KUOW radio (94.9 FM) will preempt its regular NPR programming tomorrow to bring you a recording of last week’s Ron Sims v. Ken Hutcherson debate, followed by a live call-in show. The debate will air from 11 am to 12:30 pm. Calls will be taken from 12:30 pm to 1 pm.
I don’t expect the airing on KUOW to change any more minds on gay civil rights than the live debate did, but it will be informative and entertaining nonetheless, so I highly recommend tuning in.
I hope that someone has it archived. If I could get the file I would archive it myself.
Thanks for the info Goldy.
Brace yourselves, here come all the intolerant homophob’s, shaking their fists with one hand and a bible in the other.
re 2: Only in public. They are holding something very different when no one’s looking.
re 2: Only in public. They are holding something very different when no one’s looking.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/7/06@ 5:21 pm
headless lucy schools out you can go home now. You do have a place to sleep, no? I hear tere is a few cots open in Bellevue for you to sleep on. Just jump on that new light rail and get off in downtown Bellevue and someone will show you the way. Free lunchs and dinnier at city hall.
@ 2
Another man’s penis? I present as exibit A: Ex-Mayor Jim West and the Log Cabin Republicans.
@ 6 should read
@ 3
re 4: Wow! Klake! Good one! We’re all speechless at your grasp of whole numbers.
Comment on 8
Flaky klake misspelled 3 words this time: “There,” “lunches,” and “dinner.” The sentence, “I hear tere is a few cots …, ” is ungrammatical; he should have written, “I hear there are a few cots …,” because “are” modifies “cots,” which is plural. That is, a noun with an “s” on the end denotes the plural, as opposed to the singular.
Despite these errors, this is a significant improvement in literacy over many of Flaky klake’s past posts. He must be taking remedial reading.
However — needless to say — Flaky klake will always be a trollfuck, and no amount of remedial reading instruction can change that.
RE 10: It must be klake’s communist mother who taught him to “REED AND RITE”.
klake doesn’t have a mother. He was raised by wolves.
re 12: …suckled…. And he loved it.
Topic: HOMOPHOBIA: On a recent O’Reilly show ( I heard the clip on Air America ) O’Reilly opined that movies like , Brokeback Mountain are dangerous because they tend to “humanize” homosexuals.
Who would listen to such an idiot and consider his pronunciamentos to be news?
“Who would listen to such an idiot and consider his pronunciamentos to be news?”
“klake doesn’t have a mother. He was raised by wolves.”
Don’t give him an inflated ego — remember Romulus and Remus?
Once again, I must ask what in the hell there is to be PROUD of pokin’ another fella in the hind-end with yer boner? And then to be sooooooooo PROUD of these actions that you actually have a PARADE to CELEBRATE it?????
Think about it. This whole homosexual issue is ludicrous because of the ACTIONS that define homosexuality. Certainly I understand the desires of those who choose to live that lifestyle to have legal rights regarding their life partners. Fine. However anything beyond that is questionable. Giving a queer individual a license to scream discrimination everytime something doesn’t go his/her/it’s way is yet another loser for society….especially when it is based on chosen behavior. The decision to act on feelings & have a homosexual relationship is a decision…..just like heterosexuals. Many people are abstinent or asexual….they have made that CHOICE.
The idea that ANYONE, homo- or hetero-sexual must act on their “feelings” is ludicrous. It’s always a choice folks. Some agree with you…..and some don’t. Move on with life, make your choices….there are always consequences. Some desirable, some unfair. Our society is so paralyzed with this type of pure horseshit, no wonder other countries are passing us by in education, skills, jobs & economy.
The vast majority of Americans do not view homosexual ACTS as normal. They never will. Calling oneself GAY, LESBIAN whatever cannot mask the ACT of homosexuality that most Americans feel is not normal.
Gee, Oink!! Thanks for putting it all in perspective.
…especially the part about where they put their boners and all of us having a “choice” about where to put ours. I hope you made a choice you’re happy with.
Oink :”Calling oneself GAY, LESBIAN whatever cannot mask the ACT of homosexuality that most Americans feel is not normal.”
Calling yourself CONservative, Republican, whatever cannot mask the fact that racism, facism, sexism, hating America, is something that Americans will never support.
You are on the losing end of history, Oink.
