Yesterday’s rally against Prop 8 was a really amazing event. I especially liked the hand made signs. Here are as many slogans as I could capture excluding signs that were just quotes, duplicates, and the professional ones. If I left yours out, sorry.
1st class taxpayer 2nd class citizen
1847: persecuted 2008: persecutor
A “Happily Ever After” belongs to EVERYONE
“Always a Bridesmade Never a Bride” Should not be Law
And the pursuit of happiness…unless gay
Ban Republican Marriage
Being 2nd Class is Sooo Gay!!!
Canada H8’s Prop 8
Church of Later Day Snakes
Class 2nd
Civil marriage is a civil right
Civil unions are not enough
Divorce at least you get a chance
Don’t make my family illegal (jerks)
Don’t tread on us.
Don’t Worry My Gay Marriage Won’t Affect Your Straight Divorce
Ending racism is a gay fight – freedom from racism is a gay right
Enough Already!
Equal Rights 4 All
Equal Rights Now
Equality is my right
Equality is not a religion
Focus on your own family
Gay Straight Black White Marriage is a CIVIL right
Get Mavricky Vote for Equality
Get on the Love Boat
Human rights are universal
I DO believe in the sanctity of love
I Support love
Jesus had two dads
Jesus Practiced Acceptance & Love… Why Can’t You?!
Just married in CA 10/6/08
Keep your religion out of my marriage
Lady Liberty is my lesbian mother! I’m her gay son!!
Lady Liberty is not a social conservative!
Legislating discrimination sucks
Love, Commitment & Family are HUMAN RIGHTS!
Love in all forms
Love makes a family!
Marriage is a civil right
Marriage strengthens society
Married July 31, 2008
Missionary accomplished
Mormon cash lied. A nation cried
No discrimination in the constitution
No majority vote on minority rights
No more Mr. Nice Gay
Our love and commitment are here to stay…
Olympia! Give us our rights
Right to love
Save me from the Christian Taliban
Separate is not equal
Stand on the side of LOVE
Stand up you may be NEXT!
Stop the H8!
STR8 Against H8
Tax the Church!
This is about basic human rights
We are all equal
We don’t shit in your toilet…Don’t piss on our Civil Rights
Welcome to America where everyone is created equal – restrictions apply where prohibited
What’s Next? Our Wedding Gifts?
When Do We Vote On Your Marriage?
When will love conquer hate? (just asking)
White anti-racist queers for JUSTICE- not just us
Yes we can have equal rights
I can only hope the Republicons make opposing “equal rights for all” part of their “new” platform moving forward. Pretty much every other fraudulent “thing” they claim to stand for is being dis-proven. Their party of “ideas” appears to be crumbling faster than the Greenland ice sheet.
Speaking of their “base” the evangelicals…. Whenever I think of today’s christians, and their paranoid dementia, one thing comes to mind.
A simple pairing law would give every couple (NOT just gay couples) the simple and obvious right to declare full commitment to each other.
For that matter, if the goal is simple equality, and not to demean the tradition of male-female marriage, why not propose a protection of marriage act like this:
Some will object saying that no discrimination should ever be allowed. I disagree, Our Constitution recognizes the right of association as long as it does nto conflict with equality of opportunities in the public sector. The existing laws in re public accommodation should be adequate to deal with anything more onerous.
Am I the only one to see this sort of statement as worthy of Karl Rove? Good people can and do disagree with liberal stances without turning into demons.
Poor lil Dems. throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. Prop. 8 passed, voted on by the people, and it is so. The people have spoken. End of discussion.
Freedom to Pair
Here are four examples where the right of two people to full legal recognition as a pair makes good sense.
1, Priests and nuns. Suppose two people, committed to sexual abstinence want to pair?
2. The elderly. Same comment. Currenlty elderly pairing, usually NOT depoendent on gender, is common but not legally recognized.
3. Brother-sister. Same comment. Uncommon today, but why is it illegal?
4. The “odd couple.” Did Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau sleep together?
In gradeschool we were taught that the phrase ‘inalienable rights’ meant that people don’t get to vote on it.
Besides, allowing Polacks to make popcorn only threatens the value of MY popcorn!
Propositions such as these should be struck down before they even reach the public arena. What if someone decides to write proposition 9 — which says that Chicago born Polacks may not attempt to screw in lightbulbs or make popcorn — given the inherent danger of these activities to themselves andf others.
It’s just more Polish Popcorn for Mark’s mill.
@3 “Good people can and do disagree with liberal stances without turning into demons.”
Maybe, but where are they? It’s gotten damned difficult to find Republicans you can disagree with without being demonized.
@4 … not quite
What the people give, they can also take away.
@4 So I trust we won’t hear anything from you over the next 4 years about “the rights of the minority against the majority”?
