Hempfest starts today. I’ll be down at the “protestival” all day tomorrow (Saturday). Seattle PD’s tongue-in-cheek efforts to do public education with tasty snacks has gotten a lot of attention. But as Slate points out, 1000 bags of Doritos doesn’t go very far in a festival that generally sees over 200,000 attendees. Somehow this feels like foreshadowing of what the first weekend that pot stores open in the state will feel like.
You mean a run on Doritos and Cheetos at the 7-11?
Silly LS: Lee means there may not be enough “legal” bud for sale when the stores open up after the 1st of the year.
I’m really looking forward to purchasing a sampler! Some nice buzzy sativa would hit the spot (as opposed to the couch-lock indica shit we’re subjected to now)!
And Lee, in case someone hasn’t told you in a while, thanks for all you do to keep us informed.
Related… Christie eases some rules on medical marijuana for kids, but conditionally vetoes bill
New Jersey Governor, Ruth’s Chris Christie, ain’t going to see a lot of votes for his presidential campaign coming out of western Washington.
“Some nice buzzy sativa would hit the spot…”
I too, am intrigued by the chance to try different, correctly labeled varieties. Several people have told me about “buzzy sativa” but it’s hard to credit; a bud which doesn’t make you tired and give you that irony-poor blood feeling? Perhaps I will get a chance to try it.
Way back in the day a buddy of mine was the manager of the carwash directly across the street from the fair grounds in Puyallup. They people constantly trying to barter weed in exchange for a car wash. Legalization has left me wondering if weed as a bartering tool is going to be come more or less prevalent.