President Bush concluded meetings with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore yesterday, by signing the tersely titled “Strategic Framework Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Singapore for a Closer Cooperation Partnership in Defense and Security.” In a joint statement the two hereditary dictators described the Agreement as “a natural step in the expansion of bilateral ties.”
It was born out of a shared desire to address common threats such as terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which called for even closer cooperation between the United States and Singapore. The Agreement recognizes Singapore’s role as a Major Security Cooperation Partner and will expand the scope of current cooperation in areas such as counterterrorism, counter-proliferation, joint military exercises and training, policy dialogues, and defense technology.
And just to show how important this “strong U.S.-Singapore partnership” really is, President Bush also took the time yesterday to nominate a new ambassador to Singapore, with unparalleled experience in the areas of counterterrorism, counter-proliferation, joint military exercises and training, policy dialogues, and defense technology… former King County Republican Party chair Patricia Herbold.
Looking at Pat’s resume, it is hard to imagine another person more qualified to serve as ambassador to a strategic partner in the fight against terrorism and WMDs. In addition to a two-year stint as chair of the KCRP, she has also been active in the Bellevue Senior Coed Softball League.
Previously Pat has served as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Clermont County, Ohio, City Councilmember and Mayor of Montgomery, Ohio and was Vice President and General Counsel for Bank One in Dayton, Ohio. Since moving to Washington State she has given her support as a Board Member to the Seattle Art Museum, Long Live the Kings (salmon recovery program), Performing Arts Center Eastside, Downtown Bellevue Tomorrow and other worthwhile causes.
And oh yeah… she’s also served on the steering and/or finance committees for President Bush and ex-Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn… not that this could possibly have had anything to do with her nomination.
Oh… according to the Seattle Times, maybe this “plum ambassadorship” did have something to do with money after all…
The Herbolds are both important GOP fund-raisers. Patricia Herbold is one of the founding members of The Club for Growth, a powerful national business coalition that supports changes in Social Security. That group collected more than $20 million for Republicans in 2004.
Herbold’s own record is substantial. She has given more than $100,000 to GOP candidates and the state party since 1998, including $25,000 to the joint state victory committee last September.
She contributed more than $61,000 to individual candidates, including Bush. And she gave $17,000 to GOP committees in other states. She was on Bush’s finance committee in 2000.
Robert Herbold has given nearly $20,000 since 1997; he also has been an active fund-raiser.
Ah well… I guess being a major contributor and fundraiser for one authoritarian leader might make you qualified to be ambassador to another.
really? Pat Herbold? Who would have thought?
IrrevelantCynical, you wouldn’t have had anything to do with this – or did you? Did the RIGHTY PINHEAD movement join together to campaign for dear friend Pat to win this lovely nomination?
Hm. I said IrrevelantCynical. Should have been irrelevant.
I guess you really are irrelevant. I don’t even bother to spellcheck the typing of your online alias.
And Patty Murray is more qualified to be Senator? Herbold was asst prosecuting attny, also a bank VP. Not bad. Maybe even like Hillary.
Why do dems dislike women so much?
I guess, democrats never promote those who fund raise for them? Give me a freakin’ break!
Dems LOVE women! The stupid ones, anyway.
Sleep tight tonight, Righton, your ass is covered. Pat will personally see to it that nobody sneaks a cargo container with a nuclear bomb through the Straits of Malacca to Seattle! That is, if she has any clue where the Straits of Malacca are … hey what I don’t understand is why Bush didn’t make her a two-star general and give her command of an Army division. She probably could do at least as well as the bozos leading Bush’s Pentagon. No experience necessary with this administration, just political contributions …
Oh, I forgot to mention ideological purity, that’s essential too …
MOH — I think that’s supposed to be “who woulda thunk?”
It does seem strange. Why wouldn’t he look for someone with a military background? Or perhaps someone with relevant experience? Not that it is a too big of deal but if King George wanted to help with his weakening image on Homeland Security he might have wanted to stuff a general in there.
I suppose for the same reason Marie Antoinette put an ignorant loyal minor vassal in charge of homeland security … she figured a little Pillsbury cake mix would take care of any problems that might crop up.
OK, Singapore is so imp’t you need a heavyweight?….Clinton put Pamela Harriman (geriatric fund raiser) as Ambassador to France….gee a nuclear power and everything. Oh, she died of a stroke (often happens to the elderly) in Paris…
You woulda thought it would be a heart attack :)
egad…. a smiley….
