goebbels would be so proud. calling the other side stupid and blaming all the problems on them is so…..so……goebbels like!
Good one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The signs look real to me. Wingnuts can’t even spell their own names — not even phonetically.
Roger Rabbitspews:
FedEx profits are up, so the company is going to lay off 1,700 more workers and make the remaining workforce work harder. That’s 1,700 more families who won’t be buying goods and services anymore. American business leaders are stupid. If they keep doing stuff like this the economy will never recover and everybody will go under.
Blue Johnspews:
@3. It doesn’t matter what the facts are. You will justify anything away by claiming it’s a conspiracy.
Seems in your worldview, the only thing you will believe are the facts that agree with your positions. Anything else, regardless of how true it may be, is some how a lie.
# 6: FedEx keeps trying to maintain the fiction that it’s drivers are “independent contractors” so it can avoid paying employment taxes and other employment-related expenses. They’ve also been fighting to avoid being covered under the same labor relations laws as UPS, under their current system it’s virtually impossible for their employees to get a union certified.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Please give us the address so we can verify these signs.
Can’t do it?
That’s what I thought.
@6 Ah…that may explain the Fedex van I saw charging out of the rear access road from the Evans Plaza back access road (right next to the Bellevue Skate King) yesterday at about 50MPH…
Actually, Roger, business leaders aren’t completely stupid. They figure if…excuse me, when everything falls apart, it’s OK if all the rest of us pis-ants go down first–then they can repair to their fortified, Xe-guarded enclaves and live out the rest of their days in pampered luxury. What they don’t realize is that they’ve become so inured to greed as a way of life that they’ll end up slaughtering each other over the remaining spoils of their malfeasance until there’s just one of ’em left standing amid the ashes and corpses. That individual will enjoy a few minutes of thinking “I won!” before confronting the question “Now what?”
“@6 Ah…that may explain the Fedex van I saw charging out of the rear access road from the Evans Plaza back access road (right next to the Bellevue Skate King) yesterday at about 50MPH…”
Yep, those guys are paid – and evaluated – based on how many packages/drops they make during their shift, and each time increment within their shift. Those handy electronic devices you sign to accept delivery tell their bosses exactly where they are and when. Flat tire? Stuck in traffic? A customer wants to find a specific person to sign for it, or wants to confirm it’s expected before accepting the package? The driver has to make up that time pronto, or he’s going to get dinged for the “lost time” before the day is over.
That doesn’t mean that UPS drivers don’t have the same problems. But at least they have a union which can fight for them on some of those issues.
I know at least one former FedEx driver who’s now on industrial insurance – he hurt his back trying to deliver 100 lb + boxes in a hurry during the Christmas snows a couple of years ago.
Of course FedEx pilots don’t really care about timely delivery all that much. They are the only union in FedEx, and work to safety is paramount for them. They also have amazing schedules; the more senior of them can live anywhere, and work across the planet. One check pilot (instructor and supervisor role) lives in Mumbai with his family, and travels all across the globe. Another i know, lives in Nicaragua where he can surf on his days off, and travels to the Pacific Islands in the South seas as much as he can as well.
@13 WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13. spyder spews:
Of course FedEx pilots don’t really care about timely delivery all that much.
That must be why FedEx profits are up, huh?
WTF are you talking about?
This is just a picture of somebody’s yard. Whoever made them is just trying to be funny, and since both names are misspelled, how does this make it “calling the other side stupid”?
As seen on Publicola. The signs are in Phinney Ridge.
# 13: Pilots everywhere have a primary obligation for the safety of the aircraft, it’s passengers, and the crew. This isn’t just tradition, it’s written within the FAA regulations. A pilot can refuse to fly an aircraft for just about any reason, as long as it is safety related, and indeed has a responsibility NOT to fly if there is a safety concern.
This is sometimes a source of frustration to me, when I have to ship packages with articles declared as hazardous materials. Some of them are pretty harmless – lithium batteries (harmless when packed properly), adhesives (ditto), dry ice (for keeping other things cold), exit signs (containing miniscule amounts of radioactive materials), etc. But no matter how long in advance you’ve booked the freight, or how badly it’s needed, the pilot can bump it from the flight without giving any reason other than “I don’t have time to check the D.G. Declarations today”.
nice fake signs goldy.
