What do Judy Miller and Stefan Sharkansky have in common? They’ve both been booted from their respective papers.
(I’m pretty sure I’m the first to compare The New York Times and The Stranger in anything but post-consumer fiber content.)
by Goldy — ,
What do Judy Miller and Stefan Sharkansky have in common? They’ve both been booted from their respective papers.
(I’m pretty sure I’m the first to compare The New York Times and The Stranger in anything but post-consumer fiber content.)
Hooray! Bye Stefan!!!!
He’s that guy that comes up to you at the copier and starts going off on some bullshit that is 1) off the wall 2) uninteresting 3) obviously wrong…and he WON’T SHUT UP.
Glad he’s gone.
If you notice the post below Sharkansky’s bit, you see the headline
“Calling Down For Mayo” (read it!)
I bet Sharkansky was “calling down for mayo” all day tuesday, right up until the part about Ron Sims getting REELECTED.
Stefan’s expertise in the press is elections. The elections is over. The Stranger doesn’t see news value in it anymore, so they are discontinuing him. Probably a mistake, but he wasn’t cut because of accuracy or integrity issues.
Judith Miller can’t even remember what she wrote in her own notes. She sat in jail for three months to protect someone who had released her from a confidentiality agreement. And, the NYTimes is afraid it will be exposed for being the schlocky newspaper that it has proven to be.
Sounds like more election night bloating to me.
To avoid election night bloating — stay away from the cauliflower dip.
Only a disingenuous (and, dare I say, JEALOUS) fool (like Goldy) could take a complimentary blurb – like the one written in The Stranger and attempt to paint it as in insult:
I brought Stefan on several months ago because I had to admit that his conservative blog, Sound Politics, had been doing a great job covering the biggest political story in the state, the contested governor’s election, and so I wanted his voice in our paper. (In something of a crescendo of that coverage, Stefan filed a great story with us a few weeks ago that showed King County not only screwed up the election, but knowingly counted invalid votes.)
Anyway, no more Sharkansky, but I do recommend his blog. In fact, specifically, check it out today’s got a pretty explosive scoop about the Ron Sims campaign handing out political favors to a race track in Kent.
You aptly live up to the name of your blog, Goldstein… and envygreen is a color that suits you.
damned cheap ASS filter… Exposing Goldy for what he is and it gets held… imagine that!
I know sharks are endangered, and we should save them, but I don’t think we should try to save this one.
rightie trolls == shameless!
Considering that its the Stranger you have to wonder if they didn’t just think it was a funny all along…
You can’t handle the truth….
So, Stefan, if the judge in your PDC lawsuit orders King County to pay you monetary penalties and attorney fees, are you going to SHARE the loot with your generous benefactors who paid for your lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
As most of you know, Stefan (who runs the Sucky Politics blog) recently sued Dean Logan and KCRE for alleged public records violations. He’s dissatisfied because they gave him only 600,000 documents plus a room and a full time county employee for six weeks.
Stefan didn’t invest his own money in this lawsuit. It was paid for by donations solicited from Sucky Politics fans to Stefan’s “legal action fund.”
Stefan hasn’t denied he intends to keep whatever money he gets from the lawsuit.
Stefan also hasn’t denied he mercilessly beats and tortures cute fluffy rabbits.
Stefan hasn’t denied he voted for Ron Sims.
Stefan hasn’t denied he has sex with turtles.
Stefan hasn’t denied he has a crush on Mary Lane.
Stefan hasn’t denied he hangs out in the men’s room of the Green Lake Bath House.
Stefan hasn’t denied he’s a White Sox fan.
Stefan hasn’t denied he wants the WSU Cougars to lose.
Hmmm… well we’ve seen green puppies, and now we’re seeing green ASSES and green dumb bunny butts
ASS hasn’t denied he kicks puppies.
ASS hasn’t denied he’s a Yankees fan.
ASS hasn’t denied he voted for Ron Sims.
ASS hasn’t denied he hangs out in the men’s room of the Green Lake Bath House.
ASS hasn’t denied he hates cute fluffy rabbits.
Well, I’m getting hungry, so I think I’ll hop up the hill to Stefan’s garden and eat lunch. Later.
hey think Stefan and Josef will have a fist fight over Mary Lane’s affections?
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS admits he/she would love to drop kick an annoying rabbit abberation.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS is ready willing and able to let rabbit abberations and his ASS pals have Ron Sims.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS yankees… is that baseball? Go Devilrays! … football…Go Browns!
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS may be a woman who just might enjoy hanging out in the Green Lake Bath Hous… or may be a man that would enjoy hanging out there waiting to drop kick the aforementioned rabbit abberation.
ProudAss @ 29
“HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS may be a woman who just might enjoy hanging out in the Green Lake Bath Hous… or may be a man that would enjoy hanging out there waiting to drop kick the aforementioned rabbit abberation.”
Now that is FUNNY!
But it does not speak well of ProudAss. Either a whore or an animal abuser.
What is it with you and Sharkansky ? You seem to be preoccupied with him and his blog…can’t you just stand on your own “merits”, but constantly have to compare yourself to him ? Is it : Pls let me be like Stefan ?
It’s pathetic.
Only DippyDon could turn ‘man or woman’ into ‘whore or abuser’… exactly what kind of sad life do you lead, sweetcheeks?