Karl Rove should get the truth teller award for exposing the CIA nepotism involving Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame. Mr. Rove is turning out to be the real “whistleblower” in this whole sorry pseudo-scandal. He’s the one who warned Time’s Matthew Cooper and other reporters to be wary of Mr. Wilson’s credibility. He’s the one who told the press the truth that Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife, not by Vice President Dick Cheney as Mr. Wilson was asserting on the airwaves. In short, Mr. Rove provided important background so Americans could understand that Mr. Wilson wasn’t a whistleblower but was a partisan trying to discredit the Iraq War in an election campaign. Thank you, Mr. Rove.
and your point is what? That presidents hand out ambassador assignments as difts to friends and supporters? Gee Goldy where ya been the last 125 yrs.
pbj @ 14
“Karl Rove should get the truth teller award for exposing the CIA nepotism involving Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame.”
Hogwash. At the most, she recommended him and pointed out his qualifications. How is that nepotism? She didn’t hire him you fucking idiot!
“Mr. Rove is turning out to be the real “whistleblower” in this whole sorry pseudo-scandal.”
You mean, Rove is turning out to be the real traitor.
“He’s the one who warned Time’s Matthew Cooper and other reporters to be wary of Mr. Wilson’s credibility. He’s the one who told the press the truth that Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife, not by Vice President Dick Cheney as Mr. Wilson was asserting on the airwaves.”
Are you fucking nuts? What possible relevance is it that “Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife”?
How could that possibly justify Rove undermining the CIA efforts in WMD? How could that possibly justify Rove putting CIA assets at risk? You can you possibly write this bullshit without questioning your own integrety? Are you a paid troll?
“In short, Mr. Rove provided important background so Americans could understand that Mr. Wilson wasn’t a whistleblower but was a partisan trying to discredit the Iraq War in an election campaign.”
No, Rove is a vindictive asshole-turned-criminal who used his access to classified information to discredit Wilson for publishing an essay that falsified the Adminstration’s case for war.
That makes Karl Rove a criminal and a traitor.
I wonder if Bush will appoint “movie”-star-turned-Republican-fundraiser Mary Carey as US ambassador to the Vatican?
part one: Is the whacko “Dem’s hate women” the most deliciously ironic turn-around hack trick in the universe, or what? I mean who does Righton think he’s foolin’?
part two: PBJ gives Rove another bizzarre syncophantic blowjob… What is he to you anyways, that makes you love him sooooooo much?
part three: That being said, political appointments to easy ambassadorships is pretty commonplace in US history. At least he’s not promoting his cronies to important positions in the Executive branch and the Courts…
part two: PBJ gives Rove another bizzarre syncophantic blowjob… What is he to you anyways, that makes you love him sooooooo much?
Well, telling the truth for one. Exposing the CIA nepotism in the plame case was a good thing.
Except, of course, its not the truth. Its a thinly veiled lie designed to discredit someone who hurt Rove’s boss.
Luckily intellegent Americans don’t fall for tricks like that.
Rephrasing slightly;
Its an attempt to discredit and hurt someone who hurt Rove’s boss, that (habitually?) included a lie about nepotism as well.
Reply to 16
Yes, pbj is fucking nuts, in addition to being an apologist for treason.
Reply to 17
Actually, I like it. She’d be his most competent appointment yet.
Reply to 18
You may be onto something … pbj giving Bush blowjobs, I mean, or maybe it’s the other way around … yes, it looks like a case of girly-man love between pbj and Georgy-Porgy.
Reply to 11
Righton, do you even know where Singapore is? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know. For the rest of you, Singapore sits astride the Straits of Malacca, by far the most important shipping route in the entire Pacific Ocean, and is possibly the most strategically important city in Asia. That’s why it was one of the very first targets of the Japanese military advance in World War 2.
Reply to 19
Plame didn’t send her husband to Nigeria, you fucking liar. That’s bullshit made up by Republicans trying to cover their ass now that their dirty tricks chief has been caught in an act of treason. Hang the bastard.
Roger, the insulter… yeah, any moron ought to know? You been, know the ethnicity, know the hotels, know the govt?, do business there?
What’s your point smarty pants? That a former prosecuting attorney going to a small but important nation state is worth digging into, but a rich, elderly fundraiser going to a nation with nukes, nuclear submarines, on the Security Council, a historic ally and sometimes semi-foe (France) is ok …..
You know full well most/all ambassadorships go to political acquaintances. Remember Annenberg in the UK….the guy was publisher of Readers Digest for crying out loud…
If you want to do a correlation, analysis of Dem president ambassadors, vs Repub pres ambassadors, and then cross compare important countries vs unimportant ones, be my guest. I’ll bet its random….
“Karl Rove should get the truth teller award for exposing the CIA nepotism involving Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame.”
Hogwash. At the most, she recommended him and pointed out his qualifications. How is that nepotism? She didn’t hire him you fucking idiot!
Mr. Wilson also vehemently denied it when columnist Robert Novak first reported that his wife had played a role in selecting him for the Niger mission. He promptly signed up as adviser to the Kerry campaign and was feted almost everywhere in the media, including repeat appearances on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and a photo spread (with Valerie) in Vanity Fair.