You and your ilk are soon to be swept aside.
I bet the right wingers are all excited about getting their very own copy of Brokeback Mountain so that they can take it into the closet and whack off at what is their real fantasy, cowbot lovin!
Oink is just frustrated that the only place he puts his boner is in his right hand.
When a homophobe like Oink says “It’s always a choice folks.”
You know that he has deep feelings toward homosexuality, but he chose to be celibate and unloved.
Oink: Whacky Whacky Whacky
Allow me to repeat myself:
Once again, I must ask what in the hell there is to be PROUD of pokin’ another fella in the hind-end with yer boner? And then to be sooooooooo PROUD of these actions that you actually have a PARADE to CELEBRATE it?????
Think about it. This whole homosexual issue is ludicrous because of the ACTIONS that define homosexuality. Certainly I understand the desires of those who choose to live that lifestyle to have legal rights regarding their life partners. Fine. However anything beyond that is questionable. Giving a queer individual a license to scream discrimination everytime something doesn’t go his/her/it’s way is yet another loser for society….especially when it is based on chosen behavior. The decision to act on feelings & have a homosexual relationship is a decision…..just like heterosexuals. Many people are abstinent or asexual….they have made that CHOICE.
The idea that ANYONE, homo- or hetero-sexual must act on their “feelings” is ludicrous. It’s always a choice folks. Some agree with you…..and some don’t. Move on with life, make your choices….there are always consequences. Some desirable, some unfair. Our society is so paralyzed with this type of pure horseshit, no wonder other countries are passing us by in education, skills, jobs & economy.
The vast majority of Americans do not view homosexual ACTS as normal. They never will. Calling oneself GAY, LESBIAN whatever cannot mask the ACT of homosexuality that most Americans feel is not normal.
Oink!! Having an IQ of 180 is not “normal” either. Say what you really mean.
…and as far as “screaming about discrimination” goes , what about David Horowitz and his whining about there not being enough conservative professors in academia?
To paraphrase Cynical/Oink: The vast majority of college educated people do not view conservative thought as normal. They never will. So get used to your exclusion.
“Once again, I must ask what in the hell there is to be PROUD of pokin’ another fella in the hind-end with yer boner? ”
Behold the rantings of a homophobe.
Homophobia, of course, is a fairly reliable indicator of latent homosexuality.
I’m talking about homosexual ACTS.
Does that make you uncomfortable? A bit squeamish perhaps?
Me too……”butt” it is the issue raised by the homosexual community. They want their sexual preference to define law. OK, let’s talk about what their sexual preference actually means.
Just like abortion….
Pro-death to unborn children advocates fight tooth-and-nail to avoid videos and discussions about the ACT of abortion…particularly partial birth abortion. WHY?? Because it is so hideous…beyond belief.
Same with homosexual acts.
You KLOWNS are for things that you won’t even dare discuss the specifics of.
Doc Bong – What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? I assume you know that the suffix “phobe” means “fear of”. We aren’t afraid of them. We just think they’re wackos.
But as usual… you resort to name calling when you can’t win the intellectual argument.
Fucking idiot…
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
You are a homosexual I take it. If not, you sure are defensive of the ACT. What is there about the ACT of homosexuality that you want to defend???? Be specific.
The KLOWNS like Dr. E scream “homophobe” when someone merely asks to discuss the ACT of homosexuality.
Dr. E defends what he is afraid to discuss.
Same thing with abortion.
If it’s too hideous to discuss, how can you be for it???
New poll shows that 95% of homos feel love when looking at another man’s hairy ass. Now here is a believable donk poll. Hehehehe
Hmmmm…. looks like doc bong can’t type now. He must have somebody’s dick in his hands…
“But as usual… you resort to name calling when you can’t win the intellectual argument.”
Wow, Mark, you went exactly 1 word without resorting to name calling. In fact, you resorted to name-calling 3 times. Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh?
No, I take that back, you resorted to name-calling 5 times.
re 29: Cynical: Where are the videos of our soldiers getting shot up and blown up in Iraq? Who is it who can’t stand reality? It’s YOU!!! All the people who sent them there on this fool’s errand are CHICKEN HAWKS. The only one who ever shot someone was drunk on Wild Turkey at barrel shoot and accidentally shot his Co-Barrelshooter.