Proud of NON
EQUALITY Seattle Jew: reply in part to your noxious posts.
The tangible and strong links in Seattle of Gays and the Jewish community are historic.
You need to label your self the Jew who favors discrimination under the law.
Yep, I am gay. I have no desire to marry at the moment, but, feel strongly that one law fits all, One right is universal. The legal/civil/church label for the vows two peo ple in love move toward are embodied in MARRIAGE. GLBT folks will not relent their march to full marriage equality.
If it takes 10 years, 20 year, it is coming. Ron Sims spoke of getting on this train at the rally yesterday. His call was are you on it becasue it is moving and will arrive. Marriage for gay people is a simple matter of the old dying if nothing else. Young America does not understand why we are still dealing with this shit, to quote a sign held by three straight girls under twenty from Kent.
The great march and rally was done in five working days, 12,00 people by very reliable reports. 14 blocks of people curb to curb, chanting, determined, focused. This day of marching for marriage, in national soldiarity, took place in 300 American cites, all the big and most of the smaller. 25,000 marchers in conservative San Diego!!!
Bigots, naysayers, social conservative, and the Christian Right – Beware, Beware.
PREDICTION – The Calif. Supremes will toss the election, backing their earlier very strong and historic decision.
Prediction 2 – New York legislature will vote marriage equality.
Prediction 3 – There will be a March on Washington for Marriage Equality in two years with an unprecedented 3 million marchers from all over the world. Seattle will help spark the event with leadership and money.
The train is rolling. Fair minded political folk need to board and fight. ACT UP – Fight back!
Someday soon Steve will be able to marry his
goat and we taxpayers will have to pick up the
vet bills. It’s coming.
What is your point? Do you really think we should redefine words by law? I see very little difference between your sort of polarizing invective and its Rovian equivalent on the right that wants to redefine the word “life.”
Have you read 1984 or listened to Rove?
Yadayada ain’t hate speak great?
Seems to em to bge far more important to pass laws like those in Europe that simply define committed pairing without sticking it to those of us who value the word marriage.
Why do you think it matters in France if a couple are married or paired?
@10 Prediction 4
The irresponsible left will make a litmus t4est out of the word marriage and obstruct much needed appointments to the supreme court.
@11 Mirroring again? You seem very confused about who’s been fucking the goat.
The terrorists dont hate Americans they hate
LIBERALS and everything about the tards.
So for the sake of national safety, could you
people please stop fucking each other in the
ass, please. Good morning Rog, hows your
ponytail this morning? Got your earrings on?
Those Zimbabwe dudes are looking good. They
would cut your fucking head off and shit down
your neck just for fun.
@9 Rodent:
I’m sorry, were you whining about something? There’s so many of your posts and drivel on here, I usually overlook you. Kinda like society does huh?
Ahhhh.. The poor right wing sore losers don’t want to admit what pathetic shmucks they are.
Hiding behind the skirts of homophobic bigotry.
A couple of other good signs:
Why should Mormons have all the wives?
If you like my fashion, you’ll love my REVOLUTION!
Should a father and adult son have the right to marry?
I don’t see any difference between how the gays are demonizing a certain religion, and how pre-WWII Germans demonized a certain religion.
I think think that the gays who are demonizing the Mormons should be rounded up and and arrested on felony hate crime laws. What they are doing it inciting hatred and inevitable violence toward the Mormons.
Would anyone here be surprised if it’s discovered that gay activists set the fires in Socal as a protest to the Prop 8 vote?
Ha! Jesus had two dads.
I like that one.
@15: Your pathetic drivel is so transparent.
Once again, a little weenie coward like you is scared of terrorists.
Do you hide under your bed everytime a terrorist says they hate america?
Do you appreciate the illegal wiretapping of our phones becuase you imagine it makes us safer from the boogeyman terrorists?
Why is such a pathetic, little whiney wimp like you so afraid of the big, bad terrorists. Is it because bin Laden is still at large and
Bush never caught him?
Or are you just the biggest wimp alive?
Usually, the most anti-gay types are insecure in their own sexuality (see Craig, Larry and foot signals). Now we know why you are so anti-gay rights – you are afraid of your own tendencies.
All men are created equal, doesn’t say that gay men (or women) or anyone is less equal.
Separate but Equal = Tired old Shit
Words = Laws
The Train is Rolling = Change Will Happen
Political Power = 6 States will have Marriage Equality in 4 years
The Future = The US Supremes Will Rule for Marriage Equality
Gays and Jews were both gassed and burned in Nazi Germany. Your lack of direct connection is simply amazing.
The raging against Mormon money thing is short term. Never mentioned in Seattle yesterday. In fact several speakers warned against attacking any group.
