Wrestling greats Ron “King County Executive” Sims and Rev. Ken “the Jews killed Christ” Hutcherson lock horns tonight in a steel cage match at the Key Arena. Um… okay… it’s really just a debate, and it’s taking place in the staid environs of Seattle’s Town Hall. But I expect some rhetorical body slamming nonetheless.
Tickets are $5.00 at the door; fireworks start at 7:30 pm.
Rev. Hutcherson has been one of the most vocal opponents of legislation extending anti-discrimination protections to gays and lesbians, and when Sims joined us this week on Podcasting Liberally, we asked him why he was willing to take on such a pompous, blowhard. Lamenting Hutcherson’s efforts to co-opt a civil rights movement that “people lost their lives over,” Sims said that it was simply time for him to sit across the table and take Hutcherson on:
“He’s trying to steal a movement and limit its effects, and that’s just so wrong.”
Yes it is.
Hutcherson reportedly has a habit of playing the race card when he finds himself on the losing end of an argument, but as Will shockingly learned during our podcast, he’s going to have a tough time doing that against Sims:
“He’s going to argue he’s black, and last time I looked in the mirror, I am too.”
Here’s my debating tip to Sims: you’re first question to Hutcherson should be to ask him how his boycott is going, and then as he fumbles for an answer… hit him over the head with a folding chair. I’m ready to rumble!
Thanks for keeping those two in King County. They’re both idiots.
Such insightful (or is it incitant) observations are the hallmark of righty thinking. Good show, now you can leave. Your cage is clean.
Too late for Hutch, the civil rights movement has already been high jacked.
Goldy continues on his march for recognition as the First Lady of Afro-Jewish Bloggers!
So if Goldy isn’t the first Black, Jewish Blogger (aka the Sammy Davis, Jr. of Bloggers)….perhaps he is trying to be that Steve Martin Character ffrom the movie THE JERK (appropriate title for our celebrity!). Remember this? Goldy is perhaps Navin R. Johnson reincarnated!!!!!!!!!
Navin R. Johnson: “Huh? I am not a bum. I’m a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends and… uh… my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi.”
Perhaps Goldy was born a “poor black child’.
That’s it….a poor black child AND a Holocaust victim!
Kind of hard to reconcile with a privileged life in Philly….but hey, it’s only a Blog where fantasy rules!
It would be great to get a podcast of the debate.
Voter Advocate, just what is it that you advocate for voters?
I can’t say that either of these guys, Sims or Hutcherson, are good for the state.
Any chance we can have this asshole Hutch go hunting with Dickless Cheney instead?
Attention: Any one taking the “Bird Flu” vaccine, and having any negative reaction, please contact the Law Firm Of Silverstein, Lowenstein, Loeb, and Goldberg, ESQ as soon as possible so we can sue those evil drug companies and drive them out of business! In addition, and problems with polio or and other vaccines, call us!! Myron, Hymie, and Sal will be waiting for your call to start yet another lawsuit against any firm with “deep pockets”!!! As always, we love minority clients, and will find a “minority” jury to award millions!!! Salaam!!!
Attention: Any one taking the “Bird Flu” vaccine, and having any negative reaction, please contact the Law Firm Of Silverstein, Lowenstein, Loeb, and Goldberg, ESQ as soon as possible so we can sue those evil drug companies and drive them out of business! In addition, and problems with polio and/or other vaccines, call us!! Myron, Hymie, and Sal will be waiting for your call to start yet another lawsuit against any firm with “deep pockets”!!! As always, we love minority clients, and will find a “minority” jury to award millions!!! Salaam!!!
Goldy, I’ll see you there!
(Sims really is black, right?)
[From an Old Frat Buddy…..It’s worth the reading time……..I missed a turn off over in St.Louis yesterday and had to go down Page Ave.for quite a way to get back to the Highway.Wow what a trip.Groups of young men standing on every corner drinking in the streets,wearing their gangster clothes,music so loud you could hardly speak to the person next to you in the car even with the windows up and the streets full of trash and drug deals and beater cars worth a few hundred dollars with $2000 sets of wheels.This was at 1pm in the afternoon on a work/school day.According to their Democrat leadership I am somehow supposed to feel sorry and pay for this human rubbish…I don’t think so. [Dems turning America into a third world shit hole Hillary Village one city at a time. Not a Republican around for miles!]
GBS has run away from HorsesAss as fast as the “Iraqi Guard” ran from American Armor!!!!
jimmy @ 5
It is replayed on the Seattle Channel. You oughta have somebody tape it.
Why did you lie about your military service?
I’d be interested in the story behind the story here.
Who’s idea was this? Who got the camps of both these guys to agree to be in the same room at the same time? Will Jerry Springer or Geraldo Rivera (Morton Downey Jr. would be my choice but he’s not with us anymore) be the moderator?
If you plan on attending BYOO, since these two blowhards will deprive everyone else the room of oxygen in a few seconds.
Ron Sim’s calm, cool speaking manner drive Fundies nuts.
A lot of fine judges of blowhards here.
Impostor : How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy
~By Bruce Bartlett
A book written by a conservative from the Reagan administration.
Here’s the link to KVI 570’s Kirby Wilbur show where you can see it’s on his “recommended reading list.”
When someone from the Reagan administration says you’re borrowing so much you’ve bankrupted the country, that’s saying something.
Why did you lie about your military service?
Will Hutch show up without body guards? If so, he’s got more guts than I thought.
We’ll see whom outwits whom. I bet the Pastor makes Sims squirm. The pastor is rock solid in his beliefs. Sims believes what? Didn’t he change his mind on the Boeing Field expansion last year when the neighboorhood screamed? Didn’t he change his mind and force us to swallow the new fields on 4th Ave S? Oh, yeah… that’s politics. No… Sims has no balls…Anorchidism!
Puddybud at 22:
The pastor is already in the inferior position, he is coming at this from a hate value.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, and if I’m correct Rev. Hutcherson is a Christian.
Con1st @16,
Not much of a story here. It was The Stranger’s idea. They asked, and both agreed. KING-5’s Robert Mak is moderating.
GBS, God told Moses the wrongs of homosexuality in Leviticus! Oh… that’s the old Testament and what God says in the Old Testament isn’t true, right GBS? Well David and Goldy (and many Israeli Jews) only believe in the Torah… The Old Testament. So what are you really saying GBS? Hmmm…?
22 so were the pharisees dude. I find it offensive that Hutch sees greed, power and bigotry as a morally superior position.
Vancouversucks: Where did he state that which you blog here? Please direct me to a URL with his words. Moonbats are excellent at twisting others words!
28. It is clear in the philosohy of dominionist beliefs “Cat Penis”
You have some serious reading to do…
Puddybud @26 – Are you seriously saying that you follow – or want other to follow – all the laws in Leviticus?
Or are you just cherry picking to support your own prejudices?
The Old Testament also bans the wearing of fiber blends…tell me “Cat Penis” are you wearing blended fiber? Polyester got you damned?
30. Answer. They cherry pick to support their ideas of hatred and bigotry. The Constitution party does not make it a crime to eat pork or wear cotton blends…
I’m not saying what is or isn’t ture, I’m just trying to understand what you believe?
To paraphrase a bit, I think you’re saying “Old Testament, New Testament, does not matter because both are the word of God.”
Is that what you’re saying?
puddy, regarding “The pastor is rock solid in his beliefs.” Yeah, and people who believe the world is flat are also rock solid in their beliefs.
