Yup, that Gregoire is a real winner.
Begging for handouts & bailouts.
Now she says the Deficit is more like $6 BILLION. Had she said that BEFORE the Election, she would have lost!
Next we will hear the State Retirement Fund is $7 BILLION Underfunded.
Yup,,,she’s a reaaaaaal winner that gal.
She is also conspiring with the KLOWNS in the Legislature so they take the lead & heat on a majot Tax Increase Ballot Initiative.
She said repeatedly now is not the time to raise taxes.
Will Gregoire come out AGAINST the Legislature’s Tax Increase???
If she doesn’t, then her words were hollow….as usual.
Yup, that Rossi was a real loser.
Why on earth would anybody trust any Republican to do anything at all, certainly when it comes to babysitting the kids!
Vance cites Rasmussen showing Rossi “ahead” in September, but Rasmussen’s final poll had it Gregoire 52% to Rossi 48%, when it really went 54-46 for Gregoire. Rasmussen mispolled an eight-point lead as a four-point lead. Conclusion: When Rossi was “ahead,” he wasn’t AHEAD.
In your face, Chris Vance.
Daddy Lovespews:
1 Cynical
It’s not a deficit, it’s a projected funding shortfall. There IS NO BUDGET. Do you even know what a deficit is?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
A Deficit is synonomous with Shortfall.
Read your Thesaurus.
If there is no deficit, why is Gregoire begging Obama for money??
From the article: “Dino Rossi was seen this time as too conservative.”
In order to win, Rossi needed more Obama-Rossi voters and he looked too much like a generic Republican to attract those people. Rossi might have been a good candidate had he run for the Governor in Ohio, but here in Washington state he was underwhelming.
Misanthropic is a synonym for cynical and malevolent is a synonym for misanthropic.
Therefore Mr. Cynical is also Mr. Malevolent.
Malevolent is defined as “Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious.”
That seems accurate so maybe there is something in what Mr. M. is saying…
Admittedly Rossi was disingenuous about how he would fund the transportation plan. Either you have to increase taxes or cut something else. He wouldn’t say. Problem is it’s political suicide to be truthful.
Particle Manspews:
“Problem is it’s political suicide to be truthful” ……Really? Talk about cynical.
Look Vance was not entirely off the mark. The Rossi loss resulted from a combination of factors about Dino himself and amplified by events. For a candidate like Dino who was selling concepts void of substance or out of touch with reality, when voters saw the truth, he was finished. In Dino’s case, the more people learned about him the less they supported him.
Facts like:
He is a right wing republican who was trying to fool the voters into thinking of him as a moderate independent.
He was willing to go into great detail to sell a roads “plan” when all along he knew the numbers were false.
He has a solid history of compromising ethics for personal gain and had used his office to make money.
He would stoop to any tactic and break any campaign law to get elected.
I say good riddance Dino. Move to Alaska. You will fit right in up there.
From this point forward no Republican can ever lecture anyONE about economics, morality, governing, or honesty.
Those stooooooopid ass MF’s put the American taxpayer on the hook for more than 15 TRILLION dollars in 8 years and nearly broke the financial back of America.
Self-identified Reagan Republicans have done more harm to America than bin Laden could have ever dreamed of doing from his shitty little cave.
Mr. Cynical, this goes double for you.
Daddy Lovespews:
5 Cyn
Trust you to go to a thesaurus to find things that are LIKE other things, instead of a dictionary to find out what something IS.
No, they are not synonymous. A deficit is when ACTUAL spending exceeds ACTUAL revenues in an elapsed interval.
1. the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required amount.
2. the amount by which expenditures or liabilities exceed income or assets.
What we have is a forecast/estimate/prediction. When we know what we’re actually allocating to spend and what revenue streams we are tapping to fund them, we will ahve an idea of what the budget looks like. And you know what it will looik like? BAL:ANACED.
It’s in the constitution, man. Get a fucking grip.
I don’t have it right at hand, but I’m pretty sure that the Elway Poll had Gregoire ahead by 5-10% for many, many months.
So if Stewart Elway says that it was never close, he’s really reiterating what I’ve noted quite often — that the Elway Poll is Washington’s nearest analogue to California’s Field Poll. IOW, the standard against which all other polls in the state must be measured, because they get it right far more often than anyone else.
