The Simple Majority majority is now over 11,000 votes, with about 43,000 ballots left to count, over half from King County. But you know, voters sent an anti-tax message last Tuesday, so what do I know?
I think this adds to my argument that the issue with prop 1 was NOT taxes but letting folks know what the friggin money was being spent on and how long the expenditure would last.
Even here I think we could have done lots better the turtles had not pulled in their heads leaders had campaigned for what they believe!
Imagine how much easier this vote would have been with the public endorsement of the guv, nickles, sims, and .. dare I suggest Gates, Bezos, etc?
Yes, taxes spent on public schools have achieved such excellent results here in WA.
Lets’ see: Avg tuition at parochial school in WA $6,000.
Public school taxes per student: $11,000.
So, for nearly twice as much money, the public school kids test lower IN EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT. Excellent value. NOT!
Shining example of why public schools kids don’t know sh!t: Bethel teachers went on strike earlier this Fall. 1,000 teachers for the 17,000 students. Amazingly, the teachers say the ratio is not 17:1, but 35+:1. Hmmm, that’s some sucky math. And some sucky education. Personally, I don’t want those kids engineering my bridges, airplanes, skyscrapers or anything else. Give me a good private school education anytime.
Moral: Teachers’ Unions suck. Bad.
To answer your last question first: Not Much!
This was not an anti-tax vote, it was a vote against spending without justification or spending without explanation. Prop 1 didn’t make sense to most, I960 was approved because of the way Olympia was initiating the emergency power left and right, etc, etc.
But where it made sense of where people understood what they were getting…things got and will get approved. But there has to be accountability and most people are or will be fed up with Olympia or KC if there is not.
Now one can argue that in the future school levies will not get through easier as many people will now take a much closer look at what they are approving or not.
Voters are smarter than you give them credit for or than you’d like to acknowledge. But then, they continue to vote for McDermott too….so maybe they are not :-)
You can add the passage of measure 49 down in Oregon to the good side of the list.
Passed by 62% of the vote! People like knowing that farms will stay farms and nobody likes sprawl.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
That paorochial school figure you quote ignores the subsidies from the local dioceses..
And you include construction costs as per year per student for public school but not parochial.
At least be reasonable in your comparisons.
For those parochial schools that aren’t subsidized (e.g. Jesuit schools), the tuition is in the mid-upper teens usually (NOT INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION) compared with $8000 public — including all the other parent giving through yearly asks and auctions and the such.
headless lucyspews:
Parochial schools don’t perform as well as public schools –not even in Bible study!
The headless
@3: Seems to me that this isn’t even about schools per se, but about the majority being able to raise their own taxes if they choose, and not letting the slightly-more-than-1/3 majority have special rights.
headless lucyspews:
I’ll provide you with links to studies when I have the time. We’ve been through this subject before on these threads. But a lot of studies have been done and public schools mostly out-perform private schools — even the good ones!
Go ahead, WingNutz™, embarrass yourselves and quote me some bogus studies. When you quote them though, watch out for the phrase ‘anecdotal evidence’. You’ll find that that is the only evidence that you have to offer.
Piper can explain what anecdotal evidence is.
@3, How many special ed kids are in parochial schools? That is expensive. What kinds of vo-tech training do parochial schools provide. That’s pretty expensive, too. What kind of cherry picking (entrance exams) do parochial high schools do? That sure helps on the test scores later on.
You who are running on a platform of Socialism, Stalanism, and Surrender keep up the good work. You’ve got a real winning formula here.
Was that “headless” or “brainless”?
>Harvard Study Finds That Students at Private High Schools Have a Clear Edge. (Several others.)
Golly. Just ask the question in a decent search engine: “Do public or private students test better? Which get higher grades?” Yes, there is all kinds of squirming by the left, but the answer’s pretty much straight up: Private schools outperform.
And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes. Problem is, too many folks can neither read nor comprehend what’s on the ballot (probably ’cause they went to public school). Hell, even the WA State Sup Ct says so (at least the dishonorable left. The moral right recused themselves. Unlike the drunken Democrats on the Court.)
Anecdotal evidence? In your case, stuff you pull from your nether region.