The fact that a belief is firmly held not any sort of comment on the validity of their belief system or the logic behind it.
GBS, God told Moses the wrongs of homosexuality in Leviticus! Oh… that’s the old Testament and what God says in the Old Testament isn’t true, right GBS? Well David and Goldy (and many Israeli Jews) only believe in the Torah… The Old Testament. So what are you really saying GBS? Hmmm…?
Commentby Puddybud— 3/2/06@ 4:43 pm [Yes, GBS!! What ARE you saying??? Perhaps there is another reason why you were asked to leave the service? Well said, Puddybud!!!!!!!!!!]
Fireman GBS!! Stand by for your XO’s inquiry!!!!!!!!!
Also puddy, before you go too far down this old testament justification, given that the Constitution clearly says that there should be a separation between church and state, how do you justify legally imposing what is fundamentally a christian and jewish faith commandment on those of other faiths?
Bill, you mean there are people who think the world is flat in 2006? Please give me a URL. I am sure they were edumicated in donkocratically controlled school systems. Probably the same ones who edumicated the UW student senators that Gregory “Pappy” Boyington was a RICH WHTIE MAN!!! Please bill provide the evidence!
I should have read the excellent post at 30 & 31 first.
The penalty for breaking the laws found in Deuteronomy was death.
Imagine how many Christian’s have sinned against God for eating cheeseburgers, or having a glass of milk with their steak, eating crab, clams, oysters, lobster or catfish (especially you rednecks), or any animal that was not properly bled. The wearing blended fibers is sinning against God the same as homosexuality.
Now, Puddybud, or any conservative who invokes the Bible in this debate, how is it you know better than God? How do you determine which Law is applicable and which one is obsolete?
Bill Bill: You wrote:”The fact that a belief is firmly held not any sort of comment on the validity of their belief system or the logic behind it.” Huh?
Either you believe God means what He says or you reject Him. He said not one jot or tittle of His law changes! Jesus said “I and my Father are one“! So GBS logically, if you believe Jesus, and Jesus said the aforementioned sentence, and God gave Moses the laws on homosexuality, IT IS PERFECTLY CLEAR WHERE JESUS STANDS ON THIS ISSUE! Just because you are donk doesn’t mean I’ll fall for the wordsmith tricks you can pull on lesser individuals!
Why did you lie about your military service?
Well, its not clear if its still an active organization, but the Flat Earth society was a going concern right up till Charles Johnson passed in 2001. Note, finding an actual website will probably be a bit hard since flat earthers are also generally luddites.
Puddy @37,
Just head on down to the Republican Discovery Institute and ask them where they were educated.
Not sure about whether they believe in flat-earth or not, but the manage to throw out biology, astronomy, geology among others, so perhaps flat-earth would be a compliment.
Puddybud @ 39:
OK, you’re right, Jesus and God are one and their messages are clear.
How do you justify eating a cheeseburger?
And its all belief, not fact puddy, if you don’t believe Jesus is the son of God, then why should the law be written to force you to do so? Is your religion so unconvincing that youve got to force people as gunpoint to worship your god?
Cat Penis… Now that brought a smile to my face. Cat Penis, now I know what vancouversucks means. He sucks cat penis!
GBS, good point regarding the food. I do follow many of those rituals in the Old Testament. I don’t eat shellfish or catfish, don’t drink cows milk, or beef, but I love lamb and goat, especially curried. But I do love ice cream. It’s handled differnetly from cows milk. Regarding fiber blends, you better ask David that one!
Regarding applicable laws, you should follow all of them to the best of you ability. Correct on that.
@ 45
Do you follow many or ALL of God’s Laws to the best of your ability?
Or, do you simply make a choice not to follow certain ones when it’s not convenient?
Puddy @39 – No trick… do yourself a favor and read the Gospels from begining to end and make a list of what seemed to concern Jesus about his society and what how people ought to react.
If you are honest with God and yourself, you will come up with a list that focuses on concern for the poor, social justice for those at the bottom of society, and a pragmatic approach to religous problems (i.e. compassion is more important than dogma).
No you can believe it or not… I really don’t care. But those values are a large part of what makes me a Democrat and I just can’t find much of Jesus’ beliefs in the Republican party.
I wish I could make it to see the debate tonight, but unfortunately I am stuck here ‘debating’ you.
“Either you believe God means what He says or you reject Him.”
This statement is such a load of crap, even theologically, that there is nothing to say. Dismissing it out of hand is an act of Christian kindness.
You really are a piece of work, pudbuster.
“Sims believes what?”
I assume Sims believes a so-called “Christian” preacher shouldn’t use his pulpit to peddle intolerance and discrimination.
“if I’m correct Rev. Hutcherson is a Christian.”
Commentby Goldy— 3/2/06@ 4:28 pm
“Not much of a story here. It was The Stranger’s idea. They asked, and both agreed. KING-5’s Robert Mak is moderating.”
Thanks for the update, but it really deflates your steel cage match metaphor.
Quick call Vince McMahon!
Hey puddy, wanna suck a bunny penis? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT!
Gotta run, Puddybud, so here’s my closing thoughts on homosexuality and invoking the Bible.
A) Unless you eat like a Jew, you’re breaking God’s Law.
B) Religious Law and Constitutional law mix well for people like Bin Laden, but not the George Washington types. I’m a George Washington type. Which type are you?
C) Religion is a belief and not all ascribe to it. Even if I didn’t believe in God, I’d still be straight because that’s how I’m naturally wired. For a moment can you believe that some people have just a natural attraction to the same sex as you and I to the opposite?
And, if that were true, would those people who are naturally to the same sex be just as culpable for being born with blue eyes or brown skin. Could it be, that’s just the way the are? The way God made them?
So why not let those who want to love another humanbeing do so freely?
” … those values are a large part of what makes me a Democrat and I just can’t find much of Jesus’ beliefs in the Republican party.”
Fuck all so-called Christians, their so-called God and their so-called morals. They are lower than whale shit in my book.
I see the Dumb Ass Wash Out is back.
Bill I have two things to answer you on but I think this covers both below.
One:What happened in 1620? The Pilgrims wrote the Mayflower Compact in Provincetown Harbor. I thought it said “For the Glory of God and the advancement of the Christian Faith.”
When the Puritans landed in 1630’s John Winthrop one of their leaders, stated in his book “A Model of Christian Charity “…we shall be as a City on a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us..” These two societies had as their philosophy, based upon the Law of God, not of man.
Two: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.-Penned by Thomas Jefferson
Three: Thomas Jefferson, writer of Federalist Paper #51 wrote:”I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of Jesus.”
Four: How about Baron de Montesquieu? The Founders were influenced by him, who said “Men make their own laws but these laws must conform to the eternal law of God.” Now he did think women should obey their husbands and he was a slavery proponent but those are for another time!
Five: http://members.aol.com/EndTheWall/consent.htm
Roger Dumb Bunny – Wow that was enlightening. First vancouversucks would have to find your “bunny” penis. Sorry, little white male appendage things don’t turn me on.
LauraBushKillAGuy: You know God allowed Lucifer (Satan) to think similar thoughts, then Jesus sent him packing. Read da Bible! Hmmm…? I wonder…
Wow, GBS@43: Thanks for admitting Jesus did agree with God that homosexuality is bad! That is a revelation unto itself, GBS admitting that!
GBS: Don’t eat cheeseburgers. Do you? See post #45.
Commentby GBS— 3/2/06@ 6:01 pm
“For a moment can you believe that some people have just a natural attraction to the same sex as you and I to the opposite?”