To the immediate: Stefan served his purpose in The Stranger. I can’t claim any absolute certainty as to what purpose was served, and as you know I have been critical of him in the past. I think he may have served as a balance to the regular commentary in The Stranger, and as I recall, that publication needed some balance. The question (for The Stranger) is: Who’s next?
Anyway, on your recent election threads:
You haven’t been to your leftist Mecca recently, have you?
Off-year elections are rarely harbingers of future performance. Dems actually did quite well in 2003, to little effect in 2004.
Yet you seem to be crowing, “Victory is ours!” without actually qualifying that victory in real terms. Oh, but I guess eternal optimism is better than historical fact, as Donnageddon continually proves…
After an election it’s important to be a good winner or loser. Don’t kill anyone, don’t jump off any bridges. That’s what makes a democracy strong. There is still an issue of poor ballot management by king county. The citizens aren’t being heard on this. Shake hands.
ProudAss @ 32
You turned yourself into a whore or abuser by stating “HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS may be a woman who just might enjoy hanging out in the Green Lake Bath Hous… or may be a man that would enjoy hanging out there waiting to drop kick the aforementioned rabbit abberation.”
So who is the DippyDo now. You Moron!
The only reason anyone thinks there is poor ballot managment in King County is cause of the BS Snark boy feeds you. Compare across the state, then compare across the country. then compare across the world.
You are all lemmings.
David, I just want to thank you for all your good work during the election. You are my hero.
David T. homesteadbook.com
John @ 35
“There is still an issue of poor ballot management by king county.”
Oh, really?
Poor compared to what other county? Please quantify.
Or are you just making shit up?
Rabbit @ 20: “Stefan hasn’t denied he wants the WSU Cougars to lose.”
And he shouldn’t. Lose, Cow Town Kitties! LOSE!
And Roger hasn’t denied any of the allegations from earlier threads that linked him to a hot tub and Jell-O wrestling party with Goldy & Lucy at Ron Sims’ house.
So there.
danw @37
I am reminded:
To come across the intricately-patterned and well-traveled raceways of a group of lemmings while traveling across apparently barren frozen ground gives one a sense of the wonderful and delicate balance of life in all climes.
No other point than to give proper deference to nature.
Hey Wabbit – Have you noticed how much gas has gone down? Isn’t the invisible hand amazing. Pump price down 20% and you didn’t even hafta come out of your hutch. You moonbats didn’t even get a chance to organize some kind of kooky movement to get us out of cars or attempt to pass any repressive laws.
Ain’t free markets great?
dj @39,
“There is still an issue of poor ballot management by king county.”
dj, please:
“Um, wow! Like, I found another 5000 ballots that weren’t originally counted, dude…”
After an election it’s important to be a good winner or loser. Don’t kill anyone, don’t jump off any bridges.
Sound advice. I sincerely hope David Irons and his foaming at the mouth supporters are wise enough to take it, you know “get over it”.
I’ve been grinding my molars since 2000 over Florida, and King County is chump change by comparison. You wouldn’t know that to listen to KVI or actually try to read (ugh)Sharkansky. It’s hard to get past all the charges of corruption and fraud and the total lack of evidence.
For those with real problems, well, try a good 12 step program, or just jump off the fucking bridge. Really, you won’t be missed at all.
seadog……i was wondering the same thing. what’s with the jealosy thing? it’s creepy and bizarre.both blogs can stand on their own merits.
and as for you ,goldy, the gloating? why? what did you do? you didn’t win anything…did you? it’s pretty obvious now that you have been living very vicariously through ron sims. the same ron sims that disowned you. if you think doors will be opening for you now….think again.
it was just an election and the voters now will get what they asked for.
and as the old saying goes….be careful what you ask for……..
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is REAL!!!!!!!
I offer up as evidence the one known as ROGER RABBIT!!!
His momma was a real lush…..got into the her daddy’s corn squeezin’s 5 times per day. Then old Roger was hatched.
Also, Roger Rabbit suffers from another little known and hideous affliction passed down by his daddy.
Rog’s daddy was a drunk and full of shit.
Ladies and Gentlemen——I rest my case!
That there is funny stuff….I don’t care who y’ar!!!
Too funny.
Many of you despise Goldy. But let’s face it. He’s now the only game in town. That’s why you are here. That’s why you’re reading this.
I had hoped no election would be close so I would not have to see another spreadsheet. Yet, when I look to unsound, what do I see. I spreadsheet of KC executives showing that Sims failed because he did not win by 70 percent!
To all who wonder why Goldy goes after Snark? Because somebody has to prove that he is a lying sack of shit. Goldy has proved it at least twice over the past few months, and you still go back and believe whatever he writes. Does he have an evangenical license or something? Because he is about as believable as Pat Roberstson. Goldy is a Crusader (a word I know you all like when we send our troops around the world) He started dispelling the Tim Eyman crapola, then he goes and proves Biaw Shill Snarky is just a paid hack. Give Goldy his due, he brought down the Mom beating, resume lying, corporation ruining, but excellent mechanic fake Irons by himself. with very little help from the MSM. So if you want to compare the effectivness of the 2 blogs, look who has won the last two battles…..so how about a gallery clap, and buy him a beer.
Ghost, do you still even have a website? Because most of the circle jerkers hang out at SP and don’t even visit your POS.