If your contention about private schools is true, why do parents continue to choose them? And if you asked many parents in Seattle Public Schools what they would do if they had the means to send their children to private school, what do you think they would say?
The Piper
Proud To Be An Assspews:
“If your contention about private schools is true, why do parents continue to choose them?”
I’ll give you the short answer: Fear and race.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
11,000 votes! And on a previous thread somebody with the handle of “Particle Man” claimed he would be “suprised” if the victory was “more than 5,000 votes”. And further claimed this conclusion was not driven by partisanship, but majorly complex and proven scientific vote tally analysis.
I called BS.
Suprised, PM? I rest my case.
@12: Yeah, grades. That’s smarts measurement there. Schools that teaches better is always private. I know, cos I wents me to Catholic schools myself. Search engines, yeah.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@12 “And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes. Problem is, too many folks can neither read nor comprehend what’s on the ballot (probably ’cause they went to public school). Hell, even the WA State Sup Ct says so (at least the dishonorable left. The moral right recused themselves. Unlike the drunken Democrats on the Court.)”
Well, I guess if you ever write triumphantly about the “Will of The People” re a political outcome, we can snicker, laugh, and write you off as a conscious liar.
headless lucyspews:
re 12, 13, 14: Well, you apparently found one study that says what you want to hear. Although #12 does not provide a link to the study.
Have a look at this material. It contradicts your unsourced pronunciamento:
I hope this link works. It’s a good intro. to the subject — one which I’m sure Piper will be waxing eloquent over — once he gets his facts straight. (When hell freezes over!)
headless lucyspews:
Piper ‘n’ Friends: Do you see how stupid you look now? I told you that I would whack you down with the facts, but, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! You just had to blather anyway.
Serves y’all right, stupid!
@19: But headless, the Internets is one big answers machine. Surely you can ask its’ whatever kweshun you want it will give the rite ansner. Whatr u, stoopid?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
@12, Here’s from the conclusion of the study you cite:
“The NAEP data collect information from students at only one point in time, so they are too fragile to be used for purposes of estimating the effects of public and private schools,” said Elena Llaudet, a research associate at PEPG. “Our results are not offered as conclusive evidence that private schools outperform public schools but as a demonstration of the dependence of the NCES results on a questionable methodology,” she added.”
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of your hypothesis. Try again.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#9 headless lucy says:
I’ll provide you with links to studies when I have the time. We’ve been through this subject before on these threads. But a lot of studies have been done and public schools mostly out-perform private schools — even the good ones!
You’re a teacher, you know better. Can’t you ever be honest about anything?
By the way, your link in #18 doesn’t work. Coincidence, accident or proof about public schooling?
headless lucyspews:
#22: It’s anecdotal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The U.S. Bridge Federation Is Run By Nazis
The New York Times reports that “a team of women who represented the United States at the world bridge championships in Shanghai last month is facing sanctions … for a spur-of-the-moment … sign, scribbled on the back of a menu, that was held up at an awards dinner and read, ‘We did not vote for Bush.’ …
“A hearing is scheduled this month in San Francisco, where thousands of players will be gathered for the Fall North American Bridge Championships. It will determine whether displaying the sign constitutes conduct unbecoming a federation member.
“Three players … have expressed regret that the action offended some people. The federation has proposed a settlement to … the … other players …. It calls for a one-year suspension from federation events, including the World Bridge Olympiad next year in Beijing; a one-year probation after that suspension; 200 hours of community service ‘that furthers the interests of organized bridge’; and an apology drafted by the federation’s lawyer. It would also require them to write a statement telling ‘who broached the idea of displaying the sign, when the idea was adopted, etc.’ Alan Falk, a lawyer for the federation, wrote the four team members on Nov. 6, ‘I am instructed to press for greater sanction against anyone who rejects this compromise offer.'”
The NY Times also ran an editorial critical of the Federation’s actions:
” … To some in the bridge world, including the president of the United States Bridge Federation, this exercise of free speech was an unwarranted display of personal political feelings. To many Americans who have traveled abroad in the past few years, the sign makes perfect sense … an act of disassociation, not from this country, but from the failed policies of this president. …
“The United States Bridge Federation has decided to get tough …. It is demanding that the players say who came up with the idea of the sign and has ordered a one-year suspension from play for the team members who refuse to apologize.