Read around the GLBT blogs – sheer euphoria, phrased in 1000 wonderful ways. Amazing, life changing, the strongest push ever for this issue in all states has been solidly launched.
MY FAVORITE SIGN: “This is no goddamned Parade”
@25 George
No, it is actually the basis of a good eal of the thinking among African Americans about how to improve THEIR schools.
Sure, and we can solve the energy crisis by printing oil in upper case.
Change ios always happening, not always for the better.
And? do you think this will erase the bigotry vs. gay folks?
Unlikely. Even liberals on the court respect the 10th amendment.
So were communists and gypsies. In Iran it is illegal for a Muslim and a Jew to marry or for Jewish children to learn hebrew. Polytheists and druids can be put to death in saudi Arabia.
You still have not told me why you are bigotted against simply making pairing legal for anyone and leaving the word marriage alone.
Re: 21 (“I don’t see any difference between how the gays are demonizing a certain religion, and how pre-WWII Germans demonized a certain religion.”)
Let me spell it out:
Pre-WWII non-Jewish Germans were a majority of the German population. They were also over-represented in positions of political and social power. They were the government. They systematically disenfranchised and murdered Jews, Romas, communists, and gay people.
21st-century LGBTQ folks are a minority of the California population. They are not over-represented in positions of political and social power. They are not the government. And they’re not systematically disenfranchising or murdering anyone. (However, they are mad as hell and likely not to purchase goods and services from those Californians who have publicly expressed a disinterest in their civil liberties.)
Your analogy, Sir or Madam Troll, is broken.
Would you agree with me that the gay community is demonizing Mormons, and inciting hatred and possible violence toward them?
And would you also agree with me that gay activists should be arrested for hate crimes against Mormons?
Perhaps time for a slightly different take on the matter, although one that I’ve proposed before.
The government should just get out of the marriage business entirely. Marriage is a religious institution, and government has no business either endorsing or condemning any form of marriage.
Radical? Not really. C. S. Lewis proposed something quite similar back in the 1940’s.
Even back in the 40’s, he recognized that not everyone was Christian, and that non-Christians should not be expected to follow laws based on church teachings.
So, here’s the simple answer. The government acknowledges “civil unions” for everyone. If someone wants to be “married”, they go to a church, or jump over a sword, or whatever.
For “civil unions”, the government only requires that the people involved be adults, and legally able to sign binding contracts. What the folks do (or don’t do) sexually becomes none of the government’s business.
For “marriages”, the individuals involved publicly announce their union in a form that suits their beliefs. The relationship carries no legal weight whatsoever. Its social weight is determined by the individuals involved. (Brittney can get “married” twice daily and three times on Sunday if she wishes.)
Considering that learned, mainstream Christians have been proposing this solution for over fifty years, I’m wondering why we are still having this argument.
But for gay couples that consider civil unions to be something akin to “marriage lite”, I would say that it seems quite likely that you will be leading society into a new clarity as to what government’s role in interpersonal relationships should be.
And, if you still want to be “married”, I know a number of churches that would be happy to oblige you.
Guys…I don’t know why you even bother aguing with these sons-of-bitches like “troll” and any of the “marks'” and the rest of thesse homophobic shitwads.
When they choose to defend homophobic misogynistic “religions” that pervert and manipulate the christ messsage to they’re own selfish ends, they choose to no longer be taken seriously by folks who actually think.
The fucking hypocrites will burn in “hell” or whatever eternal damnation their particular superstition calls for anyway. Because THEY believe they make it so for themselves.
If gays are allowed to marry, why can’t a father marry his adult son, if they are romantically involved?
Rujax, will you stand with me against hate? The hate that gays are perpetrating against Mormons?
Troll – Hang any gay activist who may perpetrate any hate or may have started the California fires as you insinuate…, what do you propose for the more prominent hate towards racism, sexism and sexual orientation – you Fuckwad.
How DARE you ask ME that question. I, the only Democrat here to speak out against one of my own after that piece of shit city councilman beat and choked his wife nearly to death. You, and everyone else here, remained silent.
Let that sink in for a minute. YOU REMAINED SILENT. I SPOKE OUT.
And as far as I can tell, the only person here who ATTENDED THE TUBA MAN MEMORIAL!
Troll, you are so full of shit nobody believes you.
Go join the goat fuckers. I hear they bought a few extras to entertain themselves after loosing the election so badly.
Troll – I know nothing of the councilman and his wife, I am not local to your area. Nice to change the subject though, but answer my question. You Fuckwad!
Ok, I will answer your question. You asked: “What do you propose for the more prominent hate towards racism, sexism and sexual orientation?” I propose that anyone who violates the law be prosecuted for any laws they have broken. By the way, being racist, sexist, or homophobic isn’t a crime. But if a person does commit a crime in that area, they should be prosecuted. I personally don’t believe there should be distinct hate crime laws. I think the punishment should be the same regardless of the motivation.
