There was a shooting at the Parks Department. It looks like the police have the suspect in custody, but this is scary stuff.
Officers responding to a report of shots fired in a building near N. 80th and Densmore Avenue N. found a man with gunshot wound to the chest just around 2:15 p.m. Medics transported the man to a hospital; he was last listed in critical but stable condition.
Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation spokesperson Dewey Potter identified the victim as Bill Keller, 65, the executive director of the Associated Recreation Council, and the suspect as Carolyn Piksa, 46, a current Seattle Parks and Recreation employee. Piksa is described as a white female wearing a blue stocking cap and a beige or green camoflage jacket.
Since the shooter had the keys to all of the community centers, the kids who were going there after school have been rerouted back to their schools.
Meanwhile, Seattle police have asked several schools in the area of N. 130th and Linden Avenue N to be placed in lockdown as a precaution. The following schools are currently in “shelter in place,” which means exterior doors are locked, but classes are being conducted inside: Broadview Thomson Elementary K-8, Bagley Elementary and Wilson Alternative School.
As a result of the community center closures, Seattle Public Schools released the following statement about students en route to after-school programs at the centers:
Due to the City of Seattle’s closure of all community centers citywide, Seattle Public Schools is returning all students who were on buses bound for after-school programs to their schools of origin. In some cases, students were delivered to community centers before the closure announcement was made. In that case, the community centers are calling parents and asking them to pick up their students. Students returned to their school will remain at school with adult supervision until their parents can arrange for pick up.
I can’t imagine what any of those parents have been going through. Hopefully any parents reading this have found your kids.
For a woman to walk into the Parks and Recreation office and shoot a man is something! She had to be highly pissed-off at him. The story continues.
@1 She’s a Parks Dep’t employee and the victim heads a nonprofit that raises money for Parks Dep’t programs. At first glance, it looks like he maybe made a funding decision that affected her job. So far, there’s no information indicating they had a romantic relationship, so this looks like a workplace dispute situation.
Another human who shouldn’t have a gun … which pretty much includes all humans, because all people do with guns is shoot each other or shoot at inoffensive little furry animals for “fun” …
I can certainly understand the rage some people get. I get that mad myself at times, but I don’t shoot at anyone over it. I have firearms, too, but don’t use them on anything but shooting at targets. I don’t even shoot at rabbits! Or any other animal, for that matter.
You don’t have to shoot them. It’s frequently enough just to stun
“I would say they’re somewhat like stunned bunnies at this point,” said Kenneth Anderson, a law professor at American University and a Hoover Institution fellow.
If they’re stunned often enough, they start running off at the mouth, endlessly, mindlessly, a hundred thousand-plus times.
From 5,
What the heck are you talking about?
@5 I can’t tell you how many times I was stunned from 2001 to 2009, until reasonable people took charge again. Countless times.
For what it’s worth, my stock portfolio is worth five times as much today as it was when Bush left office. If he had served another four years, we would have seen 1930 stock prices again.
@6 He’s fantasizing about tasering rabbits. Probably is jerking off at the same time.
rodent @ 9,
“Probably is jerking off at the same time.”
Yeah, just like you when you got a stiffy after hugging Darcy Burner several years ago!