But his day in the political sun was short-lived. The bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report last July cited the note that Ms. Plame had sent recommending her husband for the Niger mission. “Interviews and documents provided to the Committee indicate that his wife, a CPD [Counterproliferation Division] employee, suggested his name for the trip,” said the report.
“Mr. Rove is turning out to be the real “whistleblower” in this whole sorry pseudo-scandal.”
You mean, Rove is turning out to be the real traitor.
No, that would be Mr. Wilson, who first “outed” himself as a CIA consultant in a melodramatic New York Times op-ed in July 2003. At the time he claimed to have thoroughly debunked the Iraq-Niger yellowcake uranium connection that President Bush had mentioned in his now famous “16 words” on the subject in that year’s State of the Union address.
An inquiry headed by Britain’s Lord Butler delivered its own verdict on the 16 words: “We conclude also that the statement in President Bush’s State of the Union Address of 28 January 2003 that ‘The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa’ was well-founded.”
In short, Joe Wilson hadn’t told the truth about what he’d discovered in Africa, how he’d discovered it, what he’d told the CIA about it, or even why he was sent on the mission. The media and the Kerry campaign promptly abandoned him, though the former never did give as much prominence to his debunking as they did to his original accusations. But if anyone can remember another public figure so entirely and thoroughly discredited, let us know.
“He’s the one who warned Time’s Matthew Cooper and other reporters to be wary of Mr. Wilson’s credibility. He’s the one who told the press the truth that Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife, not by Vice President Dick Cheney as Mr. Wilson was asserting on the airwaves.”
Are you fucking nuts? What possible relevance is it that “Mr. Wilson had been recommended for the CIA consulting gig by his wife”?
When you use the F-bombo over and over, I know you have no argument whatsoever. Only typical liberal filth and foul.
How could that possibly justify Rove undermining the CIA efforts in WMD? How could that possibly justify Rove putting CIA assets at risk? You can you possibly write this bullshit without questioning your own integrety? Are you a paid troll?
Rove did not undermine CIA efforts in WMD. Throwing out unsubstantiated claims hoping they will stick will not help your case. What Karl Rove did was to warn a reporter that was about to take the word of a liar like Wilson. He never said his wife was an agent or anything even close to that because Karl Rove didn’t even know that at the time. Your spittle producing rant has been all for naught.
“In short, Mr. Rove provided important background so Americans could understand that Mr. Wilson wasn’t a whistleblower but was a partisan trying to discredit the Iraq War in an election campaign.”
No, Rove is a vindictive asshole-turned-criminal who used his access to classified information to discredit Wilson for publishing an essay that falsified the Adminstration’s case for war.
No, Karl Rove did no such thing and you have not provided even one scintilla of evidence to support your claim. However, if you read bot the Senate Intelligence Report and the Lord Butler report, you will see that both of them backup the famous 16 words
in Bush’s speech.
From the Lord Butler Report:
“We conclude also that the statement in President Bush’s State of the Union Address of 28 January 2003 that ‘The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa’ was well-founded.”
Fair minded intelligent people can see through the criminal liberal media efforts to attack Karl Rove with nothing but unsubstantiated allegations as punishment for having the gall to tell the truth about liar andf traitor Joseph Wilson.
Plame didn’t send her husband to Nigeria, you fucking liar. That’s bullshit made up by Republicans trying to cover their ass now that their dirty tricks chief has been caught in an act of treason. Hang the bastard.
There you go again with the f-bombs. Even more evidence you have no facts to support your unsubstantiated slander.
Yes, indeed she fixed it so he would be selected to go to Nigeria because they are both partisan Democrats. Once again, please refer to teh senate intelligence report my spittle spouting friend:
“Interviews and documents provided to the Committee indicate that his wife, a CPD [Counterproliferation Division] employee, suggested his name for the trip,”
You may be onto something … pbj giving Bush blowjobs, I mean, or maybe it’s the other way around … yes, it looks like a case of girly-man love between pbj and Georgy-Porgy.
Just more evidence of the level of the liberal intellect. I thought you all were supposed to be the smart ones – by your own admission. Yeah, and we were all lied to by Democrats saying Kerry was the smart one too when it turned out he got worse marks in college than Bush!
Except, of course, its not the truth. Its a thinly veiled lie designed to discredit someone who hurt Rove’s boss.
Luckily intellegent Americans don’t fall for tricks like that.
Well except of course, it IS the truth. That FACT that Valarie Plame rigged it so her hubby the anti-war Joe Wilson (both partisan Democrats) would be sent to Nigeria is well documented in the Senate Intelligence Report:
“Interviews and documents provided to the Committee indicate that his wife, a CPD [Counterproliferation Division] employee, suggested his name for the trip,” said the report.
