrior on X-mas)
5. If the server log file ever shows this URL being accessed, then you know that you are being snooped on. The IP address of the access can also provide clues about who is doing the snooping.
Comment by PhilK— 12/24/05 @ 12:32 pm
Oh, and I should remind you all, before you try this, that if NSA wasn’t watching before, they will be after you’ve done this little experiment. Also keep in mind that this will only tell you if your e-mail made it to the processing stage, where a human touched it and evaluated it; it won’t tell you if a computer looked at it, decided it was worthless and discarded it, which is what happens to 99.9% or so of intercepted traffic anyway.
Merry Christmas Everyone and have a Happy New Year.
Santa was very nice to me this year I got a new dictionary written by Jeff Foxworthy’s. Now I can compete with Mark the Redneck on this Blog. “moron (mor’-an), n. and prep. the addition of a greater quantity to that already present. “I told him that I already put hot sauce on the pizza, but the idiot just kept pourin’ moron.””
The wife also got me this large magnify glass with a lamp installed in it so I could read in the dark. I do not think that will help the comprehension problem, but it will help the sore eyes.
Now you all be good next year and say nice things about everybody. Please reflect on your personnel fears so you can understand others who lack the ability to understand their own fears. God Bless America.
Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.
Why is it that when you scratch many conservatives, they bleed both racist and totalitarian?
klake –
“Please reflect on your personnel fears so you can understand others who lack the ability to understand their own fears. ”
I do have personnel fears. I worry that store personnel will get my purchases wrong. I worry that Goldy’s mammoth staff will filter my posts out. I fear that my employment records will be misfiled by my company.
It has made me a more understanding person!
And happy Kwanzaa to you too.
I’m sure you didn’t mean to imply by saying “Don?t look for any receipts with your Democrat Kwaanza gifts, as most likely the merchandise was stolen!†that African-Americans are somehow inherently criminal. After all, only a real racist bastard would think that, right?
Comment by Daddy Love — 12/25/05 @ 9:43 am {Daddy, That’s why Detroit, Philly, Gary, and WASH, D.C. and South Central LA are such great places to live! Note the low crime rates!! Reality sucks, doesn’t it, Daddy Love??]
Here’s my X-mas wish to you – my fist, your face, any day, any time.
You’re gonna find that more of us are armed than you think – you good German piece of shit.
Fuck yourself (and a happy holidays from a secular warrior on X-mas)
Comment by Mr. X — 12/25/05 @ 9:52 am
{Mr. X, I can’t feel you love!! If you wish to have a go at me, meet me in downdown Detroit at 2 AM on a hot summer night!! Not a Republican around for miles, and lots of young, public schooled black males to give you love “Tookie” style!!!]
Daddy, Mr. X, I believe “Tookie”‘s last words were to thank your wives and girlfriends for the “Tookie” love they have shown him!! They will miss him!!
JCH @ 58
Some might think that crime is traceable to high unemployment, poverty, racial and other discrimination, and substandard living conditions. But not you. To you crime is a racial charcterstic. Hey, that’s a nice robe. How do you get it so white?
People who murder abortion workers will be Tookieized.
JCH @ 58
Some might think that crime is traceable to high unemployment, poverty, racial and other discrimination, and substandard living conditions. But not you. To you crime is a racial charcterstic. Hey, that’s a nice robe. How do you get it so white?
Comment by Daddy Love — 12/25/05 @ 12:14 pm {Daddy. Lots of high unemployment and poverty in the 30’s, but blacks gangs didn’t kill and push crack. Daddy, you need a little time in downtown Democrat “Hillary Villages” of Detroit, Philly, or Harare, Zimbabwe. Maybe after your family is “Tookied” you may cop a clue.
Headlice Lucy sez:
“People who murder abortion workers will be Tookieized.
Comment by Winston Smith— 12/25/05 @ 12:32 pm”
Lucy, you have apparently changed your position on the death penalty! Premeditated 1st Degree Murder deserves the Death Penalty….always.
On the other hand, another fair question is what will ultimately happen to all the abortionists. That is God’s job to judge them…not mine. Recently, an old abortionist repented on his death bed. Did he really see the error of his actions 1,000 times over….or did he repent “just in case”?? God will have the last word…..always. He knows what is in our hearts.