I don’t usually go browsing around the SP website, but here are a few comments I found rather eye-catching in their displays of ignorance:
“Seattle needs to be it’s [sic] own county (preferably it’s [sic] own country!) Otherwise radical commies will continue to lead King county. Yes David Irons was a weak candidate, and Ron Sims is as corrupt as they come, but lets not kid ourselves. The anti-Christian Socialists in Seattle (and environs) will lead this county and state further down the toilet. (More welfare! Higher taxes! More government control over our lives!, [sic] less freedom! Yippee!)
I used to believe that there will [sic] be a “Political” solution to this problem, but I was just kidding myself. I have come to the conclusion that a rise in Evangelical Christianity in the region (which is happening so there is reason for hope!)is the only way out of this mess.
Pray for the U.S.A.”
Posted by Ken at November 9, 2005 06:28 PM
Thanks, Ken, for suggesting we need a theocracy.
“Since all the conservatives moved to the burbs its no wonder Seattle is a big giant liberal lovefest.”
Posted by dave at November 9, 2005 06:53 PM
Thanks, Dave, for suggesting that Seattle looks something like Woodstock in the 60s. Maybe we’ll have an upswing in tourism.
“The local and national Republican leadership has been absolutely inept when dealing with these *in your face* challenges launched by the corrupt and communist Democrat party!”
Posted by Deborah at November 9, 2005 07:22 PM
Thanks, Deb, for displaying a complete and utter lack of comprehension of political philosophy.
Ghost where is your friend Chardonay anyway? Rehab? or promoted to an executive position in the Bush Administration?
Goldy, I’m still moderately flattered by your obsessive man-crush on me even though its starting to get a little creepy.
As usual you display your florid imagination well. I was poring over The Stranger blog entry about the end of my column to try to find where it said that I was “booted”. But I found no mention of that. Oh, wait. That’s because I was not “booted”.
Speaking of being booted — your wife hasn’t booted you, has she? Hang on to her if you can and try not to let your various man-crushes get in the way of your marriage.
I think you should mind your own fucking business. Don’t tell me what to do, you fascist Republifuck neo-Nazi! Go bang your own old lady, if you don’t have anything better to do than spend too much time on YOUR computer.
danw @ 51,
From what I’ve heard, Sandra aka Chardonney only posts on Right Wing Bob’s forum these days. She’s been that way ever since throwing a tantrum on the Seattle PI forum and leaving there for good. Nobody misses her, though… even the neocons.
Minnow – take a hint from Mr. Irrelevant or should I say Mr. Cynical Clown.
Somebody got drop-kicked yesterday, all right, but it wasn’t Roger Rabbit and his liberal pals!! Eat shit, wingnuts!!
’dj, please:
“Um, wow! Like, I found another 5000 ballots that weren’t originally counted, dude…”’
But, but, but, but, Marks…I specifically asked for quantitative comparisons that show King County’s “bad ballot management” makes it so bad.
So you think KC’s 5,000 “found” ballots makes them worse than other counties?
In fact, between the first machine count and the manual recount, KC had a total of 1,866 “found ballots.” But, when I add up “errors” (lost or found ballots) for all counties, I find that there are 9 Washington counties with worse records.
Here are the first 20 counties and the number of “errors” per 1000 ballots they had.
Adams 9.04
Walla Walla 5.20
Skagit 3.94
Pierce 3.80
Grant 3.22
Kittitas 2.94
Asotin 2.55
Franklin 2.40
Kitsap 2.28
King 2.13
Snohomish 2.00
Cowlitz 1.89
Whitman 1.71
Pend Oreille 1.64
Garfield 1.55
Jefferson 1.52
Ferry 1.52
Okanogan 1.50
Spokane 1.46
Grays Harbor 1.40
So, seriously, by what criterion does KC rank as (nearly) the worse for elections (I mean, besides the fact that it is so blue)?
It’s to be expected that a party of neanderthals who torture people and beat up their own mothers also would abuse cute fluffy little animals! Fortunately, I’m protected by the Pasedo Law — and by my powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws! Just watch one of those fuckers pick me up by my ears and see what happens!! How can he drop-kick a rabbit, unless he picks up the aforesaid rabbit by its ears? Huh? This is gonna be fun. I just might mosey over to the Green Lake Bath House to see if an ass is hanging out there …
dj @ 57,
(I mean, besides the fact that it is so blue)
Bingo! That’s the only criteria they’re looking at.
I’ll bet these Republifuckers pulled the wings off monarch butterflies when they were kids. That’s how they got started on their path of torture, murder, and abuse!
If the Republifuckers want to throw themselves off bridges, that’s fine with me.
Why should I deny your bullshit allegations? Unlike you Republifuckers, I don’t claim to be Jesus Christ. I’m not perfect. But I plan to keep you Republifuckers guessing at what my imperfections are. Rolling in Jell-O isn’t one of them.
There, I’ve denied rolling in Jell-O, at Ron Sims’ house or anywhere else. That’s more denial than you’ve gotten out of Stefan, who hasn’t denied any of the statements posted above.
In particular, Stefan hasn’t denied that he intends to keep all of the money he gets from suing KCRE, and doesn’t intend to share any of it with the generous donors who paid for the lawsuit.