I think that’s the rub with a lot of conservatives. There is no scientific proof that homosexuality is a genetic trait like skin color. From an evolution perspective, if homosexuality was purely a genetic trait, wouldn’t natural selection have elminated homosexuals, since homosexuals would be unable to reproduce (until recently) and pass on their genes to the next generation?
GBS: I am so glad you brought George Washington: http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/cd.....ngton.html
Here is one of his prayers: “Bless my family, kindred, friends and country, be our God and guide this day and forever for His sake, who lay down in the grave and arose again for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Wow he was a Theist!
“Sorry, little white male appendage things don’t turn me on.”
OK, then you can suck my foot.
You know, sniffing bicycle seats never entered my mind — but I can understand why YOU would think of it.
Now on to you Nindid: I have read the Gospels many times. In fact my mother forced us to read the Bible many times. I am now glad she did because I remember much of it and the Internet provides the parts I forget.
Regarding this statement: “If you are honest with God and yourself, you will come up with a list that focuses on concern for the poor, social justice for those at the bottom of society, and a pragmatic approach to religous problems (i.e. compassion is more important than dogma).”
I do care. We give way over 15% of our households income to charities. Do you? We could have used that money to pay bills, put more into the college fund, buy fancier cars, etc. But we chose not to. How many ASSes put their money where their mouths are. I challenged all of these stupid ASSHeads many months ago to put up or shut up. They all shut up because they give out of their riches a pittance, while I give a lot out of love! Yes, charitable giving is a personal thing, but ASSHeads want to use my money to make them feel good. Use your won money from your own pocket!
I beat Al Gore in 1997 by 30X. I don’t believe in the donkocratic way of steal from the rich to give to the poor. I give out of love, not being forced!
Roger Dumb Bunny: Rabbits feet are to be worn not sucked!
This should be right up Hutch’s alley:
“He’s bankrolling Florida town where Catholicism would rule
“By Brian Skoloff
“The Associated Press
“NAPLES, Fla. — If Domino’s Pizza founder Thomas Monaghan has his way, a town being built in Florida will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principles, with no place to get an abortion, pornography or birth control.
“The magnate is bankrolling the project with at least $250 million and calls it ‘God’s will.’ Civil libertarians say the plan is unconstitutional and are threatening to sue. …
“Home buyers in Ave Maria will own their property, but Monaghan and Barron Collier will control all commercial real estate, meaning they could insert provisions in leases to restrict the sale of certain items. …
“Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Florida, said, ‘If they attempt to do what he apparently wants to do, the people of Naples and Collier County, Florida, are in for a whole series of legal and constitutional problems and a lot of litigation indefinitely.’ …
“Gov. Jeb Bush, at the site’s groundbreaking last month, praised the development as a new kind of town where faith and freedom will merge to create a community of like-minded citizens. …”
For complete story, see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....lic02.html
You can seek my feet anytime! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
erratum, should read …
You can suck my feet anytime! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
Since when are rabbits members of the human race, Dumb Ass Wash Out?
Here are some photos to assist our trollfuck friend D.A.W.O. with target identification:
1. Human — not protected species, okay to shoot at: http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/images/bozo.jpg
2. Rabbit — protected species, not okay to shoot at: http://www.xlab.co.uk/images/vampire-rabbit.jpg
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination… End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however,regarding some other
elements of God’s Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess
slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from
neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans,
but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into
slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you
think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a
woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15:
19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women
take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it
creates a pleasing odor for the Lord – Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors.
They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on
the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death.
Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the
police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though
eating shellfish is an abomination – Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination
than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this?
Are there ‘degrees’ of abomination?
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach
the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I
wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there
some wiggle-room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair
trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is
expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the
skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I
wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by
planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by
wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread
(cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot.
Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the
whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn’t we just
burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people
who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and
thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am
confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God’s word is
eternal and unchanging.
Your adoring fan
Commentby bill— 3/2/06@ 5:35 pm
“how do you justify legally imposing what is fundamentally a christian and jewish faith commandment on those of other faiths?”
I think Muslims frown on homosexuality too.
Just a friendly reminder that half of your personal income tax goes to pay interest on Reagan’s debt, and the other half goes to pay interest on Bush’s debt.
You fuckers ran up these debts, so you get to pay for them.
Thanks for playing Roger Dumb Bunny, but I don’t do little white animals. Call Bob from Boeing or Windie. First, I’m sure, they’d use a condom! No hair in the mouth as they say!
And dumb bunny how much of your working earnings did you give to charity in a year? $0.00? No kidding? Wow, you make Al Gore look good. Did you deliver any used underwear for deductions? Call Hilary, she’ll tell you how to do it!
Black chillin must not be takin the polio vaccine cause Salk and Sabin be Jews!!!!! No vaccine for the bros!!!!!! This is a Jew trick to kill the Peoples of Africa!!! [Note: recent polio outbreak in the Sudan. Typical black “culture”]
GBS, Come to the arms of your black brothers!!!
GBS, RR, Cougar, Follow the REV Farrakhan, my liberal white brothers!
Goldystein, You be my brother from the Land of the White Liberal!! Come meet with Malcom X and my “bow tie brothers”!!! [hehe]
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 6:45 pm
“Just a friendly reminder that half of your personal income tax goes to pay interest on Reagan’s debt, and the other half goes to pay interest on Bush’s debt.”
Factually incorrect.
In addition, during the Reagan administration the Congress was Democratically controlled. Unless the Constitution has been amended without my knowledge, Article I states “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”.
All the debt accrued under Bush is all the Repbulican’s fault, I agree.
good job Ken @ 77, thanks
CF@86: I mentioned those facts to the DUMB BUNNY and GBS over two weeks ago. They ignored the facts then. Maybe you can persuade the DUMB BUNNY! DUMB BUNNY likes to repeat himself like how the North Koreans created enough nuclear material with a year and a half to have bombs while Bush is president while ignoring the 6+ years leading up to the glorious event!
DUMB BUNNY, did you upgrade to Firefox yet? Or are are you like the chocolate covered nuts in Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates; the leftover uneatens?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 6:45 pm
“Just a friendly reminder that half of your personal income tax goes to pay interest on Reagan’s debt, and the other half goes to pay interest on Bush’s debt.”
Factually incorrect.
In addition, during the Reagan administration the Congress was Democratically controlled. Unless the Constitution has been amended without my knowledge, Article I states “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”.
All the debt accrued under Bush is all the Repbulican’s fault, I agree.
Commentby ConservativeFirst— 3/2/06@ 7:23 pm
I agree totally. The debt in the 80’s was not Reagan fault but the debt today is all of Bush’s fault. Bush has done a terrible job on spending. But you know what, I will take the economy under both presidents anyday.
GBS, I held off on this but I have to write it now. I assume God is perfect because He says so! If God created Adam and Eve and from Adam and Eve all peeples come from; He naturally created them for each other! Are you ascribing to the thought that God makes mistakes if he allows men to love men and women to love women? Remember you agreed above that God does not change, so how can He make mistakes?
I can only pray that Hutch asks Sims to outline precisely the things that homo’s do different from the rest of us that they should be PROUD of??!!
Sims loves Gay Pride——
Why would anyone be proud of stickin’ his boner up another dude’s hind-end???
I can think of lots of adjectives to describe that behavior…..but PROUD ain’t one of them!
I can only pray that Hutch seizes the moment to pin Sims down on this. It would be hysterical…..
