That’s what Publicola is reporting:
King County Executive Ron Sims has accepted a post in the Obama administration, according to a source in D.C. Details are sketchy, but Sims, who has been KC Executive since 1996, is reportedly going to D.C. for a job at HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Calls to the Sims office were not immediately returned this morning.
Hmm… perhaps it was more than just the chocolate that had King County Councilmember Larry Phillips in such high spirits last night at Chocolate for Choice? (Come to think of it, Councilmember Bob Ferguson seemed in pretty good spirits too.)
Sims’ office denies it.
This is a perfect example of what I was talking about. It’s time to be proactive and do a little investigative journalism about this rumor. Someone should go down RIGHT NOW to the King County Administration building and start snooping around by either asking questions, eavesdropping in the cafeteria, whatever. Don’t just wait for the Seattle Times to verify it. Do the legwork yourself! Get the scoop yourself! Yes, I know it’s work. And yes, the odds aren’t good that you’ll find anything out.. But by doing this you will add something to this blog. It will add a certain in-person, feet on the ground, field correspondent, investigative journalism aspect to it.
is there a separate RSS feed for Publicola? I couldn’t find one on the site anywhere, only for comments on individual articles.
After reading the headline I thought the tech-savvy Obama team was hiring online characters as ambassadors to virtual worlds.
… never mind.
If true, Larry would be who I would expect for the appointment, which causes me to look down stream and think over the potential replacements for him on the council.
Also, this will bring back the issue over whom gets to put forward a list of three to replace him. The party is litigating this question, I think, since those on the council were elected to partisan office, and would be replaced by a process starting with same party PCO’s and ending with a selection by the executive. The King county council is now non- partisan though and some would argue that another process all together will need to be followed.
So Goldy, an update on this issue would be interesting even if the print media is sleeping through this breaking story.
Sim’s leaving is going to cause some churn.
Don Ron Sims King has done enough damage here.
If Sims is besy Obama can do…YIKES!
Spokeswoman for Sims denies report.
Hey Mr. Cynical, can you keep the racist jibes to a minimum?
Right now Sims’ people are denying the story. So either Josh gets a scoop, or…..EPIC FAIL!
Sims will be the Housing Inspector in charge of physically counting all the foreclosed homes. No staff, just him. That’ll keep him out of everyone’s hair.
@9: As long as you’re the guy he gets to wipe his feet on at every stoop….fine by me.
@1: My office is not far from the King County Bldg., less than a mile.
I haven’t heard anything yet, but I’ll keep you posted if I do.
Is that that new thing they call sarcasm?
Some say that Troll is a treasonous liar who often confuses posting garbage with “some say” as effective journalism.
Some say that Troll should listen to his shrink and stop killing furry little animals.
@14 To give credit where due, Troll is the only troll here at HA to denounce all the Republican pedos and pervs.
Sims is denying the new job report. Why would he deny it if it were true? This is why blogs aren’t quite ready for prime time: They’d rather run with hearsay than get their facts straight.
Guess it got publicola a lot of outbound links, though, which may have been the goal all along.
Some say that what you are saying is that troll is a self hater and denounce-r.
Thank you.
@ 15 Troll also said
Some say that Troll says anything to try to influence a response.
Almost everybody knows he is a blowhard bastard and constant liar.
Hope he goes, good riddance! Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll take that chubby douche-bag Nickles with him!
How about Ron taking not only the fat mayor but also the monkey faced governor. There has to be something she could do for Obama. Like maybe help guard the terrorists at Murths’s minimum security prison in Pennsylvania.
Say, Mark, when your done with those probes you might think of loaning them to your little buddy, John. I get the impression that he could use a little current flow too.
“…probes….” Heh!
A little retro, eh?
Might as well round out the administration
with a world class dumb fuck like Sims.
God what a failure piece of shit. Why cant you
tards see it? Hilarious!
Yeah, the guy has done nothing……
Two years ago, Governing recognized Sims as a Public Official of the Year, calling him an “across-the-board innovator.”
Speaking of the Obama administration, I hear Obama just sided with President Bush on warrantless wiretapping. But it’s okay, because Obama is a democrat; and that means we’re all fine with it now.
@26 Where did you hear that, Wingnut World Daily?
@24 Having a tough time getting over the fact Democrats won the White House, won Congress, won the governorship, won a great victory that swept you Republican scum into the dustbin of history’s rejects? Eeeeeeeet shiiiiiiiit maaaaaaarkeeeeee boyyyyyyyyy …
re 24: More than enough to win the world and wipe Vitter’s red-ass with a cholla sponge bath.