As I primarily use my powerful hind feet to get around, I haven’t particularly noticed gas prices lately, but one good question deserves another:
Have you noticed that gas prices are coming down DESPITE Gregoire’s gas tax increase? This is due to decreased consumption and/or increased supply of gasoline.
Thanks to the good sense of Washington voters, money that would have gone to oil company profits will be used to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct and SR-520 bridge, widen I-405, and pay for hundreds of other road and bridge projects in every county of the state.
As Roger Rabbit has maintained all along, the pump price is determined by supply and demand, and repealing the gas tax would not have changed pump prices, only the amount you pay for each gallon that goes to oil company profits.
Why do you trolls lie so much? It’s 390 ballots, not 5000 ballots. And KCRE explained what the 390 ballots are over two weeks ago: “small discrepancies in reconciliation are normal and expected … a discrepancy in these numbers would be common in elections conducted anywhere in the country.”
Mr. Cynical-Irrelevant @47
You say rabbits are “hatched” and then accuse ME of being under the influence? Hey Cyn, maybe I’ll hop over to digs tonite — whatever you’re drinking, I want some of it!
Looks like Mr. C-I is hitting the bottle in the aftermath of the wingers’ crushing defeat at the polls yesterday. I’d be hitting the bottle too, if I was a Republifuck. They had a bad day, to put it mildly.
On second thought, I don’t think I will hop over to Mr. C-I’s digs tonite — that bottle will be empty by the time I get there. It’s probably damn near empty now. He’s laughing at his own jokes, which is never a good sign.
Comment on 49
If 70% is Minnow’s test of success, what does that make Bush? or Arnold?
Deb apparently is miffed that Bush has failed to implement Ann Coulter’s “final solution” to the Democrat “problem”: concentration camps and executions.
Hey Deb, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! I have a suggestion for you. Why don’t you try your own “final solution” on a certain pesky rabbit. Just show up at my burrow in Green Lake Park and pick me up by my ears. Things will then take care of themselves. All your worries will be over, forever.
Reply to 53
Hey Stefan, I know you read this blog, so how about it?
1. Are you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against KCRE with the generous donors who paid for the lawsuit, or keep all the money for yourself, you greedy prick?
2. Is it true that you want the WSU Cougars to lose?
Stefan proves what a low-life he is by making snarky remarks about Goldy’s wife. He missed completely, because Goldy doesn’t have a wife, which shows you how poorly informed Stefan is.
Neither Goldy nor Roger Rabbit have ever said anything about Stefan’s wife and children. Liberals have class. But Stefan makes rude remarks about a wife that doesn’t even exist, which proves Republifucks like Stefan have no class.
But what do you expect of a guy who solicits donations to pay for a lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCRE, then refuses to say whether he’s going to keep all of the lawsuit proceeds for himself?
What happened yesterday is that a lot of voters decided not to entrust the affairs of county, state, and nation to people who think rabbits are “hatched.”
Stefan @53,
Awww… gee shucks, Stefan… you flatter me. (Or is it plagiarism?)
And, um… hate to burst your bubble… but the subject of this post was Judith Miller. You just provided an amusing springboard.
[PS: enjoy basking in your victory of keeping Sims under 70%. That should make the next four years of his administration so much more tolerable for you.]
Thank you David Irons.
For being an excellent garage mechanic. If you hadn’t smacked around your mom, stole the last remaining assests from Brigadoon, lied on your resume and been tough guy around women and a puss with men. Other people than the Idiots on U SP) would have voted for you too, as an Anti-Sims vote.
Thank goodness, that only the anti Whitehouse BJ people voted for you.
You can thank us Liberals for you still being able to get a good paying Grease Monkey Job someplace. That’s a pretty good living for someone without a college degree.
PS. Please let me know what the gaps on my Plugs should be on my 2000 chevy Tahoe…stick with what your good at, but leave the Family alone, they’ve paid enough for making you never have to do anything to survive on your own. I bet they wish they could change their names.
I think Stefan, Mark the Redneck, and Mr. Cynical-Irrelevant should all get together at Mr. Cyn-Irrelevant’s house tonight. Mr. C-I is already drunk; Stefan and Mark LeRedneck need to get drunk … then get laid. Cyn, would you please post directions to your house?
Wabbit @ 78
Actually, I think you and Goldy are the folks who won the mandate, so enjoy it :)
We ARE enjoying it!! Haven’t you noticed? :D :D :D
Stefan proves what a low-life he is by making snarky remarks about Goldy’s wife. He missed completely, because Goldy doesn’t have a wife, which shows you how poorly informed Stefan is.- Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/9/05 @ 10:29 pm
So he either FAILED at marriage and made like France: CUT and RUN…
He has what Medved refers to as a “Celebrity Bastard Baby”.
How proud he must be in either/both case…. Mr Party of values.
Richard @79 (continued)
Just in case you missed it:
Hey Richard … Mark LeRedneck … Mr. C … and the rest of Our Gang … as you guys know, I work the night shift, and it’s 11 PM and time for Roger Rabbit to hop up the street to eat Stefan’s garden and shit on his lawn. Stefan’s already loading his 12-gauge, and I don’t want to disappoint him, so I can’t be late!!! Later. :D :D :D
Man that’s good stuff Stefan’s growing in his backyard.
Before I leave, let’s do a Quickie Quiz.