“well gay people have feelings”—so do non-gays
“gay people are different”—yeah, but what do they do that makes them gay….and why are they PROUD of it?
Answers to Ken:
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians? – Ken, you can try and purchase anyone at a fair price. Name it and see who answers.
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? – Ken, Is she a virgin? If she be donk she is already used materials so her price is much reduced.
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15:19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women
take offense. – You can’t tell. Did you lose contact with the Holy Spirit whom knows all things?
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it
creates a pleasing odor for the Lord – Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? – Ken, now you know only priests are allowed to burn bulls in sacrifice. Did you first call your priest to bless the sacrifice and then light the barbie?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death.
Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the
police to do it? – Ken, what day do you call the Sabbath. The true Biblical Sabbath is Saturday.
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination – Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this? – Ken, all is sin in God’s eyes! Are there ‘degrees’ of abomination? No there are not. But to a donk, there are many degrees of separation… oops… abomination!
7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here? – Ken you are defective. Don’t come to the altar.
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die? – Ken, Contact your Sikh friends too.
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? – Ken you better wear gloves.
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) – Ken you have to stop sleeping with the in-laws and wear those tighty whities!
PuddyBud, God is keeping score, and you are woefully behind your animal sacrifice quotient.
Surely, you treasted your wife as unclean for 7 days after she gave birth. Right PuddyBud?
Democrats Cynthia McKinney/Maxine Waters 2008!!! If you don’t support this ticket you are racist and the brothers will burn down your neighborhood.
PuddyBud “I have read the Gospels many times. In fact my mother forced us to read the Bible many times.”
I am beginning to understand the origins of your psychosis.
Donnageddon You are right, the level of psychosis for our rightwing trolls has gone up several notches. The ‘big-push’ to keep the walls from closing in must be on; we are re-infested with Cyn-Ir and RancidButtPutty. Approval ratings in the thirty’s will do that. The Zogby poll of our troops in Iraq, showing high fifties of troops ready to come home in a year or less will do that as well.
Fortunately the Chimpster-in-Charge is reassuring us that there is no chance of Civil War in Iraq. And of course that comment will go down in the Hall of Shame along with “Brownie, you’re doin’ a heckuvva job” and “I really don’t spend a lot of time thinking about (Osama Bin Laden) him.”
Leviticus 12:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
12:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.
Surely, you treasted your wife as unclean for 7 days after she gave birth. Right PuddyBud?
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/2/06@ 8:13 pm
I know how silly. Hey Donna did you give it too your wife real good when the doctor was sewing her from child birth. That a guy.
Yeah TFF, the smell of desperation and madness in their posts is sickening.
It does not bode well for a smooth election in November. I am sure they will commit fraud at an astounding rate.
But I also believe that their desperation will be there undoing. They will get sloppy, and get caught big time.
But even with that, America will prevail, and we will beat them handily.
Then we will have endless trials, and need to open up a new prison just for NeoCon offenders.
They are imploding.
Now we have credible intelligence that elements of the insurgency in Iraq sense they are near the tipping point to create the true chaos of Sunni vs. Shiite open conflict. We simply don’t have boots on the ground to do more than postpone a major strike for a week or ten days.
You’re doin’ a heckuvva job, Dummy!
Another example of an insane post, from RUFUS (he who makes up poll numbers)
“did you give it too your wife real good when the doctor was sewing her from child birth. That a guy.”
How can a person reply to an insane post like that?
Donnageddon, I have a new name for one of our favorite trolls. . .RufusRedass, from the spanking you gave him earlier today. Looks like he may need another wipping. Been making uany more polls, RufusRedAss? Maybe you’re just sharing the crackpipe with JCH.
@ 104 Yeah, but you know that BushCo has no plans to leave. They didn’t create those 14 permanent bases to be… temporary. They will just keep throwing bodies into the fire.
They don’t give a shit about life.
They are the Death Cult.
@107 There is a very real possibility that we may have to fight our way out of Iraq. Those pictures of poor souls clinging to the skids of a ‘slick’ on the roof of our Embassy in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) may not be unique.
Speaking of red asses. Did any of you ever find Kerry’s medical records? You two remember that dont you. Do I need to revisit it.
@ 109 … WTF? RUFUS, why would I want to find Kerry’s medical records?
Q: What year is it RUFUS?
When we first went in to Iraq, a number of our actions made little sense to me. . .they were not good strategic military moves at all. ‘Course, now we can see that Criminally Psychotic Greed ruled in those first few weeks instead of real military planning. Why we would disband the Iraqi Army, and send them home, and even let them take their arms with them was beyond my ken. And later, to have so little forethought as to not guard the munitions dumps was another stroke of genius. . .we have credible estimates that at their current rate of use, the insurgents are armed until 2030 WITHOUT ANY FOREIGN INVOLVEMENT. Nice.
Next, RUFUS will tell us that The Iraq Civil Was is NOT HAPPENING because “ted Kennedy killed a girl in MA 36 years ago, and because Clinton got a blow job and lied about it.
Go ahead, RUFUS, we know you can’t defend Bush’s failed national and international policy, so tell us all about Kerry’s medical records.
That will change everything.
What a sick puppy.
I wasnt the dumbass defending Kerry a couple weeks ago saying he released his medical records you were. This was in two weeks ago in the year 2006…. remember. You pet yorkie Tree Frog should remember.
@ 111 Well, as Dick Cheney said “the US must be prepared to fight the war on terror for decades.”
This IS their plan.
We just need to get them hung at The Hague before they make it true.
One of the things my classical education brings back to me is the story of Cadmon (Caedmon). Just like sowing dragon’s teeth, everytime new pictures from Abu Ghraib come out on the internet more insurgents and suicide bombers spring up.
For all the ‘instant urban renewal’ we spread around Sadr City and Fallujah, we’ve made no progress in cooling the fires of the insurgency. Worse yet, we’ve strengthened the hand of fire-brands like Muqtada al-Sadr.
RUFUS “I wasnt the dumbass defending Kerry a couple weeks ago saying he released his medical records you were.”
No, I wasn’t. Provide a citation of where I defended Kerry’s medical records.
Oh I forgot. You just make shit up!
A Clue for RUFUS, I could give two shits about Kerry’s medical records. Never gave a shit, never will.
But provide the citation, RUFUS. OR just let everyone know that everything you post is Bullshit.
I can only pray that Hutch asks Sims to outline precisely the things that homo’s do different from the rest of us that they should be PROUD of??!!
Sims loves Gay Pride——
Why would anyone be proud of stickin’ his boner up another dude’s hind-end???
I can think of lots of adjectives to describe that behavior…..but PROUD ain’t one of them!
I can only pray that Hutch seizes the moment to pin Sims down on this. It would be hysterical…..
“well gay people have feelings”—so do non-gays
“gay people are different”—yeah, but what do they do that makes them gay….and why are they PROUD of it?
Dr Laura almost blog alike: Bad choice of blog names. That’s okay we understand your jealousy!
Regarding my wife being unclean for 7 days, she had an episiostomy. She was treated nicely for six weeks jackass! But wait, Rufus asked donnod if he was porking his wife when the doctor was sewing her back up. It seems donnod didn’t comprehend another very understandable question. In fact donnod is demonstrating the dull knife strategy. A doctor sews up the wife after the episiostomy. I asked some time ago; did you procreate donnod? You just answered my question with the stupid response to Rufus’ question. Yes donnod you are the weakest link! Goodbye!
oink, you are truly a great example of the NeoCon wingnuts!