Expect more f-bombs from Roger and DJ. I think it is the only word they know!
first of all, a recommendation is just that: A recommendation. Theres no evidence at all that she twisted any arms or did ANYTHING except mention his name and qualifications. She certainly didn’t make the hiring decision. SHE DIDN”T HAVE THE POWER TO “RIG” ANYTHING, MORON!
secondly, you can tell the whacko’s are losing when they start non-stop whining about language. Next they’ll mention Clinton.
oops… they already DID mention Clinton.
yay for predictability!
irst of all, a recommendation is just that: A recommendation. Theres no evidence at all that she twisted any arms or did ANYTHING except mention his name and qualifications. She certainly didn’t make the hiring decision. SHE DIDN”T HAVE THE POWER TO “RIG” ANYTHING, MORON!
Actually, as an influential employee (purportedly she was even a covert agent) fo teh counterproliferation division of the CIA, her recommendations surely carried much weight in the organization. Or are you now claiming she was nothing more than a janitor at the CIA and not anything but a minimum hour wage employee?
No, she didn’t “hire” her husband, but as an influential power broker, she knew which gears to grease and knobs to polish to get the outcome she desired.
you’re weaving a prettty large web out of the word ‘suggested’ in the report PBJ.
Its all speculation tho. Throw out some evidence of nepotism (instead of zombie-like loyalty to party line) and we can talk seriously.
you’re weaving a prettty large web out of the word ’suggested’ in the report PBJ.
Its all speculation tho. Throw out some evidence of nepotism (instead of zombie-like loyalty to party line) and we can talk seriously.
You want evidence? Well you don’t require it when you go after Karl Rove. Provide evidence that Karl Rove said “Valarie Plame is and undercover CIA agent nyah nyah nayh. Take that Democrats!”
My evidence of nepotism is simple. Joseph “the traitor” Wilson is Plames husband. Both are partisan Democrats who had every partisan motive in the world to see what nefarious things they could to interefer with their nemisis – George Bush.
Plame’s ‘recommendation’ carried great weight because, according to Democrats at least, she was a powerbroker player in the search for WMD.
Let me put it in terms you can udnerstand – say you are applying for a position as Goldy’s secretary. Will goldy put more weight into hiring you if I recommend you or if John Kerry recommends you?
Think about it.
Expect more f-bombs from Roger and DJ. I think it is the only word they know!
Empirically, of course, you are completely wrong. If you add up the number of unique words that RR and I use, you will find that derivatives of the word “fuck” make up a tiny fraction of the total.
Since we usually launch these words in response to FUCKING IDIOTIC STATEMENTS made by FUCKING MORONS like you, however, I can understand why you seem to feel the proportion is much higher. Fucking dipshit.
pbj @ 35
“No, she didn’t “hire” her husband”
Oh. . . so the nepotism thing is a non-issue.
The real issue seem to be Rove’s leak of classified information, endangering CIA assets, as a revenge tactic for someone excerising free speech.
Rove is a traitor.
The real issue seem to be Rove’s leak of classified information, endangering CIA assets, as a revenge tactic for someone excerising free speech.
Rove is a traitor.
Once again you spout unsubstantiated slander. Rove never leaked any classified information. However Mr Wilson sure did in his NYT editorial.
Wilson is a traitor.
Empirically, of course, you are completely wrong. If you add up the number of unique words that RR and I use, you will find that derivatives of the word “fuck” make up a tiny fraction of the total.
Since we usually launch these words in response to FUCKING IDIOTIC STATEMENTS made by FUCKING MORONS like you, however, I can understand why you seem to feel the proportion is much higher. Fucking dipshit.
I always enjoy a full display of the liberal ‘intellect’ – such as it is!
pbj @
“Plame’s ‘recommendation’ carried great weight because, according to Democrats at least, she was a powerbroker player in the search for WMD.”
Oh. . . you mean that she was a valuable and knowledgable CIA asset who was well aware of the needs for investigating the “yellowcake” issue, and well aware of Wilson’s qualifications, she was able to make an intelligent recommendation. And, someone agreed with this recommendation.
To bad she can no longer help here country as effectively in WMD intelligence because traitor Rove outed her.
It is too bad that the Whitehouse didn’t pay attention to Wilson’s report before invading a country and killing people.
pbj @ 40
“Once again you spout unsubstantiated slander. Rove never leaked any classified information. However Mr Wilson sure did in his NYT editorial. Wilson is a traitor.”
Oh, really???? So why is there a grand jury investigating (at the CIA’s request) leaks of classified information from the Whitehouse?
How come Wilson is not being investigated for leaking classified information?