“This sort of censorship is un-American, unsporting and counterproductive. It will only confirm the far-too-common belief that America is no longer committed to free speech — or fair play.”
You can criticize the U.S. Bridge Federation, too! Their president’s e-mail address is Feel free to let ’em have it!!!
By the way, here is what USBF posted on their web site:
“Many of the USBF Board members have received questions about what is happening with regard to the incident at the closing ceremony in Shanghai. Board members cannot engage in discussions of this matter. The Board has considered the matter and acted promptly. For more information, see the Minutes of the USBF Board for 10/15/07 , 10/18/07 , and 10/25/07 as well as the attachment to the 10/18/07 minutes. See also Summary of Board Actions and Statement regarding Damage to USBF.”
Another election stolen from King County. Oh well, we will have to vote the tax and spend bastards out. Re-elect Dino Rossi.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
headless lucy says:
Parochial schools don’t perform as well as public schools –not even in Bible study!
The headless
You learn more at recess at a parochial school than you do all day at a public screwl. I guess that is why nearly 40% of Seattle parents pass up free publick ecducation and send their kids to private/parochial schools.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When I got to thinking about it, I realized the court ruling upholding the right of pharmacists to refuse to dispense medicines because of their religious beliefs isn’t such a bad thing.
If the courts are consistent about this, Boeing can’t discipline a worker who has a religious belief against war for refusing to make parts for weapons.
If the courts are consistent about this, the military can’t court-martial a soldier who refuses to deploy to a war that he believes violates the tenets of his religion.
If the courts are consistent about this, the government can’t prosecute citizens who withhold the portion of their taxes that goes to the military because they believe paying taxes that support war is un-Christian.
“Re-elect Dino Rossi”? Give me a break.
Know what the difference was between Rossi v Gregoire and Bush v Gore?
We finished the recount.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Declare the Sonics a “public utility” and expropriate Clay Bennett? I like it! The only thing that’s missing is where Bennett gets shot by a firing squad.*
* Just kidding! Humor courtesy of V. I. Lenin.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
@3, How many special ed kids are in parochial schools? That is expensive. What kinds of vo-tech training do parochial schools provide. That’s pretty expensive, too. What kind of cherry picking (entrance exams) do parochial high schools do? That sure helps on the test scores later on.
The private sector can still do it way cheaper and better than the government. The 11k doesnt count cost to buy and run the facilities. This would make public school tuition costs over twice that of most parochial schools. You can educate a lot of special ed and out of control stoners with that amount of savings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Dinsourpuss spent $2 million on the best lawyers money can buy and the only thing he proved is that he got fraudulent votes. Were you one of them, dog? I’ll bet you were!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jane Balogh is a criminal and her dog is a public menace.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Pierce county should pull a KC and demand that the bag of 60,000 ballots they just found be included in the vote count*
* Just kidding. Democrat election fraud humor.
It would be fun to listen to liberals whine dish it back to them. heehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
WingNut (TM) Liars (SM), Part MMCMXIIV
A top Bush appointee got caught red-handed today:
“During today’s House Oversight Committee hearing on the performance of State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that Krongard’s brother — former CIA Executive Director A.B. ‘Buzzy’ Krongard — sits on Blackwater USA’s board. Krongard vehemently denied the allegation, calling it an ‘ugly rumor’ ….
“During a break in today’s hearing, Krongard called his brother and confirmed that the ‘ugly rumor’ was in fact true ….”
This isn’t Krongard’s first run-in with truth. According to Wikipedia:
“In a 14-page letter on September 18, 2007, House Oversight Committee chairman Henry Waxman charged Krongard with actively impeding probes into waste and corruption related to the Iraq War and other matters. In a three page followup letter issued on September 28, 2007, Waxman informed Krongard that allegations of witness intimidation had been made against Krongard’s staff.