Take a bow.
But then again donnod doesn’t get much of what happens here on ASSes!
Donnod do you feel comfortable squandering the brain God gave you?
Donnod, scientist say if you don’t use your brain it atrophies.
PuddyBud, I know the point escapes you, but the point IS that every example you post to use the Bible to take rights away form gays, or anyone, can be countered with hundreds examples of how you defy God’s law, and you therefore should be stripped of your rights, becasue you are a sinner.
But then, even making it plain for you will likely go over your sofa king we taught ed head.
Donnod, did you stop using your brain after kindergarten?
Suck on this a$$hole–
WASHINGTON – In the hectic, confused hours after Hurricane Katrina lashed the Gulf Coast, Louisiana’s governor hesitantly but mistakenly assured the Bush administration that New Orleans’ protective levees were intact, according to a new video obtained by The Associated Press showing briefings that day with federal officials.
Donnod, are you proud to be a dull knife brother to rugrat?
Spin, oink, spin!
Donnod, who made you a judge over me? I quoted God and Jesus per a question GBS raised. You quote NOTHING worthwhile.
Donnod said: But then, even making it plain for you will likely go over your sofa king we taught ed head.
Help me Dr E.: WTF does that mean?
@ 131 PuddyBud “You quote NOTHING worthwhile.”
PuddyBud, if you have actually read the Bible, or had someone read it to you, you should know that all my quotes above from Leviticus ARE from the Bible.
But then you are sofa king we taught ed.
Donnod What is sofa king we taught ed head? Do you sleep on the sofa at your house? Is it because you need a crane and none is available? Do you have toilet breath and your boy friend said “You’re outta here”?
128 refers to post 126.
129 refers to person 126 is trying to defend.
130 refers to popular view of person referred to in 129.
WASHINGTON – In the hectic, confused hours after Hurricane Katrina lashed the Gulf Coast, Louisiana’s governor hesitantly but mistakenly assured the Bush administration that New Orleans’ protective levees were intact, according to a new video obtained by The Associated Press showing briefings that day with federal officials.
Ain’t no spin Dr. E!!!
And while I’m at it, here is one of the Lunatic Left heroes at work on foreign relations–
VUNG TAU, Vietnam – A Vietnamese court Friday convicted former British glam rocker Gary Glitter of obscene acts with two young Vietnamese girls and sentenced him to three years in prison followed by deportation from Vietnam.
Glitter, 61, whose real name is Paul Francis Gadd, was found guilty during a two-day trial of committing obscene acts with a 10-year-old and 11-year-old at his rented seaside villa in southern Vung Tau last year.
Dr. E might consider a different anthem for fanny-slappin’ at his local Gay Pride hangout!
LOL PuddyBud, my “special” friend.
Just look at your wife and say “I am Sofa King We Taught Ed”
Then blush.
Donnod: I didn’t disagree with you quoting from the Bible. Maybe God is working on bringing you back from atheism. But I am curious, how can an athiest be quoting the Bible? You hate God yet you feel comfortable quoting from the Good Book. Aren’t you being a hypocrite? Of course you are!
oink said stupidly “Gary Glitter of obscene acts with two young Vietnamese girls … consider a different anthem for fanny-slappin’ at his local Gay Pride hangout!”
oink… uh… they were girls. Glitter is a heterosexual pervert.
Use that at your next Klan meeting.
Sorry donnod, I don’t quote stupidity. I realize you are so fucking retarded, I was enjoying playing along!
“Sofa King We Taught Ed” PuddyBud said
“how can an athiest be quoting the Bible?” – uh… because I read it. And I can quote it. I am not really sure what elsed you need to know?
“You hate God” – uh, no. It is like how I don’t hate the Easter Bunny.
“ren’t you being a hypocrite?” – No, you are.
But I have to ask what is the last head for? Don’t worry; I realize you are so fucking retarded I’ll figure it out!
You goofballs are the “BIG TENT” for perverts!!
You accept all of them in the spirit of tolerance and diversity.
I only hope that the words of Christ change your life, PuddyBud. You have strayed far from his philosophy.
I will pray for you.
#141Donnod: You are wrong on all counts, but you ARE so fucking retarded!
@ 142 “Over your…. head” get it now, My “specail” friend, PuddyBud?
Please donnod DO NOT PRAY FOR ME. God doesn’t hear the words from those who hate Him! Of all the people I DON’T need praying for me is YOU!
LOL PuddyBud, you are so cute when you are flummoxed!
First donnod wrote: I am Sofa King We Taught Ed Head
Thne donnod wrote: I am Sofa King We Taught Ed
I guess donnod is so fucking retardeded!
Flummoxed by you. Man you take liberties with reality!
That was really tricky of you, PuddyBud. I’ll bet you get a gold star on the next exam!
Donnod Are you in another world or frame of reference?
re 109: You mean Kerry’s medical records from Vietnam. Well, I’m sure he’ll provide them when baby Bush explains why he was AWOL from the Air National Guard in Georgia for God Sakes while baby Bush was drinkin’ drivin’ and snortin’coke while AWOL.
Wouldn’t you know that in the age of mind expanding drugs the only drugs Bush used were mind constictors…..Which left him with zero…..Which made him the perfect Republican candidate.
Dr E.: donnod needs university help with his psychosis. You are the man to help him!
@ 152 “Donnod Are you in another world or frame of reference?”
Yes. PuddyBud, I am speaking from the Reality Based Community.
Now, I think it is time for another diaper change… waddle off… scoot!
Horseless looselips: Please provide the non-Dan Rather URL for the drugs, etc. You are a liar! Off limits is michael mooron, stink progress, daily kurse, media morons, etc. Must be reputable URL!
Sorry donnod, you are the Depends wearer on ASSHeads! I always wondered how they made a size to fit your fat ASS?
Speaking of Reality Based Community, oh yes… you are an ASSHead so you already have a warped reality!
Yes, Tree Frog Farmer… the Trolls are getting loonier and looonier.
Goodnight donnod: Go back to playing with yourself now!
Kerry wont provide his medical records because he is a fraud… nuff said.
Now, PuddyBud… just sit back, your wife promises not to pinch you with a pin… a little talcum powder on your butt… *snip *snap*
Now, you are ready to post some more insane drivel!
RUFUS “Kerry wont provide his medical records because he is a fraud… nuff said.”
Perhaps. But Bush is the President who has fucked up everything he touches.
’nuff said!
Ah, PuddyBud got his nose bloodied by the Bible… now he just cuts ‘n runs.
I just heard the Legislature has extended the April 1st deadline for a decision on the BIG DIG TUNNEL until January of 2007.
Bend over folks….no lube either.
I thought the VIADUCT was an EMERGENCY???????????
Some emergency.
The tunnel will make traffic worse, tie up downtown for years and cost billions more than Budget.
The Seattle development in-crowd has bought & paid for it’s lackey’s in Democrat’s clothing.
Day 114 of the Traffic Congestion Relief Watch after enacting Massive GasTax Increase–
Traffic still sucks bad.
No relief in sight.
I will be posting the same thing on Day 1000.
The Tunnel will suck money from many other projects or result in even more tax increases.
Ken Hutchison spoke the Truth tonight.
Sims put on a show.
I’ll take the Truth over KLOWNmanship anyday.
The only difference between Kerry and the recent See BS poll is at that See BS showed where they came up with their bullshit. They must still be hurting from memogate or else they would have covered it up.