Chris Vance may not like it that Elway was right all along — that this time Rossi was viewed as a conservative, and that that label was and is poisonous in this state — but it certainly appears to be the case. And Vance actually demonstrates Elway’s veracity when he uses McKenna and Reichert to “counter” some of Elway’s arguments. Though it’s not correct, McKenna is still (mis)perceived as a pleasantly moderate guy. And Reichert, of course, did everything he could to publicly distance himself from his own policy positions and to choose a few “maverick” votes that the tradmed touted as examples of his (faux) independence.
#9 Partical Man:
All those reasons you cited are for hard-core ideological hacks. For most Democrats in WA state I think it comes down to the fact that they are Democrats and can’t vote for a Republican.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 C
It wasn’t the Democratic vote that sank Rossi. He lost the Independents. And he did for at least some of the reasons that PM described, though I don’t fully agree with him. Example: Rossi’s so-called “transportation plan” WAS a joke, and its weaknesses, omissions, and contradictions were examined in all serious media and people realized it fully.
headless lucyspews:
Washington’s minimum wage to increase to $8.55 Jan. 1
In other words, reality does indeed have a liberal bias.
This would also suggest that McCain was doomed well before the election. The meltdown was late arriving here in Washington–the flush handle had already been turned on most of the rest of the country by September. All the while the Republican leadership was still sticking to the message that all the patient needed was the application of a few dozen more leeches.
Between 10.21.07 and 11.02.08 Rossi was ahead in 4 polls.
Maybe the real reason Rossi lost was because he listened to Chris Vance?
Well, it seems that Gov Palin has been busy ‘fergettin’ for a while too. One poster estimated the fines, IF she were held “accountable” like Dems are, would be well over $8,000
Yup, that Gregoire is a real winner.
Begging for handouts & bailouts
I saw a picture of Gregoire standing next to a bunch of Republican governors in DC.
From the cited article:
In my view, Team Rossi ran a very strong campaign, both on the ground and on the airwaves. They did everything they could to focus on the economy and the state’s looming budget deficit. They talked about the right issues. But in the end they weren’t able to rise far enough above the national tide….
It wasn’t new voters that made this difference; it was a continuation of the long-term erosion of Republican support among suburbanites. This key shift is the most important factor Republicans must address going forward.
In the first paragraph quoted above, Vance argues that Rossi was ahead until the economic collapse in October. If you believe that, then Rossi could conceivably run the same identical campaign next time around and win.
I would dispute that, there were plenty of polls showing Gregoire leading through most of the race, although it seemed to be tightening over the summer. And the economic collapse was apparant as early as September. Given Rossi’s attempts to create the appearance of an economic “crisis” in Washington State, why wouldn’t the economic collapse help him with that message?
But the last paragraph contradicts the entire meaning of most of the article. He admits that the Republicans are losing the fight for the suburbs. The middle-class is worried about their retirements, their jobs, and their kid’s education. They’ve decided that it’s foolish to trust subjects so important to the Republicans.
After all the Republican Party has told people for years that if people lose jobs due to outsourcing or other issues, it’s because they deserved to do so – they were asking for too much money, or not working hard enough, etc. This worked for them as long as the middle-class thought they were talking about “the other guy”. But when they realize that now the Republicans are talking about THEM, they realize there’s no truth to their statements, and are turning against them in droves.
Ironically, the one thing most likely to help the Republican Party resurrect it’s fortunes will be a successful Obama administration, coupled with a Democratic Congress. As the mess made by the current administration and former Republican Congresses of 1994~2006 is cleaned up, the problems will receed into our distant memories, and the Republicans will once again – as they did in 2000 – claim that since everything is going so well, it’s time for them to be put back in charge so they can start cutting taxes again.
I should also point out that Rossi’s huge advertising in October and early November may have turned as many independents against Rossi as the economy did. Most of the people I talked to were sick of the back-to-back ads, especially those during the local news broadcasts.
The fact that Vance and all the other GOP true believers seem to be overlooking is that people who aren’t in lock step with them were turned off by Rossi personally. His smirking, smug glibness reminds all too many people of the guy in the bright plaid sport coat who once sold them a used car that had a transmission full of sawdust.
Vance also seems to think that quantity trumps quality in campaigning. We all endured a horrendous overload of TV spots, and it may well have been that the Rossi camp blew it by running too many spots whose content actually offended more voters than they persuaded.
Vance is trying to rewrite history, but the Republicans can’t even write a good piece of white propaganda.