OK, Guys, The funniest interview/moment of 2005: When John and Ken of LA Radio Station KFI asked the Most REV Head Democrat Shakedown Ni**er” Jesse Jackson if he could name even one victim of Black Democrat Crip Founder “Tookie” Williams. Jackson was dumbfounded, ignorant, and shocked that anyone would ask him a relevant question! Of course REV POS Jesse hadn’t a clue! Very soon large black men [no doubt more Democrats] made sure there was lots of space between KFI’s John and Ken and the Head Ni**er!!! Classically funny!! [Democrats: sometimes very amusing……aways stupid as rocks!!]
Any guess at how many abortion workers have been murdered. (Yes, I realize that your first argument will be that one is too many. I concur. Now answer the question.)
Looks like JCH doesn’t have anything to do today. Must be tough spending Christmas alone. I feel for ya, man. But not very much.
JCH – Cowardly, racist, and stupid is no way to go through life.
Any time, any place….
The folks at Dow Jones are talking impeachment, because they are
starting to realize that whoever is able to read everyone else’s mail is probably going to be making some superbly well-informed investment decisions.
This administration might be finally dragged down by something as obscure and mundane as an insider trading scandal.
If it’s good enough for Martha Stewart, it’s good enough for
Karla Rove.
(Karla being the ultimate East German spymaster…)
Oops to end of #66, above, just to be clear:
“Karla” was the Soviet (not East German) spymaster in
John Le Carre’s trilogy about the fictional struggle
between British spy George Smiley in the climactic
days of Cold War spy literature.
An evil genius, like our own dear scintillating master
of bullshit, that rare combination of manure spreader and
high-powered racing boat, the man who brought George W.
Bush into the presidency despite his startling lack of
qualifications, character, or competence.
Since 1977, there have been over 80,000 acts of violence and/or disruption at clinics, including:
7 murders
17 attempted murders
41 bombings
166 arsons
82 additional failed bombing and arson attempts
373 physical invasions of personal and business properties
1042 acts of vandalism
100 butyric acid attacks
654 anthrax threats, of which 480 happened since September 11, 2001.
125 assaults
355 death threats
3 kidnappings
Source: National Abortion Federation (NAF), Violence and Disruption Statistics, March 2003.
There are probably more stats than this, since, for example, Bernard Slepian was not murdered “at” a clinic.
As the radical Left spins storis like the one above, there is a greater menace that is growing in the world. To all of the jewish americans that read this blog I post some articles that, I believe, highlight the real threat. My only question to you is, why doesn’t the left take this seriously?
“THE STORY on the lawsuit filed against us by the Islamic Society of Boston did mention that the society’s founder, Abdurahman Alamoudi, raised money for Al Qaeda and is in jail (in connection with a plot to assassinate a Saudi prince). But the story omitted even more worrisome facts.
The society’s leaders have praised suicide bombers and called for attacks on Americans. A website in Qatar associated with society trustee Yousef al-Qaradawi, an internationally known leader of extremists, calls for gays to be executed by either stoning or burning. Al-Qaradawi has been barred from the United States. The society website praises as “very good” a book that refers to the women’s liberation movement as a “Jewish plot” to corrupt society and argues that wife-beating is at times necessary. The library of the society’s current Cambridge mosque contains literature containing vitriol directed against Christians, Jews, and Americans. While mosque spokesmen speak of “dialogue” and tolerance, Qaradawi says “there is no dialogue between us [and the Jews] except by the sword and the rifle.’ ”
As citizens, we were concerned. We wanted the society to answer simple questions, questions that it took pains to avoid answering. As a result, we have been sued by the society and forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars to defend ourselves. This is not a case about Boston bigots with discriminatory suspicions. It is a case of citizens rightfully worried that their city might be importing — and subsidizing — hatred and misogyny with links to terror.”
The David Project
12/20/2005 Clip No. 972 Political Analysts on Iranian TV: The Jews Killed Children and Used Their Blood for Passover
Following are excerpts from a TV disscussion with Iranian political analysts Dr. Hasan Hanizadeh and Dr. Ali-Reza Akbari, which aired on Jaam-e Jam 2 TV on December 20, 2005.
Ali-Reza Akbari: Historians and eye-witnesses, some of whom are still alive… There are still many people who saw with their own eyes what happened 70-80 years ago. These people are alive and are of sound mind. They still possess the analytical abilities they had back then. They are our witnesses, and they deny the existence of crematoria at a place called Auschwitz.