Who has more class:
A. Goldy, who is raising a lovely young daughter by himself;
B. The average Republifuck neanderthal, who claims he’s too poor to pay child support, but somehow always has enough money to make payments on a big pickup truck and keep it full of gas, despite Gregoire’s gas tax.
Select A. or B. Hint: There is only ONE correct answer!! One of these answers is THE WRONG ANSWER!!!
Now, I gotta hop … really! Later, guys.
Class is not dragging a demented old woman into the public arena and shaming her for the sole purpose of defeating her child.
Proud ass;
What a fucking asshole you are. (I was going to write more, but that sums is up)
Class is also not being able to string together a sentence with out using crass language… it’s actually fairly plebeian, illustrative of the lowly educated and more demeaning of the speaker than to the listener… how apt.
Okay Asswipe here is a sentence.
You make assumptions that Goldy not being married anymore is a bad thing. When you know nothing about his situation whatsoever. You assume that you know what is best for everyone in the country, and that’s what makes you an asshole.
Your narrow minded view of things, that include that no one should ever divorce for whatever reason. leads me to believe, that you have your wife chained inside your mobile fucking home.
Your Values are the skewed ones, what is your problem with people being different, and not fitting into your perfect mold.
It’s becasue as I tried to state to you simply and not waste my time in the first place there can only be one reason….
You are a fucking asshole, and all I can hope for you is that you die a slow and painful death, preferably in a Dick Cheney torture room. That would make the world a better place.
You are a fucking asshole, and all I can hope for you is that you die a slow and painful death, preferably in a Dick Cheney torture room. That would make the world a better place. -Comment by danw— 11/9/05 @ 11:37 pm
Self exposing from ‘I’m in the party of Mr Tolerance‘!
Grow up sweetcheeks – divorce is NEVER a success story, NEVER heartwarming, NEVER motivating, NEVER anything to be proud of.
It IS by definition a FAILURE OF MARRIAGE.
And you can bet I’m damned smug about my maariage of 26+ years – it takes hard work and commitment… not CUT AND RUN.
ProudASS @ 85
Another fucking apologist for a lyin’ motherbeater.
How proud that asshole must be.
But, I sure wouldn’t wish on ProudASS that same treatment from her son.
ProudASS @ 90
You don’t have a fucking clue about Goldy’s family situation. You speak in complete ignorance.
Dumb fuck!
As opposed to an apologist for a manipulator that exploits demented old women for his own self interests?
Interesting set of values you’re lugging around there, champ.
ProudASS @ 87
“Class is also not being able to string together a sentence with out using crass language…”
Sorry ProudASS you ain’t the language police ’round here. Yo, if you find that the dialog isn’t “classy” enough for you, then get the fuck outta here.
Actually, I believe Goldstein admitted to his FAILURE OF MARRIAGE in one of his posts when he referred to his ex-inlaws.
Yo! Dude! Goodly edumacated ain’t ya????
ProudASS… you are … dispicable.
“OK? Yo, Adrian! It’s me, Rocky.”
Donnie, please try not to be DUMB when you are attempting to feign outrage, sweetcheeks…Yo! Dude! You be goodly edumacated ain’t ya????
de·spic·a·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-spk-bl, dsp-k-)
Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.
ProudASS @ 93
“As opposed to an apologist for a manipulator that exploits demented old women for his own self interests?”
What the fuck? The “demented old woman” is backed up by two witnesses (youngest daughter and husband) and Mr. Motherbeaters violent tendencies are verified by multiple other people?
You are a fucking fool, and an apologist for a lyin’ motherbeater. For shame, for shame, for shame.
Yo! Dude! Time to hit ma crib, dja no wah I mean??
Dude, chill!
ProudASS @ 95
“Actually, I believe Goldstein admitted to his FAILURE OF MARRIAGE in one of his posts when he referred to his ex-inlaws”
No, he did not. He admitted to having ex-inlaws when eh referred to his ex-inlaws.
You made several assumptions from that point on.
ProudAss you are..
de�spic�a�ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-spk-bl, dsp-k-)
Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.
ProudASS @ 90
“And you can bet I’m damned smug about my maariage of 26+ years – it takes hard work and commitment… “
And, apparently, a hell of a lot of drinking!
Marriage of 26 years? Going well? Or is this one of those John Candy; Planes, Trains and Automobile marriages. Posting until all hours of the night, everynight. Is she a light sleeper? Do you do this so you can wait for her to fall asleep to sodomize her? Was she trained by Scooter Libby’s Bears to enjoy it that way? I would love to hear what the wife says about your wonderful marriage, would you unchain her from the front of the mobile home, and after she chops the wood and Oils the guns have her hop on the computer. and tell us what a great guy you really are.
You are still a fucking asshole.
Tolerance for Nazi’s is not required nor acceptable.
“divorce is NEVER a success story”
Be careful, ASS — “never” is a dangerous word. Hey, I have a question for you: Should Mrs. Ridgeway have stayed married to Gary after she found out her husband murdered 48 women?