“Aides to Krongard threatened two U.S. State Department investigators with retaliation, including termination of their jobs, if they cooperated with the investigations into Blackwater USA and Krongard, according to a report released by the U.S. House of Representatives. Krongard directly interfered with federal prosecutors when they asked his office for help with investigating possible Blackwater arms smuggling. In an e-mail, he wrote, to his staff, ‘is directed to stop IMMEDIATELY any work on these contracts until I receive a briefing from the (assistant U.S. attorney) regarding the details of this investigation. SA Militana, ASAIC Rubendall and any others involved are to be directed by you not to proceed in any manner until the briefing takes place,’
“That was sent to a subordinate on July 11, 2007, and was disclosed by Waxman’s Congressional investigation, who revealed the e-mails. Krongard denied this, however.”
@35 Nobody can whine like a Republican dog can whine.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
Jane Balogh is a criminal and her dog is a public menace.
11/14/2007 at 11:35 pm
I wonder why the KCRE doesn’t demand that the prosecutor press charges… wait that would like a bank robber demanding charges on a J-walker. Nevermind. hehehehe
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
@12: you said “And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes.”
Actually, that’s wrong. For school operating levies, the amount of taxes districts can ask voters to pay is CAPPED. It varies by district, but the highest allowed rate is 25% of the overall school budget.
So, our legislature limits how much we can tax ourselves. Most republicans find the concept of local control great — except in this case for some strange reason. Most democrats support the “equity” objective of this — but they are misguided too since keeping everyone down is a bad form of equity, not a good one. There are other ways (remove limits and let state money flow more toward districts that aren’t doing well).
Columbo's Glass Eyespews:
Privite skools are better!! I don’t need know smerty-patz headless skool teecher tellun me diffrunt!!
Eye went too Parokial School & look at ME!!!!
Great! Now some 18 year old who doesn’t have a job, doesn’t own any property, and doesn’t have a clue can vote to increase my property taxes. How does an issue get declared unconstitional by our Supreme Court again? They seem to be willing to ignore the “will of the people” so maybe they will overturn this one too.
The anti tax message still stands. It would seem th epeople however are reasonable when it comes to school levies.
On the other hand King County is encouraging sprawl with subsidies for increased Vashon ferries OUT OF PROPERTY TAXES. Did they not hear?
Goldie, this is great!
I think this adds to my argument that the issue with prop 1 was NOT taxes but letting folks know what the friggin money was being spent on and how long the expenditure would last.
Even here I think we could have done lots better the
turtles had not pulled in their headsleaders had campaigned for what they believe!Imagine how much easier this vote would have been with the public endorsement of the guv, nickles, sims, and .. dare I suggest Gates, Bezos, etc?
Yes, taxes spent on public schools have achieved such excellent results here in WA.
Lets’ see: Avg tuition at parochial school in WA $6,000.
Public school taxes per student: $11,000.
So, for nearly twice as much money, the public school kids test lower IN EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT. Excellent value. NOT!
Shining example of why public schools kids don’t know sh!t: Bethel teachers went on strike earlier this Fall. 1,000 teachers for the 17,000 students. Amazingly, the teachers say the ratio is not 17:1, but 35+:1. Hmmm, that’s some sucky math. And some sucky education. Personally, I don’t want those kids engineering my bridges, airplanes, skyscrapers or anything else. Give me a good private school education anytime.
Moral: Teachers’ Unions suck. Bad.
To answer your last question first: Not Much!
This was not an anti-tax vote, it was a vote against spending without justification or spending without explanation. Prop 1 didn’t make sense to most, I960 was approved because of the way Olympia was initiating the emergency power left and right, etc, etc.
But where it made sense of where people understood what they were getting…things got and will get approved. But there has to be accountability and most people are or will be fed up with Olympia or KC if there is not.
Now one can argue that in the future school levies will not get through easier as many people will now take a much closer look at what they are approving or not.
Voters are smarter than you give them credit for or than you’d like to acknowledge. But then, they continue to vote for McDermott too….so maybe they are not :-)
You can add the passage of measure 49 down in Oregon to the good side of the list.
Passed by 62% of the vote! People like knowing that farms will stay farms and nobody likes sprawl.
That paorochial school figure you quote ignores the subsidies from the local dioceses..
And you include construction costs as per year per student for public school but not parochial.