The signs are real — in a philosofical way.
more slight of hand propaganda.
goebbels would be so proud. calling the other side stupid and blaming all the problems on them is so…..so……goebbels like!
Good one.
The signs look real to me. Wingnuts can’t even spell their own names — not even phonetically.
FedEx profits are up, so the company is going to lay off 1,700 more workers and make the remaining workforce work harder. That’s 1,700 more families who won’t be buying goods and services anymore. American business leaders are stupid. If they keep doing stuff like this the economy will never recover and everybody will go under.
@3. It doesn’t matter what the facts are. You will justify anything away by claiming it’s a conspiracy.
Seems in your worldview, the only thing you will believe are the facts that agree with your positions. Anything else, regardless of how true it may be, is some how a lie.
# 6: FedEx keeps trying to maintain the fiction that it’s drivers are “independent contractors” so it can avoid paying employment taxes and other employment-related expenses. They’ve also been fighting to avoid being covered under the same labor relations laws as UPS, under their current system it’s virtually impossible for their employees to get a union certified.
Please give us the address so we can verify these signs.
Can’t do it?
That’s what I thought.
@6 Ah…that may explain the Fedex van I saw charging out of the rear access road from the Evans Plaza back access road (right next to the Bellevue Skate King) yesterday at about 50MPH…
Actually, Roger, business leaders aren’t completely stupid. They figure if…excuse me, when everything falls apart, it’s OK if all the rest of us pis-ants go down first–then they can repair to their fortified, Xe-guarded enclaves and live out the rest of their days in pampered luxury. What they don’t realize is that they’ve become so inured to greed as a way of life that they’ll end up slaughtering each other over the remaining spoils of their malfeasance until there’s just one of ’em left standing amid the ashes and corpses. That individual will enjoy a few minutes of thinking “I won!” before confronting the question “Now what?”
Brilliant! I like the use of OSB.
Art @ 10 said:
Yep, those guys are paid – and evaluated – based on how many packages/drops they make during their shift, and each time increment within their shift. Those handy electronic devices you sign to accept delivery tell their bosses exactly where they are and when. Flat tire? Stuck in traffic? A customer wants to find a specific person to sign for it, or wants to confirm it’s expected before accepting the package? The driver has to make up that time pronto, or he’s going to get dinged for the “lost time” before the day is over.
That doesn’t mean that UPS drivers don’t have the same problems. But at least they have a union which can fight for them on some of those issues.
I know at least one former FedEx driver who’s now on industrial insurance – he hurt his back trying to deliver 100 lb + boxes in a hurry during the Christmas snows a couple of years ago.
Of course FedEx pilots don’t really care about timely delivery all that much. They are the only union in FedEx, and work to safety is paramount for them. They also have amazing schedules; the more senior of them can live anywhere, and work across the planet. One check pilot (instructor and supervisor role) lives in Mumbai with his family, and travels all across the globe. Another i know, lives in Nicaragua where he can surf on his days off, and travels to the Pacific Islands in the South seas as much as he can as well.
@13 WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That must be why FedEx profits are up, huh?
WTF are you talking about?
This is just a picture of somebody’s yard. Whoever made them is just trying to be funny, and since both names are misspelled, how does this make it “calling the other side stupid”?
As seen on Publicola. The signs are in Phinney Ridge.
“It is a damn poor mind that can’t think of at least two ways to spell any word.” – Andy Jackson
re 3: Is ‘slight’ of hand similar to ‘sleight’ of hand?
Your own dismissive comment is proof of Goldy’s allegation.
# 13: Pilots everywhere have a primary obligation for the safety of the aircraft, it’s passengers, and the crew. This isn’t just tradition, it’s written within the FAA regulations. A pilot can refuse to fly an aircraft for just about any reason, as long as it is safety related, and indeed has a responsibility NOT to fly if there is a safety concern.
This is sometimes a source of frustration to me, when I have to ship packages with articles declared as hazardous materials. Some of them are pretty harmless – lithium batteries (harmless when packed properly), adhesives (ditto), dry ice (for keeping other things cold), exit signs (containing miniscule amounts of radioactive materials), etc. But no matter how long in advance you’ve booked the freight, or how badly it’s needed, the pilot can bump it from the flight without giving any reason other than “I don’t have time to check the D.G. Declarations today”.