Could it be because Rove is the traitor?
rove admitted outing her (through his lawyer).
what a moron.
and your ‘evidence’ is random paranoid conspiracy theories?
Damn. I can’t top that.
ove admitted outing her (through his lawyer).
what a moron.
and your ‘evidence’ is random paranoid conspiracy theories?
Damn. I can’t top that.
No he did not. He admitted speaking to a reporter.
Rove informed Cooper that Wilson’s trip had not been authorized by “DCIA” – CIA Director George Tenet – or Vice President Dick Cheney. Rather, “it was, KR said, wilson’s wife, who apparently works at the agency on wmd [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip.”
pbj: Oh please, gimme a break.
Do you even believe that distinction yourself?
Oh, really???? So why is there a grand jury investigating (at the CIA’s request) leaks of classified information from the Whitehouse?
How come Wilson is not being investigated for leaking classified information?
Could it be because Rove is the traitor?
The invesigation was brought about because of partisan Democrat grumbling. Karl Rove told the truth and did not “out” anyone.
The same can’t be said for Mr. Wilson, who first “outed” himself as a CIA consultant in a melodramatic New York Times op-ed in July 2003.
The investigation is ongoing. We don’t know who they are looking into on this – they could even be considering YOU.
So, who is Judith Miller protecting?
Oh. . . you mean that she was a valuable and knowledgable CIA asset who was well aware of the needs for investigating the “yellowcake” issue, and well aware of Wilson’s qualifications, she was able to make an intelligent recommendation. And, someone agreed with this recommendation.
To bad she can no longer help here country as effectively in WMD intelligence because traitor Rove outed her.
It is too bad that the Whitehouse didn’t pay attention to Wilson’s report before invading a country and killing people.
So which is it? When areguing your conspiracy theory that Rove ‘outed’ her, she is a valuable CIA asset at the tip of the spear on the WMD issue. When it is pointed out that she arranged for her hubby to get the job to go to Niger, she all of a sudden become just another janitor whose recommendation and cajoling had no impact whatsoever.
And just what was Joe Wilson’s ‘qualifications’ regarding yellow cake?
note how pbj brought the word ‘cajoling’ out of his own fevered imagination. Kudos!
Windie wrote a sentence without cussing. Kudos!
pbj: Thats a good one, considering I’ve never used a word harsher than ‘blowjob’ or ‘dumbass’, or maybe ‘damn’ if you’re religious
I use ‘nutjob’ and ‘moron’ alot tho!
man, you walked right into that self-discrediting trap, didn’t you, sherlock?
pbj @ 47
“The invesigation was brought about because of partisan Democrat grumbling.”
That helped. But, it was the CIA that started the “Democrat grumbling”
“Karl Rove told the truth and did not “out” anyone.”
Of course, it is completely irrelevant whether or not Rove told the truth. That he leaked classified information and outed a CIA agent are the crimes being investigated.
“The same can’t be said for Mr. Wilson, who first “outed” himself as a CIA consultant in a melodramatic New York Times op-ed in July 2003.”
This, of course, is complete bullshit. The CIA (with consent of the State Department’s African Affairs Bureau) sent him on a fact-finding mission (and Wilson did it on his own time). The mission was not classified.
Did the fact escape you that Wilson is not being investigated or prosecuted for anything?
“The investigation is ongoing. We don’t know who they are looking into on this – they could even be considering YOU.”
Yes, an investigation into classified leaks from the Whitehouse. All evidence points to Rove!
“So, who is Judith Miller protecting?”
Good question! I would like to know that myself. She could be protecting the integrety of the media, but given that Rove let one reporter talk, it seems silly for her to persist.
Perhaps she is protecting another senior Whitehouse official? Hey, maybe Shrub is the one who outed Plame and Rove is taking the fall?
goldy…you sound more and more like a gossip columnist everyday. this “might” be why, whisper, whisper…..”maybe” this happened…..
sheesh…facts anyone?
“Karl Rove told the truth and did not “out” anyone.”
Of course, it is completely irrelevant whether or not Rove told the truth. That he leaked classified information and outed a CIA agent are the crimes being investigated.
No, that someone leaked the information is what is being investigated. Perhaps it is Joe Wilson?
“The same can’t be said for Mr. Wilson, who first “outed” himself as a CIA consultant in a melodramatic New York Times op-ed in July 2003.”
This, of course, is complete bullshit. The CIA (with consent of the State Department’s African Affairs Bureau) sent him on a fact-finding mission (and Wilson did it on his own time). The mission was not classified.
Did the CIA also instruct him to write the 2003 NYT editorial? Please show me the memos that show that. I bet Dan Rather still has a Microsoft Word template you can use. Just don’t use the one that perports to make it look like it’s from the 1970’s – that one has been proven to be a fake.
