Ya think anybody on the Seattle Times editorial board sees the hypocrisy in this?
ON Monday, the state Senate changed one of its long-standing rules in a way that suggests seriousness about the state budget. It repealed a rule that once a budget was voted on to the Senate floor, a 60 percent vote was required to amend it. For the first time since 1915, a floor amendment can be done on a simple majority.
So… a supermajority requirement to amend the budget on the Senate floor is bad, while a supermajority requirement to raise taxes or eliminate exemptions is good. And because…?
Well, I suppose because, in the Times’ ed board’s mind, eliminating the former while retaining the latter makes it easier to use our current revenue deficit as an opportunity to punish state employees. And barring any further explication from the Times on their glaring hypocrisy, I’ll just have to go with that.
So what the hell were Murray / Brown thinking, Goldy?
This just give cretins like Sheldon even more power to obstruct.
I don’t get it. At least they offed Sheldon from the Energy / Environment committee. I guess that’s something…
Is there anyone left in the universe who doesn’t yet know the Seattle Times is a nakedly partisan newspaper?
Maybe we should import some Illinois legsilators into Washington. Their Democrats have more guts than ours.
when does the new driving tips from backeaster column start in stranger? hungry public needs to know.
illinois legislators indeed:
Illinois Bill Eliminating Death Row Is Approved
Not sure why we are blaming the Seattle Times for this one. Seems like the Democrats made the decision. I’m pissed at Murray & Brown and whoever else was stupid enough to make this happen. Blaming the Seattle Times deflects from the stupid action of folks in charge.
Puyallup @6,
I’m not blaming the Times for this rule change. I’m blaming them for their hypocrisy on supermajorities.
Man Arrested For McDermott Threats
A California man has been arrested for threatening to kill Rep. Jim McDermott and his family, according to a media source.
The man, who claimed to have a $3 million trust fund, apparently was angry over Rep. McDermott’s support for increasing taxes on wealthy people.
The man previously was arrested for threatening a California state legislator.
re 8: He’s obviously a liberal Democrat responding only to the voices in his own head.
when you gonna write that extra bonus tax check to Olympia goldy?
you want taxes raised, how about you step up to the head of the line…
Lighten up …you think you have problems? 11 years ago I quit smoking, I haven’t seen my dick since.
This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that will be missing when you leave for StrangerLand, G. Here’s hoping it continues there – and here – in your absence.
Re 10: How ’bout you shit nickels and give ’em to a billionaire?
I cannot stand The Seattle Times continued attempts to sell the public on their own political agendas. I wish it was possible to start a new urban newspaper which is not so nakedly partisan and fucking needy.
Well you see, because supermajorities are important to stop things we don’t like, but regular old democratic majority rule is cool for the stuff we do.
Or something. I don’t know. It’d be great to have a breakout for who opposed the simple majority move for school districts (which shouldn’t need it giving the Constitutional demand for fully funding basic ed).
The big problem with School District votes is the Senior Exemption. You’d be surprised how many seniors apply and qualify for this. So they don’t pay for part or all of the levy. It seems like the School Boards must have a list of these seniors because friends of my who qualify always get calls to vote YES because it won’t cost them anything. Other seniors not on the list don’t even seem to get calls. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed though.
And one more thing Derek, another issue is the definition of “basic” education. Obviously lots of things are available to our kids (grandkids) that is far beyond basic. That definition needs to be more clearly articulated in my opinion.
@17: What parts of modern education do you think are beyond basic? I’d appreciate specifics.
The explantation is that the supermajority for tax increaes defers to the people if it cant get the 2/3 in the state legislature. The supermajority on amendments to the budgets does not defer to the people.