This just in on CNN….a terrorist just flew a small plan into a 7 story building full of people in Austin Texas. So far no one known killed. Muslim? No white Christian male.
See, not “all” terrorists who fly planes into buildings are Muslims. They are all violent murdering psycho’s but we have those in Texas and Oklahoma (truck not plane there) just like they have them in Afghanistan.
Like our other white terrorists from Oklahoma, this psycho white murderer wanted to kill hundreds of random innocent people because he hated the IRS. Hope no one took their son or daughter to work that day, and I guess the guy didn’t care if he killed the UPS delivery guy or water cooler refiller guy that might have been in the building.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I never subscribed to Frank’s newspaper. I couldn’t afford to on my state salary. I did without many other things, too. Memo to business owners: The less workers earn, the less they spend. Why do you want your own customers to make less?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seems to me the cheap labor conservatives are putting themselves out of business.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
so what your saying is that in total, we have dropped from 99% worldwide muslim terrorism to 98%. wow, I feel so much better now…
This just in on CNN….a terrorist just flew a small plan into a 7 story building full of people in Austin Texas. So far no one known killed. Muslim? No white Christian male.
See, not “all” terrorists who fly planes into buildings are Muslims. They are all violent murdering psycho’s but we have those in Texas and Oklahoma (truck not plane there) just like they have them in Afghanistan.
Like our other white terrorists from Oklahoma, this psycho white murderer wanted to kill hundreds of random innocent people because he hated the IRS. Hope no one took their son or daughter to work that day, and I guess the guy didn’t care if he killed the UPS delivery guy or water cooler refiller guy that might have been in the building.
I never subscribed to Frank’s newspaper. I couldn’t afford to on my state salary. I did without many other things, too. Memo to business owners: The less workers earn, the less they spend. Why do you want your own customers to make less?
Seems to me the cheap labor conservatives are putting themselves out of business.
so what your saying is that in total, we have dropped from 99% worldwide muslim terrorism to 98%. wow, I feel so much better now…