Perhaps the reason… In my opinion, the people who say that the phenomenon of burning Jews on German soil during the World War II crisis is similar to a holocaust do so as a result of propaganda and due to psychological reasons.
In any event, a case of burning people has been registered in history, when many human beings were burnt because of their beliefs. The people who were burnt then were, in fact, Christians. They were burnt by the people who ruled Yemen, who were Jews. This event took place 400 years before the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Since then, the burning of human beings has been termed “holocaust.”
Host: Were there six million Jews at all at that time, who could have been annihilated in the crematoria?
Hasan Hanizadeh: First of all, this figure is greatly exaggerated. The number of Jews in the world does not exceed 12 million. Only now, 57 years later, has it reached this figure. Clearly, at that time, considering the dispersion of the Jews, there could not have been six million Jews in Europe alone. In any event, the Zionist lobby and the Jewish Agency use this issue as a club with which they beat and extort the West.
Unfortunately, the West has forgotten two horrendous incidents, carried out by the Jews in 19th-century Europe – in Paris and London, to be precise. In 1883, about 150 French children were murdered in a horrible way in the suburbs of Paris, before the Jewish Passover holiday. Later research showed that the Jews had killed them and taken their blood. This event caused riots in Paris back then, and the French government found itself under pressure.
A similar incident took place in London, when many English children were killed by Jewish rabbis. These two incidents still haunt the minds and souls of the Europeans, but due to the growing influence of the Zionist lobby in Europe – or to be precise, the influence of the Jews – these two incidents are, unfortunately, never mentioned.
I believe that any jewish american that reads the above paragraph should contemplate it carefully; “In any event, a case of burning people has been registered in history, when many human beings were burnt because of their beliefs. The people who were burnt then were, in fact, Christians. They were burnt by the people who ruled Yemen, who were Jews. This event took place 400 years before the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Since then, the burning of human beings has been termed “holocaust.””
Isn’t it a strange coincidence that the radical left seem to be trying to stir up the same hatred between christians and jews?
It makes you wonder who’s side the radical left is really on…..
And more evidence.
Muslim grinches steal Bethlehem Christmas World leaders, media blame Israel for fleeing Christians
Posted: December 25, 2005
3:36 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
BETHLEHEM – With Christmas services here drawing far fewer tourists than in the 1990s and the town’s Christian population now at an all-time low, many world leaders and hundreds of major media outlets this week blamed Israel for Bethlehem’s decline – often citing false information – while a simple talk with the town’s residents reveals a drastically different picture. They say Muslim persecution has been keeping Christians away.
“All this talk about Israel driving Christians out and causing pain is nonsense,” a Bethlehem Christian community leader told WND. “You want to know what is at play here, just come throughout the year and see the intimidation from the Muslims. They have burned down our stores, built mosques in front of our churches, stole our real estate and took away our rights. Women have been raped and abducted. So don’t tell me about Israel. It’s the Muslims.”
Powell Supports Government Eavesdropping
Mon Dec 26, 6:37 AM ET
WASHINGTON – Former Secretary of State
Collin Powell on Sunday supported government eavesdropping to prevent terrorism but said a major controversy over presidential powers could have been avoided by obtaining court warrants. Powell said that when he was in the Cabinet, he was not told that President Bush authorized a warrantless National Security Agency surveillance operation after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
Appearing on ABC’s “This Week” Powell said he sees “absolutely nothing wrong with the president authorizing these kinds of actions” to protect the nation. But he added, “My own judgment is that it didn’t seem to me, anyway, that it would have been that hard to go get the warrants. And even in the case of an emergency, you go and do it.”
The New York Times reported on its Internet site Friday that the NSA has traced and analyzed large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and out of the United States. The program bypassed the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Powell said Congress will need to judge whether Bush is correct in his assertion that he could approve eavesdropping without first obtaining court orders. “And that’s going to be a great debate,” Powell said. Powell, who also is a former chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, had no reservations when asked whether eavesdropping should continue. “Of course it should continue,” he said. “And nobody is suggesting that the president shouldn’t do this.”
I seem to recall someone posted about the person who wanted to read the Mao Red Book and was visited by homeland security.
I recall the outrage, the insults.
Anyone read it was a hoax?
Federal agents’ visit was a hoax
Student admits he lied about Mao book
By AARON NICODEMUS, Standard-Times staff writer
NEW BEDFORD — The UMass Dartmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security agents over his request for “The Little Red Book” by Mao Zedong has admitted to making up the entire story.