At least be reasonable in your comparisons.
For those parochial schools that aren’t subsidized (e.g. Jesuit schools), the tuition is in the mid-upper teens usually (NOT INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION) compared with $8000 public — including all the other parent giving through yearly asks and auctions and the such.
Parochial schools don’t perform as well as public schools –not even in Bible study!
The headless
@3: Seems to me that this isn’t even about schools per se, but about the majority being able to raise their own taxes if they choose, and not letting the slightly-more-than-1/3 majority have special rights.
I’ll provide you with links to studies when I have the time. We’ve been through this subject before on these threads. But a lot of studies have been done and public schools mostly out-perform private schools — even the good ones!
Go ahead, WingNutz™, embarrass yourselves and quote me some bogus studies. When you quote them though, watch out for the phrase ‘anecdotal evidence’. You’ll find that that is the only evidence that you have to offer.
Piper can explain what anecdotal evidence is.
@3, How many special ed kids are in parochial schools? That is expensive. What kinds of vo-tech training do parochial schools provide. That’s pretty expensive, too. What kind of cherry picking (entrance exams) do parochial high schools do? That sure helps on the test scores later on.
Rob, DePaul (parochial) H.S., Wayne, NJ ’71
European socialism out of control…
You who are running on a platform of Socialism, Stalanism, and Surrender keep up the good work. You’ve got a real winning formula here.
Was that “headless” or “brainless”?
>Harvard Study Finds That Students at Private High Schools Have a Clear Edge. (Several others.)
Golly. Just ask the question in a decent search engine: “Do public or private students test better? Which get higher grades?” Yes, there is all kinds of squirming by the left, but the answer’s pretty much straight up: Private schools outperform.
And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes. Problem is, too many folks can neither read nor comprehend what’s on the ballot (probably ’cause they went to public school). Hell, even the WA State Sup Ct says so (at least the dishonorable left. The moral right recused themselves. Unlike the drunken Democrats on the Court.)
Anecdotal evidence? In your case, stuff you pull from your nether region.
If your contention about private schools is true, why do parents continue to choose them? And if you asked many parents in Seattle Public Schools what they would do if they had the means to send their children to private school, what do you think they would say?
The Piper
“If your contention about private schools is true, why do parents continue to choose them?”
I’ll give you the short answer: Fear and race.
11,000 votes! And on a previous thread somebody with the handle of “Particle Man” claimed he would be “suprised” if the victory was “more than 5,000 votes”. And further claimed this conclusion was not driven by partisanship, but majorly complex and proven scientific vote tally analysis.
I called BS.
Suprised, PM? I rest my case.
@12: Yeah, grades. That’s smarts measurement there. Schools that teaches better is always private. I know, cos I wents me to Catholic schools myself. Search engines, yeah.
@12 “And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes. Problem is, too many folks can neither read nor comprehend what’s on the ballot (probably ’cause they went to public school). Hell, even the WA State Sup Ct says so (at least the dishonorable left. The moral right recused themselves. Unlike the drunken Democrats on the Court.)”
Well, I guess if you ever write triumphantly about the “Will of The People” re a political outcome, we can snicker, laugh, and write you off as a conscious liar.
re 12, 13, 14: Well, you apparently found one study that says what you want to hear. Although #12 does not provide a link to the study.
Have a look at this material. It contradicts your unsourced pronunciamento:
Public Schools Outperform Private Ones, Conservative Christian Schools Rank Last Among Privates
Study: Private schools don’t raise student scores
I hope this link works. It’s a good intro. to the subject — one which I’m sure Piper will be waxing eloquent over — once he gets his facts straight. (When hell freezes over!)
Piper ‘n’ Friends: Do you see how stupid you look now? I told you that I would whack you down with the facts, but, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! You just had to blather anyway.
Serves y’all right, stupid!
@19: But headless, the Internets is one big answers machine. Surely you can ask its’ whatever kweshun you want it will give the rite ansner. Whatr u, stoopid?
@12, Here’s from the conclusion of the study you cite:
“The NAEP data collect information from students at only one point in time, so they are too fragile to be used for purposes of estimating the effects of public and private schools,” said Elena Llaudet, a research associate at PEPG. “Our results are not offered as conclusive evidence that private schools outperform public schools but as a demonstration of the dependence of the NCES results on a questionable methodology,” she added.”