No, all liberal media bullshit points to Rove. No evidence of any kind exists to prove Rove leaked any classified information.
“So, who is Judith Miller protecting?”
Good question! I would like to know that myself. She could be protecting the integrety of the media, but given that Rove let one reporter talk, it seems silly for her to persist.
Perhaps she is protecting another senior Whitehouse official? Hey, maybe Shrub is the one who outed Plame and Rove is taking the fall?
Bwah hahahahahahahaha ! You are a funny man. So now you want us to beleive that a reporter from the New York Times, a paper who mission it is to destroy any and all things conservative or Republican, would go to jail to protect a Republican? ROFL!
Next you will be claiming that Hillary Clinton voted for George Bush!
Are you trying out as a comedian or sticking to your day job?
pbj @ 55
“No, that someone leaked the information is what is being investigated. Perhaps it is Joe Wilson?”
Wilson??? Waaahhhh, haaaaaa, haaaa. Ummm, what was that? His clever way of getting his wife to quit her job and take care of the kids? :-)
Nevermind that we have Cooper’s emails suggest Rove outed her.
Nevermind that Rove’s attorney has admitted that Rove told Cooper that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA.
Nevermind that a special prosecutor is investigating the Whitehouse leak. (I wonder who the other “Senior administration official” was that mentioned Valerie Plame to Noavk? Shrub, perhaps?)
Rove is a monster for destroying Valerie Plame’s career.
Your Roveophilia has left you completely demented, pbj.
“No, that someone leaked the information is what is being investigated. Perhaps it is Joe Wilson?”
Wilson??? Waaahhhh, haaaaaa, haaaa. Ummm, what was that? His clever way of getting his wife to quit her job and take care of the kids? :-)
No. It was his clever way to setup the Bush administration, if I was to take a guess. Since Democrats always enjoy claiming they are the victims when it usually turns out they are the criminals. Case in point. Democrats constantly harp on supposed Republican vote fraud in the 2004 elections. Yet, in truth, it was Democrats who were paying for fraudulent registrations with crack cocaine and committing vote fraud.
Here are the the sources, since I am sure some leftist pinhead will accuse me of making it up:
Crack for registrations:
Democrat party jailed for vote fraud:
Nevermind that we have Cooper’s emails suggest Rove outed her.
They suggest no such thing to any clear thinking fair minded American.
Nevermind that Rove’s attorney has admitted that Rove told Cooper that Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA.
So? That was a well known fact in Wshington circles. Even oh so liberal CNN’s Andrea Mitchell admitted that.
Nevermind that a special prosecutor is investigating the Whitehouse leak. (I wonder who the other “Senior administration official” was that mentioned Valerie Plame to Noavk? Shrub, perhaps?)
Rove is a monster for destroying Valerie Plame’s career.
Destroy her career? She and hubby are Democrat all star fund raisers. Hell, the book revenue alone means she will be fat and happy for years to come! But it isn’t Rove she has to thank for that.
Your Roveophilia has left you completely demented, pbj.
Your Conservaphobia has put you in quite a fevered state DJ. Try laying down for a bit.
pbj @ 57
“It was his clever way to setup the Bush administration, if I was to take a guess.”
Oh, how altuistic of Valerie Plame. She gave up her career as a CIA spy in order to “set up” the Bush administration.
“So? That was a well known fact in Wshington circles. Even oh so liberal CNN’s Andrea Mitchell admitted that.
Oh? Funny that the CIA didn’t see it that way, isn’t it? Or are they in on your conspiracy, too?
“Destroy her career? She and hubby are Democrat all star fund raisers. Hell, the book revenue alone means she will be fat and happy for years to come! But it isn’t Rove she has to thank for that.”
Huh? Valerie Plame was CIA spy and now she should be happy to be a fund raiser because Rove wanted a pound of flesh from her husband? No fucking way, buster! Rove is going to pay for outing her and endangering the CIA’s work in preventing WMD proliferation.
“It was his clever way to setup the Bush administration, if I was to take a guess.”
Oh, how altuistic of Valerie Plame. She gave up her career as a CIA spy in order to “set up” the Bush administration.
Hey, you wanted a conspircay theory. Sorry I am not as good at flights of fancy and wild ass theories as you liberals.
“So? That was a well known fact in Wshington circles. Even oh so liberal CNN’s Andrea Mitchell admitted that.
Oh? Funny that the CIA didn’t see it that way, isn’t it? Or are they in on your conspiracy, too?
Now let me get this straight – after 40 years of blathering about the CIA and conspiracies whereby they have wrought havoc and misery all over the world, NOW, NOW you don;t think there is any conspiracy with the CIA?
Now that is rich!
“Destroy her career? She and hubby are Democrat all star fund raisers. Hell, the book revenue alone means she will be fat and happy for years to come! But it isn’t Rove she has to thank for that.”