New poll shows that 90% of real Americans think Bush is a coward who should be impeached.
“pot calling the kettle black”?? Is that racist? So we proved last week you hate all brown people with the port thing. So you hate blacks too? Geez, some lib you are…
re 29: We’re talking about gay relationships where those involved care for each other in their gay sort of love. Exactly how they physically express that love is not the issue here. If the whole thing boils down, for you, into what hole someone’s boner ends up in, then I dom’t think you can understand any relationship, gay or straight.
All the guys in highschool who hated gays and wanted to beat them up turned out to be gay themselves.
Do you think that sticking your boner in a woman’s ass is somehow more normal? Lot’s of people are squemish about gross things. It doesn’t mean they can’t make a rational moral choice about what is right and what is wrong.
You don’t need to travel to the sun to know it’s hot.
Incidentally, this assumes that there was even an intellectual argument to be had. Let’s look at the substance of the “arguments”:
“Once again, I must ask what in the hell there is to be PROUD of pokin’ another fella in the hind-end with yer boner?”
Commentby oink— 3/7/06@ 8:07 pm
“Once again, I must ask what in the hell there is to be PROUD of pokin’ another fella in the hind-end with yer boner? ”
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/7/06@ 8:45 pm
“Pro-death to unborn children advocates fight tooth-and-nail to avoid videos and discussions about the ACT of abortion…particularly partial birth abortion. WHY?? Because it is so hideous…beyond belief.
Same with homosexual acts.”
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/7/06@ 9:33 pm
“What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? I assume you know that the suffix “phobe” means “fear of”. We aren’t afraid of them. We just think they’re wackos.”
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 3/7/06@ 9:33 pm
Intellectual content = nil.
Doctor Bong – What do you teach at Bong U? I’m guessing that it’s not anything in the “hard” sciences or math or anything technical… that is… not anything where there are right and wrong answers that are proveable. I’m guessing you teach “soft” stuff that’s mostly opinion related. And I’m guessing students who wants A grades need to puke back the same kook nonsense you spew here.
Am I wrong Doctor Bong?
““pot calling the kettle black”?? Is that racist? So we proved last week you hate all brown people with the port thing. So you hate blacks too? Geez, some lib you are…”
No Mark, I hate fascist, rat-bastard, non-intellectual shitheads like you—regardless of where you come from or what you look like.
“I’m guessing that it’s not anything in the “hard” sciences or math or anything technical… that is… not anything where there are right and wrong answers that are proveable. I’m guessing you teach “soft” stuff that’s mostly opinion related.”
Keep guessing, you’ve been wrong so far.
Where are the videos of our soldiers getting shot up and blown up in Iraq?
I am sure if they exist we would see them over and over again on the nightly news. Now if it is a pizzeria full of Israeli kids being blown up forgetaboutit. Hell the MSM won’t even show a stupid cartoon. Make you wonder who the chickens are.
“Where are the videos of our soldiers getting shot up and blown up in Iraq?”
Holy shit, RUFUS, I agree with you for a change. If the so-called MSM was actually doing its job, they’d have combat journalists out there risking life and limb on a daily basis to show us the daily macabre parade of death and destruction we’ve unleashed in Iraq. They’d also have a batallion of real investigative journalists who would never have stopped questioning the official rationales for invading Iraq, and who would currently be holding the administration responsible for their murderous actions.
Who are the chickens? ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, etc. They ALL suck. ALL of them.
I’m talking about watching your own kid that you’ve painstakingly raised only to see him or her shot up or blown up for Bush and his cronies. And you righties help them do it. In my book you’re murderers and I wouldn’t lose a moments sleep giving you what you’re wishing on someone else.
People like you need to be neutralized. Get the picture?
ICP Administration….
Hmmmm… again, the illiterate speaks.
Hey Miss Piggy if you’re so fucking smart maybe you’ll explain why homosexuality exists among numerous animal species?
Lucy, Amen.
These facist apologists have crossed the boundary.
While America understand the evil of BushCo, the few lonely trolls keep making excuses for them.
They are alone, and like any repulsive thugs, they will reap what they have sown.
It would be news to me that dogs or cats make “lifestyle choices.” Having been around more dogs or cats than I ever desired to get acquainted with, it appears to me biology, not some intellectual mechanism, tells them who or what to fuck.