The one guy who is really rewriting history every time he opens his fat mouth is Karl Rove.
The guy is total slime.. Of course people will tune him out but I doubt that will stop him. He’ll just keep making crap up until it sort of seeps into the lizard brains of the next herd of sheep.
Yup, that Gregoire is a real winner.
Begging for handouts & bailouts.
Now she says the Deficit is more like $6 BILLION. Had she said that BEFORE the Election, she would have lost!
Next we will hear the State Retirement Fund is $7 BILLION Underfunded.
Yup,,,she’s a reaaaaaal winner that gal.
She is also conspiring with the KLOWNS in the Legislature so they take the lead & heat on a majot Tax Increase Ballot Initiative.
She said repeatedly now is not the time to raise taxes.
Will Gregoire come out AGAINST the Legislature’s Tax Increase???
If she doesn’t, then her words were hollow….as usual.
Yup, that Rossi was a real loser.
Why on earth would anybody trust any Republican to do anything at all, certainly when it comes to babysitting the kids!
Vance cites Rasmussen showing Rossi “ahead” in September, but Rasmussen’s final poll had it Gregoire 52% to Rossi 48%, when it really went 54-46 for Gregoire. Rasmussen mispolled an eight-point lead as a four-point lead. Conclusion: When Rossi was “ahead,” he wasn’t AHEAD.
In your face, Chris Vance.
1 Cynical
It’s not a deficit, it’s a projected funding shortfall. There IS NO BUDGET. Do you even know what a deficit is?
A Deficit is synonomous with Shortfall.
Read your Thesaurus.
If there is no deficit, why is Gregoire begging Obama for money??
From the article: “Dino Rossi was seen this time as too conservative.”
In order to win, Rossi needed more Obama-Rossi voters and he looked too much like a generic Republican to attract those people. Rossi might have been a good candidate had he run for the Governor in Ohio, but here in Washington state he was underwhelming.
Misanthropic is a synonym for cynical and malevolent is a synonym for misanthropic.
Therefore Mr. Cynical is also Mr. Malevolent.
Malevolent is defined as “Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious.”
That seems accurate so maybe there is something in what Mr. M. is saying…
Admittedly Rossi was disingenuous about how he would fund the transportation plan. Either you have to increase taxes or cut something else. He wouldn’t say. Problem is it’s political suicide to be truthful.
“Problem is it’s political suicide to be truthful” ……Really? Talk about cynical.
Look Vance was not entirely off the mark. The Rossi loss resulted from a combination of factors about Dino himself and amplified by events. For a candidate like Dino who was selling concepts void of substance or out of touch with reality, when voters saw the truth, he was finished. In Dino’s case, the more people learned about him the less they supported him.
Facts like:
He is a right wing republican who was trying to fool the voters into thinking of him as a moderate independent.
He was willing to go into great detail to sell a roads “plan” when all along he knew the numbers were false.
He has a solid history of compromising ethics for personal gain and had used his office to make money.
He would stoop to any tactic and break any campaign law to get elected.
I say good riddance Dino. Move to Alaska. You will fit right in up there.
From this point forward no Republican can ever lecture anyONE about economics, morality, governing, or honesty.
Those stooooooopid ass MF’s put the American taxpayer on the hook for more than 15 TRILLION dollars in 8 years and nearly broke the financial back of America.
Self-identified Reagan Republicans have done more harm to America than bin Laden could have ever dreamed of doing from his shitty little cave.
Mr. Cynical, this goes double for you.
5 Cyn
Trust you to go to a thesaurus to find things that are LIKE other things, instead of a dictionary to find out what something IS.
No, they are not synonymous. A deficit is when ACTUAL spending exceeds ACTUAL revenues in an elapsed interval.
1. the amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required amount.
2. the amount by which expenditures or liabilities exceed income or assets.
What we have is a forecast/estimate/prediction. When we know what we’re actually allocating to spend and what revenue streams we are tapping to fund them, we will ahve an idea of what the budget looks like. And you know what it will looik like? BAL:ANACED.
It’s in the constitution, man. Get a fucking grip.
I don’t have it right at hand, but I’m pretty sure that the Elway Poll had Gregoire ahead by 5-10% for many, many months.
So if Stewart Elway says that it was never close, he’s really reiterating what I’ve noted quite often — that the Elway Poll is Washington’s nearest analogue to California’s Field Poll. IOW, the standard against which all other polls in the state must be measured, because they get it right far more often than anyone else.