Huh? Valerie Plame was CIA spy and now she should be happy to be a fund raiser because Rove wanted a pound of flesh from her husband? No fucking way, buster! Rove is going to pay for outing her and endangering the CIA’s work in preventing WMD proliferation.
Oh puhleeeze. What drama queen. Save it for Oprah. You might have to book right after the 10 episodes where Joe and Valarie will tell their SOB stories – for a royalty of course!
The other fantasy you are trying to sell is that liberals have anything but didain for the CIA. Sorry. Not buying it.
pbj @ 59
Oops. Cooper has finished his 2.5 hours of testimony. Fox news reports that “Cooper confirmed that his source on the leak was Deputy Chief of Staff Rove.”
“The waiver that freed Cooper to cooperate with the grand jury was signed by Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin. Cooper’s attorney, Richard Sauber, was on hand Wednesday to pass out photocopies of the waiver to reporters.”
“The leak case is problematic for the administration on two fronts. First, is the question of whether Rove, or another administration official, broke the law in revealing Plame’s identity. The 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act makes it a crime to knowingly reveal an undercover agent.”
Of course, Karl Rove could also be found to have violated the Espionage Act or laws or regulations concerning classified information. . .
“Second, is the political problem of keeping on a staffer at the center of a scandal.”
pbj @ 59
“The other fantasy you are trying to sell is that liberals have anything but didain for the CIA.”
Huh? Some liberals WORK for the CIA. Or, at least they used to, until Rove opened his trap.
Oops. Cooper has finished his 2.5 hours of testimony. Fox news reports that “Cooper confirmed that his source on the leak was Deputy Chief of Staff Rove.”
*YAWN* Please tell me something that everyone else didn’t already know.
“The waiver that freed Cooper to cooperate with the grand jury was signed by Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin. Cooper’s attorney, Richard Sauber, was on hand Wednesday to pass out photocopies of the waiver to reporters.”
Umm. If you had been conscious the past 3 days, this wouldn’t be a big surprise. I mean it has been reported everywhere.
“The leak case is problematic for the administration on two fronts. First, is the question of whether Rove, or another administration official, broke the law in revealing Plame’s identity. The 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act makes it a crime to knowingly reveal an undercover agent.”
Who are you quoting, the fox web site? Presumably someone wrote that article. Why don’t you credit them ?
Of course, Karl Rove could also be found to have violated the Espionage Act or laws or regulations concerning classified information. . .
Of course, since he is not a target of the investigation, that is unlikely to happen.
“Second, is the political problem of keeping on a staffer at the center of a scandal.”
Well, this Democrat created and produced tempest in a teapot is about as bad as last week’s Delay-Gate in which it turned out that the Democrats were the greatest offenders. Next week it will be something else for a new news cycle. *YAWN*
Huh? Some liberals WORK for the CIA. Or, at least they used to, until Rove opened his trap.
They do? Well THAT explains why our 911 intelligence was so bad!
PBJworld must be a nice world to live in, if you’re right of Franco or clinically insane.
I challenge anyone to honestly read his posts in this thread and not admit he’s either
a) wildly insane
b) a congenital liar who can keep a research team of 50 working for the rest of their lives, just studying the pathology.
pbj @ 63
“They do? Well THAT explains why our 911 intelligence was so bad!”
I heard it was an upper management problem. . . .
pbj @ 45
“Rather, “it was, KR said, wilson’s wife, who apparently works at the agency on wmd [weapons of mass destruction] issues who authorized the trip.”
You, like other right wing liars, apparently believe that repeating this lie endlessly will somehow make it true. Wrong. It’s a lie, pbj — as in not true. Valerie Plame did NOT authorize Wilson’s trip. It’s a fucking lie, spewed by the fucking liars of the right wing like you, as part of their organized (and lame) attempt to excuse or divert attention from Rove’s (and possibly Bush’s) treason.
RR & DJ: I have read everything you wrote on this “problem” with Karl Rove.
I would like you to read these articles. I know you will discount them as being right leaning but they are more open than other sites. If after reading them you mind does not change, then we’ll see what the special prosecutor says. The first question was did Joe Wilson really check Niger out? If so, did he lie? I think I have the links chronologically recreated from 2003 until now.
First: I subscribe to the WA Post & NY Times online. Hence I use these web sites against you all every so often: www . washingtonpost . com / wp-dyn / articles / A39834 – 2004 Jul9 . html ? referrer = emailarticle – WA Post said Wilson lied about his wife. Read carefully.
Second: www . powerlineblog . com / archives / 004151 . php # 004151 – What does Niger export?
Second: powerlineblog . com / archives / 007135 . php # 007135 – Joe Wilson lied.