Indicted Rethuglican congressman Tom DeLay won 64% of the GOP vote in today’s primary. His Democratic opponent, Nick Lampson, did not have a primary opponent.
WTF are those Texans thinking??? We oughta give Texas back to Mexico.
… Unless the voting machines were rigged. That might explain it, too.
Nothing in Texas but steers and… people who have deep seated issues that make them hate America, the constitution, Blacks, Hispanics, anyone not white, the middle class, the poor, themselves, the environment, air, Earth, other planets, balanced budgets, Thursdays, children, flowers, eagles, apple pie, Mom, months that end in “y”, the other months of the year, freedom. democracy… and queers.
Texans make the perfect NeoCon.
Non problemo, let’s just give Texas back to Mexico.
DA WO, what are you gonna do when your parents cut you off due to your crack addiction?
I am not kidding, every wingnut puppet I have ever known has had a serious crack or meth addiction.
I will help them in rehab, but if they just want to continue their denial of reality… they are beyond help.
I don’t think Dumb Ass Wash Out got his wings clipped for smoking crack … the military doesn’t see crack use as a problem … they let Shrub fly (until W decided he didn’t want to be in the military anymore, and quit) … no, I think DA WO washed out because he’s, um, a dumbass.
A guy who can’t even spell “there” can’t be trusted to read the gauges and switches on a jet’s instrument panel. He might fly the thing into a school building, or something.
This is way too important of a news article to merely post a link:
Band of bunnies comes indoors
By Stuart Eskenazi
Seattle Times staff reporter
Rabbits captured from the Woodland and Green Lake parks are living temporarily in a nondescript building within Magnuson Park. The rabbits are headed to a Redmond sanctuary.
The bunnies captured so far in the rabbit roundup at Woodland and Green Lake parks are settling into their temporary digs.
Unsuspecting rabbits began taking the bait on Feb. 27, the first night of an ongoing project to rid the parks of bunnies and stop the damage that their burrowing causes. The rabbits are not meant to live in the wild but have been popular attractions with park visitors.
As of Tuesday afternoon, four dozen rabbits had been trapped and transported across Seattle in pet carriers to a nondescript building within Magnuson Park at Sand Point. The frisky females on Tuesday were bounding about on a straw-covered floor within the confines of a 4-foot-high metal pen. The males, which are more aggressive, were either living in individual cages or chasing one another within a small enclosure.
All will be sterilized, with 15 females already spayed. From Magnuson, the rabbits will move to a sanctuary in rural Redmond, where they will live out their lives if they don’t get adopted as pets.
Seattle Parks and Recreation officials estimate that 150 to 250 rabbits currently live within several sections of Woodland and Green Lake parks. The trapping is concentrated at the north end of a picnic-shelter loop at Woodland Park and a small triangle-shaped meadow on the west side of Green Lake, and is occurring each weeknight just after dusk.
Three volunteers set the homemade box trap, which is propped up on one side by a pipe tied to a string. The volunteers bait the trap with cabbage and carrots, back up about 30 feet and wait for the rabbits.
Sometimes they come, sometimes they don’t. Last Friday, the rabbits got spooked by a group of people walking through and then by a dog running off-leash.
More volunteers are needed and donations are being sought. Information: http://www.woodlandparkrabbits.org
“On nice days, we’re only getting a couple rabbits because people are out there feeding them all day long and we need them to be hungry in order for them to take the bait,” said Sandi Ackerman, founder of Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary, who is helping the parks department with the roundup. “We’re hoping for rainy days.”
Ackerman said three of the rabbits captured appear to be pets recently dumped at the park. Volunteers also have trapped a couple of baby bunnies — a sign the population is multiplying, making the roundup a race against time.
Ackerman estimated it would take two or three months to capture all of the rabbits, “but if people keep feeding them, it’s going to stretch it out longer. We need to trap as fast as possible because those moms who gave birth undoubtedly are pregnant again already. Within a few hours after giving birth, they will mate again.”
Ackerman said more volunteers are needed so that rabbits can be trapped at multiple locations each night. Additional volunteers also are needed to clean the temporary rabbit quarters at Magnuson and to feed the captured bunnies.