I back got up to tell you loonies I get it now…
It’s that whole language manipulation thingie you fringies like to pull… you know like ‘it’s not murdering babies, its choice‘, yada, yada, yada…
So what you are ineptly trying to teach me (snicker) is it really doesn’t matter if you HAVE a FAILED MARRIAGE or a CELEBRITY/NON-CELEBRITY BASTARD BABY… what matters is that no one actually SAYS that you had a FAILED MARRIAGE or a CELEBRITY/NON-CELEBRITY BASTARD BABY…
got it!
well dan, I guess you could ask my wife if I were an MAN… or you could ask my husband if I were a woman… according to you nutburgers, I’m each, both, neither.
As for staying up late… oh gee, spouse travels.. both retired, not a morning person, swing shift….YO! USE YOU HEAD – GOD GAVE IT TO YOU TO USE FOR MORE THAN A PLACE TO REST YOUR HAT…BACKWARDS…DUDE!
Angry ‘Pubes = good news.
spanked, silently brooding ‘Pubes = GREAT NEWS !
this New Yorker says a big thank you to Washington state for recovering your destiny in this election.
Now on to impeaching the Bush-dolt.
“no” to Arctic oil drilling is just a bonus.
and it’s just beginning – there is an endless supply of shit-sucking ‘Pubes to indict, harrass and bitch-slap.
say bye-bye ‘Pubes.
Break time! I’ve been in Stefan’s garden, eating the third row of carrots, and now I’m squatting in his lawn taking a dump. Hey Steffie Baby — got a question for ya, man — as long as we’re discussing other people’s wives in this thread, can yours get me a deal on a Hyundai? C’mon, don’t deny it, I know she’s supporting you by selling cars while you spend your time in the KCRE archives room pursuing your public records hobby. Take pity on a poor aging rabbit with sore feet, dude! Talk to her and get me a good deal on a Hyundai! Climbing six blocks up the hill from Green Lake Park to your garden on cement sidewalks every night is killin’ me brogans! I need wheels! Something a poor Democrat rabbit can afford! So how about it, Stefan, will you talk to your babe about cutting a deal for a needy rabbit on a Hyundai, as a personal favor to a rabbit who loves ya, man??
I’m waiting for an answer …
ProudAss “I back got up to tell you loonies I get it now…”
WOW.. now that is a t-shirt slogan!!!
Put the crack pipe down and go to sleep, ProudAss. GO to sleep. Tomorrow will only be worse.
ProudASS @ 108
“I back got up to tell you loonies I get it now…
So what you are ineptly trying to teach me (snicker) is it really doesn’t matter if you HAVE a FAILED MARRIAGE or a CELEBRITY/NON-CELEBRITY BASTARD BABY… what matters is that no one actually SAYS that you had a FAILED MARRIAGE or a CELEBRITY/NON-CELEBRITY BASTARD BABY…
got it!”
Sure. It sounds like you had a “Jim Beam” moment there, ASS.
Donnageddon @ 112,
Yeah…it might have been crack instead of Jim Beam….
I feel like I know ProudAss so much better now.
Not only crazy, but crying for help about a substance abuse problem.
In case you trollfucks are wondering how Stefan makes the payments on an $800,000 house now that he’s been fired from his $9 an hour temp job at KCRE — he’s living off his wife’s labor, like all Republican “real men” do. He makes her walk behind him, too. I’ve seen it many times. After all, I’m at their place eating his garden and shitting on his lawn every night, so I’m in a position to know. Every time he runs out of the house with the 12-gauge, she’s behind him yelling “Stefan! No! No! Don’t plug the cute fluffy rabbit!!” Hey, babe, I appreciate your kindness to furry animals, but not to worry, that joker you’re married to couldn’t hit the oval in an Optiscan ballot with a paint sprayer, let alone a moving rabbit!! ha ha ha
Hey Mrs. Sharansky* — can you get me a deal on a Hyundai! I need wheels! My old feet are sore from hopping up and down the hill!
* The correct spelling of the family name. Stefan spells it “Sharkansky,” I’m not sure why, but I suspect it’s because either he’s a dumbshit who can’t even spell his own name, or the law is looking for him down in California and he went incognito in a state that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with California. Maybe he’s wanted there for torturing cute furry little animals. Hard to know, because Stefan is awfully shy about answering questions that may tend to incriminate him.
dj, but ProudAss can always talk to Limbaugh about ProudAss’s problem.
Speaking of incriminating questions … hey Stefan, are you going to SHARE your lawsuit winnings with the generous donors who paid for your lawsuit, or do you intend to stiff your loyal supporters and keep all the money for yourself?
Break time’s over, this rabbit has to get back to work.
(munch, munch)
I said it before, I’ll say it again. If there are any Real Republican’s left after the cyanide laced Kool Aid was passed around, I look foward to talking to them.
Oh — before I leave, I just thought I’d mention … looks like ASS is drinking tonight, too. Which seems appropriate, considering the drubbing the trolls took yesterday at the polls. I wonder if he’s at Cyn-Irr’s place drinking the White Lightning they make in the woods down there in Roy. That would explain the content of his posts tonight, wouldn’t it.
or…..She’s chained to the front of the trailer, she’s out turning tricks to pay for my Broadband, she died ten years ago, but I still like having sex with her, She doesn’t go to sleep until after the morning milking, I don’t know why the closet is empty and I haven’t seen her in five years. She can’t use the computer because she doesn’t have opposable thumbs, or She’s practicing with Scooter Libbys Bear in the nights, so she can stand being near a huge Asshole like you. Your right there are a lot of places she could be…the best one is away from you. I bet she bought you the computer at a sale in Hayden lake.