Troll – sounds like your changing your tune. You say that being racist, sexist or homophobic isn’t a crime. But isn’t that promoting hate, I thought you were asking Rujax to stand with you against hate.
Are you Jewish?
I’m making a distinction between someone quietly being secret racist or sexist, and an organized, public demonization of a religious group, which I believe does promote hate and intolerance, and eventual violence. I believe what the gays are doing to the Mormons is the very epitome of evil.
And what is wrong with Violence? I thought you had no problem with violence, so long as the perpetrator is prosecuted. And now according to you being secret racist, or sexist is even ok. So what is your problem – what’s good for the goose is good for the gander – why are you complaining? But, You don’t believe the hatred, harassment that a gay or person of color goes through on a daily is an issue?
Are you Jewish?
Stupid troll. The problem with your screed is no one except you (without even a shred of evidence I might add) is blaming GLBT community for the fires in California, that one exists only in your head. And there are no hate crimes against the Mormons to prosecute, just public speach.
Beyond Stupid, a coward and a Fuckwad.
And before kristallnacht there was merely “public speech” against the Jews of Germany. But that demonization eventually led to the holocaust, didn’t it.
And I never blamed the GLBT community for the fires. I posed the question in such a way as to not directly blame them myself.
You were insinuating the GLBT community responsible for setting the fire(s).
What if I told you I hate Jews, and I find it unfortunate that Hitler didn’t kill all of the. I don’t mind that he and his cronies were persecuted for the crimes, just unfortunate that he didn’t kill more before his death. How do you like them apples Fuckwad!
No I wasn’t insinuating that. I asked: “Would anyone here be surprised if it’s discovered that gay activists set the fires in Socal as a protest to the Prop 8 vote?”
I was polling the comment section to see if people would be surprised or not. I would be very surprised.
Are you comparing people voting for Prop 8 and the holocaust?
To answer your stupid poll….yes, I’d be very surprised! Let me poll you, would you be surprised if a gay person goes to work tomorrow and is harassed.
No, I would not be surprised at all.
OK, Troll. I’m going to assume your question
was directed as a response to my post.
The answer, of course, is that they could call themselves “married” if they chose, but very few, if any, people would take it seriously.
Should a father and grown son be allowed to enter into a civil contract, combining their assets and liabilities under a standard form contract?
Should they be allowed the benefits of a defined legal entity for taxation and inheiritance purposes?
Should they be allowed to become a legal family unit for insurance and benefit purposes?
How about for ensuring that each was considered the “next of kin” of the other, able to make life-and-death decisions in an emergency?
If not, why not? And why do you assume that everyone that wishes to combine their assets under a standardized family unit contract wants to have sex with each other?
While I would have great difficulty with a father and grown son being romantically engaged, I cannot see where it is any of the government’s business. I disapprove, but my disapproval should not have the force of law.
I appreciate your logical and well-reasoned reply. I admire people who are consistent in the beliefs.
Some of the reactions here are fear – not fear from bodily harm but of the change they know is coming.
Live in that fear, roll around in it if you wish. On the other foot, get a clue, envision a better world, and join a just cause. Will help your mental health as well, flush out all that old shit and absurd conjecture.
The train is rolling and will arrive. Ron Sims sure reads the future well on this one.
Seattle Jew, just know that most of us, when we got the chance, would vote against your marriage too.
@53 Tlaz
What does rhat prove?
Frankly, I would prefer to see marriage a non government affair .. let the governjment keep put of my marriage is fine by me.
@50 John .
Good post. The idea of pairing as a government issue unrelated to sex makes a lot of sense.
Why should the government regulate sexual commitment?
What they want ? Or you all for that matter ?
It’s funny how everyone can quote this or that from whatever or whomever they want in order to make a point.
Please don’t say gays and blacks are on the same playing field !! Because they’re not ! One was born the other was choice ! Okay you chose but that’s your choice be proud of it but don’t try to take what has been God given and make it Civil ! There are more homosexuals/bisexuals in America than blacks by far because your community is made up of the majority and the minority races and by far exceeds the black community. Hell have a civil union event like a wedding, spend your money on that great event that’s what the gay community should do, at least if every state recognized civil unions they would have more rights by now . You see gays had to come out of the closet but blacks every time they walk out the door have showed the color of their skin. So stop equalizing those struggles because they don’t compare.
@56. For most of us, being gay is not a choice. It’s how we were born, just like straight people are born straight.
Not that I expect you to be willing to believe that.
Luckily the younger generations have been raised to be more tolerant and open minded. You and your generations will die off someday and we will get our equal rights.