Barb DeCaro, resource conservation coordinator for the parks department, is asking park visitors to respect the trapping process and stay back while it is taking place.
DeCaro said that after the roundup is over, the parks department will continue to monitor the rabbit population in the parks to make sure it does not explode again. The cost to capture and sterilize a rabbit is about $100 each. The parks department has fronted.
This is funny shit Rog. Are you really chasing the “other Males”??? Homo-like behavior by our resident Rabbit!
DeLay has not gotten below 80% in a Republican primary since 1984. Let’s see! 64% this primary versus 80% in all previous primaries.
RR. I don’t think there’s much to worry about.
Mr. C @ 66
At least Roger Rabbit will be protected by the new “gay civil rights” law when he gets caught and castrated. I would assume that no one can be discriminated against under this new law based on having their balls cut off.
Maybe the U.S. Senate race won’t be quite so hopeless for Mike McGavick. Looks like former Black Panther Aaron Dixon will be running on the Green Party ticket.
“Some liberals are angry at Cantwell for having voted for the 2002 Iraq war resolution, the USA Patriot Act and the 2005 Central American Free Trade Agreement.
In a news advisory about his candidacy, the Dixon campaign said he is running because “Mr. Dixon believes Sen. Cantwell’s positions — and votes — on crucial issues such as peace and war, fair trade and corporate control, as well as civil liberties vs. unchecked government surveillance, are no longer representing the majority of Washington State residents.”
I guess Democrats can’t always have it both ways. If Cantwell tries too hard to be a centrist, then some of the left-wing vote that Democrats normally rely on will get pissed off and feel that Cantwell isn’t much better than a Republican. Similar things happen to Republicans sometimes when they try too hard to be centrist. Just ask Rick White about Bruce Craswell.
With the Dubai Deal Republicans will establish for their party either the principle that national security trumps free trade or free trade trumps national security.
Either way, Republicans lose. They are either going to piss off their corporate sponsors or their voter base. Democrats win when Republican greed and stupidity finally catch up with each other.
just think if roger gets his balls cut off you can use then to shine your shoes.
roger and don i laugh every day at you assholes.first i did not wash out of anything.unlike you roger who worked in the bx ladies department and don who probley spent the war in canada.un like you i get my four checks each month.so eat shit and bark at the moon.you guys are always good for a laugh, thanks for playing looooooooooooooooosers.
DrQ&R @ 70
Well, the Dubai deal could prove to be a good wedge issue to benefit the Democrats. There are also a lot of wedge issues that can hurt the Democrats too. Tends to be the nature of any coalition of people with differing views — whether we are talking about Republicans, Democrats, or Iraqi politicians.
I recently heard a GOP activists talking about one of the Bellevue city council members (all of whom consider themselves to be Republicans in this nonpartisan office). The activist was saying that so-and-so wasn’t a true Republican — because this person was supported by real estate developers, big business, and left-wingers. (I would suppose that if you don’t have the support of at least two of these three groups, that you can’t get elected in Bellevue.)
re 73: “GOP Activist”???? From what socio-economic strata do you find such a self-contradiction? Do they go out into neighborhoods and stir up the populace to be in favor of the status quo?
DA WO @ 62:
The reason I don’t answer your questions is because you’re a brown-noser. You have your nose so far up Lying Tard JCH’s ass you embarass enlisted men everywhere, in all branches of the military.
I try to distance myself from Dick Sucks like you.
Why are homophobes so obsessed with anal sex, or anything anyone might put up anyone else’s butt? That’s like ALL they ever talk about! There is no single gay male I know who spends anywhere NEAR that kind of time talking about, thinking about, or fiddling with, anyone’s butt. And the lesbians I know that are interested in what men put in their butts, I can pretty much count on the thumbs of one right-winger’s foot.
At least Roger Rabbit will be protected by the new “gay civil rights” law when he gets caught and castrated. I would assume that no one can be discriminated against under this new law based on having their balls cut off.
Commentby Richard Pope— 3/8/06@ 8:34 am
Richard, his new screen name will be ROGER CASTRATI!!!
The ballless bunny!!
“Richard, his new screen name will be ROGER CASTRATI!!!”
Sorry pal, that would be “castrato.” “Castrati” is the plural.
Dr. E–
I’m assuming Roger has 2 balls pal….unlike you who barely has 1!!