Wabbit @ 111
Stefan’s wife is a car salesperson? Which dealership? Hyundai’s actually sell pretty well in the lower income countries — where they are also a bit cheaper than what they go for in the USA. They are really popular in Russia and eastern Europe for folks who want a foreign car, but don’t have a lot of money. But seriously, what difference does it make how successful Mrs. Sharkansky is at selling cars, or where she works?
I thought she sold Daewoos? oh well it the same Korean crap. Nothing of any substance comes from there. Buy American that’s what I say. Give me my Chevy Tahoe (sorry folks, I’m a soccer mom)
Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS @ 85. Who drug you out into public? I thought you only did ‘private shows’
ASS stated @ 90 “Grow up sweetcheeks – divorce is NEVER a success story, NEVER heartwarming, NEVER motivating, NEVER anything to be proud of.” Hey you condescending neocon, I am sure most would agree with you on divorce. Tell me, is it better being a ‘bastard’ like your royal highness? or a child of a divorce? I guess it would be child of divorce. At least they got a chance to know both parents….unlike yourself
Rog@68 sez–
“You say rabbits are “hatched” and then accuse ME of being under the influence?”
I didn’t say ALL rabbits were hatched numbnutz….I said YOU were hatched!!
Your mom took a dump in the carrot patch, the sun baked those rabbit pellets and miraculously, YOU popped outta one of them.
That’s HATCHED…..but only you Rog.
You are indeed ONE OF A KIND!!!
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is REAL!!!!!!!
I offer up as evidence the one known as ROGER RABBIT!!!
His momma was a real lush…..got into the her daddy’s corn squeezin’s 5 times per day. Then old Roger was hatched.
Also, Roger Rabbit suffers from another little known and hideous affliction passed down by his daddy.
Rog’s daddy was a drunk and full of shit.
Stefan “the Arctic Shar” Sharansky=Frozen out again by the oppressive LIBERAL MEDIA!
Keep up the good work, Stranger. Find more gods of the foil headgear for us to mock and laugh at!
Richard @123
“But seriously, what difference does it make how successful Mrs. Sharkansky is at selling cars, or where she works?”
B I N G O ! ! !
Whether Stefan is married, gets along with his wife, what she does for a living, whether she supports him … is none of my business. Likewise, whether Goldy is married or divorced, gets along with his wife (or ex-wife), etc. … is none of HIS business.
I merely asked him if she can get me a deal on a Hyundai, that’s all! I assume she must sell a lot of cars to live with Stefan in an $800,000 house, as Stefan doesn’t seem able to hold even a $9-an-hour temp job.
127, 128
Hey Cyn-Irr — you’ve got a hell of a hangover from last night’s drinking, eh? That stuff you guys brew in the woods must be close to 190 proof. You should at least mix it with something.
Somebody call 9-1-1 and tell them Mr. Cynical-Irrelevant needs intravenous caffeine this morning.
my revelation today!
It occurred to me reading this…
ProudASS is actually single, and can’t stand the fact. The only thing that keeps ’em going is the ability to go on the internet where they can make up a fake life… Here nobody can see them or smell ’em, so its theoretically possible that someone would marry them. If you met ’em face to face, the illusion simply wouldn’t hold up.
The internets nice for people who can’t handle the reality of their own existance, and ProudASS’s overwhelming tendency to lie, I feel, backs me up on this.
Re 101: Still courting the black vote I see.
ohhh yeah!
Mark the Redneck, how’d that whole 912 by 15! thing work out for you? I’m worried that it might not have been satisfactory for you…
Does it bug you at all that most of the voters are smarter than you?
danw@ 50…….. said…….”Ghost, do you still even have a website? Because most of the circle jerkers hang out at SP and don’t even visit your POS.”
ha ha ha ha ha…………that’s really funny. yes.i still have a website. but i really wouldn’t expect people to be reading it constantly [like you do….IP’S my little friend]] right now because i haven’t posted anything new in a very long time. so you are now claiming to have taken a poll as to who is reading my blog??? that’s rich.
do you realize just how illuminating it is for the rest of us when you say innane things like that? i will make a wild guess here and say that’s a “no”. psycho-babble 101…tell them everyone thinks this or that.
and i thought you were smarter than that……….all it shows is your lack of maturity and intellect.
you want to know what goldy’s biggest fear is? that all of us right wingers will go away. my my my….he would sure have to come up with better sock puppet names than he does now.
my point about goldy’s obvious jealosy of sound politics and stefan was based on observation. goldy is a scarcity thinker. if “the shark” is sucessful in this or that, if he has a good blog then somehow in goldy’s mind it detracts from him.after all, in goldy’s world, there is only so much of the pie and it’s kill or be killed. it’s a very telling emotional reaction to something that doesn’t warrant it. it’s childishly destructive. it’s the reason goldy will never really be a sucess at anything. if you go around defining your own success by the downfall of others….you are already a failure.
i’m getting around to blogging again.lately i have been too busy to do anything that isn’t business/gallery related other than chat with you nimrods here…….LOL.
it’s been fun though.
We didn’t cut Stefan for any reason other than a feeling that it was time to shake up the news section a bit. Plus, the election cycle was over, and we saw Stefan’s column as a meta commentary on the 2004 election and how it played into the 2005 election locally. With that election over, it was time to turn the space back over to regular Stranger stuff – stuff like Police Beat, which was getting cut a lot to make room for Stefan’s column.
