A couple weeks back I was asked by Jennifer McCausland to co-host an upcoming fundraiser for King County Executive Ron Sims. I reluctantly said yes, not because I’m reluctant about Ron, but because of some misplaced sense of journalistic ethics. But then, I’m not a journalist and I make no pretense of being objective… so I thought, what the hell.
Well, my few seconds of ethical wrangling proved unnecessary, because Jennifer just called to tell me that Ron has decided to turn the event into a fundraiser for the WA chapter of the American Red Cross, to help support their relief efforts for the 2000 Katrina refugees being evacuated to WA state.
Sure, Ron’s got a substantial money advantage over David Irons, but candidates simply don’t pass up fundraisers in the heat of a campaign. Who knows what kind of vicious “independent expenditure” Irons is coordinating, and Ron might need every last penny to respond. Ron’s decision is thus as selfless as it is generous, and both he and Jennifer deserve some applause.
Anyway, since I’m a co-host, I’ve decided to invite all my readers (well… most of you.) So here’s the scoop:
Monday, September 19th
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
At the home of Jennifer McCausland
2601 Cascadia Avenue South
Seattle’s Mt. Baker Neighborhood
Jennifer has a lovely old house, and this is a great opportunity to meet Ron, have some good conversation and a glass of wine, and raise some money for a very worthy cause. If you can make it, please R.S.V.P. to me, so we have an accurate head count.
The refugees coming here from New Orleans have not only lived through a week of horror, but have lost absolutely everything. They need our compassion and our help to get back on their feet and move on with their lives. So please accept my invitation to attend this fundraiser… and don’t forget to bring your checkbook.
Ron, Jennifer and I hope to see you there.
Is there an address where people can just send money to?
It’s time that all of us drop this Partisan BS and look at what actually matters.
All the best to you and Ms. McCausland.
Pleading to Goldy to stop the partisan BS is a total waste of time. Just look at the last umpteen threads if you need proof.
My wife & I have already given money directly to the Red Cross, Salvation Army as well as our church. Our church is very active in providing interim and permanent shelter & other necessities directly to victims. We have people on the ground in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi to do so. The aftermath is going to be incredibly costly. We need to mourn the dead and move on…I agree. The LEFTIST PINHEADS are clearly more interested in making political gains and hurling blame…when there is plenty to go around.
We do not need a Ron Sims show in order to do the right thing. Frankly, this smacks of attempting to score points on the back of a tragedy…..if not, why publicize it. JUST DO IT!
How many of these donors are actually giving money to the Red Cross INSTEAD of Sims??? Gimmee a break. NONE! Great PR move…his LEFTIST PINHEAD base will lap it up.
Oh and BTW, if Reagan Dunn loses to the Human Ham, I hear he’s your brand new Elections Department director in an Irons Administration.
Apparently, Marummy 1.0 crashed. And 2.0 is working for the State A.G. as his spokesperson.
Your Local Red Cross. For King and Kitsap counties, at least.
Looks like a Democrat trolling for PR before a close election.
good for you prr. and to hell with you jch and cynicalhypocrite…as usual…..
thattaway to drop the partisan BS, Cynical!
Awful nice of Ron…..but after taking half my land for the needs of the urbanites I have little in common with him.
drool @ 9
maybe Ron will build some housing on your confiscated acreage to house refugee’s.
That would make sense
Hey Goldy:
It must be possible to contribute to the local Red Cross effort through Ron Sims without coming to the fundraiser –right? You’ve posted an address for the fundraiser. Is it possible to just send checks to McCausland’s address made out to the local Red Cross? And if so, how should the checks be written? Red Cross — Washington chapter? Seattle chapter?
I’ve donated to the general disaster relief fund, but I am concerned about the lasting needs and disruption caused by this large populuation of “Internally Displaced Persons” and am looking for other ways to provide aid.
This is perfect, and now the ice is broken for the repubs to do it also. I can hear Karl Rove now – “Why didn’t I think of that?”
The higher classed pols would cancel the fundraisers and schedule the Katrina-Thons separately. Otherwise it stinks a bit too much like politics as usual. I think Goldy would have had 3-4 posts if some local repubs had thought of this first. At least it is for a good cause. (The Katrina assistance part.)
bj-too @ 11
The local chapter of the Red Cross based on the zip code of the fundraiser:
Address: American Red Cross
ARC Serving King & Kitsap Counties
1900 25th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98144-4708
E-mail: info@seattleredcross.org
Phone: 206-323-2345
Fax: 206-325-8211
Web site: http://www.seattleredcross.org/
re 3: Gee, you’re so swift maybe you should be in charge of FEMA. Don’t forget to hand out loads of tiny , brown Bibles.