Third: powerlineblog . com / archives / 007149 .php # 007149 – Joe Wilson lied so more
Fourth: www . captainsquartersblog . com / mt / archives / 001991 . php – Interesting take on the situation
Fifth: powerlineblog . com / archives / 010917 . php # 010917
Last: powerlineblog . com / archives / 010949 . php – Wraps up the noncoverage by the MSM and their links.
DJ & RR: I hope you read them critically and not skimmed them.
I heard it was an upper management problem. . . .
In the Plame division?
You, like other right wing liars, apparently believe that repeating this lie endlessly will somehow make it true. Wrong. It’s a lie, pbj – as in not true. Valerie Plame did NOT authorize Wilson’s trip. It’s a fucking lie, spewed by the fucking liars of the right wing like you, as part of their organized (and lame) attempt to excuse or divert attention from Rove’s (and possibly Bush’s) treason.
There you go again with the carnal acts. Wasn’t the $100 million screw job you Democrats did on teh tax payer enough to satiate your sexual appetite?
Yes Roger – Plame DID rig it so hubby could go there in order to misrepresent what had actually happened. But I am not surprised another Democrat hack like Wilson was covering for Saddam Hussein. After all, Democrat Susan Lindauer (aid toe dem Sen Carolyn Mosley Braun) was spying for Saddam Hussien. And unlike you and your unsubstantiated allegations, I WILL provide the link:
Democrat traitor Susan Lindauer:
Even the uber liberal Washington post had to admit Wilson lied about his report:
” Wilson’s assertions — both about what he found in Niger and what the Bush administration did with the information — were undermined yesterday in a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report.
The panel found that Wilson’s report, rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, as he has said, bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts. And contrary to Wilson’s assertions and even the government’s previous statements, the CIA did not tell the White House it had qualms about the reliability of the Africa intelligence that made its way into 16 fateful words in President Bush’s January 2003 State of the Union address.
In PBJworld, traitors like Wilson aren’t allowed to even get near the CIA.
PBJ, did you read the other links I posted too?
Found this on the Internet.
Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia – good…
Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq – bad…
Clinton spends 77 billion on war in Serbia – good…
Bush spends 87 billion in Iraq – bad…
Clinton imposes regime change in Serbia – good…
Bush imposes regime change in Iraq – bad…
Clinton bombs Christian Serbs on behalf of Muslim Albanian terrorists – good…
Bush liberates 25 million from a genocidal dictator – bad…
Clinton bombs Chinese embassy – good…
Bush bombs terrorist camps – bad…
Clinton commits felonies while in office – good…
Bush lands on aircraft carrier in jumpsuit – bad…
Clinton says mass graves in Serbia – good…
Entire world says WMD in Iraq – bad…
No mass graves found in Serbia – good…
No WMD found Iraq – bad…
Stock market crashes in 2000 under Clinton – good…
Economy slows under Bush – bad…
Clinton refuses to take custody of Bin Laden – good…
World Trade Centers fall under Bush – bad…
Clinton says Saddam has nukes – good…
Bush says Saddam has nukes – bad…
Clinton calls for regime change in Iraq – good…
Bush imposes regime change in Iraq – bad…
Terrorist training in Afghanistan under Clinton – good…
Bush destroys training camps in Afghanistan – bad…
Milosevic not yet convicted – good…
Saddam turned over for trial – bad…
Pudbuddy @ 67
“The first question was did Joe Wilson really check Niger out? If so, did he lie? I think I have the links chronologically recreated from 2003 until now.”
I’ll take a look at them when I get a chance. But, I want to say before even looking at them that the first question is not about Wilson. The first question is whether or not Rove and/or another senior official leaked Plame’s identity to the press. That is the major issue here.
Wilson is not under investigation. Valerie Plame had here career destroyed by someone in the White House. I don’t give a shit if Wilson fornicates with monkeys while singing Mary Popins songs. It is all irrelevant; what is under investigation is that two White House staff members outed an active CIA operative.
Put you stupid-ass NeoCon “trash Wilson” talking point bullshit away—nobody is buying it. And you make youself look like a jackass pushing it. A serious breach of security was committed by White House staff—behave like a concerned American!
Pudbuddy @ 73
If I want to read that kind of drivel, I can find it myself elsewhere. I come here to discuss issues, interact, and bicker with the people who post here. Either post something that YOU have put together–your own synthesis and point of view–or don’t post at all.
pbj @ 68
“In the Plame division?”
Plame wasn’t upper management. Think BIGGER!
@71 in PBJworld, someone’s a traitor because PBJ SAYS SO!
APB on PBJ!!
If anyone sees PBJ will you please pass along this message. Thanks.
Are you going to answer my challenge on the “Dems to introduce Resolution of Inquiry into Plame’s outing” thread? Posts 60-64