Bottom line, we enjoyed having Stefan in the paper, and feel he contributed good stuff to the Stranger over the last year. He’s got a strong POV. We dug having him, and we remain fans of his blog, despite the beatings he gives us on a regular basis.
Judy Miller fucked her paper, fucked her editors, and fucked her readers. Stefan didn’t fuck The Stranger, our readers, or the editors here. Please don’t read anything into the timing of this. We’ve also welcomed Stefan to contribute pieces to The Stranger in the future.
ooooooohhhhhhh…burn goldy.i guess that’s telling you.i notice they didn’t ask you to step in his place. see? that scarcity thinking gets you NOWHERE. heh heh heh
presuming that 137 is real (never know with these things, altho theres no particular reason to doubt it)
Its sad that they’d want a congenital liar for political commentary.
On the other hand, The Stranger isn’t exactly the New York Times either.
Ghostly Woman;
I actually tried to post to your site, it may have a problem, so I’ll post my Joseph( Creepy) Marumy love letter here.
Seriously where is Chardonay? Has she changed her name to Janet S? You just can’t give credit where credit is due. Goldy is a vigilante on the Lies Snark, Eyman, Biaw, Canadien gaming etc. puts out. Since we can’t count on the MSM to tell the truth about these guys, he has to. All Snark ever did was get people to distrust government (a standard Regan trick) and waste Thousands of Tax payers time and money on recounting handfuls of ballots. You want conspiracy, go read Ohio and Florida. Projection of your own misdeads is another repug trick.
So admit it, an undefined David Irons was going to beat Ron Sims on the Anti Ron Sims vote alone.
That’s what the polls said.
Goldy defined him, bad and badder (I was going to say good or bad, but the only good he had, was that he was an excellent Mechanic and a strong right cross) and changed the outcome.
So you should blog on the power of the Blogosphere.
Snark for putting distrust in government, and Goldy for defining the Mother beater.
PS You will notice my IP hasn’t showed up at your site in a long while, but i didn’t want to embarass you over at HA. But do let us know about Chardonay over there, because I really don’t come here too often….and yes we would miss you over at HA. We get tired of the Janet S rantings.
oh windie…that’s a CLASSIC. a classic i tell you.
it’s so true that liberals eat their own……….
even though my dear cousin is an editor at the new york times i still must say…..what a total joke that paper is, and even the stranger is a step UP.
danw @106 shows us how it is done:
Do you do this so you can wait for her to fall asleep to sodomize her? Was she trained by Scooter Libby’s Bears to enjoy it that way? I would love to hear what the wife says about your wonderful marriage, would you unchain her from the front of the mobile home, and after she chops the wood and Oils the guns have her hop on the computer. and tell us what a great guy you really are.
You are still a fucking asshole.
Tolerance for Nazi’s is not required nor acceptable
danw @124
oh well it the same Korean crap. Nothing of any substance comes from there.
And YOU call this person a NAZI??? Is your white hood too tight?
ghost ghost ghost.
You just don’t get it, do you?
we’re not like you
As interesting as it is to see you guys walking in lockstep on yet ANOTHER issue all marching in unison like some kind of nazi robot brigade… (Note for the image impared, ie all the rightie trolls out there: I’m not calling you national socialists, but rather calling in mind the images of thousands of troops walking lockstep in front of the viewing stand. If its one thing I’ve learned, rightie trolls will never ever get any kind of imagery or reverence) its pretty old.
Believe it or not, alot of us don’t look at it in a stupid party-loyalty lens. I have people I agree with, and people I don’t. Just ’cause I think Bush is evil and all the righties on here are slobbering morons, doesn’t mean I agree with everything Goldy says… Mindblowing concept, innit?
The stranger is alot less a news-newspaper, and seems to take its position as an alternative paper really seriously. So their lack of “Truth-focus” vs. what was probably a somewhat entertaining column that probably really got their fanbase frothing really should surprise anyone.
Just because they’re considered ‘leftist’ doesn’t mean anything. I’m actually capable of liking or disliking things based on their merits, as compared to you, and your fixation on ‘what party they’re in’.
Have I mentioned that people like you are Whats wrong with America? Oh~ I guess I just did.
windie windie windie………..too funny. did you actually read what you wrote? perhaps you are thinking of someone else on here? headless lucy for instance? roger rabbit? GBS? dj?
“we’re not like you”
oh..no kidding sweet pea.
danw……i don’t get it. what are you trying to say?
sure I read it…
It was an uninsightful misunderstanding about ‘the left eating its own’ and an unsupported slam on the NYT.
Just a hint, lady… You’re not nearly as clever as you seem to think you are.
windie…….here’s where we differ [just one of the many ways] i don’t think i’m clever. educated, well read, and open minded are more like it.
unsupported slam on the NYT??? oh, ha ha ha ha……now that IS a laugh.you see….you just don’t know who you are playing with, now do you?
danw..thanks for the heads up about my blog. it was hacked…….but is now taken care of. living dot is great if anyone is interested in doing their own blog. great service.
i don’t know where chardonnay is or what she’s doing. we look at things differently….and that’s okay. each to his own, right?