As an aside, have you ever heard of Malcolm Muggeridge?
Sinns (sick) is SUCH a crass political opportunist!
“How many of these donors are actually giving money to the Red Cross INSTEAD of Sims??? Gimmee a break. NONE! Great PR move…his LEFTIST PINHEAD base will lap it up.”
Mr. Cynical, what you have to say is unfounded. Just an opinionated observation. There’s no proof that Ron Sims is trying to make political gain out of a tragedy.
Please explain to me why it took nearly two days for Leftists ‘and’ Rightists to step into action and help the victims of the Gulf Coast?
And also, instead of assuming all leftists are pointing the blame at someone, take a look at yourself. I say it again; your accusations are childish and unfounded.
It’s really wonderful to see the selfless efforts by BIAW on behalf of their hurricane-ravaged brothers and sisters. Such fund-raising! Such assistance with rebuilding and replacing the housing stock! It makes one proud to live in the same state as such a generous organization.
“Gotta gets da Big Jack from the mofo white boys!”
I wondered what happened to Zits — now I know. Since Rossi’s tit went dry, she’s now sucking on the public tit. That figures.
BIAW will be happy to build replacement housing at public expense if they can make $150,000 profit per unit. That shouldn’t be too difficult if they can pay their Guatemalan labor $2 an hour and sell the units for $475,000 each.
Sims should win in a cakewalk. He doesn’t need any more campaign cash. In fact, if he had his priorities right, he’d be sending some of the dough he’s already collected to the Red Cross for relief. All the candidates for Seattle races should do likewise – they’ve raised a collective $1.3 million and all we get are slimey (too clever) attack ads from people who have nothing positive to say about themselves nor any real vision for the city. The candidates with their priorities straight would be spending their political cash on desperate people in real need – that would be rare and real leadership.
Sims should win in a cakewalk. Comment by thor— 9/6/05 @ 8:56 pm
Mr. Cynical @ 3 – Obviously you don’t understand the power of leadership, and how it is capable of urging people to give more than they might usually do.
Would that Bush would do a little leading – everyone has been looking for him to do so; those that voted for him and those that did not.
It is nice that “your people” are on the ground. So are “my people” – all the good citizens of this country, black, white, blue, red, young, old, rich, poor.
I’m glad to hear Sims is doing this, just like I was glad to see the DNC website put up links to charities up right away and start beating the bushes asking for people to contribute to the victims. They’re doing the honorable thing and they’re not benefitting financially, which is more than I’ve come to expect out of politicians, though maybe it should be the norm instead of the surprise.
And yeah, oh trolls, wouldn’t it be just frakking terrible if some crafty politician went around spending their fundraising time crassly raising money for the destitute and encouraging their supporters to give generously to a worthy cause? They might, horror of horrors, profit in terms of political goodwill. Which is terrible, because as we all know, the only ethical thing for a politician to do is to raise money for themselves in support of their job hunting prospects.
Get over yourselves. You’re only upset because most Republican candidates are congenitally incapable of coming up with this sort of idea and you think Sims will make your guy look bad. What I wouldn’t give to live in a country where it was the expected duty of every politician to demonstrate that they actually see themselves having an obligation to the welfare of their community and country.
re 18: It’s comments like this that ensure that you’ll never have but a smattering of black voters in your camp. And the MOR Reps. are beginning to lean our way. The Dem. Party is a big tent and there is a big welcome and a handshake here for a true conservative of any race , color or creed. You, JCH, can stew in your own juices and my greatest wish is that they are acid enough to eat you alive.
24.headless ;ucy, Democrats: tax receiving parasites, willing and able to kill the host. [Will their be more or less black Democrat votes coming out of New Orleans now that it is a ghost town?]
natasha @ 24
‘What I wouldn’t give to live in a country where it was the expected duty of every politician to demonstrate that they actually see themselves having an obligation to the welfare of their community and country.’
As opposed to the blatent pondering exhibited by Simms.
Ooops – that should be “pandering”.
Watch for Sims to use the money to register Lousiana voters; I mean ultimate charity should be to make sure the poor displaced can stil vote. And heck, if they just happen to vote absentee for a Wash state election, why shoudl we be so heartless
ouch, this stuff is so good…
Wow, the fringies are quiet today… I wonder, why is that?
They are all probably hung over from Drinking Liberally last night.
Put a couple stiff “grasshoppers” or other cordials in Goldy or any of his LEFTIST PINHEAD (aka LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS) comrades, the next day is even more fucking miserable than the rest of their pathetic lives!!! If that is even possible.
Today is a new day for me and mine. The Red Cross did send thier volunteers to Abbeville today to take the applications of the displaced people. We will recieve an assistance check on the next Tuesday. What a God send.