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of your hypothesis. Try again.
#9 headless lucy says:
You’re a teacher, you know better. Can’t you ever be honest about anything?
By the way, your link in #18 doesn’t work. Coincidence, accident or proof about public schooling?
#22: It’s anecdotal.
The U.S. Bridge Federation Is Run By Nazis
The New York Times reports that “a team of women who represented the United States at the world bridge championships in Shanghai last month is facing sanctions … for a spur-of-the-moment … sign, scribbled on the back of a menu, that was held up at an awards dinner and read, ‘We did not vote for Bush.’ …
“A hearing is scheduled this month in San Francisco, where thousands of players will be gathered for the Fall North American Bridge Championships. It will determine whether displaying the sign constitutes conduct unbecoming a federation member.
“Three players … have expressed regret that the action offended some people. The federation has proposed a settlement to … the … other players …. It calls for a one-year suspension from federation events, including the World Bridge Olympiad next year in Beijing; a one-year probation after that suspension; 200 hours of community service ‘that furthers the interests of organized bridge’; and an apology drafted by the federation’s lawyer. It would also require them to write a statement telling ‘who broached the idea of displaying the sign, when the idea was adopted, etc.’ Alan Falk, a lawyer for the federation, wrote the four team members on Nov. 6, ‘I am instructed to press for greater sanction against anyone who rejects this compromise offer.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
The NY Times also ran an editorial critical of the Federation’s actions:
” … To some in the bridge world, including the president of the United States Bridge Federation, this exercise of free speech was an unwarranted display of personal political feelings. To many Americans who have traveled abroad in the past few years, the sign makes perfect sense … an act of disassociation, not from this country, but from the failed policies of this president. …
“The United States Bridge Federation has decided to get tough …. It is demanding that the players say who came up with the idea of the sign and has ordered a one-year suspension from play for the team members who refuse to apologize.
“This sort of censorship is un-American, unsporting and counterproductive. It will only confirm the far-too-common belief that America is no longer committed to free speech — or fair play.”
Excerpted under fair use; for complete editorial see
You can criticize the U.S. Bridge Federation, too! Their president’s e-mail address is Feel free to let ’em have it!!!
By the way, here is what USBF posted on their web site:
“Many of the USBF Board members have received questions about what is happening with regard to the incident at the closing ceremony in Shanghai. Board members cannot engage in discussions of this matter. The Board has considered the matter and acted promptly. For more information, see the Minutes of the USBF Board for 10/15/07 , 10/18/07 , and 10/25/07 as well as the attachment to the 10/18/07 minutes. See also Summary of Board Actions and Statement regarding Damage to USBF.”
If it’s revenue we need, then why are we sleeping on this:
Another election stolen from King County. Oh well, we will have to vote the tax and spend bastards out. Re-elect Dino Rossi.
headless lucy says:
Parochial schools don’t perform as well as public schools –not even in Bible study!
The headless
You learn more at recess at a parochial school than you do all day at a public screwl. I guess that is why nearly 40% of Seattle parents pass up free publick ecducation and send their kids to private/parochial schools.
When I got to thinking about it, I realized the court ruling upholding the right of pharmacists to refuse to dispense medicines because of their religious beliefs isn’t such a bad thing.
If the courts are consistent about this, Boeing can’t discipline a worker who has a religious belief against war for refusing to make parts for weapons.
If the courts are consistent about this, the military can’t court-martial a soldier who refuses to deploy to a war that he believes violates the tenets of his religion.
If the courts are consistent about this, the government can’t prosecute citizens who withhold the portion of their taxes that goes to the military because they believe paying taxes that support war is un-Christian.
“Re-elect Dino Rossi”? Give me a break.
Know what the difference was between Rossi v Gregoire and Bush v Gore?
We finished the recount.
@26 Declare the Sonics a “public utility” and expropriate Clay Bennett? I like it! The only thing that’s missing is where Bennett gets shot by a firing squad.*
* Just kidding! Humor courtesy of V. I. Lenin.