Mr. Cyn-IR “Ken Hutchison spoke the Truth tonight.”
Do tell!
“The only difference between Kerry and the recent See BS poll is ” They did not come out of your ass?
I’m hurting myself laughing. Using Ken Hutchison and truth in the same sentence. Please, stop. That’s like using RancidButtPutty’s delusions and reality in the same sentence. What a hoot.
How is that ‘boycott’ coming along? I have no use for MiserableratShit software, but that was hilarious.
Well we know what happened to Kerry.. And the last poll that counted Bush was up by almost 4 million. You donks keep on hallucinating. The repubs will just keep on winning.
Since I happen to know both Hutch and Ron Sims I can only tell you they are far more alike than they would like to admit.
Despite what you might think Hutch’s congregation is mainly white. While I have disagreed with Hutch on several issues, I have never had him “play the race card” in any of our discussions. His beliefs are based on his understanding of the gospel and I have never ever heard him sway away from that.
Ron is just as committed to his beliefs as Ken is. I assume that Goldy will report how Ron kicked Ken’s ass into submission. Not likely. Ken is a Hellfire, damnation kind of a guy…Ron’s intelligent and caring but he’s not that flashy. In this type of debate it’s the flashy dude that brings the people in…usually his own people in.
Sidenote to goldy….when you tally up your blog stats…why don’t you not count the comments about sucking bunny private parts. Your website and USP probably have the same amount of intelligent comments on it. But this one excels at unintelligent ones.
While RufusRedAss is on polls, hw does he like the Zogby poll of our troops in Iraq? A little reality check RedAss, there are precious few neocons either in Iraq or freshly returned.
“And the last poll that counted Bush was up by almost 4 million.”
“The repubs will just keep on winning.”
Keep chanting that mantra… go to a happy place… repeat: “My NeoCon world is not imploding! My NeoCon world is not imploding!”
Then drink heavily, because you, and your ilk, are gonna get fucked over come Novemeber.
Horsehead “His (Hutch) beliefs are based on his understanding of the gospel and I have never ever heard him sway away from that.”
“His” understanding of the gospel.
Well, that is a recipe for disaster.
Donna 2000 – Then drink heavily, because you, and your ilk, are gonna get fucked over come Novemeber.
Donna 2002 – Then drink heavily, because you, and your ilk, are gonna get fucked over come Novemeber.
Donna 2004 – Then drink heavily, because you, and your ilk, are gonna get fucked over come Novemeber.
Hehehaehehehe. Donna is like the little kid who can barely lift the bat at T-ball. He never hits the ball but keeps on trying.
Bush never sways from his “beliefs” and we are all sufferring the consequences.
Being firm in your beliefs is what all serial killers have in common.
@ 176 touche
Well this has been fun. Mrs Rufas is calling, good night.
RUFUS, your comment @ 176 is the best screwball you have thrown in months.
I applaud you.
Keep deluding yourself RufusRedAss. Keep drinking that Koolaid. You’ll wind up part of a mass of rotting flesh in the Jungle just like the first Koolaid drinkers. My friends from Guyana are still pissed about the cost of the cleanup for that psychosis.
But in this case, the cleanup will be here, and the people who will spit on your grave will be our children.
I assume Sims believes a so-called “Christian” preacher shouldn’t use his pulpit to peddle intolerance and discrimination.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 5:56 pm
Roger Sims Does not know who he is or what he really belives. Read and listen to what he says it is meaningless he talks out both sides of his face.Ron Sims is intolerance and discrimination to anyone who does not see the world from his foint of view. So Roger do not make this chap you saint you could be worshiping a false god.
Let that be a lesson to the other Trolls.
RUFUS’s post @ 176 was delusional, but it was accurate, and really pretty witty.
I am sure it is an aberation, but credit where credit is due.
Don @ 176
At least he gets his “recipes” from the Good Book.
horsehead… look at the “recipes from the good book” quoted above.
You are sofa king we taught ed*
* why let a good joke die?
That really is the danger with “true believers”. They can wind up a stinking, rotting mess for someone else to clean up. Jonestown and ‘Heaven’sGate’ seemed aberrations, but listening to the rightwingnut religionists spew will convince anyone that this level of delusion is still very much with us.
And horsehead… I assume you mean my post @ 175
yes I stand corrected.
But, Ken stands by his convictions based on the bible. i challenge you to find one politician that stands by his convictions based on anything.
TFF @ 186 Yes, “True Believers” (i.e. non-reality based) tend to fuck up everthing for those who just want to make things work out well.
They get these crazy messages that come from “God” and decide they need to pee in the punch.
And many innocent people get killed.
“Ken stands by his convictions based on the bible.”
His family must be proud. But he needs to stand down now and mind his own business as far as government policy is concerned, until he decides to stand by his convictions based on the Constitution.
tree frog farmer@ 186
your country was founded by people who were “true believers” I guess you are the mess we are supposed to be cleaning up?
Donnageddon@189 Yes, and the people at Jonestown ‘stood by their convictions’, except for the ones they had to either shoot or force to drink the koolaid. We absorbed much of the cost of that disaster, but my friends in Guyana are quick to point out the hardship to a very small country’s budget wrought by those ‘convictions’.
The followers of ‘Heaven’sGate’ stood by their convictions as well. . . voluntary surgical castration, then the’final solution’.
Don @ 190
Well sort of. I think it’s his right and his duty to put this issue before the people. As more people hear both sides of this issue they will be able to make a more informed choice. Nothing wrong with that…is there?
horsehead, give me a count of the times God is mentioned in the Constitution.
Clue: the answer is zero.
@ 193 touche
give me a count of the times it mentions special privledges based on sexual preference in the constitution.
I think it’s the same number
He has the right.. and he may believe he has the duty.
Other than that, good point.
@191 I will take my ‘freedom of conscience’ from those founders, and run from your delusions and ‘convictions’.
@ 196 “special privledges based on sexual preference”
Describe the special privedges you worry about. In detail
erratum “privedges” shou;d read “privelages”
Really, horsehead… what “special privelages” do you think gay people are asking for?
“privileges” Hell, horsehead, neither one of us can spell it right.
But, really what is the special “privilege” gay people are asking for?
i don’t believe that anyone should have protection under the law based on sexual preference. And it’s not based on my religious views. I think this law is a “feel-good” law that won’t accomplish anything..except create hard feelings between gays and straights.
I believe that we all should be treated equally and we shouldn’t need laws to make that happen. Don as a lawyer you know that proving discrimination in court is nearly impossible. In fact when was the last time you even heard of a discrimination case being won in court. It’s been a while.
That being said I will not vote to take this newly earned right away…this is where Ken and I have had our disagreements.
Holy Shit!
How do I begin…
“Don as a lawyer you know..”
Uh… I am not a lawyer.
“i don’t believe that anyone should have protection under the law based on sexual preference.”
So Heterosexuals should not get special treatment.
I agree!
“I believe that we all should be treated equally and we shouldn’t need laws to make that happen.”
I agree, but unfortunately, there are thse people called “bigots” who do not think like you and me. So we need laws, to keep the bigots from discriminating against us “free thinkers”.
“In fact when was the last time you even heard of a discrimination case being won in court.”
I don’t know, I never studied law. But I just know that nothing in the homophobic reaction to gay marriage/rights is forbidden by the constitution.
I am glad we are both reasonable people and agree that Heterosexuals should not get “special rights”.
Good on you, horsehead!