Chris Vance may not like it that Elway was right all along — that this time Rossi was viewed as a conservative, and that that label was and is poisonous in this state — but it certainly appears to be the case. And Vance actually demonstrates Elway’s veracity when he uses McKenna and Reichert to “counter” some of Elway’s arguments. Though it’s not correct, McKenna is still (mis)perceived as a pleasantly moderate guy. And Reichert, of course, did everything he could to publicly distance himself from his own policy positions and to choose a few “maverick” votes that the tradmed touted as examples of his (faux) independence.
#9 Partical Man:
All those reasons you cited are for hard-core ideological hacks. For most Democrats in WA state I think it comes down to the fact that they are Democrats and can’t vote for a Republican.
13 C
It wasn’t the Democratic vote that sank Rossi. He lost the Independents. And he did for at least some of the reasons that PM described, though I don’t fully agree with him. Example: Rossi’s so-called “transportation plan” WAS a joke, and its weaknesses, omissions, and contradictions were examined in all serious media and people realized it fully.
Washington’s minimum wage to increase to $8.55 Jan. 1
In other words, reality does indeed have a liberal bias.
This would also suggest that McCain was doomed well before the election. The meltdown was late arriving here in Washington–the flush handle had already been turned on most of the rest of the country by September. All the while the Republican leadership was still sticking to the message that all the patient needed was the application of a few dozen more leeches.
Between 10.21.07 and 11.02.08 Rossi was ahead in 4 polls.
Maybe the real reason Rossi lost was because he listened to Chris Vance?
It just never ends with these clowns.
Well, it seems that Gov Palin has been busy ‘fergettin’ for a while too. One poster estimated the fines, IF she were held “accountable” like Dems are, would be well over $8,000
Palin files late disclosure for free trips
@15 Good for you lucy, you needed a boost.
I saw a picture of Gregoire standing next to a bunch of Republican governors in DC.
From the cited article:
In the first paragraph quoted above, Vance argues that Rossi was ahead until the economic collapse in October. If you believe that, then Rossi could conceivably run the same identical campaign next time around and win.
I would dispute that, there were plenty of polls showing Gregoire leading through most of the race, although it seemed to be tightening over the summer. And the economic collapse was apparant as early as September. Given Rossi’s attempts to create the appearance of an economic “crisis” in Washington State, why wouldn’t the economic collapse help him with that message?
But the last paragraph contradicts the entire meaning of most of the article. He admits that the Republicans are losing the fight for the suburbs. The middle-class is worried about their retirements, their jobs, and their kid’s education. They’ve decided that it’s foolish to trust subjects so important to the Republicans.
After all the Republican Party has told people for years that if people lose jobs due to outsourcing or other issues, it’s because they deserved to do so – they were asking for too much money, or not working hard enough, etc. This worked for them as long as the middle-class thought they were talking about “the other guy”. But when they realize that now the Republicans are talking about THEM, they realize there’s no truth to their statements, and are turning against them in droves.
Ironically, the one thing most likely to help the Republican Party resurrect it’s fortunes will be a successful Obama administration, coupled with a Democratic Congress. As the mess made by the current administration and former Republican Congresses of 1994~2006 is cleaned up, the problems will receed into our distant memories, and the Republicans will once again – as they did in 2000 – claim that since everything is going so well, it’s time for them to be put back in charge so they can start cutting taxes again.
I should also point out that Rossi’s huge advertising in October and early November may have turned as many independents against Rossi as the economy did. Most of the people I talked to were sick of the back-to-back ads, especially those during the local news broadcasts.
The fact that Vance and all the other GOP true believers seem to be overlooking is that people who aren’t in lock step with them were turned off by Rossi personally. His smirking, smug glibness reminds all too many people of the guy in the bright plaid sport coat who once sold them a used car that had a transmission full of sawdust.
Vance also seems to think that quantity trumps quality in campaigning. We all endured a horrendous overload of TV spots, and it may well have been that the Rossi camp blew it by running too many spots whose content actually offended more voters than they persuaded.
Vance is trying to rewrite history, but the Republicans can’t even write a good piece of white propaganda.
The one guy who is really rewriting history every time he opens his fat mouth is Karl Rove.
The guy is total slime.. Of course people will tune him out but I doubt that will stop him. He’ll just keep making crap up until it sort of seeps into the lizard brains of the next herd of sheep.