@3, How many special ed kids are in parochial schools? That is expensive. What kinds of vo-tech training do parochial schools provide. That’s pretty expensive, too. What kind of cherry picking (entrance exams) do parochial high schools do? That sure helps on the test scores later on.
The private sector can still do it way cheaper and better than the government. The 11k doesnt count cost to buy and run the facilities. This would make public school tuition costs over twice that of most parochial schools. You can educate a lot of special ed and out of control stoners with that amount of savings.
@27 Dinsourpuss spent $2 million on the best lawyers money can buy and the only thing he proved is that he got fraudulent votes. Were you one of them, dog? I’ll bet you were!
Jane Balogh is a criminal and her dog is a public menace.
Pierce county should pull a KC and demand that the bag of 60,000 ballots they just found be included in the vote count*
* Just kidding. Democrat election fraud humor.
It would be fun to listen to liberals whine dish it back to them. heehehe
WingNut (TM) Liars (SM), Part MMCMXIIV
A top Bush appointee got caught red-handed today:
“During today’s House Oversight Committee hearing on the performance of State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that Krongard’s brother — former CIA Executive Director A.B. ‘Buzzy’ Krongard — sits on Blackwater USA’s board. Krongard vehemently denied the allegation, calling it an ‘ugly rumor’ ….
“During a break in today’s hearing, Krongard called his brother and confirmed that the ‘ugly rumor’ was in fact true ….”
This isn’t Krongard’s first run-in with truth. According to Wikipedia:
“In a 14-page letter on September 18, 2007, House Oversight Committee chairman Henry Waxman charged Krongard with actively impeding probes into waste and corruption related to the Iraq War and other matters. In a three page followup letter issued on September 28, 2007, Waxman informed Krongard that allegations of witness intimidation had been made against Krongard’s staff.
“Aides to Krongard threatened two U.S. State Department investigators with retaliation, including termination of their jobs, if they cooperated with the investigations into Blackwater USA and Krongard, according to a report released by the U.S. House of Representatives. Krongard directly interfered with federal prosecutors when they asked his office for help with investigating possible Blackwater arms smuggling. In an e-mail, he wrote, to his staff, ‘is directed to stop IMMEDIATELY any work on these contracts until I receive a briefing from the (assistant U.S. attorney) regarding the details of this investigation. SA Militana, ASAIC Rubendall and any others involved are to be directed by you not to proceed in any manner until the briefing takes place,’
“That was sent to a subordinate on July 11, 2007, and was disclosed by Waxman’s Congressional investigation, who revealed the e-mails. Krongard denied this, however.”
@35 Nobody can whine like a Republican dog can whine.
Roger Rabbit says:
Jane Balogh is a criminal and her dog is a public menace.
11/14/2007 at 11:35 pm
I wonder why the KCRE doesn’t demand that the prosecutor press charges… wait that would like a bank robber demanding charges on a J-walker. Nevermind. hehehehe
@12: you said “And yes, folks do have the right (even if they’re wrong) to raise their own taxes.”
Actually, that’s wrong. For school operating levies, the amount of taxes districts can ask voters to pay is CAPPED. It varies by district, but the highest allowed rate is 25% of the overall school budget.
So, our legislature limits how much we can tax ourselves. Most republicans find the concept of local control great — except in this case for some strange reason. Most democrats support the “equity” objective of this — but they are misguided too since keeping everyone down is a bad form of equity, not a good one. There are other ways (remove limits and let state money flow more toward districts that aren’t doing well).
Privite skools are better!! I don’t need know smerty-patz headless skool teecher tellun me diffrunt!!
Eye went too Parokial School & look at ME!!!!
Great! Now some 18 year old who doesn’t have a job, doesn’t own any property, and doesn’t have a clue can vote to increase my property taxes. How does an issue get declared unconstitional by our Supreme Court again? They seem to be willing to ignore the “will of the people” so maybe they will overturn this one too.
The anti tax message still stands. It would seem th epeople however are reasonable when it comes to school levies.
On the other hand King County is encouraging sprawl with subsidies for increased Vashon ferries OUT OF PROPERTY TAXES. Did they not hear?