You see, Trolls, horsehead started thinking that gay marriage was wrong, but now we agree that “special rights” for heterosexuals is unconstitutional and wrong.
We can work this out, just by being honest and open to reality.
Laws won’t make bigotry go away….it just makes it more subversive.
I’d rather it be out in the open so that we can all condemn it.
As far as gay marriages are concerned…I haven’t really given that one much thought. I don’t think i’d mind it so much if they gave it another name…like civil union. Gay couples should be able to enjoy the benefits associated with marriage that they don’t enjoy now. (I think it’s because it would be easier to explain that to my kids)
horsehead @ 207.
I agree completely.
IF I made the rules (which I don’t…sigh), marriage would be a religious designation.
The Government would grant “Civil Unions” as a legal designation to gay and heterosexual unions.
And I would support ANY religious group that declined to “marry” anyone they did not want to. Gay, mixed race, whatever…
We need to seperate the legal definition of the civil union from the religious union of marriage.
Horsehead, glad to meet you.
I hope you post again.
I just got back from the “debate”. It wasn’t close.
Footballer Preacher Man got skooled by Brother Ron. Hutch knows Leviticus, but not much else.
I do like evangelicals, but Hutch believes he’s God’s Linebacker, and gays and lesbians should be crushed.
I’ll stick with the non-bigoted black minister.
klake at 182
Ron is intolerant of intolerance. Mr. Sims thinks it’s ok for people to be bigots in their own homes and minds, but it’s NOT ok to export bigotry to our civil law.
I don’t discount Hutch’s points, I just this his Bible-based theocratic political bent is totally wrong for my (our) country.
No one here is anti-Christian. Just anti-Iran-style theocratic government.
Did Sims explain precisely what gays & lesbians do that they should be PROUD about??
Did Sims give a clear, concise esplanation of why a fella pokin’ another fella in the hiney is worthy of a parade???
Let’s talk about exactly what gays & lesbians do…their actions..that distinguish them as a special class.
Kinda gross ain’t it.
Donnod: I didn’t run away. I had to get sleep. I am in CST. I mentioned this earlier in the week. But the nanometer sized brain you possess can’t process facts. Being a donk, you process innuendo better.
Aren’t ugly people born that way, and discriminated against?
Next protected class?
60. This pretty much labels you as a dominionist. I notice you didn’t address that comment because if you did people would start looking into your religion…and quite frankly…its basic model would scare the Ba-jezzuz out of most self-respecting Christians. It lacks the structure and accountability to make it anything other than a way to allow power hungry megalomaniacs to build their little worlds, shadow economies and self-righteous civil wars.So you are for the establishment of a Christian nation?
You prefer the Mayflower model to the Constitutional Model…Gee that sounds good Pud- Lets go back to burning witches it represents such progress…You are like the idiots that wave the Confederate flag asnd scream the south will rise again. Invoking the Pilgrims, Puritans and the Mayflower.
You quote Jefferson. I urge you to read ALL of Jefferson. Or better yet, how about JEfferson’s Bible…google it if you don’t know what it is.
Puddy, you and your infernal band of coercive, predatory, civil war inducing worshippers of a religion you have corrupted for personal gains of power will not triumph.
PS Puddy Do you talk to God with that mouth?
Yes, oink, it is spin. The effort of the right-wing media to make the (p)Resident look good by supplying evidence that he was “engaged” is spin.
Let’s face it: there’s really not much you can do to refute the increasing factual evidence of the colossal failure of the Bush imperial (p)residency, on just about every level. Look at his pathetic trip to Asia, where he had to make a surprise photo-op in Afghanistan to trump the supposed successes of the “War on Terror” there (one result of such “success” would be the rebirth of the opium industry). His plans to address the Indian Parliament had to be abandoned, due to threats of heckling from numerous Indian MPs, the original location of his speech had to be changed due to security concerns (i.e. he might well have been accosted (or worse) by massive throngs of protesting Indians) and moved to the Purana Qila, which, incidentally, also houses the Delhi Zoo.
Vancouversucks: I speak to God through my mind. Do you have one? Maybe that’s why you have to mouth your prayers where smart people think them to God! You don’t need to mouth the words to Him. He created you and me. He knows our thoughts before you think them! Dunce!
And vancouver sucks, one has to see where our Constitution comes from. If history is not your thing maybe reading a good fiction novel is. Heck, most of the crap you deliver to ASSes is fictional diatribe anyway! Been sucking on the cat appendage?
Your view of religion is not universally held. DOMINIONIST.
Your only defense is eternal insults to God’s Creations. (ie, gain of personal power and sense of superiority) Your pathology is showing DOMINIONIST.
I cast out Satan (Puddy) and all his Satanic DOMINIONISM minions!
Is David Goldstein now morphing into the first Gay, Lesbian, Black, Jewish Blogger in history???
Geez Goldy, don’t turn into Michael Jackson on us!
It’s hard for us to imagine you as a poor black Holocaust victim struggling with your sexuality while growing up in an elite Philly neighborhood and lifestyle……..
Maybe not though…..if anyone can pull it off, it’s Goldy.
Once Goldy gets his plastic surgeon on board, I suspect we will see him with a sex change operation (including BOOBS), a black face, and AFRO. What’s next David?
Oh yeah, you’ll be walking around with a spotted owl on your shoulder!
puddy@60 Ok, we were talking about justification for putting your religion into the law considering the separation of church and state written into the Constitution.
Regarding one and two, you do know that the Puritans were about a century before the Constitution and that at the time of the writing of the Constitution their grandchildren were a fairly small percentage of who was actually here, right? What give them some sort of special priveldge to ignore the Constitution?
Regarding 6, as you say, he influenced Jefferson, so his inclusion has already been covered by 4 and 5. Regarding 4 and 5, I’m glad you mentioned Jefferson. In his letter to the Danbury Baptist church, he did discuss the necessity of not writing these type of religious duties as law.
Unless you’ve a reason other than leviticus it it purely unAmerican to try to write your religion into law.
Oh sorry, that was a bit incomplete. The phrase ‘creator’ in no way implies the Christian god, most religions do include the concept of creator. Also, if you think Jefferson was a Christian, you may want to check your sources, he was a deist, the current decendents of that religion are the UU’s which may or may not be considered christian depending on your personal flavor of christian.
Does this sound like writings by a christian?
And his feelings on the matter are quite clear:
225 – 227 Nice Job Bill. I notice when the light is cast on dominionism and the attempt to create a CHRISTIAN EMPIRE, most people begin to have concerns. Many conservative leaning people of faith tend to innocently join with the very well crafted public message of the dominionists. Yet it is when you dig into the doctrines every manner of corruption of religion is apparent.
They are unable to tolerate even a diverse Christian nation. Their vision is much more stark. Catholics, Presbyterians, Protestants…pretty much anybody not them will not be tolerated.
Their vileness is not easily matched. PP would prefer we not look under the rock he has crawled out from….
Puddybud @ et al:
OK, for sake of argument let’s agree that, as Christians, God did not intend for us to be homosexual. Therefore, in our personal lives we strive to be heterosexual.
But, in our public life, we live in a society where the laws of the Constitution are not ordained by God’s law. The first words in the Bill of Rights are: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . “ Thomas Jefferson Clearly explained the meaning of what has become the known as the Establishment Clause the the Danbury Baptist in 1802.
Here are his words “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions. . . ”
Puddybud, the Constitution could not be more clear and neither could Thomas Jefferson’s explanation of the 1st amendment regarding religion and law.