Pelletizer@27 : I realize technology rags are an anathema to you…
“Obama Sides With Bush in Spy Case”
@24: Yup – and we just had an administration headed BY a world class idiot – his name was Bush.
You wingnuts can criticize all you want – the record of incompetence by Bush speaks for itself:
Worst economic performance since Hoover
largest deficit in history
Worst job numbers since Hoover
Worst GDP since Hoover
Worst foreign policy in the history of the US
Your inane bleating about Obama just shows how out of touch with reality you scumbags really are. After the worst president in history – you are now (after less than 1 week) making your demented pronouncements about Obama?
What a tool!
@30: One case, big deal. Here are the things Obamna has done:
Stopped torture
Closing Gitmo
Transparency in government (reversing the Bush policies of hiding everything from the citizens)
And that was just the first couple of days.
Yup, republicans stand for torture, unnecessary wars, hiding government from the people, spying illegally on the people and spending like there is no tomorrow while ruining the economy.
Some legacy.
#32: Aren’t you the guy who went to UW medical school as a “graduate stuent” (your words) who claimed plants make CO2?
And now I should listen to you?
Besides incorrectneverbright, I was showing Pelletizer he was wrong for the 1,322,543,655,755,235,764,755,324,567,234,656,567,189,078,345,122,
645,757,767,339,343rd time
Then someone will add one and say back at you…
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! (:
You forgot two…
Give transparency waiver to anyone I like who has ethics issues
Give transparency waiver to anyone I like who has lobbying issues
Even Campbell Brown on CNN’s No Bias No Bull said she was disgusted with Obama and his gang AKA the administration now wanting to waive its own rule over lobbying transparency of the Deputy Defense Secretary. BTW you can look up his name Incorrectnottobright.
For a change Campbell attacked a Donkey.
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! (:
Umm – it was plants using CO2 and it was volcanic activity producing it. Get it straight. I also showed that your anti-global warming info was WRONG, maybe you want to prove the earth is flat now?
Aren’t you the guy that I have disproven – how many times now? The funniest thing is that you don’t even know when you have been shown to be an idiot.
Aren’t you the guy that supports Bush?
aren’t you the guy that lied about supporting Obama?
Aren’t you the guy that supports the racists running the republican party?
And why whould you listen to me? Cause I have the facts to back up things and you have…nothin’ as usual.
And yes, I do have a Ph.D. – and you have….what? An ego is all I can see.
@34: And youare defending Bush for…having NOOOO transparency – hypocrite.
You mean the Campbell Brown who is married to Senor – the right wing republican guy who helped mess up Iraq and is a shill for Bush?
Yeah, right.
How quickly these leftist pinheads forget their own written words —
It’s you words saying the life forms making CO2 are plants.
YOU NEVER SHOWED the global warming info wrong. You made some wild-assed speculation. Volcanic activity. Hmmm… That’s your speculation. Where are the facts on that?
Pox on your mind.
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! (:
Incorrectnottobright@37: You need to see all the anti-conservative comments by Campbell Brown against the old administration?
No comment on James Carville being married to Mary Matalin having an effect his anti-conservative message?
1) Campbell Brown was pushing for Al Gore – Results 1 – 10 of about 172,000 for campbell brown al gore.
2) Campbell Brown attacks Sarah Palin – Results 1 – 10 of about 310,000 for campbell brown sarah palin.
3) Campbell Brown attacks Rush Limbaugh – Results 1 – 10 of about 138,000 for campbell brown attacks Rush Limbaugh.
What a stupid argument from a really stupid person. Still the idiot, in global warming history and accusing bias through marriage.
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! (:
Incorrectnottobright@36: You brought up the argument of transparency in #32.
I corrected your conception around Obama’s transparency. Why did he ask for waivers to his executive orders just barely days old?
If I were Puffybutt – I’d do everything I could to try to steer the conversation into right wing hate radio talking points. Otherwise you might just notice that an overwhelming majority of Americans just rejected almost every right wing candidate and position you can imagine.
The utter defeat of EVERYTHING the right says it believes has turds like Puffy scrambling. The right doesn’t know what to do. With the whole world laughing at them, they’re trying to hide behind bullshit. That’s all they ever had – and all they ever will have.
Say it with me bitches…
If Obama swept Ron “bike,bus,train” Sims away from here to DC.