The 22-year-old student tearfully admitted he made the story up to his history professor, Dr. Brian Glyn Williams, and his parents, after being confronted with the inconsistencies in his account.
Had the student stuck to his original story, it might never have been proved false.
Lets be clear, the Administration has plenty of room for criticism, but like the CBS memo fiasco, all this does is make libs look like liars….
jaybo @ 72
Sounds like another straw man to me. Powell said “nobody is suggesting that the president shouldn’t do this.” Well, he’s right that no one is suggesting that the president and the executive branch shouldn’t pursue investigations into terrorist activities. No one is saying that. Get it? What people are objecting to is the president violating laws Congress passed specifically to subject executive power to legal oversight in order to pursue such investigations. Our president is subject to law. It is what makes him different from a king.
karl @ 73
It does make a 22 year old college student look like a liar.
If you libs are so concerned about the Bill of Rights and the
Constitution, why do you continue to “steal” property in the
name of environmentalism, and try to take away our right to bear arms. Bunch of phony bastards.
karl @ 73
It does make a 22 year old college student look like a liar.
Comment by Daddy Love — 12/26/05 @ 10:23 am [Er, Daddy Love, Can you guess the political party of the young piss ant UMASS student who lied about the “security” vist from the FEDS? My guess is someday he’ll have a staff job with Hillary!!!]
JCH – Cowardly, racist, and stupid is no way to go through life.
Any time, any place….
Comment by Mr. X — 12/26/05 @ 12:16 am [Mr. X, Blow me. JCH [LT USN 77-84] [And your military service, shit for brains?]
Happy Kwaanza to all you Democrats!! Loot, drink, smoke dope, kill each other, and blame Bush!!
Comment by JCH — 12/25/05 @ 7:30 am [Post Of The Year!!!!!]
Mom, you’re off your meds again. DO you think you should be able to do whatever you want on your property? How about piss into your neighbor’s groundwater supply? How about burning garbage in your backyard choaking your neighbor’s kids? Of course I know you place no value on any plant or animal life. Extinctions? Who cares.
It’s not that long ago rivers were flammable in this country. I can show you places where toxic pollutants were contaminating groundwater, since cleaned due to “environmentalists”. You still see the grey haze in the valley’s during periods of inversions.
Do you think rural folk carry their weight and are unfairly burdened? DO you really think rural density pays for its roads, cops and electricity? The value rural folks so want to cash in on comes from investments made by their unrban and suburban neighbors. I just couldn’t resist this linked story:
How many of these folks demanding government subsidies do you think are on the Cedar County bandwagon?
JCH @ 81
Whatever his plotical affiliation, his transgression in is not “proof” that Democrats are liars any more than the president’s many falsehoods indicates a general Republican tendency toward mandacity. However, the student is also not a public official.
So, they let you join the Navy after your stint in the Village People was up? Good for you.
I never served, but your ex-military status scares me not at all (unless we decide to have a shoe shining contest – I suppose you’d probably have me there).
Did the US Government teach you to be a stupid racist punk, or does it come naturally?
Any time, any place…
Honestly folks. It’s well past time to stop appologizing for, or making excuses for Clinton. He’s just not worth it, and he wouldn’t ask you to do it.
D’yever wonder why, whenever Cheney and Co. fuck up, the wingnuts drag out the Clintons? Cause it’s a great way to change the subject. Duh, look up there! It’s Haley’s comet!
Please, just stop falling for it already.
Modern day progressive politics is not about the Clintons, or Carville, or Stephanopoulos. They’re like the creepy guys who graduated last year, but still keep showing up at the high school keggers. It’s best to just ignore them and hope they’ll go away.
And just to be clear. The same thing is happening whenever the wingnuts drag out ELF, lying college kids, “welfare losers”, “The War on Christmas”, “McDermotgate”, flag burning, abortion, gay marriage, “Tookie”, or Billy-fucking-Carter.
Bush should be impeached and all republicans placed in re-education camps.
So now that everyone knows that the government has been engaging in massive illegal surveillance, terrorism suspects are now trying to get the evidence against them thrown out in court. That’s one of the BIG drawbacks of Bush’s Big Extralegal Adventure, isn’t it? I mean illegally obtained evidence is not admissible in court, is not legal basis for a warrant, and if it is slipped in at trial it is a basis for appeal and overturn.
Go for it, wingers.