Our forefathers clearly delineated that religious law would not overrule Constitutional law. That religion was an opinion. And that not every person would ascribe to that opinion, nor would we be compelled by law to ascribe to any of those opinions.
Which is why McDonald’s is free to violate God’s laws billions and billions and billions of times in this “Christian / Judea” society.
When the religious right attempts to ban all food establishments that serve cheeseburgers based on the fact they are clearly violating God’s Law, get back to me.
Until then, don’t quote Biblical law into our Public Law. It’s an argument the fly right into the face of our Constitution which is the ONLY law that rules our entire society.
Bill, a clear thinker @ 227, and right wind zelots who aren’t.
Read Thomas Paines’ book The Age of Reason.
Here’s a passage from part 1:
“I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
Imagine a person if political influence of Thomas Paine saying the exact same thing today: The intolerant relgious zealots on the right would go nuts.
Conservatives, on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of honesty.
And you are so correct GBS, in the sound bite culture — and with that known liar and “Christian Nation” myth creator David Barton making up founding father quotes the whole argument has become muddled in the mind of the public.
“Conservatives, on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of honesty.” Commentby GBS— 3/3/06@ 12:27 pm
Very good. The question is not who’s God can rule, but whether or not America has room for people of difference to live peacefully together. We think the answer is Yes, they do not.
Exactly, the problem is the premise of the question, not the question itself. Whether or not a god somewhere likes or dislikes an activity is not pertanant, the important question is whether the gods get a say in our laws.
Church law must remain in the churches, if you dont like how someone behaves, kick them out. But if the only reason for wanting a law to exist is that your church teaches that its bad behavior then youve gone too far and are imposing your religion on others.
Frankly, unless you really are trying to establish a state religion, I really am not sure why you would want to. The main implication is that your religion is so deprived of spirit that only with the force of law can you actually get anyone to follow it.
Man, I was on an airplane and there is so much to answer before I board another one. Where do I start?
Thomas Jefferson:
“The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend to all the happiness of man.” “Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus.”
“I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.” [Letter to Benjamin Rush April 21, 1803]
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.” [Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781]
“It [the Bible] is a document in proof that I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.” [Jan 9, 1816 Letter to Charles Thomson]
“The Constitution is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.” [Sept 6, 1819] – Against Librul judges!!
Please show me where he said “I am a Deist”, not that someone says he was a Diest!
GBS: Where do our moral laws come from? Why can’t we commit adultery and keep our marriage intact? Why can’t we murder our enemies? Why can we practice polygamy or even bigamy? Why can’t horseless looselips marry his buddy’s horse in Enumclaw since it was a donk from donkland; Seattle, who died?
GBS: Have another plane to catch. Someone needs to claim those frequent flyer miles. Will not be online until Sunday night in Washington.
Peace out.
Show me that anti adultery law please. As far as polygamy goes, well thats moving into the main arena soon. Bigamy and murder, there ARE other reasons namely fraud in one case and preventing damage to others in the other. Beastiality, non consent. Anything else?
Regardless of his actual religion, he believed firmly that it should not be a part of the law.
Of course it has already been pointed out that the Jefferson Bible Fairly well states his position as a diest, as does the rest of the letter to Dr Rush that you keep quoting out of context.
For instance the I am a christian bit has more to it:
The only thing they have is to try and create an issue. They hate America, to destroy it they quote things out of context or make things up Bill. They have spent millions and decades building a case for a philosophy of greed and power to be “Biblically Ordained” and therefore part of their diseased manifest destiny. It is soul harvest time Bill, earth-raping soul harvest. History is not on their side. Ethicists are not on their side and even most theologians — except for their “University Manafacturered” bigots are on their side. That won’t stop them. Their Jesus is not the Prince of Peace, but a buff sword swinging avenger. They revel in pain and suffering, delusional superiority of cause and self-aggrandizement.
Notice how PP ignores any real point and becomes a great deciever. These petty potentates that sit on the thrones of their little fiefdoms are not working for the glory of any God save the gods of greed and power. It is religion at its worst. Hardly an endorsement. You can always tell a dominionist.
That is why they prefer real issues and truths are not touched on. It just makes them way too unattractive to most Americans.
Arguing with PuddyBud is like trying to stop a hurricane with logic.
PuddyBud will blather on and on, regardless of the evidence clearly showing he is wrong. Like most evangelicals, he is damaged inside. His spirit is empty, and he needs to continually have it stuffed with the vision which tells him he is better than “the othersâ€. He is a shell that can be made into a Nazi if someone promises him that he is part of the master race.
He is a zombie. An evangelical wingnut zombie.
239. So true. But is is fun to cast him out…
Puddybud @ 234:
Tsk, tsk, tsk. I told you in December I had a goal of reading the works of our founding fathers. Just some friendly advice and that’s all it is, but, you really ought not to get into these arguements because you have a limited knowledge of history on your side.
Moral Laws: Did not come from Moses and the Ten Commandmants as you were alluding to. When you examine the histories of many cultures, you’ll find these laws in areas of the world that either did not have the “Christian” influence yet, or as in many cases, before the time of Moses and the Bible.
In Thomas Paine’s book The Age of Reason he gives a passage that when looked at logicaly and with reason you come to his conclusion.
n Moses told the children of Israel that he received the two tables of the commandments from the hands of God, they were not obliged to believe him, because they had no other authority for it than his telling them so; and I have no other authority for it than some historian telling me so. The commandments carry no internal evidence of divinity with them; they contain some good moral precepts, such as any man qualified to be a lawgiver, or a legislator, could produce himself,without having recourse to supernatural intervention.”
See that Puddybud? They thought the story of Jesus and Moses to be “supernatural” as in the mythical Greek and Roman Gods.
Sucks, doesn’t it? When you learn that the founding fathers of this country did build this country of Christian values.
Oops, correction at my post @ 241″
Should have read “Sucks, doesn’t it? When you learn that the founding fathers of this country did NOT build this country ON Christian values.
Go for it GBS. The problem is that RancidButtPutty will be back. The Elmer Gantry psychosis is just too strong. . . .He, and the rest of the American Taliban will not be swayed with logic, facts, history. . . .like the other Taliban, it might take ‘daisy-cutters’ and more.
@ 240 Yeah I admit I tangle with PuddyBud just for the sport of it.
But sometimes it just makes me sad to see what a pathetic hollow life he leads.
And then I get frightened by the thought of millions of zombies just like him!
Point of Order.
Many evangelicals are wonderful people. They are reasoned and sincere people of faith. PUDDY IS A DOMINIONIST.
Dominionists think, among other things, it is their destiny to Christianize everything. Evangelicals do not necessarily believe this.
Dominionists also do not like the term dominionist because it is the only word that separates them from a large field of Christians and singles them out for scrutiny.
Evangelicals may or may not be dominionists, but it is the dominionists who are responsible for all this destructive, corrupted social rampage. It is wholly on their lap.
Use the word, if for no other reason than
1. It pisses them off
2. It does not tar all evangelicals with the brush of religious corruption…(which is not fair)
It is interesting how many posters from both the left and the right think male-male rape is OK.
HO, ho, ho.
Rape is rape. A crime of violence – not overheated sexual charm, I have had it to the gills with all the sour, vapid and vilely stupid jokes.
And of course, the subtext, all that supression from you all, hey – go act out your fantasy, see some porn, kiss another male and propose sex – you will feel better, and better understand male-male rape is a very sick joke and a crime.
Had enough of this garbage to last a lifetime. Shame.